HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-08-08, Page 5THURSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1946 CLINT(IN NEVVS-RECORD . PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 26 cen10); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box nueriber. Adlets accepted up to 9 p,m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of Publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE ONE KITC,HEN CABPNET in good condition. Phone 138-W. 32-b SEVEN TUBE VICTOR RADIO. Can be seen at Wells AutoeElectrie. 31-32-p PLASSEY-HARRIS STTEF TOOTH Cultivator. Apply Box "G” NEWS - =coup, 32-p MAROON PRAM — Excellent con- dition, Appy Mre. IL Murney, phone -341-M. 32-p TALL WICKER PErteNERY FOR single large plant. Good as new. Apply Canadian National Express Of - 31 -32-b APPLES FOR SALE—,Duchess and • Harvest Apples at 30c six-mutet bas - 'let and 50e 11 -quart basket. .Apply 'Tess Dolly Cantelon, Clinton, 32-b e 'THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE --,Having disposed of nee' farm, 1 ane offering for sale iny threshing machine, completely rebuilt by my- self for my own use. This machine is equipped with high grain elevator, eomplete with grain pipes and straw ...utter, good belts and drive belt. HERB IVIOUSSEAU, Zurich Garage, -phone 103, Zurich. 26 - 32-p .A.CCOMMODATION WANTED APARTMENT OR HOUSE WANTED 'immediately, small family. Apply at NEWS -RECORD. 29b-tfb LOST AND FOUND POUND—SAFETY RAZOR KIT — 'Owner may have same by proving property and paying for advertise- ment. 'Apply NEWS,RECORD. 32-p PROPERTY FOR SALE SACRIFICE!! 100 ACRE FARM for .quick sale. Spring Neater, gravel pit, bush. Corner of two good gravel roads. Enquire from owner across from W. J. Miller, 32-p STCRIFICE!! 14 acre in town facing ,on Ontario, Kirk and Townsend Sts. Would make six go e'd sized lots. Cheap: for quick sale. Apply from owner across from W. 3. Miller. 32-p TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- er and electricity; Penin Block, either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter- natonal Salt Block; also one lot in Clinton Cemetery. ;Apply A. T. Coop- er, Box 27, Goderich. 28-btfb HELP WANTED ' AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins Dietrict available. If you are Aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. OC -16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. 31-32-33-34-35-b MISCELLANEOUS LLOYD'S CORN AND CALLOUS Salve gives immediate relief from borne and callouses. 50c at Penne- bakers Drug Store. 32-36-40-42-46-b ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write P. Howey, 144 Catharine St. 5., Hamilton. 28-tfb AVAILABLE NOW — The Famous Singer Buttonhole Attachment. Also a limited number of small cabinet electries. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 78 Ontario St. Stratford, phone 727. 80-31-32-33-b COMMUNITY AUCTION ,SALE, at Harold Jackson's farm one mile east of ,Senforth on Wednesday August 14, at 'TM pm, Note the time. This sale consists of 60 head of Western stockers from 600 to 800 pounds, calves, sows, chunks and weaners. Anyone may bring stock to this sale. Terms Cash. Harold Jackson, Auc- tioneer. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 200 SUSSEX PULLETS, ready to lay. 11, Managhan, Clinton, 31-32-p e3 LITTLE PIGS, ,SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply Edgar Rathwell, phone 909r4. 32-» NINE YORKSHIRE PIGS, SIX weeks old. Apply Omar Switzer, phone 614r31. 32-x NUMBER Ole WEANLING PIGS. Apply Theodore D,ale and Son, Phone 800r15. 82-» ELEVEN PIGS, NINE WEEKS OLD. Apply Donald Shanahan, R.R. 1, Clin- ton, phone 801r16. 31-p 250 SUSSEX NEW 'FLAIVIRSIIIRF, Chicks, 12 weeks old. One sow due September 2. Apply Ross Mann, phone 801r22. 82-p 300 NEW HAMPSHIRE X SUSSEX Pullets, read), to lay. Apply William Rogerson, Rea. 