HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-07-11, Page 1,
NQ. 28 --68th Year; Whole No. 6209
The Home •Paper With The News
:Seweroge...J3604ii.. :Sola
Bus Tenders Received
Until Tuesday, July 16
Clinton Board of Education is call-
ing, for, tenders untilTuesday, July
16, at S4s.ni.,*fer Segiled tenders cover-
ing,lene Service in the new 'Clinton
1Iier:S.4mA Area commencing.Sent-
ember 3.
Emir tentative routes were laid out:
Township route, ani."
rotireatelY' 35 miles'. Clinton to
'Sriremeeliill to 16th. concession to end
of 1411,49:Maitland cc/Meriden; back
t� 16th conceSairm, south to Highway
8, west to Holmeaville„ Cut Line to
7th concession to 'Telephone Road,
Corner 6th and, Telephone Road to 16
to 1inton •• 4 •'
6.,,Stanley T_OWnshilr rontet. anPrn1c-
finitely56 miles — 2nd concession to
Varna to Bayfield, Bluewater to Dry -
Miele to Bleke'ia-illitlegreen ,to. grid
concession to Clinton.
London Road' and Tuckersinitk
Towits,hip,.approxiiriatelY 30 .miles• --
Brucefield, KipPen, 2nd concession,
to Highway 8, west to Clinton.
4. Blyth and Hullett Townslilp,app-
Lake Huron Leye). Up.
Over Month and Year Ago
,Residents of the Lake Huron
shore repent the water level high-
er now than,earlier'in the season
and also higher than a year ago.
As reported by the Federal
Hydrographic and Man Service,
the level is two inches up over a
month ago, and 1% inches high-
er than riyeer age. It is 3314
inches lower than the higheet
level and 65 inches higher .that
the lawest level; at the etirres-
poliding time of Year. '
Seaforth highlanders
I3and Ifere �n Sunday
Clinton Legion. Band and Seaforth
Highlanders are playing exchange
;concerti on Sunday evening, July 14,
A rather unique event was held
Tuesday evening, when 'Clinton Jun-
ior Farmers and Junior institute;
Huron HolsteintGlf Chtb, and Hugon
Holstein Breeders execifthre, gather-
ed at Egmont' Frani,' the lime 'Of
J. W, •VanEgmond; 'phtori.
'While the Junior Institute were
holding their private meeting iri the
house, the Junior. Farriers and Calf
Club members under the supervision
of Gerald E. Nelaoe, assistant agri-
eirltnral representative, were receiv-
ing instructions on 'judging Holstein
catt1e A elass'of Holstein hews was
nidged and discussed W LeRoy G.
Brown, alting agricultural repre-
sentative. •
The scene then turned to the spac-
ious lawn ' where the three groupsassembled in, a joint meeting in
charge of William. Holland, president
of Clinton junior Farmers.
Harvey Johnston, " Walton, local
representative of the National Film
Board, showed : three interesting
films, one being a Community Sing
roXiniately 30 trilled Londesboro,
30 pm Song, another "The Valley of the
at Blyth, and bordering part of Trullett. Seaforth Highlanders come d to Tennessee" which showed water con-
„Map of the routes may be seen at Clintm Very highly recommence. servation and soil erosion work in the
Tennessee River Valley, and the
FIVI 0, rotd% Stet& Clinton. • - Bandmaster, Close) nrider whose r
i , "ha; third, just recently prepared, entitled
l' - Sclool hoard *meets - — Wi.'.11-tIle r-n.tle4 Till— bei3-17.7. -.1"Vegetonle Insect§ eMi their_ Control"
held been associated wit an music, .,,...,..•— --- -
Clinton Board of Education both in Seeforth and Clinton, fe.e , were., gave an example of icellea-at
last 'week when a special committee er of the Seaforth Highlander has ural habitats and .various methods of
intheirn t-
its Jrily meeting in the Public School quite a number of years, and as lead- ;photography of insec
was appointed, consisting of Trustees become quite well known. This band eantraing these nests.
Dr. W. A. Oakes, Fred 0. Ford
, A.M. is one of the older established bands 1 Claire Burt, Guelph, Director of
Knight, R. D. Philp, and E. of the district. Film Extension, 0.A.C., and regional
A. Fines, to contact the reeves of the Bandmaster M. J. Agnew stated he • agent of the Natioeal Film. Board,
mritticipalities in the school area, to 'hoped that the citizens of Clinton introduced the. hist film.
discuss routes, and to cattier tenders. (would be present in large numbers
Welcome New Trustee ion Sunday evening to hear what pro -
Tice new truetee, R. D. Philit, Blyth mised to be a splendid concert.
was present, succeeding the late W.
