HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-09-05, Page 3THURSDAY, ',SEPTEMBER 5, 1946 ,LINTON. NEWS-AECORI) "THE LORD'S SUPPER" By mma" • If we were to •q,slt the question: "Is there anything more beautiful in its simplicity, solemnity and true meaning than the sacrament of the Lord's ,Supper, we would in all prob- ability receive varied answers. Those who believe in the Lard Jesus Cbrist and who fallow HiITI know that it is the most wonderful act in the wmid. To others it means nothing and in fact there are many even in our own continent who do not realize what it is at all. Perhaps you will excuse a personal experience. • ,Some time ago a young padre (the son of a very dear friend of mine who some years ago passed in -0, the Gloay Land, and a minister, a worthy undenheitherd qf the Grea,t Shepherd) whom r haire known since he was a little lad, wrote me from overseas that one of the first things he would do when he returned to Canada would be to bring communion out to me. Last !Sunday using the same service of Sacrament with which he had dispensed •the Lord's Supper to many hundreds of soldiers near the battle fields of Etunp,e, and with his aunt and me as a congregation, he led in this beautiful ceremony. We, with Jesus Christ as our guest, for He has promised that where two or three are gathered together He will be in the inidst, were • privileged to receive the tokens of His broken Body and shed Blood. Many men and women who have laid down their lives in order that we rnight have freedom from tyranny received from the hands of a padre in those far off lands, the same emblems. There these representatives of the meek and lowly Jesus learned to .be more tolerant of the views of those who -were leaders in some,other denomination. They, saw people in distress and ministered to theth no matter to what earthly church they were affiliated, • Re.w do wd prepare ourselves to partake of the Lord's Supper? In our churches the service is usually held on Sunday morning. Do we rise early enough so that we can study the portion of God's word referring to the last supper and read that beauti- ful thirteenth chapter of First Cor- inthians where Paul simaks, of loVe which is the foondation of all Christ- ianity or do we rush to °hooch for the sunele reason that it Would not , look well if We did rot appear at church on Communion Sunday? How mut% more the 'Sacrament means to as if we are familiar with the words of Jesus to His disciples at the Pass- over feast and the corninandk-to them as He broke the bread and poured the wine. • We do indeed ,as Christians feel unworthy as we partake. Some even refuse to attend Communion on that account but what a joy it is for us to know that Christ instituted the Sacrament for those who are un- worthy, for no one 'except Christ Himself was or even will be , worthy to partake. It was for sinners like you and me that ,Cluist left the, in- etitution of the Last Supper to the world. Serrow must be in the heart of our Saviour as He looks upon any- one who refuses to take Communion because he. or she feels unworthy. If we have the idea that partaking of the symbols of His Body and Blood will save us we are mistaken. We do not even have to do that. All that we need to do is te believe in Him, and when we do that and accept Him as ,oun.. personal Saviour then nothing over which:we have any control will keep US Away from His ,Supper. Should we be disabled and unable to go to His House to join with His followers in this most important mare_ anony then the minister of the church with which we axe connected will be glad to take the 1Saorament to us. That is one part of church work in connection with •whieh ministers should be very particular. Patients at times are a little backward in asking for this privilege fearing that it may mean something extra for a minister who is busy with so many other things, but at the same time a sick re very oft,911 longs 1;9 he able to aVe CoMP141110n. Very often We allow ,soinething to I keep us away from God's House, when the Lord's Supper is being dis- pensed. We mitt realite