HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-08-08, Page 6PAGE SIX • CIAN'T(),N NEWS-11ECORD THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1946 Interesting Items From News -Record's Rlaral Correspondents NEWS OF BAYFIELD• Representative: MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone MINTON 63141 ..1•11•11111.,. Bill Elliott, Hensall, is spending a Week's vacation in the villagc Harry Ahrens, Detroit, spent the weekend at hi •s cottage oTrail Blazer." Mrs. C. W. Drown was the guest of Mrs. alalcom McTaggart, Clinton, this 'week. Rev. and Mts. F. H. Paull, Listowel, came on Sunday to occupy theiz• cot- tage this month. Mr. and Mrs Fred Fowlie, London, spent the holiday weekend with Mises F. and E. Fewlie. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Atkinson, De- troit, are spending this week at their home in the Village. , Bill Johnston, who has been visit- ing his aunt, Mrs. Malcorn Toms, has returned to Windsor. Harry Lowry returned to Windsor after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs Spencer Ervine. Allan Ormond who has lreen a guest at the Albion Hotel for several' weeks has returned to Detroit. Miss Grace Woolferiden, Detroit, is occulting her cottage on Howard •St., for the month of August. bliev Ruble Fisher, Kitchener, was the guest of her aunt, 1Vers. F. A. Ed- wards) over the weekend. William Greig returned to Toronto after spending a fortnight with his family at "Bali -Agree cottage. Mrs. Pratt an daughter, Victoria St., London, are occupying the Cun- ingheane cottage foe the month of August, Mrs. •Gale Massey, New York, ar- rived on Friday to visit Mrs. R. H. P. Gairdner and her cousin, Samuel Gaylord. Clarence Larson and Ernest Feath- erston, London, were at their respec- tive homes in the village over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Genueng and daughter, Birmingham, are occupying Miss' Miller's cottage for the month of August, Norman Echensviller and son Burt- on, Stratford, are spending a few days with his cousin, Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon, and Mr, Sturgeon. Misses Dean and Marion Castle, of ••••••■•=m1. London, spent the Civic Holiday week- end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Castle. Mrs. Seitz and two daughterSa Margaret and Helen, Detroit, are the guests of Mrs) F. Hayes in William L. Metcalf's cottage. Misses Donna Burnside and Virginia Bailey, East Orange, N.J., are the guests of the fotmer's aunt, Miss M. Fairbairn, "Westwind." MT. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and daughter Mary, Toronto, spent the weekend with the letter's gandmoth- er, Mrs. F. Genneinhardt. Mr. and Mrs. L A. Stephens and daughter, Jane MeGrigor, 'Shelburne, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Cree Cook, "Lochame" cottage. Miss Louise Mothersill is the guest of Rev. and Mrs. H. M. Langford at their cottage while visiting their granddaughter, Miss Susan Bricker. Mr. and Mrs. W. Ewing Buchan and two children, John and Jane, former's aunt, Mrs. N. W. Wnods. Dunnville, spent the weekend with the I Mr. and Mrs. Walter Grierson and two children, Chales and Anne, Wat- erloo, are the guests of MTS. Grier - son's aunt, Mrs. P. A. Edwards, Miss Jacqueline Parker, accompan- ied by Keith Pruss and a friend from London, spent the Civic Holiday week- end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parker. Mn and Mrs. Arthur Ford arid the latter's mother, Mrs. Woolway, re- s turned to London last week after hay - EBENEZER GODERICH TOWNSHIP Death of Mrs. John Tebbutt 'Sincere sympathy is extended to the families of, the late Mrs. John Teb- be% who 17101.1T11 the loos ef a loving mother. Mrs. 