HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-07-04, Page 1lintort WITH WHICH IS INCORPORATED THE MENTON NEW MA tttitte No. 27 -68th Year; Whole No. 6208 CLINTON ONTARIO, THURSDAY, JULY 4,1946 The Home Paper With The News Current Tax Collections Up 27 Per cent Over Last Year flere is Clinton From the Air. Can You Pick Out Where You Live or Used to Live? Total Now Stands Close To $25,000 Heavy payments of taxes have been pouring in to the town's coffers dur- ing the past week or ten days. According to figures supplied by Towru Clerk and Treasurer M. T. Cola less collections from January 1 to .Tune 30 1946, totalled $24,765.12, plus penalty of 141.99, as compared. with $19,371.68 in the corresponding period of 1945 Total uurears of taxesat June 80, 1946, stood at $983.08, made up of $117.17 for 1943, $148.11 for 1944, and $717.80 for 1945. A year ago, total arrears outstanding were $1944,- 84. Collections - January 1 to June 39„ 1946: 1943 - Arrears collected 1944 - " It 1945 - " 'CLINTON mai THE AIR — Here's what the town looks like from a scant few hundred feet as recorded on film. A few of the landmarks are easily discernible. In the left background is the old racetrack at the northwestern corner of the town, while just east a it, as King's Highway 4, as it branches off to Myth and Winglisan. Furkther east iS the new Community Park in all • its pristine glory. The Post Office and main kuterSeetion of King's Highways 4 and 8 are a little to the left of the centre of the photograph. CLINTON NEWS -RECORD is indebted to The London Free Press for this aerial photograph and engraving, takem by a staff eamerinan, Robert Turnbull. The sleek news plane, wIlhe News RESULTS OF PROMOTIONS .1 CLINTON PUBLIC SCHOOL 1 Promoted from Grade 7 to Grade 8 Betty Fitzsimons Jeanne Fitzsimons Bernard Ambler Helen Ball, Bernice Denomme Vonald Epps, El- aine McAdam, Marie McLeod, Carl Murray, Billy Shearing, John Ward, Joyce Weeks, Billy Cooper, (condit- ional promotion) Promoted from Grade 6 to Grade 7 Marie Falconer, Leota Freeman, Joanne Lloyd, Barbera MacDonald, Joan MaoLaren, Gave 'Maltby, Billy Maneghap, Bruce leraDonald, Harris Oakes, Jeanne Petrie, Mary Scribb- ins, Joan Thompsin, Joanne Tomlin- son, Norma Warnock, Thomas Lloyd, (conditional promotion) Marguerite Mehl, (conditional promotion) Jack Stanley, (conditional promotion). E. M. Jammeon, Teacher Promoted from ,Grade 5 to Grade 6 Shirley- Ashton, Marjorie Becker, Jeanne Castle, Riekie Elliott, Bob Fines, Alvin Fowler, Lorine Garen, Ruth Glew, Garrott Glidden, Jane Mildred Fraser, lohri Hartley, Joyce Hawkins, Donald Ladd, Marie Lee, Murray Maltby, Marilyn Martin, Pete McGowan, Gordon Murray, David *Oakes, Teddy Ross, Marilyn ,Shaddick, Patsy Thompson, Billy Tideswell, Paul Wakfer. L. Gilkinson, Teacher Promoted from Grade 3 to Grade 4 Faye Aikenhead, Shirley Boyce, Mar- jorieCartwright, Doris Cooper, Don- ald Cornish, Marion 'Grossman, Bar- bara F•ord, Bobby Garen, Dorothy Glazier, Barbara Ilattin, Marlene Jervis, Pauline Jervis, Earl Liver- more, Kenneth McLeod, Shirley Mc- Leod, Stewart leicGowan, Billy Min:r- ata Betty Lou Nediger Barbara Oliver, Donald Bess, Bobby Read, Gordon F. Scribbins, Patsy Seruton, Kay Sharp, Gail Shearing, Murray Taylor, Arthur Tyndall, Gregory Tomlinson, Conditional Promotion Kelvin Jervis, Kenneth Lee, Barbara Hartley, lie.thryn Ladd, Dorothy Tighe. Managlian, Olive Petrie, Shirley Pro- I E. L. Johnston, Teacher otor, Mary Silcock, Beanor Thrower, I Promoted from Grade 2 to Grade 3 Bob Wakfer, Freddie Ashton, Marilyn Ashton, Promoted front Grade 6 to Grade 7 Jimmy Carter, Hugh Colmthoun, Kenneth Ashton, Ronald