Clinton News-Record, 1946-08-22, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 22; 1946 Ad01001.01....••••••••••011.14110. CLINTON Ntws-EgooRD PAGE :FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents eittra when replies directed to NWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE illaY HARD WOOD, Apply Jack auff, phone 906r21 Clinton, 34-p RENFREW SALES and ,SERVICE - Hand Turned and Electric Cream Sep- arators. Enamelled stoves and repairs for the Anker -Holt separator. For nartioulars, phone Or write Basil O'Rourke, Brueefield, phone Clinton 618r21, 34-35-36-37-38-p PIANO FOR SALE IN nusT-ci,Ass 'condition. Recently overhauled and tuned. Phone 30 or apply to Wilbur Welsh. 33-34-p MISCELLANEOUS A TREAT FOR YOUR, FEET! USE *Lloyd's Corn and Callous Salve for prompt relief. 50c at Pannebaken'a Drug Store. 34-32-42.46-b ASTHMA 'SUFFERERS - ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb PROPERTY FOR SALE DESIRABLEFURNISHED cottages :for rent, week or season. Three bed- rooms, living room, and kitchen. Good beach, hydro, good water. Johnson's Deer Lodge, Hayfield. 33-34-b PIVE-ROOM ONE -STOREY HOUSE and small barn, hydro, and town water, about one acre of land and several fruit trees. Must be sold. Possession at once. Apply Box "W' NEWS -RECORD. 34-35-p TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- ,er and electricity; Perrin Block, either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter- natonal Salt Blocic• also one lot in 'Clinton Cemetery. :Apply A. J. Coop- er, Box 27, Goderich. 28-btfb WANTED TO BUY OLD HORSES and DEAD CATTLE, If dead phone at once. Phone collect to Jack Gilbert 936r21 or Fred GU- bert 936r32, Goderieh. 33-btfb HELP WANTED GIRL for GENERAL HOUSEWORK Phone Clinton ,382 local 55 84 35-36-p MAID FOR GENERAL HOUSE: work, $40.00 per month. Janitor kept for furnace and heavy work, also extra help supplied for cleaning. Mod- ern kitchen with all appliances. Ap- ply Mrs. W. J. Thurston, 126 John St., Stratford, phone 1316. 34-p AN OPPORTUNITY - Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 -have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O' -C-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. 31-32-33-34-35-b ACCOMMODATION WANTED APARTMENT OR HOUSE WANTED immediately, small family. Apply at NEWS -RECORD. 29b-tfb FURNISHED ROOMS" WANTED immediately by young couple with no children. Apply Box "R-' NEWS - RECORD. 34-p HOUSE. OR ROOMS WANTED immediately. Would consider buying. Would exchange house in Toronto for house in Goderich, Clinton OT district. Apply Mrs. +Sanderson, phone 185J. 34-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 100 'SUSSEX and 50 Sussex and New Hampshire Hybrid Pullets, ready to lay, five months old. Apply Joe Storey, phone 906r3 Clinton 34-p REGISTERED YORKSHIRE SOWS due in a month. Two young boars and 12 good small chunks. Apply Roy Lawson, two miles west of Seaforth on highway. 34-p LOST AND FOUND LOST - PAIR OF NEW DOUBLE driving lines from Willis Mountain's driving shed, Hunett Township Find- er please return at once and save further trouble, 34 p Help Wanted ---- Female Two Girls for Restaurant Work APPLY The KOZY GRILL, Clinton 34-35-b 4111.1.111111•=101110211.•¢1•11•6410.1•=1•••• "HE THAT HATH THE SON HATH LIFE: AND RE THAT HATH NOT THE SON OF GOD HATH NOT um," 1 John 5:12 "HIM THAT COMETH TO ME I WILL IN NO WISE CAST OUT," John 6:37 TUNE IN -Pilgrim's Hour, 74.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR VENETIAN BLINDS Three Weeks' Delivery Manufactured and Sold By London Venetian Blind Manufacturing Co. 4831/a Richmond St., LONDON Phone Fairmount 4446 Write or Phone for Information 34-35-p Men's Suits If you are counting on buying a ready-made suit, we now have a shipment in blue or brown worsted, single or double- breasted styles. Gift Suggestions WOOLEN BLANKETS' CRIB SETS . IRISH LINEN ,LUNCHEON SETS PLASTIC APRONS, BRACES, BELTS Pickett and Campbell (Successors to Plumsteel Bros.) QUAIATY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR AGENTS FOR TIP TOP TAILORS AND SCOTT-1VIcHALE SHOES PHONE 25 CLINTON Tire Headquarters ATTENTION, FARMERS! Tractor Tires Filled With Fluid and Vulcanized and Serviced Harry Davies Tire and Battery 24 HOUR VITUA Nrithd.'sERvregi, Corner Huron and Orange Ste. Phone 