HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-23, Page 7'I CRSDi4Y, :MAT 28, 1944 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN HURON COUNTY FARMERS' OWN NEWSY CLEARING HOLMESVILLE Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ferguson, 'London, spent the weekend with Mr. -and Mrs. Lawrence Stephenson Holmes -idle W. IVT. S. The monthly meeting of the W.M.S. 'Was held at the home of Mrs. W. Yeo, Mrs, W. Norman was devotional leader. Meeting opened by singing 'Hymn 94. Mrs. E. Trewartha read the Scripture lesson. Mrs. Palmer read 'an article entitled '"The Master's Touch." The minutes of the last -meeting and the roll call were read by the secretary, also a letter of thanks from Mrs, S. Miner for flow- ers. The business period was in. -charge of the president, Mrs. W. Yeo. Hymn 171 was sung. Mrs. E. Tre- wartha gave a temperance reading. 'Mts. E. Potter and Mrs. E. Grigg favored with a duet A very fine re- -port of the presbyterial meeting held' in Wingham was given by Mrs. W. Yeo. Mrs. A. Bond reported the address of the guest speaker on this occasion, Mrs. Childs: Mrs, Tavener -moved a vote of thanks to these two delegates for their 'interesting re- ports. All joined in singing Hymn 284 and Rev. Tavener closed the meeting with prayer. The meeting of the W. A. followed, in charge of Mrs. A. Fi, Bond. Hymn 230 was sung and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison The secretary, TUCKERSMITH Tuckersmith Ladies' Club met at the home of Mrs. Eldon O'Brien on Wednesday last for its monthly meet- ing, with 16 members and two visitors present. The roll call was answered by the name of "Your Sunshine Sister," Mrs. Lawson gave a reading and the re- mainder of the afternoon was spent in quilting. An invitation from Mrs. Fred Pepper to have the June meet- ing at her come was accepted, the ladies to have a pot -luck supper at that meeting. Group 1 served lunch. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mfrs, Arthur Melquest . and Mrs. Herbert Stur•tridge, Tacoma, Wash., Mrs. Ross Ealy, Seattle, Wash., and Mr. and MTs. Charles Foster, Winni- peg, Man., elft on Tuesday for their homes after visiting their aunt, Mrs. Harry Diehl and Carl, Mr. and Mrs. John Diehl, Clinton, and cousins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Durham, 'Constance. Mr, and Mrs. Oliver Foster, Pigeon, Mich., and Mrs. Harold Gregor and Master Kenneth, Elkton, Mich, spent the weeeknd with their aunt, Mrs. H. Diehl Mrs Palmer, read the minutes of the last meeting and roll call, also a Letter of thanks from J. Huller, for flowers received. • Farmers, Attention! Power Spraying Having purchased a complete power spraying unit, I am now in a position to execute efficiently ' and speedily, all types of power spraying : such as: Orchard Spraying Weed Control Whitewashing Warble Fly Agent for J. K. Crang and Co. (chemical division) — DDT, 2-4-D; weed killer, rotenon powder (warble fly control). Edward W. Elliott BOX 293 Power Spraying CLINTON PHONE 203 21-22-23-b ABERDEEN-ANGUS 2ND ANNUAL OPPORTUNITY SALE 12 BULLS - 38 FEMALES GUELPH Winter Fair Building SATURDAY, JUNE 1 1946 These cattle have been selected from many of our best herds, They are in good breeding condition. Here is a chance to purchase an Angus bull and females of excellent breeding suitable for a foundation herd. All cattle are fully accredited for T.B. and negative to the bood test. This is your opportunity to secure breeding stock at your own price. ONTARIO ABERDEEN-ANGUS ASSOCIATION A. C. McTAGGART, R. H. GRAHAM, Secretary. President. Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ont. FOR CATALOGUE WRITE THE' SECRETARY 21-b pt•e„. de-. They offer a chance for IMMEDIATE JOBS --- STEADY JOBS too. They also offer jobs for experienced farm workers—for mechanically- trained workers and any others able to help seasonally. Then, there is the challenge to fight off star- vation threatening many nations. • JOIN IN THE FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER • JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR DISTRICT SeMetifil4 a artriaee4 ce Apply today for work on the farm to either YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFICE PROViNCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERVICE DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR 4+ HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MacNAMARA AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS` at Lot No. 48, Concession 1,. Tucker. sinith Township, 1 �/2 miles south of Clinton on No. 4 Highway on THURSDAY, MAY 30 at 1 