HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-06-06, Page 4PAGE FOUR 'CLINTON ' 'NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1946 women's and Church Affairs in Clinton and Disiriet ONTARIO ST. W. A. MARKS 60 YEARS' CHURCH SERVICE e •u •e meeting n ario St. Th'ergla ofOt United Church Woman's Association,' was held May 29. It was unique be- cause of the Society celebrating sixty years of existence. Seeing flowers brightened the School Hall and guests and members were received by Mrs. Townsend and Mrs. Holmes. • Mrs. Townsend took charge of the opening of the meeting, Mrs, M. Wiltse conducted t'he•devotions, assist- ed by Mrs. Beaton. RED SHIELD NOTES The regular meeting of the R. S. W. A, was held on Tuesday, June 4, s n with 15 members pre a t. The presi-. dent, Mrs. N. W. Trewarthapresided. The members. are having a miscel- laneous shower for their adopted twins, Pauline and Engiline VanPelt, in Holland. Anyone wishing to con I tribute any donations will be greatly accepted. ht Articles brought socks, g in: four pair one' sweater. Donations are gratefully received: one pair new, babies booties, Mrs. •Charles Elliott; two pair baby's pants, ,Mrs. Bezzo; two new ;babies night- gowns; one babies bed jacket, one bib, Ethel Cook, who recently returned 'from overseas; four pair stockings, Mrs. Lucas; one hand-knit sweater, Miss Maude Chambers. Loudon Road Club ---43 ,pair diapers, two babies dresses, also 14 bed jackets; one babies bonnet. Ladies to serve next week: Mrs. Charles Elliott, Mrs. K. Elliott, Mrs. Livermore, Mrs, Mulholland. May Report -Four meetings in the month; 77 members present, one visit- or; collection $7.19; penny fund $2.71; sold, two quilts, $12; three hand-knit sweaters; one dress; two pair mitts, 11 pair sockees; 12 pair socks. Donations -One pair socks, one quilt top, Miss Adair; second-hand cloth- ing, Mrs. Cook; second-hand clothing, Mrs. Crich; second-hand clothing, Mrs. Falconer; second-hand clothing, Mrs. Brown; second4iand c)pthing, Mrs. Sloane; second-hand clothing, Mrs. A. T. Cooper; three boxes of clothing from a friend.. W.ESLFY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold its regular meeting on Tuesday, June 11, at 9 a ni. in the Church Parlour. Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel will he the chief speaker and Mrs. B. B. Pocklington's group will be in charge. u LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The Ladies' Auxiliary of the Can- adian Legion will hold its regular meeting at the home of the president, Mrs. A. E. Haddy, Princess St., on Monday, June 10, at 8.15 pan. • Ail members are urged to be present. • Tl1CKERSMITH LADIES' CLUB Tuelreesmith Ladies' Club will meet at the home of Mrs. Fred Pepper on Wednesday, June 12. The Roll Gall will be answered by "Tire Question Box." .A pot -luck supper will be served. Routine business was carried on briefly and various reports given. A. delightful programme was ar- :ranged as follows: solo, Miss E. Wiltse; piano solo, Mies E. Plumsteel; piano solo, Mrs. Treleaven; reading, Miss L. Grant; vocal duet, Mrs. B. J. Gibbings and Miss E. Gibbings. A special number was a hymn, "What A Friend We Have In Jesus," sung by a group of ladies who have been. active in the work for the past 60 years. . Mrs. W. Plunnsteel gave a most interesting review of the work ac- complished under the various presi- dents. 4 dainty lunch was served. Tea was, poured from- a beautifully decorated table by Mrs. B. J. Gibbings and Mrs.1 Townsend. About 85 ladies enjoyed this Goth anniversary of the W. A, Society. PRESBYTERIAN W. A. Annual Bazaar S. S. -iROOM -on- Saturday, June 8 3---6 P.M. CONVENERS: Apron - - - - - - Mrs. Snider Novelty Miss Shaw •Home -Made Baking - Mrs. Cools Afternoon Tea - - Mrs. Shaddock "MENU" Fancy Ham Loaf - Tomatoes - Salads Bread and Butter Lemon Pie - Pumpkin Pie Whipped Cream 30c Tea 30c 22-23-h DEPARTMENTAL STORE CLINTON PHONE 36 ONTARIO LADIES! ARE YOU Washable Dresses Sizes 12 to 52 3.75 - 4.95 WHITE COTTON BLOUSES Ideal With Slacks Sizes 14-20 .98 ALPINE SLACKS Assorted Colors -Sizes 12 to 20 BATHING SUITS One and Two-Piece-Sizesl2-44 1.98 to 3.98 WHITE SHOES Assorted Styles 2.98 to 5.50 READY FOR SUMMER? PLAID SHIRTS Assorted Colors -Sizes 12 to 18 3.98 CHILDREN'S PRINT DRESSES Sizes 2 to 6 and 8 to 14 .98c up LADIES' SHORTS Various Colors -Sizes 14 to 20 Children's and Lathes' PLAY SUITS At Various Prices SHOES FOR BEACH and SPORTS WEAR 2.50 to 2.98 CONGOLEUM RUGS Also Three -Yard Width Congoleuni by the Yard Now is the time to get your papering done before hot weather. We invite you to look over our samples while they are complete. Special -Several Bargain Room Lots WORK BOOTS • Standard Army Issue Work Boot, built to give the finest possible service. 30 Pairs Only WATERBURY WORK BOOTS Genuine Welts, Orthopedic, with Steel Arch Thomas Churchill. RELIABLE FOOTWEAR ONE MAN TELLS ANOTHER About New Suits for old, not quite that way, but almost as good, when you bring your suits into our shop for scientific cleaning and form -fit pressing. AGENT FOR HURON LAUNDRY Gliddon's Press Shop We Press While U Wait Five Day Service On Cleaning We Call .For and Deliver PHONE 115 WEDDINGS McKINNON-BALL A quiet but pretty, wedding took place in Ontario $t. United Church, Clinton, on "Wednesday, June 5, 1946, at 11 a.m., when Rev. G. G. Burton united in marriage Ruth Ellen Ball, daughter of Mrs, Mary E. Ball and the late Nelson Ball, Clinton, and William Graham McKinnon, son of Mr. and Mrs. John McKinnon, Tor- onto. The bride looked lovely in an aqua gabardine suit in dressmaker style and wore a corsage of gardenias. She was attended by Miss Kelly Durnin, Kitchener, as bridesmaid, who wore a raspberry gabardine suit with a cor- sage of Johanna Hill roses. Douglas. Ball, Clinton, brother of the bride, was groom man, Following the wedding a reception was held at the King Edward Hotel, Toronto. For travelling to Montreal and Que: bee, the bride donned a tan crepe dress, camel hair coat and brown ac- cessories. On their return they will reside in Toronto, E'LLIOTT-KARN A pretty wedding was solemnized in St. Mark's Lutheran Church, Kit- chener, Saturday afternoon, of Betty Lenore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Kern, 74D William St. west, Water- loo, and Gordon Harold Elliott, son of . Mrs. Thomas Elliott, Blyth. Of- ficiating was Rev. A. G. Jacobi. Appropriate music was played by Fred Lineke, organist. An uncle of the bride, .Jack Mahn, sang, "The Lord's Prayer" prior to the ceremony and "Because" during the signing of the register. b Given in marriage by her fattier, the bride wore the classic white floor length gown of brocaded organza, styled with sweetheart neckline, fitted bodice and lily -point sleeves. The skirt was gathered at the hipline and ended in a long train. Her finger-tip escalloped veil of net was caught to a sweetheart -style headdress enhanced with lily -of -the -valley. Her only or- nament was a strand of pearls and she carried a eascade of Better Times roses. and stephanotis. Attending the bride as maid of hon- or was her sister, Miss Peggy Kern, and as bridesmaid, Miss Dorothy Pol- lard. Dennis -Meyer, Waterloo, was best man. Jack Karn, brother of the bride, and Leo Woodley, Preston, ushered. A reception dinner for 60 guests was held at the Grand River Tea Rooms where the mothers of the bride and bridegroom assisted in receiving. For a wedding trip to New York City, the bride changed to a powder blue suit accented with black and floral hat of matching blue. Her ac. cessores were of black plastic and she wove an orchid corsage. On their re- turn they will reside at 74B William St., west, Waterloo. HEDD;ON-HENDERSON The home of Mr, and Mrs. Robert Henderson, Dresden, was the scene of a pretty wedding, Saturday, June 1, when their only daughter, Marg- aret Merle, became the bride of Har- old Hedden, son of Mrs. C, M. Hed- rrpn, Hansell. Rev. A. C. Jamieson officiated and the Lehengrin