HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-07-11, Page 4• PAGE YOUR GLE'79iNd:YrqkREP9! THURSDAY, JUT 1i 194G Altair* 111 Clinton and :.E:lsfrici. Presbyterian "W.M-S. - Entertained in Stanley Mrs. Goldie Graham was hostess to friends and the W. M. S. of the Presbyterian church at her home in Stanley Township. Mau. George Rob- erton presided.' Mrs. J. MeEwen and Mrs. IMeCow- an conducted the worship period and Mrs. Grahain had the topic in "Out- standing African Christians," lant- erns that are tidings of the spirit of God shining in the dark of that forest • Mrs. B. W. Kearns sang "My Cath- edral" whch was much enjoYed. The President closed the meeting with prayer. • • Mrs. ,.Graham, served a delicious .1uneh assisted by thelaclies of Stanley On behalf of the Clinton ladies, Mrs: M. MeTaggart expressed the thanks • for an enjoyable ;and profitable meeting. , Wesley -Willis S. .Plans ..Picnic at Bayfield • - • At a.,record, meeting of the exec- utive of'Wesley-Willis United Sunday gn11001, Plans were.. made to hold the annual Sunday School and Congrega- tional picnic at Bayfield on NVednes- Engagements Announced Mr. and 'Vas. David Dales wish to announce the engage/nein of their eldest daughter RubyEllen, to Louis Franklin Fulcher, son a mi. and Mrs. Charles Fulcher, St. Marys, the wedding to take place the latter part of July. - Mr. and Mrs: Fred Reid, Varna, announce the 'engagement ef their eldest daughter, Anna Margaret, to Bruce Tiplady Keys, elder son of Mr. and Mrs : Clifford Keys, Varna the marriage to take place in July. Alexander D. IVICKitrick, Orange - vile, announces1 the engagement of his 'daughter, Helen Browne, to Jose- ph. Bruce Matheson, sono Mr. and Mrs. J. •M. IVIathesomInnerkip, the marriage -UP -take place in August. Mr. Matheson is a former agricultural re- presentative for Huron County. day, July 24... „ • - The following 'committees were named: — Packing Mrs. W, C. Jervis'. Mrs. C. Nelson; Transportittimi. -- Charles Nelson and Garnet Cornish; Sports and-Trizes A. E. Douglas G. R. Foster, Bill Hearn and F. ring. land Jr. • ,„, .. . Prints'and". ;.., ,,,,, .. Fioliday Suggestions ,14EglieS! House - , • . 'Seersucker •,,, • > ! Size 1.4-.,...0 -. :. - . 2,98.,-:' 4. ..!' '' • •..,,,i, ..,,..: ,'„; ,. :-:•:,, •., ., ...„ , ,,,.• , , ' ':1 : 1Bathirig.Suitii '. . ...;-,., One and Two Piede'• 4S -sorted' StYles -'• - Sizes 14 -..44i , . .,P-98 7-44.95,..: • • -, d''' --,- ,i ‘.! . A !!!'. , -,.:; , — - ,;., , Navy „ .1 --' - • •z1,!:,, ASSOrted'Scilid ' 'LADIES' !!' ' .SLACKS: , •s.sorted 'Colors , Si7;esleti- 20' %* .., .,, ,.-.• . .:- !••;•, , $4-50 .-t:4 $4 98 : • Drri11:,$1..98 , • ...SanforNedi. -,.. .- . ., Ladies' Sport ' .- -•.- -- . Blouses - ti ,.: , , gailtOrUcd, Shades Sizes 14 - 20 _ ... GirlsSlacks /.•.: Navy and Brown • Sizes 8 - 1.41.14.,, - ,,I,, $1.19 - $1.75' ..' .......— SHORTS Ailpie, Convoy ; ailid!irWill mf.,4, 1 • Assorted colors Sizes 14 . 20 to .$2.98 . , ., 'cjirls'. Short01,.., Assorted Colors: &lies 8 - 14 - 81.25 ...,_ . • Store',-, • Clinton , Phone'. 