HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-05, Page 5ilTITIRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 1946 MAMBECOED‘: PAGE FIVE News Record Classified Ad.lets Bring Quick Results One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of our; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE MAN'S WINTER OWER,COAT-L,Navy blue chinchilla, goad condition, size 28-40. $5. 'Apply Box "F" NEWS - RECORD. '36-p WE STILL HAW ON HD a large stock of Teat 'tractor tires branding 10-28 9-36 seconds. Hyde Tractor Co., '26-p FRESH LAKE! ERIE HERRING and Whitefish; also smoked herring. 'Jahn Toms, Hayfield, Phone Ilovey's 'Store, Clinton, 631r21. 3647-38-39-p GOVERNMENT TESTED 'TEMOTRY Seed, $4.50 per bushel. Apply Hen Rathwell, phone 906r16 Clinton. 3546-p FEACHEIS FOR SALE 'From Labour May through September. 'Bring yoer vcontainers. Vance Bros., Lake ,Road, Forest. Phone 'Forest 611r14. 35-36-37-p TREEaRIPENED PEACHES, Lona 'bard Plums, Prunes, Ripe Tomatoes, C;elety, Cabbage, Pickling Beets. Ap- ply Geoage Hopson, 4th Conceasion, Goderich Township, phone 903r23. 36-37-b 'RENFREW SALES and SERVICE— 'Hand Turned and Electric Cream Sep- arators. Enamelled stoves and repairs -for the Anker -Holt separator. For particulars, phone or write Basil 'O'Rourke, Brucefield, phone Clinton 618r21. 34-35-3647-38-p MISCELLANEOUS ASTHMA Spa: PaRERS — ENJOY A •good night's sleep without coughing .and choking, as others are doing. For free inforraation write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb 'LLOYDS 'OORN AND CALLOUS Salve gives immediate relief from corns and callouses. 50 cents at Pennebakees Drug Store. 36-40-42-46-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED APARTMENT OR HOUSE WANTED immediately, small family. Apply at NEWS -RECORD. 29b-tfb AIRMAN AND WIFE REQUIRE two banished rooms or snit° for light housekeeping. Mrs. A. E, Hainstock, 'phone 276W. 35 -36 - LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TWENTY PIGS—SIX WEEKS OLD. laugh 13a11, phone Canton 617r2. 36-p 100 BARRED ROOK PULLETS — started to lay. Apply George Colelough R.11. 1, Clinton. 36-p GOVERNIVIENT :Graded LEICESTER XXX ram lambs, $25; one XX at $22. Fall rye for geed, 20 per lb. Apply Colin Lawson, Hayfield. 36-37-38-39-p BOARS OF ALL AGES — EXTRA good quality. Apply Roy Lawson, two miles west of Seaforth on Highway. 36-p TEN HEAD OF^ GOOD DURHAM cattle, around 600 pounda; ten chunks of pigs, around 100 pounds; also smile little pigs. lApply James, East, R.R. 4, Clinton. 36-p PROPERTY FOR SALE GOOD BUILDING LOT on SHIPLEY St. Has 50' frontage and 100' depth. Apply at Alvin Cox at Aiken's Har- uess Shop. 35-36-p TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- er and electricity; Perrin Block, either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter- national Salt Block; also one lot in Clinton Cemetery. Apply A. J. Coop- er, Box 2'1, Goderich. 28-btfb. WANTED TO BUY LIBRARY TABLE IN GOOD con- dition. Phone 347r. 3643 PILES 'are generally caused OLD HORSES from a (blood) conges- If dead phone at once. Phone collect and DEAD CATTLE, tion. Try Bunkers to Jack Gilbert 936r21 or Fred Gil - "Herbal Pills to treat the cause at its bert 936r32, Goderich, 33-btfb source. Money( back if the first bottle .does not satisfy, At Drug 'Stores. 36-38-40-42-44-46-48-49-51-2p AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. 'Watkins Company, Dept. 0 -C -lb, 2177 'Masson St, Montreal, Que. 26-37-38-39-h HELP WANTED GIRL for GENERAL Houslitwom Phone Clinton 382 local 55 34 35-36-p Incentive "Darling," mother anxiously inquir- ed, "what can I do to induce you to go to bed now?" "Yon can let me sit up a little while longer," was the innocent reply. "HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH LIFE: AND HE THAT HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH NOT LIFE," , 1 John 5:12 "HIM THAT COMETH TO ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT," John 6:37 TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RAMO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR 411. DON'T HESITATE If you are in need of fall and winter clothing, see us now. Shopping -wise mothers are stocking up in preparation for the cold days ahead. While our stock of UNDERWEAR and WIND - BREAKERS is complete at the present time, we will be unable to obtain More, tsti we suggest you shop now, don't be disappointed later, Woollen Weaters Jackets Plaid Doeskin Shirts Woollen Blankets 9 Pickett and Campbell ,QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR Agents for Tip Top Tailors, Cambridge Clothes, Scott McHale Shoes PHONE 25 CLINTON Help Wanted Female —APPLY— Clinton Knitting Company, Limited PHONE 117 - CLINTON 86-btfb; Save Your Tires BRING YOUR TIRE TROIH1LDS TO AS WHITE ROSE GASOLINE AND OIL Harry Davies Tire and Battery Nmw LOCATION: VICTORIA. ST, CLINTON '(Formerly Operated by W. M Ne48ge) MARRIAGES COOK-BEZZO—At the home of the bride's parents, on Sattualay, Aug- ust 31, 1946, by Rev, CaC. Ander- son, Ada Bernice, daughter of Mr. 'and Mrs. William Bezzo, Clinton, to Stephen Cook, St. Thomas, son •of Mr. and Mos. John Gook, ,West Lorne. , CAMERONLFORREISTI)R — A t "Woodlands," the cottage of Rev. and Mrs. D. J. Lane, Port Elgin, •on 1VIonclay, August 26, 1946, bY Rev. D. J. Lane, Clinton, 'VI/a. Agnes Forrester, 'Clinton, to James Alex- ander Cie/norm Toronto. HOLLAND-POTTER-eAt the lime of the bride's parents, "Sunnyside Farm," Goderich Townehij, on Sat- , arday, August 31, 1946, by Rev. Andrew Lane, 'Clinton, Clete Win. - tared, youngest daughter °a Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pottea, to Wesley Peter Holland, only son of IVIr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland, Clinton. • MAGMIRE-U1SHE11 — In Chalmers United Church, Toronto, on Satur- day, August 24, by Rev. E. J. Eagle, Thelma May, daughter ef George Usher, Toronto, to Edgar William,. son of Hugh P. aV/aguire, Clinton. PALIVIER-GILKINSON--In Wesley' United Chuach, London, by Rev. C. 0. Washington, Olive Loreen, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs.1 Richard Gilltinson, Wingharn, to ' Lewis Sydney Palmer, Palmerston, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Palmer, Fenelen Falls. YOUNG-LOBH—In Ontario St. Unit ea Church, Clinton, on Saturday, .Axigust 31, 1946, by ,Rev. C. D. Cox Bervie, uncle of the bride, as- sisted hy Rev. W. J. Woolfrey, min- ister of the church, Mildred Kath- leen, younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank Lobb, Clinton, to Ben- jamin W. Young, son of Mr. and MTS, Arthur A. Young, Toronto. BIRTHS BOYCE—n Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, lAlugust 30, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Fred Boyce, Brucefield, a daughter (Betty Lou). MaeKAY—In Clipton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, snptember 3, 1946, to Mr, and MTS. relV(IS MacKay, Clin- ton, twin sons, DEATHS HARWOOD—la Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Thursday, September 5, 1946. Bertha Alice Longmire, beloved wife of Gordon W. Harwood, Goderich Township, and dear mother of Mary, Mr. R. Benson Sutter, Clinton; Maurice W., Thamesville; and 0. IVIelville, a home, in her 48th year. The body is resting at the Iltophey Funeral Home, Montreal St,, God- erich, whence the funeral will take place Saturday, September 7, 1946, at 2.30 pm, to Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, SIGNS OF ALL KINDS * TRUCKS • * BOARDS * WINDOWS * CLOTH * CARD or PAPER BANNERS KIRBY SIGNS Ph. 589R, CLINTON Princess St, West N.,10 1 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure ringer Waves Permanents ETHEL THONIPSON Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf 'CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 664:v and Ogg Batkins Locker Storage We have 'a shipment of this season's. fish in now We expect to have a road ef Fneshly Picked PEACHES in on Th-urs— day. WE, BUY HIDES Frosen Fed a are Better tbods FEW CROPS AFFECTED' ADVERSELY BY FINE WEATHER CONDITION (Continued front Paga 11 of grazing which gives such excellent aesults. Tornip Capp lAnother field crop that has been adversely 'tiffeeteci is turnips. Already we have received several repoats of patches 'affected with turnip. lice or limn -4i aphids. One infestation is quite severe andis causing consider- able damage and loss. .Aphids or lice are the most *port - ant insect enemies of tremins and of- ten cause serious loss. They are usually found on the underside of the leaf and when severe may cover that side of the leaf, then swarm onto the :upper surface, Winged females spread the aphids from plant to plant. These are slacking insects and feed by piercing theough the surface of the leaf with their lhaap mouth -parts and extracting the jivices. The aesialt is that in a shoat time the leaves become 'SO drained 'of their juice that they turn a sickly -yellow colour and the plants either die dr are much dwarfed. Attacks early in the season may kill the plants. If the attack occurs late in the season the turnips often begin to decay and the adour may be detected half a utile away. :Sometimes however, disease, para. site and other natural enemies of the aphids step in and save the crop just when it seems doomed, Control After the aphids have spread all over the field it is too late to attempt control because the proper equipment is not available with which the aphids on the under sides of the leaves can be destroyed. Keep a sharp outlook for the first infested areas in the field. These areas are at first small and unusally found within the first ten rows exeunt" the field. If possible destroy the aphids on these Haat infested plants by thoroughly spraying both sides of the leaves with a solution of one pound of linseed oil soap in ten gal thns of water, Or pull up the in- fested plants and bury them on the spot. It is important that this be done while the infested areas are 'small, otherwise winged females will have spread the aphids to other parts ef the field. Nicotine dusts and 'sprays are sometimes recommended but do not give a 100 per cent kill. Derris is fairly effective, but much more costly. It is also advisable to plow down all turnip refuse in the late f all. Potato Fie)d: Serviee Arrangements have been made by the Caws, 'Seeds and Weeds Branch of the Ontario Department SA Agri- culture, to provide Ontario commer- cial potato growers with a field crop service of inspection of potato fields for the detection of the highly in- fectious and destructive disease known as bacterial ring rot, it is announced be It E. Goodin, Potato Fieldman for Ontario. Qualified in- spectoas are prepared to examine the crops foa the disease and also to familiarize growers and members of the trade with symptoms, preventa- tive measures and coniwol. Although this dreaded disease is comparatively new to Ontario grow- ers, it has already been the means of losses amounting to many thous - end a of: dollars. If neglected, the disease will increase in one year from O trace up to thirty or forty per cent. If proper precautions are tak- en, however, the disease can be en- tirely cleaned up in one season. So infectious is the organism that as many as fifty plants ecu be infected from a knife which has been used to cut a diseased tuber. A perfectly 'healthy looking tuber may carry the disease, therefore seed treatment, spraying or dusting is- no guarantee that the resulting' crop will be disease free. The 'greatest means of infec- tion is from steend band bags, madiinery ancl either by diredt con- tact or use of diseased seed. The disease first makes its appearance in the plant but soon infects the tuber, CHOICE SPRING CHICKENS DRESSED $1.35 each Killed Friday Night for Saturday Delivery 10 cents Extra for Drawing A. Garcon PHONE 312 CLINTON • IM • • WO "1111. ION NV PLASTER REPAIRING ' Plaster ;repairs proniptly and neatly; 'done A. French & Son Plastering Contractors ; .136x 23 Phone 187 ; WINGHAVI ONT.: ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in COrnlee Work and Decorative Plastering' Wanted --- Female Two Girls for ReStaurant Work ---- APPLY The KOZY GRILL, Clinton 36-tfb , ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—Gale Storm as 6 "SUNBONNET SUE" Now Playing—The Art, Linkletter Show --. "PEOPLE ARE FUNNY" Now Playing—Dorothy Lamour in "MASQUERADE IN MEXICO" Mon., Tues., Wed —Dual Features William Gargan, Nancy Kelly and Regis Toomey — A. merry mina takes over a man-size job and un- ravels a murder mystery in "Follow That Woman" ALSO=Eddie Brackett and Ver. onica Lake —'in the year's moat hilarious comedy "Hold That Blonde" . Mon., Tues., Wed.