HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-05, Page 4PAGE FOUR
THURSDAY, sEPTE11113EIR '6, 1946
Women's and Church Affairs in Clinton and District
A quiet wedding took place on Mon-
day, August 26, 1946, at "Woodlands,"
the cottage of Rev. and Mrs. D. J.
Lane, Port Elgin, when Mee. _tithes
Forrester, Clinton, was united in mar-
riage to James Alexander Cameron,
Toronto. Rev. D. J. Lane performed
the ceremony.
The bride wore •a gown of white
sheer with navy accessories and hat
to match and a •corsage of white heath-
er which had been sent from Scotland.
Met and Miss Cameron left on a
wedding trip and on their return will
reside in Toronto.
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
Chalmers United Church, Toronto, by
Bev. E. J. Eagle, on Saturcley, August
24, at 3 pan. when Thelma May Usher,
youngest daughter of George Usher,
became the bride of Edgar William
Maguire, son of Hugh P. Maguire,
The bride chose a powder blue suit
with navy accessories and wore a
eorsage of red roses. She was attend-
ed by Miss Bernice Taylor, Toronto,
-who wore a black suit with pink ac-
cessories and a corsage of pink glad-
ioli. The groom was attended by
Thomas Brown, Long Breech,
etfterwards a rreception was held at
the bride's home. The young couple
left amid showers of confetti for a
honeymoon at Bay Lake Lodge. They
will reside in Toronto.
.A. weddhig-eteas, solemnized in. Wes-
ley United Church, London, by Rev.
0. O. Washington, when Olive Loreen,
youngest daughter of M. and Mrs.
Richard Gilkinsen, Winghani, became
the bride of Lewis Sydney' Palmer,
Palmersten, son of the late Mr. and
Mrs. John Palmer, Fenelon Falls.
The bride was charming in a street -
length frock of powder blue, with
matching accessories. She wore • a
corsage of pink roses. Her only or-
nament was a pearl 'necklace, gift of
the groom. 'She was attended by Miss
Jean Webster, Lucknove •who chose a
dress of coral crepe, fashioned . on sim-
ilar lines to that oe the bride, with
brown •accessmies and corsage 'of
Talisman TOS89.
The groomsman was Stewart
Beattie, Wing -ham.,
The wedding dinner was served in
the dining TOOM of Hotel Belvedere,
London. The couple left on a motor
trip to Northern Ontario, the bride
travelling in a navy blue tailored suit
with navy accessories and Russian
squirrel neckpiece.
Mr. and Mrs. Palmer have taken up
residence in Palmerstoe, Where the
groom is principal of the public
The bride WAS a member of Clinton
Pablic Sehcol teaching staff for
several years.
We have 75 Room Lot Bundles and are
offering these at One -Half Price. This
may be your last opportunity to buy any
selection of room lots this year.
4 \ 7 1
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The All -Purpose itrindow Material
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VIMLITE — The Flexible '
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Stove Pipes
6" and 7" black
Lacquered, ' 6" and 7" '
26"x26", 26"x34"
attractively decorated
The home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Bezzo, Clinton, was the scene of a
lovely wedding cm Saturday, August
31, 1946, at 2 p.m, when Rev C. C.
'Anderson united in mail:lege their
daughter, Ada Bernice and Stephen
Cook, St. Themes,eon of MT. and
Mrs. John Cook, West Lorne. The
ceremony took place under an arch
of pink and white bared with glad-
ioli, astere and fern.
The bride, given in ' marriage by
her oldest brother, William I. Besmo,
London was wearing light blue euit
with silver trimmings and wore a cor-
sage of, pink roses. She was attended
by her Oster, Mrs. .A.tmand Alcock,
Goderich, who wore a navy blue suit
and a corsage of red emses.
The groom was attended by his
brother, Howard Cook, West Lorne.
Following the ceremony a reception
was held. The bride's neither receiv-
ed wearing a mauve dress and a cor-
sage of pink roses. She was assisted
by the groom's mother who wore blue
with black accessories mid a corsage
of red roses. The bride's cable was
covered with a lace cloth widen had
been sent horne from Germany while
her brother leas serving overseas.
Centreing the table was the bride's
cake. A. buffet luncheon was served
by Misses Fern Carter, Gloria Dale
and Mrs. Reg. Clifford: Clinton.