P.M, sharp, (Daylight Saving Time) the following: HORSES — Percheron horse, 6 years old; Percheron horse, 12 years old; Percheron horse, 12 years old. CATTLE—Hereford cow, 5 years old, calf at foot; Hereford cow, eight years old, calf at foot; Durham cow, five years old, calf at foot; Black heifer, calf at foot; Brindle cow, 7 years old, calf at foot; Holstein heifer, freshened; Polled Angus cow, 7 years old, freshened; Durham cow, 9 years old, freshened; Holstein cow, 7 years old, due June 5; Ayrshire cow, 9 years old, milking; Purebred Polled Hereford bull, 1 year old; 7 steers and heifers, 14/2 years old; 2 baby beefs; 2 calves, 3 months old. IMPIIIMLENTS — Massey Harris binder, 7 ft. cut; Massey Harris manure spreader; drum -type hay loader; Frost and Wood mower, 6 ft. cut; International 13 -disc drill; Cock- shutt 11 -disc drill; 12 -plate in -throw disc; 3 -drum steel roller; 4 -section drag harrows; spring -tooth cultivat- or; 10 ft. hay rake; Cockshutt 2 -fur row' riding plow; Brantford walking plow; Cockshutt one -row scuffler; Adams' wagon; set of sloop sleighs; flat rack; truck wagon; 2 set of breeching harness; 2 horse blankets; horse collars; Renfrew 2,000 lb. truck scales; fanning mill; 4 milk cans, 50 lbs. capacity; 2 milk cans, 100 lbs. capacity; hay fork; set of slings; 250 feet of inch rope (nearly new); chains; grain bags; feed baga; cross- cut saw; scoop shovel; shovels, forks,. tools and numerous other articles. No reserve as farm is sold. TERMS—CASH W. G. MOFFAfrT, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 21-b AUCTION SALE of HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS at No. 2 North Street, Goderich, on SATURDAY, SINE 1 at 1.30 p.m. (Daylight Saving Time) eonsisting of: Hartman piano (modern style, in good condition); 2 upholstered recep- tion chairs; upholstered rocker and bedroom chair; reed arm chair; large rocking chair; high chair; side table; card table; hall table (antique); an- tique dresser and wash stand; 10 piece blue toilet set (windmill design); con- golct:m rug; Fuller brushes; bamboo 4 -shelf book case; Iarge kitchen table; 3 -burner coal oil stove and oven; large size lawn mower; scythe; porcelain coffee and tea pots; dishes; crocks, antique stone jars; number of sealers and numerous other articles. TERMS—CASH MRS. EDITH M. TREMBLAY, Proprietress EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, 21-22-b Auctioneer AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK & IMPLEMENTS t ENTS Lot 29, Concession 1, Tuckersnrith Township. 4 miles east of Clinton, or 5 miles west of Seaforth, on No. 8 Highway FRIDAY, MAY 31 at one o'clock CATTLE — Holstein cow, 5 years old, freshened; Hereford cow; 5 years old, freshened; Durham heifer, fresh- ened; Hereford 'heifer, freshened; Hereford cow, 10 years, freshened; Hereford cow, 6 years, due in August; young Shorthorn. bull; young Hereford bull; 6 Durham steers, 2 years old; Holstein steer, 2 years old; °inhere :Yearling steers; 3 yearling heifers; 2 fall calves, 8 calves, 2 months old; 3 .young calves. PIGS Yorkshire sow, due July 25; Yorkshire sow, due August 10; York- shire sow. due June 15; Yorkshire sow, due June 16; 12 chunks; York- shire hog, 6 months old; Berkshire sow, and 10 pigs. SHEEP -.-3 registered Oxford ewes, 3 jeers old, with lambs; 9 Leicester ewes, 3 years old, with lambs, IMPLEMENTS — Massey Harris binder, 6 ft. cut; Massey Harris side delivery rake (tedder attachment); Massey Harris hay loader; Deering mower; 2 -furrow Cockshutt tractor plow; Oliver bean =flier; rubber tire wagon, 80"x31/2" tires; Fairbanks - Morse 2 h.p. gasoline engine; pump jack; 3 ring, silo now fence (nearly new); Woods electric fencer. This sale is being held due to the sale of the farm—No Reserve, TERMS—CASH CHARLES. F, DALE, Proprietor EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, CHARLES F. DALE, Auctioneers, 21-22-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At Lot 6, Concession 9, Morris Twp. One -and -one quarter anile east of Blyth THURSDAY, MAY 30 commencing at 1 p.m. (Daylight Sav- ing Time', the following: HORSES -2 bay geldings; 1 dark gray driver, 6 years old. CATTLE—Roan cow, 6 years old, with calf at foot; roan cow, 6 years old, with calf at foot; Holstein cow, 4 years old, with calf at foot; Holstein new. 6 years old, with calf at foot; Holstein cow. 4yeairs old, to .freshen in June; Holstein cow, 9 years old milking; 2 winter calves; Purebred Durham hull, PIGq--16 chunks; sow, with litter; raw. due June 2, sow, bred May 10; 95 shunts: sow, due June 1; sow, bred Anril 1. ITIONS-105 year-old hens, White Le eh ernc, MACHINERY -- Good Massey Harris 7 ft. cut binder; mower, 5 ft. our; hay loader, real good; rake; ivetor; di so harrow; fertilizer ]rill, 11 -hoe;' scuffler; 2 -furrow Oliver t,3actor Mow: new No. 21 Fleury waikine, plow; wagon and gravel box; hay tack, 16 ft,: robber -tired buggy;; n r cutter; Portland cutter; set double harp"ss: set single harness bees, shovels, tools, etc. GRAIN and HUMBER.