HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-30, Page 6FAGS 811
Interesting Iterr�s �ro�n �iew�-record'
Miss Elizabeth Reid spent a few
days in Seaforth last week.
MVliss Jacqueline Parker, London,
Was home over the weekend,
Miss Lorna Westlake, Hespeler,
was home over the weekend,
Mrs. C. W. Brown opened her cot.
tage "The Briars" on Saturday.
Robert Penhale •is busy building a
cottage on his property. on Howard
Mrs. J. T. Kilgour, Hamilton, is
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J.. H.
Pte, J. W. Sturgeon left on Monday
for London to obtain his army dis-
E. A. Featherston, London, was at
his home in the village over the
William Robinson has purchased a
hew three -ton truck for use in ship-
ping fish.
J. E, Mayman has rented the late
Miss N. Ferguson's home and moved
in this week.
G. W. Milne, Toronto, is building
a fine new California -style cottage at
Egerton Beach.
Norman and Harry Brandon, Water-
loo, Were guests at • "The Little Inn"
over the weekend.
Clarence Larson, London, was 'with
his parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Larson,
over the 'weekend.
The Log; Cabin lunch rootss opened
on May 23 under the management of
Mrs. Grant Turner.
Rev. F. G. Stotesbury is attending
the United Church Conference in
London this week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lambert, De-
troit, spent the weekend at their
home in the village.
Laurie I!owlie, London, visited his
sisters, Misses F. and E. Fowlie, over
the'holiday weekend.
Mrs. K. Moorhouse, Cpl. and Mrs.
James Maitland, London, spent Vic-
toria Day in the village.
Mrs. L. Elliott and family. Mitchell,
visited Mr. and Mrs, William E.
Parker over the weekend.
Township of
Court of Revision
Saturday, June 1
at 2 P.M. (DST)
John R. MacLeod returned home
last week after having spent several
weeks fishing at Erieau.
Mrs. Irene Bassett returned home
recently after spending Easter in
Philadelphia and Atlantic City.
•Miss'Juen Brandon of Hensall Pub-
lic School Staff, was indisposed at her
home in the village this week.
Mrs. LeRoy P'oth and Master Ron-
ald, New Dundee, were at their home
in Jowett's Grove over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Cotton, Mr.
and Mrs. Baines, London, wereguests
at The Albion Hotel over the weekend.
%Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hovey and son,
Lucan, visited the former's brother,
J. E. Hovey, and Mrs Hovey, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. James Day and fam-
ily, Detroit, were with the former's
parents at "Hightop" over the week-
Mr. and Mrs. James P. Ferguson,
London, visited the former's mother,
Mrs. James Ferguson, over the week-
Miss Mary Hovey, London, was the
guest of her brother, J. E. Hovey, and
Mrs. Hovey, over the holiday and
Mr. and Mrs. James Cruickshank,
Clinton, visited the latter's mother,
Mrs. William Sturgeon, over the
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and two
children, Toronto, spent the holiday
and weekend with Mrs. C'ook's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Day, at
Mr. and Mrs. V, C. Quarry, Hamil-
ton, were at their home in the village,
"Llandudno" for several days over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and daugh-
ter, London, are occupying the Robin-
son cottage re Howard Street for
June and Juiy.
George Howard left on Wednesday
of last week for Regina, after having
visited his sister, Mrs. F, W. Baker,
since December,
Mr. and Mrs. R. Cantelon and Mr.
and Mrs. Duke, Stratford. visited
Miss Maude and Herbert McGregor
on Victoria Day.
Walter Robinson, student at t},e
Ajax Division of the University of
Toronto, spent the holiday and week-
end in the viae
Bruce Menery, Detroit, Mich., re-
turned home Teusday after spending
a week with his wife and sister-in-
law, Miss Mary Reid,
Mrs. D. A. Volume has vacated her
former home, which she sold last year
to George Gunn, London, and has tak-
en up residence in Dr, Penrose' cot-
tage, "Blink bonnie."
Eiwine Pease. London, and Pat
Graham, Woodstock, were the guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Berry over
the holi,;r.y and weekend.
