HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-05-02, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY," MAY 2, 1946 Women's and Church Atlairs in Clinton and District MRS. M, BATKIN NEW PRESIDENT OF W. I.; HEALTH TALKIVE G N Clinton Women's Institute met on Thursday afternoon, April 25, in the Board ,Room, Agricultural Office, Clinton, at 2.30 p.m., With a fairly good attendance. The president, Mrs. J, B. Lavis was chairman and ex- tended a hearty welcome to all paesent. The meeting opened with the sing- ing of "Our Ode" with Mrs. A. Holmes at the piano, and repeating the Lord's Prayer. The minutes were read and approved, and treasurer's report giv- en. Several convenors of committees were heard from . The Welfare Con- venor reported 25 articles having been completed. A solo was rendered by Miss Cor- onna Wendorf accompanied by Miss Mary' Lane, which was much enjoyed. Mrs. R. Fairservicewas appointed chairman, and a new slate of officers were electedor 1 4as follows: -47 f $ 6 ons: Honorary President, Mrs. J. B. Lavis; president, Mrs. M. Batkin; first vice-president, Mrs, C, Sturdy; second vice-president, Mrs. F. Glees; third vice-president, Mrs. G. Falconer; recording secretary, Mrs. C. Nelson; Press secretary, Mrs. C. H. Venner; treasurer, Mrs, F. Hanley; District director, Mrs. L M. Nay; branch directors; Mesdames G. Ginn, F. Lay- ton, F. Sholbbrook, E. Adams, A. Holmes; finance convenor, Mrs. C. Sturdy; social convenors, Mrs. F. Glew and Mrs, H. Jenkins; reception convenors, Mr•s, H. Jenkins, Mrs. At, Fairservice and Miss C, Harrison; flower convenors, Mrs. A. F, Cud - more and Mrs. L. Heard; song leader, Mrs. E. Adams; pianists, Mrs. E. Adams and Mrs. A. Holmes; we,fare, Mrs. John Cox and Mrs. W. Ross; auditors, Mrs. 0. Falconer and Mrs. R Fairservice. Convenors of Standing Committees Agriculture and Canadian indast- ries, Mrs. I. M. Nay; home economics, Mrs, E. Epps; historical pp re,carch and emrant events, 'Vliss L. Brigham; citizenship, ii[rs. Jenson: social wel- fare, Mrs. Gini: pu' hcity, Mrs. Ven- ner; welfare work, Mrs. J, Cox and 11,s. W. Rasa Speaks en Public Health The guest spec .0 of the day was Dr. F. G, Thompson, speaking on is uhlic Health," He stated in his, aseiress the essential benefit of hav i'•g pasteurri"tl milk and pure diinlc- irg water, 1•'r, of which we have; in Clinton. Medical health nurses ayd (lectors inspec•c school children both in town and cou:n.ry schools for de- fective teeth, eyes, etc„ and if nut treated telco, parents are advised as in medical ca • •, Then in the Province, there is Old Age Pensions, Mothers' Allowances, care of blind, etc. Pre- ventive measures can bo administered to help avoid disease, such as the im- munization of infectious diseases by vaccination and inoculation. .A11 these tend to improve the general health of the people. So along with many other interesting facts on health, the health authorities are trying to de- velop a healthier race of people. Mrs. G. Falconer gave an interest- ing reading. A vote of thanks was extended to those taking part in the programme. A few answered the roll gall by the exchange of bulbs and slips. The meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem and the hostesses served refreshments. Mesdames Bat - kin, Hanley and Miss Chambers were the hostesses. Ontario St. W A. Holds DEPARTMENTAL STORE CLINTON PHONE 36 ONTARIO Interesting Meeting The W. A. of Ontario Street Church met in the School Hall, May 1. The president opened the meeting with the hymn "What A Friend We Have In Jesus," followed by reading of two Psalms in unison. The theme of the devotions was "Music." Miss Wiltse played the call to worship "Humorsque." After a few thoughts on music given by Mrs, Maltby, Psalm 24 was read in unison. A praer was then sung in unison. The minutes were read and ap- proved and various other reports given. Correspondence was read by Mrs. Kennedy. Miss Wiltse played "Spring Song" and Mrs. Farnham read a