HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-08-01, Page 5'THURiSDAN, GITST 1, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD ,M11.011••••Ml.••*1•I••••IMM.I."MIN••••••••••••••••••.i.g••••••••P'."'......•.•.. News -Record PAGE FEM. Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results One cent a word, eath, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); live insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m, Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SLE SEVEN TUBE VICTOR RADIO. Can .be seen at Wells AutosElectrie. 31e32 -p ONE RUBBER -TIRED 'WAGON — „Apply Thomas Fatten, Hohnesville. 31-p LADY'S BICYCLE IN EXCELLENT eondition. .Apply Box "C" NEWS - ' RECORD. 31-p LOW WAGON WITH HAY RACK, .Apply I. W. VanEgmond, phone, Clin- 'ton 805r13. 3I -p SIX-FOOT MASSEY 'BINDER — In good working order, Apply Roy Tyndall, phone 907r3. 30-31-p MASSEY-HARRIS TWO -FURROW disc plough in first-elass condition. Howard Johns, phone Clinton 614r4. 31-p SINGER ELECTRIC SEWING mach- ine, practically new. Apply Mrs. Cruichshank, phone Clinton 629r5. 31-b 'TALL WICKER ETIOTERY FOR single large plant. Good as new. Apply Canadian National Express Of- fice. 31-32-b BEAUTIFUL MODERN CHESTER- FIELD, recently re -conditioned. Mrs, Herb Castle, Victoria Ste telephone 1301W. 31-p APPLES FOR ALE—DUCHESS and Harvest Apples ,at 40 cents six -quart basket. Apply Miss Dolly Cantelon, Clinton. 31.13 ELECTRIC RANGETTE IN Fuer Class condition. Apply J. W. Van- Egmond, phone Clinton 805r13. 31-p PRIVATE SALE—WO-Piece Dinner Set, Elite Limoges China, red stamp, gold handles. Apply to NEWS - RECORD Office, Clinton. Can be seen Wednesday and Friday evenings Trona seven to nine o'clock. 31-x PRINCESS MARINA WHITE Enamel kitehen range, almost new; kitchen cupboard, glass doom; dining room table; 'Axminster carpet 11'x15.'; con- goleum rug 9'x12'; wooden bed, springs and mattress; small table; toilet set. A.pply Joe Richardson 'Varna. 31-1 THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE —Having disposed of my farm, I am offering for ,sale my threshing machine, completely rebuilt by 11EN self for my crwn use. This machine ie equipped with high grain elevator, complete with grain pipes and straw cutter, good belts and drive belt. HERB MOUSSEAU, Zurich Garage, phone 103, Zurich. 26 - 32-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED APARTMENT OR HOUSE, WANTED immediately, small family. Apply at NEWS -RECORD. 29b-tfb FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED Apartment wanted by newly -married couple. Apply Box "It" NEWS - RECORD. 30-31-p LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS wanted immediately by oilman and wife with no children. 'Phone Mrs. S, Smith, MacKenzie Hotel. 31-p LOST AND FOUND YELLOW PERSIAN KITTEN, about four months old Finder please notify Helen Edith Forrester. 31-p BROWN LEATHER, WALLET con- taining sum of money and valuable papers at Hanover Transport fire Monday night. Reward. Ted Sand- erson, Albert St., phone 1854. 31-p WANTED ONE BOARDER, GENTLEMAN preferred Home centrally located. Apply Box "S" NEWS -RECORD. 81-p TENDERS WANTED TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED BY the undersigned until August 10, for repairing and painting school yard fence at SA 1, Hullett. Bert Irwin, secretary -treasurer. 31-p HELP WANTED AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are Aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par - deniers write today to The .1. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-0-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. 31-32-33-34-35-b PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM OF bras. ,GEORGE 000K- 11 Coneession, Goderich Township, on County Highway, 41/4 miles from Clinton, consisting of 80 acres. Apply to Mrs. Tom Riley, Clintbn. 