HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-05, Page 6PAGE, SIX
Interesting Items Froin New
• Otuart Sturgeon, Preston, was ho,me
over .the weekend. •
Km. Renoufs Johns, lett last week
to Viiit in Chilicothe, Adiss.
Miss Mary Reid .is visiting her
brother, Robert Reid, Clinton.
Miss Jean Sturgeon left on Mon-
day to take a position in Clinton.
Miss E. Brown, Goderieh, is a guest
at 'The Albion Hotel this week.
Mrs. Bruce Menory, Detroit, spent
the weekend with her sister, Miss
IVIary Reid.
iliisseS Rhea .and Edna Sterling.
London, visited Mrs. M. Gemeinhartit
on Sunday.
.E. A. Featherston, London, was at
his home in the village over the
Mrs. G. W. Clark and son Clark,
Toronto, visited Mrs. Fred MeEwen
last week.
Harry Ahrens, Detroit, spent the
weekend with his wife at "Trail Blaz-
er" cottage.
Peter Tillmann. and J. E. Brent,
.Toronto, spent the weekend at the
family cottage.
1Vliss E. Dupius, Toronto, was the
guest of her sister, MTS. F. C. Gem-
einhardt, last week.
Mrs. P. Gemeinhardt left Sunday
to spend a few weeks with her son,
Norval, Saginaw, Mich.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Pease and family,
London, spent the iireekend with Mr.
and Mrs. Charles Berry.
DT. mid Mrs. F. C. Bechely, Sea -
forth, have purchased the W. Thain
'cottage in Lakeside Park.
J. Stewart returned to Hamilton on
Monday to resume his teaching duties
'on the ,staff of the Technical School.
Miss Lorna Westlake, Hespeler,
spent the weekend with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake.
Rev. and Mrs. C. A. Calder return-
ed to London on Friday after having
spent a vacation in the village. '
Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Sarnia,
visited the letters mother, IVIrs. Chas.
W. Parker, over the Weekend.
IMr. and Mrs. A. F. Furter ancrson
Bill, London, Spent the weekend at
the home of . Mrs. W. J. 'Stinson.
MTS. M. Clark and :Miss Daphne
Clark, London, are, occupying "Blink -
bonnie" during Mrs: Volume's absence.
Miss Elva Dewar returnedto Tor-
onto last week atter hosing spent
the summer vacation . with her par-
James A, Cameron, who has spent
the season at his cottage on the Blue
Water Highway, has returned to
Toronto. •
J. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon
Brantford, were the guests of the for.
niers daughter, Mrs. F, H. Paull, over
the weekend.
Rev. and Airs. F. IL Paull returned
to Listowel on Tuesday after having
spent a vacation at their cottage in
the village.
Miss C. P. Rankin, accompanied by
MISS Julia Lang, who is her guest,
left en Monday to spend a few days
in, Toronto.
Mrs. Maynard Corrie is spending a
few days in Stratford this week, ow-
ing to the illnes,s of her mother, Mrs,
H. A. Lawson.
Mr. and Mas. Pried retylie and
Laurie Fowlie, London, spent the
weekend with their sisters, Misses P.
and E. Fowlie.
Mrs, J. Graham and Miss Monica,
who were at the Huron Camp last
week, returned to Woodstock with Mr.
Graham on Friday.
Miss Mina Proctor, Toronto, came
on Tuesday of last week to spend a
fortnight with her aunt, Mrs, George
King and Mr. King.
Mr. and Mri. Alex Rae and child,
Longwood, are occupying E A. Feath-
erston's home which they have taken
for the school term,
Mr. and MTS'. David Dewar and
'Vaster George, Toronto, spent last
week -with the former's parents, Mr.
and Mrs, D. Dewar.
Mrs. El. Antognini, New York, who
is having a home erected on her
Quality You'll Enjoy
property, came last week to spend ,a
month in the village.
„Lawrence Wasman returned to
eromerty alter spending 'a fortnight
with his sister, Mrs. IL Ahrens at
"Trail Blazer" cottage.
Mr. and Mrs'. Nelson.McConkey and
son have returned to North Bay, after
having spent the past month at their
cottage on Huron Terrace.
Dr. and Mks. Mitchell, Birmingham
-Who have been 'OceuPS*Ing the Trout
cottage, have purchased the former
McMillan cottage on Chiniquy ;St.
1VIr. and Mrs, Gerald Ohurchward.
