HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-12, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 194(1 Women's and Church Affairs in Clinton and District McKEE—ROZELL Missionary, Tabernacle, Kitchener, wee the scene of a lovely double -ring wedding, recently when Rev. C. W. Staley of the Associated Gospel Churches united in niarriage, Marilyn Jean, daughter of Mr. and 1VIrs. S. E. • Rozell, Kitchener, formerly of Clin- ton, and Robert: Burk McKee, son of Mrs. Dorothy B. McKee, Chester, Pa The pianist 'was. Miss Ruth Cheese- brough, Detroit, and afire. Bruce Her- riston. was soloist. . Given in marriage by her father, the bride was, gowned, in a lovely dress of white taffeta, made in floor - length style, designed with lily point- ed sleeves, a sweetheart neckline, and a skirt gathered in soft pleats. Her finger-tip veil yeas caught with a nar- row halo of tulle ruching banded with oequins. Her only ornament was a string of pearls and she carried a semi cascade bouquet of -white glad - toll and butterfly roses. Attending the bride were Miss Aud- rey Woolner, maid of honour and Miss IKathleen ,Rozell, niece of the bride, as flower girl. Both wore floor length dresses, the former in pale blue and the latter pale pink taffeta. Miss Woolner's flowers -were pink gladioli and blue cornflowers and the flower girl carried a nosegay of blue -beauty gladioli and pink cornflowers, Martin H. Duff, Williamsport, Pa. , was best man and the ushers. were y Morrie and iAgthur Rozell, brothers of the "aide. .Mts. Rozell received her guests in he Oak Room of the Walper House wearing an old rose crepe frock with black accessories and a corsage of butterfly •roses and blue cornflowers. She was assisted by the groom's mother wearing chocolate brown crepe with winter white •accessories arid a corsage of Queen Elizabeth Roses. 1 For travelling the, bride donned a black and white checked suit .with paddy green and black accessories and a corsage of 'better times roses. The young couple will reside in Walling- ford, Pa. CORNISH — HAMILTON Wilma Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William. A. Hamilton, Cromarty, became the bride of John Carlyle, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. IC. Cornish, Brucefield, in an interesting double ring ceremony conducted by Rev. W. A. .MacWilliam in Cromarty Presby- terian church on Saturday, Septemb- er 7, at 2 p.m. Tall standards. of gladioli formed a pretty setting for the ceremony for which the music was played by Mrs. Clifton Miller. The solist was Miss June Murdoch Brucefield who sang "Because" and. "Always". She was gowned in a floor length blue shem with gold accessories. Given in marriage by her father, the bride was lovely in a floor length gown of white nottingliam lace, fash- ioned with fitted bodice and fun skirt extending into a slight train. She wore matching lace mittens and her finger-tip veil was caught by a halo. She carried a cascadebouquet of better times Miss Hazel Hamilton was her sist- er's maid of honour and Miss Betty Engagements Announced Mr, and Mrs. Melvin Jewell, Ben - miller, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Phyllis Isobel, R.N., to Elmer B. Fisher, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fisher, the marriage to take place the latter part of September. * * M. and Mrs„ Sam McNeal, Gode- rieh Township, announce the engage- ment of their elder daughter, Elaine Grace, to Roderick Victor Johnston, younger son of Mr. and Mrs, Ernest Johnston, Goderich Township. The wedding will take place the latter eiart of ,September. * Mr. and Mrs. Chester McPhee, Aub- urn, wish to announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Donalda Jean, to Leonard McGee, son of Mr. and Mrs. Reg. McGee, Goderich, the marriage to take place eerily in September. r r Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Arthur Fisher, Benmiller, announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Myna Lorrine to James F. Young, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Young, God- erich Township, the marriage to take place the latter part of September. Presbyterian Club Enjoys Fine Meeting • The September meeting of the Presbyterian Girls' Club was held on Tuesday evening at the home of 'Wye. Frank MacDonald with Mrs, Jack Leiner in the chair. The 'Scripture was read by Mrs. Lane and prayer was offered by Mrs. W. F. Cook. Discussion took place about a bazaar to be held in December. Meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction and the hostess served a dainty lunch. o * RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now due are butter R18 to R21; sugar -preserves 