HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-08-08, Page 49...w - v+04,4",M14,44,44,WoN4WW N.41WW4-0WWWWWWWWW2.0.A.S.141,44WWWWM.A+14/4411 1§, A 4 , i UPHOLSTERING i DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD CHESTERFIELD .1 .1 UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU! . • PHONE 4 ., , FIRST FOR ESTIMATES ON PRICES AND COVERS No Obligation - :1:1 t Two Week' Service All Work Guaranteed Pick Up and Deliver k DICIC IIIIE UPHOLSTERER A 4 64441Ert4.4«tAt' .'44.444.40" 14.1.1'.144 .:,64.764.4.-antAti4.44+444 PAGE FOUR •Women's and Church Affairs CLINTON NEWS -RECORD J914 • , naltern „„....... „..01111' . oral ' Ma. and Mrs. Joseph Silcock and Miss "'Mealy, are visiting in Chicago, 111. J. B. Lobb left on Friday last for a trip to Western Canada for several weeks:. ° Mr, and MTS.. T. W. Martin are spending a vacation in the Georgian Day Area. Mr. and Mrs Charles Layton, Tor- onto, were holiday visitors wth Mr. and Mrs. Preek Layton. . • Mrs. Gertrude VanStone, Toronto, called on Mr. and Mrs, Harm Fitz- simom durring the weekend. -Miss Doreen Elliott will spend the 'Fort McNichol'. Engagements Announced Mr, and MTS. Frank Lobb, Clinton, announce the engagement a their younger daughter, Mildred Kathleen, to Benjamin Wesley Young, soil of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Young, Toronto, the marriage to take place late in August, , * * * Mr. and Mrs:. eohn B. Watson, Blade announce the engagement of their daughter, Wilma Jean (Barb) to John Adair Gummow, elder son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gurnmow, West Monkton, Ontario, the marriage will take place in , Trinity Anglican Church, Blyth, on August 22. * * Mr andiMTS. D. Metro Babuik, Port BleNieoll, announce 'the engagement of their daughter, Etnilia R. and C S., Clinton, to Donald McParland, the wedding to take place Tuesday, Aug- ust 20, in Denser Presbyterian Ohureh, next two weeks visiting with Mr. and ' Mrs. Clarence Ball, Grosse Isle, Mich. Miss Mary Jane Duprey with Miss Esther Anderson, Douglas and Paul Anderson, are holidaying at the Bap- tist parsonage. Mrs. Aileen Debby**, Carberry, Man., is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. B. B. Poeklington and Mr. Pockling- ton. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Kennedy, Tor- onto, spent a few days with the fore mer's parents. Mr. aed Mrs. Norman Rennedy. Master Bob Kennedy, Toronto. is spending a few holidays with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Nonnan Kennedy. • Mr. and Iters. Fred Hanley and frj Miss Lois. visited last week at feeego Harbour. Mieb, with Mr. and Mrs. Garnet MeDrien. Nies Eva HaVI i 1 t011, Pembroke. and Miss Joyee Carter, London, spent the holiday we ' -end with Mr and Mrs. Norman Clecer. Mr: and Mrs. C. M. PletchersClerk, Chicago, 111., left Saturday after visit- ing with their cousins, Mr. and Mrs, William MeDwen. Wallace MacDonald, Toronto, spent bis holidays last week at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs, Ronald MacDonald. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball, Geosse Isle Mich., spent the past two weeks with Mr. •and Mrs* William Critten- den, Ides. P. le. Gillies and J. R. And- rews, Toronto, are 31 -kiting their sister, Mrs. Fergus VanEgmatel and Mr. VanE•ginond. TittATIEIS alagaire, Bridgeport, Conn. has returned home after visit- ing his sister-in-law, Mrs. Florence Maguire. Rev. and Mrs. Andrew Lane and family an holidaying for the montb of August at their cottage at Bruce Beach. LeRoy G. Brown, Clinton, acting agricultural repeesentative for 'Huron County, left Saturday for a weelc's vacation at his home at Orono. Mr. and Nes. Walter Johnson, Chip- pewa, left to visit friends in Goderich after spending the week at the home of Mr. and lefts.. It, G. Smith of the Base Line. Mary and Billie Anderson, St. George, grandchildren of Rev. and Mt. C. C. Anderson, are spending a couple of weeks with their