Mrs. Kraus, Mr. and Mrs. Wagner,
and Mr. and Mrs. Clark, Kitchener,
were the guests of •Mr. and Mrs. J.
Apfelibeck over the weekend.
Mr, and Mrs. M. Wallace, London,
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Milne, Goderich,
are at their respective' cottages at
Egerton Beach for the season.
Miss Sarah Kanter, accompanied
by Miss Lucking, Detroit, was in the
clo' ern'
Atteor jq?
31/4% due June 1st 1949
JUNE 1st 1946
These bonds should be presented for
redemption with all coupons of later
date attached. No further interest will
be paid on these bonds after this date,
Well, what d'you know!
e A11/ll/011 MAmva
Every Canadian farmer sees prosperity ahead.
He knows the world is short of food and
food is money.
The question most farmers are asking today
is "How can 1 get my share of that prosperity
to come?"
That calls for equipment—modernization—
possibly new gadgets to mechanize some of the
laststrongholds of hand labour around the farm.
The Batik of Montreal is ready to offer the
necessary financial aid to go-ahead farmers who
wish to improve or modernize their farm
equipment, buildings and lands.
Visit yam. BoJM manager today. Discuss your
needs freely. He is ever ready to be helpful:
Remember, when you ask for a loan at the
Bank of Montreal you do not ask a favour.
• Working. with Canadians in. every walk oilli/ ch.vr 1817
village over the weekend opening the
family cottage for the season.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ritchie of Elm -
vale Mrs, M. G. Hart and Miss Mgriei
Ritchie, Toronto, M.S.pent the weekend
with Mr. and s;George.King.
Mx and Mrs. Gilbert Knight and
daughter, Mary, and Wilma Bicker-
ton, Toronto, spent the weekend at
the home of Mrs. 'F..Gemeinhardt.
Capt. and WS. Ernest Kendail and
two daughters, Elmira, visited Mrs.
Kendall's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wil-
liam R. Jowett, over the weekend.
Mrs. Angus McRae, Joyce and Ken-
neth, London, visited her parents,
Mr, and' Mrs. William H. Johnston
over Victoria Day and the weekend.
James Cameron and son Evans;
Toronto, spentthe weekend at their
home on Blue Water Highway. Mrs,
John Gemeinhardt accompanied them
to Toronto.
Mrs. William A. Balkwill and sons,
Billy, Jack and Charles, London, spent
Victoria Day and the weekend at the
home of the late Miss N. Ferguson in
the village.
' Miss Dawna Toms, Toronto, visited
her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L.
Toms, over the holiday an.l. weekend.
Her cousin, •Miss Morah Guest, Lon
don, was her guest.
Karl Wilken returned to the village
last week after having spews the•win-
ter in Detroit, Mich. He is staying at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert
5.otchemr for the summer
Mrs. Cree Cook returned to her cot-
tage "Locliame" for the weekend after
having visited her son, Lorne, and
family in Toronto, and her daughter,
Mrs. L. Stephens and family, Shel-
burne. •
Mr, and Mrs. George Paterson, Miss
Robin Paterson, Miss Violet Paull,
Toronto, Rev. and Mrs. F. H. Paull,
Misses EL Bamford and L. Tabberner,
Listowel, spent Victoria Day in the
Mrs. William Moran, London, spent
a couple of days with her brother,
Carl Houston, Blue Water Hi hwav,r
Stanley Township, and father, S.
Houston, who is . in Clinton PPublic
Mr. and Mrs. William F. Buchan,
Dunnville, visited the former's sister,
Mrs. N. W. Woods. on Friday and
Saturday. Dr. and Mrs° E. P. Lewis,
Toronto, were also her guests over
the holiday and weekend.
Dr. and Mrs.' R. Hunter and two
daughters, Mary Alice and Sally Beth,
accompanied by Miss Pat Brown, Tor-
onto, visited Mrs. Hunter's parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Charles F. Rogers, over
Victoria Day and the weekend.
Miss Marion Fairbairn, Detroit,
returned .on Saturday to spend the
summer season at her home "West -
wind" on Tyull Street. Mr. and Mrs.