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton 6161-31.. 82-p 01; Labor Day elebration COMMUNITY PARK, CLINTON Monday, September 2 MORNING — — Huge Parade ol Floats, Decorated Cars and Bicycles, etc. — Full Program for the Children. AFTERNOON — — Baseball Match between two outstanding teains — Acrobatic Performance, Tug-of- war — Beauty Contest and Baby Show— Old Time Fiddlers' Contest. EVENING — — — Band Tattoo Featuring Famous Waterloo Band and other bands. Display of Fireworks. ALL PROCEEDS TO PARK FUND Sponsored by Board of Park Management 1 Midsummer Sale We are now offering for sale all seasonal summer goods, including: Sport Coats Pastel Cravats Straw Hats • Canvas iRtunmer Shoes Boy's Bathing Trunks Boy's Cream Sport Shirts up to 25% reduction on sonic articles Pickett nd Car pbell (Suecessors to Plumsteel Bros.) QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR AGENTS FOR TIP TOP TAnioas AND SCOTT-MeITADE SHOES PHONE 25 CLINTON . , Tire Headquarters ATTENTION, FARMERS! Tractor Tires Filled With Fluid and Vulcanized and Serviced Harry Davies Tire and Battery 24 HOUR VULCANIZING SERVICE Corner Huron and Orange Sts. , Phone 460 ADDISON—In C'enton Public BIRTHS PLAN NOW FOR NEXT no%- YEAR'S WHEAT CROP petal on Tuesday. August 6, 1946, te Dr. and 31,t; J. A. Addison, Clinton., a d.iughter (Margiteet Jean). FORREST—At f cutt Memorial Hoe. pital, Seaforth, on Friday, August 2, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Cheeles Forrest, Hensel], a daughter. CELINA S —In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, _August 5, no4n, to Mr. And Nr.n. Harvey Golinas, MR. 2, ( rdt, a daughter. DICOTNELT. —In qinton Pubtic pital, an Tneeday. August 6, lt 16 to Mr. a.:0 Ws. Thomas O'Coonell, Clinton, a SOIL SHORTHOUSB At the General Hospital, St, Oatharines, on Thurs. ' day, July 25, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Alex Shorthouse (nee Mona Hed- den, Hensall), a daughter, (still- born). • MARRIAGES BEZZO-WEBER--At Zion Lutheran Parsonage. Suatford, on Satuedqv, July 27. 1946, by Rev, Karl Km -Wt. Doris, claits,1101r of Mr. and Mes H Weher, Stratford, to William r., eon of Mr. and hirs. William Beau, ROBINSON-W1LKINSON --- At the home of the groom's mother, Nap- anee, on Saturday, August 3, 1946. bir Rev. Noble Halton, Gwendolyn Eunice (Sally) Wilkinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. G Wilkinson, Port Hammond, B.C., to Sgt. Harry B. Robinson, on of Mrs. T. V. .Anderson, and the late P. M. Rob- inson, ROSS-IVIetelVIATEf—At the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. J. Brogden Mae - Math, Holmesville, at 3 p.m., Sat- urday, August 3, 1946, by Rev. Campbell Tavener, pastor of Hol- mesville 'United Church. Esther Winnifred MaeMoth, second daugh- ter of Mrs. MacMath, Goderich, and the late Samuel R. MacMath, to Ewan Clark Ross, elder son of Mr. and Ms, Ernest C. Ross, Cornwall. DEATHS BER,RY—Suddenly, at her late resi- dence, Toronto, on Friday, August 2, 1946, Anna, beloved wife of the late Thomas J. Berry, clear mother of J. Wilson Berry and Edward T. Berry. Service at eesidence of R. 3, Paterson, • }tense.% Monday, August 5, at 2.30 p.m. Interment MeTaggaet's Cemetery. TEBBUTT—I» Clinton, on Friday, August 2, 1946, Caeoline Elizabeth Snyder, beloved wife of the late John Tebbutt, in her 76th year. Funeral from her late residence, Maitland Concession, Goderieh Township, to Clinton Cemetery ,Monday afternoon, August 2. Richmond Hosiery Limited local plant commenced operating Tuesday, following the fire of July 22. Cap- acity has not been reached as yet, however, Insurance Real Estate Investments Properties For Sale TWO STOREY frame dwelling, three bedrooms up, one down, usual living rooms, three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, summer kitchen, garage, % acre land with small fruit trees. Sale subject to present tenancy. 