H. Lobb as a county representative. - •
Chairman A. F. Cudmore extended '
him a hearty welcome and appointed
him to membership on the. Collegiate
Property Committee and Collegiate
Purchasing Committee. . •
The Collegiate Property...Committee
was authorized to instal cupboarcli in
the domestie science room. Chairman
A. •M. Knight reported that Mitchell_ reunion at the home of Mr. an rs-
McAdam, contractor, hml Staked on' Veil. Riehl, Bayfield Road, Goderich,
An excellent evening's entertain--
ment was brought to a close with
the serving of a delightful lunch. .
Family Reunion.s
- —1
Clinton Town Council eld its y
meeting.in the Council Chamber Mon-
day with:Mayer A.(1.-illIcAturray pre,
- All members Were present
except 'Conn. J. R. ;Butler. The reg-
muleaertinngeting followed a.",, -,cirrnmittee
»•1 *
Two Building Permits
Two apPlications far. building per-
mits were read: Mit froxn Russell
Jervis for permisaion to erect a
garage -on Albert St., 36t20, to cost
about $200, and 'from •Mitcheal Mc-
Adam for permit tit erect a dwelling
on Princess .St., a• cost of about
$2,500. . Both were approved: D;wel-
ling Will be 26 by $6 feet, one storey
in height, frame construction, con-
crete "baseinent, ineulbrick siding,
asphalt shingle roofing, oil heating,
with double garage by 20 feet, of
imulbrick siding •
• • *
To Pay Sem-IVIonthly
A request 'for saln,ry to be Paid
semi-monthly was received from Ar-
thur Milford. A Motion by Com.' C.
H. Mops and Coup. M. J. Agnew
was carried that all town officials
hereafter be paid on a serni-monthli
The Riehl family held their annual
new floors for the dornestic science peiday afternoon and evening. More
The Public School Property Comm-
ittee was authorized to complete el-
ectric wiring in the public sehool.
37 Registered •
Trustee Mrs. N. W. Trewartha re -
ted tie t 37 children had been reg -
than 60 were present. Following
supper a program of sports was dir-
ected by Harry Gibbons and ill
Blyth. z
Prize Winners were: Children four
years and under, Irene Lawrence.
por I3obby 'Meehan, Bonny Toyne; five to
istered for the kindergarten class six, Ethel Meehan, Fred& Riehl,
commencing in September. Tables and Betty 'Glousher; nine to 12, Evelyn
chairs are here. Glousher, Jim Riehl, Douglas Riehl;
Accounts totalling $138 for public kicking the slipper, Mrs. J. Glousher,
school and $210 for Collegiate were three-legged race, Mrs. Gordon Riehl,
ordered paid. ° Gordon Meehan; men's race Gordon
Rov. Father S. J. McDonald addres- Glousher; paper race, Mrs. Reg. Brid-
sed the Board requesting the use cif el, Billy Riehl, Clinton; backward race
two rooms in the public school for Marguerite Riehl, George Haggitt;
July for educational purposes. Re- women's race, Mrs. Gordon Gloush-
quest was granted. er; wheelbarrow race, Mrs. H. Gib -
The Collegiate Property Committee bons, Dun ftiehl. The oldest person
was authorized to repair the lihrarY present was 1VIrs. Charlie lliehl, Blyth
room for classroom purposes. member earning the greatest distance,
Orval Seilhig, Kitchener; youngest
member present Shirley Ann Meehan.
TuckerSniith The women's tug-of-war was won y
Mrs, Dan Itiehl's team, and the men's
tug-of-war by Dan Riehl's team.
. Garage Bids . : olsp
d and ;new, was- enjoyed. Winners
Following the orts, dancing, b'oth
',.::- • ., .; ' of prizes for spot dances were ,Mrs.
Are Extended and Mrs: 'GordowsJOhnstim.