grand- parents. G. E, Hall and Miss Evelyn spent the weekend and holiday visiting the fermer's sons Mr. end Mrs. Ernest Bering the month of August, to make room for our. Fall Goods coming in 15 Pair Ladies' Kid Pumps, cuban heel, ' regular $4.00 now $2.95 15 Pair Ladies' Tan Sandals, regular, $3.95 ...., now $2.95 15 Pair Ladies' Black Sling Pumps, regular $3,95 now 82.95 ALL SUMMER SHOES CLEARING AT BARGAIN PRICES Come in and see our Bargain Counter. We may have your fitting Thomas Churchill RELIABLE FOOTWEAR 31-82-b ;ii ,Badi-q.friefthi HIGH STREET eelesseee: !e" Alr# *a Zeta' esseset,.....sees, e aLes:.,1 Our Funeral Home Has Large Cool ROMs, Beautifully and Appropriately Appointed, And Is Equipped With A Minshall Elertric Organ. Services Can Be Held Here Under Ideal Conditions At No Additional Charge. WM. N. BALL • 13. G. BALL FUNERAL DIRECTORS Phone 361 Ambulance Service Phone 110 eheasem.casimiliposrommya SAVE SMARTLY Make older garments "do" longer, Keep new apparel looking new. Save and look smart, with our aid. One trial will open your eyes. Send us something, start saving smartly, today. • We Pay 1 Cent Each for Good Wire Suit Hangers Gliddon's Press Shop We Press While U Wait Five Day Service On Cleaning We Call POT and Deliver PRONE 115 leecidotres ROBINSON-WILKINSON Garden flowers and sweet pea formed the setting for the daub] ring ceerrnony in the homeof th man, : Mrs. Anderson received the guests e in a blue flowered crepe dress with e a corsage of sweet peas grooan'e :mother, Thornae St., Nap anee, Saturday, August 3, at 2.,30 pen when Rev, Noble Hatton, Trinit United :Chumch, Napanee, united i marriage, Gwendolyn Eunice (Sally Wilkinson, daughter :of Mr. and Mr L. O. Wilkinson, Port HammondeB.0 end age Harry B. (Hank) Rabineon son of Mrs. T. V. Anderson and th late F. 31. Robinlon. Given in marriage by the groom' uncle, W. a Hunter, the bride wor a :powder blue tailoved snit, whit accessories:, and a coreage of Johanna pink roses and babybreathe. ' Mrs. E!: T. McFall, :sister of the bride, was matron of honour, wearing a grey tailored suit with black acces- sories and coesage of red roses and babybreath. Ed.win 1'. (Mae) MePall, was best Tororea, and Mr and Rees emmon Hall, Cayuga. • The bride formerly was a member oe the :RCAF (WD) at Clinton and Trenton; the groom is a radio in- n struetov in the R. and C. School, ) Chnton, s. the honeydoon will be ispent at e Port Austin, Mie,h., at the cottage of Mr. and Mrs, G. E. Graham. e Sgt and Mrs. Robinson will reeide in Clinton. 1 Mr. and lrles. T. Gammage, Mr. and Mrs. Amos Oebaldeston and Ron- ald, Goderich, and Mrs. Hold and Mrs Croft, St, Catharines, :pent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. le, G. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Martin and children Marilyn and Billy, and Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Martin spent the holi- day and weekend visiting at their homes in Wallaceburg and vicinity. Mrs. Donald Publow and small daughter Pat, Saskatoon, Sask., have returned to their home after spend- ing the past four months with Mr. and Mrs. William Cvittenden and oth- er friends.' .Arnold Hill, who has spent his vacation with Mr. and Mvs. H. Fitz. simons, eettumed to Toronto on Mon- day. Mr. Hill is an instructor on stealn fitting in a Rehabilitation Centre. Mr. and Mrs. dames Livermore, an- companied by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and Audrey, Brodhagen, and Mrs. Annie E. Cook, Brussels, spent the weekend holiday with Me. and Mrs. H. S. Stnithendorf, Essex. Gerald 10 Nelson, Clinton, assistant agricultural representative for Huron County, returned to his duties Tries - day after spending a week's vacation with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Nelson, Campbellford. Miss Catharine Taylor R.N., Los Angeles, :Calif, is the guest of her sister, Miss Alice Eohnes. It is 26 years since Miss Taylor last visited the old home town. She will return to her home