HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-08-29, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD eseliefteDA,Y, .AJIGUST 29, 1946. Interesting Items From News -Record's Rural Correspondents NEWS OF BAYF1ELD RepreeentatiVe: NIL% LUCY R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631r31. F. W. Baker vent a few days last 'week in larnickti. Mrs,. J. Reid, Varna, spent a few days. with allisses, M. and E. Reid. M. A. Featherston, London, spent the week at his home: in the village. , Miss Sylvia Baker, London, is -visit- ing her aunt, •Mtre Lloyd Scotehmere Miss Minna .Sturgeon is spending this week •with Joyce !McRae, London. MTS. William L. Ferguson left on Wednesday to visit her sister in St. Catharines. • . Mrs. G. Birdie and son John*, 'Tata, were guests last week of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Seotchmer. Miss Beverly York returned hosne this week after having visited rela- tives in Toronto. Mrs. R J Watson returned to the village after vending last week in Waterloo and other points. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Pert& and son Pill, London, spent Sunday at the biome of Mie. W. J. 'Stinson. Miss Connie Baker, London, is. spending this week with her grand- parents', &Vie.' and Mrs. F. Baker. Mrs. J. A. Ferguson, Goderith, eame on Wednesday to spend a few days with Mrs. James Fergurn. • Miss Grace Wilkington reteehed to Detroit after having spent a few -weeks at her cottage on Howard St. Howard and Ronald Bert, London, Spent the weekend with their grand- parents Ms. and 411,rs. F. W. Baker. Male. H. York and IVIre, 111. R. Lamb were the guests of Mrs. Lloyd 1111.1111101111."— PrAtt AD A'S ORIGINAL C AROIAASIC PIPE 1 08•ACCO inetiellelliteetEIMMIPINRERNSMUSiatillil Scetchmer for a few days this week. Mrs. M E Sangster'Ottawa, ia visiting her daughter, Ma. Sydney Katz and Mr. ICatz at the Box cot- tage. .Mrs. Mack and two daughters, re- turned to ()riffle on Monday, after visiting her ,sister, Mrs. J. M. At- kinson. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Howard and two daughters, Detroit, spent the last week witli-The filemeri's mother, Mrs. William Howard. Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Langford, Mrs. R. Bricker, Darvid and Susan, left on Friday last to spend a week with friends' at Gull Lake. Mrs. Robert .01ark and ,Roberta re- turned to Cleveland, Ohio, on Mon- day, after having visited Mr. end Mrs. Charles Berry for a month. Misses Mary Dewar and Katie Urquhart, Kincardine, visited the former's brother, Davie Dewar from Wednesday until .Stinday last week. Mrs. C. P. MeTague, Mr and Mrs. Jack MeTague and Terry returned to Toronto on Monday after having been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. V. C. Quarry. Mrs. ee Hunter and two daughters, Mary Alice and Sally Beth, Toronto, are spending this week with the for- mer's parents Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers, Oharinin Cottage. Mrs. J. 31). Howard left on Tuesdsie to vend a few days with her sister, IVIee. H.G.E. Crosby, in Mootesville. During her mother's absence, Marg- aret is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Charles Berry. Ms. and 'Mrs. J. Pease and family, London, spent Sunday in the village. Mr. end Mrs. Charlie TingeY, Mr- and Mrs.. William Hayter and Mr. and IVIes. Percy Tippet joined them for a family picnic in Clan Gregor Square. RVIr. and Mrs. Keith Leonard and baby left on Friday for their home in Totonto. Mrs. Leonard and baby have spent the summer with her mother, Mrs. E'. A. Featherston, while Mr. Leonard joined them for his vacation. Mr. and Mrs. James Brown return - NEW MANAGER BRI.TBSELS — Walter Porter, who sueceeded T. L. Prest asmanager of the local Bank of Commerce, has as- sumed his duties here. He came to Brussels from Ayr where he was foi the past five and a half yearse ed to Detroit after spending a week with the former's sister, Mrs. H. Ahrens "Trail Blazer" cottage. Other weekend guests were Mr. and Mrs. D. Parker, llen and Mrs. Otte Walker, Lawrence Woman, Oromarty. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Westlake were: Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Turnbull, Miss Marion Turnbull, Grand Bend; Mrs. Abbott, Lucan; Charlotte Sparkman, Van- couver, 13,C.; Miss Agnes Strickland, Oshawa; Mr, and Mrs. E. Ward, Clin- ton; Ms. and Mne. Barnes and daugh- ter Alma, London. Painting Shed The Cemetery Board is having the maintenance shed painted which adds greatly to the appearance of the ap- proach to the cemetery. Death of Aunt B. A. Westlake received word on Sunday of the death of his aunt, Mrs. Maw Smith, widow of William Smith, Hay Township, which took place in Santa Monica, California. Completes Course Miss Margaret Finout, who has spent the summer at Boulder, Col- orado, where she has been taking a post graduate course at the Univer- sity of Colorado., joined her parents on Sunday t� spend this week at the family cottage in Jowett's Grove. Attend Trinity Church Members of the staff and those at- tending the present session of Huron Anglican Church on Sunday morning, Rev.L.A. Nelle, London, conducted the service and was assisted by Hon. Capt. Rev. Mr. Doidge, St. Paul's Church, London. During the offertory, Mire E. Heard sang "Softly and Tend- erly Jesus is Calling." Delighted to be Back 1Viirs. Henry 1VIc0linehey, who has been with her sister in Center Val- ley, California, since last March, has returned to her home in the village. She was accompanied by her sister, MTS. S. EL Whitehill, who is spending some time here. Mee MeClinchey visited in Los Angeles and many points of interest, but the wonders of California hold no attraction for her. She is delighted to be back in Bayfield in her own home. DUNLOP "90" ARMORIZED TIRES Now in peacetime production the famous Dunlop "90" Armorized Tire'the finest broken tread design ever made, combines with its pop- ular companion Tire, Dunlop • "Gold Cup", to give you the bet tire value available. S46 FOR GREATER STRENGTH AND LONGER LIFE The world's finest! That is what motorists are saying about Dunlop Armorized Tires ... the tires that combine the protective principle of armor with the smooth -riding resilience of rubber. ... rugged, longer -mileage tires that have proved their greater safety, 'dependability and endurance under gruelling, punishing road tests far be- yond any hazard met in ordinary motoring. Think of a tire with extra protection at every point of wear, ... built with special cooler -running cotnpounds to resist heat ... using specially toughened tread stock to resist, shocks, cuts, wear and tear ... made more rug- ged with abrasion -resisting sidewall compounds. There you have Dunlop Armorized • Tires ... latest achievement of the world's longest tire - build ing experience. See your nearest Dunlop Dealer now. .Ask him to [' show you Dunlop Annor- ized Tires with the famous Cable Cord Construction. 0,..N.OES139 RO Miss Mary Jamieson has returned of the United Church Tuesday after- noon to hold their regular monthly 'meeting and to welcome the English , brides of our local boys to this local- ity. The president, WS. Saunder- cock presiding. In the absence of the secretary, Mrs, Bert Brunsden was appointed. • Meeting oiiened by singing the Doxology and repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. Hymn 194 was sung. Moved that Miss. Kirk buy flowers for the anniversary; Mrs. Bert Shobbrook and Mrs.. Arthur Clark to arrange for the beptember meeting. There being no other.buii.-' ness, the program followed: ,Duet; Lois Wood and Thelma Shobbrook, with Gail Manning st the piano; read- ing, Miss Kirk; scripture reading. Psalm 321 was read in unison.; hymn 164 "0 Canada"; Mice Mrs. Fangrad, Mre .1'..Shaddick and Mrs. Allen Shad - dick; reading, Miss M Melville Ad- dress of welcome was reed by Mrs, A. D. Pemnan to the English brides, they being- called to the -well-decorated platform and each presented with it pair of woollen blankets by 1VIre. R. Brunsdon from ortm Londesboro Red Groes. Then Mise Kirk presented .each with a basket of gladioli. All sang "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows." Each bride thanked the ladies for their. hosrpitality. A. contest was ar- ranged by aVIts. S. Lyon, and the win- ners were 1VIrs. B. Woods, first, and IVIrs. R. Caldwell, consolation. Instru- mental by Gail Manning and a closing hymn. Lunch -was served. "Seventy-Niner" Dead (Pilot Mound, Man. Sentinel) One more, link with early settle- inent days Was broken, ancl another of the very few remaining "Seventy- Ninere" of :this district passed on, hi the death, Tuesday, July 30, of Aaron McLean, who died at Morden Hospital following an operation. He was in his 83rd year. The old pioneer was in poor heqlth for several days, and an operation was decided upon as a last resort to save his life; his advanced age and weakened condition prevented bis serviving. Born in Londesbcoro, Huron County, Ontario, the late Aaron McLean came west with his family in 1879, settling in the Londesboro district, south-east of Pilot Mound; there Mr. McLean bought land, which he fanned lived