11/e STOREY frame dwelling, 7 eoorns, 3 -piece bath, good location, garage, sale subjeet to present tenancy.. VACANT LOT — situated at corner of Huron and North Sts., 106 ft. frontage on Hightvray No, 8, good building lot. VACANT LOT --with garage, situated at corner of Humn and Erie Sts„ suitable building lot. List your property With H. C. LAWSON Realtor Mee Phone 251W BEAUTY _SHOPVE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Peenlenents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St, East, Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 661 Batkins Locker Storage We have a shipment of this season's fish in now COME SALMON STEAK'S, lb. 40e 00110E SALMON FILLETTS, lb, 50e COD FILDETTS lb. 35e HADDOCK FILLET1'S lb. 40c SMOKED COD FILLE,TTS lb 35e LAKE TROUT •lb. 40c WE 1311Y HIDES 'Frozen Foods are Better Foods OFFICIAL ADVISES " (Continued from Page 1) dense enough,to hold the snow which serves as protection. In this connection the beneficial effects of fertiliier have been amply demonstrated bytests condueted at the Ontario Agricultural College, as well as by the experience Of scores of winter wheat growers. So well is this known that few farmers grow their wheat without sorne sort ot fertilizer at planting time. • !Another hazard involved in growing winter wheat is the "lodging" of the crop Sometimes this is due to aevere storms, but in many cases- it is an indication of lew mineral levels in the sat, resulting in weak straw. A tour through .the wheat -growing sections just before harvest thee is conviecing evidence that storms do not amount for nearly all of the flattened fields. They are usually due to a high nitrogen and low potash ration. Thoee growers who plow down a clov- er sod and use manure, without using a high mineral fertilizer in addition, frequently experience this trouble. Hazard number three is the ever- present rust. When the infestation is severe and can be seen plainly on the upper portions of the ,stenas, weak straw and shrunken grain are 'almost SInG to follow. There seems to be no cure or preventative for this enemy of wheat, but some of the risk, however, may be eliminated by inducing earlier maturity of the grain. High phosphate and high potash will tend to hasten stremgehen the straw and increase disease resistance. Generally speaking, for fall wheat, a 2-12-6 at 250 pounds per acre has been found satisfactory under a wide range of 'conditions. Where potash has been found to be deficient, 2-12-10 at the same rate is advised. If pre- vious crops have shown a tendency to lodge, it is an indieation of a pentiful supply of nitrogen hi the soil and an 0-14-7 fertlizer at 250 pounds per acre would be more suitable under such conditions. In the event that a fairly adequate amount of farm rnan- ure is available for the crop rotation, an application of 20 per cent super- phosphate at 150 pounds per acre may be all the fertilize necessary for fall wheat. The damage suffered by winter wheat from rust is due largely to the parasitic nature of the rust forigme The latter utilizes the plant food evhich was intended for the plant. tt also injures the surface of the stems and leaves and interferes with their normal functions. As a result, the grain does not become properly de- veloped, but shrinks and frequently withers until there may be little left worth harvesting. Another common disease is the loose smut, of wheat. Loose smut of wheat is that type of smut producing no smut -balls, It resembles to all intents and purPose& oat smut, core- pletely destroying the grain, mid pro- ducing ears covered with a sooty - black, loose deposit of spores, The disease germ lives in the grain and not on the grain, as do bunt or stink- ing smut, hence ordinary methods so useful in combating the latter are of no use 'whatsoever in treating loose smut. The hot water treatment is the only means known: to combat loose smut of wheat, but unfortunately this method is cumbersome, costly and difficult. Unless you have exceptional facilities for treating large quantities of wheat, CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. John Tebbutt wish to take this opportunity of thanking their many friends Inc flowers sent and cars loaned and all other kindnesses shown in their re- cent sad bereavement. 