collection of humorous. poems. It was decided to hold an anniver- sary tea in June. A hymn dosed the meeting, followed by prayer. Lunch was served and enjoyed by all. We Feature SUNWORTHY Wallpapers NEV 1946 DESIGNS NOW BEING SHOWN ?IJadrrq 104 The 110fivizi You can enjoy their Fragrance and for your pleasure ' e have Azurea, Saffranor, Le Trefle Incarnate and Fetiche. Concentrated Odors and Colognes 30c - $1.35 - $L75 De Raylnond's Deviltry,. Mimsi, Pinx, Apple Blossom — COLGGNE • — 60c, 95c, $1.50 W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm.B. TJks PHONE 51 CLINTON, ONT. 1 FOOT TROUBLES? FOOT OR- LEG PAINS?— EXCESSIVEi PERSPIRATION ?— •CONTRACTED"• 'TOE? — CORNS,? M WEAK —ANKLE? SORE TENDER HEEL? -VY:EAK ,ARCH?.. „ CALLOUSES? BUNION?,; , CROOKED OR ;OVERLAPPING. TOE? HAVE YOU PAINS CALLOUSES OR CRAMPS AT OR NEAR WHERE 'FINGER POINTS DR, SCHOLL'S representative From Toronto will be in our store MONDAY, MAY 6 12.30 noon to 6 p.m. This man is thoroughly trained in the scientific methods of Dr. Wm, M. Scholl, internationally famous Foot Authority, who, for almost a third•centhry has been alleviating human foot suffering throughout the entire world. Come in for Pedo-graph imprints of your stockinged feet. Learn how the proper Dr. Scholl Foot Comfort Appliance or Remedy can relieve your particular foot trouble. Thomas Churchill Reliable Footwear - - Clinton Music Teachers and Pupils TORONTO CONSERVATORY OF MUSIC MIDSUMMER EXAMINATIONS Practical — Juno and July Theory — June 8th, 10th and 111h ach the Conservatory d fees lacer khan MAY 15th, 1946 135 College Street, Toronto 2B 23 SUE Rffl€fflBER To a beloved memory, this is the unchanging message of a beautiful monument. Express your tribute adequately and enduringly in a Memorial of Granite or Marble. Come in and see the memorials in our display and let us tell you more about them. T. PRYDE and SON Memorial Craftsmen CLINTON - EXETER - SEAFORTH Clinton Showrooms Open Fridays See Mr. J. J. Zapfe, Phone 103, for an appointment any other time RING KOOK SAys-- In these days of rationing --sugar, butter and other ingredients cannot be wasted. When baking use — King Pastry Flour and be sure of the best results possible. 3 HUimT MILLING CORPORATION LonooN,,artuta CANADA 1 1 1 ouiu;lllllllllllnupmndw olIJPiipa`jjl ,ulllVlllllu lh,.-�� 13ily • If you have guests, let the NEWS - RECORD know. Phone 4. * * William. Oke visited in Exeter this week. R. Atkey spent the weekend with his mond,ther, Mrs, G. EL Atkey, Owen Mrs, Fred Brophy, Goderich, visited aton the. Sunday, home of Mrs. Henry Garrett, Pte. Fred Bezzo; spent the week- end lliam with Bezzo. his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hearn, Tor- onto, will be the guests of Mrs. B. C.. Hearn next week. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Martin, Kitch- ener, visited with Mr. and Mrs. W. Higgins on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ormond Alcock, God- erich, visited the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs. W, C. Bezzo. • Mrs, R. G. McCann and son Bobby, have returned from a two weeks', visit with friends in Toronto ' Miss Ada Bezzo spent the Easter holidays in Si. Thomas with her aunt and uncle, and brother Douglas. Mrs. J. T. Ross, Toronto, returned to her home on .Saturday after visit- ing her sister, Mrs. Henry Garrett, Mr. and Mrs. J. Frank MacDonald and family spent the weekend visiting relatives at Wingham and Teeswater. Miss Margaret McQueen, Stanley Township, visited Mrs. James Walker, Clinton, for a few days this week. Mrs. Harold Treleaven has returned to Toronto, having spent the Easter wFoweekler, with her parents, Dr. and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Aileen, Tara, and Mrs. A. H. Aiken, Allenford, spent the weekend at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Aiken. Mrs. T. E. Hull has returned to Toronto, having spent the Easter vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Cuninghame. Mrs. Murray