Wedding March was played by Miss Phyllis Dunlop, Sarnia. The bride, given in marriage by her father, wore a floonlength gown of white Faconne crepe over satin. Her fingertip veil was held with a sweet- heart halo and she carried red Holly- wood roses. Her only ornament was a string of pearls, the gift of the groom. Miss Phyllis Lockhart, Dresden, chose a flooriength gown of pink net with a lace bodice and a headpiece of pink mohair and carried pink roses. Manse Williams, Wallaceburg, at- tended •the groom. During the signing of the register, Miss Phyllis Dunlop played "Through the Years." The bride's another wore a rose dress with white accessories and a corsage of sweet peas. For travelling, the bride chose a pink silk jersey dress wth pink acces- sories and light blue coat, and wore a corsage of sweet peas. A reception for some 35 guests was held at the Bluebird Tea Room Chatham, where the bride's table was centred with a three-tier wedding cake. Upon their return, Mr. and Mrs. Hedden will reside at 51 Hughes St., Dresden. Guests attended from Windsor, Chatham, Sarnia, Wallaceburg and Dresden. GIBBINGS--CLUTCJIEY A. lovely spring wedding took ploce Friday, May 24, in Durham Baptist Church at one o'clock when Iona Jane Clutchey, daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Bert Clutchey, became the beide of Robert Raymond Gibbings, son of Mrs. Melvin Crich, Clinton, and the late F. B. Gibbings. Rev. J. M. Ward officiated. The bride was lovely as she entered the church with her father, who gave her in marriage, in her long wedding gown of white tuscan lace over corded silk Her dress was fashioned with long bishop sleeves, round high neck- line outlined with sequin trimming, a pointed basque and full skirt. Her embroidered veil fell from a coronet of white flowers and she carried a bouquet of reel roses and fern. Her only ornament was a locket worn by her grandmother, sixty-seven years ago. Miss Dorothy Eastman was maid of Cemetery memorials are more than symbols of life that is gone. They are the symbols of loves and memories, ideals and. faiths that live forever. It is fitting that such a symbol Should have the beauty and permanence found in Granite memorials. May we tell you more about them? T. PRYDE and SON Memorial Craftsmen CLINTON - EXETER SEAFORTH Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See Mr. J. J. Zapfe,, Phone 103, for an appointment any other time honor and wore a long gown of blue net over taffeta with matching blue finger-tip veil which fell from 'a wreath of small blue flowers. Her bouquet was of deep: pink carnations. Miss Betty Cain was bridesmaid and her long gown was of pink net over taffeta. With it she wore a shoulder-lengbh veil of pale blue net, falling from a' coronet of tiny blue flowers and she carried a bouquet of pink carnations, Clare Clutchey, the brides brother, was groomsman and the ushers were Ray McQueen and John MoMillan. Mrs. J. M. Ward played the wedding music and Miss Madeleine Fry sang "0 Perfect Love" during the signing of the register. She wore a' dress of aqua blue with a corsage of pink car- nations, brown hat and gloves. A reception was held at the home' of the bride's parents, attended by a large' number of out-of-town guests. The bride's mother received in a dusty lilac gown with black hat trimmed with the same shade, and black acces- sories. Assisting was . Mrs. Crich, wearing flowered jersey, black and white hat and black accessories. Both wore corsages of pink roses. An hon- ored guest was the groom's grand- mother, who is eighty-five. She was attractively gowned in black with a corsage of white carnations, The happy couple left for a trip to London and other points, the bride travelling in a black tailored suit with white hat and accessories and a cor- sage of red roses. On their return they will live in Durham. BROCK-CORNISh1 (By our Brucefield Correspondent) Brucefield United Church was beautifully decorated with ferns, white lilacs and pink tulips for