O'arter, 'Marjorie Currie, Gwenyth Griffiths Murray Colcpthoun, Gary Cooper, Ronald Hugill, Marlene Hunter, Lois Sack Cowan, Margaret Dales, Bob Kennedy, Agnes Anne Lane, Margie Elliott, Bobby Elliott, Woodena Epps Ellen Lawson, Eugene MaeLaren Jack Fraser, Ann Freel, Tom Greens Elaine MeAllister, Glen McDonald, Gerald Holmes, Jack Ladd, June Murray, Kenneth Riley, Marilyn Wilma J. Watson, Teacher Scott, Connie ,Scraton, Robby Seeley, Promoted from Grade 4 to GradeJerry Steep, Pauline Taylor, Bobby 5 Tideswell. Hugh Ambler, Richard Andrews, Jean Webster Teacher Ronald Boyce, Jackie quhoun, Carter, Kenneth Promoted fromAddleGrade 1 to Grade 2 Carter, Tommy ColYvonne Dales, Donny Denomme, Anne Epps, AmbCaml eron ' me Margaret ex, Beverly Ashton, Nanry Bale Douglas liaticin, Beverly I3oyes, Step - RED CROSS NOTES hen Brown, Bert Dales, Janet Elliott, Ruth Glazier, Clifford, Shirley -- Francis Glee', Clayton Groves, Vir- In accordance wih a request front ginia Hoy, Gloria Lamb, Kenneth Ontario Division of the Red Cross, Livermore, Frank MacDonald, Doug - which is conducting an appeal through las Mann, Marilyn Miller, John Mer- its branches, for smopo for the re- gan, Gayle Murray, Joan Pidkard, habilitation of families whose homes Ronald Riley, Donna Sharp, Murray were destroyed in the tornado at Win- Stanley, Kenneth Steep, Simeon dsor June 17, Clinton Red Gross Thompson. Donalda Adams, Teacher Branch is conducting a campaign o ------- locally. Funds will be turned over BEITLES RE -UNION to the Windsor Tornado Relief Com- t et most enjoyable get-together was mittee. held at the home of Mr, and Mrs. All - Please leave your donations to the en Betties on Sunday, June 30, 1946 Windsor Tornado Relief, at either the Those Present included Mrs. T. Bett- Bank of Montreal or the Royal Bank, les, her two daughters; Mrs. Rhoda from now until July 15. Jordan, Lethbridge Alberta; Mrs. The local Branch has just donated peter young, . Mr - 'Young, James and $500 to the Cancer Fund: 73essie; Mr. and Mrs. Graham Jackson .....etteeeteeeetreareeteeeeeeeamemer Joyce, Dianne; Nat.. and Mrs. Erland i Hawk," is piloted by Bill Cortlead, eg.expert flier and reporter who holds a commercial license and a "diploma" from the tough- est school of them all — the RCAF. In int -Ting this new service to its 66,000 subscribers, The Free Press has laid plans for phot- ographing from the air nearly every town and village in Western Ontario. Total arrears eollected 1946 Taxes Collected TOTAL taxes collected Penalty' collected As at June 30, 1945; Total arrears collected Current collections TOTAL $ 222.59' 116.05 1,899.56. 1,738.20 23,026.9 $24,765.12 141,99 $ 1,304.68 18,061.00 $ 19,371.68 TOTAL LEVY - for 1946 $ '45,768.49 for 1945 36,833.66 Clinton Legion Band Scores Another Success Clinton Legion Band favoured the citizens of the townand community with another splendid band concert on Sunday evening. A large crowd was present to hear tate mume which was under the direction of Bandmaster Morgan J. Agnew. The concert took place from the Bandstand in Clinton Community Park It is hoped that the Band will continue these concerts as they are eertainly very much appreciated by the citizens of the community. Orangemen to Attend Divine Service Sunday, 'Mir/thy-Lodge No 74.0, Clinton, will attend Divine service in St. Paul's .Anglican Church on Sunday, July 7, at 7 p.m. Brethern will reet at Lodge Room at 6.45 pan. visiting Brethren are cordially invited to attend. The local lodge will celebrate. "The Glorious Twelfth" in Blyth next week. SPORTSMEN ATTEND Junior Farm Groups ELLWOOD EPPS' Attend Guelph Field Day OFFICIAL OPENING Sixty Members