HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-04-11, Page 6PAGE SIX'
THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 194 ,3(
:Interesting Items.
From. News -.Record's Rural Correspondents
Keith 'Gemeinhardt is home after
having spent several weeks in Tor-
Mr. and Mrs, H. Bauer and family,
Waterloo, were at their cottage over
the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. G. D. McLean, Lon-
don, sepnt the weekend at their home
in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Stewart, Hamil-
ton, spent the weekend at their home
on Louisa Street.
Mr. and Mrs. Aflebeek and fam-
ily spent Sunday with Mrs. Afle-
beck's 'father near Dorchester.
Little Miss Victoria Cluff, Goderieh.
Township, visited her cousin, • Mrs.
Robert Turner, over the weekend.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf. Scotchmer, Jr.,
and Master Stephen, Hamilton, spent
the weekend with relatives in this
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Jowett returned
to their home in the village on Thurs-
day last, after having spent the winter
in Kitchener.
Dr. E. P. Lewis, Toronto, was the
guest of Mrs. N. W. Woods over the
weekend, while Mrs. Lewis and
'.Dougal -Dan' remained for a longer
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Mekins return-
ed home on Thursday last after hav-
ing spent several days in Toronto,
where they attended the convention
of hairdressers.
Rev. J. Graham and Rev. J. Goeg-
ban, Woodstock, were in the village
on Monday on business connected with
the Anglican Church .Summer Camp
of the Diocese of Huron.
Mrs. D. A, Volume returned to the
village on Tuesday after having spent
the winter in Woodstock. She is the
guest of Misses A. M. and E. J.
Stirling for a few days.
Clayton Guest and daughter, Norah,
London, sepnt Sunday with •Mr, and
Mrs. Maleom Toms. Mrs, Guest, who
was the guest of her sister, accompan-
ied them bn their return to London.
Murdock Ross and his daughter,
Mrs. L. G. Bassett, returned to his
home in the village last week after
having spent the past four months
with his. youngest daughter, Mrs.
George Davison, Woodstock. Mrs.
Davison returned to Woodstock after
having motored to the village with
her father and sister,
Attended Convention
J. Bates and Mrs. William Parker
attended the Teachers' Convention
held at Goderich on Thursday and
Friday of last week.
Play Planned
Don't miss the play, "Aunt Tillie
Goes To Town," on Friday night, in
tate Town. Hall. See east of characters
in advertisement elsewhere on this
In Critical Condition
The many friends of Alexander
Ferguson (Pierre) were sorry to learn
that he had suffered a paralytic stroke
and was in critical condition at time
of writing (Tuesday). Mr. and Mrs.
For Body and Fender Repairing
C. R. Crossman `Body Shop
Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop
9eea4ott sem!
The trees will soon be taking on their new rai-
ment and spring will be whispering to farmers
everywhere "How about a new cultivator?—how
about other farm machinery?—how about this
and that?" Now is the time to get ready for
spring. Ready money for the go-ahead farmer is
available at the Bank of Montreal. If a loan will
help, see your nearest Bank of Montreal manager.
He knows the farmer's problems and is ready to
work with you, and to put money to work for
you, to make your farm a better farm. Ask to
the folder "Quiz for a Go -Ahead Parma."
working with Canadirws in erery walk of life• since 1817
Welcomed Home
A. welcome home party was held in
the Township Hall, Staffs, for James
Young, recently returned from over.
seas by a group of friends and neigh-
bours in Hibbert. Dancing was en-
joyed. A presentation of a table
lamp and coffee table was made to
Mr. and Mrs. Young, accompanied by
an .address. by Earl Dick. Mrs. William
Cole, on behalf of Kippen East Wom-
en's Institute, presented Mr. Young
with a handsome signet ring. James
is one of 22 boys who received over-.
seas boxes during the war, sent by
Kippen East W. I. Up to date 18 re-
turned personnel have been presented
with signet rings by this organization.