the marriage on Saturday, June 1, at 12 o'clock, of Anna Maud, only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. J. K. Cornish, to Roy Thomas, son of Mrs. Flossie Brock and the late George Brock, Hensall. The ceremony was perform- ed ,by Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson. The bride 'entered the church on the arm of her father, who gave her hi marriage, to the strains of the wedding march played by Mrs. W. McBeath, who was gowned in navy blue with white accessories. The bride wore a gown of ivory brocaded satin with fitted bodice, full skirt with train, long sleeves tapering to a point at the fingers and sweetheart neck- line. She wore a Queen Anne head- dress of same material and three- quarter length veil. Her only ornam- ents were pearl earrings and necklace. She carried a cascade bouquet of red roses and stephanotis. Miss Grace Brock, sister of the eroom. was maid of honor, wearing a floor-eingth gown of saxe blue chif- fon. fitted bodice and full skirt, bishop sleeves and white gloves, a Calot hat of mohair straw with shoulder -length veil, and carried a bouquet of pink carnations. Miss Marion Hill, cousin of the bride, was bridesmaid, wearing pink taffeta with net and riff sleeves, juiiet eon of taffeta with shoulder length veil. elbow length gloves and carried white carnations, Carlyle Cornish, brother of the bride, was best man. The ushers were Lloyd Brock, brother of the groom, end Cyril Cornish, uncle of the Bride. During the signing of the register. Miss,Wilma Hamilton, Cromarty, gownein floor length brocaded satin, sang "I'lI Walk Beside You," She was accompanied by Mrs. McBeath. A reception was held in the Sunday School room for 45 guests. The bride's mother, gowned in two-piece gown of 'turquoise blue with corsage of pink carnations. She was assisted by the groom's mother, who wore blue bem- burg silk and wore pink carnations. m1.1911 ppwi,n Jd iij LLnnoini@.1‘- �1 IIIIVNII I,.-. ���i I Miss Lillian Garrett left last Satur- dayto visit friends n Winnipeg, Man. George German attended the Retail Coal Dealers' Convention in Niagara Falls last week. Andrew Oke, Windsor, is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. William Liggins, this week. Miss Evelyn McCartney, Detroit, visited her aunt, Mrs Nay, and other friends aver the weekend. MTS. H. Charlesworth was in Tor- onto the past week and visited with relatives and friends in the city, Miss Frances Collinson of Toronto Public School staff, spent the week- end with. Mr. and Mrs. John J. Zapfe. Miss Shirley Sutter was in Strat- ford yesterday attending the gradua- tion exercises of Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. H. B. Conan has returned after visiting relatives in Winnipeg, Man., and her daughter, Mrs. Fletcher Troop, Toronto. Misses Wilma Radford and E'iva Govier, London, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Radford. Rev. (Major) John W. Foote V.C., and Mrs. Foote were guests while in town over the weekend of Dr. and Mrs, F. G. Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. James McGill spent the weekend with their son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward McGill, Woodstock. Mrs. R. R. Hewson, Mrs. L. Hanley and T. G. N. Gook, all of Toronto, are in town owing to the serious ill- ness of their father, Thomas Cook. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pocklington and two children, Nancy and Peter, returned last weekend after visiting the lady's parents in Carberry, Man., and other relatives in the West. Mrs, H. G. Keillor, who has spent several months with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Fremlin, left on Mon- day to jein her husband, Squadron Leader Kello•, in Edmonton, Alta. Mrs. W. J. Kay and son-in-law and daughter, Judge and Mrs. DesJar- dines, Lapeer, Mcih., spent the week- end with the former's sisters and brother, Mrs. J. W. Treleaven, Miss E. Gibbings and Mr. and Mrs, B. J. Gibbings. G. E. Hall and Miss Evelyn Hall returned