51 to 524 and Meat Q1 to Q4. Hunkin, Belmore, was Junior Brides- maid. They were gowned in pink and blue organza respectively—styled similar to that of the bride's and were matching halo hats and mittens, They carried pink Madame Butterfly roses,. Little Rosanna Worden, niece of the bride. was a 'winsome flower girl in a yellow taffeta gown with frilled' floor length eldet and carried a nope - gay of inarive sweet peas. Allan Hal, cousin of the groom was .best Man and the ushers were Clifton Miller and Kenneth Scott. Following the ceremony a recept- ion was held on the lawn at the home of the blade's parents. A, lovely lunch was served by 1VEssee Loraine Fowl- er, Marian Hill, Mary Stapleton, An- na Hamilton, and Audrey Htuddn. with Mies Kathleen ,Stapleton and Mrs. Roy Brock pouring tea. For travelling the bride donned a brown gaberdme suit and with it wore a corsage of white gardenias. We have -recently accepted the agency for FL ZE Paint, name Varnish Stain, Floor and Wooduiork Varnish, •Shellac and Paint and Varnish Remover A Product of Imperial Pint and Varnish Co. Not a new paint on the market but a high quality, easy to apply paint for all types of work. You dwelt have to be a mechanic to use it. Paint is another item which has become rather difficult to obtain, especially in certain colors, but at present we can supply you with a varied range of colors for the job you have planned. See our Window Display and ask for the different colors charts and manual pertaining to your individual requirements Ti S 1 1 (via a .0z4,a eck atie -V- LITE 36" wide • The All -Purpose Window Material width transmits over 70% of the suit's ultra violet rays. VIMLITE — The Flexible Ilealth Chas Stove Pipes 6" and 7" black FURNACE PIPES 7" STOVE PIPE ELBOWS STOVE PJPE COLLARS Lacquered, 6" and 7" STOVE. BOARDS 26"x26", 26"x84" FLUE STOPS attractively decorated ALL OS. PEIONE 195 CLINTON wamoNtaseappon.reao~4444,rwoo~m~o~44.44,,~4.4~~~"PAN1 Battle For Britain Being Commemorated In Goderich !Sunday The veterans, of Goderich district are making active arangements for a fitting part in the Battle of Britain commemorative services which are beng held in all parts of the British Einpire. SIL F. C. Chapman is chairman of the committee that has arranged for a church parade and for Special com- memorative services in Knox Presby- terian Church, Goderich, next Sunday, September 15, 1946. Detachments of the, R:CAF person- nel from neighbouring air stations will join with the local veterans in the ceremonies whieh will include a march past and a short service at the Cenotapli with • a wreath being deposited, The Blue Water Band under the direction (if J. E. Hucldns will be in attendance. During the week, the graves of all Air Force personnel in the local cemeteries will be suitably decorated. Special permission has been grant- ed for veterans to wear uniform for this occasion. --o Department of Health Inaugurates Course For Nursing Assistants The Provincial Government of On- tario offers a nine-month course for nursing assistants, commencing Sept. 16, 1946. The -course will consist of three months' instruation in a central school and six months' practice under super- vision in selected hospitals and will lead to a certificate as a Certified Nursing Assistant. Requisites are: An interest in nurs- ing; good health; references; grade X education; age, between 18-40. Advantages of course are: Sixty dollars a month less cost of mainten- ance will be paid duaing the nine months; cost of transportation will be provided for Orltario residents from their place of residence to the Central School and from the Central School to the Hospitals where the practical training ie given; a certificate will be given by the Department of Health on completion of the course and the successful passing of the revived ex- aminations; opportunities for employ- ment in this field after graduation. Forms may be secured from the Superintendent of your local hospital or The Nurse Registration Branch, Department of Health, Province of Ontario, Toronto, James Livermore has been in Vic- toria Hospital, London, receiving treatment. ....Atitijkft Put new life into yuur ches- edield with a re -upholster- ing job. This is frequently more satisfactory then a complete new one, Phone NEWS -RECORD 4, and we will call and give you an estimate. No obligation. Dick The Upholsterer 33-34--35-b zait SAys In these days of rationing —sugar, butter and other ingredients cannot be wasted. When baking use — King Pastry Flow and be sure of the best • results possible. 