Best wishes of the community follow
Mr. and Mrs. James Young as they
make their new home on the Stewart
Farm, east of Kippen,
William L. Ferguson and Mrs, O. W.
Rhynes were in London on Friday last
to visit him. It is hoped that he will
soon improve in health,
Sailing This Year
George Bell and Charlie Guest are
sailing aboard the freighter, "Quedoc"
which left Goderich harbour late Sun-
day afternoon on ,her first trip of the
South Huron L.O.L.
John Parker, Jack Sturgeon, Jr.,
and Charles Gemeinhardt, attended
the annual meeting of South Huron
L.O.L. held in Hensall L.O.L. rooms,
Wednesday evening, April 3.
Officers for South Huron L.O.L.
elected for the coming year are as
follows: Wor. County Master, John
Parker, Bayfield L. 0. L. No. 24;
County Chaplain, Charles Nelson,
Clinton L.O.L. No. '710; Deputy
County Master, Asa Deeves. Goderich
L.O.L. No. 182; recording seeretary,
0. Gemeinhardt, L.O.L. No. 24; finan-
cial secretary, 0. 0. Pilgrim, Varna
L.O.L. No. 1035; treasurer, G. Cor-
nish; lst lecturer, William Gook; 2nd
lecturer, F. Falconer; marshail, Thos.
Deeves, of of L.O.L. No. 71u.
Both Served in RCAF
Both J. Ernest Hovey, Bayfield's
newest businessman, and Mrs. Hovey,
served in the Royal Canadian Air
Force during the war. The former
recently purchased the general store
of D.. L. Stephenson, now removed to
R. R. 3, Clinton.
Mr. Hovey, a son of Mrs. L. C.
Harrison, Lucan, and the late Rev.
Frank W. Hovey, formerly of Clinton,
and a nephew of J. E. Hovey, Sr.,
Clinton., resided in Clinton from the
age of four years. and attended school
in Clinton, He enlisted in the RCAF
in 1941 and served almost five years
as a Gunnery Instructor with the rank
of sergeant. He was discharged from
the service in October 1945, and since
that time has been associated with the
Imperial Life Assurance Company
with which he will continue to be
Mrs. Hovey, the former Dorothy
Ruston, Mitchell, served - for more
than three iyears in the RCAF
(Women's Division), latterly with the
commissioned rank of Flight Officer.
She formerly was a newspaper cor-
respondent at Mitchell and has had a
year's retail experience.
Death of Mrs. Jewell
The death occurred on Thursday,
April 4, of Maty. Allin, beloved wife
of William J. Jewell, Colborne Town-
ship, in her 70th year.
Besides her husband; she leaves to
mourn, one daughter, Mrs. Lindsay
Smith, Bayfield; three sons, Ward,
Colborne; Fred, Hamilton; Joe of
Watrous, Sask., and two grandchild-
ren, Ronald and Margaret Smith, Bay -
The funeral service, which was con-
ducted by ,Rev. L. H. Turner, Victoria
St. United Church, was held from E.
E. Cranston Funeral Home, Goderieh,
on Saturday afternoon at three
o'clock and interment made in Col.
borne Cemetery. Pallbearers were
three nephews, Oliver Alain, Ben -
miller, Roy iAllin, Carlow, Charlie
Miss Elizabeth Welsh, Ripley, is
the guest of her sister, Mrs. G. H.
Beatty, and family.
Miss Florence Smith, Seaforth,
spent the weekend at the parental
home. We are sorry to report that
Mts..Smith is not improving as rap-
idly as her many friends would like:
Harold Connell and family are mov-
ing into the house formerly owned by
Ralph .Stephenson of the Parr Line.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Latham and fam-
ily, London, in company with the
fernier's-two nephews, the Shepherd
brothers, were Sunday guests at the
home of Mrs. L. Beatty.
Mr. and Mrs.. Ralph Million and
family, Si:raffordville, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Harold Soper and
Breckow, Giderich. and her son.in-
law, Lindsay Smith, Bayfield.
