HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-09, Page 4PAGE mull CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MAY 9 1946 Women's and Church Attairs in Clinton and District JUNIOR• W. I. TO MEET W. I. TO MEET Clinton Junior Institute will meet in the Board Room, Agricultural Of- fice on Tuesday, sd May14,1946,at Y, t. 8.30 p.m. (E DST). . All members • re ( )a urged to be present. LADIES' LEGION AUXILIARY Clinton Ladies' Legion Auxiliary will hold its regular meeting in the Legion Hall at 8.15 p.m. on Monday next, May 13. All members are re- quested to be present. - RATION COUPON DUE DATES Coupons now valid are 'sugar - preserves S1 to S12, butter R1 to R7,meat to 36. M29M The next buter coupon becomes u con es valid 1 b May 16. • PRESBYTERIAN W. M. S. Clinton Presbterian W. M. S. will meet on Wednesday May 15, at 3 p.m., at the home of Mrs. F. A. Axon, Albert St. U DEPARTMENTAL STORE CLINTON PHONE 36 ONTARIO WE OFFER A FEW SUGGESTIONS TO MAKE MOTHER HAPPY ON HER DAY, SUNDAY, MAY 12 AFTERNOON DRESSES Florets and Stripes Sizes up to 52 Sheer and. Spun BLOUSES Plain and Figured HOUSE COATS A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF FINE FLOVE'S PLAIN and FANCY SCARVES PRINT APRONS ASSORTED SIZES A CHOICE OF ' FANCY HANDKERCHIEFS NEW SOCK OF COSTUME JEWELLERY Dress, Coat and Hat FLOWERS FOR ALL OCCASIONS Table Cloths, .Lunch Sets, and Bath Towels BEDROOM and BATHROOM MATS BATH SETS WABASSO SHEETS and P'!lfi0�t.` SLIPS WOOL BLANKETS and THROWS Krin'ile Crepe and Batiste Nighties JUST RECEIVED A SHIPMENT OF' Fi 1 E ENC;:.ISI( CHINAWARE including TEA POTS, CUPS and SAUCERS, CAKE PLATES, VASES, SANDWICH SETS, ETC. • A GOOD' SELECTION OF MOTHER'S DAY CARDS BY COUTTS ALSO GREETING CARDS FOR ALL OCCASIONS ATTENTION PARENTS Parents having children to commence school in September are requested to register them with the Principal of the Public School, Clinton, before May 24. Children of 4 years, 8 months wj.11 be admitted to kindergarten; children of 5 years, 8 months will be admitted to Grade L Ages to be computed as of September 1, 1946. -19-20-21-b BOARD OF EDUCATION, Clinton, Ontario THIS IS IT: By Kind Permission of Group Captain E. A. McGowan THE RCAF R. and C. SCHOOL, CLINTON PRESENTS FIRST! JACK EVANS • Western Ontario's Dance King And His 17 -Piece Orchestra SECOND! A REAL TELEVISION DEMONSTRATION See And Hear Yourself and Friends Televised. THIRD! LOTS AND LOTS OF DOOR AND FLOOR PRIZES The Night When This Big Party Takes Place? Wed., May 22 Dancing 9 p.m. to 1 a.m. R. and C. ,'SCHOOL, CLINTON DRESS OPTIONAL 'tickets Sold In Advance $1.00 Tickets Sold At The Gate $1..25 Tickets Are Available Till May 21 19-20-b says— For good results good bakers always use the best in- gredients. That's why King Pastry Flour is so popular. HUNT,MILUNG CORPORATION�(u,,.�teal LOIVRON CANADA WEDDINGS TH0 P OM SON A. LDWINCIt L" L At St, Paul's Anglican Church, Clinton, on Saturday, May 4 Mary Clarissa, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Thompson, Clinton, was united in marriage to Robert Morrison AM-. winckle, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Aldwinekle, Varna. Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel officiated, The bride wore a floor -length dress of white sheer with square net yoke outlined with a tiny ruffle and net embroidered finger-tip veil falling from a Juliet cap Her flowers were red" Briarcliffe roses arranged in cascade bouquet. Her only attendant was her sister Miss Ruth Thompson, who wore tur quoise net and carried a cascad bouquet of pink Virginia carnations. During the signing of the register Mrs. R. M. P. Bulteel sang "Because.' Entertain Grandmothers At Wesley -Willis W. A. The Woman's Association of Wes- ley -Willis Church held its regular monthly meeting in the Chureb Par- lor on Thursday, May 2. Mrs. W, M, Nediger presided and Mrs. P Liver- more was pianist. For Scripture reading Mrs. Pickard chose Psalm 91 and Mrs. Britton led in prayer. The society :had as their guests, the grandmothers of the congregation of whom there were 24 present. At the close of the business, Mrs. Nediger welcomed the guests and a program, in charge of Mrs. Hanley a and Mrs. John Nediger, consisting of sing -songs, contests, and a sole by Mrs. Benson Sutter, accompanied by - Miss Eileen Sutter; was enjoyed