HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-09, Page 6PAGE SIX
THURSDAY', MAY 9, 1948:
l�ura.i Corre.spondents
MeV It WOODS Phone OLIN `ON 631r31
Mr. and Mrs, Gree'Cock Clinton,
spent the weekend at their ,cottage,
Rev. F. G. Stotesbuy was in Gam-
lachie en Friday and Saturday'visit-
ing his son, Douglass
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Lambert, De-
roit, were at their home in the, avil-
la .. over the, weekend. :i, ..
Prof. R. K. Pemberton and ,family,
London, were at their cottage in Lake-
side Bark over the weekend.
Miss Mildred, .Cameron, London,
came last' week to spend some time
with her sister, Miss E. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs James Cruickshank,
Clinton, spgrt the er end with the
latter's mother, Mrs. Wm; Sturgeon.
Mrs. John Gemeinhardt, Douglas,
Wyoming, is the guest of .her ..sister:
in-law, Mrs. W. J. Stinson, this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms, De-
troit, visited the former's mother,
Mrs. Elizabeth 'Toms, over the week-
Prof, and Mrs. James R. Scott,.
Toronto, were the guests of Mr. and
J. E. ,Howard on Tuesday and Wed-
• Mr. and Mrs. Charles. F. ,Rogers,
',Hamilton, are at. "Char -Min,",, their
cottage in the village, for the sum-
`; mer season. '
Mrs. E. A. Featherston; returned
home on Thursdaylast after having
visited her daughter in Toronto for
a few days.
Congratulations ,' and best ,wishes
: e
are extended'to Bus" 'and -his bride
who have taken `.up' housekeeping is
L. A. Atkinson's cottage.
Mr. and ,M s, C. R. Will•, London,
were at"'therr'eottage in the village
ever the weekend. Mrs. W. M. Purves,
Birmingham, Mich., was 'their guest.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ahrens have
had the old barn removed on the lot
adjoining' their property 'which the/
recentlyrom Miss M. C. f
IVIr. and Mrs,•' George 'Clark;
troit,, spent the weekend with,the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs: eter
Clark, Blue
Highway; Goderich
Township. . . ,
Mrs. R. Larson returned home on
Friday after having visited her sister
in London. She was accompanied by
her son; Clarence, who washome over
the ,weekend. r
Miss Dori McEwen returned to her
home in the village on Thursday last,
for the summer vacation, after having
completed her first year at the Uni-
versity of ,Western. Ontario, London.
Mrs. D. W.' Rhynas and William
Township of Stanley
The dumping of any wastle material on the
roads in the Township of Stanley' is strictly for-
bidden. Anyone doing so will be prosecuted.
By Order,
Township 'Council of Stanley
Fred Watson, Clerk
For Body and Fender Repairing
C. R. Crossman' ShopBody
Rattenbury St. W., Just West of BartIiff s Bakeshop
L, Ferguson were called ,to London;
on Tuesday,' owing'.to the',serious illi
ness of their sister, Miss Norah Fergrl
uson. Mrs. Rhynas remained in •Lori=
tion._ .Miss Ferguson's ,many friends,
in this vicinity hope thatg she' will
recover. '
Leaves Hospital'
Miss Mane Denby, w.as=sa'ble to leave
-Clinton ,,Ppblie Hospital,on Monday
,and is,,,reeuperating at. the .home of
Mr. , and Mrs. ,Lloyd Makins.
Correction ; .
In last week's issue it ,was :er•ron-
'eeuslyjstated that"the outgoing:morn-,
big mail would close at 11.45 Daylight
Saving Time. This should have read;
10,45. A.M.