3 jeu Mrs. W. J. Dyninet, ,Detroit, is visiting at the home of Mrs. Henry Garrett. Miss Muriel illewden spent the past two weeks holidaying with friends in Owen Sound and Toronto. Miss Shirley G. Sutter spent tha weekend in Stratford, the guest of Mr. and IVIrs, Kenneth Candler. .1VIrs. G. R. McBrien and eon Bus. sell, Detroit, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hanley. Mrs. George E. Atkey, Owen Sound, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs, R. 8. Atkey and .Mrs. A W. Baines. Mr. and Mre. D. B. Lane, Toronto, are visiting at the home .of the for- mer's parents., Rev. and Mrs. D. S. Lane. Mr. and 1VIrs. David Johnston: Kit- chener, .sp.ent Tuesday last at the fermer's home, that of Mr. and Mts. James H. Johnston. G. at. McBrien and William Mc - Brien and Miss Marion Hammond, Detroit, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. F. Hanley. IlVfxs. Al. W. .Smith and baby have returned to their home M Cochrane, after spending a month with her mother, Mrs. W. T. Hawkins. • James Lehi) was amongst the train load of boys who left last Thursday afternoon for Western Canada to as- sist with the harvesting for a few weeks. Mr. and aVIrs. Benson Sutter have returned from Goderich where they attended the funeral of the latter's mother, the late Mrs. Gordon Har- wood. Mr. and 11/Irs. Duncan McDonald and Diane, Flint, Mich., Mrs. a. P. John- ston and Miss Edith Johnston, Ash- field, were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs. W. Johnston. Mrs. George Roberton, Mrs'. James Maldns. Mrs. John .Snider and Mrs. D. J. Lane .attended the annual rally of Huron Presbyterial of the Presby- terian Church in Homan on Tuesday. Mr. and 'Vas. Elroy Desjardine, Zurich, Mr. and 1V1rs. Ed. Wilhelm, and Mr. and 1VIrs, Delton Wilhelm and son Norval, Stratford, visited on Sun- day with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Walper. Mr. and Mrs. K. G. Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. 3'. A. Sutter, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Rorke, Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Ambler and family, and Rev. And- ew Lane, were in Goderich on Sat- urday afternoon attending the funeral of the late Mrs. Gordon Harwood. Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Atkey are at- tending the annual convention of the Canadian Weekly Newspapers As- eociation, which. Opened in the Hotel Nova Scotian, Halifax, N.S. today, and will continue until Saturday afternoon. They will return to town Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jervis, Russell ,Tervis, and Mrs. W H Cole, returned Sunday after spending the past week visiting relatives in Detroit, Toledo, and going as far as Nappanee, In- diana, to visit the former's brother, Albert, who is convalescing after a serious illness. Like Ontario, (ley weather is very noticeable throughout the states visited, Michigan, Indiana. aed Ohio, Wesley -Willis Club Plan Fall Bazaar The Wesley -Willis Girls' Club held its September meeting in the church enaeor on Tuesday evening, with a good attendance The president, Mrs.! ('. M. Shearing was in the chair and Mrs. M. J. Agnew was at the piano. The devotional exercises were in charge of Mrs. A. G. Grigg and Miss L. Brigham. Mieses Mary Lane and Eileen Sut- ter favored with two duets. "The Desert Song" and Romberg's "Seren- ade." Miss Margaret Ballachey who was the guest speaker, supplemented her talk on Trinidad with lantern slides. The club are planning their annual bazaar and tea to be held on Novem- ber 16. The Mizpah Benediction closed the meeting, after 'which Km Freel's group served delicious refreshments and a pleasant social hour was en- joyed. WESLEY-WILLIS W. A. ARRANGES ANNUAL "COUNTRY FAIR" The W.A. of Wesley -Willis United Cauech met in the church parlor on ale afternoon of Thursday, Septem- ber 6. The president, Mre, M. Nediger was in the chair and Mrs. IL W. Charles -worth was at the piano. The opening hymn was "Take Time to be Holy." The Scripture lesson was read by Mrs.. J. Innes and Mrs, A. T. Cooper 'offered prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, 1VIrs, 0. li. Jefferson. In the absence of the treasurer, Mrs. Percy Manning, the financial report was given by the president. Mrs. Jelin Nediger ,Tr., and Mrs, Cooper reported for .the flower com- mittee and some letters of thanks for flowers, and messages were read, Mrs.: W. Picicard eeported for the Manse committee ad .Mrs. E. 11. Enirs for the property committee. Arrangemente were made for the annual "Country Fair" which will be held on the afternoon of October 12, in the lecture room of the chuech. A short programme followed dur- ing which Miss Eileen Sutter sang very sweetly "April Showers" and Mrs. A. E. Douglas gave a very humorous Scotch reading entitled "I've Changed My Mind."' Afternoon tea was served by Mrs. Charles Nelson/s group. Ontario St. W. M. S. Has Fine Meeting The W.M.S. of Ontario St. 