460 , DEATHS ALLAN - Suddenly, at her home in 'Leman on Saturday, August 17, 1946, Margaret Luella Taman, be- loved wife of Wilson Allan, in her 46th year. Funeral from family residence to Maitland Bank Cemet- ery, ,Seaforth, Monday , afternoon, August 19. CDPFTON-In 'Clinton Publics Hos- , pital, on. Wednesday,. August 14, 1946, infant daughter of Mm. and Mrs. George Clifton, Kippen, aged one day. COLOSKY - At the home of his niece, Mrs. John Albrecht, Zurich, on Thursday, August 15, 1946, 'Samson Colosicy, in his Nth year. Funeral from Hoffman funeral home Dashwood, Sunday, August 18, to Dashwood Evangelical Ceme- tery. • DEVINE - At her late residence, con 19,, Stephen Township, on Thursday August 15, 1946, Anna Walper, be- loved wife of Albert Devine, and mether of Mrs. Lloyd McGregor, Parkhill, and Wilbur, at home; in her 55th yean. Funeral from Hoff- man funeral home, Dashwood, Sat- urday, August 17, to Grand Bend Cemetery, KING - In Toronto on Thursday, August 15, 1946, Alexander Ford Ring, son ofMr. and Mrs. George King, Hayfield. Interment Mount Pleasant Cemetery, Toronto, Sat. urday, August 17. LAWSON - In Hullett Township, on Sunday, August 18, 1946, Banbara Ganvie, beloved wife of the late William Lawson in her 85th year. Funeral from her late residence, concession 7, Hallett to Clinton Cemetery Tuesday afternoon, Aug- ust 20. CARD OF THANKS Mrs. James Brown wishes to take this opportunity of thanking the staff of Clinton Public Hospital and the doctors for their splendid care during her illness and also to all those who showed so many kindnesses to her. 34-b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. William Lawson wish to thank thein neigh- bours and friends for the many kind- nesses shown their mother daring her illness, and also for floral tributes sent,cara loaned and all other acts of thoughtfulness STIONV11 in their recent sad bereavement. 34-p 1....rommarimmomm. Choice Spring Chickens DRESSED $1.25 each Killed Friday Night for Saturday Delivery A. Caron PHONE 312 CLINTON Merchants! Sell More of What You Have to Sell KIRBY DISPLAY CARDS vim', HELP YOU DO JUST THAT SEE or PHONE KIRBY SIGNS Princess St., West Ph. 589R, CLINTON BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure . Finger Waves , Permanents, ETHEL THOMPSON Prineess St. East„ Phone 5958u5 CUT FLOWERS FLORAL. DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 66) Batkins Locker Storage We have a shipment of this. season's fish in now COHOE SALMON FILLETTS lb. 50c (10110P _SALMON STEAKS lb. 40c SOLE F1J.LETTS , ' lb. 45c HADDOCK FILLETTS lb. 40e COD FILLETTS lb. 35c HAMBURG STEAK , lb. 27e Home -Made SAUSAGE , lb. 27e WE BUY HIDES Frozen Footle are Better Foods BIRTHS ECKER-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, August 21, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Frank Beck- er, Kitchener, a son, HAMILTON - 1 Oehawa General Hospital on Friday, August 16, 1946, to Mr. and .Mrs. Gerald Hamil- ton (nee Marie Grainger), a son, a brother for Joyce and Marilyn. HARPER -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, August 15, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Ilnrper, Clinton a son' (Ronald Bertram). MATERNA-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, August 18, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Joseph Materna, Blyth, a son (Donald Joseph). MARRIAGES ABRAxi.A)m-NAsal - In St. john's United Ohara, Stratford, on Sat- urday afternoon, 'August 17, 1946, by Rev. S. M Roadhouse, Ruth Isobel, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. Nash, Stratford, formerly of Clinton, to Douglas Lorne Ab- raham, son of Mrs. Abraham, Stratford, and the late Norman Abraham. FEAGAN-DIARRIS -In Holinesville United Church on Saturday, Aug- ust 10, 1946, at high noon, by Rev. C. P. Tavener, Eizabeth Christine (Betty), daughter of Mrs. Mary Harris and the late Jahn Harris, Holmesville, and Phillip Ross son of Mr. and Mrs. George W. Feagan, Benmiller. KELLY-McGILL - In Wesley -Willis United Church, Clinton, on Satur- day, August 17, 1946, by Nev. And- rew Lane, Helen Lillian, younger daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James A. McGill, Clinton, and Allan Christian. Kelly, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Kelly, Revelstoke, B.C. MaeGIRECOR - RAMO - At the parsonage of Victoria St. United Church •Goderich, on Wednesday, August 14, 1946, by Rev. George Murray, Muriel June Racho, Eg- mondville, to Wilmer Lyon Mac- Gregor, Icippen. RACHO - GREEN - At the Pars- onage of Victoria St. United Church Gaderieh, on Wednesday, August 14, 1946, by Rev._ George Murray, Catharine Mary Green, Egrnondville to Earl Racho, Egmondville. POTTER-NETHERY - In Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth at high noon on Saturday, August 3, 1940, by Rev. J. H. L Henderson, Alice Jean, daughter of W. G. Nethery and the late MTS. Nethery, Blyth, and Ray Clarence, second son of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Potter, God- erich Township. CARD 01' THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Frances Weston wish to take this opportunity of thanking their many friends for flowers sent and cars loaned and all other kindnesses showe in their re- cent sad bereavement. Gordon R. Hearn Optometrist Will be examining eyes at the home of Mrs. B. C. Hearn August 26th to the 28th PHONE 69 33-34-b 'Insurance Real Estate Investments Properties For Sale POSSESSION OCT. 1 -7 -room dwelling, with sun porch, mod- ern conveniences, in excellent I condition, good location, with 1 garage. TWO STOREY frame dwelling, three bedrooms up, one down, usual living rooms, three-piece bath, full basement, furriae pe summer kitchen, garage, % ' acre land with small -fruit trees. Sale subject to present tenancy. laa STOREY franae 7 rooms, 3 -piece liatk: good location, garage, sale subject to present tenancy. List your property with H. C. LAWSON Realtor Office Phone 251W PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repair :a ProsiiPtlY and neatly done 1 A.' „ French Sow . „ plastering Contractors Box 23 Phone 187 ONT. EStrIMATVS Specialists, in Cornice Work and 'DecOrative Plastering ROXY THEATRE • CLINTON CAPITAL . THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE , • SEAFORTH Nnwaplaying - John Payne and -Maureen O'Hara iii-a-aara-a ,93WI.IVIENTAL JOURNEY" Now Playing -Gary C'ooper in "ALONG CAME JONES" Now Playing -"SENTIMENTAL JOURNEY" - Maureen O'llva' Mon., Tues, Wed.-. Dual Features Vincent Price, Lynn Bari and Anabel Shaw "SHOCK" . ALSO - Joan Leslie and Robert Hutton in "TOO YOUNG- TO KNOW" Mon., Tues., Wed -Two Features Olivia de Haviland, Ray Milland and Sonny Tufts A romantic tag -of -war with all the bubble and sparkle of a magnum of champagne "The Well Groomed Bride". William Garyan, Nancy Kelly and Regis Toomey - Present a chilly mystery comedy "Follow That Woman" Mon., Tues., Wed. Ida Lupino, Paul Henreid and Olivia de Haviland . In the story of two sisters held to- gather by the strangest of bonds. "DEVOTION" Thurs., .Fri;, Sat. . A drama "rich with human emotion, a picture -you'll take to your heart. Dane Clark, Janis Paige and Zachary Scott Aflame with the lusty, lawless ex • eitement of an era in which crime and passion held away and life was cheap. Thur., Fri., Sat. Charles Boyer, Jennifer Jones and Helen Walker A picture you will remember, pors trayed by a truly star east "CLUNY BROWN" Thur., Fri., Sat, Anna Neagle, Dean Jagger and Rex Harrison A merry tale of the doughboy who runs into some old-world . • coinplicationa "A YANK IN LONDON" Coming - "FROM THIS DAY I Coming-"DRAGONWYCK" with Gene Tierney Mat., Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Coming--"DRAGONWYCK" with Gene Tierney ---------;---i OBITUARY MRS. WILSON ALLAN (By 001 Heiman Correspont) Residents of Hensel' and commun- ity were shocked to hear of the very sudden death of Mrs. Wilson Allan, well known Hensel' resident, who died at her home Saturday morning, Aug- ust 17, with a heart seizure. Mrs. Allan, who had always enjoyed the best of health was going 4mound as usual and was hoeing in her garden the previous evening. At 4 a.m. Saturday, she suffered a heart attack which passed off and she prepared her son's breabfast but suffered an- other seizure. Medical attention was given her but she died shortly after- wards, in her 46th year. She was born at Auburn, the ferni- er Margaret Luella Taman, and had been a resident of Hensall for the past 12 years. Previous to that she had resided in seaforth. Surviving are her husband, one son, Garnet at home; one daughter