HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-23, Page 1Clinton.
No. 21 -68th Year; Whole No. 6202
The Horne Paper. With The News
James W. Manning was appointed
Assessor and Tax Collector by Clinton
Town Council at a special meeting in
the Council Chamber Monday evening
at a salary of $500 per year.
Other applicants were: .Harry
Corey, at salary, set by Council; W.
H. Cudmore, at salary set by Coun-
cil;Wesley T. Vanderburgh, $600 per
year. Another applipation was ruled
out because it was not reecived until
7.16 p.m. when the time limit had
been set at noon Monday.
With all memers present, Mayor
A. J. McMurray explained the meet-
ing had been called to discuss two
matters: enforcement of the bee by-
law following receipt of a letter from
Mrs. Len Hunter, complaining about
E. L. Mittell's bees causing damage;
and opening of applications and ap-
pointment of an assessor and tax
Order Halts Sewerage
Does Well in Oratory
Versatile Clinton Collegiate institute
student, daughter of Rev. and Mrs.
Andrew Lane, Clinton, who finished
third and topped four girl competitors
in the Ontario final Lions Oratorical
collector. Contest•in Kitchener Thursday
After discussion, it was decided to
instruct the police to enforce the by- W. ORTWEIN DEAD
law governing bees.
No Resignation
With respect to the second matter,
His Worship said a peculiar situation
existed as there had been no resigna-
tion from the Assessor and Tax Col -
/actor, Wesley T. Vanderburgh. His
letter of application was read, in
which he stated That a misunderstand-
ing had taken place.
Mr. Vanderburgh spoke briefly 1,e-
garding extra work to increase his
Coun. C. H. Epps asked if he could
handle some work such as cutting
down trees, ditching, etc.
Coun. M. J, Agnew couldn't see
how the Streets Committee could
handle any extra work this year as
there was going to be plenty of
expense. Conn. Agnew thought the
town was paying too much money for
the Assessor; Goderich Township
paid only $90. He also thought the
town was paying too much for police
Mayor McMurray pointed out that
Council was acting according to law
in adopting the 48-hour week for the
Over the objections of Coun: Ag- Surviv!ng are his widow, the former
new, who wanted to discuss the am- EIizabeth Wagner; two sons, Atonal,
pointment in open session, Council Detroit; MiIton, London; four claua•h-
adopted a motion to go into committee tees, Mrs, J. Brea -holt, Kitchener;
of the whole. Mrs, R. Lehr, Altoona, Pa.; Mrs.
When Council returned to the Gown, 'lanes A. Paterson and Mrs. M. G.
cit Chamber, a motion, presented' by hr'ysdale, both of Hensall,
Conn. Epps and Conn. O. J. Liver
more, to appoint James W. Maori re Edward W. Elliott Opens
at $500 per year, was adopted, where- PowerSpraying Business
upon Council adjourned ra y g
Rev. R. A. Brook was in charge of
a well attended funeral service in
Hensall United Church yesterday
afternoon for J. W. Ortwein, farmer
reeve of Hensall and prominent
merchant who died at his home there
on Monday in his 97th year. Inter-
ment was in Hensall Union Cemetery.
Deceased was born at Heidelburg,
Waterloo County, Christmas Day,
December 25, 1850, and was formerly
general merchant and postmaster
there. He had been a resident of
Hensall for more than 40 years. He
also had been a merchant in Listowel,
Zurich, Hensall and Seaforth and was
agent for the Dominion Life Insur-
ance Company for many years; past
president of the Western Ontario
Bible .Society; superintendent of the
Sunday School for 25 years. In muni
cipal life he served as reeve and
councillor. He was a member of Hen-
sall United Church.
Five years ago Mr. and Mrs. Ort-
wein celebrated their golden wedding.
For All Types of Work
COUNTY EXPERIMENTS Edward W. Elilott, Clinton, has
WITH MILE NEW TYPE purchased complete
HIGHWAY AT KIPPEN spramotor equipment and has entered
the power spraying business in this
Huron County Council Road Com- district.
mittee has approved a road construe- Mr. Elliott is in a position to exe-
tion experiment on a section of the cut' efficiently and speedily
Kippen road where a wider right -of- tyres of peweespraying,
way will be pr vided. This will pro- orchard spraying, weed control, white -
vide room fo • c"nstruction and pore washing and warble fly spraying. He
lines, also tree planting for snowdrift is agent for J. K. Crang and Co,.
control. The trees will also add to the (chemical Division) :DDT, 2-4-1)
aprcavanc- of the rend and provide a wiweedkiller, rotevon powder (for ndbreak, warble fly control).