Jim Toyne, Mrs. George Ilaggitte; and
, ,
,•Tuekeisniith -Tawas/rip Carmen The Lawson and Clark reunion•Was
held its regular Meeting, -SatindaY, held at Harbor Park, Coderiell,:livith
....Tian' 6; in the Town Halle'Seefarth, aboirt 90 members. of the fihnilies
with all members 'present. : iieaent tem Chatham; Toronto, Ki -
The Surety Bond of 35,000 on the
tirsasurer wasrenevredr•With.the Do -
minim Cr Canada- General •Insurance
, Reid, and the'... Premium...on :Road' le-
, suranee Of 6106.26; alemweo!Paid;
John M. GOvenleek • and Rneeell
Belton of Seaforth Agricrititntal $0 -
Clay waited ork•canticil recniciating ?a
. *rant for the ',Snelety, and were given
*SOO: Council also iTduced the charge
for pottier grader work done for the
, Society lies 434, representing ,R1/2-
:heurs work.•!, , '
-"JearieS. MeLean waa ordered' paid
05 for niteifer":killed by dogs, and
,,„A. B. Bell;.- valuator, -toes, „paid $ .2"
for his services. ., •
The time for opening Tendera 'for
the genstraetionof the garage was
„ ,extended to July 20, 1946. '
Bylaw No. 6, 1946, adopting ' the
AsseaSiterit Roll foe 19.46 Was Oren
its required readings and pasied.
Accounts passed included: Insur-
ance prernime,"$126.26; grants, 3100;
relief, $10; road accOUrits. $2,847.05;
' drainage ' aceounts,I. 46.30; Charters
draM contract, $800; salaries, $100;
Postage,- $5; -sundry, $5., •
Earnings to, date from the power
grader have ancionnted to $487.50.•
. Connell adjourned to meet Satur-
day, August -3, at 8 parr. •
Huron ,County Old Age Pensions
and Mothers' Allowances committee
meeting at -Goderieh on Thursday
afternoon considered 16 applications
for Old Age Pension and one for
Ghis 13 to 1) — Fr -armee LOOTly Mar -
Mothers' Allowance. Two were re- garet Stevens; Boys 13 to 15 — Don -
commended for further investigation; glas Hesk, Harry Lear; Single ladies
elteriet - Harrow Brampton, , Yelton,
Plekering, Kircburn, Blyth, and Aub- ' girls 12 and under — Xiettlt Jean
Urn. The following Prizes Were aware bot; boys. 15 . and under, ± Donald
ded; .eldest man, Oliver Clark,: Gort! 'Talbott- Married Ladies' — vitt.. Log,
etibli; oldeat ,wanran, , Mr. ThOmaS an Cleave; Married man :-.-.. Milton
Lathrson,'. ,Stratford; youngest mem.' P011ocke,,tug of Wer ;L--'Gledvrin,
bet Dennis-' Clark; seri, of : Mr. and WeStkike's ',team; • Orange relay
Mrs; Stanley Flowler,..06derich; per, Edwin Hobson tearm;',PannUt'llace,
Soh 'coming •the farthest, ,Mra..,:Antki *Maid. Penhale and john Keys. •
ony Lawson, Pickering., ,., ,,.• • . •• . .:___.-,-e--,,, .,
Jelin Nott; Ve-President Joe
Lyon; SecretaryiTreastrer --Frances
Lyon; •Sports Ceimmittee — Mr. and
Mrs: Neleen,L;eal Mr. and Mrs. Ab.
Taylor and ,Mr. and Mrs. Stan Chel-
Members . the family were pre-
sent frOra — Brandon, Man.- Dresd-
en; -: Ettetere:' P,alineretron-, Man.;
Seaforth; Blyth; 'Clinton; 'Stratford;
Thorndale; Londesboro and district.
The Penhale — Snowden — West-
lake families gathered at Grand Bend
for their twenty-first Annual, reunion
on Saturday, June 29.
Dinner was served in the large
dinning hall to 72 members. The pre-
sident, Gladwin Westlake, was in
Miss Joyce Greer won the lucky
draw; Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Penhale
won the prize for the longest married
couple. The prize for the largest
family went to Mr. and Mrs. Logan
Cleave and Mr. and Mrs. Clifford
Talbot, tied. Youngest girl was Bon-
ny Sue Pollock,. Varna. Youngest
Boy — Lloyd Masnica, Orediton,
Officers for 1947 are: President
-7-Edwin Hobson, St. Thomas? Vice -
President -- Donald Begg, St. Thom-
as; Secretaily-Treasurer Minnie
Penhale, assistant -- Doris Penhale;
Smuts Committee Convener Alma
Barnes. :
During the afternoon sports and
baseball were enjoyed. Resulte:. girls
5 and under — Mary Grainger; girl
8 and under . Elaine Grainger;
boys 12 and under 'Pollock:
basis. ,
, *: *
Sewerage Progress
The first Sewerage construction
progress reports were read and ap-
proved and, the following motion by
Coun. Q. J. Liverninre and Coun. C.