Mrs. Clarence Reid (Iva), EXeter; one grandson Jerry Reid; her father, Cochrane; three bnothers, Jack and Glenn Taman Toronto; WilliaraCoch- rane; one sister, Mrs. Roy IlefeGill, Seaforth. A large publie funeral service was held from the family residence Mon- day, August 19, Rev. It A. Brook officiating. During the service Mrs. Maude Hedden rendered an approp- riate solo, "Heyend the Sunset," Miss Gladys Luker accompanying at the piano. Burial was in Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth. Pallbearers were Harold Jackson, Seaforth; Donald McKinnon, Hugh McEwan, Williani Fairbairn, Robert McKenzie, Hensall; Henry Harburn, Cromarty. Flower bearers were Gar- net McClinchey, Seaforth; Arthur Dick, John Reid, Jim Sangster, Roy Smale, Toni Smale Howard Smale, Jack and Ross Nicholson, Seaforth; Harry Chesney. IN MEMORIAM WOODS --In loving memory of Mary Adele (Polly) Woods, who passed away two years ago, Aug. 21, 1044. We do not need a apecial day To bring Mother to our minds; The days we do not think of her Are very hard to find. --Sadly missed by Milton, Irene, Jim Isabel and Donald. IN MEMORIAM In Loving Memory of a dear husband and father, J. Stanley Carter, who passed away August 27, 1943. The evening star shines o'er the grave Of the one we loved but could not save, The call WM sudden, the shock severe, To part with one we loved so dear. The dearest Dad the world could hold, The cheeriest smile and a heart of gold, For all who knew him all will know How much we lost three years ago -Sadly missed by his wife and sons, Ivan and Percy. 34-p Notice "Anyone awing or having an account against the late Thomas H. Cook, Clinton, ' Submit an accounting to T: G. N. 00, 88 Lark St., , Toronto, Ont." CLEARING AITCTION SALE o rar:Pi Stock and Implements ,at.LtNo 29, Concession 3, Goderieh , Township, on • THURSDAY, AUGUST 29 130*P.3L, sharp, the following: HORSES ---' Blaek horse, 12 years old;' aged mare. CA.TTLE-Durharn eaWp•years old, freshened; Hereford cow, 1.2 yeas freshened; Hereford :heOet, .3' years ealf at foot; fat Herefordaheifer, 21/2 years. old; 3 Hereford steers., one Year old;'2 Hereford heifers, one year bid; 4 spring calves : IMPLEMENTS, all- MasSeY-Harris binder, 6 ft.ent„; Massey -Harris 11 -hoe fertilizer drill;' Deering mower, 5 ft, cut; Fleury walking plow; 12 -plate out throw disc; Bain wagOn; 3 -section drag harrows; 2,000 lb. scales (nearly new); senfEein DeLaval Cream eep- aratot, 400 lb. capacity (nearly new); fanning mill; cutter; large sugar kettle; set of double harness; 'borse collars; 2 horse .blankete; steel' the buggy; whiffle trees; neck yokes; 40 - gal. oak vinegar 'barrel; elnantity of pine i/2" lumber, 6" widths. • TERMS -CASH No reserve as proprietor is giving up farming owing to ill health. MILTON WOODS, Priopnietor , EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 33-$4,b poem suitable for the beautiful sur. Ontario St. Church WMS • roundings. Psalm 147 was read and Mrs. M. Wiltse led m prayer. Miss Elva. Wiltse conducted a sing- song of favourite hymns throughout the meeting. Miss Hattie Turner continued the Study Book of Dm. Ourrie's work in Africa in a very interesting manner. A dainty lunch was served at the close of the meeting and a very pleas- ant social time enjoyed by all. Holds August Meeting The WIVES of Ontario St. Church held its August meeting on the lawn of Mrs. B. J. ,Gibbings' home. Mrs. George ,Shipley was in change of the meeting. The theme of the devotions was "God's Summerthne Gifts." The can to worship was a Don't Leave Your Furnace Repairs and Cleaning Till Fall Order Now BE SURE OF SATISFAOTION HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing - Heating - Sheet Metal Work Agent for Heck Furnace. PHONE 244 BESEDKN011 411,) 1 Open Sunday August 25 i. P. Manning RED STAR GASOLINE FIRESTONE TIRES PHONE 345 CLINTON Now Available MARTIN-SENOUR FLOOR ENAMEL in the Popular Oak Brown Color ALSO ELECTRIC APPLIANCES one worthy of mention An Improved Heater - $17.50 now on display at HAWKINS HARDWARE PHONE: Business 244 Residence 5981 CLINTON Motorcycle Races 9 - 9 r $500 Prizes Sala; Coxnmunity Park CLINTON Sat. Aug. 31 2.30 P.M. TIME TRIALS Al' 12 NOON PROMOTED BY LONDON MOTORCYCLE CLUB, IT 7' "Jr ADMISSION: Adults 75e Children 35c including tax 34.354)