Hetherington and daughter, Margaret, Goderich, spent a few days last week with the for- mer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. J. S. Snider, Albert St. Mr. and 3. Maxwell Atkey, Owen Sound, visited with the letters uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mee. W. M. Aiken, and the former's brother, R.S. Atkey, on Monday. Miss Bertha Webster, Mr. and Mrs. Wally Partridge, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Partridge, have returned to their home in Toronto after spending the Easter vacation with Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Webster_ Clinton. • WESLEY-WILLIS W. M. S. The W,M.S. of Wesley -Willis United Church will hold its May meeting on Thursday, May 9, 1946, at 8 p.m., at the home of Mrs. James McGill, Ship- ley St. Mrs. McGill's group will be in charge, WEDDINGS LITTLE—LONG The marriage was solemnized in the First United Church Manse, St. Thomas, at 2.80 p.m,, April 18, of Jean Elizabeth Long, London, and Edward William, Little, of Hensall. Rev. S. Edworthy officiated. b ' The bride is the younger daughter of Mr,. and Mrs. Norman Long, Itip- pen, and the groom is the only son of Mas. Minnie Little and the late Holland Little, Hensall, For their wedding trip, the bride and groom motored to Windsor. They will re- side in Hensall. JOHNSON—CRAIG Rev. R. C. Hennes officiated at the quiet but pretty wedding which unit- ed in marriage Margaret Eileen Craig and Howard Cameron Johnson, The bride is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Craig, R.R. 3, Clin- ton; and the groom is the son of Mrs. Albert Pickard, Clinton, and the late William Johnson, The ceremony took place Saturday, April 27, at 10.00 a.m. in Trinity ;Rectory, Bayfield. The bride was becomingly attired in a street -length frock of white silk jersey, white hat with shoulder length veil, and gloves and wore a corsage of pink carnations. Attending the bride was her sister- in-law, Mrs. Albert Craig, who was lovely in a dress of Royal Blue Crepe with matching hat and gloves and wore a corsage of white carnations. The best man was Albert Craig, brother of the bride. Following the wedding a reception and luncheon was held at the home of the bride's parents. Later they left on a short honey- moon to points south, the bride travel- ling in a gold coloured frock with brown accessories. On their return they will reside on the groom's farm in Hullett Township, East of Clinton. HOVEY—BRUCE-ROBERTSON St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, King St. East, Toronto, was the scene of a wedding Saturday afternoon, April 27, when Lorraine Bruce -Rob- ertson, daughter of the Iate. Dr. Lawrence Bruce Robertson and of Mrs. Duncan Graham, became the bride of Frederick Lucas Hovey, re- cently of the 1st Canadian Survey Regiment, R.C.A., son of James Ernest Hovey and the late Mrs. Hovey, Clinton, The ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr, Stuart C. Parker. David Ouchterlony was at the organ. Given in marriage by Dr. Duncan Graham, the bride wore an heirloom gown of antique ivory faille made originally for the bride's great-aunt 10 1890 and worn by each succeeding generation. Attending the bride was her cousin, Mary Beatrice Graham, as maid of honor, and Phyllis Gurd Smith and June Hunt, St. John's, Nfld., as bridesmaids, wearing polonaise gowns of daffodil jersey. Enid Mary Graham, sister of the bride, was junior brides- maid, in a frock of daffodil jersey Lieut. Col. William Hovey, Clinton, brother of the groom, was best man. The ushers were Walter .Sutherland, "A READY MADE FAMILY" Presented By WESLEY-WILLIS YOUNG PEOPLE in the TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, May 10, at 8.15 p.m. ADMISSION: 35c and 25c Seats Reserved' at McEwan's CHURCH DIRECTORY (MI times mentioned below are Daylight Saving) Clinton Gospel Centre (Mennonite Church) Pastor—Mr. 0. CESTNICK Services are being held in the Legion Hall, above the Bank of Mont- real. SUNDAY, MAY 5 10 A,M.