'Febbutt will be much missed as a good neighbour and, while her health prevailed, was a very faith- ful attendant of Ebenezer Church. Ebenezer W. A. The Ebenezer W. A. met at the home of Mrs. Ira ;Vferrill for the Aug- ust meeting. The president was in charge, and the meeting was opened with a hymn. Mrs. Bert Lobb took diagge of the devotional period. Fol- lowing the business discussion, read- ings were given by Mrs. 1. Merrill and Mrs. Bert Lobb. The meeting WAG closed with a hymn and the Miz- pah Benediction. Lunch was served by the hostess. STANLEY TOWNSHIP • Arthur Hobson, St. Thomas, spent a few days last week With Thoznaa Penhale. Mr. and Mrs. Will Speane, Highgate, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart. - Mr. and Mrs. J. Burnes, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Penhale on the Bronson Line. Miss Helen (Billy) Stewart, Wind- sor, spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stewart, Mre. Harold Penhale spent a few days last Week visiting her parents and sisters in London and Westmin- ter Township. Mr. and Mrs. Chester Nellans and an Ferguson all of London, spent he weekend with Mrs. Menem' par- nts, Mr. and Mrs. Ed. C. Glen, mg spent the month of July in the. Metcalf house. Keith Leonard, Toronto, spent the weekend with his wife and babe. Ronald Burt, London, spent last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Baker, Frank Burch Toronto spent the weekend with his wife and family, Neil Mustard and Miss Beth Oliver, Toronto, were also at the Mustard cottage over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs. James P, Ferguson. London, are occupying Miss It.. Ken- nedy's cottage for the month of Aug- ust. Their guests this' week ate Mr. c• 044- 744v4 a"' P/81144c .?" 4., TODAY, many more Long Distance calls are being put through than our facilities were originally designed to handle. Until our current construction program is com- pleted, the operator will at times be slow in answering Is.. often be unable to put your Long Distance call through while you hold the line. But you may be sure she will call you back as soon as she can, She will always be grateful for your patience and understanding. • and Mrs. Campbell, London. Miss Dawna Tome, Toronto, is spending a two week's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Malcom Toms. Don Guest, London, was also with them over the weekend. Mrs. Earl Wagner and little daugh- ter, Carol, have returned to Waterloo, after having spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs, Ed. Sturgeon. Stuant Sturgeon, Preston, and Earl Wagner London. ' Mr. and Mrs,. Bert Lobb, Clinton, and Mr. and IVIrs. Nelson Heal, .Seb- ringville, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Will- iams, Mitchell, spent a few days at Deer Lodge, Bayfield, returning home Wecinesdase Mr. and Mrs. Phil liettbehmer arid family have spent the past week at their cottage at Lane O'Pines beach They had as their weekend guests, Mr. and Mrs. George lfoods and daughter Beverly, Detroit. Rev. and Mrs. G. R. Thompson and daughter Frances Truro, N.B., spent a week and Rev. and Mrs. John R. Thompson and family, St. Thomas, spent yesterday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Thompson. Miss Violet Phillips has returned to Toronto after spending her vacation at the home of her sister, Mrs. Ira Merrill. She accompanied Mr. and Mrs. Merrill and Elwin an a trip to Clare, Mich., to visit relatives. Guests at the 13ruce Beach cottage of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Holmes, Ger- rie, last weekend included Mr. and Mac. E. G. Williams of 0oderich, and Mr. and Mts. Andrew Holmes, Miss Kathleen Holmes, Mrs. Calvert, Miss K. H. Williams, Mr. and Mac. J. A. Torrance, end Miss M. G. Torrance, all of Goderich Township Last week at Deer Lodge were: Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Robertson and fam- ily, Woodstock; Mr. and Mrs. George Sidsvell and family, Stratford; Mrs. Connie Culbert and daughter and friends, Woodstock; 'Ma and Mrs. K. Weiner and friends, Kitchener; Mr. and MTS. A. liafentflug and -family, Kitchener; Mr. and •Mrs. J. T. Vic - 'twain. and family of Essex. Threshing Neerly Done Threshing is abaut finished in many parts of the Township. 4E1 Mrs, Andy Sloan, Sheffield, visited with relatives over the weekend. Miss Ferrel Higgins, Clinton, is holidaying this week with Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Wallis. Mts. Hayman entertained the ladies of Bayfield Highlands te a tea on Tuesday afternoon. Miss Helen Welsh and Salsa Muriel Wilson spent Ile weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Vv eish. Harry Lobby York 3VIills, spent the weekend at the home <if his parents, Mr. and Mot Fred Lobb. 