Anglican Holy Week
Holy Week Services in the Anglican
Church will he held three nights only:
Tuesday—address by Rural Dean,
Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, Clinton; Thurs-
day—.Rev. J. H. James, Wingham, will
be in charge and give the address.
Good Friday devotions will be con-
ducted by the rector. All services
at 8 p.m.
"Aunt Tillie Goes To Town"
Do you want to laugh?
If you do be sure to see this riotous
farce, in the
Town Hall, Bayfield
Friday, April 12, 8.30 p.m..
Presented by
Trinity Church Dramatic Club
Tillie Trask (Aunt Tillie) Mrs. L.
.Scotchmer; Lucinda Talbot (her
maid) Mrs. J. Sturgeon Jr.; Pamela
March (aunt Tillie's niece) Milvene
Sturgeon; Lizzie Parsons ( a young
novelist) Mrs. W.Sturgeon; Ellen
Neeland (who appears suddenly)
Betty Lou Larson; Ronald Howland
(who always has explanations) Jack
Sturgeon Jr.; Luther Lorrimer (Ron-
ald's employer) C. Gemeinhardt; Mer-
vin Tucker (who is in a pack of
trouble) Garfield Westlake; Charlie
One Lung (a Chinese cook) Audrey
Sturgeon; Mrs• Tillie Tucker (Mer -
vin's aunt) Mrs, W. Parker; Dr.
Hattie Bing ( a chiropractor) Bever-
ley York.
Adnussion:—Adults 35c
Children 25c
J. J. Finch & Son
Announce the
Opening of a New
Booth, Mechanics and
The Corner imperial Oil Station
on the Clinton and Goderich
Phone 624r3 Clinton
v // ////////////O/%i
Once again there's a serious
Help eliminate this condition by
returning empties as soon as
possible. If it is inconvenient
for you to return them persop-
ally phone your nearest
and bring our home pick-up and
delivery service to your aid.
Brewing industry
We welcome Mrs. Sherk to 'our
Miss Violet • Watkins, Kitchener,
was at her home here.
Miss Lois Rapson was home from
London for the. weekend.
Ross Lovett is home, after working
near Varna for the winter months.
Mr. sand Mrs. Clark Ball spent
Sunday evening with Mr.' and Mrs.
W. S. R. Holmes..
Mr. and Mrs. William Hoggarth,
Clinton, visited Mr. and Mrs. Hairy
Watkins on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hayter visit
ed with latter'sar'ents, Mr. and Mrs,
W. Lovett, on Sunday.p
Mr. and Mrs. George . Wright and
family spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs. Lloyd Pipe, Londesboro:
Mrs. •Susan .Smith has returned
from Detroit, where she spent the
winter with her son, Garnet.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Osbaldeston and
Ronald, Mr. and 1VIr.'s. Thomas Gam -
mage, Goderich, spent Sunday after-
noon with Mn. and Mrs. Robert Smith•
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Ball had dinner
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clar-
ence Ball. Other callers at Ball's
on Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Sandy,. Mr. and Mrs• Frank Heard, all
of Goderich; Mr. Ross Kennedy, E.m
bro, and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Lovett.
$23 for Hall Fund
.Summerhill Community Hall board
realized $23 at a booth at Ed, Ball's
sale, by selling hot dogs, pie and
coffee. Thanks are given to the ladies
of community who donated 27 pies.
Returned Men Honored
Summerhill community enjoyed a
very successful banquet and dance,
Friday night in Londesboro Hall, in
honour of our returned soldiers.
Welsh's orchestra supplied the music
for dancing.
The ex -service men, who were paid
tribute at the affair were -Clarke
Ball, Ray Mason, Don •Smith, Elwyn
Blare, Len Vodden, Roy Vodden, Allen
Neal and roan l:Ioggart, They later
expressed their thanks and apprecia-
tion in the following letter to Mrs.
