HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-07-11, Page 5„IUL'ir 11; 1946 caawgrikg,-,140*S-Itzdtian'' PAGE FIVE Bring Quick Results One cent a word, cash,. each insertion (minimum 25' Cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 -cents atm,when replies •BIRTHS directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box nurither. Adlets • accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday. ' Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. • FOR SALE „ SPOTTED PONY; QUIET TO RIDE. Apply J. 1611ord, Bayfield gg-b AMERICAN POSSUM . FUR COAT, three-quarter length., Price $25 phone • 619r24, • VUICW1iliWr „FIT FOR mix 41100 ageTostill, phone Clinton .906r= NEW POTATOES FOR SALE. Apply Charles Wililams, Holmetwille phene '94:11r4, Clinton. • 2 8-p , • •CEDA-12;„ POLAND • F'OSTS. Apply -George Lindsay; 1.1LE 2, Bayfield, patine 'Glinton 909r14. . 28-29-p WICIICER FERNERY FOR . single large plant. 'Oood as new,,-,ApL 13:1Y :Canadian National Ekpress •Off- -91.1ANfDI'YY:OF ,SrPANIDIDT. elient 25 acres, 'timothy and clever. Apply Sidney. Lansing, Lendashoto, Blyth 39r12, • 28-p •GRAIN THROWER - EBERSOL spe- eial with pipes (40 feet), elbows, etc. • Will fit aliitott any separator. Pra- ctically new. Apply Ted Rice, R.R. Leeknew„,, • • , 5 ' ,T1729,P 014# , Y*6;:rWO16tib16t TRAIT*Iti 1000 ,tixes;stock rack coneW,„•,„;.1:„ 10:10#04.1*;,;1' stock rack Constilete: •Allnett ;nevi. Apply, Box fl ' 'asv . , . •ND 'MACIHNE FOSLE •ditipOsed 6f1MY fanny I will -,uftertag+sale' My :Birething Corapletaik fltY •InYi self 'fat my attn.-use:: This Machine • is equipped ithigI gibtaevator, - complete •,tyith, gyain, inpes, orielAgraw• ,.tutter- bebe1.t ;HERB mousesitu, 2uxiah Garage, -phone 103, Zurich. '28,i324„ PROPER'14.FOLcillahl'e 1DESTRABLE FURNISIIED Cottages •:%:k rent—week or seasoii. 'Three bed-. ' axibros living room, and A:kitchen:, Good beach, hydro good/. Wafer. •gohnson's Deer Lodge, BaYfield. 28-29-p :DESIRABLE FURNISBED`Cottages -,,for rent—week ov.,,season, Three bed= 'rooms, living roan, and 'kitchen. Good beach, hydro, good water. ;Johnson's Deer Lodge, 13ayfie1d, ••• -• ••• . 26-27-p PRIVATE HOUSES WITH wat. • er and eleettety; Perrin Block ;buildings alone or buildings and Prop..' 1.-t'Y 'together; Land known as Inter- litatonal Salt Block; also one lot 'in Clinton Cemetery. calmly A. J. Coop- ' ••r 28,btfb r Box 27 Goderich ACCOMMODATION WANTED Allitit TO RENT Unfurnished zooms or small home. No children. .1na:esidtsL. E. Maaig=tre.anion.2 MST AND POUND 'UB GAP FROM 1946 OLDSMOBILE ewaxd ;Offered. Apply John 3. pfe,'Phene 103. 28-b . HELP WANTED LADIES WANTED FOR PLEASANT part or full time work. Splendid e2a8rn_b- inns and opportunity for advancement. Write Box "W" News -Record. • IIELP WANTED, --MALE , 'YOUNG MAN, Preferably collegiate or College Student, , with • desire to hustle, to net as publisher's repre- sentative in this area during summer vacation. Excellent possibilities. ,Apply NEWS -RECORD. 