'Charles Thmnpeon and Mrs. Ctanyn, Toronto, spent a week's vacation with the latter's sister, Mrs. John MeGnire. Dr. and Mrs. R. C. Code and family, Windsor, ara at the Bayfield High- lands for the. balanee of the season. Mrs. Bettlea, Goderieh, and Mrs. Gordon, Saskatchewan, are spending a few days with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Betties. Mr and Mrs, A. L. Thompson and daughter Ann, have returned from holidaying at Lake Waseosa, Hunts- ville. Mr. and Mrs. Dudley G. Fraser, Detroit sceaapetie tv tae lady's mother, Mts. A. 1115. JJones are at Bay- fied Highlands. Mrs. Charles Russell Cory, who is at Bayfield Highlands, entertained the cottagers with A beach supper on Tuesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Sipe, Jr.. Grosse Point, Mich, are holidaying at Hay- field Highlands. 'With them are IVIr. and Mrs. 0. Sipe, Sr. Jack Stirling a,nd Miss Mary Pawlysgyz, Toronto, spent the holiday with the former's parents, Ma and Mrs. James R. Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Will Stirling, Manton, Alta., and Miss Mary McKenzie, Maud and Josie Hayfield, were calling on friends on Sunday. Mies Beta Duncan, Lenden, who is engaged in social Struin work eel has been trearae.re z to Windsor, a holidaying zit the family cottage at hayfield Rigid:Inds. Mi. and Mts. R. T. I3urgess and daughter Maureen and Miss Edna Connors, London, who have been spending the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Waist), have returned to also were here over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parker and baby daughter, Termite, arrived on Tuesday to spend this week with the fomer's patents, Mr. and Mrs. John , Parker. "Chuck" has recently receiv- led his discharge from the RCAF, Mr. and Mrs'. Percy Parker and Billy, left on Tuesday for Nekorrza, Neb., after having visited the former's mealier, Mrs. Charles W. Parker and other relatives in this district. They will visit in London and Sarnia en route, Mrs. W. Johnston and daughters, Mrs. Dick and Mrs. Jacobson, Nekoma, and Mrs. B. Smith, Hunter, N.B., who have been visiting Miss Lottie Greer and other relatives in this vicinity, left on Monday for their respective homes. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Guningharne and daughters, Miss JoAnne and Mrs. Hull, have returned to their home in Clinton, having enjoyed the month of July at their summer cottage "3.2.3." Mr. Hull, meteorologist at T.C.A., has returned to Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Morley, Birm- ingham, Mich., spent the weekend with the former's, sisters, Misses F. and L. Morley, "Birchcliffe." On their re- turn they were 'accompanied by their elder daughter, Berbera, who spent several weeks with her aunts. Guests at the "Little Inn" last week were 1VIrs. J. G. Fletcher, Richmond, Mirh.; Mrs. S. N. Gardner; Mr. and Mrs. Coates, Detroit; 'Mrs. Fellows, Windsor; Mr, and Mrs. James R. Brown, Mr, and Mrs. J. W. Brown, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs. John S. Arm- strong, Detroit. Guests last week at Mrs. MeEwen's Lob Cabins were: W. IL Ford, London; James Campbell, Calgary Mr. and 1VIrs. W. K. Barss, Stratford; Mr. and Wire. R. H. Kett, Chippewa; Mr, and Mrs. H. M. Roche, London; Mr. and Mrs. A,. P. McNabb, Toronto; Mr. and .141rs. E. Clare Shantz; Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Burkhart and son, Water- loo. Mr. and Mrs. W. 0 :Stirling, who motored from Hanna, A3ta, accomp- anied by Mr. and Mts. Herbert Wallis, D'Arcy, Sask., arrived on Friday to visit Misses A. M. and E, 3. Stirling and other relatives in this vicinity. 