Landmark Oranges Hands
Th'e'barn apd'1'ot, formerly owned,
by Miss Margaret. Reid, has been'
purchased by , Mr, and ,Mrs. Harry
Ahrens, Detroit, ;Mich, and will adjoin
,the; Ahrens estate; Trail $later•
Cottage,?'- There; will ,be,
a new two -
store arae builton- the pro
car g g p p
erty in June by, Pee Weston, builder
and caiji"enter. '
Y. p."1.1. Meeting
The SundaY evening Meeting of St:
Andrew's" United Church Young:
People was under the direction of the
convener of Christian Culture, Colin
During .the Worship service a vocal
selection "by Clara Clark was 'rnuch,
appreeiated and all joined in singing
Gospel Hymns to the violin and 'pi'ano
music provided by A. Woods and Mrs.
Robert Scotchimer.
William Edigiroffer. Zurich, was
the guest sneaker. Taking part of
verse 15 of the 2n'd":chapter . of
Timothy,. "A Workman that needeth
not to be' ashamed," as the basis of
his address, he stressed the necessity
of love, courage,' tact, perseverance,
joy and faith in the life of the church
worker. -
Offerings, .received at these meet-
ings are being Contributed to Mission
A quiet wedding was solemnized at
the North St United Church Manse,
Goderich, on Thursday,: May 2, at
two o'clock -by Rev. R. H. Turnbull;
when Vilda Leilla McCreight, young-
est daughter -of Mr. and. •Mrs. Russell
McOreight, Goderich, was married to
Borden Clark (Buster), youngest son
nr Mr.. and Mrs. Peter Clark, Blue
Water Highway, Goderich Township.
The bride wore a powder blue wool
dressmaker suit' with matching hat
and corsage of pink hriareliffe rose
buds. They were attended by the
bride's sister and her husband, Mr,
and Mrs. Robert Groves. Mrs. Groves
wore a lhne green wool dressmaker
suit with matchinc accessories and
her corsage was of Talisman roses.
A. reception and wedding breakfast
was held at the horn of the bride's
Parents for the immediate relatives.
Mrs. McCreight wore a black crepe
frock with white trimmings and Mrs,.
Clark was attired in green crepe. The
young couple will reside in Bayfield..
From Harry King
The following interesting clipping
from the Los Angeles Examiner was
sent to George King by his brother,
Harry, who resides in Venice, Calif.:
San Juan Capistrano, March 15,
(TNS), Symbolizing the return of
recce to the Iand. the swallows kept
their historic rendezvous beneath the
cornices and rafters of ancient San
Joan Capistrano Mission today.
"Las golondrinas,•. as the Spanish
and Mexican residents call them. re-
turned at dawn on St. Joseph's Day,
rnholding a tradition which dates to
the founding of the mission by order
of St. Francis in 1775. According
to an old Indian legend, "when the
swallows wing to Capistrano promptly
at time of the budding of the flowers,
then, be it known that eagles are
clearing the sky of earrion birds and
that days of peaee. fruitfulness and
hominess are nigh."
"A few scout birds snared out of
the murky skv early this morning,
and the main flock began flying in
1IIrs.`B. McMatli is spending a, few
days in Toronto this week.
Next , Sunday, May 12, will be
Mother's Day. A. mother's choir ,will;
have, -charge of the music; in Holmes
ville United Church
Mr; andMs.M p
iner s'e'nt the week-
end' with Mr., and Mrs. E 'J. Tre-.
wartha and ''their daughter-in=law,
Mis:''Stuart Miner ; .Yid little grand-
Winner.. in Vocal Solo'
Congratulations are extended to
Gloria Palmer. .torGoderich'
Music Club trophy for: voeii'winning, l solo at,
the music festival last week.,,
Sympathy Expressed
The, com itunitywas,saddered on
learning of the .death of W.., II.Lobb,;
in 'Clinton Public; hospital early Sun-
day. He will be greatly; missed „izy
cn le
largeC of , friends. We,,extend
our deepest sympathy, to Mrs. Lobb
and the faraiWW.