—Two Features Veronica Lake, Sonny Tufts and Joan Caulfield—with Lillian Gish and a star cast in the lively and enteataining comedy romance "Miss Isla, sie slaws', Osa Massen, Keye Luke and Lotus Long—In the year's most thrilling picture "TOKYO ROSE" Mona Tues., Wed. —Adult Entertlinment— Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake and William Bendix—Raymond Chand- ler's terrific tale of erhne and the law comes to the Regent screen packed. with action And mystery. "THE BLUE DAHLIA" Thur., Fria Sat. Jack Haley, Helen Walker and Ozzie Nelson—with Rudy Vallee and Art Linkletter in radio's, most upeoatious fun -show. aa • "People Are Funny" Thurs., Fri., Sat. Maria Montez, Preston Foster and Robert Paige—The city of seven sine where a guy from Kansas meets a dangerous woman and death stands still while they love "TANGIER" Thurs., Fri., Sat, Bob Hope, Joan Caulfield and Patric Knowles — Lavish settings and Hope's tomfoolery give a shot".r of adrenalin to Louis' barber "Monsieur Beaucaire" Coming—In Technicolor "SARATOGA TRUNK" Coming—Paulette Goddard as "KITTY" — Adult Entertainment Matinees—,Sat, Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Coming—MOLD THAT BLONDE' and "FOLLOW THAT WOMAN" Mat—Wed. Sat, Holidays, 2.30 pm. Matinees—Sat., Holidays, 2.30 p.m. and the symptoms are quite notice- able. Requests for inspection 'service, which is without charge, should be made at once, either to the Crops, Seeds and Weeds Branch, Ontario Department of Agriculture, Parliam- ent Buildings, Toronto, or to the of- fice of your County Agricultural Iaep- resentative, I vras 1•aither interested in the re- sults of one of 'our fertilizer tests on hay, conducted by Professor Bell of the Soils Department at the Ontario Agricultural 'College, This experi- ment was carried out on the farm of Mr. W. Vanlag-mond, Clinton. A very high nitrogen fertilize, in fact it was 331/2 per cent available nitrogen, was applied to a two-year field of hay at the rate of approxi- mately 100 pounds of fertilizer on two-thirds of an acre. This was ap- plied in early May and in only a few days one could easily pick out the aa.ea in the field. -Cuttings were taken from both the fertilized area and the cheek area, and I have just this morning received the figures from Professor Bell. Yield of hay receiving the ain- monium 'nitrate, 11,005 lbs. per acre; yield of hay on check plot, 9,393 lbs. per acre; gain for the nitrate, 1,610 lbs. per acre. The :results are far wider in scope than these figures of yield indicate, The area wheae the fertilizer was applied gave a yield of hay ef greater !quality, thick -eke§ and freshness. Upon analysis it will likely be found that the hay from the fertilized area will be much higher in nutrients and protein. Additional war brides, scheduled to arrive from overseas on the "Lady Rodney", which is scheduled to clock at Halifax, N.S. on September 10, in- clude: Mrs. W. S. Cameron, Lucknow, Mrs. C. E Armstrong, Seaforth, 1VIrs. W. A McClure, Seaforth, CARD OE THANKS Thornap Leppington desires to ex- press his sincere thanks and 'apprecia- tion for the many acts of kindness shown to him during his accent en- forced stay in Clinton Public Hospital. 