For travelling to Sarnia and Ghat -
ham, the bride wore a light blue suit
with brown accessories. •
The guests numbering about 40
were present from London, Bancroft,
Centralia,'West Lorne, London, Meat -
fed, St. Thomas, Godmich and Clin-
A quiet but pretty wedding took
place on Saturday, (August al, at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Pred Potter,
Sunnyside Farm. •Goderich Township,
when their youngest daughter, Clete
liVinnifred, was united hs marriage to
Wesley Peter Holland, only son of
Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Holland, Clinton.
The marriage ceremony was perform-
ed by Rev. Anderw Lane. Clinton.
The bride, g'ven in marriage by her
fathereentered the living roum to the
strains of Lohengrie's Bridal Chorus,
played by her sister, Mrs. Edward
Grigg, and took her place before a
bank of gladioli and fern. She wore
a street -length dress of pale blue silk
jersey with pearl necklace and ear-
rings and carried a cascade bouquet
of pink Briareliffe roses.
Her sister, Miss Ruth Potter, act-
ed as bridesmaid, weaving rose silk
Mew and canting a Colonial bouquet
of white Killarney roses and white
The groom was supported by his
Cousin, Fred Gibson.
During the signing of the register,
"0 Perfect Love," was played by the
A buffet luncheon was served by
three girl friends of the bride: Misses
Kathleen Gibson, Anna teole and
Eileen Sutter.
For travelling, the bride donned 'a
suit of navy blue 'wool pin seripe, navy
bat and matching accessories.
The bridal couple left amid showers
of confetti for Lindsay and other
North= points. Upon returning they
will take up residence in Gocieriek
Coupons now due are sugar -
preserves SI to 825; butter 7418
to R20 and meat Q1 to Q3.•
Olub will meet
in the Church Parlor on Tuesday
evening, September 10 at eight o'clock
with Mrs. Freel in charge.
The Women's Missionary Society of
Wesley -Willis United Church • will
hold its regulaa: meeting in the church
parlour ort Thursday, September 12,
at 8 paie The new Study Books "In-
dia at the Threshold" by Peter Bryce,
and "Central India Now" by Dr. Ken-
neth J. Beaton will be introduced by
Miss Dello O'Neil. Mrs. James Mc -
Gill's group will be in charge.
Put new life into your ches-
erfield with a re -upholster-
ing job. This is frequently
more satisfactory than a
complete new one. Phone
NEWS -RECORD 4, and we
will call and give you an
estimate. No obligation. •
Dick The Upholsterer
*MC %Of* says—
There's nothing better than a delicious
cake for those snacks and lunches.
There's nothing harder to provide
without the best ingredients. Use
King Pastry Flour
and make good cake -baking‘ easy.
Ontario ,Sereee United Church pre,
seeded the scene of a pretty wedding
on Saturday, Anguet 31, esehen Mildred
Kathleen, younger, daughter •of Mr.
and Mrs. Frank G. Lobb, Olintons
was united in maeriage to Benjamin
W. Young, son ,of Mr. and Mrs. Ar-
thus A. Young, Toronto,
The church was effeetively decorat-
ed with pink and white gladioli and
background of • hemlock. Rev. O. D.
0ox, Bervie, uncle of the bride, per -
farmed the ceremony, with Rev. W.
Woolfrey, assisting.
The 'bride given in emeriage • by
her father, looked very charming in
her floor-lengthgown of ivory satin
and swiss net with fitted bodice. Her
floor -length trap. was *aught up in-
to. a coronet of eatin, she earried red
roses and her oney ornament was a
string- of pearls.
Her sister, Mrs. Dereald Emelt,
was maid -of -honor and wore a floor -
length gown of ice -blue taffeta with
sweetheart neckline and cap sleeves.
Her headdress 'consisted of two blue
ostrich plumes caught up with blue
net. She carried Talisman roses.
Betty.Stiirdy, Auburn, madea win-
some flower girl, gowned in yellow
silk •organza with off -the -shoulder
ex:airline and long' full skirt. She car-
ried a nosegay of mauve sweet peas.
The groom was attended by his
brother, Jack Young. The ushers were
Derrald Ferein, Clinton, and Harold
Culley, Toronto.
Just before the ceremony a con-
tralto solo was rendered by Miss
Willa Wyeth of London, "I'll Walk
Beside Yeu." Daring the signing of
the register she sang "Through the
'1 ears." Mrs E. Wended accompanied
at the organ.
