HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-12, Page 6PAGE SIX
Interesting Items From News -Record's
Mies Elizabeth Reid spent Sunday mer season at The Little Inn, is visit -
at Amberly. mg In London, before returning to
Dr. and Mrs.. A. G. Fraser, London, Detroit.
are occupying Rev. F. IL Paull's cot- Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Ervine and
tage. Mr. and Mrs. Reg Francis spent the
Mrs. J. W. Swett is on an ex- weekend at Thamesford and Port
tended trip to Minnesota and Calif- Dover.
ornia, Mr. and Mrs. H. Howard, Atlanta,
Mr. and Mrs. David Luck and two Ga., spent the weekend with the
children Detroit, are holidaying at former's mother, Mrs. William
the Kanter cottage, Howard.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod mov- Mrs. V. C. Quarry who was in St.
ed -to Goderich last week ',Where they Joseph's Hospital, London, for a few
have taken an apartment days returned to her home in the vil.
Mr. and Mrs, H. Bauer, Patsy and age on Saturday. .
Tommy, Waterloo, were at their cot- , Mr. and Mrs. Re H. Middleton and
tage over the weekend. baby son, Robin, Hensall, spent Sun -
Robert Scotehmer, Who was in Vic- .day with Mrs.Middleton's mother,
tona Hospital, London, for treatment,
returned home on Saturday.
Charles Toms, left Monday
to attend the wedding of her niece,
Katharibe Clark, St.' Thomas.
Mr. and Mrs. Maynard Gerrie and
Master David, have moved into the
Gunn residence for the winser.
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Trout and
Sandy, Detroit, were at their cottage
in the village over the weekend.
Miss Mina Proctor who has been
visiting her aunt, Mrs. George Klng,
returned to Toronto on Monday.
Mrs. James R..Scott, Toronto, came
on Tuesday to visit her mother, Mrs.
R. IL P. Gairdner for a few days. renewed old acquaintances
Mrs. C. Block who spent the sum- Misses M. and J. Miller and MiSS
Township Of Tuckersmith
The Township of Tuckersmith will sponsor a
Practice Plowing Match 1
two miles east of Brumfield on the Mill Road, on
Mrs. N. W. Woods.
Mrs. G. Knuckey, who recently sold
her property on the Blue Water
Highway, is occupying an apartment
over Hovey's Store. -
E. Antenignine, New York, joined
his wife on Saturday to spend a vaca-
tion in the village. They are guests
at The Albion Hotel.
. Mrs. 11. McClinchey accompanied
by her sister, Mrs. Whitehall, left on
Sunday to attend her granddaughter's
wedding M. Clare.
W. Efwing Buchan, Mrs. N. W.
Woods and Mrs. E. P. Lewis. attended
Durham Fall Pair on Friday last and
Friday, October 4
Coaches Will he Peesent to coach participants in preparation for
Pleiving Match to be held at Port Albert
on October 15, 16, 17, 18.
Interested parties are asked to notify Arthtir Nicholson, reeve, :sss
et phone 656r2, Seaforth, of their intention to plow at this practice I.
Eft 37-3849-40-b
Wilfred Millison ie spending a few
clays,with Mr. and Mrs. Pete Lindsay.
Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Clarke and Mr.
and Mrs. Cecil Oke visited with Mrs.
Tom Levitt, Ingersoll, on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Archie Hoggarth and
Jane, Wallaceiburg, epent the week-
end with Mi. and Mrs. William
•Mrs. Robert Lawson returned home
on Tuesday after spending a cots*
of weeks with Mr. and Mrs. Les,
Jessie Metcalf returned to Detroit on
Monday after having spent the sum..
mer at their home in the village.
Frang Keegan has, returned to his
home .on the Blue Water Highway,
after having been at Oakwood In,
Grand Bend, for the summer months.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson and Miss
Betty Lou Larson accempanied Mr.
and Mrs. George Rekl, Varna, on a
trip ±0 Niagara Fella, over the -week-
,Mr. and .bfrs, George E. Peek,
Fargo, ND., are spending a week
with Mr. and Mrs. William Howson.