—Rundau School. 11 A.M,---Morning Worship 7.30 P.M.—Evangelistic 8,45 P.M.-,Singspiration Hour (for all who like music and singing). A HEARTY WELCOME TO ALL Help up to establish a Mennonite Church in Clinton; Our Creed—Christ, Our Book — The Bible, Our Law -- Love. Clinton Pentecostal Tabernacle REV. H. KENDRICK, Pastor Tuesday, 8 pen.—Prayer Meeting. Thursday, 8 p.m, — Exeter Young People, speaker, Miss J. Trebner. Sunday, 10 a.m. — Sunday School, classes for all ages; superintend- ent, ,Me. S. V. Cann. Sunday, 11 a.m.-Speaker, Evangelist Rev. Gingerich, Sunday, '3.30 p.m. — Cheerful Song Service. Sunday, 8 p.m,—Evangelist Gingerich Each night next week at 8 p.m. from Tuesday 00 to Friday. St. Paul's Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULPIOEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 5 10 A.M.--•Sunday School 11 A.M.•--Holy Communion 7 P.M.—Evenhug Worship The C,GI. Cadets will parade to the church for this service. Tuesday, May 7—Ladies Guild in Memorial Hall at 3 p.m. Wednesday, May 8—Laymen's Supper at Bayfield. Monday, May 13—"Aunt Tillie Goes to Town", sponsored by A..Y.P.A. Ontario Street United REV, 0. G, BURTON, Minister Mrs. Edward Wendorf, Organist B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 5 Sunday School Anniversary both morning and evening. 17 A.M.—Morning Worship Near Noon—Sunday School. 2 P.M.—Turner's Church 7 P.M.—Evening Worship Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs, Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs. W. Aikenhead, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MAY 6 Bible School at 2 P.M. Evening Worship -7 P.M.—Subject: "Cure for Discontent," Mid -week Meeting Wednesday, 8 p.m. What did you do last Sunday? Did it make you a better person? If. not try something else this Sunday. Take Jesus with you always. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader • SUNDAY, MAY 5 10 AM—Sunday School 11 A.M.—"The Startling Deliverance" 2.30 P.M.—Knox Church, Bayfield, • Service; Everybody welcome. Wesley -Willis United REV, ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, ,MAY 5 11 A.M.—='God, Our Strength" 112.10 P.M.—: -Church Sehopl. 7 P.M.—A service for nurses. Sherbrooke, Tooke v , Q Reginald Sheul, Ralph Hutchison; hison, Newman Paterson, Alan Bruce,Rabertson, Stewart Cook. Mrs. Graham received at her home on Spadina Rd., wearing a gown of aqua crepe. Mrs. J. Albert Robinson, aunt of the groom, assisted, in a black gown. Later, the bride and groom left on, a motor trip, to the Southern States. For travelling the bride chose a frock of liberty silk in sea -foam green over which was worn a coat in a snatching shade. The bride served with the RCAF (WD) as a draftsman. She attended Miss Edgar's and Miss Cramp's schools in Montreal and also the On- tario College of Art for three years. FRASER--.DECKER (By our own correspondent) A lovely wedding was solemnized in James St. United Chuieh, Exeter, Saturday, April 27, at high noon when Vera Catherine Adeline, youngest daughter of Mrs. Clara Decker and the late John Decker, Zurich, was united in marriage to Wilbert Allan Fraser, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Fraser, Exeter. Rev. A: B. Irwin, Eiceter, assisted by Rev. E. Heimrich, Zurich, performed the ceremony. The, church was decorated with white baskets of ferns, carnations and snapdragons in pastel shades, and candelabras with 'white tapers, white satin ribbon and sweet peas marked the pews reserved for the guests. The bridal party entered the church to the strains of Lohengrin's bridal march with Mr. Lawrence Wein at the console. Given in marriage by her brother- in-law, Earl Thiel, Zurich, the bride was lovely in a floor length gown of white faconne crepe over white satin with fitted bodice sweetheart neck- line and Iily-point sleeves. Her veil was of fine embroidered net with scalloped edge which fell in folds over her gown to form a train, and was held in place with tiny