27-28x AN' orPoatrillint -- Established Rural Watkins District Available.If you are aggressive, and hawed' the ages Of 25 and 55--haye, or can secure 'travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get, established in a profitable business of your, owe. For full 'Par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Othapany„ Dept, 0,-C-16, 2177 Montreal,Mason St., . Quebec • 27-2,F-29 30b PROPERTY. FOR SALE I% STOREY FRAME DWELLING; 7, rooms, 3 -piece bath, good lotation, garage • sale • subje'ct to present ten- ancy. • Apply to E. Lawson, Realtor. Phone 261W. 23-tfb COMFORTABLE 'DWELLING IN Clinton, on Fulton 'St, seven rooms, .eleetrie: „lights' and: town, water, new garage; largo, garden.. Possession in neat.-futuret•Aie0 a real, good :building lot dna good; location. James Elliott, *.if31STOI1tir FRAME' DWELLING three bo.draggiS an, „one. ,deve,u;sual atang." teems, tbree-piece. ' full *sealant,' furitace summer:, kiteben, garage,:'Vaere land 'with 'sinall,frnit treez, Sale, ,suhleet..tpreseat'ion-, 740., phone 251W. 25tf1. .MISCELLANMUS 1;.10* AVIILAB IT:imited num- ber of Singer cabinet electric sewing machines. „Apply Singer Sewing Machine C,e.y. 78 Ontario St, Strata Lord, pimae: ;727. 25-tfb pHEOu'irako PAIN, Sciatica, Lit- bago quiekly relieved by using RU ACAS. 4ecommended by thousand's who have gained better health. Penne- baker's Drugtore.r:„ 2841,, ASTHMA :SUFFER -ELS — ENJOY A good night's sleep without coughing and choking, as ethers are doing, For free informatien 'write P. Ilowey, 144 Catharine St. S, Hamilton. • POULTRY 225 /16w-1tuttdilt i,t1LLETS, 12 weeks old on July 26, $1 each A. Garon phone Clinton 312. • 28- LlyESTOCK „FOR SALE FIFTEEN PIGS SEVEN WEEKS om. ApplyWeklettFTyedall,,phane Clinton 803r32;), • • ' 283, TWO -1vmse rows, - HOLSTEIN, Ayrshire, one veal ealf; four Leicet- ter ewes, one gelding 15 years, geed worker. Appl, Y=W. Roberts Rat 3: Seaferth. 28-1 '31,••• „t", .,.. • ; •• • ,' • • i4 (If? O1(4.vralls . and Pants „ •e , ; • We have a nod: dee of overalls and woitc:' parp,:,,all sizes, all prie' es for all jobs. - We still have a few shirts in 16, 1645, 17, a bit of pique and , elastic --WeOlidi-Dienkets and )4.'4 Tiuows • ' Clearing Of Summer Shoes, For the young lad, cotten jersey, suit, shorts with. matching Pull • over; PleYOlida add 'overalls., • Pickett aml Campbell (SUccessers Ito Bluinsteel Bros.) QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR :. AGENTS FOR TIP TOP TAILORS AND SCOTT-Mal:ALE SHOES '• PHONE 25 ' •-• CLINTON For but-of-tawn Trips— USE. FRANK'S. TAXI , 4f,s Safer and Cheaper raid New OheViolet: Sean Pn'i Tour CcantkFt.., DAY -and Night Service ' 'I, , Dty tb,01.1011,5-• 'Night Phone 261M n is carce But We Have A Goal upply — While It Lasts! The famous Lowe Bros. Paints, quality tested, for every purpose. Try this serviceable paint today! We have a wide variety of these high-class wallpapers to choose from. All the latest patterns. See the selection today!, LOWE BROS. PAINTS I SUN -TESTED WALL- • PAPERS Huron St, AYATal — Itt Clinton, Public Hosp- ital, on Sneday, July. 7, 1946, te Mr. and Mrs t Urban 'Ayatte, Dash- wood, a daughtez (Anita Enlene). HOY — In Clinton Public Hospital, • on TueSday; Inly'f„ 1946, to M. • and Mrs. Gerdon HOY, Clinton, a • gen (Jalbes William). • • KENNEDY —: In Clinton Public Iles- • ' pital, on aunclary,1 July 7,, 1946, to Mr. and MTS. 