HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-03-14, Page 7THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 CLINTON NMS -RECORD HURON COUNTY FARMERS' OWN NEWSY PAGE Auction Sales AUCTION SALE of FARMS, FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, etc. Edward W. Elliott has been in- structed to sell by public ,auction at lots 27 and 28, 4th concession, (Cut Line), Goderieh Township, 31.72 miles. west of Hohnesville or '7 miles west of Clinton on THURSDAY, MARCH 28 at 1 p.m. TERMS -CASH At the same time and place, the farms, consisting of 160 acres, of Which 140 acres is cleared and tillable quality soil and the balance in hard- wood bush and cedar swamp. On said property are good fences, well tiled, 2 spring creeks and an extra good class of farm buildings. There are 18 acres , of fall wheat and 14 acres of fall plowing also 18 acres of hay, the rest in.pasture, will be sold subject to re- serve bid. Terms and conditions, if sold, will be made knownday of sale. CHARLES YOUNG, Proprietor. EDWARD RD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer. Watch for full list in next week's NEWS -RECORD. P.S.-•Owing to ill health every- thing must be sold as proprietor is •giving up fanning. • CI..BAItING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS ;Lots 8 and 9, Bayfield Road South, Stanley Township, three miles east ; of Bayfield and thre miles west of Varma on MONDAY, APRIL 1 at 1 .in Everything will be sold as proprietor is giving up farming. TERMS -CASH DAVLD MeNAUGHTON, Proprietor HAROLD, JACKSON, Auctioneer. Watch for full list n next week's News -Record. 11-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS 7 'Concession 8, Hullett, situated on the Base Line, 5 miles south of Auburn, c 5 miles north of Clinton, and 4 miles west of Londesboro on r WEDNESDAY, MARCH 27 du Sharp at 12.30 HORSES -1 gelding, age 7 years; r 1 mare, age 7 years; 1 general pur- r pose, age 12 years. OATTLB--.1 red cow, 8 ,,ears due e Oct. 28; 1 roan cow, 7 years, due Oct. re 7; 1 red cow, 5 years, due April 12• in ' 1 red cow, milking 2 months; 1 trcl y cow, 8 years, due Oct. 12; 1 red so heifer, 4 years, freshened with • calf one week old; 1 red heifer, 8 years, ft due May 29; 1 red cow, 5 years, due 10 May 21; 1 roan cow, 7 years, supposed a. to be in calf; 1 red heifer, 4 years, due Sept, 26; 1 red heifer, 3 years, es supposed to 'be in calf; 2 fat steers, ra 3 years; 1 fat heifer, rising 3 ae Yeats; 7 steers, y ate s risin 2 e , axs• 2 heif- ers, • g Y rising 2 years;.3 calves,'1 year; ,. 3 clves, 6 months; 3 calves, sucking tnr cows;, 1 calf, 2 months; 1 purebred ha Durham bull, 3 years. PIGS --1 sow,. 3 years, due April 24; at 1 sow, 6 years, due April 24; 19 'pigs, bo 3 months old. .SHEEP ---02 ewes with lambs; 14 Qu ewes due first of April. AUCTION SALE of FURNITURE at ReubenGrigg's Residence, Maple St., Clinton, on SATURDAY, MARCH 23 ,at 1.30 p.m. sharp, consisting of: Three-piece chesterfield suite; Autotone piano; axminster rug 9x12; dining room suite consisting of china cabinet, extension table and 6 dining room ' chairs; Linoleum rug 9x12; linoleum rug Jx13; linoleum rug 9x9; linoleum rug 9x8; congoleum' rug 9x12; wooden bed, and inner -spring mattress; wooden bed, springs and mattress; iron single bed, springs and mattress; dresser and wash stand; 2 leather rocking chairs; settee; 2 arni chairs; several bedroom chairs; hall rack; 2 small oak tables; other small tables; 2 chest of drawers; kitchen extension table and 8 kitchen chairs; fancy indirect light fixture; Apex (enamel tub) electric washer (nearly new); Renfred 6 -plate enamel range with warming oven (nearly new); 2 -plate electric stove; 3 -burner coal oil stove; electric toaster; electric iron; 7 -day clock; curtains; dishes, sealers; approximately 4 cord hard- wood;lee cord of cedar; shovel, fork, scythe, rake, lawn mower, cross -cut saw, ditching scoup, numerous other articles. No reserve as proprietor has sold his home, TERMS -CASH REUBEN GRIGG, Proprietor. G. M. LAWSON, Clerk. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer 10-11-12-b AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS At Lot No. 35, Concession 11, Hullett Township, 21 'miles West of Londesboro on County Road WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20 Commencing at 12.30 sharp, consisting of • HORSES -Bay mare, 6 years old; Brown snare, '7 years old; Bay mare, years old; Bay mare, 12 years old. CATTLE --(All Durhams) - Grey ow, due March 1; heifer, due Febra- ary 25; roan cow, due times of sale; oan cow, due time of sale;'red cow, e April 3; roan cow, due time of ale; red cow, dry; grey cow, 417; oan heifer, freshened January 28; oan heifer, freshened February 9; ed cow, milking; red cow, freshened anuary 10; red cow, -due April 20; d cow, due March 15; 6 steers,'com- g 2 years old: 2 heifers, coming 2 ears old; 6 fee{ yearlings; 6 babies; me young calves. IMPLEMENTS -Massey -Harris 7- cut binder; Massey -Harris hay ader; Massey -Harris manure i'reader; Massey -Harris 11 -disc fer- izer drill; Massey -Harris •cultivator, -tooth; McCormick 10 -ft. dump aIko; McCormick 5 -ft mower; Frost d Wood disc, out -throw; Mann disc, -throw; Noxon 12 -hoe o seed •drill; cCormiick wagon, Steel tires new; ck wagon, steel tires; 16 -ft. flat y rack, new; 16 -fa sloped hay pack; et bench sleighs; steel tired buggy; eel tired light wagon; cutter; 'wag'on x with spring sent; land roller; ebec riding plow; Fleury walking ow No. 21; set diamond harrows,. sections; gravel box; Cockshutt able plow; Massey -Harris cream eparator; 2 one-horse scufflers; set ernational scales, 2,000 lbs„ Clin. n fanning mill with screens; 2 good ladders; chicken shelter; sap pan; 100 sap pails; 4 chicken fattening crates; set sling ropes with trip; 3 sugar kettles; pig erate; stock rack; 40 grain bags; bag truck; wheel barrow; pair horse blankets; gninding stone; 8 sheets steel roofing; 1 set of heavy whiffletrees ;buggy pole and whiffle - trees; logging chain; cant hook; about 75 hens; 95 pullets, liybrid; a quan- tify of timothy and mixed hy. HA1INES�S-.Set double harness, brass; set harness, nickel; set plow harness; set single harness; 2 set collar tops; 10 good horse collars; set light hames and tugs. 'whiffletrees, neckyokes, • forks, shovels, chains, and a lot of other articles too numerous to niention. Everything yt g will be sold as proprietor has sold his farm. WILLIAM GOWER, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. P._CHESNEY, Clerk. IMPLEMENTS -=• Steel wagon,5 do Meade -Harris, low -doom manure s spreader; 1 side rake; Massey -Harris Int binder, 7 ft. cut; McCormick mower, to 6 ft. cut; Massey -Harris hay loader; Frost and Wood seed drill; cultivator, 17 tooth, both tractor and horse hitch; 1 double disc; 1 four section drag harrows; 1 •Cockshutt two -furrow - riding plough; 1 walking plough; 1 rubber tired buggy; 1 double 'buggy; 1 cutter; wagon box; gravel box; hay rack; car; ropes; ay' fork; slings;. pulleys; 1 pump jack and engine; 1 long ladder; 1 root pulper; 1 cream separator, DeLaval; 2 sets of double harness; 1 set of single. harness. PEED --Quantity of good mixed hay; also quantity of straw. TERMS --CASH If weather unfavourable sale will be held under ,cover. EDDIE B.AJLL, Proprietor ED'W D AR W. ELLIOTT, 0 T Auctioneer er 11-12-b Leo The NEWS -RECORD quote on, your next printing requirements: 1; Ask Us the $64 Que tioln i • In Fairbanks -Morse farm equipment advertising, yes 'x e seas the slogan "It's What's inside: That Counts." The next time you're in town, ask us the $64 question.. Ask ns to prove that what's inside any Fairbanks -Morse farm machine makes it better. Whether it's a water system, an engine, a light plant., vox a hammer mill that you'll need nest, we're: 'sure we can show you superior design and construction .. hidden Values which you'll agree make a Fairbanks Morse product your best buy. And remember -you can always get repair parts for any I+'a;rbanks-Morse predurt, J. H. Brunsdon CLINTON PHONES: Office 15 Residence 320 JIEAi')QUARTERS FOR Fairbanks'.Morse ti Water Syntc.ns'Petting Plaints Z" Engines' /1m -intuit 11s,r Min, Crain Grinders ". • windmill* wind t11,erg„rn Einetr.e Tenn.