of the Junior Farm- Spertsmen from widely separated parts of Ontario, as well as scores from Clinton and district, attended the Official Opening of Elwood Epps' new sports shop and warehouse Sat- urday last. While "Open House" was in prog- ress during the afternoon and even- ing, thine present had the opportunity ers and Junior Institute front Huron County, with Assistant Aviculture) Representative G. E. Nelson in °Barge • attended the second annual Junior Farmer Field Day at OntariolAgricul- tural College, Guelph, Saturday. Two thousand were present from all parts of the Province. Huron Couney's two softball teams made a creditable showing against of admiring the beautiful rooms and stiff opposition, In the mile run. furnishings so graphically portrayed Bruce Roy, Lot deeboro won first place in pictures published in last week's with his brother Murray, fourth. Hur- en. County also had entries in the shot NEWS -RECORD. Many entered the guessing contest put, 440 yards, high jinnp, and girls' 75 -yards. in Which 20 articles of a sporting 1 The Week's Weather ?cneriBems.33:b, N'iT).; IVII'' and Mrs. .nd Fault Mr. mid• Mrs, Betties' Toronto; Mr. and Mrs: They - In the afternoon, there was a par - nature or allied to sports, were dis- ade of Collegelivestock, and in the played in a glass case in the lobby evening, a variety show presented be of the store. It proved a very close Beaver Valley Junior Farmers. A competition, with only one point separating each of the three prize large dance concluded the day's events wi • Winners were as follows: First prize ($5) K.K. Flatfish, box 84, Listowel, 16 out of 20; second prize ($2.50)—Bob Morgan, Clinton, 15 out of 20; third mnze —E. M. Itanstiell, RE. 8, London, 14 out of 20. During. the afternoon and evening, tours of the building were conducted by Mr. Epps and members of his staff. The game room proved par- ticularly popular from an aesthetic standpoint. Ito very large mirror. is extremely attractive. HartreY C. Johnston, Walton, rep- resentative of the National Film Board, showed two excellent filrns of interest to sportsmen during the even- ing: "Ducks Unlimited" and "Winter Sports." The latter, shown on one of the hottest days of the summer, al- most made one feel0cool. • • SNELT.4 REUNION The 'Seen reunion was held in Sea - forth on Saturday With 60 mern:bere in attendance. Owing to war condi- tions, this picnic had not been lien' for five years. The u2nell reunion will be held at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Harold ,Snell, Auburn, the last Saturday of June next year. Alvin Betties and Bruce. High Low NEW S. A. OFFICERS June 27 87 62 WINGHA1V1---Capt. and Mrs. Arth- 64 ur Touzeati, 'who have been in charge 63 of the Salvation Army in Wingham 64 for the past year, loft on Monday 55 for Kelowna, B.C., where they have 47 been transferred. The new officere 43 are Capt. Bessie Agar, Hamilton, and Lieut. Dorothy Dewsbury, Dunnville. nnets. June 28 89 June 29 .87 June 30 • 89 • July 1 • 81 July 3 71 July 3 74 Rainfall —e15 inehes, Large Crowd at Blyth For "Glorious Twelfth" Final arrangements are being com- pleted by L. O. L. No. 963, Blyth, for the celebration to be held there July 12 It is estimated between 50 and 60 lodges will join in the celebration. Special speakers will be Reeve Franklin Bainton, Rev. A. Sinclair, Rt. Wor. Rev. L. I. Hunter, Toron- to and Easton Cardiff, M. P, for North Huron. Prizes will be given for the best fife and drum band, best fifer and drummer, largbst ladies' lodge in parade, largest lodge in parade best dressed lodge, best dressed ladies' lodge lodge coming the great- est distance, best banner in