'Chris. Kennedy, Clin- ton, a daughter (Brenda Sharon) a sister fer Wayne, LANGFORTY,'-'-=, In ',St. • Joseph's: Hose= , Rat London, on Saturday, • June 29, 1946, to Mr; and MrSi Xellneth Langford' (nee • Alma TreWartha), • Woodham, a son, (Walter Kenneth), REID In Clinton Public Hospital, ; on •Stinday; „July 7, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs: G. Reid, Wine; a daught, er (Sal -ark 'Lee). ' ” ' • ' -- In' Alexandra Marine .'aed Genera Hospital,' Gocierich, en Sun- day, July 7; 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, Jack Weir, Auburn,' a datighter (Barbera. Joan). "' ' •.! ••••• „ MARRIAGES , MIDDLETON-SUNDSTROM —. In .0entra1 TJnited March, Seat' Ste. .Marie, Ontario, on' Saturday; 'lune , 29, 1946, .„. Rev. A. J. Sirea)e, „ Malta May Sundstrom,_ daughter. of Mr. and Mrs.. A. E. Stindstretin, IS'attit Ste. Marie, to Janice Ride _ Middleton: son . Mr. and Mrs John Middeton, R.R. 3, Clinten. EATHS nicKS --: In Alexandra, ,,Marine and General Iroanital„ Gaderleb on Wed- nesday, July 10, 1946, Emily Hicks . daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs• . William Hicks Goderich; and airTei of the late, Giiy Hicks, Cliriton, in year, Funeral Friday ::••rifternoon, Juir, 12, 1946, at 1.30 p.m. from the home of her sister, •Mrs.• Robert Dice,-; Goderich, to Maitland ,Cemetery..,— • . , , .„ • „ Cardlpf Theides . Mrs. Martliar,„„Jaedhwishes to tate thiaopportunitytO thank all those who so„ kindly:sent foal, ,flowers and cattle and, all; °thee kindnesses. shoWn "during her. stay atthe hespitaland at bored. •Card of Thanks' , ,,:imarienDewidi'wleheste think all 1.1i14'frleinda 74la visit her and sent flOWers And 'feniti and.to' Dr: Ad- dison andlix. Oaked'and th,ourses Of Sddit•Itemoria. liOsPital, Seafortli, in her, reeent jl1ns. • 284) •••••• '.orAtird KINDS ' -• TRUCKS •'I. '...• • * BOARDS:. *.•'• „.i." cARD or PArpR kIRBY SIGNS, PamEss •st.' P" lti;-58914- CLINTON • . ECHANI ANTED Licensed Mechanic., Wanted to work in General 'Motors Garage.. 1VIdderh'equirlinent., good. wages :right ma,n.i ,tGardners filototlales God.0.44-c- Phone 234 . • Box 186 BEAUTY SHOP:PE „ . -Shampoo • • ' Manicure ' • ' Finger Wav,es „ • • Permanents' : :t ".• '1„; • •• ETHEL --TIIOMPSON.'•,- ;Princess St. East., Phone ,535 •.• 59-tf Painters and Decorators .• , • THONE 234- ,• Three Doors West of Royal Bank, Cliintou CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS • For Every Occasion - COOKE • FLORIST Phones 66w and 663 . • Batkins Locker Storage SALMON FILLETTS .. per lb. 40c COD FILLETS', per lb. 35e HADDOCK, FILLETTS• : per 113. 40e smolcso ,xu.a.,uns .Per, lb. 35e DELECIA:!: MEAT • LOAF per ih;'45c SPICED HAM :LOAF per 'lb. '39c HomatMade'SAUSAGE, per lb. 27e HAMBURG STEAK .. : 'Per M. 25c Makareni and Chedie Leif, ,perib. 35c. WE BUY HIDES . 