36 . • .::.i: DepartMental . • • ,sTRuT • •Mr. and Mrs.John J. Zapfe have returned after spending a' few days in Kitehener. Mr. and Mrs. Reginald Ball spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton' Dixon, Harriston. Dr. and Mrs W. A. Oakes and family are itt their eunimer home on L ice Muskolka, near Bala. • Loftus Millar and grandson, .Paid Vail: Watford, were week end visitors With Mr: and Mrs. Fred Hanleir. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon 4. Miller, have been vacationing at Gordon, Lake Enron: • ;P ;" • • . Robert K. ,Beo,ne;' Bell, Calif., is blue and, petar•pink bbinfant frocas visiting at the 'home of Mr. kid Mrs.: respectively. • John A Ssitter. Mr. and Mrs.' EL E. Paieraen and Miss Pearl Newman, Niriatten„ are visiting friends in town. ' • Brenton ./Iellyar; London, is hon., cdaying at the home of his parenti Mr. and Mrs. W. 'H. Hellyar. • •• -Miss Hattie Turner, Toronto; is spending the -Vacation period with her parents Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeTuraer. ••Mr. and Mrs: • Dodds •Holloway, maryfield, Sask., are visiting . the fonner's motherMTS. A. j. Holleway Misses Joyee and -Joan Mallough, • •• 'Zeas—parkiernin ' • erns amidst roses and fern. • • The 'Marriage ' of 'Betty Lorraine, For the trip to Muskoka the 'bride daughter :of Mr. and Mrs. Clair A. donned a pink silk eyelet embroidered Parkinson, Toronto, to Robert ' John dress With white accessories and Zeats,,sen-of and . Mrs. Harold nosegay Of white carnations. On. their T. Zeats, -Tatente, and grandson 1;Of return the couple ,will take tip resid- the late Mr. andaVIrg: Robert Mennel, ence in St. Catharines. Clinton, was solemnized in Manor Road United' -Church,. -Toronto, by MIDDLETONSUNDSTROM Rev: G. B. McLennan.- ! F. 'Pollatt•;.;‘;`4-ntral. United Church, Sault Ste. played the wedding 'magic and ,Ken'. Marie, Ott.,' beautifully decorated neth Mohen vvste'seloiSt: with orange blossoms and peonies, • Given in marriage by • her father, was the. scene Of a lovely summer the bride Wore' white satin' and e wedding on ,Saturdely, June .29, at, finger-tip veil ;of -.bridal net. She carthree o'clock, when Mabel May Sund- ried- red roses,C:',Ifer: Maid of honer, strom, daughter ' of Air.. and ,Mrs. A. Miss June Zeats, and her 'bridesinaid, E. Sandstrom, '55 Grace St., Sault Miss June.:Parkirisdni.:Weie Ste.,,,Marie, inceme the bride of James Rosa . Middleton, sop of ' Mr. And• 'Mrs. • John Middleton, RR, 33 Clinttm, The double ring ceremony Was perforined by Rev. A. 3. Smale. W. H. Wiekett presided at the organ and Edwin.,•5hepperci'was soloist. Be- fore the,ceremony he sang , "At Dawning," and during the signing *of the register his selection was "Until." The -bride; given in mariage by her lather; Looked Charming in'her gown Of candlelight white enchanted lace Over- taffeta .Her- gown featured a inaulded'bodice, long tapering sleeves finished with aline pleated taffeta. which also was repeated at the neck. line forming. itn off -the -shoulder de- collete. The fitted waistline was 'accentuated the' graceful feline* of the Sweeping skirt,- -which was • highlighted- bY three wide -.tiers of -lace edged in taffeta. • Hee long veil ;Which- ended 'hi a train wag edged 'With .lace and fell from' m sweethe'art ,sioitrt Of 'pearlencrusted Ince. • She gvn'1,51 titedipmg:bluel'Aniple sheer' tarried - baguet of American ' ' ' " " Beatty' Roses. .:, Attending thexlsride were... Miss Ruth Middleton,' Clinton, sister of 'the groom, and • Was Eisie ,Sundstrom, sister of theltride,,iisIiiidesmaids and 'Msteell D'aysisnn'ag'INfatigon-of Hon- enr. 