36-p NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of ELIZA MeNEIL, late of the Town of Clinton in the County of Huron, Widow, Deceased. All persons having clahns against the Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the Estate, n or before the 23rd day of Septem- ber, AD. 1946, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having re- gard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. DATED at Clinton, this 30th day of August, A.D. 1946. F. FINGLAND, Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate 36.37-38-b The School of Commerce Fall Term begins Monday, Sept. 9 COURSES: Commercial, Stenographic, Clerical, Secretarial REGISTER NOW B. P. WARD, Principal, Phone 198 35-36-b Don't Leave Your Furnace Repairs and Cleaning Till Fall Order Now BE SURE OF SATISFACTION HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing = Heating ee. Sheet Metal Work Near Agent for Het* rurneitel PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 476 Open Sunday September 8 Bring your car in on a week day for a thorough lubrication job Cities Service Service Station Charles D. Shanahan Ring St., Phone 342 Clinton Coal and Wood "Enterprise" Range A high-class range with polished steel top, high shelf and reservoir, fully enamel -lined oven. SEE IT TODAY Cash Price $97.50 HAWKINS HARDWARE PHONE: Business 244 Residence 598j CLINTON TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES County of Huron, Province of Ontario' To Wit: BY VIRTUE OF A WARR.ANT under the hand of the Warden and Seal ef the County of Huron, bearing.date the 12th July, 1946, and to me directed, commanding me to levy upon the lands mentioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes thereon, together with all costs incurred, I hereby give notice that, unless the arrears and costs are sooner paid, I shall proceed to sell the said lands, or as much thereof as shall be sufficient to discharge such arrears of taxes and charges thereon, at the office in the Court House in the Town of Godericla by public auction, on Novel -abet 4th, 1946, at the hour of two o'clock in the afternoon, in compliance with the Statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if any of the 'said lands remain unsold an adjourned sale will be held on November 19th, 1946, at the same time and place at which the Municipalities may reserve the right to purchase any of the said lands. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Name and Description Years.in ' Arrears Taxes Costs Vaal Lorne MaKenziea-Lots MS 3-5-21, Con. 4 ED a. 1343-4-5 $39.60 $3.00 $42.60 ' TOWNSHIP O.FapREY Wm McNair, Sr, --:-Lot 11, Con. 10 • * ''' ' 19434.5 333.27 10.55 343.82 ' 'TOWNSHIP OF HAY , A R, Conway—Lot 7, N. Turnbull Survey '' ; '' 1943-4-5 11:85 2.30 1 .15 TOWNSHIP OF HOWICK Thos, Wilsom-Mill Reserve, Fardwich /948 Della Jeffrey—Pt. Lots 2 arid, 3, Culross St., Belmore 1943-4-5 Violet Milligan—Lots 7-8 Milt St:, Wroxeter 1943-4 Wen; Craig-LPt: Lot 43y Con. 14 TOWNSHIP OF HULLETT 1943-4 TOWNSHIP OF mows Frank McCaughey -N. % Lat' 16, Con. 9 .1.943-4-5 C. Campbell Eatate—S.W. 1/2 Lot 1!8, S.1/2, Lot 19, Con. 3 . , 1943 Nelson Donglas—N, pt. Let 24, Con. 9 • 1943 TOWNSHFP 08' TUCKERSMITH Geo. Menaell Estate—Pt. Lot 15, Con, 1 ERS 1943-4-5 TOWNSHIP OF EAST WAWANOSH ' HUgh Rinn, Wm.Patteramt—Lot 35, Con. 8 .... 1199443:44:55 INE sabella Young—pt. Lot 36, Cora 10 3 Clista• Martin—S. 1/2 S. %. Lots 28-29, Con. 12 1943-4-5 James Martin—N. % Lots 28-29, Con. 12 . , .. . .. • • • 1948-4-5 VILLAGE, OF BRUSSELS Angus Campbell Estate- Lots 57-58 Mill St 1943-4.5 91 412 \ Maria Campbell Estate "...LOU 604 Mill St, ..................1942-4-5 5.96 May Ribliards=-Pt, Lot 268, Mill' St a - . , . - 1948-415 5.96 Andrew. Tennant Estate—Lets /72-175, 178-9. James St. PKV, Maple 1943 23.38 All of the above lots are patented A. H. ERSKINE, CotintY Goderich, Ontario July 19th, 1946. Publiehed in The bntario Gazette, August 3rd, 1946 44.22 30.10 25.10 3,05 2,75 2,63 47.27 . 32.85 27.73 10.58 2,27 12.85 241.75 8.05 249.80 144.64 5.61 150.25 15.00 2.38 17.38 17.77 2.45' 20:22 300.92 ' 3.26 192.02 328.19 9.53 310.45 2.25 5.51 6.80 . 198.82 10.29 338.89 7.05 2.25 2.25 2.60 Treasurer 98.97, 621' 8.21 25.98 a I 33-36-40-b