'United Church met on Tuesday, .September 10, in the sehool hall. 1VIes. George Shipley took charge of the meeting. After singing a hymn and repeating the Lord's Pray- er, .Mrs. W. S. R. Holmes took charge of the Devotional period, the theme of which was "India." .A. special prayer was offered for this mission. Reports were given from the var- ious departments and business "ais- cuseed. Mrs. H. C. Lawson continued the Study Book in a very interesting manner. Mrs. W. M. Aiken gave a talk on Christian Stewardship and Mrs. A Farnham gave a Temperance talk. After singing a hymn, the meeting was closed by prayer by Mrs. W. J. Woolfrey. Soldier and Bride Welcomed at Party On Saturday evening, September 7, one of the many happy family re- unions held since boys and girls have been returning from overseas duty wae held at their new home in Lon - dam when Mr. and Mrs. Frank Dale and Master Ian gave a reception and welcome home party to j. E. (Eddie) Dale, a former resident of this dist- rict and his bride who arrived in Halifax on Wednesday, September 4, from overseas, Among the guests from town were taur W. Dale and Miss E. Brickee- den, fettle:. and aunt of the groom. Mr. and Mae. Dnie are settling in Ottawa where Mr. Dale has secured a position with the Civil Service. Beet wishes go with the bride and groom for a happy and prosperous life together, --o Interesting Travel Talk Heard by Ontario St. W.A. The W. A. of Ontario St. United church net in the school hall on Wednesday, September 4. • The president, Mr. F. Townsend, was in the chair. The meeting opened by singing "All the Way my Saviour Leads Me," followed by repeating a psalm in unison. The theme of the devotions was "Co-operative effort and Laborers to- gether with God." The usual reports were given by the various departments and the an - respondence read by Mrs. E. Ken- nedy. Routine business was discussed. Miss Florence Aiken contributed a piano solo and Mrs. McLean played a mouth organ solo. Mrs. W. M. Aiken gave a very intersting and de- tailed account of their trip to the West Coast. At the close of the meeting a dainty lunch was served by the Base Line and Gravel Road ladies. CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times mentioned below are Daylight Saving) Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 Bible School at 11 A.M. The minister is back from holidays and will speak at the County Home 'at 11 AM., at Auburn at 8 P.M. and at Clinton at '7 P.M. You are -urged to be with us. Attend some house of worshipand help the Lord to save tire world. Get right with God, Ontario St. United Church REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister • B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist 'SUNDAY, SEPTDMBER 15, 11.00 AM.—Morning Worship "Listening" i215—Sunday School 7.00 P.M.—Evening 'Worship "Manhood Undermined" Wesley -Willis Church Rmv. ANDREW LANB, Minister Mit. Morgan J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 11.00 A.M—Morning Worship "Cross and Crown" 12.10 --Sunday School 7.00 P.M. --Evening Worship "thieving the Spirit" St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. .T. Ci, MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, SE.PTERVIBER 16 10.00 A.M.—Sunday School 11.00 AM.—Morning Service 7.00 P.M. --Evening Service Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. H. T. KENDRICK, Pastor SUNDAY, .SEPTEMBER 15 Evangelist 0. IL Gingrich 10.00 A.M.—,Sunday School 11.00 AM.—Morning Worship 7410 P.M.—Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8.00 P.M. --Prayer Meeting Thursday, 8.00 P.M.—Worship Service Our Motto: Read Yon Bible and Pray Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs, Bort Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, .SEPTE11413ER 15 0.00 A.1V1—Sunday School 11.00 A.M.—Service at Clinton "An Offered 'Gift" 2.80 P.M.—Service at Bayfield Everybody welcome. The WM'S will meet at the home of Mrs, J. Snider, .Albert St., on ' Wednesday', September 18, at 3 pm. Wightman Family Holds Successful Reunion The sons and daughters of the late William Wightman gathered at the home of Grace, Mrs, J. Frank Mac- Donald, pluton, on Sunday, Sept. 1, Present, accompanied by theiv fam- ilieS, were Mr. and Mus, Rennie Wightman, Flint, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. J. Alex. Young, Lucan; Mr. and MTS. J. Ross Ring, Wingham; Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Wightman, Wingham; Mr. and :Mrs. Frank 1VIaeDonald, Clinton; and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wightman, Welland; Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Caelick (nee Maas. King) were also in attendance. Mr. and .Mrs. Dale Argue .