that God would not hear@ instituted it had He not expected His followers to be present. If We go in the proper frante of inind and have prepared oorselode for this blessed ordinance We Will come away in a different Mood altogether than that with which we went. In olden times it was customary, if at all possible for a Roman soldier to return to Rome to renew his alleg- iance to the Empire for which he FOR SALE RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY IN HARPURHEY For Sale by Tender 1 1/2 storey rrame House, Town Water, Bathroom, Electric Lights, Floor Coverings, Stove plumbed into hot water tank; Frame Barn; Three -Fifths Acres of Land. OPEN FOR INSPECTION: Satueday, Sept. 7t11-2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9th — 2 to 5 and 7 to 9 p.m. Immediate Possession Highest or any tender not necessarily aecepted Tenders to be in hands of undersigned by Sept. 14th, /946 DATED 3rd Sept., 1946. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Clinton, Ontario, Solicitor for Estate of Maude Webster. 36-b , PAGE THREE QUALIRYS IN DOMINION / LOT PRODUCTION CLUB / B. B. POCKLINGTON representative for The Dominion Life Assurance Company M Clinton and district, who has been awarded membership in his COM. pany's Production Club. Although qualification for the Club is on an annual basis Mr. Pocklington has qualified within four months of his first year as a life under- writer. He is to be congratulated on his outstanding accomplish- ment. • was willing to fight. So it is with us.. We cannot expect to be a close follower of our Saviour if we absent ourselves from His Table. We have been requested to do this "in remem- brance of Him." As we come with thought of loyalty towards Him we shall grow more like Him. Phillip Brooks says "Constant personal fel- lowship with Jesus Christ is Christ- ianity, That is what differentiates the religion' of the Bible from all otherS, Chian is a Christiao as far as he knows Jesus Christ." When we come to His Table do we come with thought's of thankfulness Or do we let the womies of the world and of our own personal life keep us from the real joy of meeting Him in His own House, and at His Table. We have good reason to ponder the things pertaining to the Peace of the World, but our Saviour is still on His throne and He will 'permit noth- ing to come to ns that is not for our good. How thankful we should be for all the blessings God has bestowed on us'. Momus, the son of the night 'was the God of destructive criticism. He found fault with every-bhing, nothing was ever right. There are few who have heard of Memos, but there are not many of us who have not a great deal of Momus about us. We are ready to find fault with everything. Perhaps for that reason people would rather not be in our company as we would, just as soon keep away from them. Some, even church members, will not go to the Lord's Table be- cause a party whom they do not like goes. How ran we ask God to bless us if we have that attitudi towards anyone Let us count it a blessing that God has given us the health and strength to be present there. A little child one night said to her father: "Daddy, 1 em going to connt the stars". He knew of course, she could not do it, but let her go on with it. After a time he heard her 4iso•ss • a ▪ issued between September 9th and 166 • • • • • • • • • a a OOP. 99r1 ,ADVERIISEMEN'T FOR FUTURE REFERENCE RATION BOOK 6 Distributing Centres will not be open on all days during this period. So—MAKE SURE that you know.exactly what days and hours the Distributing Centre you intend to go to will be open. See list of Distributing Centres below. NATION BOOKS WILL NOT BE MAILED OR DELIVERED—THEY MUSE BE CALLED FOR J . Signed, fe•a Disfribun. ng Centre.and.Ralion Book 6 Will Be Given You. Then: Take Your Ration Book 5 with the Application Card R5-191 Still Attached, Properly CoMpiett3d and Before you go to a DittrIbuting Centro; ,;$ FILL IN THE GREEN APPLICATION CARD (Marked RB-191):AT INC BACK OF YOUR RATION BOOK 5, GIVING: I. Nome and address. (print'in block letters) 2. Serial, nurober os shown on front cover of Ration Book 5. 