HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-07-18, Page 5'THURSDAY, JULY 18, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD FAUN FIVE_ News -Record Classified• Adlets 131•11flig uick Results One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 26 coats); five insertions for price of four; 10 cente extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office ,or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 0 p.m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply air to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE sa..o - 200 14s. PRUNES -- •Size 60/70; 2 lba for 29 cents. Thomas - son's Groceteria. 29-p OlIESTERFIIELD FOR SMA, in ex- cellent condition. Apply Mrs. IL Castle, Victoria St. 29-b CEDAR POLES AND posTs. Apply George Lindsay, R.R. 2, Bayfield, ,phone Clinton 909r14. 28-29-p GRAIN THROIWER - EHERSOL spe- cial with pipes (40 feet), elbows, etc. Will fit almost any separator. Pra- ctically new. Apply Ted Rice R.R. 2, Lucknow. 28-29-p ,TIZILESHING MAOHINE FOR SALE --Having disposed of my farm, I am offering for sale my threshing ..machine, completely rebuilt by any - ,self for my own use. This machine .is equipped with high grain elevator, -complete with grain pipes and straw cutter, good belts and drive belt. HERB MOUSSEAU, Zurich Garage, ahone 103, Zurich. 26 - 32-p PR,OPERTY FOR RENT 'UNFURNISHED APA,RTMENT, 'two 'TOMS, suitable for one or two persons (no children). Immediate possession. Apply at NEWS -RECORD. 29-ptfb DESIRABLE FURNISHED Cottages -for rent -week or season. Three bed- rooms, living room, and kitchen. Good beach, hydro, good water. Johnson's Deer Lodge, Hayfield. 28-29-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED _APARTMENT OR HOUSE WANTED Immediately, sinall family. Apply at NEWS-REGORD. 29b-tfb LOST AND FOUND "LOST-BASEBA.LL IffASK owned by Clinton Lions Club. Please return to A. Garon, manager, ladies' softball -team. 29-b LOST - LADY'S BULOVA. MUST Watch in vicinity of Hayfield. Please leave at NEWS-R,ECORD. Reward. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE TEN PIGS - SIX WEEKS OLD, Prank Yeo, phone Olinton 903r13. 29-p FOR SALE -AV& SOWS due to far- row middle August. Phone 614r22. 29-p JERSEY COW, WITH CALF at side. Harry Bloor, Londeaboro, phone Blyth 24r6. CALF FOR VEALING PURPOSES -- Apply Charles E. Elliott, phone Clin- ton 326. 29-p ELEVEN LITTLE PIGS ---Two Sows due to farrow last week in July. Apply Hugh A. Ball, phone Clinton 617r2. 29-b HELP WANTED WANTED -GOOD SP/IART 'Reliable gii.1 for Grocery Store, Thompson's Groceteria.. 29-p WANTED ---.BOY OR YOUNG MAN to work in Groemity Store. Thomp- son's Groceteria. 29-p YOUNG MAN, Preferably collegiate or College Student, with desire to hustle, to act as publisher's repre- sentative in this area during summer vacation. Excellent possibilities. Apply NEWS -RECORD. 27-28x AN OPPORTUNITY - Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55 -have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The 3. IL Watkins Company, Dept. OC -16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. 27-28-29 30b PROPERTY FOR SALE COMFORTABLE DWELLING IN Clinton, on Fulton St., seven rooms, electric lights and town water, new garage, large garden. Possession in near future. Also a real good building lot in a good location. James Elliott, Dublin. . 26tfb TWO PRIVA-TE HOUSES wrrn wat- er and electrety; Perrin Block - either buildings alone or buildings and prop- erty together; Land known as Inter- natonal Salt Block; also one lot in Clinton Cemetery. tApply A. J. Coop- er, Box 27, Goderieh. 28-btfb MISCELLANEOUS SIENDOR TABLETS are effective, two weeks' supply $1; 12 weeks $5, at ,Pennebaker's Drug Store. 29-11 NOW AVAILABLE -Limited num- ber of Singer cabinet electric sewing machines. Apply Singer Sewing Machine Co., 78 Ontario St., Strat- ford, phone '727. 