Mr. Peck is a brother of MTS. Dow -
Dr. and Mrs. N. B. Alexander and
the latter's sister, Mrs. Stratton'Tor-
onto, who has been, ,visiting them,
left on 1VIenday fer their home in
Mrs. R. M. Gale, Mrs. George Mor-
ley, Port Dover, and Miss Isabel Kirk,
Brownsville, were guests of Misses
A. M. and E. J. Stirling over the
A number of the staff of the Pub-
lic Utilities • Commission, Stratford,
who were at Camp Kitchigarni, over
the weekend were at The Ritz Hotel
for meals.
Bill Robinson who has spent some
time in Northern, Ontario, returned
to the village last weeb. Jim and
Walter Were alao at the fansily cot-
tage hee Over the 'weekend.
Mr. and .Mrs.. Donald Cunningham
and son, Ross, Moortatown, Mrs, H.
G. E. Crosby and Patricia, Scotia,
New York, visited Mrs. Crosby's sis-
ter, Mrs. J. E. Howard, over Suee'lays
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Veen moved
Toodham on Monday. POT almost
thee years, since veining from Al-
berta, they hhve made their home
with the latter's mother, Mrs. W. IL
Talbot. They will both be missed
in the village,
Sgt. Sydney May, R. and C. S.,
Clinton, purchased Mrs. C. Enuekey's
hada on the Blue Water Highway in
the village, ad has moved his wife
Mill three childreti to their netv horne.
We Welcoine thtot ta Oar midst.
Miss C. P. &Atilt who has spent
the sumelee at her cottage "Glen-
bolg", left on Wednesday for her
horne in Mount Pleasant, Mieh. Her
guest, Miss Julia Laing, accompanied
her as far as Wyoming, Ontario,
where she resides,
Mr. and Mrs. Kirkham and small
son, Sharbot Lake, are occupying the
Log Cabin. Mr. Kirkham is time-
keeper for the Blyth Construction
ComParies, 'wheels has begun prelimin-
ary operations in connection with the
building of the new bridge.
Congregatipn and Sunday School
Rally Day services will be held in the
United Church, Sunday, .Sept. 29.
tIVIrs. W. Magnall and Ken Magnall,
Beaehville, visited on Sunday with
their cousen, Miss Hattie Sutherland,
who returned home with them to
spend a few days,
DT. D. G. Steer, Lender:, former
Well known Hensall physician for
many years, left September 6 for
England, where he will take up a
special oourse in surgery.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Gieen, Port
Stanley, well known in, liensall, left
Saturday by bas for the West Coast,
for a month's vacation. They will
Visit at Victoria and Westminster,
The Evening Auxiliary will hold a
pot -luck supper at the home of Mrs.
Byron Kyle Monday evening, Sept.
23. This will be the first meeting
of the fall and winter season.
Me's. A. H. Schnell left Saturday
for her home in Regina ,Sask., after
:Vending a month's holidays with her
sister, Mrs. C. Stephenson. She also
visited with her sister, Mrs. Hayter
of the Goshen Lite, and her brothers.
Wilson Allan, Hensall, received
word Saturday last of the death of
his father-in-law, John Taman., who
died in Toronto on Saturday, Sept.
7, in a hospital, following a month's
illness, in his 84th year. He is sur-
vived by three sons, Jack and Glenn,
Toronto; William, Cochrane; one
daughter, 1VIre, Roy bleGeoeh, Sea-
idordtht.hAredeayugeahrtesgra, Mrs. Wilson Allan,
Park Popular
Hensall Community Softball Flood-
lit Park has been the centre of activ-
ity since its apening August 14. There
have been 16 softball games at the
park since that date. There are the
regular rural league games between
Hensall, Hay, Boundary and Varna
each week. Centralia Airport has
rented the diamond three nights, get-
ting their team ready for a tourna-
ment at Trenton. The park board
are planning extensive improvement
to this con:minty centre.