F. Hendricks, Birmingham, Mich.,
were her guests over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Stevens, Mrs. and
Miss Buchanan, Goderich, were guests
of Misses F. and E. Fowlie on Sun-
day. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fowlie,
London, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Koehler,
Zurich, also visited their sisters over
the weekend. •
Weekend visitors at the Tillmann
cottage included: Dr. and Mrs. Jack
Walker, Mr. and Mrs. Kea. McKane
and son, Gregory, Mrs. J. Mohar and
Barbara, Dr. William Tillmann, Jr.,
all of London; and Mr. and Mrs. J.
E. Brent and Billy, Toronto..
Mrs. F. A. Edwards returned home
on Thursday after having spent the
winter with her daughter, Mrs. R. J.
Watson, Broadview, Sask., and visited
relatives in Kitchener en route. She
was accomapnied by her niece, Miss
Rule Fisher and. Miss Barbara Pol-
lock, Kitchener, who were with her
over the weekend. Her guests on Vic-
toria Day included: Mr. and. Mrs. Sid
McLennan and family, Mr. and Mrs.
E. A. Saunder, Mr. and Mrs, Wilbur
Erwin and .Timmy of Kitchener.
Confined to Bed
The many friends of Mrs. F. W.
Baker, who is confined to bed at the
home of her daughter, Mrs. Lloyd
Scotchnrer, wish her a speedy re-
Celebrate 'Victoria Day
A greater display of fireworks
than has been seen in Bayfield for
many a day, was staged on Friday
night to celebrate Victoria Day. While
they were all let off by private citi-
zens without pre -arrangement, most
of the people gathered in Clan Gregor
Square arow d the Victory Flower
Garden where children and adults
alike enjoyd the excitement of seeing
fountains, sparklers, Roman candles,
rockets, etc., go off in the soft light
of pink flares. As someone remarked:
"A lot of money went up in smoke,"
Newlyweds Honored
A. most enioyable party was given
in til'e Town Hall on Thursday even-
ing of last week in honor of Borden
Clark and his bride. Music for the
dance was played by Mrs. J. Parker,
'Beverly McClinchey and Robert
Welsh . Carl Houston was floor man-
ager. During the evening the newly-
weds were called to the platform,
Mrs. D. Prentice read an appropriate
address, which was signed on behalf
of friends of Bayfield and community
by Walter M. Westlake and L. W.
L. W. Burch then presented them
with a purse of $55 and in his genial
way advised Borden that one dollar
was for him and 64 for his wife.
On behalf of his wife and himself,
'Bus' expressed thanks and apprecia-
tion in a few well-chosen words, after
which refreshments were served.
Many Cottagers Here
Amongst those who occupied their
cottages over the holiday and week-
end were: Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Temple-
man, R, E. Ashton and family, Mrs.
E. N. Hart and Miss Jean Hart, Mr.
and Mrs. H. J. Joy and family. Mr.
and Mrs. Day, Mr. and Mrs. C. R.
Will, Mr. and Mrs. L. Hamilton, Ted
and Bud Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs.
R. Stephens and two sons, Prof. R.
E. Pemberton and family, Prof. H.
Kalbfleisch and family, J. Rolfe and
Mrs. Cowston, Dr. and Mrs. Stanley
Heard and Robin, Mr..and Mrs. Mac
Aikenhead, Mr. and Mrs. W. Hilton
and family. London; Robert Heard,
Mr. and Mrs, G. Galbraith, Marnie
and Nancy Galbraith, Mr. and Mrs.
J. M. Stewart, Hamilton; Mr. and
Mrs. B. T. Stephen and family. Mrs,,
G. Heidemann and Miss Isobel Heide -
mann. Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. A, E.
Pounder, Mr. and Mrs. Sage, Mr. and
Mrs R. Thomas Orr, Jr,, and son,
Stratford: Mr. and Mrs. R. Bricker,
Susan Bricker and,K. Breithaupt, Mr.
and Mrs. E. J. Bauer and family, Mr.
and Mrs. H. Bauer and family, Water-
loo; Miss Ada Bingley, Miss A. Fern-
ette. Miss Alice Droriin, Miss R.
Woolfenden, D. A. Atkinson, Detroit;
Mr. and ,Mrs. Voyd Edighoffer and
'family, Mitchell: Mr, and Mrs. Robt.