'Frozen Foods are Better Foods TURNER'S CHURCH HONORS RETIRING : •• PASTOR AND WIFE Following the regular service in Turner's 'United Church Jute 30, in- stead of the usual Sunday School session,: a, Short ;farewell was given their pastor, Rev. Burton and this Wife. Edwin Johns acted as chair - Man and a short programme follow.ed Misses Gladys, Edith 'and Eleanor Pepper sang a triod :George Turner „ John Turner -the treasurer ofthe church then „read ,the following ad- dress: to Rev. ,and Mrs. Burton: ' "As we lieire• gathered here this afternoon in our last worship service together as pastor and people • we cannet , let the .occasion :pass Without ,a. WOX'a- of appreciation to. you for yew'.faithfal -and . efficient service airing the Peat •,.. Our pestoral ,t,glatinnsInp with 'each other has been the; longest on •recerd,Nef this lossek„ 'congregation. You haye, hapticeddiany babies, MartiedMany' yegrigmouples in our congregatien=init have officiated at veryfew filnarela this. is a healthy community). •You., have been active ainong the Young People and espeeiallythe,. choir,. and generally have ',given" inspiinthin ,and. guidance ta:. al the,:*arions activitie,s. of the chureh, and have been; a faithful pastor. . "Year : Work ,as pester'of this ehurch, 'being of spiritual nature, eannet be appraised: , ;by ordinary Method,_ as eternity Alone can „reveal its value:. 'Yon :have' given us Care, fully pr'eparedand well thought out 'sermons; „whiph Were not only elo- quent, . but .iespiritte:and helpful, and hate maintained., a Itigh , spiritual standard;'; Welt l's.„,rnueh needed in tat, day of tiereth, and uncertainty for the., future:Mai' Men .need their faith te:,be litri0 planted :tin the re034,4Or the :114,0 the nations aid is their Only hope. "We shall „Prtas Yen; but otir. pray: eib.. And:, bfAV Ay1a41;5,11ipli ,go „.with 'youjsiyoityfrieivr;field,of labor that 'your work 'Shall teceive 'We Diane B1ess1ng and yew inhastrithere 'shall be arcntinect....witli etalindant -blessing. As a ,eligiktekeklif., Our .esteem and geeidniill,rwe,ask ;yen to acCent thie ehequa 1teiebzaneeof Turner's •' A, large crowd attended the funeral: on biondaynIutt Knox Presby, terian,.Chureh,• Goderich, of• Samuel IL Macildatit almost .at life-long resident of Goderieh,Township.=- Rev. Richard: Stewart offidiateaand, interatent,wits in Maitland Cemetery. -.Pallbearers were ,,,Norman Keringlian, Herbert. Greenwood, John Bell, Harry .21cCre, ath, George 3),unlop, and -Jetties Milne alt; members of the lark:Session:, . Born. in Michiganite .sore of -thedate, Mr. and Mrs. Willierii•-.111aeMath , he came as. a `luta"; :child :•tooddtich Township:. He reinitiated onthe home- stead, on the-4thtdloacession until 'ke1 porchated a"telinflist,ttlie ail' Of 'the whiakheePetaited for 18 years, retiriiiett:tct,' Gederich Istria 'years, aga," Ileivatiqn hit 73rd year. Letaligion waepresbyterizitit aid was a ihember'ef the 'lc:irk:Beset:in Of Minx Tresbyterian',ClitirehY • •-•' Mr. MeeMath was :eery fond Of floW- ers and When able he silWaiini Wite surriandet BY' •-theritie :' 'Lleiwide death his casket was completely tur, roundeded by a weath of floral tat.; ii•wrr.c,r; 1 11drillfriebratir Itaid had o lengthy ill? neas•and death came early Saturday': morning at his home on East St. 1 Sarviming • are his, wife formerly Winnifted:Gaidwin, Clinton, and lout, daughters 'Helen, "Mrs. D. W. Collier;: Esther, a teacher at Kippen, Grack, Mrs. 'D. H. Rutherford, Woodstock; and Maude at home. Two sons Willionv. and Hugh died in: infancy and another:. 