30-31-b FARM IN HUILETT. TWO LOTS and buildings, two blocks from down town on Ontario St Apply to owner at corner of Ontario and Kirk Sts. (next door to Theo Fremlin's). 31-p COMFORTABLE DWELLING IN Clinton, on Fulton St., seven rooms, electric lights and town water, new garage, large garden. Possession in near future. Also a real good building lot in a good location. James Elliott, Dublin. 26t1b TWO PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat- er and electricity; Perrin Block, either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter- natonal Salt Block; also one lot in Clinton Cemetery: .Apply A. J. Coop- 'er, Box 27, Goderich. 28-btfb MISCELLANEOUS SLENDOR TABLETS are effective, two weeks' supply for $1; 12 weeks $5, at Pennebaker's Drug Store. 31-3345-b SUFFERING FROM BACKACHE, Rheumatic Pain, Sciatica, Lumbago, is not necessary. Use RUMACAPS at once for quick relief. Pennebaker's Drug Store. 31-b ASTHMA SUFFERERS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as other a are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb AVAILABLE NOW — The Famous Singer Buttonhole Attachment. Also a limited number of email cabinet electric's. Singer Sewing Machine Co., 78 Ontario St. Stratford, phone 727. 30-81-32-3$-b LIVESTOCK FOR SALE 200 SUSSEX PULLETS, ready3th1-3l2ayp. H. Managhan, Clinton. — 20 PIGS, SIX 'WEEKS OLD: Apply Jack McGuire, phone Clinton 900r23. 31-b ELEVEN PIGS, SIX WEEKS OLD. Apply Harold Tyndall, phone 905r2. 31-b TEN YOUNG PIGS, six weeks old. Apply W. T. Livingstone, MR. 2, Sea - forth. 31-p SIX SUCKLING PIGS READY TO wean Apply Lloyd Medd, phone 801r41. 31-p 450 AUSTRA-WHITE PULLETS, four months old. L. Cole, phone 905r3, Clinton. 31-p ELEVEN PIGS, NINE WEEKS OLD. Apply Donald Shanahan, R:R. 1, Clin- ton, phone 801x16. 31-p NINE YORKSHIRE PIGS, six weeks old tAtply NEWS -RECORD (Will advertiser Please phone this office. 31-p ONE GENERAL PURPOSE HORSEs One single -horse light wagon. Apply to Doug. Bezso, Clinton, after 6 p.m. 31-p 285 ' ,STISSEX -NEW HAMPSHIRE Chicks, 12 weeks old. One sow due September 2. Apply Ross Mann, phone 801r22. 31-p Five errors paved the way for Lucknow Sepoys' 6-2 defeat at St. Marys, Wednesday evening last in a WOAA. intermediate group baseball match. CALLING ALL LADIES Don't forget our sale of LADIES' SHOES is still on. We have a fine stock to choose from at Cost Price or Less. Don't fail to see us first; we can save you money. IN STOCK NOW: Lace Insertion and Embroidery, at Reasonable Prices: See our Window Display of Motor Rugs, Bed Throws and Blankets, the Ideal Gift Pickett and Campbell (Successors to Plnmsteel Bros.), QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR AGENTS FOR TIP TOP TAILORS AND SCOTT-McHALE SHOES PHONE 25 CLINTON Tire Headquarters ATTENTION, FARMERS! Tractor Tires Filled With Fluid and Vulcanized and Serviced Harry Davies Tire and Battery 24 HOUR VITLCA NIZING SERVICE Corner Huron and Orange Sts. ,Appopmplimmmommommilm Phone 400 .entoses BIRTHS DOUGLAS, — Calgarg, Alta, on Tuesday, July 30, 1946, to Dr. and Mrs. R. P. Douglas, formerly of Clinton, a daughter. GRIFFITH — In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, August, 1, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Raymond Griffith, 'Myth, a son (Owen William Robert). GREENE—In Rochester, N. Y,, oii 'Tuesday, July 23, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carleton Greene (nee Grace Hellyar), Avon, NX., a son, (Kirk Carleton). LINDSAY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, July 3, 1946. to Mr. and Mrs. John Lindsay, Hay- field, a son, (George Douglas). STEEP—In Clinton Public Hospital. on Wednesday, July 31, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Melvin