HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-08-29, Page 7URSDAY, AUGUST 29, 1.946 CLENTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN HURON COUNTY FARME S' PORTER'S HILL a;nd Mrs, Jack -Smith and fam- ily, spent the weekend at Dashwood. Lois Bowden and June Miller, Hohnesville, spent last week with the Lockhart families. June expects to attend Stratforid Normal School this year. Mr. and Mrs James Lockha-re. Mr. and Mrs, R. E, Rowden, Hohnesville, spent Sunday with friends at Grand Bend. Master ,Frank. Rowden, Mt. Bridgee, accompanied them home for a week's holiday. Community Club Meets The AuguSt meeting of Potter's Bill Community Club was held at the home of 'Mrs'. Austin Harris, Wednes- day, August 2, with a goad attend- ance. A quilt was quilted, following 'which the busines was conducted by the president, Mee Don Harris., with quite a lengthy discussion regarding the work for the winter months. A tasty lunch was served by the host- ess. ,September meeting is to be at Mrs. Will Cox's home. Remember the W.A. bazaar to 'be lieldhi Clinton September 7. WALTON Mr. and Mits. A. 13ewley, Petrolia, were with Mr. and Mrs. J. Bowley. Mrs. Mary Dressel, Toronto, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ennis. ;Mr. and Mrs. T. Watson London, were with Mr. and MTS. 'S 0. Ben- nett, Mr. and Mrs. James Humphries, Windsor, vietted Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Humphries. Mr. and Mrs. M. Holland and fam- ily have returned after an extended trip through Northern Ontario. Sells Farm It is reported that A. Sinclair has (disposed of his farm near the village to E. Stevens, Seaforth, VARNA NEWSY PAGE AUBURN Miss Mary Hunkin, Clinton, ie spendng some time with the Pilgrim The Misses Ilene and Dorothy Turner spent a few days last week with relatives in the village. Rev. and Mae. B. F. Andrew and two daughters, Alliston, are visiting Mr. and ;Mrs, Norman Greer. Mr. and Mrs: Lee IdeConnell and MT. and Me. Wilmer Reid spent last weekend in the Muskoka region, . Mrs. Hart spent Sunday with her niece, Mee. J. Steckle. Little Marilon reit:wiled with her and spent a couple of days. ;Sunday visitors included: Mr, and MTS. If. Hey and son, Rochester, N.Y., and Mr. and Mrs. !Stela, Dashwood, with Ur. and Mrs. Alf Ings alre. Dodsworth, Londert, ,spent Tuesday with her mother, Mrs. E. Smith, Who returned with her and in- tends to spend a few days, in the city. Rev. James and Mrs Foote, Carle- ton Place, and Miss Ann M. Foote, Royal Oak, Mich., have retuned home after spending their holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Foote and To Take Service Rev. Mr. Nelles, Huron College, London, will be in 'tharge of the ser- vice in St. John's Church Sunday evening at seven o'dock, S'eptember 1. BRUCEFIELD 0110•••01.6011.0111111MMEIMOM 41011111•1•1 ldies Blanthe Zapfe is visiting in Toronto. Mies. Alex Mustard is visiting friends in Toronto. - Mr. and Mrs. It Aikenhead are visiting friends in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. J. Fitzpatrick spent the weekend at Port Rowan, (Miss Jessie Grainter, Clinton, spent Saturday with Mrs. J. Grainger. (Miss Ellen Scott and friend, Lon - Expert Body and Fender Repairs and Refinishing DALY'S GARAGE Telephone 102 Seaforth Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Kneeshaw, Meaford, have been visiting the lat- teies niece, MTS. William Haggitt and MY, Haggitt. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Lawson spent tbe weekend with Joseph Carter and Mies Sadie Carter, Port Elgin. Public .Sthool Inspector -A. Ft Han- suld, Mrs. Hansuld and John, Galt, spent a few days with Mrs, F. Ross and Donald. Purchases Property Mee Edna Cowan has purchased a home in Goderieh, the property, of James White, located near the Herron Road. ' William McIlwain and Mise Amelia Mellwain are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Rogerson, ISItreetsville. Miss Mary Menem Public. Health Nurse in Toronto, and Miss Zeta Munro, nurse -in -training, Western Hospital, Toronto, were weekend vis- itors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Munro. Mr. and Mrs. Duman (MacKay mov- ed their household effects this week to Bright's Grove'near (Seethe, where Mr. MacKay teaches school Mn and IVIes. Robert. MacLeod, Stratford, called on friends 'here on Monday, Visitors last week with Mrs. Joseph; Irwin - were ;Mrs. William Pullen, Galt,' and Miss Victoria Pelz, Pree.ton. Rev. and IVIrs. A. E. (Silver, South- anleton, called on members of the Baptist Church congregation here. Mee Ra,y O'Neil and daughter Lyme Ottawa, are visiting Ides. O'Neil's Parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. j. Ferguson. .Auburn W. T. The Women's Institute monthly meeting was held on Tuesday with 31 ladies present. Mrs. James Woods presided. The secretary's report was read and adopted. A. letter was -read don, visited friends here last week. T. II. Wheeler, Stratford, spent a couple of days in the village last week. C. D. (Simpson spent the 'weekend with Mr. and Mee. Joseph Gray, St. Mrs. D. Cameron, Clieton, visited with Mr. and Mrs. William Henry on Tues.day. Mee Williann Reid, Varna, is visit- ing her daughter. Mrs. Jamieson and Mr. Jamieson. Donald Ross and (Mrs. Fred Ross, Anima, called on :friends in the dist- rict on Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Earnest Smallacombe, Guelph, visited 'Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Cornish last week. :Mrs. Vera Fraser, Exeter, and Miss Margaret Henry, attended Ryerson Young People's Camp, on Lake Erie, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Paterson and Mn • and Ides, Anderson and daughter Ina, have returned to theirehome in Mont- real after a pleasant visit with Mr. and Mrs. A. Paterson. CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, MACHINERY and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, on Tuesday, September 10 at Lot 36, Con. 11, Mullett 'Township, 2ies miles west of Londesboro, at 12 o'clock p.m, the following: rioR.S.EIS Beovin Mare, 4 years old; serrel gelding, 4 Years old. isiereem;--3 Durham cows; Here- ford cow; 3 spring calves; 1 calf, 0 months Old. PIGS -8 pigs., chunks. IMPLEMENTS — 2 wagons; iley rack; gravel box; stock rack; pair sleighs; cutter; rubber -tired buggy; binder, 7 ft, cat; M. -H. manure spreader; M. -H. mower, 5% ft. cut; . . , .fer- tiliser drill, 11 hoe; M. -H. tultivator, 12 tootheMali. hay rake; roller; cut. ting box; 2 seufflere; one 2 -furrow plow; gang.plow; plow; .pig crate; 2wagon boxes; tur- nip rpulper; fanning mill; grass seed- er; 2 sets harrows; bag truck; 2,000. lb. scales; horse clippees; buggy pole; set double harness; set single harness; 1 set plow harness; Chains; 'scythe; grain cradle; Tubber horse collar - horse collars; grindstone; 6 Ming ropes; hayfork rope; 2 sugar kettles; whiffletrees; neck yoke; feed boxes: water trough; wire stretchers; cedar posts; erose -cut saw; robes; horse blankets; 2 horse covers; grain bags; ewrhse;e1 barrow; 25 ft. ladder; 22 ft. ladder.; 2 horse stall posts; grain lift - GRAIN and }FAY — 40 ton's hay; 1,000 bushel of mixed grain, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Diana Banner cook stove; coal heater; china cabinet. Everything must be sold as the farm is sold. TERMS—eCASH WILLIS MOUNTAIN, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer B. P. Chesney, Clerk. 