3. Age -if applicant is under 16 years. 4. Regular signature of ration book DO NOT TEAR THE GREEN AMU. CATION CARD OUT OF RATION Boot( 3. THIS MUST BE DONE BY AN OFFICIAL AT THE DISTRI- BUTING CENTRE.' ' 4,1 bon dei..yer." 'fiin`i''',,..0,..4,VRE'/,'nii°1•01q • deld;, and Rid; you' will Id • .yd. Id,' i.iNiir6.•iedfy need if ADULTS MUST APPLY FOR CHILE1REN • Children under 16 mey not opply for thek Ration Books or those of others APPLYING FOR OTHERS Any responsible person over 16 may apply tor Rotion Books for other moot. ben of, their, family 'or neighbouri, providing above requirements are com- plied with. ARMED FORCES Members of the Anned• 'Faces Will continue to obtein thole Ration Cords from their own units. LOCAL DISTRIBUTING, CENTRES Addresses Dates CLINTON: Town Kali Sept. 12-13-14 LONDESBORO: ,Oommtutity Hall Sept. 9-10 SAYFIELD: TowtnUaR Sept. 11-12 ATJEURN: Orange Hag Sept. 10-11-12 VARNA: Township Ilall Sept. 12-13 RATION ADMINISTRATION flours 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 p.m. to 5.30 p.m. 10 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 pan. 1 p.m. to 5 p.m, THE WARTIME PRICES AND TRADE BOARD PALLS FROM BARN BLUEV)A,LEI — Harvey! Robertson was badly injured during the week- end when he fell 80 feet from the roof of Henry Wathers' new barn, first line of Morris,. He. was taken to Wingharn Hospital where X-rays disclosed a broken ankle and spinal injuries, * * WINS SC}KtUARSIUP BRUSSELS—Miss Roth Wilson, has been notified that she has been awarded one of the two ,scholarships given to students of Huron C,,ounty from the DePartinent of Education, the Dominion-Provinci,a1 Student's Aid seholarship, whiCr has a value of $250. Miss Wilson will attend Strat- ford Norinal School. • • NAMED COUNSEL GODERICH—Major D. R. Nairn, Coderich, has been appointed chief enforcement counsel for the Wartime Prices and Trade ,Board London district, succeeding Campbell C. Calder. Major Nairn joined the WPTB September 1 and will take over Mr. Calder's post October 1. Major Nairn was aseistant judge advocate -general for MD. 1 when he retired from the army April 15. say: "One hundred and twenty. Oh dear! I had no idea there were so many." That applies exactly to us in reference to the blessings which God has given to us. Let us take five minutes of our time and a pad and pencil and jot down the many reasons for thanksgiving we have. It will astonish us the little distance we have got. There is nothing which happens to us for 'which we have not reason o be thankful. We may not see it at the tme, hot whatever It IS it is best I or us * The samificial death on the cross was for you and it was for me. He asked forgiveness for those who had eaused Him pain. suffering, mental orture and finely His death. One of he most beautiful incidents of the cross was. the forgiveness of the thief. As we partake of the Lord's Supper will we not think that that same forgiveness is given, freely to us. Can we not some to His table with forgiveness and thankfulness in our comfort to us: hearts? As we partake of the ern- blems left the following words be a ‘Sweet memorials—till the Lord Call us round His heavenly board, Some from earth, from glory ecnne Served only 'Till He come'." As we sit at the Lord's Table a sadness comes into our hearts of other days, times, when our loved ones sat with us and enjoyed .Christian fellow- ship. But ohl the joy -which comes to us as we realize that some day, and we know not how soon, we will oin our Saviour and them round the festal Board on High. No one but hose who are looltiog forward to that greatest of all Days can realize limb a joy it is. A, happy :thought s that there is not one who will be epaived of that great joy if we only believe on Him and accept Him as ur personal Saviour. Why will we put off that decision. It is for us to make the choice. No one else can do t for us. Cluist has made us free will agents. 