He also will continue to operate
his auetioneering biness. h late
A son of Mrs. Elliottl and the
ex -Mayor and ex -Warden George H.
Elliott. Mr. Elliott joined the Cana-
dian Fircfirrhtms overseas and left
here for Eng'a"rl in Apr:l 1942. He
transferred to the RCAF overseas,
end suffered a lea iniury when struck
by an army trek durine, the black-
out at a street inter-eetio•t in South-
amitten. He returrPc1 to Caneda in
July 1944, and received his discharge
m Meech 1.04a after spending 14
months in hosp't'tl.
Mayor Proclaims Friday,
May 24, as Public Holiday
Mayor A. J. McMurray has pro-
claimed a public holiday in Clinton
tomorrow, Victoria Day, Friday, May
24. Local stores were open yesterday
but will be closed tomorrow.
Action was taken locally in view
of the fact tint May 24 is a legal
holiday thre"ghout Canada. the Fed-
eral Government having repealed an
Order-in-Couneil dated June 7, 1943,
which had emitted the day from the
list of. holidays.
Dozen More "Clinton?"
Put Ours Still Best of 23
A few weeks ago The NEWS-
RECORD published results of
a survey made of the towns bear-
ing the name Clinton which
numbered 11.
It was later brought to our
attention that we•had missed two.
With his informaion The NEWS -
RECORD made another survey
and now we find there are at
least 23 towns of the same name.
Miss. Delle O'Neil, who recently
returned after spending the win-
ter in Florida, spent one night on
the way home in Clinton, Tenn.,
Miss O'Neil reports this is a very
nice little town and because of
the name Clinton she felt right
at home.
Postmaster G. M. Counter re-
eports that the Clinton, Conn., is
the one which most often gets
mixed in the mails with our Clin-
ton. He strongly urges everyone
to clearly address their mail
especially if going to another
Previ ouslywe reported there
being a town of Clinton in Illioois,
Indiana, Iowa, Massachusettes,
North Carolina, South Carolina,
Oklahoma, New Jersey, British
•Columbia, and Ontario. To this
list we now add Conneticut, Ten-
nessee, Arkansas, Kentucky,
Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi,
New York, Michigan, Nebraska,
Pennsylvania and Wisconsin.
Just the same we are still loyal
to our Clinton and emphatically
repeat it is "tops"!
The reed will be rsised 'higher and
deeper ditches Constructed farther
from the road. The side slopes will
be sufficiently flat to provide safety.
The work will likely be started next
autumn. Only a mile will he con-
structed as an experiment this year.
Wickets will be wren from 10.30
a.m. to 12.30 pm. and•fram 2.00 p.m.
to 4 p.n1.
There will he only one colleet'on
from street letter hex, in the evening.
+r..w,v,a.oransv.r,yroa.n w..+a...w.•rn.•..
The Week's Weather
May 16
. May 17
May 18
May 19
May 20
May 21
May 22 68
Rainfall -1.66 inches,
Hieb Low
72 47
64 40
68 49
60 41
68 51
57 49
Huron County Home Committee
held a special meeting at the County
Home, Clinton, Wednesday evening
last, with the chairfnan, Brown
Smyth, reeve of West Wawanosh,
An addition to the 'barn was dis-
cussed and it was agreed to call for
tenders, to be in the hairds of County
Clerk N. W. Miller, Goderich; not
later than June 15. According to
plans and specifications•, which may
be. seen at the County Home, the
addition will be 80 by 36 feet, in
dimensions, with a 12 foot lean-to on
the east side. The stable will have
all -steel stanchions for single stalls,
22 in a row. Foundation will be
concrete and roof cedar shingles, if
The committee also decided to call
for tenders, to be in the hands of
County Clerk N, W. Miller, Goderich,
by June 15, for the supplying of 150
tons of stoker coal, 25 tens of anthra-
cite stove coal, and 26 tons of nut or
stove coke, to be delivered on the
track, at Clinton and analysis of coal
to be submitted,
It was decided not ,to install an
elevator this year.
Huron Cheese Production
Increases 24 Per Cent
Only County in Province
The 1946 Bayfield Swine Club was
'organized on Tuesday of last week at
a meeting in the Bayfield. Town Hall,
Fourteen boys were enrolled.
Club literature was distributed,
followed by a discussion on club work,
by Assistant Agricultural Represent-
ive, G. D. Nelson.
LeRoy Brown, new Acting Agricult-
ural Representative for Huron Coun-
ty, was introduced and spoke a few
encouraging remarks to those present.
Alfred Warner, President of the
Bayfield Agricultural Society, the
local sponsoring organization for the
Swine Club also congratulated the
boys enrolling in the very important
educational project and expressed the
wish that the club be as successful
as last -year..
Election of officers took place with
the following elected: President —
Walter MacEwen; Vice -Pres. — Jack
Taylor; Sec-Treas.—Ray Wise; Club
Leader --Glen Wise.
Other boys present were Wm. H.
Taylor, Tom Penhale, Ross Miller,
Clayton McCullough, Marcel Hend-
ricks, Ivan MaClymont, Keith Miller.
Four members were absent.
The committee in charge of the
Swine Club in addition to the Denart-
ment of Agriculture are Colin Law-
son, Russell Grainger, Edward Wise.
New Supreme Court Judge Welcomed
To First Sitting in ur on County
A newly -appointed member of the MISS MARY LANE
High Court of Justice, Mr. Justice R. FINISHES THIRD IN
W. Treleaven, presided at the springi
assizes of the Supreme Court of On-�
House, Goderich,, Monday afternoon.
R. C. Hays, K.C., in behalf of the
Huron County Bar, welcomed the new
jurist and congratulated hint on his
recent appointment.
In ready, His Lordship, after ex-
pressing his thanks, said he regretted
the circumstances which took him to
Goderich, ' as it was owing to the
untimely death of Justice Makins that
the schedule had been changed. He
concluded' by congratulating Mr. Hays
on his election as a bencher of the
Law Society of Upper Canada.
• Margaret
Albert Frank Bows was granted
divorce absolute from Laura E. Bown;
also John R. Johnston from Ethel
Isabel Johmton. In'all eases the
costs were assessed to the defend-
ants. No defence; was offered.
tarso, which opened at the Court ORATORICAL FIN
Divorces G
Three decree nisi divorces were
granted: Jean Isabel , Hensall,
from Norman Cliffordyd; Ethel
Cook Neilans, Clinton Clarence
S. Neilans, Clinton L.
Barber, Seaforth, fr William C.
The regular Monthly meeting of the
Board of Trustees of Tuckersmith
Township School Area eves held in
No. 4 School an Tuesday May 14th.
with all the members present and J.
G. Carnochan in the chair. The min-
utes of last regular and special meet-
ings were react and declared approved.
Communications were read from
Mrs. Keyes, giving a report of narks
obtained by contestants from No, 4
School at Goderich Musical Festival,
which was ordered filed; also one
from Sandy 0. Pepper and others
asking; for certain information and
the Secret:try was orclered to acknow-
ledge the same and to furnish infor-
mation desired.
A number of ratepayer were pres-
ent at the meeting to make represent-
ations to the Boarcl regarding various
natters pertaining to the Schools.
Public School inspector R. 0. Staples
was also p"esent end discusser] many
enestions. en which the Board desired
information and advice which -was
much appreciated.
Plans were made to secure teachers
for Schools of the Area and to melee
certain inepraventents to No. 4 School.
The Secretary -Treasurer was fn-
strutted to pay $5.00 per car per trip
for transporting pupils of No. 4
School to Goderich Musical Festival.
The following accounts amounting
to' $337.08 were approved and ordered
paid: Instructional Supplies, $10.94;
Postage and Hxpress 59.40, Playgvo-
end :Equipment $45.90, Sawing Wood
e14.00, Wood and Cartage $120.50,
Araespol•tine Pupils $25,00, Lumber
for Simply Cumboarde $31.31, Repairs
and 'Maintenance $40,18, Caretaking
Amounts $46.80.
The meeting adjourned to meet in
No. 7 School June 11, at 9 p.m. (DST,.
Clinton's candidate for Lions Ora-
torical champion of Ontario — Miss
Mary Lane --placed third in the final
oontest held at Kitchener Thursday
evening last. She was accompanied
to Kitchener by a number of Lions
and friends.
Bill Thompson, Midland High
School, was first of the seven candi-
dates; and Harvey Riedlinger, Kitch-
ener -Waterloo Collegiate IYnstitute,
was second. The former received $50
and the latter $35.
(The other contestants, each of
whom received $25, were Miss Mary
Lane, ..Clinton Collegiate Institute;
Bill Connors, St, Jeronte's College,
Waterloo; Miss Betty Kneneman, St.
Mary's College, Kitchener; Miss Aud-
rey Slack, Stouffville High School;
Mies Phyllis McLaren, Mitchell High
Lions were present
entfrom the
clubs: Clinton, -Seaforth, Mitchell,
Ingersoll, Toronto Danforth, Toronto
Runnymede, Midland, Mount Forest,
touffville, St, George, Paris, Water,
Huron County is the only county in
Ontario whose cheese .production in-
dicated an increase in April and also
in the first four months of 1946, as
compared with 1945.
Production totalled 134,777 pounds
last month, as compared with 108,858 y C of
or 24 per cent, and 824,959 in the
four-month period as 'compared with
316,251, or 2.8 per cent.
In the Province as a whole, pro-
duction dropped in April form 7,291,-
024 to 4,681,382 pounds, and in the
first four months, fro n 12,832,731 to
8,156,182 pounds.
The picture was not so bright in
creamery butter production, however.
Production. in April was 308,948
pounds as against 373,24.4, and in the
four-month period. 892,197 as com-
pared with 1,199,089 pounds.
Ontario butter totals were 5,352,100
pounds in April as against 6,177,468
pounds, and 15.327,378 pounds in four
months, as compared with 18,806,441
. ,J, f
War Hero Coming
REV. (Major) JOHN W. FO.OTE, V.C.
Who distinguished himself by win-
ning the highest military decoration,
the Victoria Cross, and who will un-
veil and dedicate two war memorials
in Ontario St. United Church, Clinton,
Sunday, June 2. Major Foote won the
award on the bloody beaches of
Dieppe in August 1942, Ile was
captures! and spent three years in a
Getman prison camp.
CREDIT OF $2,434;
TOTAL COST $19,762
Clinton Public Utilities Commission
has received its "13th power bill"
showing a credit of $2,434.13 from
Hydro Electric Power Commission
Ontario. This credit is the difference
in the amount of the power bills paid,
$22,196.82, and the revised cost,
$19,762.69. Goderich has a credit of
Figures are as follows:
Cost of pewee purchased by Clinton
Public Utilities Commission from
Hydro EIectric Never Commission of
Ontario, $4,550.16; Share of operating
costs and fixed charge--onerating,
maintenance and administrative ex-
penses, $4,614,45; Interest, $6.311.05;
Pray -slim for renewals, $1.444.72;
Provision for contingencies and ob-
solescence, $1,965.51: Provision •for
sinking fund, 51,622,27; Revenue re-
ceived in excess of cost of power sold
to private companies, $745.47; Total
cost of power, $19,762.69.
Amount of accounts rendered at
interim rates. 592,196.82.
Credit, $2,434.13.
Motor From Pacific Coast
To Visit Relatives Here
ada Robert co Belgrave, died Mrs. R. D. Ealy, Seattle, Wash„
in St. Michael's I nal, Toronto, anti Mrs, A, C, Mciquist and Mrs,
Tuesday afternoon after an illness of W F Sturtrndge, Tacoma, Wash., ar-
Prominent in Huron County and in
farm organizatiScott,
ns tthi'o throughout Can
several weeks. He was in his 47th
Mr. Scott's death came unexpect-
edly. He had telephoned from the hos-
pital to his home in Belgrave yester-
day to say that his condition was Mrs'. II. D'ehl and Carl. and then
improving, and that he would be out usns, D' l a Mrs. Durham and
of hospital soon. Iris wife was in Bel family, and other relatives in the
grave at the time of his death: al- familty.
rived with their aunt, Mrs. Bart
Stiles, with whom they visited at
Stirling, last week. to visit their
uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs. Jahn
Diehl, Clinton, and also their aunt,
Park Projects
Motion to be Argued
In London Saturday
In •the dying moments of a special meeting of Clinton Town Council
Monday evening, H. G. Meir, Seaforth solicitor, walked into the Council
Almost immediately, Council adjourned. The members rushed to leave
the room. But as they were on then' way out, the solicitor handed each
of the members copies of a "writ of summons," "injunction order," and
°notice of motion"—nice legal documents. The Mayor received two sets—
one for the Town of Clinton and another for himself personally.
Coun. J. R. Butler had just got into the rear seat of a car which was
to take hien to a baseball meeting at Hensall. The solicitor handed him
the papers, as tlhe car was ready to pull out.
Clinton's Town Fathers had just been "'served" as defendants in a
legal action brought against the town itself and the members of Council
personally, by 14 fellow -ratepayers whose names appeared on the docu
cents. es platntiffs.
A. Husty, one of the plaintiffs, informed The NEWS -RECORD yester-
day, that he had taken steps to withdraw his name from the action.
Briefly, an injunction order is in effect until 11 a.m., Saturday, May 25,
when it will be argued before a Supreme Court Judge at London—with
respect to several natters. The injunction might be continued.
For the benefit of its readers, The NEWS -RECORD publishes below
the text of the various documents concerned,
though she had been to Toronto a
week ago. to see him in hospital.
Mr. Scott's connection with the
United Farmers of Ontario and the
United Farmers Co-operative Cent-
rally Limited, extended over a quarter
of a century. He was a director of
Ontario Federation of :A.g'ricultu'e
and Canadian Federation of Agricul-
ture at the time of his death.
Surviving are his wife, f
Margaret Aitken, Edmore, and five
children: Kenneth and Mac, at home;
Isabel, Toronto; Nora, Wingham; and
Mary Elizabeth, at home. His father,
John Scott, Belgrave, also survives.
Mr. Scott's farm is located :on con-
cession 9, East Wawanosh Township,
near where he was been and raised.
Clinton Lions Chili is celebrating
its annual "Navy Night" at this even-
ine's dinner meeting. Capt. Hugh
Campbell, Toronto, who commanded
the corvette "Fort William," during
the war, is the chief speaker.
3c a word
Minimum Charge 50c
Victim of an accident at Huron
County Home, Clinton. Wechtesday
afternoon last, Mrs. M. E. Jacob, the
matron, was able to return home from
Clinton Public Hospital Sunday. She
was going from the kitchen to the,
main ball when she caught the tip of
her foot in a piece of linoleum which
was being laid. She was thrown heav-
ily to he floor, and ,sustained a dis
location of the shoulder and a fractur-
ed right arm above the elbow. The
C•eunty Home Committee, meeting
Wednesday night, passed a resolu-
tion of sympathy to the matron, Mrs.
Martha Jacob, who " on Wednesday
morning suffered a broken aim.
Dance, Town Hall, Clinton, Thurs-
day, May 23, 9 ism., sponsored by
Clinton Fire Department. Ken Willbee
and his orchestra. Admission 60 cents.
Brumfield Y P U Anniversary,
Sunday, May 26, 11 a.tn. and 7.30.
pen. Rev. Gordon Hazlewood, Wal-
ton, guest speaker. Play, "Life of
Riley', by Walton YPU in 13rucefield
United Church, Monday, May 27, 8.30
p.m. Adults, 25 cents, children, 15
Ni Falls and Kitchener cents 21-X
Theme are six A.netion Sales in this
The part, came Inv motor all the
way from Tacoma, Wash.. to Wash•
mentum n.C.. thence to New York,
and by the International Bridge to
Seining. They left en their returns
thin on Tueed :y. taking in Nine ra
Falls, Detroit. and calling on friends
in Mieh'gan. 'thence to Wir',nipeg and
Strathelair, Man. Their brother and
wife from Winning were visiting
here at the same time and accompan-
ied them back to Winnipeg.