25-tfb BAC/ICAO:HES GO QUICKLY, often after first dose. RUIMA0APS two. way action attacks the cause, relieves the pain. P'ennebalter's Drug Store. 29-b ASTHMA SUFFERERS - ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as others are doing. For free information write F. Howey, 144 Catharine St. S., Hamilton. 28-tfb POULTRY 22t NEW HAMPSHIRE PULLETS, 12 weeks old on July 25, $1 each A. Garon phone Clinton 312. 28 - Arch Support Shoes We have just received a shipment of LADIES' FINE ARCH - SUPPORT SHOES, all sizes, black only, for the utmost in foot comfort. To avoid disappointment at a later date, why not purchase your Woollens now? We carry a fine stock of Blankets, Motor Rugs and Bed Throws. SPECIAL THIS WEEK We are now clearing all our ladies' and gents' Summer Shoes at a 255 reduction in price Pickett and Campbell (Successors to Plumsteel Bros.) QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR AGENTS FOR TIP TOP TAILORS AND SCOTT-McHALE SHOES PHONE 25 CLINTON For Out-of-town Trips - USE FRANK'S TAXI It's Safer and Cheaper Brand New Chevrolet Sedan For Your Comfort Day and Night Service FRANK'S TAXI Day Phone 175 Night Phone 267M ( Paint is Scarce But We Have A Good Supply While It Lasts! The famous Lowe Bros,. Paintt,, LOWE BROS. quality tested, for every purpose. PAINTS Try this serviceable paint today! I SITN-TESTED WALL- PAPERS , We have a wide variety of these high-class wallpapers to choose from. All the latest patterns. See the selection today! D. A. Kay & Son Heron St. Painters and Decorators PHONE 234 Three Doors West a Royal Bank. Clanton BIRTHS, CAWISEY-In Vernon, BD., on Sat- urday, June 29, 1946, to Mr. arid Mrs, W. S. Cawsey (nee IVIargaret Grovel), a daughter (Joan Hiss ehoPP), MIDDLETON--In St. Michael's Hos- pital, Toronto, on Thursday. July 4, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Hugh J. Middleton, 4 Southlea tAves Lea- side, a son (Charles Thomas). PENTLAND-In Clinton Public Hoss pital, on Sunday, July 14, 1946. to Mr. and Mrs. Prank Pentland, R.R. 6, Goderieh, a son (William Roger Alexander), a brother for Elizabeth and Pat. TEBBUTT - In Clieton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, July 16, 1946, to Mr: and Mrs. Harry Tebbutt, Clin- ton, a daughter (Marsha Lilian). MARRIAGES BALL-DURNIN-In Clinton Presby- terian Church, at 1 p.m. Wednes- day, July 17, 1946, by Rev. D. J Lane, Doris Margaret, daughter of Mrs: Durnin and the late A. E. Durnin, Lucknow, to Douglas Ger- butt, son of Mrs. Ball and the late Nelson Ball, Clinton. DEATHS. . DALIbYMPLIS-At his home at Kip - pen, on Friday, July 12, 1946, George Dalrymple, in his 73rd year. DANE-- a: Mai nly, at Blyte, , on Fit -- day, July 12, 1946, Mrs.George Dane, RR. 1, Wroxeter.' DENNISON -In Scott Memorial Hos- Seaforth, on Friday, July 12, 1946, after a short illness, Thomas Dennison, Varna. Pineal from Ball 1 aaaral Home, Clinton, Satur- day sifternnon, Julyt 13. GOOD -At his residence, Huron Road, Goderich, on Thursday, July 11, 1946, William Albert Good, formerly of Colborne Township, in his 67th year. Funeral from Brophey Fun- eral HomeGoderich. to Colborne Cemetery,July 15. LA,TTA-In London on Saturday, July 13, 1946, Alex Latta, formerly of Stephen Township, in his 72nd year. Funeral from Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood, to Grand Bend Cemetery, July 15. ROUSE - At the residence of his daughter, Mrs. B. C. Hearn' Clin- ton', on Sunday, July 14, 1946Isaac B. Rouse, in his 94th year. Resting at Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, until Tuesday morning,July 16. Funeral from J. II. Robinson Fun- eral Home Hamilton to Hamilton Cemetery, Tuesday afternoon. SPEIR-Att her home, Thomas St., Brussels on Tuesday, July 16, 1946, Mary Brussels, beloved wife of the late James iSpeir, in her 82nd year. Funeral from her late residence, on Thursday, July 18, 1946. Internient Brussels Cemetery. URQUHART-At her late residence, 283 Queen's Avenue, London, on