Lovett, president, and all the ladies
of Summerhill ,Red Cross and com-
"We would like to take this appor-
tunity to convey to all of you, our
hearty and sincere thanks for the
lovely dinner and party given to us on
Friday evening, April 5. We realiz"
it meant a lot of hard work and care-
ful planning for you.
"iAit the individual parties given us
at the Summerhill Hall on our return,
we know our meek and mild responses
and our brief 'thank you' did not in
any measure express the many feel-
ings and thoughts we would like to
have said.
"We shall always remember that,
apart from the many grim days we
experienced and the meals that were
monotonous, the weeks were shortened
by the arrival of boxes from the Sum-
merhill Red Cross. They were a part
of our home community, Summerhill
wrapped up, conveying your goon
wishes to us across the miles.
"So to you ladies, the best in the
world, we extend our most sincere
Mrs. Robert Dawson is visiting at
Mrs, Alice Ham is visiting friends
in Toronto.
Mrs. James O'Brien spent a few
days in London.
Mrs. J. B. Mustard, Jack and Edna,
are on a trip to Nova Scotia. '
Mr. and Mrs. John Kaiser, Hensall,
spent Sunday with Mrs. H. Zapfe.
William Page, Nile, 'spent the week-
end with Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Baird.
Will Sage, Port Albert district,
visited Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Baird.
Miss Mary Gordon, Goderich, spent
the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. T. B.
Rev. Mr. Stanway, Toronto, will
occupy the pulpit of Brucefield United
Church on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs. R. McKenzie and Lois,
Mr. and Mrs. B. Kaiser, Detroit, were
weekend visitors in the village.
T. H. Wheeler and Mr. and Mrs
C. Halstead and Floyd, ,Stratford,
called on friends in the village on.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Douglas, Port
Dover, and Mr. and Mrs. Peter Doug-
las, London, visited Mr. and Mrs.
William Douglas Sunday,
Easter Cantata Planned
The choir of Brucefield United
Church, under the leadership of Mrs.
Murdock, is busy preparing an Easter
I11 in Hospital
We regret that Miss Eva Steak-
house is i11 in Clinton Public Hospital.
We hope for a speedy recovery.
Mr. and Mrs. Abe Zapfe were in
Stratford on Monday.
Sale Largely Attended
The auction sale of the effects of
the late Mrs. Thomas Carr was larg-
ely attended last Saturday. We under-
stand the property was bought by
William Fotheringham, Tuckersmith
Mr. Radio Owner!
Do you need Batteries?
Lawson's Radio Service
R. R. 1, Clinton
Phone 841r23, Seaforth
Fifteen years' experience on all
makes in Hullett, Tuekersmith, Col-
borne and Goderich:'Townshins..• Bat-
teries delivered free.
Miss Phyllis Vaughan spent the meeting on Wednesday, April 17, at
2.30 in the basement of the church.
Mr. and Mrs. 0, Vodden, Mr. and:
Mrs. John Pipe, visited with Mr. and.
Mrs. Mervyn Pipe in Brussels. ort,
Mrs. Allan Shaddiclt grid Miss Ruth
Shaddick spent the weekend in Owen.
Sound with the former's sister, Mrs.,
A. Ferguson.
Mrs. El Holmes and Roy and Irwin,.
Dresden, Mrs. Bert Lobb, Jim and
Grace, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Durnin,
Kinburn, visited with Mrs. H. Lyon
on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Alexander and,
family visited With Mr. and Mrs.
Norman - Alexander on Sunday and.
Master David Alexander went home
with them for a few days.
Mrs• Roy Falconer and little Miss
Gail, Miss Dorothy Westbrook, Mrs..
Walter Westbrook, of Goderich, and.,
Miss Edna Archambault, London, cal-.
Ied on Mr. and Mrs. J. Nott on
Sunday. -
The people of the community were
sorry to hear of the passing of Mr..
William Hesk on Sunday, in the Chin-.
ton Public Hospital, where he had.
been for the past week. The funeral
service was held Tuesday afternoon:
from the United Church with burial_
in• Clinton Cemetery.