32-p IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of my dear husband and father, Samuel Gliddon, who died August 14th, 1943. "Do not ask us if we miss him, . lie was always kind and true, Never murmured in his suffering% No one ever knew what he went through." --119membered by wife and family. 82-p ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH , Now Playing—Charles Laughton as "CAPTAIN KIDD" Now Playing -- In Technicolor — "WONDER MAN" — Danny Kaye Now Playing—Joan Leslie in "CINDERELLA, JONES" Mon., Tues., Wed. "SARATOGA ,TRUNK" Feature commences at 7 P10. The filin version of Edna Ferber's best seller a powerful, moving ad- venture drama ---Gary Cooper, Ingrid Bergman and Flora Robson Mon., Tues., Wed. Maureen O'Hara, peek Haynie, end Reginald Gardiner — With Harry James and his, magical trompet in the musical hit of the seam. "1)0 YOU LOVE ME?" Mon., Tues., Wed. ay RMilland, Jane Wyman and Phil , Teiry ---. ,Presenting the Academy Awed story. of one MaTI'S fight a,galinst an insidious foe. "T The LOSWEEKEND" Adult Entertainment Thur., Fri., Sat. Vivian Blain, Dennis O'Keefe and Perry,Como—A 'captivating comedy about a strip -tease "honey" who bumped her way from bueleeque to broadway "DOLL FACE" Thur., Fri., Sat. Claudette Colbert, John Wayne and Don DeFore—'Offer the candid love story of a stranded lady. "Without Reservations" Thur., Fri., Sat, • VERONICA LAKE Supported by a star east in a eom- edy romance that has the critics raving "Miss Susie SlagePs" , Coming—Gene Tierney in "DRAGONWYCK" e Coming —"ME BIDE DAHLIA"Coming—hi with Alan Ladd Adult Entertainment Matinees, Sat. & Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Technicolor "A NIGHT IN PARADISE" Mat., Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 p.m, Matinees, Sat. & Holidays, 230 term f 1 would not recolnmend that you at- tempt this method of control. The first aim should be to secure your seed free from loose smut Seed grain that is certified should not con- tain more than slight traces of loose smut. Another method -le to have a seed plot, sown vtith seed that is known to be free of loose smut. This seed plot should be some distance aucay ftoan eee ether .whe reel's Go over this seed plot towards head- ing time, or as soon as smut is 110410. p6, and pull up all of the plants show- ing a diseased eine and remove from the field in a heg. If you delay `roping" your seed plot until the wheal is in flows:. you are too late. roguing, must be compleeei before that time, since this smut infects the wheat enly evbee it bloom. Hai vest Jour seed plot sal.arately and use for seed purpoi.:s for your nest erop. A st rt Um, ago I recwoccl a letter q ui)) rr. Newman, Dominion Cereal- iet„ :eating that the Cereal Division of the EXperimentei Farm at Ottawa, expects to, have for distribution this stontner, for fad seeding, a fair quan- ties +.4 Elite St lex Seed of Dawson's Golden Chaff winter wheat. This quantity of seed will he divided among the winter wheat growing counties in the province. This seed will go out to established members PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French & Son Plastering ContractOis Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM ONT. ESTIMATES FREE , Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering Plums For Sale Place Your Order Now SHIRO teady now BURBANK .. in 2 or 8 weeks ITALIAN PRUNE . . .... REINE CLAUDE later of the