Jack and Gerald, and Mies' Lena
Shortt, who was. With them over the
weekend, returned to London on Mon-
Mr. asiii Mrs. Schalitz and daugh-
ter., Marilyn, Johnny Martin, Toledo,
Ohio, visited Ivirs. Schalitz's sister,
Mrs. Lillian Thomas, over the week-
end, .
Mr. and Mrs, W. P. Buchan, return-
ed to Dunnville on Wednesday, after
having been the guests of the form-
er's sister, 1VIrs. N. W. Woods, for a
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Bohner, Strat
ford, and his mother, Mrs. Margaret
Rohner, 'Moncton, spent the weekend
at the home of Mr. •and Mrs. Nelson
Heard, Bayfield.
Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Langford, who
returned to their cottage last week
after a visit to South River and Bala,
left on Tuesday for St. Mary's Rect-
ory, Walkerville.
Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Hart, Charlie,
Helen and Ronnie, who came on Fri-
day to visit Mrs. Hart's parents, Mr.
and Mrs. George King, returned to
Toronto on Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Cook and
daughter, Nancy Landon, returned to
Toronto, after spending three weeks
with the former's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Oree Cook, "Locharne."
Mr. and MTS. James R Scott re-
turned to Toronto on Monday, 1VIrs.
Scott was the guest of her mother
Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner last week'and
her husband was here over the week
Prof. B. Pemberton and family,
Prof. H. K, Kalbfleisch and family,
have retinmed to their respective
homes in London after having spent
the season at their cottages in the
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Bauer and fam-
ily, Mr. and Mrs. H. Bauer and fam-
ily, have returned to their respective
homes in Waterloo after having spent
the season at their cottages, in the
Mrs. E. Suppnick and daughter.
Miss Halley Louise, Mrs. Hayward
and Mrs. Lawrence Hickey of Detroit,
spent the weekend with the former's
mother, Mrs. S. Holley, "Holley
Mrs. G. S. Atkinson, who has been
visiting MTS. C. W. Brown, "The
Briars," returned to London on Mon-
day with her daughter, 'Mrs. Cecil
Hohnes and Mr, Holmes, who spent
the day here4
Mr. and Airs. Gilbert Knight and'
daughter Mary, Toronto, spent the
weekend at the ,herne of Mrs. M. Gem-
enhaisit, Miss Elizabeth Dupee, Tor-
onto, was also a guest the past week
'With her sister,
Mrs. D. A. Volume left on Wednes-
day for Toronto where she will be
ininSa by 1Vliss M. Volume. of King-
don, who will aCiorripany her to Win-
nipeg and other Points in Manitoba
for a month's visit. ,
Mrs. V. •A. Burt, Peggy and Mary
Lou, returned to London on Monday,
after having spent the summer with
the former% parents, Mr. and Mrs.
F. W. Baker. Howard and Ronald
Burt were ,also here over the weekend,
Mi. and Mrs. Ray Morley, Birm-
inghain, Mich., spent the we,ekend
with the former's sisters, Misses F.
.and L. Morley, "Birchcliffe." Upon
their return they Were aceompanied
by their daughter, Patsy, who has
been visiting her aunts.
Mrs. F. W.-. 13urcli and two children,
who have spent the summer at the
Mustard family cottage, returned to
Toronto the end of last week. They
expect to make their home in Me.aford
where Mr. Burch has taken a position
following his 'discharge frora the
Misses Ruble Fisher and Barbara
Pollock, Kitchener, Jean Fisher, War-
erloo, spent the weekend and holiday
with the former's, aunt, Mrs. P. A.
Edwards. Master Edward Watson.
who visited in Waterloo, for a fort-
night accompanied them to his grand-
mother's home. •
,Mrs. Art Hopson, Jr., and her. sist-
er, Miss Cora Leroy, who has been
visiting her, were called to Callend-
er on Sunday owing to the death of
their brother, Jacob Leroy, who was
accidentally killed at North Bay while
cleaning a revolver. Sympathy is ex-
tended to Mrs. Hopson.
Guests of Mr and IVIrs. Cree Cook,
"Lochame" cottage, over the weekend
were: Mr. and Mrs. Joe Taylor, De-
troit; Mr. and Mrs. William Bell,
MT. and Mrs. Chester Vellett, Dear-
born, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. LI A.
Stephens and daughter, Jane lYlcGrig.
or, ,Shellbourne; Mr. and 1VIrs. Earl
Ross and son, Robert, Dearborn, Mich.