'They Vero gayal identically -with Mrs." Eatison wearing litilegreen Mist' Siindettoin -pale: bide; and. MiSe • Their dresges -were. 'mark with sweetheart necklines, fat-, ed 66dieig,,f411-akirte ;and draped slee,ve,s.' Each:more net elbowilengtle :Mittens and juliet`caP'with; scallop, ,edgo,:wp'shr ,i,.,1,11ior:elyengottir'iitil:.ctocato.rnatherhIle4 gays, X* Lawsolee of „Ialismittr 4ZitUrCiaX),3:111y R, p.m.: when roses and Mile Coinflongerg,"and.Migs; 'marriage vows were, exchanged be. Middleton's of Elizabeth' yell'ink reeds tween daught and blue cornflowers. 'er -of Mr. ancV, Mrs.+. Orville -Twiteliell, ,The.groom was attendedsbyHarvey Hensall, ancl,Lloyd:Edwarti..-Mciusseau. Reemer, and the ushers were Alvin son-uf. Me -and Mts'Alex...ltfousseaue Sundstrom, brother of the bride, and Hensall. Rev, -NU A. Brook offleiated. :Gordon 1V1pLeed: '• • The :bride wasocharming M a -street ,Pillititing the wedding, a recent - length. dress of whitesilkiersey.- Her Ion Nis heldfIn 'ehureltrintricours headdies&Was -of White' orange.bloss- isighkhr were lovely with' pink tapers, oniMcfrom whielrfell a shoulder lig- garden fler,gers:,and erenge blossoms. the vell...Shettarrie'd lebnuquet, of' red' II*. .Sunstroin, received, wearhig a ronag tied' With' satiivatreauters, mind, ',deep mauve suit, white'Stravt'hat and wore•the- grootiesUgift a two-strand„accessories and a.,COrssi'ge of yellow ataineof PrbicespMary'ipearIS with' !roses. She wag, asaisted..t by Mrs. matehitig:earringiki g• '.'• eifiddleton whe.;vfore . navy blue sisterl auit, wide-brininiedr,White 'straw hat .of -the.-bride :ittantled bridesmaid, and accessories and; ii/eoraage of red igeWriesl in-'4'ittrOctAengtit 'dregs' af: roses. The bride's was cent:- Calif/m/0 crepesnicatelon shade and' AtiVithe9,bree Aiered , wedding .b.lstek Aling:,es,rded •',St Sake which Was, get In'aiiii}c tulle and actseger of..Pink.,carna.tions. g,,Gernet gblue forget-MAioti..: ;The luncheon Menssein4. brether. lthe, *as .served 3/Y Members .of heYoung kkorn;,....ugge :bee „Poilewing,!Peoprealliiinir Of which. the Bride iS he. ceremonYir'IL:‘ tiffet. lunelmon was, p memhei geried at"the,.1/onie..eftingdeseper.r ) For travelling,. the bride wore a • ,,c 4111 1... i • • - .t -; 104: 1. • .,;/ 0•Nt• , , emetery •Mtmortals • The'4greamsataii, tvasi Charles' :B; 'Thorne, 'and the iighera WereGerdon ,Varney • • A, recePtion ':Was beldgat. the. hem of the brides paten -W:3 The eiMp, will iive in 'Torentiei: ROBINSON ; 2V, Solemniged, When detiglifer 'Of, Mr: and'Idrs:gGerglionvJatinstoii, wee itt- ited in marigiage to „Oityid Edivard Robingon;'Seii of Mr,-' kid Dire: J. C. Robinson; Auburn.