Canadian Seed Growers' As- sociation en that the progeny will be in line for registration and be avail- able for vedisbribution to good seed growers within the county. Prom this source, with proper care ,and manage- ment, we should be able in a coaele of years to accumulate a sufficient quantity of top quality Dawson's Golden Chaff seed to supply the needs of most of our winterwheat growers in the County. Crich Reunion Held In Seaforth Lions Park The ()rich ,Reunion was held in Seaforbh Lions Park on Wednesday, July 24, with 80 members present. The afternoon, was spent in a pre - gramme of sports followed by a ball game. Winners in the sports were: Girls 5 and under, Kathleen Rathwell; boys 5 and under, David Crieh, Kenny Cummings; girle, 8 and under, IVIarj- orie Cartwright, Helen Dowan; boys 8 and under, Ronald Hugill, Douglas Cartwright; boys 14 and under, Mur- ray Crich, Harold Gibhings; young ladies', Helen Crick Ardeth Crich; young men, Donald Crich, Donald Oriole; married women, Mrs. Ray Cartwright, Mrs. Harold Mel; mar- ried men, Ernie Crich, Harold Hug - ill, sack race, Donald Crich, Abbie Crich; kick the slipper, Joan Catioli, Helen Crich; graceful walking, Mrs. Ernie Ceieh and Jack Turner; three- legged race, Eleanor Pepper and Helen Ceich, Helen Brown and Kitty Coed; calling chickens, Mrs Gilbert Brown; youngest preeent, Keith Rath - well; oldest present, J. E. Ball, God- erieh; lucky chair at supper, Ernest Oriole Following the eports, a delicieui supper was kerved. Election of of- ficers for 1947 resulted as follows: President, Ernie Crich; secretary, Helen Orkin treasurer, Anna Cole; sports convener, Roy Pepper; table convener, Mts. Cummings, Merchants! Sell More of What You Have to Sell KIRBY DISPLAY CARDS WILL HELP YOU DO JUST THAT •SIDE or PHONE KIRBY SIGNS Princess St., West Ph. 589R, CLINTON Washing Aids FRESH IN STOCK The Famous Beatty Bros. Products, including: TUR STANDS 85.50 HAMPERS 81.50 CLOTHES BASKETS 8140 TUD DRAINERS HAWKINS HARDWARE PHONE: Business 244 Residence 598i CLINTON Chas. E. Wise I Phone Clinton 905r24 82-b 41.••••••••••Agon Notice ' CLINTON SEWERAGE SYSTEI4 House Connections to • Main Sewers Must collie from either side of the house an,d not in front in order to provide accessfor •• end cleanout connectionS.- Eicact location of junction point with main sei,Ver must he known at time main sewer is laid so that proper inlet fitting can be provided. DECIDE Now where yea are going to take off your house connection so that Yoll • do not cause delay to the Engineer and Contractor when the information is asked for amton Town Council Dr. F. G. Thompson will be on vacation from • Sunday, August 11, to Sunday, August 26, but will be in his office on the afternoon and evening of Monday, August 19, for any who wish to see him or consult him. 32-33b 4111101111110110111111Manwrzonmetanmesentotwa WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? tures); AND THAR HE WAS BURIED, AND THAT HE ROSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY (according to the Seriptures);"— —"REPENT YE AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEL"—Marlt 1:15 TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eye. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR 1 Cor. 15:8, 4 —"CHRIST DIED ECM OUR SINS (according to the scrip - Don't Leave Your Furnace Repairs' and Cleaning Till Fall Order Now 4 -rig ' SE SURE OF SATISPAQTION HUGH R. HARI Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal Work Agent for Heck Franc:ea PHONE 244 RESIDIRICill 470 raram...evamagapheatsxwerommerensrartwoire Boy- to Learn Baking Trade STEADY EMPLOYMENT to learn is the guide to your pay. APPLY TO: BARTLIFF BROS. CLINTON 82-6 ViiiIMIZMIRPIMMI3EiMEitillIWEWEIMITMOVISENIEMMV2Mwairanneman.rosree-ug Expert Body and Fender Repairs and Refinishing 'DALY'S GARAG Telephone 102 Seaforth