parade oldest Orangeman. A• scheduled WOAA intermediate baseball match between. Clinton It end Cl. S. and Aulnner-Blyth Combines will be a feature. NEW OFFICERS ARE INSTALLED BY LIONS CLUB Officers for 1946-7 of Clinton Lions Club were installed at a successful dinner meeting held in the new Com- mercial Hotel, Hensall, Thursday ev- ening lase They are headed by President Caryl W. Draper. Lloyd G. Edighoffer, Mitchell, re- tiring Deputy District Governor for Zone a, conducted the installation, in an efficient manner and then deliver- ed a veity, inspirational address on aims and objects of Lionism. Interesting reports of the District "A" Convention in Niagara Falls Ontario, in the early part of the week were presented by the delegates J. A. Sutter, C. W. Draper, Orval Lobb and R. N. Irwin. Winners of pins for 100 per cent perfect attendance at meetings during the past year, were: 3. A. Stutter, R. S. Attkey, 11. Bartliff, O. W. Drap- er, Hugh Hawkint, "Dick" Jacob, Robert Irwin, Harold C. Lawson, A. D. McCartney, W. E. Perdue, A. Gar - on., F. B. Peamebaker, C. H. Epps and De. IL McIntyre. Frank Fingland, first president al the Club, was presented with a chev- ron to mark ten year's membership. LOWER SCHOOL RESULTS • AT CLINTON COLLEGIATE 1 Following are the C. C. L Lower School promotions. Examination marks have been mailed to those who failed Promoted into Grade X James Allen, Edna Bayley, Mary Beatty, Freida Blake, Doreen Elliott, Donald Ellwood, Helen' Erratt, Nora Eyre, Stanley Falconer, Nancy Ford, Beatrice Fowler, Mary Fulford, Jean- ne Garen, Kathleen Glew, Audrey Harris, Marion Hill, Margaret Roll- and, Anne Ensile, William Lemnion, Helen Lobb, Helen Love, Frances Lyon, Evelyn MacDonald John Mc- Connell, Dorothy McGuire, Jack Pet- rie, Egizabeth Potter, Robert Riehl, Ruth Scott, Donald Shanahan, Phyllis Shanahan, Thelma Shobbrooke Joyce Sly, Normae Smith, Robert Spelt' Joyce Stephenson, Elizabeth Stewart,. Cora Taylor, Mary Thompson, Kenne- th Tyndall, John VattEgreond, Lois Wood. Promoted into Grade XI William Andrews, F.,dna Ball, Isobel Chotven, Estelle Cox, Clarence Den- omme, loan Fines, Catherine Fing- land, Jean Flynn, Gordon Grigg, Char- les Hanley, Shirley Hattin, George Jackson, Audrey Jervis, EVelyn Johns, Shirley Jones, Fred Kirby, Eugene McAdam, William Martell, Wilhiam Matthews Donald Miller,. Thornton Mustard, Jean Nediger, Charles Reid, Mona Reid, Lillian Stewart, Amy Walters, Recommended — Ross Col- quhoun, Jack Rozell. HOLIDAY TIME Owing to Monday having been a holiday and some members of the staff being on vacation, SOMe news matter, particularly obituary acco- unts, intended for this issue had to be left over until next week. W. L. "Nick" Whyte Awarded MBE • In King's Dominion Day Honors List ' A prominent Huron County man, , Wi/fred Lyall "Nick" Whyte, Hullett Township fanner and business man, has been appointed to Membership in , I the Order of the British Empire in the King's Dominion Day honors list. Holder of many offices in Huron • County agricultural and other cateaniz atioes, he has been a constant worker for the benefit of the community at large, Among those held have been ‘t the presidency of Huron County Fed- eration of Agriculture; presidency of ; Clinton Lions Club; vice-president of „ m several victory Loan Campaign Com- ' mittees; chairman of Huron County Agricultural War Committee; chair- man of Dominion Poultry and Egg Consultative Committee, which advis- ed the Special Products Board in neg- otiations when egg and poultry con- tracts were being negotiated with the British Ministry of Food; member of Ontario Aviculture] Committee of In- quiry; Worshipful