-- Rev. •. A: their grandmother, Mrs. David. Steep! ' Phe bride -given In': Marriage by Coder/eh; vent the week end".withiBeeercift perferitied::the derenienl; • , Mrs. Arehie -Cousins,- Flint, Mich:, ifer' father; Wore' al,flanikiength gown ,formerly of' Clinton, is the guest of of White trite Sheer. trite/lied with her 'sister,: Miss' Sadie,' :Watkins, silver •;•geqUins,""aild fltier: Princess:St g . • • • length 'iced. Slieciiiiied" aii.P'arra bon - Mrs. T. E. Hull, Toronto, is visit- qiiet Of redraseg' anctiakdenliair fere 'ing,•Iteg ,p,arents,- Air: Ws; .Gord- Migs' ,Loia.loimstoxilkaY, hei: Slater's on W.,Cuiihighatne; SUnTI11- '-'74;ge elaei4ength et cottage.'."Jig,"; ,Bayfield.. ;'-'Mt. a:4MS. Andy:',,,,lyfaeRie ,drOven, Inek• Sask., Wave been,visItitig. the ants• Neeeit With the latter's aunts,. Mrs, ;Carrie Jervis. and. Miss. g Miss...Barbara'. Thai/ipso:13: ; Who is attached IO' the British; Etnbassy, Washingfien is • vialting her graildniothei Mrsartlia:Teekitg. • Mrs.. Margaret McKelvey, Winni- peg, lYfaii.,:land DaVid-Stewart.„ Gilbert ere yisilihg theirnister, Mrs. Charles ,Fraser and Mr. Fres* Itentenfiloline's Bea- teiKretinned eh Situidayafter vry Oleasint Mr.-4nd Ivrre. John Walker' terYi.e. EY Midi:, -Miss Hattie g Walker and Tjoyci Doable, StretfOrd; were ,-vigit erg of 'Mr. and Mrs. Frank LaYten •last Friday:. ' ' Mrs:4-john A: Sutter 'ancl. diagliier; Mies SliirleY- G: Sutter, left' thig. iri.Orhinkne'.viiit' the fermerra _broth-. ea-gaid'' Slater -in -la*, Mr. and Mia: IFr.ea' It'Ohauf,' Pittsfield, .1446,.. " . Chris. S. Lowery, „Victoria 13: C. formerly of Clinton, is visiting :his Son,;sin Mids Sadie NVatking, Ptine*s, 'expect:4 to return bon/0,1441 a fertrtight. - , • - • .- ,. ,... ' John Cook,Whit, is attending Snmirt-', er School at the Linixetsity of „West-- "ern Ontario,. Was in St. 1%44,u*. on' VednesdaY Where henetalts'ilitoint at the marriage u' 'Marion rollick' to Allister G. Murray: '' • . Mr, and IVIrso.Carroll Meierniictilt. „. . and, Mrs. Henry Grenzman, all of Chicago, have motored ever and -have Imen,epending sorneittime..-with G. N. and, MOSea.-• ,pis ' both ' 'he and it „their „; sniniee 'home at'. Kintail, :,, iliiii' arldliirg: kareliall Galleugher , and son,: Bonnie; Moose. JaV; PaSko visited the ,pait week with their aunt Mrs. 111/1 Delnymple,.. and ' other frienclal ', "-Tifigt.lefe,:idoidrarte' visit feign& at Listowel Mut AlligtOil.:z7 • _.../1).Snifd' 33:.,Palnier, gonUf 'Mi"diiii '. 3.0,1'recter Palmer: Holsicilik"aiid' si graduate Of Olinteit,Collogiatte 'In- etitate:".1180:44:eh silesSOfill in iMasiiig, hie •e5iatiniietiiiiig. in, Fir`st,Yea..Eferi= ,ostiik,•vilivetsiti, of ..-Tortnite: .,M.re. 'llia:ude ..Bineacill!,' Nev, Lisk."- enidl.hag'''heint,'„-bpezidia- g the .p,a'st 'week -fisithig -her aunt, Mr. David SteeP. .40 Ittra, Jab Rands • 81.;, Atcoinpanied,by Mrs. Steep, shevis- ited ler, a" few days 'With Mrs:A:J.' Mallmigh,. ,Cind'erich. - :1:"...• ,,Quit.i,.. Sa1iuy, Lergion,,•;SPeiit e.feiv daYs leat'week with :litt..!4,0.14s..,. Gorge Lois .9.,t! their ,suriir,net horde' ift Bayfield, Mid' onnheir return,Were ageompanied '1;tY the, later, niece, Miss Mary Eliza::: beth 4*, .whc 15 .8.P67;i0j10,,..4 f..07, daya:in, the city'.... .• , , Mra.,'Cleta ur,4,,s'oi;„ . daughter .of ,the late cEdWard. and, Resamni Ferater 'Teltitiift„Idadeste,;(lalifii. hat been the .gneat, of ,m.gfia: ..:c4 z. M. ;haying, eome. :Oven..to .,attend.. 