Guests at the "Little Inn" last
week were - Mr. and Airs. Coates,
Miss Coates, Detroit; Mrs. Fellows.
Windsor; Winnifred Howarth, Sarnia.
Miss Winnifred Clark, Point Edward;
Mir. and 1VIrs. James E. Armstrong,
Royal Oak, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. 'Ray-
mond Arnold, Fitchburg, Mass.; Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Cryderrnam, London;
Dr. Eleanor Harvey, Caroline E. Har-
vey, Elizabeth Harvey, Detroit; Mr.
and 1VIrs. F. B. Huston and nephew.
Gerald, Pontiac, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs.
1'. A. Newton, Walkerville;, J. T. New-
ton, Walkerville; F. A. Newton, Wind-
sor; Mrs. 'Sangster, Ottawa; Mr. and
Mrs. D, T. Sheppard and family, and
Royce Everett, Pontiac, Mich.; Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Steele and Donald,
Si.. Catharines; Ar. and 1VIrs Bud
Gilmour, ;Sarnia; Miss Grace Ander-
son, Detroit,
Two Shops Close
1VIrs. L. G. Bassett closed has
antique shop on Saturday 'night and
Mrs. Grant Turner closed the Log
Cabin Lunch Room on Monday night
after a successful season.
School Re -opens
The school bell summoned mmils
hack to studies on Tuesday morning.
Alex Rae, Longwood, is principal this
year and Mrs. William. E. Parker is
assistant. Those, atteniding continua-
tion classes in Bayfield Public Sehool
are: Betty Heard, Gloria Westlake,
EVelyn Bell, George Castle and Marie
Stirling, while those taking advant-
age of the extended secondary school
area and taking the bus to Clinton
Collegiate include; john and Eddy
Apfelbeek, Rose Marie and Kenneth
Arkell, Betty Lou Larson, Aileen
Castle, Beverley York.
Church Camp Closed
'The Church Camp of the Diocese of
Huron, was 'closed on Friday follow-
ing the departure of a ',teen age group.
Very successful camps have been held
for Various ages since the beginning
of July, under the able leadership of
Rev. .1. Graham and Rev. J. Geogehan,
Woodstock, and their competent
staffs, The carpenters, who have been
at work since early spring. are con-
tinuing with the 'building program.
Pew realize what a great undertaking
it Was to have the camp in operation
this year and those who planned and
organized are to be congratulated
upon their achievement.
A wedding of interest to many in
this community took place at St. Pet-
er's Lutheran. Church manse, Zur-
ich,' when Alice Elizabeth, youngest
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Beaver, Zurich, became the bride of
Walter Leo Johnston, eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. W. Ifs Johnston, Bay-
field. Rev, E. Heiditich, Zurich, per-
formed the ceremony.
The bride wore a floor -length gown
of white satin, fashioned with grace-
ful flowing train, sweetheart neck-
line edged with a lace frill and nylon
yoke with satin bows. Her finger-tip
veil of tulle illusion was edged with
tiny bows and caught in a headdress
of velvet flowers. Site carried a white
Bible from which hung white ribbon
edged in silver, knotted with tiny
flowers and fern. Her only ornament
was a pearl pendants Miss Eileen
Beaver, Exeter, was her sister's
bridesmaid. She wore pink lace over
satin with fitted bodice and shirred
net edged with sweetheart neckline.
Her pink finger-tip veil was held in
place by a headdress of flowers. Miss
Pearl Gellman, maid of honor, was
attired in a sheer floor -length skirt
with a blue lace waist. Her finger_
tip veil was caught in a headdress of
blue flowers. Each attendant carried
an arm bouquet of pink and white
gladioli. The groom's brother, Ford
Misses Dorothy Little, Fern Wat-
son and 011ie Moon, returned to their
Jame Hesselwood is convalescing
at his sister's, .Mrs. J, Melville, after
breaking two ribs.
:Daniel Wishart and Rev. A. D. Pen-
man have returned home after their
trip to British Columbia.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Vodden spent
Sunday at the home of their daughter,
MTS. Bert Deer of Auburn.
Miss Pearl Griffiths, Guelph, spent
the weekend with her parents, Bir.
and Mrs. William Griffiths
Miss Kathleen Youngblarlit, nurse -
in -training in Clinton Publie Hospital.
spdrit ,Sunday afternoon at her home.
Mr. and Mrs. William Breen, Lon-
don, spent the weekend with the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William
Kenneth and Andrew Neilson were
at Stratford on 'Sunday.
!Miss Evelyn Wise visited in Auburn
for a few days last week.