Tuesday afternoon after spending the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hall, Cayuga. They also attended a reception for a Scottish war bride, Mrs. Murray Moore, wife of a great-nephew of Mr. Hail. Misses Kit Murray, London, and Catharine Weir, Sarnia, Paul Luxford, Windsor, Bill Dowson and Fred New- ton, Sarnia, all U. T. students, were guests last week of Miss JoAnne The wedding lunch was served by three friends of the bride: Misses Mary McCully, Norma Collins and Mrs. A. Dutton. The groom's gifts were: to the maid of honor, gold brooch; brides- maid, silver flower dish; best man, gold cuff links; ushers, tie clips; solo- ist=. earrings; organist, silver salt and pepper shakers. The bride and groom left an a trip to Kingston and Ottawa, the bride travelled in Co'on ial blue suit with navy accessories and neck piece of Russian squirrel the gift 'of the groom. The couple will reside in Hensel,. CHURCH DIRECTORY (MI times mentioned below are Daylight Saving) St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 9 10 A.M.-Sunday School 11 A.M.----Morning Service Junior Congregation The evening service will be withdrawn in honour of Wesley -Willis Anni- versary. Tuesday' -W. A. at home of Mrs. C. Epps at 3 p,m. Wednesday -Deanery Meeting at Ex- eter, 10 a.m. Ontario Street United ,REV. 0, G. BURTON, Minister Mrs, Edward Wendorf, Organist B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 9 . 10.00 A.M.-Turners' Church Service. (Note chance of time) - 11.00 A.M.-Ontario St. Service - "The Close of the Age -Then will the Righteous Shine." Near Noon -Sunday School Evening Service Cancelled -Wesley - Willis Anniversary Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle RP1V. H. T. KENDRICK, Pastor SUNDAY, JUNE 9 Thursday, 8 P.M. ---Worship Service, E'v'angelist Rev. C. M. Gingrich Sunday, 10 A.M.-Sunday School, S. V. Cann, Supt. 11 A.M.-+Communion 7.30 P.M.-Evangelistie Service - Evangelist Rev. C. M. Ging- rich preaching Tuesday, 8 P.M. -Prayer Meeting "Ye must be born again," John 3:7. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 9 10 A.M.-+Sunday School 11 A.M.--The ,Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed , 2.30 P.M, -,Knox Church, Bayfield, I Regular Service; the Sacrament - of the Lord's Supper will be ob- served a week from Sunday; Everybody welcome,. Wesley -Willis United REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE 9 WESLEY-WILLIS ANNIVERSARY Services at 11 A.M. and 7 P.M. Guest Speaker --Rev. Norman Lang- ford, M.A,B.D., Toronto, assist- ant secretary, United Church Sunday School Publications. Special Music by Choir Morning: Anthem -"Fear Not Ye 0 Israel," Dudley Bucls Solo -"O Divine Redeemer," Gounod-Mrs, W. A. Oakes Evening; Anthem - "King All -Glorious," George M. Vail; Younger Girrs Chorus -Misses Mary Lane, Kay Britton, Joyce Andrews, Joyce Grigg. Solo -selected -Mrs, H. F, Noonan Anthem -"Abide With Me," David B Teer; Soloists -Misses Mary Lane and Eileen Sutter. Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, JUNE e Bible School - 11 A.M. Evening Worship at 7 P.M. with the pastor in charge. Baptists believe Romans 3;23 and 5:12 as simple statements of' fact. They believe there is a heaven and hell of equal duration. They believe Acts 2:41-42 is the Lord's way to organize a church. If you believe these things your spiritual home is Baptist. Read Matt. 3:13-17. Clinton Gospel Centre (Mennonite Church). Pastor-lMr, O. GE'STNICK Services are being held in the Legion Hall, above the Bank of Mont- real. SUNDAY, JUNE 9 10 A.M.--,Sunday School. 11 A.M.-Morning Worship 7.30 P.M. --.Evangelistic 8.45 P.M.