Following the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
parents. The bride's mother received
in a gown of black with matching
accessories and a corsage of talisman
roses. The groom's mother assisted
in a gown of olive green With brown
accessories and a corsage of talisman
Abuffet luncheon was served by
Misses Elaine Fuller, Maude Epps,
Bernice Lobb and Betty Williams, to
• about 50 guest's.
For travelling the bride donned a
smartly tailored grey wool frock with
black plastic accessories. They plan
on travelling to Niagara Falls and
through the States, after which they
will take up residence ni Hamilton,
where the groom will be attending
MeMaster University.
Guests were present from St; Cath-
arines, Brooklyn, Toronto mid London.
Gladioli and fern formed a pretty
setting at the Evangelical Church,
Zurich for the marriage of Helen
Ruth, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd
O'Brien, Zurich, to Aethur MacLean,
eldest son of Mr. and Mrs, Neil Mac-
Lean, Charlottetown, P.E.e. Rev, G.
B. Hecicendorn officiated at the cere-
mony. Nes. Jack Turkehe was or-
ganist and Mies Marion Smith sang
"The Lord's Prayer." and "I'll Walk
Beside 'You."
The bride, given in marriage: by her
father, wore a mem of heavy ivory
satin fashioned with a fitted bodice.
The yoke was edged with a net frill
and •the full skirt extended into a
long train. Iles' long veil oi embroid-
ered white net was held In place by
a halo of orange bloesoms. She car-
ried a full shower bouquet of red
Better Times roses and stepanotis.
Miss Doris Lambe, London, as maid
of honor, wore a colonial gown of
turquoise taffeta and carried a col-
onial. bouquet of Joanna Hill roses.
Miss Betty O'Brien as bridesmaid,
and Miss Catharine O'Brien as junior
bridesmaid close matching colonial
dresses of orchid and yellow. They
carried ribbon colonial bouquets of
Butterfly roses and Ta•lisinan roses.
Their headdresses were shoulder..
length veils held in place by a halo
of orange blossoms.
Little Marion TurItheirn was flower
girl in a pink silk net fro& and car-
ried a nosegay of pink sweet Peas
and baby's breath. ,
Kenneth Richardson; cousin of the
ii Will/111)1
John. R.. ,Gook has returned to his
teaching duties in Imgessoll.
Mr. and les, George II, Beattie are"
in. Toeonto, for a few days oafs week.
Miss Kathleen McGill spent the
weekend in Toronto, visiting- feionds'.
Lorne McBride, Windsor, spent the
helidser wth •Mr. and Mrs. 13. A. Kay
and. Den,
Mrs.. J.E. Johnston; Hamilton, spent
last week with her sister, les. Icicle
Douglas Shipley, Toronto; has been
visitinge his- mother; Mist William
Mr. and MTS. Roy Campbell, Toledo,
Ohio, spent a few days with the for-
nter's sister, Ws. Iddo Okla.
MTS..Telm Miller and daughter Jane,
St. Albans, N.Y., spent the past week
with Mrs'. W. Thomas Hawkins. ,
Ronald Waites and Herold Haugh-
ton, Toronto,, were weekend visitors
with Mr. and Mee Lawrence Haugh-
Mr. arid Mrs. eir: arc Aiken have
returned from a 'trip through. Western
Canada, having, been ,gone about six
Mr. and Mrs A. T. Cooper have
retnined from a pleasant week holi-
daying at Roselawn Ledge, Bala,
Mr. and Mrs. Feed Elliott, Toronto,
spent the weekend and holiday with
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W.
Mr. and Mrs. Craig Cooper and
daughter, Miss Elizabeth, Hamilton,
spent the weekend with les. 3. W.
Mr. and Mrs. James A. 1VIcG4ll were
holiday visitors at the honie of their
son, James E. McGill and Mrs. Mc-
Gill, Windsor,
Mir and Mrs. John Gibbings have
returned to Stratforcl after visiting
the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
B. Gibbings.
Ur. and Mrs. E. J. Jenkins have re-
turned to Ottawa after a three weeks'
visit with MT. and MTS. T. R. Jenkins
and other eelatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 'Johnston and
son Douglas, St. Catharines, spent -the
iveekend in Clinton attending the
Young -Loth wedding.
bride, as ring bearer, wore a white
William Jones, London, was
groomeinan, ancl the ushers, were Wil_
liani O'Brien and Douglas Ashman.