by e all. Prizes were awarded as follows: to ; the grandmother whose birthplace was farthest from Clinton, Mrs. J. s Addison; to the grandmother with d the smallest waistline, Mrs. Mulhol- land; to the youngest grandmother, Mr.s Cree Cook; to the oldest grand- mother, Mrs. Robson. Three grand- mothers tied for the honour of hav- ing the greatest number of great- grandchildren, as follow,: Mrs. H. Gould, Mrs. John McKinley and Mrs. Mulholland, each having two great- grandchildren. A song title contest was won by Mrs, Turner. At the conclusion of the program, refreshments were served by 1VIrs. Haddy's group, after which a hearty vote of appreciation was' tendered the association on motion of Mrs. W. J. Nediger and Mrs. Fowler. 0 WESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Girls' Club of Wesley -Willis United Church will meet in the Church Parlour on Tuesday May 14, at 8 p.m. Mrs. Archie Douglas will be the speaker of the evening and Mrs. Ernest Adams' group will be in charge. meetings, 85 members present, collec- tion $8.59; penny fund, $2.32. ' Donations: $1, Mrs. Hawkins; second-hand clothing, Mrs. .Shaddick; one quilt and two pair sockees, Mrs. Trewartha; two ;pair stockings, one slip, panties, Lois Habkirk; two ap- rons, Mrs. Leppington; one pair stock- ings, Mrs. Butler; bow and handker- chief, Mrs. Sloane; quilt patches, Mrs. Holmes. Articles brought in: three sweaters, 13 pair soekees, four pair socks, 11 pair mitts, eight dresses, four night gowns, one slip and a shower of 12 handkerchiefs and six ribbons, 20 quilt blocks. Ladies to serve next week are Mrs. Glazier, Mrs. Crich, Mrs. Habkirk, Mrs. Burton. Dean Aldwinckle was his brother' best man and Yeoman Aldwinckle an Robin Thompson were ushers. Following a reception at the home of the bride's parents, the bride and groom left by motor for London. They will reside in Ottawa for the summer, GOVIER—GILDE'RS (By our Auburn Correspondent) A quiet wedding was solemnized at Knox United Church Manse on Thurs- day, May 2, when Lillian Elsie Gild- ers, Walnut St., Goderich. was mar- ried to Albert Henry Govier, Auburn, son of Herb. Govier and the late Mr. Govier. Rev. Harold Snell perform- ed the ceremony. The bride was becomingly attired in a navy blue tailored suit, with white sheer blouse and white fabric hat and veil. Mrs, William Govier was the bride's attendant wearing a yellow silk jersey gown with brown acces- sories. The best man was William Govier, brother of the groom. v A reception and dinner was held at the home of the bride's parents, the bride's mother receiving in w figured crepe dress. The dinner was served by Mrs. Clarence Essex of Port Albert, sister of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. Govier left on a short honey- moon at Exeter and London . The bridegroom returned from ser- vice in Holland, Belgium and Ger- many in December, 1945, after hav- ing been overseas since 1942 with the Canadian Division. Since his dis- charge he has been employed by Huron County with headquarters in Auburn. 0 RED SHIELD NOTES The regular meeting of the Red Shield Peacetime Auxiliary was held on Tuesday, May 7. with 18 members present. Collection amounted to $1.80. The president, Mrs. N. W. Trewartha, carried on the business period and later a lovely lunch was served in the form of pot -luck. Donations are g'•atefully received; second-hand clothing, Mrs. A. T. Cooper; second-hand clothing, Mrs. Crich; one hand knit sweater, Miss Maude Chambers. One quilt was up for the ladies to quilt. The packing committee was very busy and packed 35 lbs. of new clothing for a six-year-old girl, sent to :Mrs. B. W. J. Hannema, 5 Coster - single, Assen, Holland- This material was all sent by mail this week. Aril report was as follows: five Remember MOTHER With a Card or Gift GREETING CARDS AND GIFTS Send your Mother a card 'that seems to be written especially for her, the kind that would come from you. Or give her something appropriate from our large selection. * `Ineasrice d 041Se FREDA SCHOENHALS King St. ANNOUNCING Mare .14ft2ia Private Instruction in the Art of Sewing Custom-made Clothing for Women and Children. Consultations by Tele- phone appointment only Oft Tuesdays and Fridays of each week barring holidays and vacations Between 9.30 a.m. and 5.30 p.m, Office and Studio At Extreme Southern