'SQ11 Sheldon was drowned When the Anna 'C. Minch foundered in Lake Michigan to the fall PAO., Four sisters also stirvive Mrs. (Dr.) Limn Alexander, ITitlixalle, Tent, hire. N„ W:Treliartliat Clinton; and Mrs: Geo, rge Mellwain „and,Mrs. Bert Trewart tha, botkrinkoditinh ficisnishfp.:, • ' ;NOTICE01'0' CREDITORS.: N4-1-PigtratitZs140Bia All p,erseim riaving,,claires against the Estate' of„ Villiant Holmes Lobb, late -of the Tead-Of Glinted, deceased, who died.en or. about the 5th day Of May, 1/46,, are herebydetified to send in to ' the" iinderengned on �r before' the 15th day of jalfr, 1946, full par- ticulars of their deans': Immediately„ afterthe said last mentioned date;Ilie'aisieteef the said estate/rill' be 'distributor among st the parties entitled thereto;liaving regard only to claims of which the undentign-, ed shall then have netite, :to the ex.:. clusien ell-othees. a,nd the Ander- sitned v1ll not e liable to y person a-A*1-6$6 awn -the inideimgritir Shalt not then have tio,tige foa the assets so distributed or any part -thereof. Dated,at,Seafortit. -this gist day 'of "Mt.$6,,H," • ."111X'iditers, -Seafortlt;Oritaria HOICY THEATRE • - ,CLINTON , CAPITAL. THEATRE , ' GODERICH ' .• REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH 'n NGw PlaYilig Ginger l°ger and Joseph Cotten in "I'LL 13E SEEING ,YOU" , N'w PlaYing — Anna Neagle in "A. YANK INI LONDON" N°w• Plaaking---Abbott and Costello in "LITTLE; GIANT" , • _ Mon. Tues. Wed. Two Features Joan Leslie, Robert Aida sua Julie about a lovely lady who macte her Bishopt spiirrsigh.t jlyoNfunE-tsaie, dreams eel" true. • .•of • "CINDEIRn Etta Faye Enterson, Zachary Scott and Dick Erdman. Round, out the pr gram with a swift drama "DANGER SIGNAL" _ Mon., Tues., Wed. . . — ADULT ENTERTAINMENT—,„ Paulette Goddard, Ray Milland and Constance Collier. Tell the story . a Lcdon guttersnipe who rises to be a duchess. A flawless picturel n : "KITTY • .o- • • 414con., , Tues., Wed ' .2. Dick Powell, Walter Slezak and Micheline Menai. Murder .. . • . Intrigue • ' • 'Srdne-tingliug• 8115- Pensa'ae" a 61'11114*a ::Airraaa Pur" sues escalied War, criminal halt : way 'artand the world. -"CORNERED" •- ' • ' • THURS , Fitt and SAT. . t• • : Allexis Smith, Errol Flynn and Si Z. Sakall. In brilliant TechnicoN or, with a cast of thousands, a spectacular maga. of the West •••. • , - „ , ,,,, SAN ANTONIO"' : THURS,, FRI. and SAT, litidAbot and Lett „Costello with .., , ..., . Bronaa , ellYce.„, , YoitC 'favourite funny men".11.4e"back'm town in a , leugh tiot"that will make you for- get al your trouble's for • One • evening. . • THURS., FM and SAT. _ Van Bailie, •Carmen• Miranda•nomes and Dennis O'Keefe, it musk' al, it's• exhilarating and the laughs -aro paeed to Veur pleasure. . ``. FACE" • " "LITTLE -GIANT!" • Coining.-- 'MOVE LETTERP • with Tennufer Jones and Joseph. Matinees, Bat & Holidays, 2.36 am. comi— Shirley. Temple in oxilss ng AND .•DOLL Coming — Paulette Goddard as "MTV' .• Mat.,. Wed. Sat. Holidays,• 2.30 pan. Matinees, Set. St Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Church, Tridgerainith,' aria , trust that ii; ndt.lbe:tob• long before you comeback- "te6/isit "Signed' dr..; behalf „if Turner's Church, ,Teekersinith—Edwin Johns, John 'E 'Turner, 'Howard M. 