on up, until a couple of years ago, when he moved into Pilot Mound and erected a pretty cottege on Weet Railway street. Mr. McLean knew all the hardships and trials of pioneer clays and bed • a store of tale.s of the way in which Oloiy settlers oventene the many handicaps besetting them; he had a good philosophy on life in general, which etood him in good stead in his earlier years Some 58 years ago he married Susan Manning — who predeceased him 47 pears ago; of this union, four sons and a daughter were horn; these were Thomas (who died a number of Years ago), Einde, Ed (both farming in Pilot Mound district) and James (Mordern) and Susan (Mrs. William Cockerline (Pilot Mound). Mr. McLean was . married again some 40 years ago to Erna. Wallace, who survives him. Of this union were born one son (Don, Portage la Prairie) and five daughters, these were Thelma (Mrs. F. Grant) who died at Dauphin lest year; Melba (Mrs. Laidler, Winnipeg), Ruth (Mre. Sayers, Bresaylor, .Sask.), Isabel (111Irs. Ralph Callers., Pilot Mound) and Jean (.Mrs. Korman) Ottawa. Besides his widow and family, he is survived by two sisters—Mrs. Toni Mannng (Pilot Mound and MTS. W. EnniPhreY (Winnipeg). There are also 25 grandchildren and one great- grandchild, surviving. to Tororstce , Miss Fern Watson spent last week at Grand Bend. ' '-,1VIrs. Garry Cook pent a few days in Toronto la,st week. • Misses F. and E Jamieeon spent lastweek at ICintail Beach. ' Mrs. Hall, Toronto, is spending a week with Ides. A. p. Penman. Miss 'Maser Grainger, Toronto,. is 'holidaying with relativesrthis week. 1Vlies Ardyss Inkley, Clinton, visit- ed with Miss Mary Ellen Prest ou Sunday. Miss Elva,. Govier, London, Vent the weekend with her mother, • Mrs. William Goyim-, 1VIrs. Margaret Manningvent the weekend with her sister-in-law, 'Mts. J. Morris, Paris. Miss 011ie Moon, Toronto, is holi- daying with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. George rMoon. Mts. Bob Hamilton and son Ell- wood, Trowbridge, visited with Mrs. J. MelvIle on Saturday. , Mrs'. Patten, Winnipeg, and Mrs. Seamon, Regina, visited with their sister, 1VIrs. Huddle lust week. Mr. and M7.79. Will Manning, Gail and June, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Moroee, Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. jack ,Sinclair and Ktppen, spent Sunday with the letter's mother, MTS. Nellie Wat- son. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Oakes and fam- ily. Goderich Township, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred ShObbrook on Sunday. Dr. and Mrs.'Marwood and family and Mrs. Langford, Toronto, spent Sunday with MTS. W. Tamblyn and Mrs: G. Cook. Mrs. Robert Townsend and Miss Dorothy Little have returned home after being on it trip through the United States. Mi. and MTS. Id. MeCool. Windsor, and Mae and afro ,Robert Millar, De- troit, visited with Mr, and MTS. T. Minor last week. Mrs. 'William Govier. Beth end Elva, motored to Kitchener on Sun- day and spent the day with Mr. and Mrs.. Spence Hann. Miss Isabelle Watt returned to De- troit on Saterday after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs.. A Jamieson and Miss Mary Scott Attend Missions School Mes, Will Lyon, ,Mrs. Charles Wat- son, Mrs, A. Clark, !Misses. B. Kirk, Doreen Armstrong, and Margaret Tamblyn, are in St. Thomas this week attending the 'School for Missions, nt Alma Pollege, , To Manor English Bride — There will be a dance in Londesboro Community ilall on Friday evening. Aue-ust 30, in honour of Clifford Saundercock and his bride, who has ,just recently come from England. Music will be supplied, by Trwin's Orchestra. Everyone welcome. Ladies please bring lunch. English Brides Welcomed The ladies of the Wen and Londes- hero Community met in the basement STANLEY TOWNSHIP Goldie Graham left on a trip through the West last Tuesday. 1VIrs. William IlleErwan visited this week at the home of Mrs, D. H. Fletcher, Hamilton. Misses June and Donna Taylor, also Miss Leola Taylor, visited in Strat- ford the past week. Mr, and Mrs. Randal Pepper and Carol Ann, Warren, are visiting John E. Pepper and other friends. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Milton O'Neil,„ Windsor, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Gordon Scatchmee, Bayfield Line. Rev. and ,111rs. Calder and son Phil- lip, London, called on Mr. and Mrs. John Middleton on Monday evening. 