HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-07-04, Page 5"IIIIERSDAY, JULY 4 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PACE Film News -Record Classified Adlets laring Quick Results One cent a word, cash, each insertion ^ (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesdey. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE 'ICC/LEMAN, GASOLINE! IRON nearly new. Apply NEiWS-RECORD 27-p WORK TRUCK, •GHASSIS AND .frame for house trailer. Phone 225 27-p ONE MOWER, SIX-FOOT CUT. App1Y Bert Irwin, Phone Clinton, 616r32. 27-b SMALL HOUSE FOR WREGICING purposes. Apply Box "M" NEWS- REICORD. 27-p ONE AUTOTRAO IN GOOD condit- ion. Apply Murphy Bros. Garage, Phone 465 27-p 130YiS OR MAN'S BICYCLE slightly rused — with fixtures. Price 845. Apply Gities Service Garage, Clinton Phone 342 27-p BUILDING MATE111IAL--200 Wind- ows with frames 6' by 2' 10". OPen top or bottom. Six light sash. Com- plete with full streen to fit. Ivan Lanldn, 149 Langer% St., London, -phone Met. 8280W. 26-27-b ONE TEN -FOOT ALL STEEL Frog ,& Wood hay rake; one six -foot -cut Deering binder; one , six -foot --cut Massey -Harris binder; one 14 -blade disc harrow; one new rubber -tire wagon with Timldn roler bearings. Apply H. Charlesworth. 25-26-27p "THRESHING MACHINE FOR SALE --Having disposed of my farm, I am offering for sale my ifi-reshing machine, completely rebuilt by my - .self for any awn use. Thie machine :is equipped with high grain elevator, .eomplete with grain pipes and straw eutter, good belts and drive belt. HERB 1VIOUSSEAU, Zurich Garage, phone 103, Zurich. 26 - 32-p LOST AND FOUND BETWEEN CLINTON AND Bruce - field last Saturday — a bag of roll- eed wheat Finder please phone 628r13. 27-b PROPERTY FOR RENT DESIRABLE FURNISHED Cottages for rent—week or seekon. Three bed - :rooms, living 'room, and kitchen. •Good beach, hydro, good water. Johnson's Deer Lodge, Bayfield. 26-27-p ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED TO RENT —Unfurnished rooms or small home. No children. Permanent residents. L E. Martin, Martin's Store, Clinton 25-tfb WANTED DOLL BUGGY IN GOOD Condition Phone 478re. 27-p POULTRY 75 PURE/BRED, READY -.TO -LAV 'Barred Rock pullets. APPIY W. V. Bey and Sons, Londesboro, Phone Blyth 28r6. , 27-th LIVESTOCK FOR SALE • TWO YORKSHIRE SOWS DUE TO farrow in about two weeks. Apply James East, R. R. 4. Clinton. 27-p HELP WANTED SECOND MAID FOR ORENDAGA Y. W. C. A. camp, l3alyfie1d. Apply at camp or to Y.W.C.A., 268 Queens Ave., London. Salary $40. per month. 27-b YOUNG MAN, Preferably collegiate or College Student, with desire to hustle, to act as publisher's repre- sentative in this area during summer vacation. Excellent possibilities. Apply NEWS -RECORD. 27-28x HELP WANTED—MALE AN OPPORTUNITY — Established Rural Watkins District available. If you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or ean secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept, 0eC-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Quebec. 27-2F-29 30b PROPERTY FOR SALE TWO! ACRES OF LAND WITH eight room stucco house, barn, first class condition, at Porter's Hill. Immediate possession. Apply J. W. Craigie, Goderieh. 27-b Pk STOREY FRAME DWELLLNG: 7 rooms, 3 -piece bath, good location, garage, sale subject to present ten- ancy. Apply to H. 0. Lawson, Realtor. Phone 251W. 23-tfb COMFORTABLE DWELLING IN Clinton, on Fulton St„ seven rooms, electric lights and town water, new garage, large garden. Possession in near future. Also a real good building lot in a good location. James Elliott, Dublin. , 2611 b TWO-STOREY FRAME DWEiLLING three bedrooms up, one down, usual living rooms, three-piece bath, full basement, furnace, summer kitchen, garage, % acre land with small fruit trees. Sale subject to present ten- ancy. Apply H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251We 25tfb MISCELLANEOUS WHITE ROSE/ SERVICESTATION, Londesboro. We Sharpen Mower and Binder Knives, Axes, Ploughshares etc. Bring them early. 