'Crtch." 'One of the: elders,- Howard Crick, thenPreseitted Mr. and-litts: Burton with ::a! bilifold,eontaining substant, lel cheque from the • Y. P. and con- gregation. • . .• , •• ., There Was a splendid attendance at the service. Invitations had 'been sent out to all farmer members and to • all • those at whose marriage Mi. Burton had officiated, to be 'Present at this service. : • • -; t TOO LATE 'ID /CLASSIFY . .-Waited to .Rent FIVE Ot SIX ROOMED tlnfurnlsh- ed'housain Clinton or vicinitY, family With' children: ;Apply no .-1?" wow* aue00:!.-. ..= 'AUCTION SALE at wo..hoofinMs!„oodre.rnjut.n6s'Pura, ler.14e, civif_1?„ Ogange Mitten, on •. • • s*1triOgy,4tx,i , 1.30 harp, (1).S.T:), the loll; . piece Velour innee spring Cheat= erfield.,sutte (like. new); 'Axminster rug -(vfine- :leaf Pattern) A19"X„3"4 Newcombe piano and stool, (good condition); 6 piece solid: Maple ,din.„ :rem smuiaptei,e(acaliatuiriaral; Wlidoodu „tr'fie%iftl.;04 •itnne abler,;,metel. bed ,(walant finish) and aPring mattress; iriodern4 Piece witlat bed room suite, including van- ttY, ,h,mge stool .eluffoner, gull size lied and inner .spring .mattressi mod - Urn .Graliant eleetrie xangette; Hareibin - top reaonfneets(r oempriewi)eit; Itretohelriet,„ealidname41 kitchen Chaii,e,; 10 folding eharst, roll top small Mblek oCeritional chair;,.atesting jaeltet water Heater with PMes, and eentlUetinnat, 3" dim: Pint and' qaartSealers; , tea kettle; trays; Steels; ,edd, dishes arid /Miner/Ms ether ardeles. This' is an excerptionally„ fine line! a filriiltnre,and,liaZ Only 1)een, in .uak ovdrwyear. • • • • •1 _ TERMS DASH - „TAMES F. LOOKOOOD, Proprietor EDWARID W. '01.1410T7i Auctioneer 'AinStgitritAiroiaii'SAtn- • of 1*-.0itiirlia tate Of thelate: T. n..00; QUedi St. :Clinton '• • • " ' :SATURDAY, JULY 20,-- 10,4 " w /aunt table , (antique); 4 walant eheireheccesiOnal altar.; leather :rode. ingebeir; eto coueli;, roll top 'pinch Wicker ,arM;Clialr;'.wieker .. reeking chair:. raker ferperiretand;Oak hall trick; end table; 4 atitall tablet; 'rocking chairs; arm ' 2' bed' rodn chairs; oak combination book rase and writing deitle; 'Oak lariat* table; 7 tribe Echo-Pkone eleitrie eanifiet Radio (reionditioned); a Arign.ito inge 7!)r. 3"6,a; f ire 31,1ace 4op:0 shovel and broe'ti; '..dreiter; Wooden bed, •Vrinp andl'inner• 'spying, inattress; dreseer; ssl stand; wdocieli ' bed; springs arid,ntatiress'; 2 &oaks. iron bed and' SPrings; CletheS Minima'rd;,' 8 day Reck; '2:kitchen, tables 'and 0' leithheit 'Ohara; 'exteasiort-'.61610, 4,40 kitchen' Cupholireli; Leonard eitana 460a ice 'box, ett. ft." espacitY" (Hite new); : FindleY 'Modern' range (nearly new); Harrison cook Stove; iiPprOx Imately % ton of' 'etike; • , 3 tittatif Coleman gas' lantern; 500„^ grirdett helm; 6 ft Step ladder, 5ft: :Step ladd- er; garden 'Mega odd 'drakes; glass= ware; enamel Were " and numerous other iirtiass.' • • ' ' ' . • At the same time and, place there Will be offered for 'sale Object to!'rek serve bid ...the 'desirable preperty, and dewelling 'Consisting of a.. 7 b06r, tron 'Shingled 'eottag'e with• weed :1113ers,riiindeirt '"riathroem.4' and dellar1 throughout;„ and:the lots eon- eisting Of a. atte ofland;more or lese;' On,' which is situated! a ' doable' garage, Chicken house, and, the , above Mentioned' dwelling. • • ' .