,Mr. and Airs, S. F. Pishe, Detroit,
spent the holiday weekend with Mr.
and IVIrs. Stewart Middleton.
Mr, and 1VIrs. H. McCartney and
Miss June, were in London on Friday.
IVIrs. A. T. Hebden and Miss M. J.
Muir visited at London on Friday last.
Mr. and Mrs. Dodds, Hamilton,
visited over the weekend with Mr.
Dodds' sister, Mrs. Dave Campbell.
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hebden, ac-
companied by 'Miss M. J. Muir, were
at Stratford on Sunday attending the
family gathering.
Holiday visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
A. T. Ilebden were Mr. and Mrs. Dick,
Schenectady, N.Y., IVIr. and Mrs. R.
51. Ilebden, St. Marys, and Mr. and
Mrs. E. W. Hebden and Allan, London.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lawrence have
returned to their home in Hamilton,
after visiting the latter'g sister, Mrs.
William Wise. On their return they
Were accompanied by Miss Muriel
Wise, who will spend a holiday with
Johnston, was best man. A reception
was held later at the honie of the
bride's parentS.
Mr. and Airs. Johnston lett on a
wedding trip to Ottawa and Belleville,
the bride travelling in an ice blue
silk jersey dress with black sequin -
trimmed hat, and raspberry finger-
tip coats Since their return last week
they have taken up housekeeping in
the residence on W. H. Johnston's
farm, east of the village. Their many
friends in this vicinity join in con-
gratulations and best wishes to the
young couple,
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblutt and
family, Ingersoll, spent Sunday after -
'noon at the home of 1Vir. and Mrs -
Joseph Youngblutt.
The regular meeting of •the Aim -
well Mission Circle will be held Tues-
day evening, September 10, at the
home of Ws. Sid. Lansing.
Rev. Dr. W. Fingland and Mrs.
Fingland, Niagara Falls, brought the
former's parents, Mr. and MTS John
Firigland, home after their viiit with
Church Anniversary
Rev. Stephen Mathers, Toronto,,
will be the guest preacher in, the
United March, Liondesboro, on SUM, -
day, September S. The occasion wilt
mark the anniversary of the estab-
lishment of the church in this com-
munity, and special musical numbers
will be features of the services, which
will commence at 11 a.m. and 745 p.m..
The services' at Burns and Con-
stance will be cancelled for the day,
in order that the congregations may
unite with that of Londesboro, for
this anniversary, It is expected that
large congiegations will be present
to hear Mr. Mathers, who is well
known in this community.
Misses Gertrude and Helen Bond
have gone to London, the former hav-
ing accepted a position with the Lon-
don Life and the latter resuming her
teaching duties.
Rev. and Mrs.. C. P. Tavener have
returned from their cottage near Tor-
onto, and are spending a few days
this week renewing acquaintances in
the Chatham district.
SOlve Next W.nter's
Heat Problm
with an .
Oil Burning
Space Heater
Also on Hand:
ROPE -1", le, 3/4", a/4"
R. N. Alexander
PHONES: Clinton 803-22, Blyth 254
Your Vacation Store
Wool Shortees Coats
2 size 12 - Blue Clyde reg. $34.50 for $29.75
1 size 18 - Blue Clyde reg. 34.50 for 29.75
1 size 16 - Green Tweed reg. 32.50 for 27.95
2 size 16 - Turquoise Tweed reg. 29.50 for 27.95
1 size 18 - Brown Camel Hair, reg. 39.50 for 34.75
6 only untrimmed; 2 size 14, 2 size 14x, and 2 size 16
Ad Ladies' and Misses' Bathing Suits
Half Price
size 14, 16 and 18 - Reg. $14.95
• FOR 10.95
sizes 14 and 16 - Reg. $18.75
FOR 12.95
sizes 14.16 - Reg. $24.50
FOR 18.75
sizes 14 and 16, light grey shade
reg. 39.50 for 29.75
reg. 3.95 FOR 3.15
. sizes 5, 6 and 7
reg. 3.95 FOR 2.79
All wool lined - Sizes 26, 28, 30 and 32
reg. 9.75 FOR 8.°
White Fleece -Lined with Motifs - All Sizes
reg. 1.68 , FOR 1.°
40 pair reg 1.90 for 79c
10 pair of White reg. 1.00 for 79,c
"The Woollen Shoppe
Bayfield, Ontario •
This has been a new adventure for Bayfield. Holiday visitors and
tourists have appreciated it - we hope you in the village have also ap-
preciated it!