35-36-b from the secretary of the Blind, re- garding tag day. A committee rem - posed of Mae. Mogridge, Mrs. Bert Craig, Miss King and Mrs. C. Straughan was appointed to make Plans for a tag day. A gift was presented to Mr. and Mrs, Duncan MacKay (formerly Jbeephine Weir), in absentia. • The next meeting is Grandmother's Day, and it will be held a week later than ordinarily. Mre. Fred Plaetzer Tendered a solo, and current events were given by Mrs. Ross. The repont of the District An- nual was giyeri by Mrs. Harry Yung- blut and Mrs. Gordon MeClinchees. Readings were given by (Misses Elma Mutch and Amy Toll. The roll call was answered by "Something of int- erest I learned at the District' An- imal." A draw wasmade on a gift donated by ides. Ham Govier, the winner being Mrs. Kenneth Campbell. Lunch was served by Mrs. Cowan, Mrs. Rose, Ides,. Nesbitt and Elena 1Virrteh. • ONTARIO PARENTS (AN TAKE THESE AGAINST THE POSSIBLE s ( ECOGNIZED PRECAUTIONS THREAT OF POLIO It is in August and September that poliomyelitis (patio) is moss ,prevalent. During these last weeks of summer, thoteghtful parents should observe mime rule that will protect 'their tittle onto front this disease. In our Province, comparatively few cases of polio have occu.sred as yet but fir scene sections of the 'United States, infatitile peralysie—as it is more commonly called—has reach- ed epidemic proportions. The 0 ntari o Department of Health( theeefore urges every family to keep its step with the comnionssease precautious oetlined believe Reed them carefUlly; Encourage ,your children( to' practice them daily; Guard your family's health; dining this particular period a she year ft your child le ilf dis, net hesitate, to seek medicalidtlisites ;DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH FOR THE' PROVINCE. ONTARTO J. T. noir, tinut,„DPkL Ritasell4 T. ICieRiayy Depuh, Moister! of Health. Mineteref tteehh, CLEARING AUCTION $ALE of FARM, FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS at Part LOS 37 and 37, Con. 10,, Goderich Toninshim 5 miles west of Clinton', on Thursday, September 12 at 1 p.m. sharp (DST) the following: HORSES---.Percheron mare,' 9 years ode; Belgian geleleg, 4 years old; Clyde filly, 2 years old. . CATTLE —Guernsey cow, 5 years old, freshened; red Durham heifer, 4 years old, freshened; Durham cow, 5 years old, freshened; grey Durham cow, 7 years old, freehened; Hereford cow, 5 years old, freshened; black cow, 8 years eld, freshened; 2 black cows, 5 years old, freshened; 2 black cows, 6 years old, recently freshened — All the above cows have been bred again to -a registered bull — Blue Durham heifer, 2 ;years old, due Marth 24; blue Durham: heifer, 2 years old, due April 5; 2 roan Durham 'heifers, 2 years old, due Amen 7; registered purebred Short -those bull, 15 months old; 7 yearling. steer and heifers; 10 spring calves. . ( POULTRY and EQUIPMENT -- 200 Austra-White pullets, laying; 300 Sussex X New Hampshire Hybrid pullets; 180 year-old hens; 7 rain shelters, 6':(10'; 'brooder house, I1ex12'. IMPLEMENTS—Internitional 10-20 tractor; International 2 -furrow trac- tor plow; 2 -section spring -tooth cul- tivator; Beatty 2-H.P. feed grinder (nearly new); McCormick 'Deering 13 -disc drill; Massey -Harris cult - Packer; rubber -tire wagon; flat rack; hay rack; farm wagon; wagon box; 4 -section drag harrows; set of sloop sleighs; flirt rack; set of harness; horse collars.; forks, shovels and num- erous other articles. GRAIN and FEED — Quantity of mixed grain. FARM—At the same time and place there will be offered for sale, subject to reserve bid (if not 'sold 