0.1010611.4041~1104010.1~041111110~~It Enjoy the Cool Breezes of Ea=trizetatt. In the Open Air Under the Stars Lake Huron Roller Skating —NIGHTLY- - AT GRANW4END'S Newest . . “WONDER GROVE" Operated by Bannister Bros. ' ROLLER RINK Skates Supplied Sandwiches Tasty Barbecue 1 NEW MODERN • "Wonder Grove" LUNCH BAR 10,000 SQUARE FEET' OF SMOOTH TERRAZZO FLOOR ADMISSION 35 CENTS 3. L. Dixon and Miss Carrie Dixon, Brenta:nal, 1VIrs, George Wright and Miss Carrie Dew, London, spent the weekend and holiday at Rev, F. H. Paull's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. ,Tames R. Scat, Tor- onto, were with the latter's mother, Mrs. R. H. F. Gairdner over tile week- end. Their guests over the weekend were Miss Betty Munro and Allan Kent, both of whom served overseas with the Canadian Press, ,Ailan Kent, who is on the staff of the Evening Telegram, saw service with the RCAF in. many theatres of war in Europe and the Middle East. Guests at, the Albion Hotel include: M. and 1VIrs. C. Grimes and daughter Patsy, Mrs, C. Moody, Detroit; Mrs, M. Gould, Mrs. Betty Lorenzen, Miss Helen Wretala, Detroit; Mr. anti IVIrs, Charles Wilson, Dr. A. Bernstein, London; Mr, arid Mrs. J. Mitcaell, Windsor; Mt. and Mrs, Stanley Mc- Donald and small daughter, Walker - vide; Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton, Strats ford; Mr. and Mrs. T. 2. Hitchins said son, Graham, London; Mr. and 'Mrs. J. 2. Randolph, Sarnia, were also gueets ever the weekend. Start Work on Bridge The Blyth Construction Company has -commenced moving in material preparatory to beginning preliminary work on the new bridge. Successful Bazaar A very successful bazaar and sale of homeanade baking was held in Mrs. F. A. Edward's store on Saturday afternoon under the joint auspices of the ladies of St. John's Church, Varna, and Trinity Church Guild, Parker Reunion Over forty members of the Parker family held a picnic in Jovvett's Grove on Sunday afternoon. Amongst those from a distance who were present were: Mr. and Mrs. L. B. tainith, Glen and Maxine ,Staith, London; Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Sarnia; Ma and Mrs. Harold Atwood, 'Galt; Mr. and Mrs. P. O. Parker anti Billy, Nekoma, NM.; also Mrs. Charles W. Parker's three nieces, Mrs. J. Dick Mrs. jamb. son, Nelcorna, and Mrs. B. Smith, Hun- ter, N. Dakota. I LONDESB�u� Miss Marjorie Hesk is holidaying with her aunt, 1VIrs. Harry Durnin. Mrs. Allie Allen, London, visited with Miss L. Young on Sunday. Allen and Jim Main, Brussels, visit- ed with Mr. •and Mrs. Will Govier on Sunday. Miss Marjorie Knox is holidaying with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Knox. Mr. and Mrs) 2. 'Lansng, Oshawa, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs, Sid Lansing. Joseph Atchison, Los Angeles, Cal„ is visiting with his sister, Mrs. Charles Ruddell. A number of people from the vil- lage attended the horse races at God- erich on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. W. Mason, London, are visiting with the latter's, sister, Mrs. W. Brunsdon, Master Murray Calquhoun, Clinton, is holidaying at the home of his sister, Mrs. Len. Oaldwell. Miss Maey Oaldwell, London, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Miss 011ie Mon, Toronto, spent the weekend at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs) George Moon, MTS. A. Ferguson and Patsy Gail. Owen Sound, are visiting the former's sister, Mrs. Allen Shaddick. IVIr. and IVIre. Harry Wase and fam- ily, London, spent the weekend with the latter's father, Fred Johnston. Dr. and Mrs, Whitely, Gerrie and bliss Meryle Riley, Toronto, visited at Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Josling's on Sun- day. Miss Beth Gorier, Goderich, and Miss Elva Govier, London, spent the weekend with their parents, Mr. and Mrs, William Gorier. Misses Doris McCool, Phyllis Mc- Cool, Doreen Armstrong and Shirley Rapson, are holidaying at Goderich this week. Rev. Dr. William 'Fingiand, Niagara Falls, and Colin Fingland, Toronto, are visiting with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Finland. Mr. and Mrs. James L. Awde, Wont:L- AS:A, and Miss Margaret IlacCool, Ottawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. J. W. IVIeGool over the weekend, Mrs. Haines, London, and bits.1 Bloor, Mount Forest, are visiting their sister, Mrs. W. Drunsdon, and