HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-08-15, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NWS -RECORD THURSDAY, AUGU 15, me Wornen's and P..hurckt. Aff.OIES. 111....000100 and DiSittict. P4! , mil mail 1559/4 I Brba,aavla0Donald is visiting haelVir icosililui sin, Miss Eleanor Wightman, Wingham. aVf.r. and Mrs. Albeit Yea, Toronto, visited last week with Mr. and 1VIrs, Prank Layton. Miss Doris, Young, Liman, .spent a few days this week with Miss Evelyn MacDonald. Miss DOTiS Peebles, Toronto, is a gueat this week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. ICay, Mrs. E. Wended has returned to her home in town after taking a summer course in music in Toronto Robin G. Hunter, Toronto, formerly of Clinton, has been in town this week renewing former acquaintances. Mr. and Mr.s Frank Fingland and Miss Catherine, are spending a vaca- tion at .Southampton, Lake Huron. Mr. and Mrs. John Gibbings, Strat- ford, are visiting the former's par- ents, Mr. and MTS. B. J. Gibbings. Mr. and Mrs. A.4 H. Carter and small son, Toronto, are visiting the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Carter. Mr. • and Mrs. Douglas Andrews have moved to the house they pur- chased from W. B. Hellyar, Albert St. Mr. and Mrs. W. U. Latornell, St. Thomas, spent a few days this week with Miss D. Doan and 141..s. 11. B. Cornbe. Mr. and 1VIrs. S. J. Agnew have returned to their home after visiting the former's sister, Mrs. William Mc- Clinchey. Miss Coronna Wendorf left yester- day for the Senior Girls Camp at the Goderich •Sumaner School Site, north .of Goderich. Ms, Cyril Bertrand returned to ber home on FIuron St. Monday afternoon, following an operation in Clinton Public Hospital, July 27. .Mr, and Mrs. EPhraim Ratz and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Quantz, all of De- troit, were weekend visitors at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. John A Sutter. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ralph Foster and two children Corson and Helen, have returned after spending a vacation at Long Branch, Stony Lake, Niagara Falls and other points. Misses Doreen and Dorothy Mc- Guire, Margaret and Grace Lobb, Helen Crich and Mildred Wiltse spent the latter part of last week holidaying at Deer Lodge Bayfield. Mrs. Annie Brown, Mrs. Harry Wat- kins and daughter Barbara, and Mr. and Mrs. Wiuiarn Hoggart, spent Sunday with the latter's daughter, Mrs. Carman McPherson, London. Miss Irene Snider, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, J. S. Snider, Albert St. Miss Snider recenty returhed from a vaca- tion at Ojilsway Island, Georgian Bay, John R. Cook has completed his slimmer course at the University of Western Ontario, London, and will spend the remainder of his vacation period with his mother and grand- mother. Mr. and Mrs. Homer Walker, De- troit, and Miss Margaret MacDonald, St. Petersburg, Florida, visited on Saturday at the home of their nephew, Frank MacDonald, and Mrs. Mac- Donald. ? Mr. and Mrs. Milton Steepe, and children Mavis and Ronald, left Sat- urday afternoon by ONR train for a trip to Western Canaan and the Pacific C'oast. They expect to be ab- sent a month. Miss Evelyn MacDonald acconman- ied by Miss Ruth Meehan'Wingham, who has been her guest for the past two weeks are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James A. MacDonald, Seaforth, for a couple of days this week. Miss Margery Agnew, Vancouver, B.C., who has been teaching in Tor- onto during the past year on the teachersexchange, returns to Van- couver for the coming school term. During the holiday season she has been the guest of her aunt, MTS. W. Brydone. Mr. and 1VIrs. Gordon Cuninghame, accompanied by. their daUghtQT, MTS. Hull, motored to Midland last week where they visited their son, John E. Cuninghame and took in the Island Cruise on Georgian ay. Mrs. Hull has since returned to her home in Toronto, having spent the month of July with her mother at their summer cottage **00/1.00***4111~ MARTINS SPECIAL! • GOOD SELECTION ROOM LOTS HALF PRICE TO CLEAR 1.4.2 HIGH STREET . • DUCKWORTH-TURNER