H. Epps was passed: "That Council
approve the payment • of $3,825- to
Duncan McDougall, being amount
due. under' Progress Report No. 10
under Con.tritet "B" (sewage treat-
ment plant);- and; the payment of
$225 and $155.12 as amount due 'to
Armstrong, Anderacm and Co. (en-
gineers for project), according to
Progress Reports Nos. 1 and La.
* *
Weed Rentoval
Concerning , the "request of Mrs.
James Levey to have certain tree
limbs and weeds removed,eithe Meyer
stated he would direct the Weed In-
spector to investigate.
Temporary Adv-ances
Bylaw No. 1i• for 1946, authoriz-
ing the obtaining of tempera ry ad-
varites to 'meet -the_emit .of sewerage
installation pending ;the completion
thereof, was passed. , '
.* • * *
Solicitor's Account
A motion by Conn. M. 3. Agnew
and Conn. C. H. Epps was carried
that the account of Frank Fingland,
K.C., -Town Solicitor, as presented in
detail at the meeting be approved and
paid. Total was $108.18, including
als,o accounts—Mitchell and Thomp-
son ($26.33), and Macdonald • and
Low. Rate of Interest
prior to the celebration of the
"Glorious Twelfth" 75 members of
Murphy Lodge No 710 LOL, and Hur-
on Lodge No. 377, Lc/BA, attended
divine service in St. Paul's Anglican
°burgh Sunday evening, marching
to the Church from the Hall by way
of Ailiert and Ontario Sts.
Rev.- R. M. P. Bulteel, rector of
the church, preached the sermon, Mrs.
Bulteel sang a solo.
Taking his text from St. John 4:2,
"Thia commandment have we that he
Who loveth God, loveth his brother
also," the preacher said that it was
with a great deal of pride that he
welcomed all the members of the
Loyal Orange Lodge on the Sunday
previous to the great anniversary of
the Order. A wonderful Order, it
was one of the oldest, and was
founded hundreds of years ago to de-
fend the Protestant succession, cul-
minating in the Bill of Rights 1688,
The Order was established in Ulster
in 1795, with •a special purpose in
mind, a religious purpose.
Mr. Bulteel said that Orangemen
take their oath on the open Bible that
they will defend, if necessary, their
principles with their lives-. "Are you
Ireavn enough to die for this open
Bible if the days of persecution came
back again"? he asked.
The speaker urged his hearers to
attend 'church regularly every Sun-
day. Many people 'would like to shift
the rules of religion to suit them-
selves;but these rules of life could not
be changed," he said. "Before we act
and speak, we should stop and think*
Should I say that? Should I do that?
There are always plenty of weak
people who need help. There have
been hundreds of books written a-
bout helping self. I want to read a
book regarding helping a brother."
Kennedyl ($16.50). '
- Officers for the . coming 'year are: FISHER REIHSION
president, James Medd Kinburn; sec -
A Fisher reunion was held at Lions
retary-treaeurer, Mrs. Art Colsen,
Park Seaforth, on .Saturda June 29: Boaninandres7-'imx.,,Harlooniroul_4buquiirieli. R(43,4
Blyth; executive committee, Mrs' This was the first reunion Ys'ince 1941, ,
.Mark Arrnstrong, West Wawanosh. and there were about 206 present ert'sqnz Agnes 7ilrearring (41441)
and Mrs. John Iravidson, Brucefield. .
Fmends were present from Durand, c 115 orcnna Vvend9rfi Ma" E. Urns;
Montreal Hamilton, Latchener
LEAR LYON REUNION ; 'Preston, Windsor, Stratferd, Seaforth'
Ninety-nine members of the Lear— Walton, Blyth, Clinton, Fullerton;
Lyon families gathered at the home Lucknow, Exeter and Goderich. •
of Mr. and Emerson Hesk, llth eon- A baSeball'gerne was played,dming
cession of Hullett Township, on Sat- the afternoon followed: -by a program
urdaY Jab' 6; for their annnalreunion Of races, which resulted ea, follows:—
The-cifterimen was spent in seeial Children 6 and under —. Gordon Teli
chat followed by iv ball game And 'a butt; 'girls 10 and ender' 4. Dawn
programme .of sports tinder the dir- Snyder, Jean Wileon; heyS 10 and
ection of Mr. -and Mrs. Joe teron, Mr' tinder -- Wayne IVI6VIichael, Gerald
and Mrs. •Stanley Lyon, Mr; and Mrs. Tebbutt; girls 14 min Under --Lorna
Will Hunking, Mr. aecl; Mrs. Lorne Faegan, Dawn Snyder; boys 14 and
Bunking. • • . under — Jack. Tebbutt, Kenneth Oke;
Winners in the sports were as foll-' Young Ladies. race Maxine Oke,
awsl— • dime Walters; Young Merini race --
.Girls 6 and under — Marilyn Riley, Leonard Fisher, Jack Teldrutt; Marr -
Bide Riehl; boys 6 and under—Fred ied Ladies — 1VIrs. June Walters, Mrs.