we are sorry .to hear that +Mrs. Haines is quite ill. We hope she will soon recover. Dr. Grierson and Miss Doris Grier- son, spent a couple of dare with Mr. and IVIrs. T. Fingland last week, and Mrs. Grierson returned home with them on Friday, to Sunderland. Mr. and Mrs. ltasr Fisher and Master Douglas) Galt, spent this past week with 'Mrs. Fisher's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Snell. ' Mission Band To Meet The Mission Band will meet Sunday morning, August 1/, at ten o'clock in the Sunday School room, Able To Be Around We are glad to report that 1VIrs. Fred Shobbrook is able to be out and around again, after her unfortunate accident of breaking her hip. W. M. S. Meets The Walt& held its August meet- ing on Wednesday, July- 31 (one week earlier) in the Sunday School room of the church, with the president, Mrs. R. Townsend, in the chair. After the opening exercises, roil call was an swered by the members; group No. 2 led by Miss Lawdy Young had charge of the meeting. Hymn 356 followed by prayer by Mrs. W. Hesk and Mrs. A, Pangrad. Scripture lesson was read by Mrs, Will Govier. Mc- Cool sato. a solo entitled "My Father KnowsItAR." A splendid talk was given by Mrs. It Grierson of Sunder- land, formerly (Miss Mary Fingland), being a missionary in Korea for a AUCTION SALE of Property and Household Effects, at the home of Mrs. Charles Knuckey. Lot No. 1, Range N, 1 mile south of Bayfield on Blue Witter Highway, on Wednesday, August 14 at 1 p.m. eharp (DST) the following: 3 -piece Chesterfield suite; solid walnut long table (hand carved); Henry Herbert player piano, rnahog- any finish (in Al condition); oak davenport; oak library table; 2 oak arm chairs and rocking chair; oak Morris chair; wicket arm chairs and rocking ehair; upholstered chair; leather rocking chair; Axminster rug 10'x12'; 2 Axminster runners; woven carpet 10'x15'; small rugs; 2 metal beds with inner spring mattresses; 2 dressers; day bed; walnut single bed; large wardrobe; solid walnut cupboard; halt tree; tri -light; modern range with water -front reservoir and warming closet (like new); Harrison Quebec heater; Primrose electric washing machine (like new); Stewart Warner electric refrigerator (6 cu. ft, capacity); aluminum electric chef grill; electric percolator; electric sandwich grill; 6 -piece breakfast suite; kitchen table; medicine cabinet; ice box; small tables; theirs; lawn chairs. and bencheie; 10 flannelette blankets; 2 deer heads; bear rug; flower stand; bird cage; number of books; step ladder; lawn mower; wheel barrow; boiler and wash tub; Pots and pans; quart and pint sealers; glassware and dishes; garden rake; hoes; forks and small quantity of hemlock linnber, mixed lengths of 2"x4" and 4"x4" widths; and num- erous other articles. At the same time and place, there will be offered for sale, .the property which coasists of 2 acres of land, more or less. with numerous fruit trees.and shrubbery and a never -fail- ing supply of spring water. On said property there is situated a 11/2 - storey 8 -room frame house with ver- anda, cement foundation throughout and partial cellar. This property is well located and would make a very desirable summer home, TERMS on furniture: Cash. TERMS on property made known on day of sale subject to reserve bid. MRS. CHART:ZS KNUCKEYa Prep 'ID MARI) W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. 31-82-e number of years. She spoke of can- ' lona there at the present time, as written her by her Korean friends. She also spoke of the good influence of summer camps held in Ontario, one of which she attended this &urn- /nen Meeting closed by prayer by Miss Young. • • Westfield 17—Londesboro 8 Westfield defeated Londesbore 17-8 in the fifth game of the WOAA soft- ball group semi-finals at Blyth Tues- day night to advance into the group finals against Dungannon. Londesbero used two moundsmen, Carter and Tunney, in an effort to stem the tide of Westfield sluggers, but couldn't hit the right combination. Jardine went the route on the mound for Westfield. Box Score Westfield AB R 11 PO A M. MeDowell. 3b . 