A quiet wedding was solemnized at the Ontario St. United Chbrch par- sonage, on Saturday, August 10, when Rev. W. Woolfrey united in mar - liege, Shirley Winona, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Turner, Clintenj and John Henry, youngest son of Mr. and Mrs.. Wallace Duckworth, Goderich. The bride wore a pale blue gabar- dine suit, with white hat and acces- sories and a corsage of pink briar- cliffe roses. The. yeung couple were t unattended. Following their honeymoon at Bar- row Bay they will reside in Clinton. * * * JACKSO N-P.ALMER The marriage of 1VIrs. Gertrude E. Palmer, Clinton, to George F Jack - sen, Minn., took place quietly at the Baptist Manse, Clinton, on Saturday. Aegnst 10, at 2 pm', Rev. C. C. Anderson, officiating. Corporal W. Lamb, R. and C. School, RE.AF, ,inton, was the lest man, wit'i Mts Lamb attonaing the bride. Clacerwe d Cliff,.:(1 Cooper 1 Miss Helen McGill ' Feted Ere Marriage A very pleasant afternoon and evening was spent at the home of Mrs James McGill, Shipley St, on Saturday last, when she entertained end sister Evyn elwere amn ; others at a treussean tea in honour of her tittending 1.he' emony. bride daughter, Helen, bride -elect of this and, •grown 10it in a show It of CO -O - week: fetti. .The brilo The guests were received by the r. blue talkond pen- The and. the trousseau and gifts ell striped suit; e,ith C01.*S11,9,4d of red were displayed by the bride-to-be and roses and a Icequet of e-1 roses, her sister, Miss Kathleen McGill. white Meuse -am matching gl i es Mrs. LarnTea was served in the dining room t. be, attendant, wore a from. a lace covered table centred with shell pink c e:s figured blouse and a lovely bouquet of sweet peas and black crepe ,.',011 with hat and gloves smilax. Pink candles in silver holders to match and a eco sage -of pink roses. After the ceremony, all adjourned also adorned the table. Pouring tea in the afternoon were 1Virs. N. C. Ander. son, London, and Min C. Wade, het - grave, both cousins of Mrs. McGill. In the evening Mrs. W. J. Douglas and Mrs. W. MI Henry, Blyth, two other cousins of Mrs. McGill poured for a buffet lunch. Mrs. Parry wore ' s ' a green crepe dress, with corsage. of The assistants were Mis,seHelen Grealis and' JoAnne Cuninghame. cream roses. The evening .supper was largely attended and included Mrs. A. Zerback, Mrs. E. Pickard and many A reception followed the ceremony. others of and from this distrist, who IVIrs. John R. Weir, sister-in-law of enjoyed an Old Country musical even- the bride received, dressed in pale ing, with many of the old time songs blue silk jersey with pink accessories and the 1914-18 and 1939-45 wartime songs. The three -tiered wedding cake was made by Corporal W. Lamb, R. and C. School. Speeches were made by Mr. and Mrs. Jackson and 1VIrs. A. D. Parry and the toasts were drunk to the bride and groom; and a good time was had by all. There wore many beautiful and use- , the bride. The table was centred with ful gifts from their well-wishers and 1 the three-storey wedding cake flank- ed by tall tapers in silver holders. friends. Decorations were in pink, white and silver. During the reception the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Jackson left on San- in 'hayfield. Mr. Hull who also spent his vacation there returned to Toronto the previous week. Mrs -David Steep, Frederick St., had her niece, Mrs. Alex Lightheart as her guest over the week. While here Lightheart and Mrs. Steep spent a pleasant two day visit at the beach at Goderich where aVIrs. Lightheart was born. Mr. and Mrs. John Henry, parents of Mrs. Lightheart, lived in and around Clinton over forty years ago and Mrs. Lightheart (nee Recta Henry) was a pupil in Clinton school for over twelve years before going with her parents to make her home in Saskatchewan. Notice "Anyone owing or having an account against the late Thomas H. Cook, Clinton, subinit an accounting to T. G. COOK, 38 Lark St., Toronto, Ont." Gordon R. Hearn Optometrist Will be examining eyes at the home of Mrs. B. C. Hearn August 26th to the 28th PHONE 69 83-31-b 'Your