-,Singspiration Hour (for all who like music and singing). A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Help us to establish a Mennonite Church in Clinton; Our Creed -Christ, Our Book - The Bible, Cur Law Love. ' 1.,i,11Y WIN J UNlo14 INSTITUTE In place of the regular meeting, Clinton Junior Institute will play a softball game with Blyth Junior In- stitute on Tuesday evening, June 11, at 7.3'0 o'clock on 'Clinton -Collegiate Grounds. Following this, a joint meeting will be held with the Junior Farmers, in the Board Room, Agrieultueal Office. Will the girls kindly bring lunch? Engagements Announced Mr. and Mrs. Ed, C. Glen, Stanley Township, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Alice Marge met, to Chester Murray. Neilans, son of Mr. L. Nelises and t he late Mrs. tieilans the wedding to take place the midale of June. Mr, and Mrs, William Hoggart, Clinton, wish to announce the engage-' ment of their youngest daughter, Vera , Isabelle, to William Roy Me - Vittie, onle son of Mr. and Mrs. William McVittie, R.R. 3, Blyth, the wedding to take place in June. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Mallett, Chat - ham, wish to announce the engage - men of their granddaughter, Doris Marie, to John Eric Cox, youngest son of Mrs. Anna E. Cox and -the late Herbert Cox, Godenich Township, the wedding to take place the latter part of June. Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Levy, R.R. 4, S, geegemeaforthent ofwish thtoeir onlyannounce daughter,thean- Margaret Jean, to Cedric Warren Macn, San onaldof Mr. and Ontario, the marriage to take place the coddle of June. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Sandstrom, 55 Grace St., Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, wish to announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Mabel May, to James Ross Middleton, son of Mr. and Mrs. John R. Middleton, R. R. 3, Clinton, the marriage to take place June 29, at 3 p.m., in Central United Church, Sault Ste. Marie. RATION COUPON Coupons now preserves SI R10, meat M29 R1 to R9 and expire June o DUE DATES valid are sugar- •ar•_ to S14, butter R1 to to M40. Butter meat M29 to M39 30. Cuninghame at a house party held at "J.K.J."her lakeside home in Bayfield, Mrs. Foote, wife of Major John W. Foote, V.C., was presented with a beautiful corsage of gardenias by the Leiongion Ladiesafter' Auxiliary in theorniLeg- Hall Sunday mng's church service. The presentation was made by little Helen MacKay, daugh- ter of Mrs. Ferguson MacKay, sec- retary of the Auxiliary. Mr, and Mrs. H. Josling, formerly of Clinton, and their son and daughter- in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Josling, and Mrs. Mary Cotton, all of De- troit, Mich., spent a few days last week visiting friends in this district, returning home Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Josling vistied at the home of Miss Ethel Pickett while in town, and also paid a visit to The NEWS -RECORD. Vacation 47,......d Attractive • HALTER For Togs ! 944.- piece PLAY SUITS Materials in Stripes and Floral Effects Priced from $1.75 to $8.95 BLOUSES Wearing with Shorts and Slacks Priced from 89c to $1.85 SEE OUR WINDOW DISPLAY OF SPORT CLOTHES IRWIN PRONE 1 Let us solve your Baking Worries. We have a large variety of BREAD, BUNS & CAKES • BARTLD. k' BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON UPHOLSTERING I DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD CHESTERFIELD ' UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU! PHONE 4 FIRST FOR ESTIMATES ON PRICES AND COVERS - No Obligation - Two Weeks' Service We Pick Up and Deliver All Work Guaranteed DICK THE UPHOLSTERER - - -1444. 44 ..www 44+44 4.4 :f1+444. .v....4ro..";.s+ Records The R. The largest and No matter For those For those demonstration needles. Mail The R. and Record Players • H. Cornish Electric Store, Goderich in Western, Ontario, and one of the best most up-to-date record bars for your musical needs, All Popular, Classical Records from 49c up what your musical needs are we will endeavour to help you. who 'haven't started a Record Library we will be glad to assist you in making a choice. • who appreciate tonal quality, come in for a free and learn what a difference there is in record Orders Receive Prompt Attention H.. Cornish Electric Goderich a Phone 141 and 793