Couple Honored
Hensall Town Hall was packed to
eapacity Friday evening last, for a
reception held in honor of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilmer McGregor, Kippen, re-
cent bridal couple. They were pre-
sented with a well-filled purse el
money. The address was read by
Keith lVfoLean, the presentation made
by Ken McLean. Flannigan's rash-
est -re furnihhed the music for the
Tax Rate Set
A. sPecial meeting of the Hensall
Village Council was held, Mr. F. L.
Davidson, well driller of Wingham,
was present at the Council's request
and explained matters pertaining to
obtaining s.ufficient water for ther
Municipality, and quoted his rates for
drillingand testing. Considerable
diseussion took place as regards set-
ting the tax rates and provision was
inade allowing $1,000 for the test
drilling in the estimates. The tax
rate was set and is as follows: Lib-
rary rate, 1.2 mills; County rate, 6.5
mills; school rate, 10.0 mills; village
rate, 1,8.3 or a total of 36 mills with
a taxable rate of 35 nulls.
ONTARIO'S growing gold. . her largest cash crop . . .
is tobacco. Its twenty-year development, from nothing to really.
something, has been due almost entirely to the phenomenal increase in
flue.cured tobacco—the most valuable of the three types grown here.
The others are burley and dark -leaf. This year, a fourth type,
cigar leaf—one thousand acres of it—opens rich, new ()Natio
possibilities. Tobacco is a delicate plant and a demanding one,
needing utmost watchfulness and even handmade encouragement
during its complicated cure. Its cultivation means back -breaking,
short -season work with high rewards for all concerned.
The annual Ontario prodection of
tobacco is about 97,000,000 pounds—
its value around 30,000,000. In the
southwest corner of the province,
some 90,000 acres are planted to it and
the Ontario crop represents nine -tenths
of the Dominion yield. 85% of this is
1:lei-grade flue-cured—the lett-care-
fully-treated hurley and
dark -leaf making up the
rest. It is an industry in
which a few experts pre•
pare the scene for a sudden
inrush by thousands of
workers in the crucial har.
vest weeks.
Ratot. .Correspondents
Mr. and airs. Lou Hutton and son,
Paul, Wingharn, spent Thursday with
Mrs. Laura Saunclercock.
Mrs. Wiiliane Ilesk returned home
after spendiei a week with Mr and
Mrs. Jack Denby, Brussels.
Willis Glover, Detroit, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Youngblutt and
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Mountain this
Witiha friends this past week.
ce Riley, Niagais Falls., visit -
Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mogridge, Aub-
urn, Mr. and Mrs. Percy Maiming,
Clinton, and MT. and Mrs. William
Manning and tamely, visited with MTS.
Joe Manning on Sunday.
Mr. and MTS. George Watt and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Charles Vodden.
Mr. and Mrs Prank Roberton and.
family, Seaforth, visited With MT.
and Mrs. John Nott on Sunday.
Me. and Mrs. Bob Fairservice and
family spent Sunday with Mrs. Lillie
Chowen, Clinton, visit-
ed at the home of her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. William Knox, on Sunday.
Jack Clarke and Ted Prost left on
Saturday on the harvest excuroion
out West.
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Shobbroole
and Douglas, spent Sunday with Mr.
and Mrs, Jack Pipe.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lobb visited
with Mr. and MTS. Harry Durnin oxi
Mrs., E. S. Crawford visited with
her tit:Wetter, Mrs, Fred Prest on
Mi. Pallis Hunter, Glen Rock, New
Jersey, is visiting with her pieee,
Mrs, Sidney Lansing and Mr.
Ms's. T. Dodd.e, Chicago, visited
with her eister, Mts. R. Shaddick,
last week.
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs,
S. Lansing were: .Mr. and Mrs. B.
Adams and Jean, Clinton. and Mr.
Herb Peter and Loran. Bervie.