Wedding Photos Make sure you are getting the finest. Have Then Taken At Fowler Bros. Photographers Phone 228 - MITCHELL 3d -b Our Funeral Home Has Large Cool Rooms, Beautifully and Appropriately Appointed, And Is Equipped With A lVfins'hall Elertrie Organ. Services Can Be Held Here Under Ideal Conditions At No Additional Charge. WM. N. BALL • D. G. HALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 361 Ambulance Service Phone 110 SAVE SMARTLY Make older garments "do" longer. Keep new apparel looking new. Save and look smart, with our aid. One trial will open your eyes. Send us something, start, saving smartly, today. We Pay 1 Gent Each for Good Wire Snit Hangers Gliddon's Press Shop We Press While U Wait • Five Day Service On Cleaning • PHONE 115 We Call For and Deliver Put new life into your elms- erfield with a re -upholster- ing job. This is frequently more satisfactory) than a complete new one. Phone NEWS -RECORD 4, and we will call and give you an estimate No obligation. Dick The Upholsterer 33.34--35-b o the home of the hostess, Mrs.. A. 31 Parry for the reception, which was attended by, among others, Rev. C. and 1VIrs. Anderson, Corporal and Mrs. Jamb, A. E. and Miss Elsie E. Parry. and .corsage of pink roses. She was assisted by Mrs. MacKay mother of the groom, who Wore navy 'blue With navy accessories and corsage of roses. „of white net over taffeta with bold - A buffet luncheon was Served by Mrs. fent skirt and sweetheart neckline. J. A. Moran, London, 1VIrs. Dorothy Her three-quarter length veil' was Reed, .Goderich, Miss 'Florence Pat- caught with gardenias and she car- terson Toronto, and Miss Mary John- ried an 'arm bouquet of red roses and sten, 'Victoria, RC., all cousins of fern. Mrs. Tommy O'Malley, sister- in-law of the bride, was matron of honor, wearing a floor -length gown of printed silk jersey. Her bouquet was of tea roses and fern. Maureen and Geraldine O'Malley, nieces of bagpipes. For a wedding trip to the bride were flower girls, dressed taalifkfeetain, floor -length gowns of mauve Muskoka Lake District, the bride travelled in a suit of navy blue smocked to the waist, with h butcher linen, with navy and white headdress of ribbon and flowers, and accesories and corsage of Rapture they carried nosegays. The groom was attended by his brother, James Murphy. During the offertory, Charles O'Malley, 'brother of the bride, sang overseas. Guests were present from "Panis Angeliens" and at the sign- ing of the register, Mrs. ik. Pettinger Ottawa, Toronto, London, Victoria, g "vaM din- B.C., Strathroy, Wingham, Lucknow, sang waAsgiveaia given a; AingPleewseudrdeValleyHouse, Walkerton. Later the couple left by motor for a trip to Midland and Muskoka dis- trict, the bride travelling in a grey dressmalcir suit with matching awes - reside on the groom's farm near A sou rib eu sr .n. Mr. and Mrs. Murphy will - Miss Shirley Turner Honored by Friend A pleasant evening was spent at the home of Mrs. Fred Hanley on Thurs- day, August 8, when she entertained at a shower in honour of Miss Shirley Turner, bride -elect. The evening was engaged in con- tests, after which the bride opened her lovely gifts. The gifts were cleverly hidden through the house and the bride was directed to them by notes on streamers hanging from a watering can beautifully decorated in Pink and white. The evening drew to a delightful close when the hostess served the 25 guests a delicious lunoh. Han- • ley was very ably assisted by her daughter, &lies Lois Hanley, and Miss Marie Ellwood. • _0 RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are sugar - preserves 81 to 825, butter R10 to R18, and meat M40 to 11450. Butter coupons R10 to ,R17 and meat coupons 11140 to M50 expire August 31. day for Niagara Falls and other Can- adian and T_Tnited States points via London, thence taking the river and scenic routes to Niagara Palls and onwards. At the end of a few weeks they will go to reside in Flint, Mich., where Mr. Jackson is employed by the Buick. Motor Company. Mr. Jackson is a returned soldier of the 1914-18 Great War, serving with the Canadian