by way of the Canadian West. Mrs. F, A. Axor and Fred, have returned from Owen Sound, where they attended the futeral of. the for.. mer's brother, J. 13. McGill, 'who passed away very suddenly at the home of his brother, Richard McGill, in Mosley, where he was visiting. Mr. and Mrs, Lorne .T. Drown and Stephen and Mr. and Mvs. Dere Boyes, returned home Tuesday night after enjoying a five-day Great Lakes cruise from Owott Sound to Fort William and realm, on the C Is R Steamship "Manitoba," Complineveng Miss Helen McGill, bride.elect of this month, ears. A. C. Anderson, 68 Eastmount A ve,, Loa. don, entertaiecal w showet anti tea. A beautifully deem ated wagon, filled with gifts awl drewn by a Hey htide d groom tens pratented to the guest of honour. Mr. and Mrs, R. G. Thompson and daughter Ruth have returned front a motor trip to the Manitoulin Isl- and, North Shore, and Temagami, returning by way of Huntsville, Bai- lie, Collingwood and Eugenia. They found the very best of accommodation everywhere. Visitore with Mee ancl Mrs. C. Farquhar and Mrs. IVIztegaret John- ston last week were Mr and Mrs. B. Pddham, Mrs. R. leeettlea, daughter and grandson, Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Pridham, Ottawa, Miss Emily Pridham, New York, and llees. R. Merritt and daughter, Goderich, Mr. tlXid MTS. Fletcher Troop and small son, Gilbert returned to their home in Taranto after spending their smaller: with Mrs. Troop's mother, Mrs, H. B. Cee at "The Cedars." Miss Sadie B. Lovett, Regina, Sask„ arrived in Clinton on holidays, She intends visiting' in Toronto and Winnipeg on retien The eamily of 'Mrs. May Rance MacKinnor, are holding a ftnnily ve- union at the residence of Mrs. Wil- liam Jackson this weekend. Attend- ing are Mrs. MacIeinnon's son and two daughters, Bill, Vancouver; Madly, Toronto; and Mary, Belle- ville, with her husband, P/0 Hunt and their infant daughter, Recent guests with Mr. and Mrs. James Livermore were: Rev. and ales. G. G. Burton, Moorfield; E, S. Liver- more, x.c., London; Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green and Audrey, Brod.. hagen; Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Wheat- ley, Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Wheat- ley, Woodstoek; leers. E. Fe Jackson, Stratford, end Mia. Annie E. Cook, Brussels. Canadian Holidays Coloured Travel Movie Films • Taken and Presented by A. H. Carter of Toronto under the auspices or Groups 1 and 5 of the W.M.S. at Ontario St. Church THURSDAY, AUGUST 15 at 8 p.m. Added Attraction: • ORIGINAL eVIOVIES of the home life of birds and of \flowers through the seasons, .ADMESSMON: Adults 2.5c Children 10e • 82.p ROSS-MaelVIATH The marriage of Esther Wannifred Macalath, second daughter oe Mrs. Afaelelath, Goderieh, and the late Sam- uel R. MacMath; to Ewan Clark Ross, elder son of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest 0, Ross, Cornwall, took place quietly at throe o'clock Saturday, August 3. Rev. Campbell Ttivener, pastor of the Unit- ed Church, Holmesville, officiated at the ceremony which was held in Hohnesville at the home of the bride's aunt, Mrs. J. Brogden Macleath. The bride's floor -length go-wn of brier nose was trimmed with ivory net and lace. The mist -pink finger-tip veil fell from a halo of net and flow- ers. She wore the groom's gift of pearls, and carried a shower bouquet of Johanna Hill roses. There were no attendants. The rooms in which the marriage was solemnized and the wedding sup- per served, were decorated with tall roses and white gladioli, streamers and tapers. The young couple left for Muskoka on their honeymoon. The bride's dress and accessories were of black with touches of gold on hat and shoes, and gold necklace and earrings. She ware a corsage of pink roses. Mrs. Ross; prim: to her marriage, taught school in Goderich Township, and at Dashwood and ICippen. Beeore leaving Kippen about a hundred child - red and community members made a presentation of