D. ,Steep, Clinton, a (laughter, (Carol Janette). TREMBLAY—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, July 31, 1940, to Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Tremblay, Dungannon, a daughter, (Laura Yvonne). MARRIAGES KERNIGHAN-FAEGAN — In Ben - miller United Church on SaturdaY. July 27, 1946, by Rev. U. E. Cron- hiehn, Audrey Colleen, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James ,Fetegan, to John Russell Gernighan, eldest son of Mr. and IVIrs. John Kernighan, Colborne Township. JONES-AGNEW — In Holy Trinity Chtreh, Toronto, on Wednesday, July 24, 1946, by Rev. C. W. D. Cosens, assisted by Rev. John Frank, Agnes, only laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morgan J. Agnew, Clin- ton, to William Roderick Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs. William • Pryce Jones, 268 Glebehohne Blvd., Tor- onto. Al.RiGENT-JOHNSTON — At Water - down on Thursday, July 25, 1946, by R.ev. J. B. Moore, Mrs. Ruby • johnston, Blyth, to Reginald F. Argent, only son of Fred Argent, Blyth, and the late Mrs. Argent. Merchants! Sell More of What You Have to Sell KIM' DISPLAY CARDS WILL HELP YOU DO JUST THAT SEE or PHONE KIRBY SIGNS Princess St., West Ph. 589R, CLINTON Insurance Real Estate Investments Properties Z For Sale TWO STOREY frame dwelling, three bedrooms up, one down, usual living r00111s, three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, summer kitchen, garage, acre land with small fruit trees. Sale subject to present tenancy. I% STOREY frame dwelling, 7 rooms, 3 -piece bath, good location, garage, sale subject to present tenancy. VACANT LOT — - situated at corner of Huron and North Sts., 106 It. frontage on Hightway No. 8, good building lot. VACANT LOT—- with garage, situated at corner of Huron and Erie Sts., suitable building lot. List your property with H. C. LAWSON Realtor Office Phone 251W DEATHS HUNTER—At the home of his son, Terrence Hunter, Colborne Town- ship, on Friday, July 26, 1946, fol- lowing a short illness, Jelin Hunter, in his 87th year. Funeral from residence of his son to Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, Sunday, July 28. iivrursE -- At the home of he' daughter, Mrs. George Radford: Blyth, on Monday, July 29, 1946, Mary Jane Fraser, wife of the late Frank Wiltse, in her 65th year. Funeral from her daughter's resi. dence to Maitland Bank Cemetery, Seaforth. AUCTION SALE of Property and Ilo,usehold Effect,, at he home of Mrs. Charles Knuekey, Lot No. 1, Range N, 1 mile south of Bayfield on Blue Water Highway, on Wednesday, August 14 at 1 p.m. sharp (DST) the following: 3 -piece Chesterfield suite; solid walnut long table (hand carved); Henry Herbert player piano, mahog- any finish (in Al condition); oak davenport; oak library table; 2 oak arm chairs and rocking chair; oak Morris chair; wicker arm chairs and rocking chair; upholstered chair; leather rocking chair; Axminster rug 10'x12'; 2 Axminster runners; woven carpet 10'x15'; small rugs; 2 metal beds with inner spring mattresses; 2 dressers; day bed; walnut single bed; large wardrobe; solid walnut cupboard; hall tree; tri -light; modern range with water -front reservoir and warming closet (like new); Harrison Quebec 'heater; Princess eletteic washing machine (like new); Stewart Warner ,electric refrigerator (6 cu. ft. capacity); aluminum electric chef grill; electric perculator; electric sandwich grill; 6 -piece breakfast suite; kitchen table; medicine cabinet; ice box; small tables; chairs; lawn chairs and benches,: 10 flannelette blankets; 2 deer heads; bear rug; flower stand; bird cage; number of books; step ladder; lawn mower; wheel barrow; boiler and wash tub; pots and pans; quart and pint sealers; glassware and. dishes; garden