die Lobb, Bruce Lobb; Girls '7 to 9 -- Bob lileMicheal; Married Men's --
Patsy Kerslake, Eilzabeth Ann Sin- Carman Kerr, Irvine Tebbutt; Three-
clair; Boys 7 to 9 — Arnold Riley, legged race —Greet Fisher and :Her -
Mervyn Durnin; girls lb to 12 mah Fisher, Frank McMichael and
Marjorie Hesk, Vera Lyon; Boys '10 Leonard Fisher; Wheelbarrow race
to 12 — Gordon Beek, Bert Lyon; Leonard Fisher and Frank McMichael
Grant Fisher .and Herman Fisher;
Csiling hiredmarr,-,-hirs. Frank Kirk-
by: Oldest Lady Present -- Mrs.
Martha Ounningham„ Blyth; Oldest
Gentleman Present — Mr. Peter Fis-
her Sr. Clinton R.R. 2;
A bountiful lunch was pm -taken of
after which a short program was en-
joyed by all.. The program consisted
of sing songs conducted by Mrs. Hazel
McMichael and %Beg McMichael; solo
by Jeanne Snyder; Solos, Mouth Org-
an and Gni-tar Selectione by Reg Mc-
Michael; Reediege by Stanley Snyder,
and Ross :Viilker. The president, Mil-
tori-Wiltire, acted. as -elieirman.
Election b(Dificeei for 1947 result-
ed as follows: Honorary President
Milton Wiltse, President — Peter Fis-
h Jr Vice-presicient-,-Ross Fisher,
* *
$150 Grant to Spring Show • •-•
On motion of Reeve G. W. Mott
and 'Cour*. Firmest Brown, Council
approved a grant of $150 to Huron
Central Agricultural -Soliety, Clinton.
Weeds and Dust
Coun. Epps, for the Street Com-
mittee, reported weed cutting, and
urged support for obliterating the
dust 'menace. After considerable dis-
cussion about the -condition of the
streets, and in consideration of the
laying of sewer tile, it .was agreed
that the town, unavoidably would be
(Continue(. on "Page Eight)
* *
Bayfield Fair
Receives Grant
From Township
Goderich Township Council met
June 24 to pass, a bylaw to add
School Section No. 11 to the present
school area, to take effect January
1 next. They met again on July 2
for the regular meeting.
Road insurance was renewed with
John Howard, premium $100
Public School Inspector J. H. Kin-
kead wrote that County Council had
passed a bylaw placing school sec-
tions 1, 2, 5 and 6 in the Goderich
High .School district, and the rest of
the Township in the Clinton High
School district.
The Road Superintendent was in-
structed to buy and erect road cros-
sing signs at points- where most need-
ed as a safety measure.
Alfred H. Warner and Colin Law-
son asked a grant to Bayfield Fall
Fair. Council granted $50
The following accounts were paid:
J. K. Crang, spraying cattle for
warble fly, $929,70; Benmiller Wool-
len Mills, gift for returned' man, Iri;,t
W. H. Helyar, gift, for returned man,
$10; J. E. Howard, premium on road
insurance, $1,00; News -Record, print-
ing, $6.60; Signal -Star, printing,
$4.60; Miss Acheson, use of house,
$5; Reeve's and Councillors' services
asroad commissioners, $125; Sup-
Mintendent's•pay. roll No.7, $560.63.
Council adjourned to meet on
day, August August te at ,13,
The foliov,eng. is. a -list of success-
ful candidates rn, examinations held
recently bythe Torcinto 'Conservatory
of Maw in Clinton,. the namea bo-
ng arranged in order, of merit: ,
Associateship (ATLI!) Teacher's—
Toronto Firm Purchases
$305,000 on 2.65 Basis
TO Conduct Confirmation
Archbishop of Huron, a native of
Goderich,' who will conduct a con-
firmation service in St. Paul's ,Amg-
lican Church, Clinton, at 11 a.m.