beautiful gifts. Mr. Ross retarned early in the year from foureand-a-half years' service over- seas. They will make their home in Goderich. THURSDAY,. AUGUST • 8) 1940:• in Clinton and District RATION anUPONT DUE DATES Coupons good as of August 8 are: sugar -preserves SI. to 523, butter R10 to R17 and meat coupons 3/140 to M49. Ration Book No. 6 will be distributed during the week of September 9. °- Happy Workers Club Holds August Meeting The Augest zneeting of the Happy Workers Clula was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Pepper. The meeting opened by repeating the Clubts Creed The song, "Bringing in the Sheaves" twas then sung, followed by the Lord's Prayer. The treasurer and secretary's report was then given. The lucky ticket was won by 1Virs. Cliff Glazier The Roll Call was answered by nine members. The next meeting is to. be held at the home of Mrs, Noble Rolland. Lunch is to be a pot -luck supper. The meeting dosed by singing God Save the King. BEZZO-WEBER The parsonage of Zion Lutheran. Church, Stratford, was the -scene of a pretty .surzarrrer 'wedding on :Satin. clay, July 27, at 3,80 p.m., when the rninister, Rev. Karl Knauff, united in marriage, Doris Weber and William: I. Bezzo. The bride is• the daughter of Mr. and Mrs H. Weber, Stratford, and the groom is the son of 'Mr. and Mrs. William Bezzo, Clinton. The -bride. looked lovely in her dressof white jersey and her flowers were white talisman ruses: She was attended by Mrs. Earl Baker Strale ford, wearing a pink jersey dress and her flowers were pink talisman roses. The groom was attended by his brother, Pte. Frederick Bezzo, London. Following the ceremony, a recep- tion was held at the house of the bride's parents where her mother re- ceived wearing a white silk jersey dress with black accessories. She was assisted by the groom's mother who wore mauve with black and white accessories. Following the dinner a dance was held*. Guestswere present from Clinton, Stratford and the sur- rounding district. An honored guest was: the groonas aunt, Mrs. Myrtle Robertson, Williams, rOWf . Later, the bride changed to her travelling dress of white sheron and the young couple left, amid showers of confetti, to spend their honeymoon in Sernia and Port Huron.. eammemasmassumussimeminsoll Clinton Branch, No. 140 Canadian Legion Annual icnic LIONS PARK, SEAFORTH Wed., Aug. 14 All yeteyans and their families are invited, Bring your picnic basket and sufficient cups and silverware. Those wishing to attend meet at Canadian Legion Hall at tut o'clock. All those with cars are asked to bring them to help take those without cars. RACES AND BALL GAMES FOR ALL 82-b CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times mentioned below are Daylight Saving) Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Ministee Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 Bible Sehool-11 A.M. Evening Worship at 7 PM., followed by the Lord's .Supper. The pastor will bring hie last menage before holidays. There was baptismal service last Stmday. If there are otheis wish- ing to follow their toed in this way next Sunday night, kindly let the minister know at once. Read Matt 3:13-17. and Col. 2:12. The Baptise Catholic Church invites you to all services. The United Church of Canada Clinton United Churches will worship together diming the month of August in Ontario St Church. 1i.13V. W. J. wooLpRay, IVEnister B. J. Gibbiegs, Choir Leader Mrs. Es Wendorf, Organist SUNDAY, AllGUST 11 10.00 Aale.-WesleeeWillis Sunday School (in their own church) 11.00 AM -Morning Worship "Is Christ Exempt" 12.10 -Ontario St. Sunday :School 7,00 P.M. -Evening Worship "The Booth or Self -Interest" St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P, BULTEEL, Rector MTS. Theodore Fromlin, Organist 1VIrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY,, AUGUST 11 11.00 A.M..