In order to show you our appreciation of the reception received, and
of your patronage, we are offering all our present high class stock of
Blankets, Coats, Sweaters, Novelties, etc., at greatly reduced prices. These
end of the season bargains are for 4 days only -Friday, Sept. 6, Sat., Sept.
7, Mon., Sept. 9, and Tuesday, Sept. 10. Store opens at 10 a.m. All sales final.
No refunds - no returns - no alterations. Read every item, and particularly
note the size, the color, the cloth and the price.
Ladies' Fashionable All Season Coats
No, Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
.1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 Size
1 '
Size 14
Size 14
Size 14
Size 151/2
Size 14
Size 12
Size 12
Size 14
Size 14
Size 14
Size 16
Size 16
Size 16
Size 18
Size 20
Size 10
Size 10
Size 18
Size 20
Size 13
Mauve' ,
Green ..
Cerise ..
Pink .. .
Bina .
Green ..
Green ..
Red Mixture
Wine .
Grey ..
Green ..•
Black ..
Grey.. .
• •
. •
. •
Cloth Reg. Price Sale Price
Clyde . reg. $31.50 for $29.'75
Shag .. 37.50 31.50
Shag .. 37.50 31.50
Sheep -Skin lined . 59.50 49.50
Quitted lined .. . 34.50 29.75
Camel Hair ......34.50 29.'75
Clyde...........34.50 29.75
.. Shag .. . 37.50 31.50
Broadcloth .. .. 34.50 29.75
.. Broadcloth .. 39.50 • 34.50
_ Blanket Cloth .. 34.50 29.75
. . Herringbone .. ..• . 29.50 23.75
Houndstooth Tweed 32.50 27.95
. Houndstooth Tweed 32.50 27.95
. Herringbone .. 32.50 27.95
. Glen Check .. .. 32.50 27.95
, Plain Tweed , .. 29.50 24.75
Plain Tweed 24.50 19.75
. Harris Tweed .. . 39.50 32.50
Houndstooth Tweed .. 32.50 27.95
Tweed , . .. 32.50 27.95
Plaid .. .. 24.50 19.75
Herringbone .. 32.50 27.95
. . , Herringbone .. 32.50 27.95
. , Houndsteoth Tweed 32.50 27.95
. „ .Fur Lined (detachable) 59.50 49.50
• ... Plaid Tweed .. 32.50 27.95
.. Fitted Tweed ......34.50 29.75
.• Novelty Tweed .. ... 34.50 32.50
. , Novelty Stripe .. ... 24.50 19.75
. Tweed .. 25.00 22.75
.. Tweed .. .. 22.50 19.75
Houndstooth Tweed .. 34.50 29.75
Closes for the Season
Wool Blankets
3 Pair - Scarlet with Black Border -
reg. 20.00 for 16.95
2 Pair - Fawn reg. 18.50 for 16.95
2 Pair - Grey -
1 - Reversible Green and Rose for 11.75
Unpainted Lawn Chairs
folding type reg. 3.95 for 2.98
with arms reg. 195 for 3.75.
4 Carved Wooden Trays reg. 3.50 for 2.95
3 Hand Painted Wooden Trays reg. 4.50 for 3.25
Men's and Boys' Swim Trunks
Half Price
Sizes Small, Medium and Large - Heavy Quality
reg. 4.95 FOR 3.98
Sizes 37, 38, 40 and 42
29.50 quality for, 24.75
24.50 for 21.75 and 22.50. for 19.75
Wool Gabardines - One Size 37 and One Size 40
reg. 37.50 FOR 32.50
Men's Overcoats and Top Coats
Nes Size Color Reg. Price Sale Price
2 39 Brown Tweed $29.50 for $24.75
1 39 Brown Tweed 25.00 19.75
1. 40 Blue Tweed 22.50 17.50
1 38 Grey 1/2 Belt 24.50 16.95
1 38 Grey Box Back 25.00 19.50
1 35 Brown Raglan 19.75 16.95
1 35 Navy Silvertone 24.50 16.95
1 42 Brown Melton . 35.00 27.50
1 40 Green. Herringbone 29.50 24.75
1 42 Green Herringbone 29.50 24.76
1 44 Grey Scotch Tweed 50.00 44.50
1 44 Brown Scotch Tweed 50.00 44.50
Take Advantage of these End -of -the -Season Clearances at your Vacation Store
The Woollen Shoppe, Bayfield