McEwen and familw, Byron; Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson McConkey and son, John,
North Bay.
We must not waste while others
want. Purchase food for immediate
needs only. Waste nothing. Share
with the hungry!
Heads Young People -
Walton schoolteacher, who was elect-
ed president for the ensuing year,
of Huron Presbytery United Church
YPU at the annual convention in
Belgrave last week, succeeding R.
Benson Sutter, Clinton.
Enjoyable Picnic
The Live Wire Farm Forum of the
13th concession of Hullett held a very
enjoyable ailday picnic in Ball's grove
on Friday. Prizes were given to the
first three to cross to the other side
of the river, by wading. Bob Glousher
came first, Helen Howatt second, and
Jim Howatt third. Those who refused
to try the ford were each fined a
dime. Following dinner a program
of sports was carried out under the
leadership of Wilmer Howatt and
George Powell.
Races for pre-school age were won
by Billy Crawford, Charles Crawford,
and Arlyn Powell. Other race re-
sults were: boys and girls 6 to 8,
Muriel Shrobbrook, Jack Howatt;
girls 8 to 12, Vera Lyon, Muriel
Shobbrook; boys 8 to 12, Bert Lyon,
Gordon Howatt; girls 13 to 16,
Frances Lyon, Thelma Shobbrook;
boys 13 to 16, Murray Lyon, Rae
Shobbrook; women 16 and over, Mrs.
Bert Shobbrook, Mrs. George Powell;
men 16 and aver, Jack Clark, Bob
Glousher; wheelbarrow race, Stanley
and Frances Lyon, Bert Lyon and
Mrs. George Powell; three-legged
race. Jack Clark and Thelma Shob-
brook, Mr•. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook;•
licking the slipper, Frances Lyon,
Mrs. Stanley Lyon; public -speaking
contest, women, Mrs. Stanley Lyon,
Mrs. Joe Lyon; men, Clarence Craw-
ford, Arthur Clark. Following two
treasure hunts for juniors and sen-
iors, lunch was served. There were
34 in attendance.
Rev. C. P. Tavener is attending
conference this week in London.
Donald Pahner, Toronto, is spend-
ing a few days at his home having
come home owing to the death of his
grandmother, Mrs. E. Palmer.
Baptismal service will be held in
Holmesville United Church, June 2.
The ina£nt daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
Stuart Miner and granddaughter of
Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Trewartha, will
be baptized.
Confined to Hospital
Alex Glen is in Alexandra, Marine
and General Hospital, Goderich, hav-
ing had an emergency appendix op-
eration on Sunday Iast,
Death of Mrs, Ella Palmer
The sympathy of the community
goes out to Proctor Palmer and fam-
ily of the sudden passing of his
mother, Mrs° Ella Palmer. Mrs. Pal-
mer had just returned to Detroit after
spending a month here, where she was
stricken with a stroke and passed'
Mr. and ItIrs. Arthur Stafford, and
Mrs. Mable Harrison, also Mr. and
Mrs. Elvin Gerard, Detroit, Mick.,
spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs.
Thomas B. Baird, Mrs. James Thom-
son, and other friends.
Eat less bread, pie, eake, meat,
cheese and eggs. These foods are re-
quired for bulk shipments to the
world's hungry people. Share with
the hungry!
THURSDAY, MAY, 30, 1946.
Rural •Cor;respondents
Miss Mary Reid visited with friends•
in Brussels last week.
1 Mr, and Mrs.. John Aldington spent.
Sunday with relatives in Cromarty,
Mrs. Cole, Cromarty, spent a feu,
days last week with her sister, Mrg.
M. G. Beatty and Miss Messop.
IVIr•. and Mrs. Soper, Straffordvilles
spent a few days with .the former'
brother, H. Soper, and Mrs. Soper,
Mrs. Emma McDonald and daugh-
ter, Hensall, visited with the former's
sister, Mrs. John •Rathrypell, Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. George McLeod,
Thorndale, visited with the formers_
grandmother, Mrs. E. Smith, one day
last week.
Sunday guests at the home of Mrs
and. Mrs, M. Elliott were Mr. and Mrs„
Fred Heard and family, Stratford,.
; Wellington Elliott and family, Bruce;
musical part of the service, and thu
bandmaster of the Blyth Band, Mr,.
Robinson, will contribute instrument-.
al selections. All are heartily invited
to attend this youth rally.
Miss Flossie Jamieson, spent the
weekend in Toronto. „
Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Bcltmeir, Pine
River, visited friends here on Sunday.
Jack Snell is wearing a broad smile
these days -it's a litte daughter.
Mrs. B. McKay, Toronto, spent the
weekend with Miss B. Kirk.
Misses Eileen Millar an Fern Yung-
blut spent the weekend with their•.
Mrs. Kennedy spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs, Sam Elliott, Mill -
ford, Mich,
Mrs. Bentham, Oshawa, spent the
weekend 'with her sister, Mrs. R.
Townsend. •
Miss Margaret Hutton, Toronto,
spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs.
S. Welbanks.
Sgt. Donald Hohnes, Dresden, is
spending a fewdays with his, grand-
mother, Mrs. H. Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. George Webb, Sturgis,
Mich., U.S.A., spent the weekend with
Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Shobbrook,
Mrs. Jack Moroso and litte Miss
Vicki of Hamilton, are spending a few
days with the former's mother, Mrs.
W. Lyon.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Beer, Niagara
Falls, spent the weekend with Mr.
and Mrs. J. Fingland and Miss Alice
Misses Mary Caldwell, London, Elva
Govier and Fern Watson, London,
Dorothy Little, Toronto, Beth Govier,
Goderich, and Laving Knox, Toronto,
were all home for the weekend.
.Mr. and Mrs. John Snell and Mr.
and Mrs. McCabe, were in Galt on
Sunday visiting their daughter, Mrs.
Ray Fisher.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Smith and fam-
ily spent Sunday with friends in
Friends were pleased to see Mrs.
F. Weston able to be out to church
Sanday; after her illness.
Mrs. Rods Jorden, Lethbridge, is
spending a while with her mother,
Mrs. Thomas Betties, Goderich, also
her sister, Mrs. P. Young and broth-
er, Allen Betties.
Rural Life Sunday
Sunday, May 26, was Rural Life
Sunday at Grace Church, Rev, F. G.
Stotesbury delivered a splendid talk
on country life. School before the
service was well attended. Commenc-
ing June 9 the service will be in the
^ b•
,..THE 3 to 1 CHOICE
i • $'teti` si 4144
/ li , 4E
• towwobr pi'r't e.. N
+`OST eat, o,
Phone 5
Protestant Teacher Wanted
Applications are invited for a fully qualified
teacher for S. S. No. 4, Tuckersmith, 11/2 miles east
of R. .and C. School, Clinton. Applicants to state
qualifications, experience and salary expected.
Consideration given to successful experience. Duties
to commence September 3rd. A personal application
S. 11. WHITMORE, Secretary,Treasurer,
Tuckersmith Township School Area No. 1
Teachers Wanted
• Requires two Teachers for School Section No. 7
(Parr Line) and No. 14 (Kippen). These schools
have hydro and other conveniences, and are on good
roads. Applicants please state qualifications, and
salary expected, also name of fast inspector.
GEO. L. REID, Varna, Secretary -Treasurer
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Thorn -
dale, spent the weekend with the for-
mer's mother and sister, Mrs. E.
Lyon, and Mrs. C. -Watson.
Speaks on Temperance
Mrs. B. McKay, Temperance Pro-
vincial Secretary of the W.C.T.U.,
gave a very interesting talk on
temperance and showed some pictures
at the Sunday School, and on Monday
morning she went out to No 8 School
and talked to the pupils on temp-
Youth Rally at Constance
The third of the special Young
People's meetings being held in the
churches of the Londesboro charge
will take place in the Constance
church on Sunday evening, June 2,
at 8.15 p.tn, (DST). The choir of
Eur hs Church will be in charge of the
Rev. A. D. Penman and Charles
Stewart attended the London Con-
ference, United Church of Canada, in
London, this week.
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WE do not aspire to be the biggest trust
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