Following the ceremony a reception
was held at the home of the bride's
parents. Mn and Mrs. MacLean left
for Muskoka, the bride travelling in
a fuchsia suit with black accessories
and an orchid corsage. On their re-
turn they will reside on Marley Place,
At First Presbyterian manse, Sea -
forth :Betty Doreen, eldest daughter
of dr. and Mrs. Garnet MeClinchey,
Seaforth, became the bride of Charles
Malcolm Seott, Seaforth, son of les.
Helen K. Scott, Seaftirth, Rev. R.
H. Williams officiated.
For her wedding the bride chose a
floor -length gown of white sheer with
finger-tip veil end carnation head-
dress, and she earried a bouquet of
red roses. Miss Geraldine Eckert,
Seaforth, her bridesmaid, wore a pink
gown, in floor -length style, with
matching headdress. Her flowers
were pink carnations and blue lark-
Keith IVIcOlinchey, Owen Sound,
brother of the bride, was best man.
A reception was held at the home
of the bride's parents,
For their wedding trip to London
and Hamilton the bride donned a
brown dress with green arcessories,
over -which was worn a white Ken-
wood shortie teat with a corsage of
roses. Mr, and Mrs. ,Stott will take
up residence in Setif -Orel.
(All times mentioned below are Daylight Saving)
REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister
MTS. Erneet Adams, Organist
. Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader
Bible ,School and Church ,Service *111
be combined Sunday' morning
meeting at 11 a.m.
The evening service is withdrawn be-
cause of armiversary at Auburn.
Rev. •Mir. Gregg of Exeter, will be at
Clinton, ni,the- morning and Aub-
urn, in she afternoon and evening.
Yost will B1S? this veteran India
• Ontario St. United Church
REV. W. J. wooLraur, Minister
B. J. Gibbing*, Choir Leader
• Mrs, E, Wenderf, Organist
11.00 AWL—Morning WoeshiP
"The Golden Rule"
12•15—Sun5l8y, School
7.00 P.M.—Evening Worship
"The Trend of Life"
Wesley -Willis Church
Mrs. Morgan j. Agnew, Organist
and Choir Leader
iSUINDAy,, ,sErrament. 8
11.00 A.M.—Morning Worship
"The Clay Pits"
1210—Sunday School
7•00 P.M.—Evenlng Worship
"Not For Sale"
Clinton Pentecostal
• • •,
10.00 A.M,—Sunday SehOof
11.00 &M.—Morning Worship
'7.30 P.11C—Erangelistie Service •
, Evangelist 0 M. Gingrich
Tuesday, 13'.00• PAL—Prayer Meting
Thursday,./00 P.M. --,Worship Service
Read joke 316 —.Live right. Talk
right Walk straight and act
• Presbyterian
REV. D. 3. LANE, Minister
Mrs. I3ert Boyes, Organist and
Choir Leader
10.00 A.M.—,Sunday School
11.00 A.M.—Service at 'Clinton
"Faith and Service"
Everybody welcome.
2.30 PAL—Service at Basefield
S. Paul's Anglican
REV, R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector
Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist
Mrs, J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
10.00 A.M.—,Sunday School
1140 A.M.—Morning Service
7•00 P.M.—Evening SOrrice -
Tuesday—The W.A. will meet at the
home of 1VIrs. ftudie at 3 p.m.
MT. an& Mire C. W. Drayer, Clinton, Mrs. C. B. Hale,
left Friday for a month's trip te Fort I Over the holiday weekend Miss .To -
William; Winnipeg; Regina, Calgary, Anne Ountingtharne was guest at a
and the Pacilio Coaset, house party given by Miss Catherine
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Montague, Lon -,,Weir, Sarnia, at her summer home
don,• have returned to their home after near Kenswielc.
spending the' sumen'er at the camp of I Mrs. W. Themes Hawkins, Clinton,
Mee. Hale, Betties'. Beath. , and her daughter, Were. Al. W. Smith
JoAnne and Raymond Birch have and small daughter, Bonnie Gail, Code.
returned to Detroit after spending a leaflet
Spent the past week at Deer
month with their grandparents. Mr. 'Lodge' Bayfield. '
and ykra, Jan ivrallionknd, I Recent visitors with Mr. and les.
eLd m
anis iasndTM i-Ws!.icil
TeaEtin.etrdtwo tinachild-ndMra Farquhar and les. Margaret ,Tohn.
'sten: Lame and Raymond Hutchison
ren, spent the holiday weekend at and At Reid of Maymont, ,Sask., and
tdhaelguigic.litan:rinsd7Miins: ractrizeWiglliams and ' Mrs. E. W. Jervis and daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Young, Goderieh.