'He will not force us into His fellowship hut He is standing with open arras ready to receive -us f we just ask Him to come into o-ux hearts and reign there supreme. He will not take second place but until we give our lives to Him we have no realization what happiness wihl be ours if we give Him first place in our lives. "In memory of the Saviour's love, We keep the sacred heart, Where every humble, contrite heart • Is made a welcome guest. By faith we take the bread of life With which our souls are fed, The cup is taken of His blood That was for sinners shed. Under His banner thus we sing The true words of His love, And thus anticipate by faith, The ,heaOeiiErfeadt above." "PEG," • HONOR EX -AIRMAN BELGRAVE—The congregation of Knox United Church held a picnic at Lions Park, Seaforth, the program in- cluding softball and other games. Hoeing the afternoon, Bass Anderson, late of the RCAF, was presented a motor rug and billfold. 0*0 ACCOUNTANTS CHANGE , GODErta CH—Charles Kemp, who has been the popular laccountant at the local branch of the Bank of 'Mont- real for the last eight years, has re- ceived promotion to the managerShip of the branch at Yarker, near King- ston. His successor as accountant here will be R. R. King, Exeter. * * LABOR DAY AT WINGHAM WINGHAIVL—Large crowds attend- ed the annual Lions day frolic held here Labor Day witb afternoon and evening performances. Highlighting the day's activities were drills by Kitchener -Waterloo Air Cadets, music by 'Stratford Boys' Band and Wing - ham Citizens' Band. , PASTOR INDUCTED STA.FFA — Rev. A. H. Daynard, new pastor of Staffa and Zion United Churches, formerly of Jarvis, Alberta was officially inducted into , his new pastorate at a service in Staffa Unit- ed Church, August 9. He succeeds Rev, F. G. Risdon, who has Moved to Thamesville. * * * $1,000 REQUESTED • GODERICH—R. M. Menzies, presi- dent, Board of Trade, appeared before council to request a grant to assist in the publicity campaign being car- ried on by the board. Last year, Mr. Menzies said, the town MMromiated $1,000 for this purpose. Theonenaber- ship of the board is now 184, and they, had contributed $958, * * SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS BR,USES:ELS-- Dominion -Provincial stedents' aid scholarships have been awarded to Dorothy Dennis, Patricia Anderson, and Wilfred Spivey, who have now entered Grade 13 of the Upper School of the Continuation School. Three Uoper School and one Normal School Dominion -Provincial aWards have been made to students of the Brussels school. • • • LABOR DAY AT GODERICH GODERI.CH—The Labor Day Cele- bration, sponsored by the local branches of the A.F. of L. repeated the success of the first one observed last year. The program began with a ,colorful parade in the morning in which members of all the trades un- ions of the town participated. Miss Norah Willis, Godericli, was adjudged winner of the Huron Girls' Beauty •Contest in which there were six en- trants. She was declared "Miss Huron of 1946" by President Kaitting and presented with a handsome silver ono and flowers, Mrs. J. Freeman, God- erich, and Miss ,Reta Hartney, won second and third places respectively and were presented with gifts and flowers. CKNX Wm. Neilson Ltd present SINGIN` SAM MON. thru` FRI, 6.30 p.m. 920 Kcs For Body and Fender Repairin SATISFACTION GUARANTEE!) /4 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury 8t. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 for YOUR home Wil5T14-'-'7.1"H7:17-0°217-;:e the ruts out of your breakfast routine . . . -......,.".,"- Ways to make youy kitchen"home),"'. . what color to choose In foe your liVing room . • . These are just a few of 'the Intriguing new ideas furnished doily on the Wortion's Page of , , . THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR These helpful ideas are "plus value" in this doily, neWspoper for the home that gives you World news interpreted tot,show Its, . impact on you and. your family. ' • --.................... —........ -- ............. as..........-.....