Mrs. Detzabeth Lyon, 1VIrs, Will
Lyon, Mrs. Charles Watson and Mr.
and Mrs. Bill Riley, spent Monday
with Mrs. T. Sampson of Palmerston.
Miss Mary Caldwell, London, spent
the week end at home,
telters with Mr. and Mrs.
Allen Shaddick were: Mr. and Mrs.
Walkoei Misses Lula, Doris and 1111
Evelyn IN Aeons, Miss Doupe end Mr,
P. Reid, Munro, and Mrs A. Fergoson
and Patsy Gall, Owen Sound.
.Mrs. Harry Lyon is visiting -with
her daughter, Mrs. A. Kerslake of
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T.,. Mc -
Nall and Mee. Gray on Sunday were:
Mr. and Mrs. Mathers, Palmerston,
and Rev. and Mrs. S. blathers and
family, Toronto.
Mission Band to Meet
The Mission Band will meet Sun-
day morning at ten c`c/ock in the
basement of ihe church. We weuld
like all the members out as we are
going to study about the children of
W. A. Plans Meeting
The W. 1AL will hold their monthly
meeting September 18, in the base-
ment of the chnech. The hostesses
ere: Mrs. D. Carter, 1VIrs, E. Hesk,
ivlrs. L. Shobbrook and Mrs. S.
Mrs, J. Knox, Windham, is visiting
Mrs. W. Mountain.
Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Steward visit-
ed with Mrs. William Lyon on Sun-
Mrs. John Tamblyn, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Tamblyn and family with Mrs.
W. Tamblyn and Mrs. Gook on Sun-
Miss a Mills and Mr. Wallace,
Blyth, visited with Mr. and .Mrs. John
Armstrong ,on Sunday.
Mr. and ,Mrs. J. II. Shobbrook left
on Wednesday to spend a couple of
weeks with their son and his wife,
Mr, and Mrs. Lorne Shobbrook at
Church Anniversary Held
The Londesboro United Church
held their anniversary services on
Sunday. Rev. Stephen Mathers of
Toronto was the guest speaker. %Use
morning he preached from the text
in Matt. 1618, and in the evening
he preached from ist Peter 5:7. Both
were very able sermons. The choir
with Miss Mills of Blyth as organist,
rendered two splendid anthems 111 the
morning, and in the evening, the
Myth Quartette sang. The church
was decorated with gladioli, mums
and asters.
Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
ownsend on !Sunday were: Mr. and
Fisnk Little, Miss Jennie Cow-
an, Brantford, and Mr, and Mrs.
Bert Allen.
War Bride Honored
A reeeptilon in Stoner of Mr. and
Mrs. Clifford Saundercock, Londes-
bora, was held in Londesboro Com-
munity Hall, Aug. 30, Mrs. •Saunder-
cock, a war bride, came to Canada a
month ago from Skilaugh North Hull,
Mr. and Mrs. Saundereock were
presented with a well filled purse of
money; the address was read by
Douglas Snell and the presentation
by Jack Pipe. Irwin's Orchestra fur-
nished the magic for the dance,
Miss Bessie Young is visiting it
Phyllis Harris is attending London
Business College,
Mr. and bits. Allen Bettles are
spending a few days in Toronto.
Miss, Dorothy Cox returned, to leer
duties as teacher in Kirkland Lake
Rev. 0. D. Cox, Bervie, will be the.
speaker at anniversary service - at the
Union .0hurch, iSepternper 22.
Mr. and .Mrs. James Lockhart spent:
a few deys with Mr. and Mrs. Glen,
Lockhart, Clinton, taking in the Labor
Day Celebration.
The ladies from Porter's Hill' were.
delighted to have 1VIes. R. M. Gale and.
daughter, Mrs. (Rev.) Morley, attend'
the bazaar and meet old friends. It,
was ibdeed good to see them again.
Quite a number from this district
attended the funeral of the late Mrs
Gordon Harwood in Goderich on Sat-
urday; she will be much missed in,
the church life.
.School opened Tuesday last with,
Miss Phyllis Wilding again in charge.
