HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-23, Page 5`THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE FIVE News -Record Ciassified Adlets .Bring Quick Results One cent a word, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of four 10 ,cents extra when replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday, - Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE SMALL SUMMER KITCHEN to be =moved; eight feet by nine feet. Phone 111. 21-p. BABY OARRalAGE, OONVERTIBLE, good ' condition, Apply NEWS- idECORD. 21-p QUANTITY ORP DRY WOOD -Used ship. lap, 2"x4" and 4"x4". Apply to 64 RattenburyiStreet,, West. 21-x SPRING MATTRES'S - in excellent -condition. Price $85. Apply D. J. 1VIacAulay, Clinton or Phone 4. 21-p PRIVATE SALT; OF FURNITURE - Two dressers; two wash stands; two small tables; large bed, complete with springs and . mattress. Miss M. M. BaY, Huron St, 21-p FURNITURE, -,DOUBLE SIZE BED metal slat spring, $5; washing machine, Gilson Snowbird, only three months old, cost new $159; small custom-built frigiclaire, $155; com- plete electrichot water system, in- eluding tank and fixtures; 1942 Harley Davidson motorcycle; six tires and tubes, 600x16. Phone Clinton 586.T evenings. 21.9 ACCOMMODATION WANTED WANTED TO RENT - HOUSE - prefer centrally located, adults only, ' Would care for as our own, What have you to offer? H. Elvidge, agent CNB. 20-21-22-23-24-p HELP WANTED -FEMALE WANTED - GIRL FOR KITCHEN work. Apply The Ii~ozy Grill, Clinton. 20-21-p WANTED - GIRL FOR STEADY •employment as waitress. Apply The Kozy Grill, Clinton. 20.21-p WAITRESS WANTED - GOOD waitress wanted for restaurant. Will nay good wages and include meals. Apply Venus Restaurant, Goderich. 21-22-b CAPABLE GIRL or HOUSEICEEPER for month of June or immediately, .No heavy work nor heavy laundry. $60 month, Apply Mrs. E. A. Mc- Gowan. R. and C. School, Clinton, or phone Clinton 382 local 55. 20-21-22-b FARMS FOR SALE $5 ACRE FARM WITH BUSH; has .eight room cement block house, frame barn with steel roof, two cargarage, located two miles from highway and V miles from church and school, im- mediate possession. For further pat - Heiden apply to H. C. Lawson, Realtor, Clinton, Ont., phone 261W. 16-tfb FARM FOR SALE -75 ACRES, 1,4 mile from Bayfield, good brick bongo. good bank barn, almost new artesian well, never -failing spring creek, 30 acres of cedar and woodland, a sugar grove of 100 or more maples large enough to tap. The pine is beautifully situated for summer or yoar around home. Close to lake and facing the river. If interested, write or call and ace David Dewar Hayfield,' Ont. 19-20-21-22-1, LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ONE DURHAMV'I SHORTHORN BULL about 18 month old. Apply Alex. G. Pepper, R.R. 3, Seaforth. 21p NINE PIGS, EIGHT WEEKS OLD; one sow, due to farrow in ten days. Apply James East, R.R. 4, Clinton, 21-p THREE CALVES, THREE MONTHS okl, Hereford and Guernsey, Priced reasonable. Apply Francis Powell, Phone 9071.4. 21-b 2 PUREBRED HEREFORD FULLS. eight and nine months' old. "Domino" breeding. Elmer' Webster, Varna. phone Clinton G2203. 20-21-P 16 LEICESTER and OXFORD EWES with lambs; one purebred Leicester rani with papers. Apply Gordon Buchanan, phone 841r4, Seafo"th. 20-21-p TWO PUREBRED SHORTHORN Bulls, 13 and 11 months old; colour, red. By a good son of R. M. Peck's "Klnymor Elector." Apply to George L, Reid, Varna. 21-22b PROPERTY FOR SALE LARGE FRAME HOUSE AND stable, with hydro, in Village of Hay- field, Apply 9. E. Howard, Bayfield. 21-tfb TWO GOOD BUILDING LOTS - barn 16x20, cement foundation, suit- able for double garage; and chieken house. Hydro and water in barn. Apply NEWS -RECORD. 