Saturday, July 13, 1946, Emily Nicholls, wife of the late Donald Urquhart, Funeral service in the George E. Logan and Sons Funeral Chapel on Tuesday, July 16. Inter- ment Hensall Cemetery. GREALIS-In Clinton Public Hospital on Thursday, July 18, 1946, Violet Pearl Makins, beloved wife of Ed- ward Grealis, in her 53rd year. /test- ing at Ball Funeral Home,High St., Clinton, Where service will be held on Saturday, July 20, commencing at 2.30 pan. Interment Clinton Cemetery, ATTEND/NG CONTI:I:EWE Mr. and Mts. W. V. Roy, Lende.s- bore, the former secretary...trees:Ivor Huron County Federation of A gricul- tore, are Mt:waling the Poultry Con- ference at GAO, Guelpb, yesterday and today. SIGNS OF ALL KINDS * TRUCKS * BOARDS * WINDOWS * CLOTH * CARD or PAPER BANNERS KIRBY SIGNSC PRINCESS ST. Ph. 589R, CLINTON 28-b BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo ' Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St, East., Phone 585 59stf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 66s COUNCIL APPROVES JUNE ACCOUNTS 'TOTALLING $5,015 Accounts fon June totalling $5,015.33, with receipts of $160, were approved in the report of the Finance Committee, submitted at the July Town Council meeting by Coun. M. J. Agnew: Street - klbert Pickard, cleaning catch basins, 15 hours. @, 50c, $7,50; Gordon Craig, painting parking' lines, 11 hours @ 50c, $5.50; D. Evans, painting parking lines, 5 hours @ 50c, 52.50; II. Pickett, cutting weeds, 60 hours @ 50c, less 45c Inc., 520.55; W. Pickett, cutting weeds, 9 hours @ 50c, $4.501 T. Leppington, cutting weeds, 5 hours @ 50c, $2.50; W. Cook and team, cutting weeds, 76 hours @ 80c, gravel $4.40, $65.20; W. Pafford, cleaning streets, 15 hours @ 50c, less 12c Ines $7.38; Sproat and Sproat, 100 four -inch tile delivered and paid, $6.25; W. Burton with team, paid, $10.40. Street Lighting - Public Utilities Commission, lighting streets, $228. Prop,erty--Public Utilities Commis- sion, lighting rest room,75; lighting Town hall,, $7.40; lighting Stock Yard, .96; quarter year Rest Room rental, $15; quarter year Rest Room water, $3.02; quarter year Town Hall water, $6.66; quarter year fountains $3.23; general repairs, 53.52; Mrs. L. Tideswell, care of Rest Room,55; W, L. Johnson, broom and cleaning ma- terial, $3.73; George Radford, with bulldozer at dumping ground, $8; Hawkins Hardware, lighting bulbs, $3.20; Norman Marshall, cleaning chimneys and furnace'$10. . Hydrant Rental --Public Utilities Commission, quarter year rental of hydrants, $531. Cemetery - M. McEwan, salary, $91.65; Ed. Steep, 181 hours @ 50c, 590.50, less Inc. 51.25 880.25; (Murphy Bros., gas and oil, $10.36; Ball Bros., mower parts and oil, $1.15; V. D. Falconer, two plank, $2.35. Dry Earth Oloset-A. Pafford, and equipment, $100, less H.C. $1, $99; Police Protection - James Thomp- son, salary $91.65, less H.C. $1.50, $90.15; D. Elliott, salary, $77.10, less 11.0. $1, $76.10; Gordon Craig, salary, $75. Salaries - M. 1'. Coxless, salary $112.50, less MC. $1.50, $111; J. W. Manning, salary, $41.67; Ontario 'Hos- pital Association, paid for care, $5. Hospitalization -County of Huron, indigent patient, $20.25. Insurance - Imperial Guarantee (Lawson) Fidelity Bond, premium, $9.95. Postage and Stationery - Under- wood Limited, service and ribbon, 51.50; Burroughs Adding Machine Co., service half year, 57,35; G. R. Me - Ewan Co., stock scale books, and post- age, $23.34; Clinton News -Record, printing and advertising, $25.30. General Municipal Expense - Bell Telephone Co., general, $13.52; Post- master G M. Counter, unemployment insurance stamps, $3.42. Sewerage - Donald Insrpeetion Limited, pipe inspection, $5.62; Na. tional Sewer Pipe Co., 135 15" tile and Y's, $562,95; National Iron Corp- oration, 0. I. pipe L's and bends, 5158.89; Dominion „Wheel and Found- ries, =noble covers (paid), $543.35; National Iron Conporation, 100 16' C. I. pipe (paid), $1,744; Master Builders Co., Embeeo (paid), $232.47; Total $5,015.33. Receipts-Iaentals, $22.50; Steck Scales, $27.50; Cemetery, $110; total, $160. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of WILLIAM HOLMES LOBE All persons having claims against the Estate of William Holmes Lobb, late of the Town of Clinton, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of May, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, 1946, full par- ticulars of their claims. Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersign- ed shall then have notice, to the ex- clusion of an others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so , distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 21st day of June 1946. H. G. MEM, Solicitor far Executors, Seaforth, Ontario. Batkins Locker Storage We have a shipment of this season's fish in now COHOE SALM()N STEAKS, lb, 40e COHOE SALMON FILLETTS, lb. 50c COD FILLETTS --lb. 3de HADDOCK PH:LETTS , lb. 40c SMOKED COD FILLETTS . , lb. 35c LAKE TROUT lb. 40e WE BUY HIDES 1 Frozen Foods are Better Foods ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE- SEAFORTH Now Playing --"LITTLE GIANT" with Abbott and Costello Now Playing -Vivian Blaine as "DOLL FACE" Now Playing -Errol Flynn in "SAN ANTONIO"-Technieolor Mon. Tnes Wed. ' '' Jennifer Tones, Joseph Cotten and .Ann Richards -A tender, touching war rosnance that will have ani- versal appeal. "LOVE LETTERS" Men Ines '' '' Wed. Adult Entertainment Paulette Goddard, Ray Milland and Patric Knowles -Tell the story of a London guttersnipe who rises to be a duchess. "KITTY" Mon., Tues., Wed. Shirley Temple, Jerome Courtiand and Walter Abel - A bright and breezy comedy with winsome Shir- ley in her firsrt grown-up role. "KISS AND TELL" Thur., Fri., Sat. "Pride of the Marines" The glorious saga of the fighting marines and of a gal whose faith and love helped salve irreparable wounds - John Garfield, Dane Clark and Eleanor Parker. Thur., Fri, Sat. John Garfield, Eleanor Parker and Dane Clark -- Packed with battle action and sprinkled with romance is this tale of the Leatherneck. "Pride of the Marines" Thur., Thur Fri.,Sat. Dane Clark, Janis Paige and Zachary Scott -Here's your kind of star in his kind of picture. 44HER KIND OF MAN" Coming -"KISS AND TELL" starring Shirley Temple Coming -"THE VIRGINIAN" -Technicolor- Coming - "THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE" Matinees, Sat.& Holidays, 2.30 pan, Mat., Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Matinees, Sat. & Holidays, 2.30 p.m. CLINTON MURPHY LARGEST LODGE IN BLYTH "WALK" NEW BANK MANAGER BRIISSELS-Walter Porter, Ayr, will succeed T. L. Prest as manager of the local branch of the lank of Commerce, on the latter's retirement after 40 years of service, of which the last 16 have been spent here. (Continued from Pags 1) of the founder of the Belfast lodge which paraded at Blyth, and past grand treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Alberta; Robert White, past grand master of the Grand Lodge of Alberta; Robert Golley, Wingham, county master for North Huron. Honorary memberships were pre- sented during the day to three mern- berg of Londesboro lodge, L.O.L. 8. The three, George Mains, Frank Little and Fred Tibbs, have been Orangemen for 56, 55 and 50 years, respectively. In a baseball game, Clinton R. and C. .School defeated Blyth -Auburn Combines 613; in an evening softball game, Londesboro defeated a team from the Clinton R. and G. S. 15-10., Livestock WANTED ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE of Property and Furniture of the ess tate of the late T. H. Cook, Queen St. Clinton on SATURDAY, JULY 20, at 1 p.m. sharp (D.S.T.) Consisting of the following ' Walnut table (antique); 4 walnut chairs; occasional chair; leather rock- ing chair; studio couch; roll top conch wicker arm chair; wicker rocking chair; wicker fernery stand; oak hall rack; end table; 4 