27-p SPERELEA FOUNDATION GAR- mente for health, style and comfort. Individually designed. Aphra Steepe, Ontario St., Phone 288. 13-2'7p IF BACKACHES are slowing you up, take .RUMACAPS. Pains and aches are relived after the first dose, Pennebaker's Drug Store 27-1) NOW AVAILA_BLE—Limited num- ber of Singer cabinet electric sewing machines. !Apply- Singer Sewing Machine Co., 78 Ontario St., Strat- ford, phone 72'7. 25-tfb I EXPECT TO BE OUT OF TOWN for a few weeks, starting about the middle a July Anyone desiring pic- tures from me, kindly call ProsnutlY, at my home on Victoria St. J. B. Lobb. 26-27-p For Out,of-town Trips— USE FRANK'S TAXI It's Safer and Cheaper Brand New Chevrolet Sedans For Your Comfort Day and Night Service FRANK'S TAXI Day Phone 175 Night Phone 267M 14,041.44,00,14111~,4,0,1 WANTED 100 STRAWBERRY PICKERS and PEA PICKERS Men, Women, Boys and Girls Good pay and plenty of berries to eat Pickers get their own berries at wholesale prices Apply To: Phone 33 F. W. ANDREWS Clinton Paint is Scarce But We Have A Good 'Supply While It Lasts! The famous Lowe Bros. Paints, quality tested, for every purpose. Try this serviceable paint today! SZTLE.STED I PAPERS Lowg, lutos. PAINTS We have a wide variety of these high-class wallpapers to choose from. All the latest patterns. See the selection today! D A. Kay & Son Huron St. Painters and Decorators PHONE 234 Three Doors West of Royal Bank, Cliinton • BIRTHS mEtAxisoN — In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, July 1, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Pearson God- erich Township, a son (itoibert Carl). MOLTER — In Clinton Pulalic Hospital, on Tuesdaies July 2, 1946, 'to Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Lewis Rieder- er, Clinton, a daughter (Sheila Annt MARRIAGES SEDLEY-McQUEEN — At the home of the bride's parents on Saturday, June 29, 1946, by Rev. R. A. Brook, Dorothy Dell, elder laughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar McQueen, Hensall, to Paul Sedley, son of' Mrs. Sedley and the late Harry Sedley, London. DEATHS ARMSTRONG s -s In Toronto, on Monday July 1, 1946, Ellen Clarke, wife of the late John Armstrong, in her 92nd year.. Funeral eervice from Beattie Funeral Home, Clint- on to Bayfield Cemetery, Wednes- da)l afternoon, July 3. BATRD — In IVIoose Jaw Hospital, on Wednesday, July 3, 1346 Peter Baird in his 67th year, brother of George and Miss Tena Baird, Stan- ley Township. Funeral, in Moose Jaw Friday, July 5. MacMATIL — At his home, East St., • Goderich on Saturday June 29, 1946 !Samuel R. MaeMath, in his 73rd year. Funeral from Knox Presby- terian Church, Goderich, to Malt. land Cemetery, Monday, July 1. MANN — In Goderich Township, on Saturday, June 29, 1946 Mrs. Moses Mann, in her 64th year. Funeral from her late residence, Seaforth Highway, Tuesday afternoon, July 2, to Clinten ,Gemetery PAGEL — At Mt. Carmele Hospital, Detroit, Mich., Florence Elizabeth Brown, beloved *He of Joseph Pag- el, and daughter of the late Joseph A. Brown, Bayfield, in her 56th year. Funeral from Rids* Funeral Horne, Detroit, Friday, June 28, to Grand Lawn Cemetery. RILEY — In Clinton, on Saturday, June 30, 1946, Alfred Henry Riley, in his 59th year. Funeral from his late residence concession 10, Hullett to Blyth Union Cemetery, Weunes- day afternoon, July 4. SCHUMACHER — In St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Tuesday, July 2, 1946, John C. Schumacher, Zurich in his 67th year, Funeral from Westlake Funeral Home, Zurich, to St. Peter's Lutheran .Cemetery, Zurich, July 4. SHEPPARD — In Mobile, Alabama, U. S. A, on Monday, July 1, 1946, Capt. Norman T. .Sheppard beloved hueband of Emelin Windgate and son of the late Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Sheppard, Clinton, in his 57th year. Funeral and Interment in Mobile, Wednesday, July 3, 1946. WEBSTER — In Seaforth, on Thurs- day, June 27, 1946, Maude Dempsey widow of the late Thomas James Webster, in her 66th