21-x FARM FOR SALB 50 ACRES, with frame . house, small barn, good well, situated on concession three, Mullett Township. Moderately priced. Apply to H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251W, Clinton, Ontario, 21-btfb. TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER WANTED FOR S.S. No, 9 Stanley and Hay: Protestant with ex- perience preferred. Duties to com- mence September 3, 1946. State salary and experience if any, to Ervin Ghigerich, R.R. 2, Zurich, Ont. 21-22-p WANTED TO BUY WANTED TO BUY -TYPEWRITER in good condition, any standard'inake. Phone 365. 21-b WANTED -ICE BOX - Apply Mrs. R. L. Kirkby, care 0f Mrs. John Mul- holland, Huron St. 21-9 GOLF' CLUBS AND BAG -complete orpart set, men's, right-hand. State price. Apply Box 'B' NEWS -RECORD. 21-p PROPERTY WANTED HOUSE or APARTMENT WANTED. to rout, preferably six or seven rooms. Might consider purchasing. Apply E. Brown, Hanover Transport. 21-22h PROPERTY FOR RENT POR RENT - In GRAND BEND - modern fully -equipped cabins. Special rate for June, $10 week. Will accom- modate four. Write Frank Cummings, Clinton, phone 186. 21-9-23-25-1) PASTURE FOR RENT HAVE ROOM FOR. TEN HEAD OF cattle Apply William Grigg, Clinton, phone 78W 21-p PASTURE FARM -80 ACRES, FOR the grass season, or will take cattle by the month. Lots of shade and water; spring creek. Apply to Ellen J. Cox, Huron St., Clinton; tf 7-8-9-10-11-p MISCELLANEOUS SPIRELLA, FOUNDATION GAR- ments for health, style and comfort. Individually designed. Aphra Steeps, Ontario St., Phone 288. 13-27p NOTICE -ANYONE FOUND T,RES- nassing on Part Lots 41, 61, Tucker - smith Township at any time hereafter, will be prosecuted by order of owner. A. E. Parry, April 18, 1946. 20-21-9 ''AVE YOUR SEWING MACHINE repaired. Enquiries invited, free estimates on overhaul lobs. All work rual anteed, Write :Singer Sending Machine Co., 78 Ontario. St., Stratford. 21-tfb FLEECE TINE YOUR HOME WITH blown rockwonl insulation. Work done. anywhere. Truck now in district. For free estimate phone 4, Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, 6 Thornton Are., London. 16-25-p DON'T SUFFER WITH YOUR FEET with Athletic Foot, Corns, Callouses, Chilblains. Belling or Burning Feet, Poison Ivy or Itching Skin, use PEMELAC the new amazing speedy remedy at Pennebakers Drug Store. Money bock guarantee. 21-22-23-24-25-26n AN OPPORTUNITY--ESTABLSHED Rural Watkins D,at"ict nvailable. If you nee a.ggreseiv,e. and between the ages, of 25 and 55haveor Die secure travel outfit, this ;s your opportueity to get established in a profitable busi- ness of your own. For full peerticulats write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 9.177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 18-19-20-21.-22 -„ter.. "•c,x ,,m 1.s. sraess,r; ;, WHOSOEVER SHALL CALL UPON THE NAME •OF THE LORD SHALL BE SAVED TUNE IN -Pilgrim's Hour, 7-7.30 E.S.T. Sunday eve. RADIO STATION CKLW, WINDSOR 7�1 • O 4 xp r' P. �.to;,....g �l anda erh .aging The famous Lowe Bros. Paints, quality tested, for every purpose. Try this serviceable paint today! We have a wide variety of these high-class wallpapers to choose from. All the latest patterns. See the selection today! SUN -TESTED WALL- PAPERS LOWE BROS. PAINTS BIRTHS CORNISH -In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, May 18, 1946, to Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Cornish, Bay- field, ayfield, a soil (Victor John Leslie). DRAIPER-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, May 21, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Draper, a daughter (Barbara Elizabeth). MEDD-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, May 16, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs, John Medd R.R. 1, Sea - forth, a daughter (Grail). L01313.- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, May 21, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Lobb, Clinton, a son, PEARS'ON In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday May 16, 1946, to Me. and Mrs. Nelson Pearson, Dungannon, a son, stillborn. TAYLOR -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, 'May 16, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Taylor,' R.R.. 3, Clinton, a daughter (Carol Ann). TWYF'ORD - In Toronto General Hospital, or Sunday, May 19, 1946,. to Mr. and Mrs.. George Twyford (nee Dorothy Walters) of Belgravia Ave., Toronto, formerly of Clinton, a son, a baby brother for Patsy Ann, : TALBOT -In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, May 12, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Dewar Talbot, Bay- field, a son., MARRIAGES 1i'ESTENDOR;P-AIEMPHILL - In Hensall United Church on Satur- day afternoon May 18, 1946, by Rev. R. A. 'Brook, Mary Nobel Hemphill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Hemphill, to Eugene Westen- dorp, son of ,Mr. and Mrs. E. West- endorp, Toronto. DEATHS DAVIDSON-In Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on Monday, May 20, 1946, Mrs. Robert Davidson, Dungannon, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. McCluskey, Goderich Township, in her 68th year. Funeral from Erskine Church to Dungannon Cemetery Thursday, May 23, at 2.30 pan. ELDER -At her home in Hensall on Friday evening, May 17, Mary Ann Smillie, wife of John Elder, in her 75th year. Funeral from Hensall United Church to Mensal' Union Cemetery May 20. HERBERT -In Victoria, B. C., on Friday, May 10, 1946, Frederick Howard Herbert, beloved husband of Elsie 514 Hilbert formerly of Clinton. Funeral in Victoria on Monday, May 13, 1946. HOLMES-In Clinton, on Sunday morning, May 19. 1946, Mary Louisa Holmes, in her 85th year. Fuineral services from Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, and St. • Paul's Anglican Church, Tuesday afternoon, May 21, to Clinton Cemetery. MEDD-Tn Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, May 20, 1946, Gail, in- fant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Medd. R.R. 1, Seaforth, aged three days. MUTTON --At bis home, Heron Road, Goderich Township, on Sunday, May 19, 1946, Leslie George Mut- ton, beloved husband of Louisa Jane Quincy, in his 58th year, Funeral from his late residence to Trinity Church Cemetery, Mitchell, May 21. ORTWLIN-At his late residence, Hensall, on Monday, May 20, 1946. John W. Ortwein, beloved 'husband of Elizabeth Wagner, in his 07th Year. Funeral from Hensall United Church, Wednesday afternoon, May 22. to Tlengall Uzrinn Cemetery. PALMER - Suddenly in Detroit, Mich.. on Tuesday, May 21, 1946, Eleanor May Proctor, beloved wife of the late Dr. J. W. Palmer and mother of Proctor Palmer, Goderich Township, in her 70th year. Funeral service from E. L. Cranston Fun- eral Home, Goderich, Friday, May 24, at 2 p.m. to Maitland Cemetery, Goderich. SCOTT-Tn St. Michael's Hospital, Toronto, on Tuesady, May 21, 1946, Robert J. Scott, Belgrave, beloved husband of Margaret Aitken, in his 47th year. WARRENER-Tn 'Hamilton General Hospital. on Tuesday. May 14, 1946, Agnes Nediger, widow of nscsr 1t'arrener, in her 69th year, Funeral from Wray's Funeral Horne, Hamil- ton. on Thursday, May 16, to Green- wood Cemetery. WEiBSTER - At the harm of leis