--Quaucity mixed grain; quantity oats; quantity barley; quantity of lumber; 18 28 -ft. ratters; wood, and many other articles. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE—New Princess Pat stove; Quebec heater; dining room suite; studio couch• kitchen cabinet; bedroom set; several odd chairs; rugs; curtains; day couch; rocking chairs; floor lamps; washing machine• electric; vacuum cleaner, electric; hot plate. No Reserve as the Form is Sold TERMS—OAS3i GEORGE JOHNSTON, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer PAGE HIGHER SUBSIDIES )London, yesterday afternoon, to pro- BRUCEFIELD FOR FLUID MILK test the Federal Government's action James Gemmel spent Sunday with friends in the village. Miss Jessie Grainger, Clinton, spent the weekend with Mre. J. Grainger Mr. and Mrs. James Bowie, Exeter, spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Drew Swan. Mrs. G. Moore and Margaret, Eg- mondville, spent Sunday' with Mrs. M. McI{enzie J. K.KC'ornish is attending the con- vention of the Canadian Legion being held in Quebec City. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wright, Sea - forth, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. William Scott. Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson and daugh- ter, Mrs. Ganderton, Detroit, spent a couple of days in Hamilton. Mrs. S. Hohner, Miss Maria Hohner and Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hohner, spent Sunday with Mrs. C. Hohner. and Jack. William Gage and Mrs. Gilmoure, Sheppardton, Miss Mary Gordon, God- erich, and Mrs. Thomas Baird, Sr., were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaiser, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kaiser, Sr., Hen - sal], spent Thursday evening with Mrs. H. Zaffe. Mr. and Mrs. Kaiser, Jr. left on Sunday for Detroit and from there will go to Manila where they will make their future home. Y. P. U. Anniversary Next Sunday, May 26, the Y.P.U. will hold its anniversary with Rev. Mr, Hazlewood, Walton, the speaker, A nightplay, will be presented on Monday New Organ Dedicated' A. very impressive service was held Sunday morning in Brucefield United Church when the congregation dedi- cated the new Minshall Electric Organ to the glory of God. ,Rev. G. F. N. Atkinson read a very impressive dedication service after which the very capable organist, Mrs. J. R. Murdoch, took charge of the new organ. Mrs. Murdoch was the first to play the old organ. COMMUNITY AUCTION SALE WANTED 'AT SALE 150 to 200 Chunks and Weaners and Sows; also springer cows, stocker cattle and calves. Held at HAROLD JACKSON'S FARM One mile east of Seaforth WEDNESDAY, MAY 29 at 1 p.m. 21-b DISPERSAL AUCTION SALE of the CLOVERDALE SCOTCH SHORTHORN HERD numbering over 50 Head We regret that conditions over which we have no control have brought about this sudden decision. Date—WEDNESDAY MAY 29 at 1.30 P.M. at the farm 1 %i miles north of Crediton The farm of 215 acres consisting of the finest clay loam with the best of buildings and hydro. The herd sire "Kleymor Gala” with the 30 fine breeding cows, a goodly. number having calves at foot, balance close to calving, a dozen really choice heifers, 2 young bulls, make up the offering. .A. rare opportunity to buy at your own valuation, foundation material of a herd. These cows have produced our sale cattle in the years past, these are the cows we had planned to Dairy on with, Herd fully accredited since 1932, all the younger cows and heifers vaccinated against bangs. Plan to attend or if interested apn.y nu a catalogue. ' W. C. F, O?STRICHER, Crediton, Ontario Auctioneers—Duncan Brown, Shed- don, Ont.; Robert Amos, Moffat, Ont.; Wm. O'Neil, Denfield, Ont. 20-21-b GO BACK TO MAY Increases in the subsidies paid for fluid milk going into production of cheese and concentrated milk were an- nounced in the House of Commons at Ottawa by Finance Minister Ilsley Tuesday. The cheese subsidy is increased ten cents from 20 to 30 cents a pound, while that for milk going into con- centrated mills is increased eight cents from 15 to 23 cents. Both increases are retroactive to May 1. The cheese subsidy increase will continue