6 I I 0 3 A. Cook, 2b ....- 6 2 a 2 2 J. Snell, Lf 6 5 2 2 0 T. Jardine, p . „ 6 1 2 4 8 Gr. McDowell, c 6 2 2 2 3 1 ,Fa Snell, ss • 5 3 3 2 4 J. Walsh, cf 5, 2 0 2 0 H. McDowell, lb 5 1 0 12 2 D. Snell, rf 5 1 1 1 0 0 0 50 18 14 27 17 1 Londesboro AB R II PO A E Riley, rf 5 I 3 0 0 0 C. Saundercock, c 5 1 2 2 1.0 Tunney, lb 6 1 1 10 2 0 R. Btemtpon, 3b 5 1 2 4 4 1 0. Carter, p 5 1 2 4 3 0 W. Leiner, ss 5 0 2 1 4 0 B. Pollard, 2b 5 0 0 2 2 1 J. Tamblyn, cf 5 1 2 1 0 0 H. Miller, lf 4 1 0 3 0 1 — 44 7 14 27 16 3 Score by innings: Westfield . 404 310 038-18 14 1 Londesboro 310 010 200— 7 14 3 Umpires—Lumley and Gurts. Westfield 9—Londesbore 2 Westfield defeated Londesboro 9-2 in a WOAA intermediate play-off softball match at Blyth Thuriaday evening last. The count WAS tied 2-2 in the ftfth but the winners broke away in the sixth and seventh and were never * * Doe Score Westfield 4.2 22 PO4. B' M. IVIeDowell, 3b . 6 1 2 8 4 1 A. Cook, 2b '' 6 0 1 2 8 0 J. P. SJanredill.nelf, 5 2 2 4 4 0 : 6 1 1 1 0 1 G. McDowell, e . 5 1 0 1 2 0 E, Snell, ss 5 2 2 I 4 1 J. Walsh, a 6 1 0 1 0 0 IL McDowell, lb 5 1 I 13 1 0 D. Snell, rf 5 0 0 1 0 0 — — 48 9 9 27 19 Landesbore AB It II PO A E B. Riley, et 5 0 0 1 0 1 C. Saamdercock, c 4 0 1 1 2 0 F. Tunney, lb 3 0 0 9 1 0 R. Drompton, 3b 3 0 1 5 3 6 G. Carter, p 4 0 1 4 4 I W. Leiper, se 4 0 I 2 2 2 W. Pollard, 2b 4 0 0 2 2 4 J. Tamblyn, rf 4 1, 1 0 0 0 H. Miller, If 4 1 1 3 0 2 35 2 6 27 14 10 Score by innings: Westfield .. 200 002 104-9 0 3 Londesboro . 000 029 000-2 6 V Umpire--Cordig. IWKWAIMAIW4AMigii104,04WWIAMkge, 1S '9111°1144 CAN 410 iqk ICc 0 vtP;;E 105AC q,..iPIAWMFWMAASSEMir PP Blended for Quality LANK TEA ••••••• ‘411•111/M11.111.11111 For Body and Fender Repairing SATISFACTION GUARANTEED 14 YEARS' EXPERIENCE C. R. Crossman Body Shop Rattenbury St. W., Just -West of Bartliff's Bakeshop PHONE 594 IN THE, SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO In The Estate Of Richard Bailey, Deceased IN THE MATTER OF'• THE PARTITION ACT, R.S.O. 1937, Chapter 157 Pursuant to the ORDER FOR SALE made in this cause, bearing date the 12th day ef February, 1946, there will be sold, with the approbation of Thomas Moore Costello, tsq., Master of this Court at Goderich, by Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, at Lot 130, Tuyll St., Bayfield, on Saturday, the 10th day of August, 1946, at 1.30 p.m., the following lands and premises in parcels: (1) The Eastetly part of Lot 126 in the Village of Bayfield. (2) Lot 127 in the Village of Bayfield. (3) Let 128 in the Village of Bayfield. (4) Lot 130 in the Village of Dayaield on which is located a two-storey red 13tick house and a garage. This property is vacant. (5) Lot 129 in the Village of Bayfield. (6) Lot 131 in the Village of Bayfield. (7) Lot 132 in the Village of Bayfield. (8) Lot 615 in the Village of Bayfield. (9) One-quarter acre of land conaisting of the West part of Lot 195, in the Village of Bayfield, on whieh is located a five -room frame cottage. (10) Lot 4 and the East three -and -one-eighth (3%) acres of Lot 5, Range "N", Bayfield, consisting of about eleven (11) acres of land. (11) Lot 7'7 in the Bayfield Concession, Goderich Township, con- sisting of eighty (80) acres of land. • Parcels 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are vacant lots close to Lake Pluton • and are suitable for summer cottages. Possession of parcels 1 to 30 inclusive will be given upon pay- ment of full purchase price. Parcel 9 will be sold subject to the existing tenancy. Possession of Parcel 11 will be given on November 15bh, 1946. The properties will be offend for sate separately; subject to reserve bids which have been fixed by the said Master. Terms of Sale -20% on day of sale, and balance within thirty (30) days. In all other respects, the terms and conditions of sale will be standing conditione of the Supreme Court of Ontario. Further Particulars can be had from Frank Donnelly, Goderich, Ontario. DATED at Goderich, this 23rd day of July, AM., 1948. T. M. COSTELLO, 80-.31-32-1, Master &C.0., Gederielt. aasaaaseesmewasaaraaaaaa,,,,w,,,,,,w,