year. Funer- al from her late residence, Seaforth June 29, to Clinton Cemetery. IN MEMORIAM HUNTER — In loving memory of a dear father William Hueter who passed away seven years ago July 4th. Gone, dear father, gone forever, How we miss your smiling face, But you left us to remember None on earth can take your place. A ham home we once enjoyed How sweet, the memory still, But death has left a loneliness The world can never fill, — Ever remembered by wife and family. MECHANIC WANTED Licensed Mechanic Wanted to work in General Motors Garage. Modern equipment, good wages to right man. Gardner Motor Sales Goderich Phone 234 Box 186 NR011•0111M•0111.6 BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo IVIaniture Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St. East„ Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS T FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones 66w and 66j Batkins Locker ,Storage SALMON FILLETTS .. per. lb. 40c COD FILLETTS per lb. 35e HADDOCK PLUMS per lb. 40e SMOKED FILLETTSper lb. 35e DELECIA MEAT LOAFper lb. 45c SPICED HAM LOAF. per lb. 39e Home -Made SAUSAGE, per lb. 27c HAMBURG STEAK . per lb. 25c Macaroni and Cheese Loaf, per lb. 35c WE BUY HIDES Frozen Foods are Better Foods IIENSALL Mies Peggy McGregor, left on Sun- day 1M bus for Winnipeg, Manitoba, where she will spend a months vacat- ion. - At the morning eenrice of Carmel Presbyterian church, Mrs. James Bon- thron rendered a lovely solo, 'Tear Lord fergive." , Miss Margaret Shepherd, and Miss Margaret 'Glen, left Friday of last weeek for Ottawa, Muskoka, and North Bay for a weeks vacation. At the morning service at Ihe Unit- ed Church Sunday last Mr. Sam Ren- nie sang a pleasing solo. "I shall not pass 'again this way". The evening services have been withdrawn during July and August. Entertain Pupils Mr. A.E. Judd, principal of Hensall Public school entertained the students of grade 6-7 and 8 to a theatre party at Leavette theatre, ,Exeter, Friday evening 28th. Following the theatre party the students were taken to the home of Mr. and Mrs. Judd and re- freshments served. Enjoyed Picnic H•ensall United Church Suunday :school class, of which Miss Ellis is the teacher, enjoyed a pietic to Turn - bull's Grove Tuesday, evening, June 25. A hall game was featured Dash- wood-VS-Hensall.' resulting in a win for Hensell, 'score 16-15. Howard Brook of Hensel" was Umpire. Miss Barbara Michie and Miss Mary Good- will directed sports. Class Holds Pienie Members of the Wohelo class of the United Cfhurch enjoyed a picnic to Turribull's Grove Tuesday evening June 25. A splendid representation was present to enjoy a delightful affair and delicious picnic supper. After supper some of the members enjoyed a friendly game of ball with folks from Dashwood also having a picnic. The score was 16-15 in favour of Hen- sel', Howard Brook was Umpire. Sports in charge of Miss Barbarie Michie were held on the beach and much enjoyed. Aid Tornado' Victims In response to the announcement of Hon. Leoeald .MacAuley, president of the Ontario Division, of the Canad- ian Red Gross Society, that an appeal should be made immediately for $350.- 000, to aid the sufferers from the re.. cent tornado in the Windsor area. The Hensell branch of the Red CrOSS has authorized their treasurer Miss Katie Scott, to accept donations from the people of Hensel' and district for this needly cause. Contributions maY also be made at the Bank of Montreal, Hensall, Red Cross Donations! In response to the announcement of Hon. Leopald MacAulay, Presi- dent, Ontario Division of the Canadian Red Cross Society, that an appeal should be made immediately for $350,000 to aid the sufferers from the recent tornado in the Windsor area, Hensall branch of the Red Crose has authorized its treasurer, Mise Katie Scott, to accept donations from the people of Hensel' and district for his needy cause. Contributions also may be made at the Bank of Montreal, Hensel'. Mrs, R. E. Shaddick Hostess The annual