„, • „Terms On chattele , tin.Prepettymniderinotpt. on 'day !of sae. ••. • 16. G N. COOK. Aiiiiinistratoz,".: EDWARD W. Emiarr, Auctioneer. , Mrs. M. Nediger Installed' As:. Rebekah Official Inaugural meeting ,of Stratford :District No. 5 of the Rebekah Lodge was held in the I.O.O.F hall, Clinton, on Thursday .evening„ Re•• presentatives were pretent glom Mil- verton, Seaforth, Goderich and Clint- on., • The P. D. D. P Mils Jean Scott, Seaforth, installed in office Mrs. Mary Nediger, Clinton, as D. D. P. for 1946-47. Mrs. Amide...Jervis, Clinton was elected secretary -treasurer. Mrs'. Nediger preeeitted Misk• cott with her P; D. p, P. jewel. , At the aoneluSion of the: meeting Members of the, Harrene, Lodge Clin- ton, served :delicious -'refreshments and a social hour was enll joyed by a Baptist PicUit: Proves . , • . 'An Enjoyable. Affiir , . Clinton Baptist Sunday Behool Mc, held at Seaferth Lions Park Sat- urday afterriook and 'evening, was an enjoyable affair. , Race resins:- Girls ,:8 „to 10, dad Stubbings, Jeanne Tomlinson, Mar, , ian Crotsman; boys 8. to 10, Gorden MurraY, Billy Murray-BeverLy •Aik- enhead and Or:agora. Tor:ilia:Son; girls 10 and over, Barbara Steep; „Joanne Tentlinsoni three-legged :Zsce 114149, Gail ,Sttibbingt an:1490rib Teinlinsen Patsy Andersen and Barbara SteeP; three-leggedrace (boys), Gordon and Billy Murray, Beverly Alitenhead srid Gregory Tomlinson; ladies nidl dat- ing contest, Mrs. , jannis men's threading?. diaeala , contest, present. „ avInFrhY," "" ' enders _ • anted.. ;1r•Clinton .• • .4 of Eard ducation Education by47.'2 ' , • for Four- Schoollhises to start- on September 3, 1946 1. •Goderieh.• ToWnship roe, approximately 35 ' ,Ranley Town,shiperentapproximately;50at1es 3. "London Road and Tfickeestiith Township diute;7 ,.aPPlinciinately 30 miles, • 4. Blyth and Hullett Township route, approximat- e1Y9110: , .-•'';\ 1 'kap Of ithAies Stork ditifm. Sealed tenders to 1)e 'sent .ft) Aiiidersigned not later than Tuesday July 16, at 8 p.m. (E.D.SIR, • ..CLINTON BOARD OF ErkdATI6N LAWSON Secretary -Treasurer -• • • . • "TEHuETWTAHGEESIrrot soIFINT,Gi$612i)IEAsit T 4 , ',ETERNAL LIFE THROUGHJE _tit CHRIST OUR LORD." Rom. 6;33 •'- 'tf$ji N—ilgrnns lour 7 730 E4.T sp,0a. 0x(CATATxpic ckt,*.iY114.040 , Tire Headquarters * ATTENTION -FARMERS! Tractor Tires Filled With Fluid and Vulcanized and Serviced .Harry 'Davies Tire and Battery. 24- ROI:TR yuLcANT.ENG SERVICE Corner Huron and Orange its... ' 'Flume 460 Will all -parents please ,realize the ,grave. danger of allowing their 'children to. frequent the vicinity of the Sewerage excavation wiork. The operation of the high powered machines, and the deep openings made necessary, form an uniVoiclable hazard. We .plead with you to :cooperate and thus assist to afoid`;accidente',and grief. ' CLINTONI'TOWN' 'COUNCIL •'.. • y: • • 24tfh Shortage of Furnaces Likely This Fall 1.- - Get•ye,ur. Order In Early HECLIV FURNACES . "Saves One Tone in Seven" ' • iluGH R HAw Plumbing — Heating -- Sheet Metal Work Agent for Hide learuseeti , PHONE 244 • ERSIDANCIII 416