Miss Mavis .Spencer, Toronto, spent,
the "weekend with .her parents,: Mr.
and Mrs. A. Spencer. ; : „
Mr.' and -Mrs. Fred .Jones, Toronto,
were •guests on' Friday•last with•Mr;
and:,Mrs, R. J. Paterson, •
Farewell Dance Held '
A number of friends - and relatives
sponsored a, 'farewell.. dance • on Wed-
nesday, Map .1 for -Mr: and :. Mrs.
George ('Doddy) Sangster °who left
the following day for Portage La
Prairie, Man., where_. they will. make
their home. Music for the dance: was
supplied by Steve Dundas and hisor'•
chestra. Lunch was served and glar-
ing intermission Fred Beerread an
address for the guests of honor. The
couple were presented with an en-
velope: containing a sum of money.
The sponsors wish to thanks all who
helped make the •event, a success.
W. M. S. Meets
The May meeting of Hensall W.M.S:
Was held in the United Church School
Room Thursday afternoon, May 2, at
three o'clock. In the absence of the
president, Mrs. WB. Cross, the chair
1 was taken by the vice-president, Mrs.
G. Ballantyne, the meeting coming to
order with the singing of `Blessed
Assurance." The Scripture Iesson,
Matthew 6:5-8, was read by Mrs. C.
Cook; the devotional, '"In quiet
places" by Mrs. G. Bess. Prayer was
offered by Mrs. Lanrmie, followed by
the minutes and roll call 'which was
answered with the name of a mis •
sionary, Mrs. George Hess, delegate
to the Huron Presbyterial held at
Wingham, •presented a splendid and
comprehensive report. A..memoriam
was observed for the late Mrs. Chas.
MCDonell. A solo was .rendered by
Mrs. Maude Hedden, with Mrs. T. J.
Sherritt, accompanist, followed by. a
silent prayer in memory of Mrs. Me-
Donell, a very valued member of the
society. Mrs. E. L. Mickle contributed
a pleasing piano instrumental Miss
Consitt presented the study, "Currie
of. Chissamba" in a very interesting
manner. Interesting facts of the work
of the W.M.S. were given by Mrs.
James Smillie,, which, revealed some
very • worthwhile facts. Mrs. R. A.
Brook and 'Mrs. Victor Fee reported
having made 32 calls on the sick and
shut-ins during March and April, Mrs.
Cross and =Miss Consitt were appoint-
ed visiting committee. ,for May and
June. A hymn and benediction closed
the meeting.
at 7.45 a.m. according to Father A, J.
Hutchinson, mission padre.
"The swallows depart from the
mission on San Juan's Day, October
23, but where they go is shrouded in
legend. Ornithologists believe, how-
ever, that they spend the winter in
Central and South America."
Beet; aboard a' Canadian National train ;lately? If ',not,
there's a pleasant experience in store for you. With equip-
ment coining back into civilian use, rail travel is much less
congested more like old times. You 'are invited to re-
discover, this summer, how nice it is to travel by train again.
The pleasure begins before', you set foot on the stain.:Any
Canadian National ticket office will arrange itineraries, and
can also supply practically: any information you need about
anywhere' in Canada? • Make your holiday or ;business trip
really worth -while; talk it over with Canadian National first.
1,N ;::.C:,A• iA..� k,`�'>::
Mrs. L. Pipe was in ,London en 1
Miss Mary Caldwell, London, =was
home over the weekend,
Mrs. Nellie Barr spent, the weekend
with Mrs. Lillie ` Webster,
My, ' T. Moon, London, spent ; the,
weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes'
McCool. •
rrY Webster er and friend,
with Mrs'L. Webster and ack,
Sunday. . ..
Mr. and Mrs. William
Gooier, visit-
ed with Mr' and Mrs. jack Radford,
Clinton. •
Mrs. Andrew Kirk, Whitechurch,
visited Mrs. W. Lyon and Miss Kirk,
on Monday.