small tables; 2 rocking chairs; arm chair; 2 bed room chairs; oak combination book case and writing deek; oak librarystable; 7 tube Echo -phone electric cabinet Radio (reconditioned); 2 Axminster rugs 7' X 3'6"; fire place tongs shovel and broom; dresser; wooden bed, springs and inner spring mattress; dreseer; wash stand; wooden bed; springs and mattress; 2 dressers; iron bed and springs. clothes enaboardl 8 day clock; 2 kitchen tables and 6 kitchen chairs; extension table; large kitchen oupboard; Leonard enamel lined ice box 7 cu. ft. capacity (like new); Findlay Modern range (nearly new); Harrison cook stove; approx- irnatelY 1/2 ton of coke; 3 trunkear Coleman gas lantern; 501t. gardens hoses 6 ft. atep ladder, 514. step laddsa er; garden tools; odd dishes;_ glass's' ware; enamel ware and numerous other articles. , At the same time and place there will be offered for sale subject to re- serve bid the desirable property and dowelling tteonsisting of a 7 room green shingled cottage with hard- wood floors; modern bathroom and cellar throughout; and the lots con- sisting of a 1/4 acre of land, more or less, on which is situated a double garage, chicken house and the above mentioned dwelling. Terms on chattels cash Terms on property made known on day of sale. T. G. N. COOK. Administrator EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 28-29-b HOGS SHIPPED EVERY TUESDAY FROM C.N.R. STOCK YARDS. I If unable to deliver, phone mid truck will call. Always in the market for Fat Cattle, Veal Calves and Lambs. PHONE 46 FOR PARTICULARS W. J. MILLER 29-p Insurance Real Estate Investments Properties for Sale TWO STOREY frame dwelling, three bedrooms up, one down, usual living rooms, three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, summer kitchen, garage, ai acre land with small fruit trees. Sale subject to present tenancy. 11/4 STOREY frame dwelling, 7 rooms, 3 -piece bath, good location, garage, sale subject to present tenancy's VACANT LOT - situated at corner of Huron and North Sts., 106 ft. frontage on Hightway No. 8, good building lot. VACANT LOT -with garage, situated at corner of Huron and Erie Sts., suitable building lot. List your property with H.C. LAWSON Realtor Bank of Montreal Bldg, Office Phone 251W Res. Phone 2513 WANTED For CLINTON PUBLIC HOSPITAL TWO MAIDS for General Work, and One Laundry Assistant . Apply stating experience and wages expected to Miss Jessie Grainger, R.N. Superintendent 29-b .01••••••11101•11101 , TOWN OF CLINTON WEED CUTTING Under the provisions of The Weed Control Act, all owners of property within the Corporation, must see that all weeds are cut before they go to seed. If such parties fail to obey the lawl in this respect, the Weed Inspector possesses the authority to have weeds cut and any expense involved charged against the property owner. Your cooperation would be appreciated. DAVID ELLIOTT, Weed Inspector, Town of Clinton 29-30-b "THE WAGES of SIN is DEATH, BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD." Rom, 6:23 TUNE IN -Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR Tire Headquarters • ATTENTION, FARMERS! Tractor Tires Filled With Fluid and Vulcanized and Serviced Harry Davies Tire and Battery 24 HOUR VULCANIZING SERVICE Corner Huron and Orange Sts. Phone 460 WARNING' Will all parents please realize the grave danger of allowing their children to frequent the vicinity of the Sewerage excavation Work. The operation of the high powered machines, and the deep openings made necessary, form an unavoidable hazard. We plead with you to co-operate and thus assist to avoid accidents and grief. CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL 24tfb Shortage of Furnaces Likely This Fall Get Your Order In Early HECLA FURNACES "Saves One Tone in Seven" 111JGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing - Heating Skeet Metal Work' Agent for Heck Foramen PHONE 244 111EIS1DENCII 416