picnic Of the Evening Auxiliary was held on the lovely lawns of Mrs. R. E. Shaddick Wed- nesday afternoon June 26th. 0o -host. ess with Mrs. •Shaddick was Miss Gla- dys Luker. Betweenfifty and sixty members guests, and children were present to enjoy a lovely picnic. A picnic supper was served from a well laden table on the lawns. At the con. elusion of supper races and games were held for the little tots, for whieh prizes were given. Miss Barbara Michie and June Brandon in charge, Some of the older folk entered into some of the sports such as! kicking the slipper, etc. The event was very much enjoyed. (Intended for last week) Students of grade 6-7 and 8 of Hensel' Public School presented their popular principal, Mr. A. E. Judd, with gifts on Wednesday morning, the girls presented him with a pen and pencil set, and the boys a men's toilet set. Mr. Judd recently tendered his resignation and accepted a similar position in London. Former Rector Appointed Rev. M. B. Parker, rector of St. Luke's Anglican Chinch, Broughdale, has been appointed to a full-time position as registrar -bursar, and pro- • WANTED GIRL SALES CLERK FOR GROCERY ST- ORE :TEADIY EM- PLOYMENT GOOD WAGES. APply In Person TO C. M. SHEARING Red and White Store Clinton • • ,.----.... ROXY THEATRE CLINTON CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH REGENT THEATRE , SEAFORTH Now Playing — "BECAUSE OF HIM" with Deanna Durbin, NOW PlaYihg-- Dennis Morgan end Alexist Smith in "ONE MORE TO- MORROW" Now Playing — Melia Montez and Sabu in "TANGIER," Mon., Tues., Wed "SCARLET STREET" Adult Entertainment A man's fine ideals, high aspires tions, yes his very soul, destroyed by the greed of a woman he be- friended. — Edward G. Robinson, Joan Bennett and Dan Duryea. Mon. Tues. Wed. 'Pero Features Joan Leslie, Robert Aida and Julie Bishop — It's !comedy. bright and hilarious. , TOO YOUNG TO KNOW Faye Emerson, Zachaty &oft and ' Dick Erdman. " THE DANGER SIGNAL Mon. Tues. Wed. Two Features Dorothy McGuire, George Brent and Ethel Berryanore. — Superb performances and masterful dir. eetion make this a "must see" hit " THE SPIRAL STAIRCASE" Olivia de Havilland, Sonny Tufts and Ray Milland. — Present' a neat package of matrimonial fun. 'THE WELL GROOMED BRIDE' TEIURS., PRI. and SAT. Faye Emerson, Zachary Scott and Dick Etchnan, — The gripping drama of a suave criminalrocking who pays the pried for avarice but blights the lives of two sisters. "DANGER SIGNAL"• EMIRS , FRI. and SAT. Abbott "and !Costello with Brenda Joyce — There's plenty of rib - fun when a good little salesman sets out to ' conquer e vi cruel orld. "LITTLE GIANT" THURS., FRI, and SAT. Anna Neagle, Dean Jagger and Rex Harrison. — Take us into Britain's blitzed old capital for an adventurous drama. "A YANK IN LONDON" (liming — "KITTY" STARRING Paulette Goddard. It's Adult Entertainment Coming — Dick Powell in "CORN- ERED" Coining — CINDERELLA JONES and "THE DANGER. !SIGNAL" Matinees, Sat. & Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Mat., Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 p.m. Matinees, Sat & Holidays, 2.30 P.m. BLYTH Miss Hazel Petts, London, was with Mrs. W. J. Pette. Mr. and Mrs. A. Bender, Toronto, visited Mrs. J. R. Bell. Mr. and Mrs. Mansell Gook, Ben:mill- er, visited 1111% and eyfes. E. johneeen, J. IC. Edwards, Maple Greek, Sask., was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Mason. Mr. and Mrs. Baumgartner, Geneva, N. Y., Mrs. Minnie Lyon, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, A. Taylor. Mr. and Mrs. Murray Scrimgeour and Dianne, Tillsonburg visited Mr. and Mrs,. L. M. Scrimgeour. • Mr. and Mrs Wilfred Chttiey, Det- roit, Mr. and Mrs. Niedentohl, Way- nesboro, Virginia, were with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Marks. Hold Flower Show The Horticultural Society's annual supper and flower show was held in Memorial Hall Saturday afternoon: The beautiful display of flowers was arranged by Mrs. Duncan 'Vice:Mum and