'the ,Tebliutt 'reunion, She has also Visited many,:.nt.,ber re -A. latives heee and is leaving On Sat- tmclay,. to,vgitrelithi.es in Detroit and. Marlette, Ilie'h... , .. .. ,...:10. end Mts. T. -H. Barker„ Toronto Mrsv:-Varinyc•Cailt-wright;'..earigii,,,and. Mr: end; Misc;D:-..C. Cartwright Tim:, mins, -visereguesta over 'the.week,end b.19. poseja..0.00,*10 ..... of Iiir;'•'' and: Mrs..,,Clingles. NV. ;Nay., inoudi,Londegbero, an&Mr.- and Mrs: Harvey Alexander,. ::G,oderfeb ' Tosigns Ship, Mrs. D. C. Cartwright :arrived ,in Torento JAY -.1; ••Irom,,,Overseas 'haying', 'dosed& on. the liner "Amilt- • • The Many. friends of •MrS. Mark, •SitailMg Willbe Pleased to know -that . ',She, is 'progressing favourably, and re - .1 • till/mei to her lfoine. en'SundaY after being' a patient for the past seven 'weeks in Clinton Public Hospital., She is being cared for by her tWo daught- ers Mrs.. -IViunday, ' Glendale, ,Calif., and -Mrs, Collett, Niagara Falls,- 'On Sunday she had as visitors, Mt. 'end MTS. A. 11, Arnold and sot ',Terry, Toronto, and Mr. and 'Mts. Walter IVIunday, Glendale, Calif. Our Funeral Home 'Has Urge Ced Rooms, Beautifully and Appropriately Appointed,Arid,Is Equipqed With 'A Minsball • '.• ' Services Gan 'H'e 'Held Hein "Iiiider' Ideal Condition's' Ai 'No' Additional Charge. NVIVI„ N. BALL D. G.:•'8ALL ; FUNERAL' j DIRECTORS Phone 361 Ambnlaneeperalce, .• Phone 110 ••••••••••moom WHO'S TO TE Suits kept in condition•by 'our Dry Clea' Sen -ice ',co:int/nue to appear neW. ••• We clean'through and threugh the fabric:. This the fiber Of the cloth fluffed and fresh. Try this tip to -day. . We Pay 1 Cent Each for Good NVire Suit Hangers - AGENT FOR HURON LAIN'NDRY Chddon sPress'Shop We Press While U Wait Five Day Service On Cleaning We Call For and -Deliver PHONE 115 botiquet Wei of 'regesZeariiitiiingantl fern. *. Gordon Robins:on, •WTh11I'in, broth 'er, DV:the, iiiiilegnabin, heat' Men. • IsolIOWIngrthe crnyedin 'dinner 'Wag' -4-Fo tiaveling, the; Vide"' denneci'a, p§id: brepe les Man: light. blue CliesterriSid'epat.: The lioneirmoiay.'wn g""fte. 'Kitchener, Teninno, Alligten.: . MOUSSEAU — TW1TCHELL (ByptellenBefetwearudent) A double''Shigt4Areinenl,teek place in Hensall United Church man*, F'RYDE & SON QUALITY MEMORIALS • . • 'Clinton,ShowroOM'apen Fridays for 'Your Convenience See.S.•,j. Zapfe. 1 '-.0Meal mentioned below ECT 0 RY e Sating) •' St. P41.11.1SiNthekall REV. It Mc: P.'. BUETEET:44Rector Mrt: Theedore'pendin, Oripititit g, bia4.1#00,,,,qoci' Leader • SUNDAY,. 10.. &IL Sunday khool! A.M.-g,Arehhigliep Seager) ' Ladies' Tennig Shoes New Stock Just Arrived • In White and Blue For Beach wear PLAY SHOES The popuar Peggy Model in Blue, and Terra Cotta -- Dixie in Blue and the ' Moccasin type in Natural with Brown trim, and Maroon with White trim. Thomas- Churchill , RELIABLE FOOTWEAR Notice to Customers We Will be Closed for nionthfrom July 23 -to Attg, tisi 23,• Kindly plan your Appoint'. :inents in Consideration .of his Aiouncemeiit, 6nri Beauty' Shop apst lay. 0., 0. ANDERS014,.:Mter • Mrs. Ernest Adams, Diganist ' Mrs. W. Aikenbeed; ader . . , SUNDAY''.11fiLY1.4— ` - Bible 'Scheel, 1L,A.M._ Her the little en.es learn the right way to live. Send them. Better, bring them. EveningNtorship 7. P.M. with the minister hi Your pre- ; sense will indicate what you think of the Lord's Day and the Lord'a k 01 ItOtise. ' The Baptist Church is a r4. coherviurcehes.rd invites Clinton .Pentecostal 'Tabernacle REV. H. T. KENDRICK; Pastor • SUNDAY, JULY, 14. ThurSday, 8- P.M. -Worship Service, Evangeliat Rev- C. N. Gingrich A'..Itif;Stinday School, 5. V. Cann, Supt. , 11 Aak.".,-Commanien • 7:30 P11. --Evangelistic Service-- , Evangelist' Rev. q. M. Ging- rich preaching Tuesday, 8 P.M.