sister, Mrs, G. E. Saville, Rattan - bury St, Clinton, on Friday morn- ing, May 17, 1946, William M, Webster, in Inc 77th year. Funeral service from above residence Sun- day afternoon, May 19, to Blyth 'Union Cemetery. BEAUTY SHOPPE •Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St, East., ., Phone 585 59-tf CARD .OP THANKS The family of the late William 14. Webster wish to take this opportunity of thanking the neighbors and friends those who loaned ears and sent flow- crs in their recent bereavement, special thanks to Rev. Andrew Lane. (Signed) -Mrs. G. E. •Saville, Mn. A. Vodden, Joseph Webster. 21,-b CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs Jane Snell wish to 'thank their many friends, relatives and neighbors for. their kind expressions of sympathy and beautiful fioraI offerings in the loss of their beloved mother, 21-b CARD ,OP THANKS Mr, John Elder and family wish to thank sincerely • their friends and neighbors for kmdriess and sympathy shown during their recent; bereave- ment, with special thanks to ,Rev. R. A. Brook, W. 0 Goodwin,• flower bearers, and to those who loaned card. 21-b HYDRO SAFETY MEETING A good representation of hydro nieni from Goderich, Seaforth, Strat- ford and Clinton, both local and tural were in attendance at a Safety First meeting held in Clinton Utilities Of- fice on Tuesday afternoon. Willis McLachlan and T. C. Parker of H.E.P.C., Toronto, were present. Mr. 0 ROPY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing -"SAN . ANTONIO" In Teelmicoler at 7 P.M. MON. TUES. and WED. Betty. Hutton, Barry Fitzgerald and Don DeFore--A new Cinder- ella story packed with mirth, melody and merriment. "THE STORK CLUB" TH1RS., P 1. and SAT. Time has added tothe legends the Boston "strong boy" and he lives again on the screen. "THE GREAT JOHN L, Coming -Joan Crawford as "MILDRED PIERCE" at 7 P.M. Matinees, Sat. & Holidays, 2.30 p.m. McLachlan urged that all employees should be skillfully trained in re- suscitation from electrical shock and versed in electric' accidents and their prevention. LA ,As -Victoria Day, Friday, May 24, is a legal holiday throughout the Dominion of Canada, 1 hereby call upon all citizens of the Town of Clinton to observe it as such. (Signed) A. J. McMURRAY, Mayor dad iaUty Assured Whether it's new tires, tire recapping or vulcanizing that you need For your car or truck .. , the name B. F. Goodrich is your assurance of quality materials and factory supervised workmanship. • Let our technicians check you, tire. today. Phone 465 HUDSON SALES and SERVICE Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries Ti E It is imperative that every person before, erecting or altering any building within the limits of the municipality of the Town of Clinton, if the cost of same amounts to or exceeds the sum of One Hundred Dollars ($100.00), shall make application for permit to erect, alter or repair, as governed by By-law. By Order, TOWN OF CLINTON 20-21-22-b { CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing --`The STORK CLUB' with Betty Hutton MON., TUBS. and WED. -No Children Admitted-- Joan Bennett, Edward 0. Robinson and Dan Duryea -This timely and frank treatment of modern: ethics provides the season's most inter- esting drama. "SCARLET STRREET". THURS., PRI. and SAT. Claudette Colbert, Dona Ameehe and Richard Foran -A. bright and sparkling comedy bubbling with good nature and fizzing with funny doings. "GUEST WIFE" Coming - "CONFIDENTIAL AGENT" • with Charles Boyer Mat., Wed. Sat. Holidays, 2.30 p.m. REGENT THEATRE SI AFORTII Now Playing -Dick Powell in "CORNERED" MON. TUES. and WED. Barbara Stanwyck, George Brent and Lucile Watson -Superb photo- graphy and clever settings feature this dramatic romance. "MY REPUTATION" TI URS., PRI. and SAT. Ginger Rogers, Joseph Cotten and Shirely Temple --A. boy and a girl, each with a secret past, meet on one of the strangest holidays you've ever seen. "I'LL BE SEEING YOU" Coming -- "LEAVE HER TO HEAVEN with Gene Tierney Matinees, Sat, & Holidays, 2.30 p.m. rice of y -La To Close Part Of Isaac Street, Clinton Public Notice is hereby given that the Council of the Town of Clinton, at the next regular meeting of the Council to be field on the 3rd day of June, A.D., 1946, at 8 o'clock in the evening, will give consideration to the Third Reading of a By-law to close that part of Isaac Street, Clinton, lying between the Bayfield Road and a point 420 feet South of the, Southerly boundary of the right of way of the Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway Company, and to convey the part so closed to Ernest A. Adams, the owner of the lands adjoining• the part so proposed to be closed. All persons opposed to the proposed By-law are hereby notified to attend the said meeting in person or by Counsel to state their objections thereto. The proposed By-law may be inspected during office hours at the office of the Clerk of the Town of Clinton. DATED this 7th day of May, A.D. 1946. F. FINGLAND, K.C., Solicitor for the Town of Clinton. 10-20-21-22-b TEN9E9S WANTED TOWNSHIP OF TUCICERSMITH SEALED TENDERS will be received by the under- signed up to 12 P.M. Saturday, June 1, 1946, for the •construction of approximately 30 cubic yards of sidewalk in the Tillage of Kippen. Township to furnish cement and contractor to furnish all other requirements. For further in- formation, apply to Robert Dalrymple, Road Super- intendent. Tenders to state price per cubic yard. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. ..,a..,.,.-,�w�...+�•�.•�.+.,..w,.� DRESS S ER.TS ? - NO SPO F' T SHIRTS ? - YES Supplement That Dwindling Supply of Dress Shirts by Adding a Sport Shirt for Summer Wear Also a Limited Supply of Wind and Rain Resistant Gabardine Sport Jackets for those Cool Evenings ackett (Successor to Plunisteel Bros.) QUALITY CLOTHING AND FOOTWEAR AGENTS FOR TIP TOP TAILORS AND SCOTT-MCHA.LE SHOES PHONE 25 CLINTON FE ALE HELP hen: AXtLIS We are now receiving supplies in larger quantities and suggest you see us before buying. If interested in an Select your Wallpaper in comfort in our spacious new showroom and store. OPEN EVERY BUSINESS DAY D. A.. Son Huron St. Painters and Decorators PHONE 234 Three Doors West of Royal Bank, Cliinton • CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion Apply at Office Chntui Knitting Co, Ltd. 18-tfb call and site us at once Satisfaction Guaranteed UcH • Plumbing .-- Heating - Sheet Metal Work Agent for Hack Purace PHONE 244 RESIDENCE 476 17,. COOK. FLORIST Phones 66w and 66,1 Batkins Locker Storage SALMON. FILLETTS per lb. 40c SALMON STEAKS ..... per lb. 48c COD FILLET'S per lb. 350 HADDOCK FILLl1TTS .Per Ib. 40c SMOKED FILLEITS• .. per ib. 35c DELECIA MEAT LOAF per ib. 45c SPICED HAM LOAF .. per lb. 39c HOME-MADE SAUSAGE per Ib.. 25c HAMBURG' STEAK , .. per Ib. 25c WE BUY HIDES Frozen Foods are Better Foods Tire Headquarters ATTENTION, FARMERS! Tractor Tires Filled With Fluid and Vulcanized and Serviced ' Fl `Harry Davies Tire and Battery For That Trip Out of Town TAKE A TA":. No Bother Low Rates Well Equipped Sedans 24 HOUR' VULCANIZING SERVICE' Corner Huron and Orange Sts. Phone 460 No Worry Waiting Time Allowed Careful Drivers ARROW .k PHONE 182 Next MacKenzie House CLINTON