Sunday, and at Auburn on Monday.
' Grade VIII ..--. Wilfred
'Black, Margaret .e.Wearring.:(ermal);
Phyllis Hanly; John 5. Gr1spn-4.Pass
—Mary Beatth, eialeg t. Thompson
(equal); Gail Manning; Joan Whit-
Grade VII ,Honorms Barbara
Gaunt; Anne 'Oharaney, Eugene Mc-
Adam (equal); PassiroLema Pickett,
Doris Reid (equal); Mary Tbempson.
Grade 171--LHonoinie -- Marguerite
Hall; Noreen, Kilpatrick.. •
Grade V—Honours+Artnald Philp;
Doris Gibbings. '
Grade IV--Henours George It
Hall; Pass--Kail, Whitfield. • .
Grade 111 --. Homers --- Ruth. M.
Clarke; Gladys E Collins, Loraine
Hamilton (equal); ,Barbara A. Wil--
. Grade — Honours -Helen E.
Potter. ' ,„
Edna Jackson.'
Grade X — Honours -- 'Al'ice, L.
Thompson. . •
Grade VIII,L-Horichris --- Ross F.
Chapple. . •
Grade VI—Pass—Mary Thompson.
all others were recommended.
N. W. Trewartha, Clinton, a mem-be;
of the Board, 'attended.
• .1.411.00/sraNd.
The Week's Weather
High Low
July. 4 79 43 ,
July 5 84.4; 49
July 6 88 ' 56
July '7 96 56
July -8 88 .64 •
July 9 82 5.6 ' •
July 10 88 ' 56 .
Itainfall--.11 inches.
16 and over — Grace Lobb, Vel
Hesk; Single Men 16 and over --
Murray Lyon, Jim Lai*, 'Harried
Ladies— Mrs. Ben Riley, IVIrS. Harold
Kerslake; Married Men — Ben ItileY,
Jack Sinclair; Free-for-all — en
GueSeing no. of shot in a bottle
Mrs. Frank Roberton; One coining.
-greatest distance — Mrs. Minnie
Lyon from Brandon Idanitoba; Oldeet
person present --Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon'
of Londesboro ; Youngest peraori pre,
sent Dicky Lohb, of Clinton.; There
was raise a tugLof-war and e water
Following a bounteoue supper serv-
ed on the lawn the election of officere
for 1947 took place: — President —
. .
Offered a cheque for $500 by a
grateful father for rescuing a 16 -year
old girl from drowning at Bayfield
on Thursday, July 4, &rites Tozer, 69
Louise St. Stratford, a war veteran
with five years' service said, "No
thank you".
The Town of Clinton is borrowing
funds for the construction of the
sewerage project and sewage treat-
ment plant, at an ' average cost to
the town of aproximately _2.65 per
A bylaw was passed at a special
meeting of Town Council Thursday
evening authorizing the sale to liar.
risen and Company, _Limited, Mind
dealers, Toronto, of $305000 Tatra
of Clinton instalment debentures, 101
follows: • .
$134,000 debentures bearing inter.
est rate of 2% per cent, due Septet*.
ber 1, 1947/1956, at 98.50; ,
Mr. and Mrs. Tozer were at Bay-
field for a day's picnic and swim,
when a girl from a family of Ameri-
can tourists shouted for help front
deep water more than than 100
yards off shore. Alt Tozer
several 'hundred • yards. down the
beach, then swan, out to her, and
towed her in. Before he reached her,
she had gone down -four times, and
had become so panicky that her
rescuer had several minutes of
struggle before he could bring her
under control, and tow her -back to
OTICG arrived et the beach, Mr.
Tozer applied artificial respiration
to pump the water from her lungs.
"I don't even know her name,"
said Mr. Tozer when he was inter-
viewed, "Her father offered -me A
cheque for 3500, but I didn't even
think of taking it. I told him I hadn't
done it for money."
The girl, said Mr. Tozer, had been
floating on an inner tube, and drifted
out from shore beyond where an un-
derwater ledge drops away sharply
%to deep water. ShE was unable to
swim, and, when she became excited
at drifting away from shore, let the
supporting tube get away from her.
$171,000 debentures bearing inter-
est rate of 2% per eent, -due Septem-
ber 1, 1957/1966, et 98.50..
Instalments of principal and inter-
est are re -payable serai-antually over
the 20 -year period during- the life
of the debentures, which will be ire
denominations of $50, $100, $500 and
$1,000. . . .