until April 30, 1947, unless "absorbed into the sale price in the meantime," while the subsidy on con- centrated milk will be effective until noel Sn; , ober 80 when it will 'lit colsidirrd fin the, 1 /II'nt ree• es follow a recent increase of 20 scrag a 100 ;,eunds - from 35 to 55 cents—in the subsidy to fluid milk producers for the period from May 1 to September• 80 this year. Milk producers from all the im- portant dairy counties of Western, Ontario met in the Masonic Temple, The choir was aided by members of former years; also by Mrs. Gander - ton, Detroit, who sang a very lovely solo. The anthem, which was very ably rendered was the one sang at the opening of the church 70 years ago. This new organ was dedicated to the memory of the founders of the congregation and the veterans of the two World Wars, and may we who now enjoy its wonderful music, tr•y be to tter.do our work for God a little bit At the evening service the local I.O.O.F. worshiped with the congrega- tion and there was a good attendance. 45 Years Married In celebration of their 45th wedding anniversary Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomson, Brucefield, entertained at dinner at Hook's Coffee Shop, Glen- dale, London, with a reception follow. ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne D. Manson, Wharncliffe Road, Lon- don. Mr, and Mrs. Thomson were mar- ried at the home of the bride's par- ents, the late Mr. and Mrs. George Taylor, Kippen, in May, 1901, by the late Rev. Mr. Aitcheson. They have a family of four children: Sidney, Wyoming; Elgin and Lloyd, Bruce - field, and Mrs. Monson, London. There are seven grandchildren. The guests of honor were presented with a gift from the family; a bouquet of flowers from the grandchildren, and other gifts from the brothers and sisters. Mr. Thomson expressed their appreciation and thanks. Gifts were also received from friends who called during the afternoon and evening. Those present included Mr. and Sidney Thomson and family, Wyom. ing; Mr. and Mrs, Elgin Thomson and family and Lloyd, Brucefield; Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Manson and son, London; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thom- son, Kippen; Mrs. Hannah Workman, and Mrs. S. G. Troyer, Hensel). PIPE TOBACCO in respect of subsidies on milk used for concentrated milk or cheese purposes. Huron County Federation of Agri- culture and Milk Producers were well represented at the meeting, Let The NEWS-RECORDq uote on your next printing requirements. ROAD INSPECTION COLBORNE — Colborne Township Council should go over the roads at least once a year, was an opinion ex- pressed at the regular monthly meet- ing by William Thorn. Citing the case of two dangerous places on a sideroad leading to his place, the local citizen urged Council to make a per- sonal inspection and act, before an accident should occur. Tenders Wanted. The Huron County Home Committee are ask- ing for Tenders for the supplying of 150 tons. of Stoker Coal, 25 tons of Anthracito St ve Coal and 25 tons of Nut or Stove Coke to be delivered on the track at Clinton, Ontario. Analysis of coal to be submitted. tted. • Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than June 15. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk 21-b 5HIJR GAIN FEED 5ERVICE NEWS Your Little Pigs It has been proven time and time again by Agricul- tural Colleges and Testing Stations all over Canada that little pigs that are `started' while they are still nursing go to market sooner and make greater profits for the feeder. Shur -Gain 18% Pig Starter PALATABLE — local manufacture guarantees a fresh feed that your little pigs will like. DIGESTIBLE -- manufactured wholly with highly digestible ingredients that ensure good diges- tive health. BALANCED — all the essential minerals, vitamins and proteins are right there in the right pro- portions to supply all the necessities for good growth. START YOUR PIGS "THE SHUR-GAIN WAY" SHUR-GAIN 18% PIG STARTER CLINTON FEED MILL PHONE 580 mAxelro PLAN A TRIP AGAIN" Now you can plan a trip for yourself and your family and know that, via Canadian National, comfort and pleasure will be yours every mile of the way. Genial, courteous Canadian National service will confirm the wisdom of your train travel plan. LET_CN HELP PLAN YOUR TRIP Your Canadian National ticket office is ready to help, to discuss your itinerary, to furnish infor- mation about the place you plan to visit. They'll arrange tickets, reservations, get you all prepared to step on board and go. ATIONAL: Q E V ER YW Mtt:Q u 1 M A n A • •. .. •