There were five new beginners. Four -
who had passed their entrance last
June started to high school—Phylie-
Bell, Jean Proctor, Audrey Harrison,
Medlin Cox. May they all have it
suecessful year.
Bazaar Successful
The bazaar held Saturday afternoon
in Clinton by the W. A. of Grace
Church, was a real success, realizing
over $133. The willing help and splen-
did donations were much appreciated.
Mr. and Mrs. R J. Welsh, Clinton,
spent Sunday 'with Mr, and MM. Ar-
thur Welsh,
Miss Alma Barnes., London, • has
purchased a lot from Fred Wallis at,
Lane 0' Pines Beach.
,Mr. and Mrs. James W. Barnes,
London, have purchased a lot from
Fred Wallis at Lane 0' Pines Beach.
Mr. and 1VIrs. Randal Pepper and
Carol Ann, have returned to their
home in Warren, after their vacation.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wallis, Marg.
aret and Carol, spent Sunday with
Mr, and Mrs. Will Addison, Landes -
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Arkell are get-
ting settled on the farm they rented
from Mrs. John Beacom, Bayfield
Mr. and Mrs. Phil Heitbohmer and
family had as their guests the lady's
brother, Jack Olayden and Mrs. Clay -
den, at their cottage at Lane 0' Pines
Beach for the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Turner'ac-
companied by. Mr. and les. Fred
Arkell, spent the weekend -with Mr.
and Mrs. Alf. Seotchmer,
.and Mrs, Fred Middleton re-
turned laet weekend from a trip to
the Canadian West. While there they
spent several days at Banff and Cal-
gary, and visited Mr, and Mrs.. Syd-
ney Jackson and Mr. and 1VIrs. Ernest
Sharman at Lethibeidge, Alta,
a,nd Mrs. Jack Leslie who have
been visiting relatives in Clinton and
vicinity for the past two months, left
the beginning of this week by motor
for their home in Los Gatos., Calif.
They were aoccenapnied by Mrs. Les-
lie's nieces, Misses Margaret and
Kay IVEddleton.
Dbertezer United Church anniver-
sary services will be held next Sun-
day, September 15, Rev. W. J. Rogers
of Dungannon, a, former pastor, will
be the guest speaker. Turner's
Ginech Choir will have charge of the
music at the morning service, and
special music is being prepared for
the evening service. The serviees will
be held at 11 am. and 7.30 pm.
The members of the Y.P.U. were
entertained recently at the home of
their president,,Tosephine Muir Fol-
lowing an evening of games, etc, all
enjoyed a corn roast and cookies.
Advertise your livestock in The
NEWS -RECORD. One cent a word,
Adidtional Correseondence Elsewhere
in This Issue
T1= fia Et aka M
Tenders For
Buchanan Drain Repairs
TDNDEPS will be' received by the undersigned until 9.30 p.m.,
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1946, for the repair of the Buchanan.
Municipal Drain. Tenders to be submitted according to By-law No. 6,
1946, of the Township of Tuckersreith, which may be obtained at the
Clerk's office. .A. certified cheque of 10 per cent must accompany
each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
ram epairs
TENDERS will be received by the undersigned until 9.20 pan,
SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1946, for the repair of the McCullie
Municipal Drain. Tenders to be submitted according to By-law No. 7,
1946, of the Township of Tuckersmith, which may be obtained at the
Clerk's office. A certified cheque of 10 per cent must accompany
each tender. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted.
Every time you lift the receiver to place a mill,
it's a challenge to us to rush it through; we
don't like to keep people waiting. But sometimes,
delays can't be avoided, even though every last.
piece of available telephone equipment is on the.
job, handling more traffic than it was ever
built to carry.
... And that fact is directly related to our
other battle against time—our big building pro, -
gram. Every addition to present facilities hastens
the day when we will once again be able to
handle every call as promptly as we would like.
Construction and installation Of additional tele-
phone equimnent are going ahead just as fast as
the supply situation permits.
We've got it marked "Rush"!