Quilting Planned
The Mission Circle girls will have
a quilting and a pot -luck supper on
April 16, instead of April 9, as an-
nounced. The ladies of the church are
invited to help quilt.
Mark Passion Week
Ae we approach the Feaster Season,.
our minds naturally turn to the
events of Passion Week, which led.,
to the crucifixion of our Lord one
Calvary's Cross. On Sunday, April 11,,.
the minister of the Londesboro charge
will preach on the subject of Christ's
Triumphal March in the churches of.
the charge. Everyone is invited.
weekend in Owen Sound with 'her
Donald Dewar, Ottawa, spent the
weekend with his grandmother; Mrs.
Elizabeth Lyon.
Mrs. Laura Sundercock. Clifford
and Bobby visited friends in Wing -
ham on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. R. Brunsdon and
Bette visited with Mr a.nd Mrs. V.
Kennedy on Sunday.
The W. A. will hod its monthly
Master Jack McGregor gave a party
for a few of his friends to celebrate
his birthday on Friday last.
Miss Viola Fraser, Clinton, visited
at the home of her friend, 'Mrs. Frank
McGregor,, over the weekend.
We are sorry to report Mrs. Alex
McEwan is still confined to Clinton
Public Hospital, We hope for a
speed recovery.
Community Club Meets
Stanley Ladies' Community Club
held its monthly meeting April 4, at
the home of Mrs. Bert Murphy. Fif-
teen snentbers and three visitors were
present. ,
The meeting was opened with the
Lord's Prayer. The president, Mrs.
John McGregor, was in the chair. The
secretary's and treasurer's reports
were given. "What did you do all
winter?", was the question to be
answered when the roll was called.
The president read a letter, asking
for help for our Canadian War Or-
phans. Mrs. John McFarlane made a
motion and Miss Tena Baird seconded
it, to send $20 to this and to pack a
box for a needy family in Holland.
This was carried and Mrs. John Me -
Gregor and Mrs. Cliff Stewart were
agl:eii to get material for this box.
Mrs. John McGregor gave a contest
and the collection was token. The
meeting closed by singing God Save
the King and Mrs. Murphy and her
group served a substantial lunch. The
next meeting will be at Mrs. Roy
Cantelon's, the roll call to be answered
by an exchange of seeds and bulbs,
We are glad to report that Bill
Roberts is home from the hospital,
after his accident.
Lat'tes' Club Ili sets
Tuckeesllsth Ladies' 01.1) he1.1 its
pru inline at the halve if Mir
flay P"ar rn Wednesda tf ...t week.
The president, Mrs, William Pepper,
opened tthe meeting with the Opening
Ode followed by the Lord's Prayer.
The roll call was answered by ex-
change of slips and plants. There
were 19 members and two visitors
Mrs. Eldon O'Brien gave a reading
and Mrs. 5, Cinch an instrumental.
The remainder of the afternoon was
spent in quilting. Lunch was served
by group Four. The May meeting
will be in .charge of Group One.
Farm Needs For Springy
Full Line of
Grass Seeds
Permanent Pasture Mixtures,
Legume Innoculation
Excellent Selection of
Leather Work Boots
Finns, Pratts and Royal Purple
Cedar Posts and a fetiv'bags,
of Stock Mineral
25 -8 Blyth- 803.22 Clinton.
O" • Stet° 111.11.191""*"..1'M
1 ib, mineral boat
11/4 cups diced posafoos. t�g lap, popper
1 cup diced carrots 17/4 rap, gait
2 cup' boiling venter
citric int till brown, add p tatace ntnitcs coral
'mall onion
Coa{c onionin
squarer, add boilingwater. 13°55 10 mi
diced in longer.
,icor, Oratir to remixed to arte a cold water.n�Cot& na 5 Thu e
with 3
Dealers in Hardware and Furniture
Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors
WM. N.
Plt ne ALL
Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS 110 BALL
The most modern and efficient
See the "LITTLE BEAVER" Grain Grinder—
it does the job.
Clinton Electric Shop