* nand lump*'. Milk Conlon wash Machine. . , �.yfliCs /-Y CLEARING AUCTION SALE of FAM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, FEED and HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, at Lot No. 29, Concession 5, Hullett Township, 21/2 miles north of Clin- ton, on No. 4 Tighway and, Y/ mile west on FRIDAY, MARCH 22 at 1 p.m, sharp, • HORSE'S-•Generalur ose mare p p 9 years old. CATTLE -Purebred Durham heif er, freshened 3 weeks; Hereford cow .7 years old, freshened 4 weekes; blew cow, 5 years old, freshened 3 weeks .black and white cow, 9 years old, du March 26; black cow, 6 years old, d April 23; roan cow, 7 •years old, d •April 18; 3 heifers, rising 1 year old 3 steers, rising 1 year •old; 3 calve , 4 weeks old. POULTRY -75 Light Sussex pul lets; 25 White Leghorns, one year old IMPLEMENTS. - McCormick binder, 6 ft. cut; Frost and Wood mower, 5 ft. cut; 12 -hoe' Massey - Harris seed drill; 13 -hoe McCormick seed drill; teel hay rake; 14 -plate out -throw dice; Farmer's Friend rid- ing plow; Fleury walking plow; Massey -Harris 2 -new seuffler with bean -puller attachment; 3 -section harrows; spring -tooth cultivator; wagon; set sleighs; rubber tire top buggy;Portland cutter; Colony house; rain shelter (new); 16 ft. 'hay rack; set sling ropes; sling chain; trip rope; wheel barrow; ,Renfrew cream separator (600 lb. 'capacity); neckyokes, whiffletrees, horse collars, set plow Karnes$,; set breeching har- ness; set single harness; set'chime bells. FEED -5 tons good timothy hay. FURNITURE' - Extension table; small tables; sofa; 6 kitchen chairs; sideboard; rocking chairs; cupboard; Coleman gas. iron; Coleman gas lant- ern; linoleum• 3 -burner coal oil stove; 2 -burner coal oil oven; 1 -burner coal oil oven; lamps, lanterns, dishes, pots, pans, numerous other articles. Everything to be sold without re- serve as proprietor htis given up fanning. TERMS -CASH ERNE'ST VANDERBIJRGH, Prop. EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auct. G-. M. LAWSON, Clerk. 11-b CLEARING ar e AUCTION' SALE of FARM STOCK, IMPLEMENTS, JJaab yChc1 bj �ly pence will be divided equally between 1 .) the Provincial Livestock Branch, and the Goderieh Township Council, with no direct cost to the farmer. This ephone 9 experiment is for your benefit; do not ` � let the opportunity pass without tak- ire Discussed a ing advantage of R. LLYY it7lr, a;i.A7A7cU On February 22, Hugh Hill, , Bert GRAIN and FEED, at Lot No. 36, Concession 4, Tel Road, 2 miles south-west of Clinton on THURSDAY, MARCH 21 of; old;' Huron County's campaign to con- geld- troy the warble fly in cattle -with particular` reference to the expert - due pent to'be conducted in. • Goderieh April Township during the next three m 23; months -and the advantage of order- c eow, ing baby chicks now,'were discussed ears by Gerald E. Nelsen, Clinton, assist - 9 ears fess, in 6 -ft. eat; stop hay rake;" ssey- ood tooth 3- 14 - TOW 21 low; 2 0x76 flat oiler; top nter- cular wer :tor at 1 pin, sharp, consisting OORISES Black mare, 9 years black mare, 7 years old; brown ing, 9 years old. CATTLECow, 4 yea.rs old, April 16'•; cow, 5 years old. due 18; cow, 4 years old, due April cow, 5 years old, due April 23; 6 years old, due May 6; cow, 9 y , old, due June 25; farrow cow steers, 2 wears old; 2 heifers, 2 old; 5 steers, 1 year'old; 3 'her , 1 year old. ck 1MPLE$aENTS�--Auto-tractor; good condition; Deering binder, e cut; McCormick mower, 6-ft.' du • Massey -Harris 13 -hoe drill; Pre du • fertilator, 13 -run; Massey -Harris loader; Massey -Harris 10 -ft. s Massey -Harris, cutting box; Ma Harris root pulper; Frost and W - side -delivery rake; Mann 18- • cultivator; stiff -tooth cultivator; section 'lever harrows; Coekshutt plate out -throw dise; Bissell in-th dise; Oliver 2 -horse seuffler; No Quebec tiding plow; wanking p 2 -furrow gang plow; turnip drill wagons; rubber -tire' wagon, 60 tires; 16 -ft sliding rack; sleigh rack; Coleman 2 -drum steel ro top buggy; steel -tire buggy; cutter; light wagon; I national 4-H.P. gas engine; cir saw and frame: 40 -ft. belt; po emery stone; Melotte cream separ 600 Ib. capacity sheep.and horse dinners; 1,200 1b. scal'gs; fanning mill; brooder stove; 2 set double harness; single harness; collars; wire stretchers, forks, shovels, crow bars, post hole auger, chains, double trees, whiffletrees, neckyokes, and numer- ous other articles. GRAIN and FEED -- 500 bushel Erban oats (suitable for seed); ap- nroximetely 2 bushel Red Clover seed; approxdmately 8 ton mixed hay; quantity, of turnips. Everything to be sold