Entrance Of Residence Off Shipley St. Mrs. May E. Cuninghame No Deliveries PHONE 3224-253 -21-2- j9, 1 �' III III' li-fit enlllnlllll� III`jI� �I 'III If you have guests, let the NEWS - RECORD know. Phone 4. r. * s Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Cooper spent several days in Toronto last week. Ralph Bouskill, Winnipeg, 3Vlan., spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Wallis. Miss Erma Mair, Toronto, spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Mair. Miss Helen McGill, London, spent the weekend with her .parents, Mr. and =Mrs. Jaynes McGill. Mr. and Mrs. Derrald Ferrin, Ann Arbor, Mich.; are 'visiting the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lobb. Benson Sutter spent the weekend in St.Thomas attending the spring meet ing of the London Conference Y.P.U. executive. Mrs. W. T. Hawkins and Lieut. Madeline Hawkins are visiting the former's daughter, Mrs. Al. Snaith, and Mr. Smith, Cochrane. Mrs. C. E. Moffit and children, Master Donald and baby Arthur, visited the former's mother, Mrs. A. D. Beaton, a few days recently. W. G. Holland, Richlea, Sask., spent the weekend with his cousins, Mr. and Mrs. M. Batkin, and with Mr. and Mrs. C. Sturdy. Holmesville. Mr. and )tars. George Gibson and (laughter, Miss Isabel, Oakville, were visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gibson and Miss Beatrice Gib- son several days last week. Mrs. Amy Martinson 'reit on Mon- day for her home in Winnipeg, Man., after spending several weeks with her sister, Mrs. H. B. Combe, at "The Cedars." Mrs. Combe returned with her sister to Winnipeg and will remain for an extended visit. W. E. Floody accompanied by Scott Henderson, both of Toronto, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sutter. On their return they were accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Floody, who had spent the winter with her sister, Mrs Sutter, recuperating from her illness. Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Pocklington and two children, Peter and Nancy, left Tuesday for a visit with the lady's parents in Carberry, Man., and before returning home intend taking a trip to the Pacific •Coast. Mr. Pocklington last week received his honourable discharge from the RCAF at Lachine, Quebec. 7.1lAT precious gift of lift that mother gave to us can never be repaid. It can only be passed on again to our sone and daughterd. Can we do less thanass on with it, enduring evidence ofhermemory and what it meant to us? Only the finest memorial would be ac- ceptable for a mother's grave and we are glad that we can suggest the Best, You rvi11 find our advice helpful and understanding in t'I"»"io„ the purchase of this lasting gift to her memory. T. PRYDE and SON Memorial Craftsmen CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTB Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, for an appointment any other time ,81 .1.11•11M11•111111.• CHURCH DIRECTORY (All times mentioned below are Daylight Saving) Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 12 Mother's Day 10 A,M.--Sunday School 11 A.M.—"A Tribute to Mothers" The Sacrament of Baptism will be administered. 2.30 PM.—Knox. Church, Bayfield, Service; Everybody welcome. St. Paul's Anglican REV, R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore 'Fremtin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 12 10 A.M.--Sunday School 11 A.M.-Morning Worship 7 P.M.—Evensong Monday, May 13—"Aunt Tillies Goes To Town", sponsored by AYPA. Tuesday, May 14—W. A. meeting at the home of Mrs. Fred Hudie, at 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 15—The Friendship Club meets at the home of Mrs. J. M. Elliott, at 8 p.m, Ontario Street United 'REV. G. G. BURTON, Minister Mrs. Edward 'Wendorf, Organist B. J. Gibbin.gs, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 12 Mother's Day 11 A.M.—Mother's Choir • Baptismal 'Service Near Noon.Sunday School. 2 P.M. -Turner's Church—Baptismal Service with Mother's Choir ' 7 P.M.—Mother's Choir, Regular ser- vice. Wesley -Willis United REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY,. MAY 12 Mother's Day 11 A.M:-Mother's Day Service Mother's Choir Sacrament of. Baptism 12.10 P.M.—Church 'School — Open Session with Rev. J. C. Britton. 7 P.M.