'previous to sale date) the farm consisting of 110 acres, more or less, of good clay loam. On the said farm is situated a bank barn 51:660'; hen house 20'x30' and a 1% storey good brick house. This property has hydro installed, a young orchard, a never -failing supply of spring water; 16 acres, 'more or less, of maple and nine bush; and Is sit - 5k mile froth school. TERIVIS on Chattels—CASH. TERMS on farm made known on day of sale. LEIONARD COLE, Proprietor, EDWARD W. ELLIOT, Auctioneer 35-36-b We are buyers 'of Thnothy Seed We ean supply bags and have the seed picked up. For inforntation as to prices, etc., send sample or call: Zwicker Seed Co. Ltd. Phone 3W --Crediton, Ont. 32-33-34-35-b READY FOR YOU NOW AT Reg. Ball The NEW Big Mileage GOODYEAR CANADA'S GREATEST TIRE VALUE! • For a new tire, a better tire, a long -wearing, road - hugging, mile -eating tire . treat yourself -to a tet of new Goodyear tires today! GOODAVEAlt REGBALL lihas!e 5 Clintoti • Ont. Producer Milk Subsidy BARN BURNBD DISCORtiTtUed Sept. 30 WINGRANI—Abent eleven o'clock Saturday morning the lona firemen were called to a fire at the bum of John E'orycl, near rordwich. They ar, rived too late except to keep the fire from spreading to other buildings, He had just completed harvesting and besides his season's crop lost a purebred bull and several pigs. The Federal Government has definitely decided to discontinue the producer subsidy on milk as from September 30, Asking Finance Min- ieter Abbott said in the Coramom Mr, Abbott amide the annuancement in reply to a question of Mark Senn (PC, Ifaldimand). The subsidy amounts to 55 cents the two -cent per quart milk subsidy per 100 pounds ,of whole, milk. for consumers would be discontinued Earlier, Rake Mayhew, Partin- as from June 1 and the producer mentary Aesitant te the Finance Min- eubsidy would be diseontinued as from ister, told Ia S. Moore (CCF, Chine the end of September. chill) that no change was contemple.t- It was also announced that control ed in the Government's milk subsidy of milk prices worild be returned to Polley announce' last May. the control of Provincial Milk Boards At that time it was announced that as hem june 1. sissmannsemesmenememenesnmaimemnreaseetan Save Time and Money with Surge O SURGE milks faster. O SURGE—the machine that does auto- matically What other machines have to be helped to do. O SURGE produces more milk. O SURGE gives cleaner milk. MACHINES NOW IN STOCK Ask for a demonstration Frank Kling • Distributor J. B. HIGGINS, Sales & Service Seaforth Ontario lir' WEED CUTTING TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH Township of Tuckersmith will pay for weed cutting on Township roads at the rate of Two Cents per rod, provided such work is done on or before September 15, 1946, and accounts rendered to and passed by Road Superintendent Robert Dalrymple, Kippen, Ont., by September 20, 1946. No accounts rendered after this date will be paid. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk 32-33-34-35-36-37-b 1 NoPmpftensmenoexpkgft.0101%0WW' Power Spraying Agent for the J. K. CRANG Co. (Chemical Division) KARNOLEUM—for disinfecting barns and poultry houses D.D.T.—%inimal Spray and Orchard Spray 24D—Weed Killer DIATHANE—D-14—for control of Potato Blight Edward W. Elliott Box 293 CLINTON' Phone 203 Feeds That Are Fresh are feeds that are 1 – Palatable Digestable Nutritious The feeds we manufacture are fresh for we niix them in our mill as •you need them. SHUR-GAIN Feeds are FRESH —they're BALANCED —they're LOW In COST There are greater profits for the SHUR-GAIN Feeder CLINTON FEED MILL PHONE 580 Your SHITR-GAIN Feed Service • e MCLIIIINTON