All members of Council were
present for the special meeting ex-
cept Comte Ernest Brown and Coun.
C. J. Livermore. Mayor At J. Mc-
Murray (presided.
Frank Fingiand, MC., Town Sol -
Miter, reviewed various offers which
had been received for the debentures,
and recommended acceptance of the
Harrison and •Company bid, which be .
described as "a most splendid offer."
Very Favorable •
Commenting on the price received
by the town for the issue, Mayor
McMurray declared that the fact that
the town was able to .borrow funds
a such a low rate of interest reflected
it financial position He said that
the coupon rates were lower than
arlyone had expected when the fin-
ancing was commenced.
According to the bylaw, the exist-
ing debenture debt of the Town of •
Clinton, exclusive of self-supporting
local imrovements, stands at $115,.
It is expected that a portion of
these bonds: will be available to. the
crtizens of Clinton.
. ,
ceikty Council -Police Com-
mittee i Mt going to take any than -
cps of the • edunty constables not be.
able to pack a' gun, when the oc-
casion arises. All of the constables
of the county are noted for their
ability to handle their, weapons with
accuracy, but, John Winter, the chair-
man. 01 the police committee wants to
make certain he has arranged to have
every constabletake special target
Millen Grants
$50 to Clinton
$35 to Blyth
Federation Grants ,$50
To Clinton Park Board
The Directers of Huron County .
Federation of Agriculture, at a
meeting "held in Clinton , last
week, unanimously passed a vete
of thanks to Mayor A. J. Mc-
. Murray arid the many eititens of
Pinter', whb so wholeheartedly
assisted in 'making. their Annual .
Daly a success.
; A niotion by .Harry; Sturdy,
seconded. by Bert Lobb, was pas-
, scd instructing the Secretary to
send a cheame, for $50 . to the
treasurer 'of: the Board Of Park
Management. . • ' •
Mininnim Charge 50e
ic a 'word
-Well lteufliofl will be held at Sea -
forth. Lions :Park, July 24. Ladies
please bring luneli baslret. 28-p
Clinton Turf Mull Races„ Comm-
unity -Park, Gliriton, VVedziesday, A,ng
21. New track new. stands. Bigger
Hulled Township Council met on
Thursday, July 4, in the Community,
Hall, Londesboro, at 8 pane the reeve
and all members of the Council being
present. The minutes of the last reg."
Wm meeting of June 3 were read aud
Council interviewed three repre-
sentatives regarding the accident in-
surance policy held by the Township,.
Jewitt-Rapson—That we renew the
Accident Insurance Polley with W.
S. Gibson—Carried. ,
Dale-Sewitt—That, we . nay Fred
Shobbrook for cutting and inspecting
weeds and add name to the roll of
Rapson -Brown — That we grant
Clinton and Blyth $3fr each to the
Fair—Last, 'Amendment to motion
by Jewitt -Dale—. -That we pay a grant
of $50. to Clinton Fair and $85 to
Myth :Fair—Carried.
Brown-jewitt,—That the accounte
be retid-;-..Carried.
Rapson:a3rawn•—•Th0t we do now
adjourn to meet Augest 8, at 7.30
Zarriecl, •
,igh School Entrance
Results are Announced
Gerald Augustine, Jack Brown, Car-
rn.0 Craig, Joye Craig, Margaret
Craig, Leonard Maley, Earl Kelley,
Loretta Materna, Jewel Meglinchey,
Marie .McDonald, Donald McKenzie,
Donald IVIcNall, jean; Philp, Bill Seers
Derek Slorech; ,Joyce Taylor, Anne
.Jeanette Watson,
, Demi& Andrevrsi •Is,abel Barbour,
Margretta Berry, Margaret Black,
Kenneth, Brown, Lorne Carats, Grace
Cook, Herold Cooke, Mary Ellen Cul-
bert, Jean Errington, Donald Fergu-
seat, , Kathleen Forster, jean Free,
Calviri, 'Gibson, Howard Godfrey,
Hanna 'Hedges, Florence Mae, Train,
Juanita Irwin, Delina, Lartnen, Lorra-
ine MaeDonald, Ray MacKenzie,
Harvey McDonald, Irene McWhinney,
Colleen! Million, .Donne, Moore, Lois
Nivins Doreen Petrie, Ilene Spree],
Wilma! Watson, -Herby Wilkins
Edwin :A.pfelbeck, John Airfelbeck,
Rosemarie Arkell, Evelyn Ben, Phy,
Ilia: Bell, Jean, Campbell, Vivian Chut-
er, Madden. Cox, . Louis Duchartne,
Marian Jean Dowson, Audrey Harr-
ison, Jean Keyes, 13mbere Middleton,
Jean Procter, Marie Stirling, Denali
Talbot, Walter Turner..