Colin Fingland,. Wingham, ,'pent
the weekend with -his' parents, Mr. and
Mia. J ri 1
Jaek Stevens en and mother,
Stevens, visited w#h.Mrs. W. Hesk
and Mrs. W. Lyon on .Sunday.
Misses Eileen;
,and ,
Youngbllitt, Clinton, spent the week-
end with. Mr. and Mrs, Stew. Well-
Rev, Dr. and Mrs.. William Fing-
land, Niagara Falls, ` Ont., spent a
couple of days last week with the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs.'John
Welcome to Village
Mr. and Mrs. Robert. Caldwell, mov-
ed to the village last week, and we
all give them a hearty welcome,"
Federation Film Showing
The regular monthly film showing
of Ilullett Federation of Agriculture
was held on Monday, May 6, after-
noon and evening, The pictures were
excellent and there was a good at-
tendance: at both meetings.
Combined Service
There will be a combined; service
next Sunday morning at 10.30 (DST).
Rev. A. D. Penman will give an ad-
dress -on "A Mother's Influence", The
choir will render special music and
there will be selections from the Sun-
day School. - Four mothers will take
the offering, it being Mother's Day.
There will be a baptismal service and
the Sunday School members will meet
in the basement at 10.15 and' go np to
the auditorium in a body.
The regular meeting of the W.A. will
be held on Wednesday, May 15, in
the basement of the church. The
hostesses are Mrs. W. Brundson, Mrs.
W. Vodden, Mrs:' A. Vodden and Mrs...
W. Lovett.
Easter Thankoffering
The Mission Band held. its Easter
Thankoffering meeting Sunday even-
ing. Hvmn 34 and "God Save the
King" were sung and prayer led by
Mrs, W. Lyon. The Scripture was
read by Billie Cowan, and there was
a piano duet by Delphine and Maxine
Flunking. The offering was, taken by
Bobby Sundercocic and Donald Austin,
Jim Manning gave a reading "A, Little
African Girl," and Miss Kirk told a
story about Africa and her people,
and same of the band gave a play.
"The Workers in our Community."
Kenneth Armstrong was the chief,
Bobby •Sundercock, attendant: Buster.
Pickett, the chief's stool carrier; man
carrying charm, David Fairservice:
Postman, Billie Cowan: farmer. Beit
Lyon; woman trader with tray, Muriel
Shobbrook: school mistress, Gail
Manning; bus driver. Kenneth Wood.
Vera Lyon gave a. reading. Hymn 223
was sung and Mrs. Penman . gave e
splendid talk to the Band. No. 8
pupils sang with Mrs. A. Shobbrook
at the Piano.
The Rand sang an African hymn and
Mrs B. Shobbrook closed the meeting
with prayer. There was a gond at-
tendance and a good thankdffering.
Advertise your livestock in The
NEWS -RECORD. One cent a word.
each insertion.
W. A. Meets
The May meeting of the W.A. of
Ebenezer Church was held at the
home of Mrs. Bert Lobb. The meet-
ing was opened with the singing of a
hymn, followed by the Lord's Prayer.
The minutes of the previous meeting
were read and the roll call was
answered bya verse containing the
word •"love." The =Scripture reading
was given ; by Mrs. I. Merrill, and
Mrs. Bert Lobb led in prayer. Fol-
lowing the business.. discussion, read -
rugs for "Mother's Day" were given
by Mrs. Lobb and Mrs. •Merril;, and
Mrs. Tavener gave a very interesting
talk on "People." Freddie Lobb sang
two solos. The closing hymn was sung,.
!and Rev. Tavener closed the meeting
with prayer and the benediction.
Lunch was served by the hostess, ti
assisted by her daughter, Margaret.
EXETER --Mrs. ,Sheldon. Wein la
teaching in the new room which was
added to Exeter Public School at
Easter. The room contains pupils•
of Grade 5 with a few from Grade 6.
Mrs. Wein taught school in Exeter
prior to her marriage.
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