Experitionary Percesuntil: discharged at the end of 1918: Miss Evelyn and "Billie" Cooper will later accompany them to their new home. * * * MacKAY-WEIR (By our Auburn correspondent) A. pretty summer wedding was solemnized at high noon on Saturday, August 10, when Mary Josephine, only daughter of Dr. B. C. Weir and the late Mrs. Weir was united in mar- riage to Duncan Alexander MacKay, second son of Mr. and'Mrs: John Mac- Kay, Ashfield Township. Rev. Rich- ard Stewart, Goderich, performed the double ring ceremony in the living room ef the home in a floral setting of hyderanges, white phlox and fern. Mrs. A. C. Lewens, Toronto, cousin of the bride as pianist played' the Bridal Chorus from Loliengrin, also played during the signing of the reg- ister. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a floor -length gown of pale pink, with bouffant sltirt of net over taffeta, and the tight fitting basque of lace with deep portrait neckline and short cap sleeves with which were worn long matching mittens. Her headderss was a minia- ture Breton of pink laquered net with matching finger tip veil. She carried a bouquet of Rapture roses, bouvar- dia and rose petals. The bridesmaid, Miss Christine Robertson, 'Whitby, cousin of the bride, wore a floor -length dress of pale blue, fashioned after the bride's, with bouffant net skirt over taffeta, and moulded basque of matching lace and long matching mittens. Aer head- dress was a miniature Breton of blue laquered net. Sip carried Talisman roses. Donald 'MacKay, North Bay, broth- er of the bridegroom, was best nisn. entertained by Harold Bogie on the roses-. On their return they will re- side at Bright's Grove where Mr. Mac_ Kay is principal of the school. The groom recently returned home from and Godench. Previous to her marriage the bride was the guest of honor at several showers. Her cousins Mrs. Lewens, Toronto and Miss Cihristine Robert- son, Whitby, held a kitchen shower in her honor at Mrs. Lewens' home in Toronto. A number ef girl friends of the village held a dinner and theatre party in Goderieh When the guest of honor war presented with a miscellaneous shower of useful ar- ticles. Mrs. Oliver Anderson entertained the Bridge Club to a dinner at her home in her honor. The table de- corations were in pink and centred with a miniature bride and groom and tali pink candles in crystal hold- wc. Following the dinner the guest of honor was presented with a mis- cellaneous shower, also a large wall mirror. Mrs. .Richard Stewart and Mrs, Dorothy Reed, Goclerich, held a china shower in her honor at the Manse in Goderich. The members of Knox Presbyterian Church of which the bride has been organist, met at her horne.and presented her with a purse of money, An address extending good wishes was read by Mrs. Wellington Good and the presentation made by Mrs. Fred Ross. * MURPHY-CVMALLEY A pretty wedding took place at Sacred Heart Church, Teeswater, when Margaret Mary, only daughter of Thomas A. O'Malley, Teeswater, and the late Mrs. O'Malley, was unit- ed in marriage to Patrick William Murphy, son of Mr. and MTS. Michael Murphy,tAnburn. Rev. Fr. Phelan was present in the sanctuary. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floor -length gown CHURCH, DIRECTORY (All times mentioned below are Daylight Saving) Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader • SUNDAY; AUGUST 18 Bible School lit am. Evening Worship 1 p.m. This will be a special Ervaingelistic Service conducted by a group of sneakers and singers from Stratford. You and your friends are urged to be there. St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. p. nurdruin, Rector Mrs. Theodore .Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 8.30 gt.1/4-4Holy Communion 11.00 A.M.-Morning service No Sunday Sehool during August The United Church of Canada • Clinton United .Churches will worship together during the month of August in Ontario St. Church. REV. W. J. WOOLFREY, Minister B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader Mrs. E. Wendorf, Organist -- MU/AY, AUGUST 18 MOO A.M.---Weisley-Willis Sunday School (in their own church) 11.00 AM -Morning 'Worship "Is Life Futile" 12.10 -Ontario St, Sunday School 7.00 P.M. -Evening Worship "What Value has Public Worship" Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. II. T. KENDRICK, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 18 Services at the home of Miss Laura Jervis, PAncess St. 10.00 A.M.-Sunday School 11.00 AM.-11torning Worship 7.00 P.M. -Evangelistic Service Tuesday, 8.00 P,11/1. -Prayer Meeting Thursday, 3 p.m.-4Women's Prayer Service Thursday 8.00 P.M -Worship Service Evangelist G M. Gingrich What is a Christian? A Christian is ente' who accepts Christ as his or her own personal &vim.. When in need of ,eomfort, read Isaiah, chapter 40. Clinton Gospel Centre (Mennonite Church) Pastor -Mr. 0. CESTNICK Services being held as orginally in hall above Hawkins Hardware SUNDAY, .A.T.IGUST 18 7.30 P.M. -Gospel Service, • You are welcome. 6 Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNK/AY, 'AUGUST 18 9.45 A.M.-Service at Hayfield 10.30 A.M.-Sunday School 11.15 A.M.Service at Clinton Rev. NI. E. Burch, Mimic° Everybody welcome. , .13.1•••• Engagements Announced Mr. and 1VIrs. John W. Aikenheach. Brumfield, wish to announce the en- gagement of their second daughter, Joyce Doreen, to Harold Louis Willert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Willert, Hensall, the marriage to take place the latter part of August. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel E. Rozell, Wellington St. N., Kitchener, form- erly af Clinton, announce the engage- ment of 'their only daughter, Marilyn Jean* to Robert Burk McKee; son of Mrs. Dorothy B, NfeKee, Chester Man. The marriage will take place at the Missionary Tabernacle, Kitehener, September 2. RED SHIELD NOTES The regular ineetng of the R. 8., W. A. was held in the work room, Tuesday, August 13, with 22 mein - hers and one visitor present. The president, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, was back and carried on the business. Today was the _last meeting of the Red .Shield which will be closed until October 1, when it will be decided to form a Community Club of some kind. Mrs. Leamington read an address to the president Mrs. Trewartha, about the Rind and noble things which she has done during her duties as president, and, on behalf of the mem- bers of the Red Shield, Mrs. Butler presented Mrs. Trewartha with a silver relialt dish. Taken by surprise Mrs. Trewartha gave a suitable reply. • The president and members wish to extend their sincere thanks to the clubs and individuals who have help- ed during the past years. GRANDMOTHER'S DAY Clinton Women's Institute will hold Rs next meeting on Thursday, August 22, at 2.80 p.m. on the lawn of Mrs. M. D. BleTaggart, Shipley St. This is Grandmother's Day and all grand- mothers of the town, whether mem- bers of the Institute or not, will be most welcome. Any grandmothers who have no way of getting to Mrs. MeTaggart's home kindly phone Mrs. A. P. Cudmore and transportation will be arranged. DEVY $16,484 GODERICH-N. W. Miller, county clerk, has informed Town Council that the towns share of county taxes would be $16,484.20' on the assessed valua- tion of $3,261,400. Summer Dress CLEARANCE HALF PRICE Ginghams, Printed Cottons, Chambrays, and Seersuckers. Broken Lines - Sizes 11 to 42 Mao the balance of our stock of Play Outfits Sizes 14 to 18 ALL FOR QUICK SELLING at ONE HALF REGULAR PRICES R. V. IRWIN ftlossommgmonommommemma, Lakeview Casino --Grand Bend DANCING EVERY NIGHT GORDON DELAMONT and HIS ORCHESTRA MIDNIGHT DANCE -AUG. 19th, 12.05 A.M. SUNDAY, AUGUST 18th, 9 P.M. SPECIAL EVENING CONCERT By our own Orchestra "GORDON DELAMONT" ALL PROCEEDS FOR GRAND BEND • CNIZEN'S COMMITTEE All Grand Bend and surrounding districts should support this concert COM to the "Bend" often The summer is drawing to a close fast. Don't regret not having enough fun and pleasure dining the summer months! 111••••., avalmnesamenvetros tosenvolems**Teemonsostemn • For Baked Goods of the Finest Quality It's BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERSi PHONE 11 •CLINTON