—Evening Worship, "'Moulds" Baptist ThEIV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 12 Remember the Bible School meets at 11 instead of 2. There will be a Mother's Day programme. Moth- ers and fathers are invited. Evening Worship -4 PJM.—With a Mother's Choir and appropriate Mother's Day message by the Pastor, Mid -week Meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. Be true to your Church and Lord. Do your share of Preaching, Praying and Paying. Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. H. KENDRICK, Pastor Tuesday, 8 p.m.—Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m, — Exeter Young People, speaker, Miss J. Trebner. Sunday, 10 a.m. — Sunday School, classes for all ages; superintend- ent, Mr. S. V. Cann. Sunday, 11 a.m.---Speaker, Evangelist Rev. Gingerieh. Sunday, 7.30 p.m, — Cheerful Song Service. Sunday, 8 p.m —Evangelist Gingerich Each night next week at 8 p.m. from Tuesday on to Friday. Clinton Gospel Centre (Mennonite Church) Pastor—Mr. 0. CEISTNICK Services are being held in the Legion Hall, above the Bank of Mont- real, SUNDAY, MAY 12 10 A.M.--SSundav School. 11 A.M.—Morning Worship 7.30 P.M.--1lvangeIistIc 8.45 P.M.—Singspiration Hour (for all who like music and singing). A HEARTY WELCGIVIE TO ALL Help us to establish a Mennonite Church in Clinton; Our Greed—Christ, Our Book — The Bible, Orin Law -- Love.' Presbyteran W. A. Plans Annual Bazaar in June The W. A. of the Presbyterian Church held its monthly meeting in the Church Parlor on Wednesday af- ternoon, May 1, with a fair attend- ance. The Persident, Mrs. Charles Twitchell, was in the chair, and open- ed the meeting by singing hymn 571, and followed by reading the Scripture from St. Mark's. Gospel and prayer. The minutes of the last meeting were read by the secretary, Mrs. Streets, and were adopted. Several other reports and correspondence also were read. The treasurer's report, presented by Mrs, F. A. Axon, reveal- ed a substantial balance in the treas- ury. Final arrangements were mad r e for annual.bazaar to be held on Sat- urday afternoon, June 8, in the Sun- day School. Mrs. T. W. Morgan, convener for the sewing committee, and Miss Shaw for the knitting committee for the' Red Cress, handed nut wort: to be done by the members. The meeting closed by singing hymn 582 and all repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. I Hostesses for the afternoon tea were Mrs. D. J. Lane and Mrs. Charles Twitchell. NEWS -RECORD A d i e t s bring quick results DRESSES—Seersickers, Chambrays, Ging- hams, Cotton Slubs and Crepes. GLOVES—Pigtex, Colored Rayons and Chamoisette. SCARVES—White and Colored Silks. BLOUSES—In white, pink or blue, also Floral Patterns, FRONTS --Both Plain and Fancy. HANDKERCHIEFS—Plain, with Iace or floral designs. R. V. IRWIN Records and Record Players The R. H. Cornish Electric Store, Goderich The largest in Western Ontario, and one of the best and most up-to-date record bars for your musical needs. RCA Victor, Columbia and Decca Records, including alt the popular, classical and sacred music for your home entertainment, such as: The Nutcracker Suite, Grand Canyon Suite, Rhapsody in Blue, Gilbert andSullivan operas, PalIonaise; Popular Music — Laughing On The Outside, Frim Fram Sauce, Personality, Day By Day, One-zy Two-zy, Shoo Fly Pie and Atiple'Pan Dowdy, You Won't Be Satisfied, All Through The Day. We carry also a full line of record needles, from 10 cents to $2.50 each, including the famous Phanstiehl and Master by Fidelatone. These needles completely eliminate service noise. Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention The R. H. Cornish Electric, Goderich Phone 141 and 793 a "A READY MADE FAMILY" Presented By WESLEY-WILLIS YOUNG PEOPLE in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, May 10, at 8.15 p.m. ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Seats Reserved at McEwan's For Delicious, Nutritious and Economical PH,ON.1+ 1 Baked Goods It's BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON • UPHOLSTERING DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD CHESTERFIELD UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU! PHONE 4 FIRST FOR ESTIMATES ON PRICES AND COVERS — No Obligation — Two Weeks' Service We Pick Up and. Deliver All Work Guaranteed DICK THE UPHOLSTERER M L t3.,•44.1444.444-.:4 4.4444..444i:H:s o h4 d`t w toww..: -4,-