white and blue flowers. She wore a neck- lace of pearls, the gift of the groom and carried a white'Bible with stream- ers of forget-me-nots and baby's breath. Attending the bride was Miss Margaret Henry, Brucefield, as maid of honour, wearing a floor -length gown of daffodil yellow with snatch- ing mitts and fingertip veil of yellow net. She carried a nosegay of lavender and purple sweet peas and yellow striped carnations and buddleia with lavender streamers and matching flowers for headdress. Bridesmaids 'were Miss Betty Witmer, Detroit, and Miss Norma Steinbach., Exeter, nieres of the bride. They wore blue and pink gowns re- spectively with mate/Sine mitts and finger tip veil of net. As flower girl Carole Thiel, Zurich, niece of the bride, dressed in an aquamarine gown with matching mitts and veil of net, The gowns of the bride's attendants were of the same material and fash- ioned on the same lines as that of Engagement Announced Mrs. Clara Dutot, Brucefield, wishes to announce the engagement of her eldest daughter, Doris Elizabeth, to Allen H. Austin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Austin, Dorchester, the marriage to take place in King St. United Church, London, on Saturday, May 4, -e RATION COUPON DUE DAT9S Coupons now valid are sugar preserves S1 to S12, butter R.1 to R7, meat 29 to 35. Coupons SS to S12 are in addition to the regular sugar -preserves allow- ance and have been declared valid for the purchase of the first five pounds of the total allowance of 10 pounds of sugar for canning. o - RED SHIELD NOTES The regular weeljjy meeting; of the Red Shield P'eacetrme 'Auxiliary was held on Tuesday with 21 members and three children present. Collection $1.85. Articles' brought in: seven quilt blocks, three pair mitts, one pair sockees, one pair socks,. one pair panties, one dress and one child's coat• We wish to thank a friend, Mrs. A. Groves, and Mrs: Leppington for good used clothing; and Mrs. Hawkins for $1 for our work.We also thank those who donated hair ribbons and handkerchiefs, A Ietter has been received from Mrs. Hannema, wife of a social service worker in Assen, Holland.. It will be published next week. the bride. Carfrey Gann, Exeter, acted as groomsman, and the ushers we: e Allan Westcott, Exeter, and Karl Decker, Zurich, During the signing of the register, Miss Ruth Brown, London, sang "0 Perfect Love. The bride's mother, Mrs. Decke_, and the groom's mother, Mrs. Fraser, received at the former's home in Zur- ich. The former was attired in a gown of navy blue with corsage of red carnations and white snapdrag- ons. The latter wore navy blue figur- ed costume and corsage of two shades of snapdragons. The wedding. luncheon was served to eighty guests at the Dominion House Hotel, Zurich. The table decorations were carried out in a color scheme of pink and white with Iighted tapers in silver holders on both sides of a four -tiered wed- ding cake. For travelling the bride chose a smart aquamist frock with black gabardine pin stripe top coat and grey accessories. Her corsage was oxblood carnations, baby's breath and white sweet peas. The happy young couple aurid showers of confetti left for New York and other points. On their return they will reside in Ex- eter, BLOUSES ARE MIGHTY IMPORTANT THIS SEASON The New Ones Are Delightfully Smart SHEERS, PRINTS, CREPES and PLAINS Dress or Tailored, Long or Short Sleeves, High or V -Necklines Sizes 12 to 20 $2.98 to $4.50 R V. IRWIN No Meal is Complete Without Bread! PHONE 1 It's rich in energy and delicious in flavour. Buy an extra loaf of BARTLIFF'S BREAD today. BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS CLINTON rv.4 +' :44tat+ : �+I : !.'4.:!+:.4e..?: r*! ,84+iMy'q'e+'e ..1. iere-:-n!+:Mx+R's4.'2r 4; UPHOLSTERING DON'T DISCARD YOUR OLD CHESTERFIELD UNTIL YOU KNOW WE CAN'T HELP YOU! PHONE 4 FIRST FOR ESTIMATES ON PRICES AND COVERS - No Obligation — Two Weeks' Service We Pick Up and Deliver All Work Guaranteed DICK THE UPHOIERER