Jimmy Aikenhead, Joyce Andrews
Kenneth ArradtrOng„ Ethel Bender
Aiwa Britton, Kay,. Brittom Hill
Cirowen, Margaret Cole, Shirley 'Coop
Fraocis.'Dmierrinie, 0,ereld
Seeretary-Treasurer — Will Snyder. and bettet than ever. .27-
Gibbings, Jean Gibbings, Anna Glew,
Joyce Grigg,. Phyllis Hanly, Mary
Hudie, Andrew Rusty, Douglas Nog-
garth, Betty Alice Hutchins, Marion
Jones, Joan Jordan, Gordon Lane,
Domald- Longfield, • Gail Manning,
Cameron Maltby,"-fobby Managhan,
Jacqueline Mulholland, Mary MacDon
ald, 1Vlarlene. McAllister, Eldon Mor-
rell, Marjory Mustard, Douglas Mc -
Beath, Billy Nediget Andrew Neilson
Audrey Oliver, Barium Patterson,
John Peckitt, Donald Petrie Eileen
June Pocock, Ann Shaddock, 'Marjor-
ie Stanley, William Stephenson, June
Taylez, Robert Tartor, John Tebbutt,
Lewis Tebbutt, Yienne Thompson,
Robert Weeks, Kelm' h Woud, Hugh
th",inted standing under Regulation
10-5 — Helen Andorson,
(11 eel '
Shirley Adkins, Jean Caldwell,
Bernice Diling„ Norma Greene, Itubn
Jean Ingram, Wilma Kyle Hannah
Pepper, Jack Rathwell; itsael Smith,
Norma ,Smith, Neil McLaren Taylor,
Marjorie Anderson, Johnny Baker,
Hugh Clausius, Mary Deriomene, Shir-
ley Denomrne, Agnes Ducharme, Ray
Ducharme, Paul Durand, Helen Ging-
erich, Stephen Gingerich, William
Mere, *jeari MeIin1ey, Iran Melding.
er, Elirilrbeth O'Brien, Jean Overholt,
Kenneth Parke, Shirley Patterson,
Leo Regier, Albert Schilbe, Peter St-
4eekle, Florence Steinback; Patey
Srecean, Phyllis Taylor.
31 Fl o • yeti,
Aicirunts --- Clinton News -Record,
advertising, $2:70; George Radford,
contract Yunglidutt DraM, $542:80;
George Radford, .contract Br. No.
Dedds Drain, $400;,George W. Cantor),
excise stamps, $3; W. Gibson, ac-
cident insurance:polio, $100; Treas-
urer, Huron County, ploughing hitt&
grant, $10(); Arthur Weymouth; grad-
er repair, $1,25; W. A. Brunadon, oil
and mower, ro;agel(rd:ivets22;ardon7,.prgas
oil and repairs, $100.36; Robert,Riley,
culvert, $4;.• Harve Kennedy, efilVert,
$1; Glen Carter,' H. and M.' brush-
ing, $12; Hugh Millar, H. • MI M.
brushing,, $13.26; William Carter,
road superinterideht; ,$56.70; Arthur
Weymouth; grader .operator, $92.26;
Arthur Weymouth, three car trine to
Goderich, $4.50; Humphrey :Snell,
washout and weeds, $4.40; George W.
Cowan; port salary, $175; Jim...Jam-
ieson, 'snow- fenee, $2; Fred, Shob-
brook; cutting and inspecting weeds,
Bad Fire in Brussels -. -
Does ileavy.,1DaMage
Fire which at 'one tjme threatened
to wipe out an entire businesidilock
in Brussels - as it raged unchecked
when the local fire, brigades equip-
ment proved inadequate, was brought
under control after firemen front
Wingham• had joined volunteers in a
five-hour battle Thursday night last.
No estimate on the total loss was
available but in one shop, which here
the brunt of, the flames—the Gregg
Brothers hardware shop Which was
completely gutted—the loss was ee.
Created a": over $20,000.
The Winner
He came home with some candy
concealed in his vest pocket.
' "Now, children," he said, "who has
been the most obedient during the
last month, and done everything
mother asked?"
"Yoh; 'daddy," the oldest Youngster