—Prayer Meeting "Ye must be hem again," ,Tehn sez: Ration Coupon Due Dates Coupons now valid are sugar -Pres-' erves 51 to $21, butter R10 to R14, net M40 to M45. SEDLEY--111eQUEEN (By our Hensall Correspondent) A quiet' bat very ,pretty wedding was solemnized Saturday, June 29; at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McQueen,: Hensall, when • Dorothy Dell, their elder daughter was united in marriage 'tb' Paul Sedley, son of Mrs. Smiley and the late Harry Sed- ley of London', • Rev: R. AI. Brook, Hensall officiated, and Mia's Gladys Luker, Hensall, played the wedding music, the Bridal,Chorus" from.Loh- engrin and also played softly during the signing of the register. , • The bride given in marriage by her father, was lovely in a floor length gewa of white sheer crepe fashioned' With'. sweetheart neckline and long sleeves, Her finger-tip veil 'wet held in place by a bandeau of orange bloss- 'oms and she carried 'a bthmnet of rose buds, and snapdragons, , The bride's only . attendant was her Aster Mrs. Edison Forrest of Hensall. The groom was attended by Donald Ross of Lon- don. • • Following the' cereinanyg a buffet luncheon was Served. The -home was beautifully decorated with pink pe- onies, blue and white Delphinium and orange' .blossoms. • ' For a wedding- trip,to. Toronto and Port•Dalhousie the bride' wore an alive green dressmaker:. suit .with white hat and accessories. On their, return they Will 'reside iri„Ifenden. .• . • . , white jersey frock :with iloral design, a white wide -brimmed stxavi hat, and white aecesaories and wore a corsage of .red roses. They , have returned from spending their honeymooti-On the Ottawa and St.„LangreneeNtivers end.at the Theimand Islands: !j00,7 stmlInvr in Clinton and hi the fetimu ,to Sault 0.tvi •Marie Where 'they wII reside' at igs Aro& Wesley -Willis W.A. ' • . • ,Helds July Meting 'The Woman's Association �f Wesley Willi§ church met in the Parlor on the afternoon of July 4, The President, Mrs. M. Nediger was in the chair. Mrs. Charlesworth was pianist. ...g •• The opening hymn was —"Saviour like a shepherd lead us" Afro. Nelson chose for the :Scripture reading -a • few verses from the -11th chapteroOf St. Luke's gospel. Mrs. E. H. Epps effered Tray* which was ;followed by Our Lord's prayer in Uniatin. , The minutes of the lune meeting were read by Mrs. W. Pickard itt the absence of the seeretivri; The financ- ial report was given 1?3g.the:Treasker Mrs. Percy Manning. , . Mrs. 'John Nediger jr. reported flowers and•carda.sent te eight Mem- bers of the Cengregatiop..' , The corresponding secretary •Mas. Charles Nelson, read some letters of apprediation from ' those " whco:•-liad been reinembered, • • ' •Mra: Jahn Frager'S' group ylig- flowers for the church during:the ,6'fbilletilMiletiunlg7;!ef 'the W., ,No jp. wiTkinn, and the MiiPali hinethe- lid/ „brought. the meeting to a,'0,011e1- INTITSD TO:MUSIC '• • TEA' - Misses Elva Wilt* and '-bbietta Brighaik.Clidtoti are.