Betty and Ruth St. (lath. miss Beatrice, Toronto, ha-ve been
arines, spent the week in Clinton Enid spending the past week at the home
attended the 'Mug -Lobes wedding. of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Jeevis and
tanrie-neadt fgern;entrwiii:
Mr, and Me. Chris: Kelly have re. ;Other friends in Clinton and vicinity.
Me. and Mrs. A. C. Brandon spent
rtere 11°4 et rr ' si P Paanrd- ithe holiday weekend visiting their son-
onta Mr. and Mrs. Jamee A. McGill, in-law and daughter, Mr and Mrs. A.
Rev. and ages. ATICIT0W Lane and ei- Bausch,Millferd, Mich., and also
Rev. and'les. IX Je Zane attended the tVisited friends in Detroit and Lansing.
funeral of their brother, the late Hugh! Visitors during the week and over
Lane, .Ashfield Township, on Monday ;the holiday at the home of IVer. and
to Oshawa, after spending his holidays J. It Chain/Ian and Mr. and ,IVIrs• John
ids:. J. M. Kirby, Oshawa, eeturned Mrs. B. W. Kearns were Mr, and.1VIes.
With Mr. and'Mrs. H'arry' Thompson, R. Little, Owen Sound and Lloyd
16th concession, Goderieb Towneete, Etherington, Stratford.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry J: Thompson, Mr. ancl mrs, Harold Whitmore and
and le. and Mrs. J; W. Carson, Lon- daughter, Miss Mary, Hamaton, have
don, had a very enjoyable motor trip been visiting the former' s brother and
to Owen Sound and' Tebermm last sister, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Whitmore,
Hohnesville, and Mr. and Met. Wilbur
le. and les. J. IC Kennedy, De- Welsh, Clinton, and other relatives in
trait, spent last week with Mr and the vicinity.
Mrs. Alex Sloman• Mks. R. Noble I In correction of an item which ap-
returned to Detroit with them for a tpeared in this ,column last week we
visit. ' 'would like to state that recent guests
Mr. and les. Unglith, Merlon, Ohio, 1 'with 1VIrs. Agnes Farnham were Mrs.
L. RS Epps and Miss Maude Epps, and ,Florence Pickett, Miss Jean Pickett,
Miss M. Fuller, all of London. were 1 Charles Pickett and her son Allan
weekend guests of Mt and'Mrs. E. H. Farnham, all of Detroit.
Epps. 1 Miss Madeleine Hawkins has re -
Mr and Mrs. C. V. Cooke, Clinton, I turned from a trip to Vancouver and
and le and Mrs. Kenneth C. Cooke, other points mid was acconipanied by
Stratford, left by motor Sunday to her aunt, Miss Prances Hawkins, who
spend a vacation at Huntsville, after spending last week at Deer
Muskoka, Lodge, Baytfield, will be working with
Mrs. Margaret Johnston -is in Ham- the Japanese in the Hamilton district,
ilton this week attendieg the wedding MT. and Mrs. N. W. Trewartha have
of her niece, Miss Marion Gook, left on a trip to the Pacific Coast,
daughter of Wellington cook, former- They were accompanied by their
ly of Clinton. daughter, Miss Wilhelmine Trewartha,
Mr. and Mrs. Harold E. Hartley, who has been visiting them. After
Toronto. and Mr. and Mts. Cyril B. Miss Trewartha has been to the coast
Bale, St. Catharines, spent the week- with her parents, she will return to
end and holiday with their mother, her missionary duties at Vilna, Alta.
5 1/e Yard Coat Length Blue - Rose - Green
Teal Blue, Sand, Coco -Brown, Grey, Black, Coral
64" widths
to $4.50 Per Yard
Drown, Red and Aqua
$2.25 per yard
Blues, Reds and Greens
37c to 42c per yard
Baked Goods of the
Finest Quality
Every Day in Every Way
•Afore People Are Getting
To linowC the Value of Dry Cleaning
We are experts! We Deliver!
One Cent Each Pad for Wire Hangers
Gliddores Press Shop
We Press. While 11 Wait Five Day Service On Cleaning
We Call For and Deliver , PHONE 115
Clinton Machine Shop
Acetylene Welding and Cutting
Electric Welding
Machine Work
General Repairing
Operated by W. Seeley & Son