Master of Britannia Lodge, A. F. and A. Me president of No. 12 Huron County Flying Training School, Mr. Whyte is a leading agricultural producer in this district. Recently, he erected on Ms 650 -acre Hullett Township farm, a large brooder house with a capacity of about 40,000 broil- er chickens, and a laying house with capaeity for 12000 laying hens. He also has 200 head of cattle and 150 hogs. As a leading producer he lies taken g an actiett interest in forming produc- ers' organizations and is president of s Seaforth Produce Ltd., and the Huron Perm Feeds led., Seaforth, The old Normandie Hotel is no mei: The wreckers have completed thei job and departed, and all that remain is to complete the fining -in of th gaping hole that was once a peon building Local ClothingiCollection Drive Filially Reaches Five.Ton Mark Moils and their helpers will be busy again tonight loading a car at the C. N. R. 'Station with clothing for the distressed people of Europe, as a re• ult of last week's local National Cloth- ing Collection. Estimated at three tone a week ago, the stockpile assembled in the Town Council Chamber had grown to more than five tons by today. Most of the extra weight .came from Hensall, where the local Lions cooperated, as well as from the rural sections around Clinton and from the town itself. Members of the Lions. Olub Comm- ittee, which conducted the campaign, were very pleased with the Sine co - COMING EVENTS 3c a word • Itlinimum Charge 50e • Clinton Turf Club Races, • Comm- unity Park Clinton, Wednesday, Aug. 21. •New track, new stands. Bigger and better than ever. 2'7-b-tfb of Clinton, Hensall and surroundin area and requested The NEWS -RE CORP to exPress their hearty thank operation receiyed from the citizenand apprecietion. W. L. WHYTE, MBE Mr. Whyte, a son of Mrs. John Whyte, Stratford, was married in 19- 84 to the former Mies Marg. McMill- an, daughter of the late Thomas Mc - M,. It for South Huron. They have four children: John, Maw, Thom- as and Wilfred, Jr. Mr. Whyte is a native of Stratford, graduate of 'Stratford Collegiate In- stitute, aud Ontario Agricultural Coll. ege, Guelph. • Don Aberhart New Dealer For Mercury and Lincoln A }linen Coun—ty native, Don Aber - hart hes taken over the dealership for Goderich, Clinton and surround- ing territory for Mercury. and Lincoln cars and Mercury trucks. He also is Firestone tire representative and handles McColl Frontenae Oil pro- ducts. After having purchased John McGee'a game on St. 'Andrew's St., Goderieh, Mr. Aberhart is presently. renovating the premises and equipp- ing it with the most modern facilities. Assocaited with the Ford Motor Company of Canada Limited since 1929, Mr. Aberhart went to Goderich from Toronto. Previously, he had been at Saint John, NB, and London, Ontario. Born at Seaforth, he is, a son of George Aberhart and the late Mrs. Aberhart, Seaforth. His wife is a native of Saint John, N.B., and they have two children, They plan to move to a new apartment to be built ever the Goderich showrooms. Advertise your livestock in The NEWS -RECORD. One cent a word, each insertion. A SMILE FOR TODAY Selling Tip When Thomas Lipton was a young- ster he spent much time in his father's procery store and -witnessed, with un- mistakable disapproval, the elder Liptton's lack of showmanship. One day he watched unhappily as his father attempted to sell a customer a half dozen eggs. After the customer had gone he said: "Father, you should let mother sell the eggs." "Why?" asked the father in sur- prise. "Well," •replied the future mullion - are, "Mothers hands are a lot smaller than yours, and the eggs would look bigger." •