—..................... for your SPE- . MtcsTsigiusetts ' ' ! El,. tni, ciimpini oThneo,,CNharrrswtomyn Street, ea ,,,P,..utbolnishm CIAL introduc- Please enter a speool introductory subscription to I tiny subscription The Christian Science Monitor -,5 Weeks' 150 Issues) for 51 i — five••ioaeks— .. Name ' t 30 WINS •-••• only , ILI, S.4 nods) Street City , Nsumtlosi l''.r.'4 State Pepto- Besmal When vont nonsuch is out of order, tah Pepto.11esmal It helps soothe, eahnotelet the I stomach and intestines, For children as well as adults *t* X 4* 4: PALMOLIVE SHAMPOO 29c COLGATES TOOTH PASTE 25c and 40c 4. VETO DEODORANT 39c and 59c 50c • 'THE:LARGEST SELLING - TOOTH ,FI'ASTE IN GREAT DR ITAAN Use DETTOL THE MODERN ANTISEPTIC for CUTS, BITES SCRATCHES SORE THROAT AND ALL PERSONAL USES 49c bottle Kills Germs Fast - Won't HUrt You DR WEST'S TOOTH BRUSH ADULTS - 50e YOUTHS - - 35c CHILDS - 25c BATHETTES .11311\11-01E • F. B.. PENNEBAKER SERVICE DRUGGIST Ff4;54,4704414-0744-44p444...q.;:il4S4444.3.4tes44,000744. simeinmonnweinmii• teE$4453414.1.41- •11•11MilinniMenow• Boneless Rolled Brisket (commercial quality) lb. 25c Brisket Boil (commercial quality) lb. 15c Rib Roast of Beef (commercial quality) lb. 34c Veal Breast lb. 21c Lamb Breast lb. 18c Large Bologna lb. 25c Boiled Dinner, canned 24c per tin Chicken Dinner, canned .. .. . 40c per tin BEST PRICES P.AID FOR HIDES' C. D. Connell CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET PHONE 162 Member Independent Retail Butchers' Assn. & Retail Merchants' Assn o BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL II. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Fire Insurance Ageot Representing 14 Fire Insurance companies Dh;ision Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Public Albert St. — Clinton. ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc., Etc. By Royal Warrant. IL C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner. Office: MacKenzie House Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FOOT CORRECTION D. H. McINNES, D.C. Huron St. Phone 207 ACCOUNTANCY ERNEST W. HUNTER CHARTERED ACC,OUNTANT 57 Bloor St. W. ' Toronto OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST ° Eyes Examined and Glasses Pitted DoDERIcli - PHONE 33 DENTAL DR. D. C. GEDDES DENTIST Lovett Block - Clinton Hours: 9 a.m.-12 a.m. 1.30 p.m. --6 p.m. Telephone 170 MEMORIALS cemetery memorials T. PIVYDE AND SON Clinton Sho-wroonis Open Fridays. See 1 J. Zapfe. nheee 103 AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Licensed Auctioneer for Huron Correspondence promptly answered. Immediate arrangements can be made for sale dates at CLINTON NEWS - RECORD or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON i Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household sales. Liceesed in Huron and Perth Counties, Prices reasonable, satis- faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or 1:41.one Harold Jackson, R. R. 4, Seaforth, phone 14-661. PERCY C. WRIGHT Licensed Auctioneer Household, farm stock, implements and purebred sales. Special training and experience enables mo to offer you sales service that is most efficient and satisfactory. Phone 90r22 Hensel INSURANCE • Insurance Protection Automobile, • fire, wind, accident sickness, hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. • RANSFOcRLDINToN PHONE 180W J. FRANK MacDONALD Representative METROP,OLITAN LIFE • INSURANCE COMPANY Phone 218 Clinton TIIE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head -Office, Seaforth OFFICERS 1946—President, Frank McGregor, elinton, R. R. 5; vice- president, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm R. R. 1; Manager and Secretary - treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS — Frank McGregor, Clinton; Chris, Leonhardt, Bornholm. Alex. Broadfeot, Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch, Clinton; E. J. Trewartha, Clinton; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; 3. L. Malone, Seaforth. AGENTS—John E. Pepper, Bruce - field, R. R. 1; George A, Watt, Blyth, R R 1; R. F. 1VIcKercher, Dublin, R.R. 1; J. Prueter, Brodhagen. Patties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to cm application to any of the above officers, addres- sed to their respective post offices. Losses inspected hv