rake; hoes; forks and small quantity of hemlock lumber, mixed lengths of 2"x4" and 4"x4" widths; and num- erous other articles. At the same time and place, there will be offered for sale, the property whict consists' of 1/4 -acre of land, more or less. with numerous fruit trees and shrubbery and a never -fail- ing supply of spring water. On said property there is situated. a 11/4s storey 8 -room frame house with ver- anda, cement foundation throughout and partial cellar. This property is well located and would make a very desirable summer home. TERMS on furniture: Cash. TERMS on property made known on day of sale. MRS. CHARLES KNUCKEY, Prop. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auetioneer. 31-32-b ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing: ''TIFIE 'VIRGINIAN" In Technicolor—starring Joel McCrae Mom, Tues., Wed. Merle Oberon, Turban Bey and Thomas Gontez—All the luxury, . romance and magnificence of An- cient Greece in Technicolored splendor. "NIGHT' IN PARADISE" Thur., Fri., Sat. "CAPTAIN KIDD" The thundering saga of a bold pir- ate who hoodwinked a king but was fooled by a felon — Charles Laughton, Randolph Scott and Barbara Britton Coming—"SARATOGA TRUNK" This feature will commence 7 p.m. Matinees, Sat. & Holidays, 2.30 p.m. CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing—In, Technicolor "THE VIRGINIAN" Mon., Tues., Wed. Claudette Colbert, Orson Welles and George Brent — This blue- ribbon winner is justly called the drama of the century. "To -Morrow Is Forever" Thur., Fri, Sat. Danny Kaye, Virginia Mayo and Vera Ellen—Radio'e berserk com- edian offers his mile -a -minute screen debut, and it's in Techni- color. "WONDER MAN" Coming --"DO YOU LOVE ME?" In Technicolor Mat., Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—Claudette Colbert in "GUEST WIPE' Mon., Tues., Wed. Maureen O'Hara, Dick Haymes and HarrY James—'A Technicolor musical comedy features the magic trumpet of Harry James and a host of exceptional talent "DO YOU LOVE ME. ?" Thur., Fri., Sat. Joan Leslie, Robert Aida and Julie Bishop — Entertainment at it's best! Full of music, dancing and laughs. "CINDERELLA JONES" Coming—Ray Milland in "THE LOST WEEKEND" Adult Entertainment Matinees, Sat. & Holidays, 2.30 p.m. With ,Carruthers striking out 17 opponents, Lecknow defeated List- owel by 4-3 in a WOAA. baseball game played in Listowel Friday night. PLASTER REPAIRING Plaster repairs promptly and neatly done A. French 8r. Son PlasteringContractors Box 23 - Phone 187 WINGHAM - ()NT. ESTIMATES FREE Specialists in Cornice Work and Decorative Plastering 1 IN MEMORIAM FAIRSERVICE—In loving memory of our dear Glenn, who passed away five years ago, August 2, 1941 is someone who misses you sadly, There is someone who misses you sadly, And find the time long since you went; There is someone who thinks of you always, And tries to be brave and content. Gone is the face we loved so dear, Silent is the voice we loved to hear; 'Tis sad but true, we wonder why, The best are always the first ti die. —Ever remembered and sadly missed by Mother and Dad and Sisters. 31-p BEAUTY SHOPPE ,Shairipoo Manicure FlOger WitVeS PerMatenta ETHEL THOMPSON Princees, St, East, PhoWe 535 59stf CUT FLOWERS', , FLORAL DESIGN ny gory Occasion) C. V. COOKE FLORIST' Phones 644,ir and' 66i BUtkins Locker 'Storage' • We have a shipmentof this geasijies fish hinow couou sAuum4 STEAKS, lb. 40c C0110E SALMON FILLETTS, lb. 50c COD FILLEITS .. A .... . lb. 35c HADDOCK FILLETI'S' lb. 40c SMOKED COD EILLETTS , lb. 35c LAKE TROUT ib. 40c WE BUY HIDES Fieeen FoOdS are Better Foods IN THE SUPREME COURT OF ONTARIO In The Estate Of Richard Bailey, Deceased IN THE, MATTER OF THE PARTITION ACT, 11.3.0. 