-eallornieg service No Sunday School during August Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle REY, H. T. KENDRICK, Pastor SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 Services at the home of Miss Laura Jervis, Paincess 10.00 AM.--Stmclay :School 11.00 A.111.-IVIerning Worship 7.00 PM. -Evangelistic Sevvice Tuesday, 8.00 PdVI.-Prayer Meeting Thursday, 8.00 P.M. -Worship Service Evangelist 'C. M. Gingrich He who falls into sin is a man, He * who grieves at it is a saint. He who boasts of it is a devil. Bele 4:12, The Word of God is quick and powerful and sharper than any two-edged sword, Clinton Gospel Centre (Mennonite Church) Pastor -Mr, 0. CESTNICK Services being held as orginally in hall above Hawldns Hardware SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 Servicesin the neeetin4 hall will be discontinued until the decotating ancl painting of hall is competed. Meantime the service will be held eaeh Saturday evening at 8,45 P.M. in Clinton Library Park. ALL WELGOeVIE Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, AUGUST 11 945 AM.--4Servite at Hayfield 10.30 £M.--Sanclay School 11.15 LM. -Service at Clinton Rev. Dr. J. S. Shorta, Kincardine Everybody welcome, Mr. and Mrs. W. Haddy Honored on Anniversary ,niss Emma Levis entertained on Monday in honor of Mn and Mrs. Wesley P. Raddy,, to a dinner on the occasion of their wedding anniver- -The table was prettily decorated with pink and white sweet peas and tall pink tapers in silver holders. Mr. and Mrs. Reddy were present- ed with several pieces of sterling silver. • Among the guests. were MT. and Mrs. DonaldCox,, Londbm The tallest reported in Clinton this year, Mrs. Gs E. Seville has growing, in her garden, a Scotch thistle seven feet high eight inches ib height, Which ranks well with Die D. G: Hodd's in Byth and ISeafortth Olinic'e Seaforth. Ws. Saville Had one :liner feet long last year. LEGION PICNIC AUGUST 14 The members of the Legion have: extended an invitation to the mem- bers of the Ladies' *Auxiliary of the Legion to join with them in their picnic at Lions Park,, Seaeorth, Wed- nesday, August 14, The ladies. are 'asked to bring their husbands if the latter are not members of the Legion. The ladies are asked th meet at the Legion Hall at 2 p.m, and are to bring a well-filled' basket as well az their own: cups and' siverware. Q COUPONS GOOD FOR' MEAT AUGUST 22' Q coupons in the present ration. book will become meat' coupons Aug- ust 22, after M50, the last regular meat coupon is used on .August 15. The new ration hook .will not he dis- tributed until September 946, mad some of the Q coupons will be used. to bridge the gap as meat coupons. The Q2 coupon will become good on Thursday, August 29. Just. Arrived A Shipment of Dress Fabrics in the New Shades. fer Fall Featherweight Wool and Spun Rayons in 36" and 39" widths and priced at 98c and. $L15 per yard Tartans 39" Spun Tartans in Royal Stewart and. Cameron. Priced at $1.00.per yard R. V. IRWIN Lakeview Casino --Grand Bend DANCING EVERY NIGHT GORDON DELAMONT and HIS ORCHESTRA Gordon Delmont's popularity is amazing. The most popular orchestra to play at Lakeview Casino. SPECIAL MIDNIGHT DANCE AUGUST, 12, 12.50 A.M. Canada's Number One Dance Band MART KENNEY and his WESTERN GENTLEMEN TUESDAY, AUGUST 13 SUNDAY. AUGUST 11-9 P.M. The Ever Popular "VARIETY ENTERTAINERS" The show that makes all the youngsters happy! Silver Colleetion SOFTBALL GAME EVERY WEDNESDAY NIGHT Announcern sse. ANAMEAMOMAMNAMOM Owing to certain conditions existing at the MacKenzie Hotel, I regret to announce that 1• have been forced to vacate the Dining Room. have been forced to vacate th Dining Room. take the opportuity of thanking all our patrons, and hope they enjoyed our meals and service. -W. H. SCOTT. 32-p IN ORDER TO GIVE SOME OF 01710 EMPLOYEES A WELL DESERVED HOLIDAY we wffl not be baking cakes or pastry from August 5th to August 13th However, we will have otir regular lines of Beead, Buns, StieY'e and Sweet -bread. BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS