HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-09, Page 7THURSDAY, MAY 9, 1946.. CILIN9 ON 'NEWS -RECORD PAGE SEVEN, HURON COUNTY •FARMERS' PORTER'S HILL Sunday School Reopens The Sunday School at Grace church is open once again. A11 children of the community are welcome. Sunday School, 1.45, church service2.30 (day- light saving time). Community Club The May meeting of Porter's Hill Community Club will .be held in the formof a social evening on Wednes- • day evening, May 15, in Porter's Hill School, A short program is expected and the ladies are asked to please :bring sandwiches. Return to Alberta Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lockhart left Friday morning on their return trip to Alberta after seven weeks' spent with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Lockhart. They will spend a few' days in Royal Oak, with his brother, Lawson. W. A. Meets The ladies of Taylor's Corners W. AF and. Community Club held their monthly meeting at the home of Mrs. Joe Wilson, on Wednesday, May .1, with, 15 present. A very .interesting meeting was enjoyed bly all. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess and assistants. Presented With Blankets Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Lockhart were presented on Wednesday evening with a lovely pair of woollen blankets, a gift from Goderich Township. Ivan OWN NEWSY PAGE returned in February from three lyears overseas. The presentation, was in Taylor's Corners school. The even.• ing, spent in cards and social chat, was enjoyed by all. The ladies pro- vided a tasty lunch. Ivan and Mrs. Lockhart both thanked the donors for the lovely gift and expressed thein appreciation. The Prices Board has announced that no ceilings will be imposed this year on fresh strawberries and rasp- berries. ' .A statement said "favorable grow- ing conditions give every indication that production will be increased con- siderably" over that of the last two, years. Sales of strawberries and raspberry jam still are controlled by price ceilings. r NOTICE TO ALL HOG BUYERS IN ONTARIO THE Ontario Hog Producers Marketing Scheme has been approved by the Ontario Government, and Became Effective on and after May 1, 1946. Under this sebeme, all buyers of bogs for processing or for resale to processors are required to comply with the following regulation:— "No buyerotherthan a processor shall buy hogs except under the authority of a buyer's licence." Applicants for licences to buy hogs should complete the form below and return it, with the $1.00 licence fee, to THE FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario To the Farm Products Marketing Board (Name of applicant) make(s) application to the Farm Products Marketing Board for a licence to engage in the business of a buyer of hogs under the Farm Products Marketing Act, 1946, for the period from April 1st, 1946 to March 31, 1947. Dated at , Ontario, this day of , 1946. APPLICANT ADDRESS FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD, PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS, TORONTO, ONT. J VARNA James Stephenson was renewing acquaintances in Hensall Tuesday. Miss Florence Smith, Seaforth, spent the weekend at the parental home. • Miss Olive Johnson spent part of her Easter• holidays with Miss Edith McClenaghan, Belgrave. Mrs. Gemeinhardt, Wyoming, is visiting her brother, D. A. Galbraith, and Mrs. 'Galbraith, on the old home- stead. ' Several from the community at- tended the wedding of Miss Thompson and Robert Aldwinckle in Clinton on - Saturday. Don't forget the play in the Town- ship Hall Friday night. This play comes highly recommended. Come. and have a good laugh. Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson and daughter, Isalbeil, Oakville, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Morton Elliott, one day Iast week. Mr. and Mrs. David Soper, who spent the past week with their son, Harold Soper, and Mrs. Soper, return- ed to their home in Straffordville, Sunday. Roy Elliott, aecompanied by his sister, Mrs, Frank Grieve, and Mr, Grieve, Seaforth, are visiting their sister, Mrs. J. Ferguson and family in Sudbury this week. Mrs. Frank Brooks, Sudbury, ae- companied by her friends, Miss Hazel Wisson and Miss Irma Schultz, Straffordville, visited with the form- er's sister, Mrs. Harold Soper and Mr. Soper, . Sunday. Chopping Mill Hours Commencing May 14, Varna Chop - NOTICE TO THE FARMERS OF HURON COUNTY Corn Borer Clean -Up Regulations Are Again In Effect For 1946. These require that all corn refuse be ploughed under completely and if subsequently brought to the surface in cultivating or plant- ing, must be picked off and burn- ed. Compliance with these regu- lations is necessary on or before May 20th. Failure to comply renders the offender subject to fine. GLENN ECHMIER, Inspector, Goderich 19-p PIPE -.• TOBACCO TEEN-AGE'all Alai" fOtett " S COFARwG �ys This spring, hundreds of enthusiastic teen-agers will takeio the country -side. For pleasure—for profit—for national service, they'll go farming for the summer. Out in the sunny fields and orchards of Ontario, ambitious young .folks can earn ---hot merely pocket money—but: a man's pay.They'll enjoy good com- panionship and lots of fun. They'll come back in the Fall radiant and happy. DOMINION PROVINCIAL AGRIC'ULTURE• . Lend A Hand Your help is needed on all types of farms --now! You can' be accommodated in Inspected Farm Homes or in Y' Supervised Camps.* If you are a high school student, check with your teacher regarding the neces- sary permission to leave school early , . . then fill in attached coupon! *This summer, the Robert Simpson Co. Ltd. wig bring to OFSF Camps a sones of Form Frolics .—• featuring name bands and entertainers 1 x.myvagey c.. Happy Cherry Pickers So desperate is Europe's need for food ... and so urgent our farmers' need for labour that thousands of helpers are needed this spring. Attractive Community Camps are waiting. Work is guaranteed under skilled, pleasant supervision. Here's the opportunity for youth to pitch in and help a vital, worthwhile cause. Teen-agersl Sign up for the Farm Service Force today. COMMITTEE ON FARM LABOUR LABOUR EDUCATION FN2-45 rag, -. Int ossa sal, ma mm mu am — um ma an am Ma 1 ssinflr MAIL THIS COUPON AT ONCE! Ontario Farm Service Force, 112 College 51., Toronto, cwont Ip 'fond a Hone. Please send me a registration form and n necessary information about the Ontario Farm Service Forte. 1 Noma Aga (please print) Address Tel. No I will be available lrom t aommodai d ini Ail'Insp stud Form Ham* D 4141 A 'Y Supetvired Camp 0 Town 1 1 And would (I5.tob. 1 are ars sur — ow um — rem Mr — mom fro wit' Clinton Junior Farmers To Meet Next Tuesday The May meeting of the Clinton Junior Farmers will be held . in the Board Room, Agricultural Office, Clinton, Tuesday, May 14. Please be present a t 83 .0.Re o+ p its of the annual meeting of the Ontario Junior Farmers' Association will be given at. this meeting, At the joint meeting, following the Junior Farmers' and Junior Institute meetings, R. S. Atkey, editor of The NEWS -RECORD , will speak on "Vagaries of the Canadian Constitu- tion.' ping Mill will be operating three days in the week—Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, and Wednesday forenoon. Welcome to Community Mr, and Mrs. Webber, Exeter, who purchased the Beatty homestead, have moved in and, commenced farming. We welcome Mr. and Mrs. Webber and family to the community and village. Varna on Daylight Saving Since most of the centres of any importance have adopted daylight saving time, Varna, to avoid any un- necessary confusion, has decided to go on daylight saving. So next Sun- day, May 12, the church services will be one hour earlier. Attended Board Meeting Mrs. M. Reid, Mrs. Chutor, Mrs. M.. Elliott, and Miss E. Mossop at- tended the annual meeting of the Huron Diocesan Board of the Wom- an's Auxiliary in St, Paul's Cathedral and Cronyn Hall, London, on Wednes- day, Mrs. Reid and Miss Mossop go- ing as delegates. Bridal Couple Honored A delightful evening was held last Wednesday, when a number of neigh- bors and friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Foote, to honor Robert Aldwinckie and his fiancee on the eve of their approach- ing marriage. During the evening, Robert and Mary were presented with a steamer rug and other gifts. Miss Olive John- son read the address and Nancy and Lois Webster made the presentation. Robert made a fitting reply, thanking all for their gifts and kind wishes. Lunch was served, and a social hom was sepnt. Observe Half Holiday The Varna stores are observing, the Wednesday half holiday throughout the summer months. School Pupils Did Well Varna School pupils won top hon- ors at the Huron County Music Festival, Goderich, last week, captur- ing one of the Huron County shields in the chorus sung on Tuesday night, and second place in the chorus sung on Thursday night. Kenneth Keys won first place in the vocal solo for boys, eleven and under. George Murray Beatty won second place in the vocal solo for boys, fourteen and under. • Ruth Clarke and Kenneth Keys won second place for the vocal duet, eleven. and under. Much credit is due their music teacher, Mrs. Bert Bayes, also K. Trietz, the school teacher. AUBURN Mr, and Mrs. George Hamilton have moved into their home in Auburn, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Finigan attended a wedding at Dundalk on Saturday. Harold and Clifford Carter have bought the Carter farm two miles north of Auburn. Mr. and Mr's. Edgar Lawson and Joseph Carter were in Port Elgin, Saturday. Mr. Carter is remaining at Port Elgin for the summer. Mrs. Norman Mutch and daughter, Ferne, have returned to their home at Carstairs, Alta., after visiting Mrs. .lames 'Muteh and Miss Elma Mutch. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Weir, Lon- don, are visiting Dr, B. C. Weir and Ivliss Josephine Weir. Jask has com- pleted his first year at University of Western Ontario, London. v Large Bale Packed Mrs. James Woods, Mrs. Bert Marsh and Mrs. Fred Ross, packed a large bale to be forwarded to the Red Gross headquarters, Toronto. This bale consisted of quilts, socks, girls dresses, pyjamas and six complete baby's Iayettes. Interesting Play A play "Good Gracious Grandma" Was presented by the young people of Port Albert United Church in the Foresters Hall on Friday night, The cast was introduced by Rev. Rodgers, minister of the church. Between acts, violin -duets were played by Rev. H. J. Snell and William Craig Jr., ac- companied by Miss Iia .Craig. The entertainment was sponsored by the Baseball Club. Sacrament Observed The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup- per was observed in Knox Presby- terian Church on Sunday, when Rev. A. H. Wilson, Whitechurch, moderat- or of. the charge, 'preached. During the service the Ordinance of Baptism was observed when the following babies were presented for baptism; Sandra Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ellis :Little; -Marlyn Elizabeth; daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Deer; William. Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl'Govier; and Clare Edward, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Vincent. Fire Damages Roof A passing motorist, noticing a fire on the roof of the beautiful two- storey brick cottage of Mr. and'Mrs. Eimer Robertson, 8th concession, Col- borne Township, on Saturday, gave the alarm. Miss Emma Robertson was alone in the house, but summon- ed aid by telephone. The fire was brought under control .by chemicals. Mr. and Mrs. ,Robertson and son, Billy, were in Auburn, when they were advised of the fir. The Auburn -fire brigade was called to the file, but the fire was under control: when they.'arrived., BLYTH Mrs. Fred Somers, Timmins, was with her parents, Mr.' and Mrs. 13. Herrington Charles Cunninghatn, Miss Betty Crawford, Mrs. Hlerbert Crawford, and daughter, Sandra, London, visited with Mr: and Mrs. James Crawford. Dr. E., C. Wilford, ,accompanied by his son, ':Dr.' John Wilford, and his daughter, Dr. Agatha,.Wilford, all of Toronto, were guests of Mrs. R. Wightman and Mr. and Mrs. D. Mc- Gowan and family. GODERJQH:—•The Board of Trade has decided• to ask for membership fees of $5 from those conducting tourist businesses; $10 from the retail merchants; $25 from ndustrialists, and $2 from private citizens, .rwwr..e„.. ANNOUNCING The Appointment Of Mr. Les Naftel as farm trade agent for Imperial Oil Ltd. For the Towlnships of East Wawanosh, Morris, Hullett, and Goderich. If you need petroleum requirements phone BLYTH 68. 19-20-b 041,6,.....,.,,.,,,.. ------ 5HIJR-GAIN FEED SERVICE NEWS MINERALS Recent repoi is from Agricultural Representatives indicate that a number of herds of cattle in various parts of the province are showing the symptoms of mineral deficiencies. This constitutes a serious threat to the health of Ontario cattle herds, a threat however that can be met easily and dealt with effectively. Here are mineral deficiency symptoms that you should be on the look -out for: (1) Depraved Appetite—cattle chewing bones, leather, boards in an effort to get minerals from a foreign source. (2) Stiffness of Joints --the cattle are now reaching a state of severe deficiency. They will demonstrate a poor appetite and poor physical condition. Here is your EASY CURE or better still your EASY PREVENTATIVE for mineral deficiency in your cattle. SHUR-GAIN Essential Mineral for Cattle Simple; isn't it?? and ESSENTIAL. We can supply you with SHUR-GAIN ESSENTIAL MINERALS FOR CATTLE CLINTON. FEED MILL /�46��j/�J � 4 Wet ea�g�eza� � 4�a i/oWVs'b'ee ♦ e s egad a 4�► ai e 0 They offer a chance " for IMMEDIATE JOBS— STEADY JOBS too. They also offer jobs for experienced farm workers—for mechanically trained workers --a and any others able to help seasonally. Then, there is the challenge to fight off start», vation threatening many nations. 4141• JOIN IN THE, FIGHT AGAINST HUNGER • JOBS ARE AVAILABLE IN YOUR DISTRICT SevueGNg¢ evte ace 4et I Apply today for work on the farm to either' YOUR NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OFFiCIII ty>! PROVINCIAL AGRICULTURAL SERViCIi DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MOCNAMARA Minister of Labour Deputy Minister