Writ of Summons
(Issued by II. G. Meir, Seaforth, solicitor for the plaintiffs)
Clifford Lobb, F. W. Andrews, F. Glew, Bert Langford,
C. G. Middleton, H. Jenkins, Norman Lever, E. Ward, L. Haughton,
A. Husty, Charles E. Elliott, Henry Corey, Walter Maim and
Charles Shanahan, for themselves and all other the ratepayers
of the Town of Clinton,
AND Plaintiffs,
Corporation of the Town of Clinton, Adam J. McMurray, Wesley
Nott, Mergan Agnew, Albert Shaddick, John R. Butler, Clarence
Livermore, Clifford Epps and Ernest Brown,
GEORGE THE SIXTH, by the Grace of God, of Great Britain, Ireland
and the British Dominions beyond the seas, King, Defender of the Faith,
Emperor of India,
TO Corporation of the Town of Clinton and Adapt J. McMurray, Wesley
Nott, Morgan Agnew, Albert Shaddick, John R. Butler, Clarence
Livermore, Clifford Epps and Ernest Brown
of the Town of Clinton, in the County of Huron,
WE COMMAND YOU that within ten days after the service of this
Writ (May 20) on you, inclusive of the day of such service, you cause an
appearance to be entered for you in this action, and take notice that in
default of your so doing, the plaintiff may proceed therein and judgment
may be given in your absence on the plaintiff's claim and (subject to Rules
of Court) will not he entitled to any further proceedings herein.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF this Writ is signed for the Supreme Court
of Ontario by Nelson Hill, Local Registrar of the said Court at Goderich,
this 20th. day of May, in the year of our Lord 1946.
"Nelson Hill"
Local Registrar S.C.O.
N.B.—This Writ is to be served within 12 calendar months from the
date thereof, or, if renewed, within 12 calendar months from the date of
such renewal, including the day of such date, and not afterwards.
Appearance may be entered at the Local Registrar's Office, Court
House, Goderich, Ontario.
The plaintiff's claim is for an order quashing By -Law Number 6 for.
1946 of the Town of Clinton, to set aside the assessment upon which such
by-law is based; to quash Ity-Law Number 14 for 1944 authorizing the
borrowing of $199,000. upon debentures for sewage disposal purposes;
to order payment by the personal defendants to the Corporation of the
Town of Clinton of all monies illegally, paid in respect of race track, parks,
sewage disposal and other natters, and of all monies paid out in 1946 not
provided for in the estimates; and for an order restraining the defendants
or any of then from incurring any obligation under said by-laws, from
levying or collecting any mates thereunder, and from expending any monies
of the Corporation for any of said purposes.
h'o'ot Fish and Game Club held
inn mental, meetine in the Town
Couneil Chan"er, Clinton.
The followine officers were elect•
ed for a. two-vear term: President.
A. L. M'tthews: vire-president,
Harold Glcw: treasweer. Tom
Chm el'inl.: Regretar„ Fere. Van -
loge -ion rl: ehai'man, Fish Came 'tam.
�. M. •Shearinia; chnirmann, Game
Committee. Homed Cow411: chair-
man. Entertainment Committee, Alex
It wee decided by vote to give a cur
for the largest speckled 'trout and
largest black bass relight by club
members in waters of Huron County,
the cue to be passed on each year
and a niniatere cup be held by the
Sandev'ches and coffee were served
iseee which arc listed on Page Seven. at the close of the meeting.
Rev. G, G. Burton. to ' Leave Clinton
In Exchange With Moorefield Minister
Rev. Garland G, Burton, M.A.., B.D.,
pastor . of Ontario Street United
Church, Clinton, has received a call
from Moorefield and Rothsay: Pastoral
Charge to become its pastor, effective
July 1.
Rev. W. J. W oolfrey, B.A., B.D,,
pastor of the Moorefield -Rothsay
charge, bee received an invitation to
become pastor of Ontario Street
These calls are yet subject to the
concurrence of the Presbyteries and
the Settlement Committees.
This will necessitate a transfer of
Mr. Burton from London Conference,
where he has been 15 years, to Hamil-
ton Conference, Of those 15 he served.
five years in Windsor and ten in
Mr. Burton formerly came from
Montreal Conference Where he served
to .postorates in Montreal city. Ile
received his education at. ,McGill
University and Theological .Colleges.