`„1/0,1ted 'm44E4* it'the !reroute „ Censerkato*•of_ umnier Sebeel. Get Aequaintd" 'tet being held ,in the Wenien's Red - deride 'on MondaY. mkt. • Reeefiging the gnests.,.itill', X X IlishaPi!-YE:s- ehairniewpfithe...penig of .:Direeliors• Ettore ,Idasxolai; 1lirincipal *115 pionppfOtoryp Dr.• Vice-Principalein Charge, of the ,Senor Schack -ands Frederick C Silvester, Registrar t.of, Esaininationsi , Presbyterian .• REV. D. J. LANE, Minister • Mrs. Bert )3oyes, Organiat and • Choir Leader • • ,SUNDAY, JULY 14-' 9.45 A.M. Service at Bayfield 10,30 A.M. Sunday Shhool 11.15 A.M. Service at Clinton Subject "Chriet'S Demand for Ex- tra Goodness". 1 ' Everybody Welcome The United Church of " Canada- ' • Clinton United ehurehes will worship together for the sumnier and will be in Wesley -Willis United chinch dur- t Mg July ' • REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. M. J. 'Agnew, Organist and Ohoir I.eader • SUNDAY, JULY 14 10 A.M. — Ontario St. Sunday School (In their own church) 11 A.M. --- Morning Worship. ,Sermon 'Subject "What is Christ- ' ianity." 12.10--;Wesley-Willis Church School Clinton Gospel Centre ' (Mennonite Church) Pastor -'-Mr. 0. CESTNICII Service being held as orginally in • hall above Hawkins Hardware SUNDAY,JULY 14 7.30 P.M. Evangelistic 'Service Music and lively singing ' Wednesday July 10, 8 par.. Cottage prayer ,meeting: • Place to be announced Saturday July 13 8 p.m. Open air, meeting in Library Park. , All welcome to these services. • 411. • Nam% mens' • r We have selected for' -this week end selling: • ! • , • '' ' rack....of dresses which-,wi offer. at one-, . • • • third off,regular c. Regular $4.95 for • ''''' ...i••.0•••.).p.•••••••AnI.4 ... • ...... • • „- • . e0.1.1?•1 •$5 .95. for ..... .. .... . . . $8,982,- . ' • • Eegu1ar..$7.95 for' • ! ! Regular $1.0.95 for ..... . , . , • .1. • 4.,04:11P -4•"7.e.” ' f) " "" • •••••.. ;Sq.'. 11..69.0* Won't you come in and look them over? • , •••. NOW THAT THE WEATHER. IS HERB,: LET,,DO YOUR 13.&1UNG: , We have a large assortment. of Tasty Wholesome Baled Goods. BARTLifF,EROS BAKvw 4n#: cf,011.17x14QNER.*.. rnotin UP"111101,-STERIH''' :-.:601WT• DISCARD,. YOUR ..011. 'UNTIL. YOU KNOW WEXAN7,..11ELP .YOU.,! • • FIRST- FOR. • ESTIMATES ,.ON PRICES AND COVERS . • . • Obligation •••••••‘'. '., • • . Two Weeks" Service . We -Piek • . All Work Guaranteed ' -•' • DICK THE. UPHOLSTERER.' . . . 111 Lake View Casino—Grand Bend Dancing every 1Night Canada's Sensational New, Bandleader Gordon Delamont and his Orchestra You won't question Gordon Delamont's amazing popularity when' yea come to the Eiend and see the crowds, and hear hia.nweia! MART.. XENNEY COMING AUGUST IS SOFTBALL okin EVERY WEDNESDAY "THE VARIETY ENTERTAINERS?,". SUNDAY, JULY 9 p.m, A Great Variety Progrannne for Young and Old! We want everybody to come to the Bend and 'enjoy all the enter- • tainment and fun we offer -- Ge ed Dinners Nice telielies Ainueements Galore — Swimining Ifersebeek Riding — Boats for Hire — Dancing -- Bowling — Roller Skatitig.,