Mrs. W. N. Watson. The supper was well patronized and nearly$44 was realized Chimney .Struck A kid but severe electrical storm passed over the village about four o'clock Sunday afternoon. The chimn. ey of John Mills' house on Dinsley st. was struck by lightning; the phone and radio at Freeman Tunney's house on MCI st., were burned out, but no furth- er damage was done in either case. Memorial Hall Contract Lorne Scrimgeour and Son's con- tract for rest rooms and a modern kitchen in Memorial Hall has been accepted by the Memorial Hall board, with a proviso that the contract price could be raised by public subeription. Dr. G. D. Hodd, a member of the board has been appointed chairman of the finance committee with F. J. Hollyman and N. W. Kyle, members. Plan Orange Service Morris District L. 0, L. will attend feseor in biblical Greek and religious education at Huron College, London. He was ordained at Woodstock in June, 1929, then took charges at Hen- sel' and &Wife. IL C. S. Picnic Students of Hensel' Continuation School held their picnic at Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, Friday afternoon, June 21. Sports of all kinds were enjoyed including a hall game, boat- ing, etc. During the course of the affair, Morley Sanders, principal, and George Cowan, assistant, were pre- sented with lovely table lamps. Mr. Cowan recently tendered his resigna- tion and may accept a position as principal of Cookstown Continuation School. Mr. Sanders will remain as principal of Hensel' Continuation School under the Exeter Board. Bridal Couple Honoured One of the latgest receptions to be held in Hensell was held in the Town Hall, Friday evening, June 21, when Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brock (the former Anna. Cornish, Brucefield , were tend- ered a post -nuptial reception and were presented with a chrome table and four chairs, Ed. Fink reading the presentation address. Muedoch Orchestra furnished the music for the dance. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate_of WILLIAM HOLMES LOBB All persons having claims against the Estate of William Holmes Lobb, late of the Town of Clinton, deceased, who died on or about the 5th day of May, 1946, are hereby notified to send in to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of July, 1946, full par- ticulars of their claims, Immediately after the said last mentioned date, the assets of the said estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of which the undersign- ed shall then have notice, to the ex- clusion of all others, and the under- signed will not be liable to any person of whose claim the undersigned shall not then have notice for the assets so distributed or any part thereof. Dated at Seaforth this 21st day of June 1946. H. G. MEIR, Solicitor for Executors, Seaforth, Ontario. 26-27-28-b WARNING Will all parents please realize the grave danger of allowing their children to frequent the vicinity of the Sewerage excavation 'Work. The operation of the high powered machines, and the deep openings made necessary, form an unavoidable hazard. We plead with you to co-operate and thus assist to avoid accidents and grief. CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL 24tfb Divine Service next Sunday Morning in St Andrews United Church, Blyth, at Eleven o'elock, Rev. Bro. Sinclair will be the guest speaker. Morris District comprises the Lodges of Bel - grave, Blyth, Auburn and Londesboro. A splendid service is expected. Ladies and Brethern of Surrounding Lodges are cordially invited to attend. Wood- ham Fife and drunt band will be in attendance. Lions Raise $5;449 The gross receipts of the Lions Club for the first year's operations were reported by N. W. Kyle as $5,449.29. Over $2,000 IS on hand divided up in the following accounts: general acc- ount $140, child welfare $231.87, boys' and girls' band, $289.48, service ac- count, $927.14, memorial' hall account in victory bond bonds, $532. Conveners of committees have been named: project and finance, George McNeil; entertainment, Dr. D. G. Hodd sports N. W. Kyle; bend, Stanley Sib- thorpe; health and welfare, Dr. C. D Kilpatrick; attendande, Bernard Hall. Fifty dollars was donated to the local fair board to be used for prizes. Miss Marguerite Hall sang a solo and 100 per cent. attendance buttons were presented to Miss Elizabeth Mills, Pia- nist, and several members. The new president, Norman Gar- rett, presented the retiring president, Dr. D. G. Hodd, with a scroll of app- reciation. Gordon Augustine, chairman of the War Service Committee, introduced W. Armstrong, Wingham, Department of Veterans lAlffairs who spoke of the wovk he is doing. Harvey Johnston' Walton, showed a D. V. A. film of casualties in industry. KIPPEN W. 1. MEETS ICippen East Women's Institute held their regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Thomas Kay Wednesday evening June 26th. Al very inspiring motto "Little things which make a house a home" was given by Mrs7J. McLean Roll call, What I weigh and what my weight should be was very amusing. Miss Jean Ivison contributed piano music. The guest speaker Mrs. H. Faber, told of her experience as a nurse at Labrador and had on display some exquisite pieces of work done bythe natives. Their hooked pieces being as fine as needlepoint. Mrs. Ross Broadfoot coptributed an instr- umental. It was decided to donate $10.00 to the Cancer Fund. A picnic was arranged to be held at the Lions Park, Seaforth, July 10th.An invit- ation extended to the community. Mrs W, Tr. McLean presented her report of the District annual recently held in Engmondville United Church. AUBURN (Intended for last week) Baptist Picnic The Baptist congregation held ita annual Sunday School picnic at Har- bour Park, Goderich, last Saturday, The afternoon was spent in games, raees, softball game and boat riding. A pleasing feature of the afternoon was the presentation of a boudoir electric lamp and bouquet of summer flowers to Mr. and MTS. Eldon Yung- blut. Mrs. Yungblut who is an Eng-, Fish war btide came to Canada re- cently. Words of welcome were given by James Raithby, superintendent of the Sunday School and by Rev. C. 0, Andenson, pastor of the church. The presentation was made by Mrs. And- erson. Mr. Yungblut expressed his appreciation of the gift and welcome extended to his wife. GODERICH TOWNSHIP (Intended for last week) Miss Olive Johnson, teacher of S.S. No. 10, Goderich Township, is to be congratulated on having her entrance class of two pupils, both pass on their year's work. Stephenson Re -'Union The mmual Stephenson Re -Union picnic was held Saturday, June 22, ia Harbour Park, Goderich, with around 100 in attendance. Mr. Ralph Steph- enson was the oldest member attend- ing, and John Drysdale, Vancouver, came the longest distance. Friends were present from Vancouver, Al, berta, Michigan, London, Wingliam; Hensel', Stanley and Goderich Towne ships. LOST Bombadier's Silver Wing Lost on Main Street Reward Offered. Valued as Keepsake. Apply to Mrs. W. G. Fulford Victoria Street "THE WAGES of SIN is DEATH, • BUT THE GIFT OF GOD IS ETERNAL LIFE THROUGH JESUS CHRIST OUR LORD." Rom. 623 TUNE IN—Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR ATTENTION LADIES! If you are contemplating making a new dress for summer, we invite you to see ourstock of fihe prints, waffle -weave piques, and printed silks by the yard. There are still a few men's fine shirts in sizes 14, 16, 16% 17 in stock. , For household effects such as bath towels, teal towels, wash cloths, dish cloths, sheets and elastic; try Pickett and Campbell (Successors to Plumsteel Bros.) QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR AGENTS FOR TIP TOP TAILORS AND SCOTT-McHALE SHOES PHONE 25 CLINTON 11110••••••••1110.. Shortage of Furnaces Likely This Fall Get Your Order In Early HULA FURNACES "Saves One Tone in Seven" HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — Rooting — Skeet Kota Work Agent for Bork Perinmees PIIONE 244