1937, Chapter 157 Pursuant to the ORDER FOR SALE made in this cause, bearing date the 12th day of February, 1946, there will be sold, -with the approbation of Thomas Moore Costello, Esq., Master of this Court at Goderich, by Harold Jackson, Auctioneer, at Lot 130, Tuyll St, Bayfield, on Saturday, the 10th day of August, 1946, at 1.30 p.m., the following lands and premises in parcels: (1) The Easterly part of Lot 126 in the Village of Bayfield. (2) Lot 127 in the Village of Bayfield. (3) Lot 128 in the Village of Bayfield. (4) Lot T30 in the Village of Bayfield on which is located a two-storey red Brick house and a garage. This property is vacant. (5) Lot 129 in the Village of Bayfield. (6) Lot 131 in the Village of Bayfield. (7) Lot 132 in the Village of Bayfield, (8) Lot 615 in the Village of Bayfield. (9) One-quarter acre of land consisting of the West part of Lot 195, in the Village of Bayfield, on which is located a five -room frame cottage. (10) Lot 4 and the East three -and -one-eighth (3%) acres of Lot 5, Range "N", Bayfield, consisting of about eleven (11) acres of land. (11) Lot 77 ih the B.ayfield Concession, Goderich Towriship, con- sisting of eighty (80) acres of land. Parcels 1, 0,3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are Vaeant lots close to Lake Huron and are suitable fist stieritaer ecttkages. POssesSiehd pataselg 1 to 0 itiolosive will be given upon pay- ment of full purchase price. Pardel 9 Will be sold subject to the eXisting tenane'Se PleleSelon dt Pettel 11 will be given on November 15th, 1946. The ProPertieg Will he °Tiered for gale separately; subjeet to reserve bide hatre been fiXed laY the said Master. Terms of Sale --26% �n da- of sale, and balance within thirty (30) days. In all other respects, the terms and conditions of sale will be standing conditions of the 'Supreme Court of Ontario. Further Particaars ean he had from Frank Donnelly, Goderich, Ontario: DATED ot Goderich, this 23r6 day of July, A.D., 1946. T. M. COSTELLO, 30-.31-32-b Mader Goderich. WARNING Will all parents please realize the grave &tiger .of allowing their chiklren to frequent the vieinitY,' Of the Sewerage exavatlie *fort the citietati6ri, of" the high powered Machines, riceesSart &riff' ati tiOaVoidable hazard. We p1e& with you NY` do'operate' gild a8gat to avoid accidents and grief CLINTON TOWN. COUN2C4ItfLb TOWN 01' CLINTON PROCLAMATION Civic Holiday Monday, August 5 Following the usual csstom, I hereby declare this date a Civic Holiday and request all citizens to observe it as such. Clinton, Ontario. July 25, 1946. A. J McMURRAY, MAYOR 30-31-b Use GREEN CROSS INSECTICIDE For Modern Protection ! FLY-TOX containing DDT -elf • 8 oz. 24c 16 oz. 43c • HAWKINS HARDWARE - - PHONE: Business 244 Residence 598j CLINTON 1 WHAT IS THE GOSPEL? —"OHRIST DIED FOR OUR SINS (according to the scrip- tures); AND TuArr IIE WAS BURIED, AND THAT IIE ILOSE AGAIN THE THIRD DAY (according to the Serintures);"- 1 Cor. 15:8, 4 —"REPENT YE AND BELIEVE THE GOSPEIP—Mark 1:15 TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S:T. Sunday eve. , RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR ..M11•1110•1•11111•111111. 1 We Now Have In Stock. . . Oil Burners For Cook Stoves Come In And See One In Operation HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — lioatiag Skeet Metal Work A.gont tor Rods Foroseso PitONE Zia 11118ECKIINCS TOWN OF CLINTON WEED CUTTING Under the provisions of The Weed Control Act, a owners of property within the Corporation, must SOB' that all weeds are cut before they go to seed. If such parties fail to obey the la* in this respect, the Weed Inspector possesses the authority to live weeds cut and any expense involved charged agaiiist the property owner. Your cooperation would be appreciated. iAvth"EtitiOTT, Weed Inspector, Town of Clinton 29-3041