To celebrate Victoria Day, fire-
suckers, provided by Miss Joyce
Hawkins, will be displayed in Com-
munity Park at 9.30 p.m. tomorrow.
Injunction Order •
Monday, the 20th. day of May, 1946
Clifford Lobb, F. W. Andrews, F. Glew, Bert Langford,
C. 0. Middleton, H. Jenkins, Norman Lever, E. Ward, L. Haughton,
A. Husty, Charles E. Elliott, Henry Corey, Walter Mair and
Charles Shanahan, for themselves and all other the ratepayers
of the Town of Clinton,
AND Plaintiffs,
Corporation of the Town of Clinton, Adam J. McMurray, Wesley
Nott, Morgan Agnew, Albert Shaddick, John R. Butler, Clarence
Livermore, Clifford Epps and Ernest Brown,
Upon Motion made this day unto this Court by counsel on behalf of
the Plaintiffs, upon hearing read the affidavit of CLIFFORD LOBB, filed,
end upon hearing counsel for the Plaintiffs;
And the Plaintiffs by -their counsel undertaking to abide by any order
this Court may make as to damages in case this Court shall hereafter be
of opinion that the defendants, or any dr either of them, shall have
sustained any by reason of this order which the plaintiffs ought to pay.
This Court doth order and adjudge that the defendants, their servants,
workmen unci agents, be, and •they are hereby, restrained from levying or
collecting any rates tender By-law Number 6 for 1946 of the Town of
Clinton, from proceeding in any way ander By -Law Number 14 for 1944 '
and from expending any monies in respect of race track, parks, sewage
disposal or any purposes in respect of By -Law Number 14 for 1946, tuna
Saturday, the 25th. day of May next at eleven o'clock in the forenoon or
until such time ae any Motion to be on that day made to continue this
injunction shall have been heard and disposed of,
"T. M. Costello"
Local Judge.
.Notice of Motion
Clifford Lobb, F. W, Andrews, F. Glow, Beet Langford,
C. G. Middleton, H. Jenkins, Norman Lever, E. Ward, L. Haughton,
A. Busty, Charles E. Elliott, Henry Corey, Walter Mair and
Charles Shanahan, for themselves and all other the ratepayers
of the Town of Clinton, Plaintiffs,
Corporation of the Town of Clinton, Adam J. IVIcMnrray, Wesley
Nott, Morgan Agnew, Albert Shaddick, John R. Butler, Clarence
Livermore, :Clifford Epps and Ernest Brown, Defendants,
TAKE NOTICE that a motion will be made on behalf of the Plaintiffs
before the presiding Judge in Court at the Court House, London, on
Saturday the 25th. day of. May, 1946, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon,
or so soon thereafter as the Motion can be heard, for an order continuing
the order and injunction granted by the Local Judge at Goderich on the
20th. day of May, 1946,.until the trial or other final disposition of this
action or until further order,
AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that in support of such motion will
be read the affidavit of Clifford Lobb and such further and other material
as counsel niay advise. •
DATED the 20th. • day of May, 1946.
Seaforth, Ontario,
To the. Plaintiffs. Solicitor for Plaintiffs.
Affidavit of Clifford Lobb
1. I •am one of the Plaintiffs in this action and a ratet)ayer of the
Town of Clinton;
2. I am informed and believe that the Assessment Roll of the Town
of Clinton as prepared by the Assessors in the year 1945 and upon which
the rates of 1946 are based, has been materially altered and is not now
the roll reported by the Assessors;
3. I am informed and believe that no by-law has been passed by the
Town of Clinton .for 1946 for exemptions of farm lands as required by
section 42 of the Assessment Act;: as been altered so that farm lands
4. The Col'leetor e roll for 1946 h
assessment of $18,120 has been reduced to $6,684 without proper authority
and in a clearly discriminatory manner; being ex -
5. I am informed and believe that monies have and aro b g
needed by the Crimson Council for unauthorized purposes;
6. I :am further informed and believe that a special meeting of the
Clinton Town Council has been called for this evening (Monday, May 20)
for the purpose of authorizing further illegal expenditures and for authoriz-
ing the sending' out of tax notices based upon the said improper assessment
and that all these proceedings should , be restrained:.