(nee Helen Wightman), Flint, Mich., were unable to be present because of the illness of one of their children; other- wise the family eircle was complete. Friends of the family presentfrom a distance included Mrs. Jessie Brie, Hamilton, and Miss Grace Henry, Vancouver, B.C. Housing Tenants Still "Frozen," Board Rules Tenants of housing .accommodation are still "frozen," according to W. Harold McPhillips, prices and supply representative of the Western Ontario region of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Tenants cannot be evicted for any reason if they pay their rent promptly and are in the generally accepted term "well behaved." Misunderstanding regarding these regulations has arisen because of the slig'ht change in the regulations re- specting shared accommodation, Mr. McPhillips explained. Formerly a tenant could not be asked to vacate shared acccemnodation during the winter months, but now under Board order 649 tenants of shared accom- modation can be asked to vacate by the landlord giving six months' notice Mrs. J. A. Sutter Heads Re -organized Aid Group, For Hospital Work A faie representation of ladies was present in the Council Chamber on Monday night when the Hospital Aid which has been disbanded' dining the war re -organized into a unit. It is hoped that more ladies of the town will avail themselves of this oppor- tunity of helping our local hospital, which is certainly in need of every- one taking an active part. It was thought wise that since the organization was just beginning, it might be advisable to put in a group of officeas who would be in charge ternporaialy and then possibly at the beginning of the year have an elec- tion for new officers, Plans were made to meet on the second Monday of every month. The following officers were elect- ed for the time 'being: President— Mrs.j. A. Sutter; recording secretary —Miss Lucille Grant; treasurer — Miss Luella Walkinshaw; member- ship convener—Mrs. W. H. Robinson; programme committee—Miss Madel- eine Hawkins; social convener—Mrs. M. Criah. St. Paul's W.A. Hears From Quilt Sent to. Britain The Sepaember meeting of St. Paul's W. A. was held on Tuesday afternoon, September 10, at the home of Mrs. Fred Birdie. The meeting was opened by the president, Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel, who subject. offered several helpful hints on pray- er and read a few excerpts on the The treasurer reported that the half -yearly pledges had been met. Mrs. Hudie read a letter from Eng- land, from a woman who had been given a quilt by the Red Cross. This quilt had borne the name of St. Paul's Guild, Clinton. Mrs. L. McKinnon was appointed which may require the tenant to vac- Literature secretary. ate at any time during the year. Instead of a chapter from the Shared accommodation is aecom_ Study Book, three articles were read modation where rooms are a part of from the "Living Messare by 1VIn. the house of the landlord or the land- W. H. Robinson and a/Irs, L. MaKin- lord's agent, and -where a kitchen, bathroom or a similar type of facility is shared with the landlord. This is the only type of accommodation where tenants may be asked to vacate dur- Say you saw it in The NEWS- ing the winter months. RECORD. Miss Alice Holmes closed the meet- ing with the Benediction. Fall and m er resses If you recru;ve a new dress see our fine selection of the latest fall models Our selection include — WOOL JERSEYS WOOLS and CREPES in black and colored shades Our stock of Showznits and one and three-piece outfits is now complete .SEE THEM EARLY RSVI WIN ....93510.121.101119WIARM17,41,1 IISOILS/17614612..0.CIASTAIIDZSZ17921i1C.4 ked G Fae For Irlymsmecaravonzirizezzaraznesnozasner ds of the st Suallty It's BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 CLINTON .611=LOMM7611.81.1311,81.1129, Va.A112. .r...,......m.unaraneartaVesonmecansurscrmniawauromtuntwaspaptouvaz, 4t1PRO.R.3121,1116.101Srevabonba.20:91nimailiZalP. C.PROWiahrtaninte47.11101.01[TIS, Every Day in Every Way More People Are Getting To KrioW the Value of Dry Cleaning We are experts! We Deliver! One Cent Each Paid for Wire Hangers GUM n's Press Shop We Press While U Wait Five Day Service On Cleaning We Call For and Deliver PHONE 115 taxr-sx . .tacetemenv =11saliz....:132.0•0.0.(0.26.6P Ctritn Ma lane gb Acetylene Welding and Cutting Electric Welding Machine Work General Repairing perated by W. Seeley & Son PHONE 364 CLINTON 36-37-38-30-40-41-b se