'Mr. and Mrs: Merritt Nediger, Clin- ton, Miss Clara Nediger, Seaforth, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis. Mr. and MTS. Randal Pepper and Carol Ant, Warren, are vacationing with their families. in Stanely and Goderieli Townships. Weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Stephenson were Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marshall, London., Mrs. Vera Barry and Mrs. Grace Livermore, De- troit. Mr. and Mrs. Phil Heitlbohmer and family, Stratford, spent the weekend at their cottage at Lane 0' Pines Beach and had as theiv guests, Mr. and Mrs. William Carr, Stratford. Vacationing last week at Deer Lodge were: Mr. and We. Allan Farn- ham and family, Detroit; Misses Jen- nie and Mice Pickett, Mrs. Florence Quiokett and Charles Pickett, Detroit; Mrs. Agnes Farnham, Clinton; Me and Mrs. J. D. Hawkins, Ilamilton• Mr. and Mrs. C. El. Olton, Ottawa; Mrs. Thomas Hawkins and Miss Mad- ellene Hawkibe, Clinton; Misses Grace and Jean Millar, New York; Miss Francis Hawkins, Tachine, B.C.; Mrs. M. Smith and Miss Bonnie, Cochrane; Mr. and Mrs. H. Paterson and family, Mitchell; Mr. aed Mrs. J. Weekee end family, T.071d071; M7'. and Mrs. A L. Helen, Detroit, accompanied by the lady's parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bockrell, London; Mr, and Mrs. A. Daley and family. Kitchener. Marks 83rd Birthday Clongratelations to Mrs. Arthur Stepbenson, who resides with hev son, D. L. Stephenson, Tluron Road, on the occasion of her 83rd !birthday this past Sunday. let the Week End News IN THE HOLIDAY ISSUE OF titital LATEST LOCAL AND DOMINION NEWS Globe and Mail staff reporters . . . plus Canadian press . . . bring you latest news of im- portant happenings in your community,. Three full pages of sports, fearless editorials, 6nancial repdrts, pages of in- terest to women,and a score of other features bring you up-to- date on week end news. EXCLUSIVE NEW YORK TIMES WORLD NEWS In The Globe and Mail foreign correspondents of the famous New. York Times staff bring you latest, most authentic news from every part of the world . . . items and articles written by men who know news and bring it to life in Canada's most progressive newspaper. The late Aaron McLean was prom- inent in municipal affairs; he served a number of years as Councillor itt Louise Municipality, and subsequently contested the Reeveship but without success; he was also prominent in ire-ten:al crreles, and was a member ./..zomiamosfiranorrims, of the Orange Oiler for almost it ' Funeral services wer held August 2 at the old farmhome in Londesborm and were largely attended by many old friends; burial was in the 'family plot in Pilot Mound Cemetery. 1111ANGE .12121t0E For Body and Fender Repairin SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 Canadian Standard Bred THREE - YEAR - OLD $1,000.00 FUTURITIES (TROT AND PACE) —AT-- DUFFERIN PARK, TORONTO 2 P.M. LABOR DAY AD1V1ISSION (Including Tax) $1.20 GRANDSTAND MEE EXCELLENT RESTAURANT SERVICE Collegiate Bus Routes Clinton Collegiate Bus Routes will be as folloNvis starting' Sept. 3, 1946: ROUTE No. 1—Goderich Township— Contracted for by Murphy Bros. Bus goes from Clinton past Hohnesville to 9th Concession;, across 9th Concession to Cut Line; along Cut Line to 7th Concession, across to Telephone Read; along Telephone Road to 61h Concession, then to Bayfield. Returns on Bayfield Road to Bayfield Line; along this to 9th Concession; along 9th Concession to Telephone Road; along this to 16th Concession; across 161h to No. 8 Highway, then in to town. A car route included in this contract goes from Clinton to Summerhill; across to 161h Concession; along 16th to Morgan J'ones'; back on 16th to. Huron Road and back to town ROUTE No. 2—North Bus Route— Contracted by F. J. Elliott, Myth Bus leaves Blyth; goes awi, miles north; then along No. 8 Highway to 'Clinton. Contract calls for bus contractor to serange for outlying pupils to be brought to Highway. ROUTE No. 3—Tuckersinith and Stanley Twps.— Two buses will serve this territory and their routes are as follows: Clinton to Kippen via Highway; west to Drysdale; back to Goshen Line into Varna; back by Ltd Concession of Stanley, to Clinton. 'Bus contractors are contacting pupils and arranging best routes they.can with their co-operation. • The above routes are subjeet to change, and all routes cue governed by the number of Pupils desiring transportation. 35-b Blyth School Bus Commencing Tuesday, Sept. 3 CLINTON COLLEGIATE, No. 2 ROUTE LEAVE 8.00 A.M.—Blyth 8.05 13th Concession 8.10 Londesboro 8.15 8th and 9th Concessions 8.20 6th and 7th Concessions 8.25 4th and 5th Concessions 8.30 2nd and 3rd Concessions ARRIVE 8.35 Clinton Collegiate Fe Jo ELLIOTT BLYTH Operator, Clinton Collegiate No. 2 Route