without re- serve 'as proprietor has sold his farm. TERMS -CASH EDWARRD W. ELLrAm IOTT, Auctioneer 11-b Cobb, George Ginn, and myself et - tended a special meeting in Toronto with regard to this campaign. Most of us were rather sceptical as to the advisability of using power sprayers this experiment, keeping in mind he reaction of the cattle. During the ourse of the day, we were taken to a farm, just on the outskirts of Tor- t for the prime purpose of seeing the power sprayer in operation. There were approximately ;0 head of cattle n the barn, some running loose ea ox stalls, and representing both beef nd dairy ;breeds. The operator treat - d all these cattle in 15 minutes, us - ng 400 .pounds pressure, with no re- ction whatever from them, . no ' of; ensive odours in the stable and no onsiderable amount of solution be - ng wasted or spilled on the floor. To rove that' cattle do not have to be tied, seven steers and heifers were erded into the corner of a box stall and treated quite satisfactorily. For cattle to be treated in this manner, it is essential that the box stall or enclosure be sound, to prevent hem from possible escape. That was sufficient evidence, to,prove that ower sprayers can be used satis- ctorily. Needless to say we return - d from Toronto much more optim- AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Lot 5, concession 10, Colborne Town- ship, one. mile north of Carlow and one mile west on MONDAY. MARCH 25 at 1 p.m. Matched Clyde team, 5 and 6 years old,3100 lbs 0 Holstein cows, mostly fresh; 13 2 -year-old steers and heifers; 10 1 -year-old steers and heifers; 7 sows; 12calves, ves John Deere ere tractor,- model B, on rubber, like new, and scuffling attach- pent; John . Deere combine, 6 ft. (new); 2 -furrow tractor plow (new); 3 -furrow tractor plow (oew); 4 - furrow disc plow (new); ensilage cutter, 12"; new side -delivery rake; 7 -ft. J. 1 Case pawerelift disc (new) manure spreader; hay loader (new 3 -section International spring -tooth harrows (new); gas engine, 11 horse power (new). , TERMS -CASH OMAR BROOKS, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 11-12-b CLEARING AUCTION SALE FARM, TRACTOR., FARM STOCK and mumunENTS On Lot 1.0, Concession 10, Stanley Township, 5 miles north of Zurich, or 6 miles west of Brumfield FRIDAY, MARCH 22 1946, commencing at 1 o'clock sharp: RORSES-1 bay mare, 6 years old; 1 grey mare, 12 years old. CATTLE ---Polled Angus bull, TIS.. ing years old; Fere fard cow,due at time ofsale; blaek cow, fresh - with calf at foot; black cow; black cow, due in June; part Jersey cow, fresh, with calf at foot; black cow, due early in April; black heifer, risitxg 2 years old; 4 black heifers, rising 1• year old; 2 fall calves. HAY and G,R,AIN-8 or 10 tons of mixed hay; 200 bushels .of mixed grain: % ton of feed beans, etc. IMPLEMENTS--Qliver Standard tractor, has starter, lights, and power takeoff, No. 70 on rubber, with cab, two new rear tires, practically as good as new, has built up pulley;. 3 -furrow Oliver plow has narrow bot- tom, and practically as good as new;' cCornxick Deering tractor disc, new; 3-sectlene spring tooth harrows, Mas- sey -Harris; Massey -Harris 13 -disc fertilizer drill; 7 ft. cut; Massey- Idarzis binder; Ideal Giant 6 -.ft. cut mower; International side delivery rake: John Deere manure spreader; Deering bay loader; 6 -section liar - ',owe; rubber tired wagon with 32x6 in, truck tires; 16 -ft. flet hay rack, new:. waron box; gravel box; set of Massey -Harris sleighs; walking plow; 'horse seuffler; grinder, Bissett, 9 -inch *eller bearing with bagger; 6 -inch reeve belt,. 60 fh, long, nreetically new; 'Minch 50 -et. belt; 850-1b. capacity aealos; ladder; hag truck: wheelbar. '--w• large steel tank: 5 -gal, cans; roees. new: set Rritchen har- '''e s- set of spreader rings, new; set f siertee harness: cutter; 2 -wheel 'ere t'uolc; rip saw; electric fencer,, end nemorous- other articles Pal A T • seeTATL.-.100 acres more or. loss. Tha••4 18 a frame house with '-nt+•,'t shingles, has kitchen, wood- -heti delve shed. garage, hank barn nx66 feet; straw`hed 52,66 feet: n.lenty•of water, also soft water; is n rico'-d gee w"ll drained; very ease to Omani and schools' 16 acres. of fall wheat 22 acres of fell nlowing, leee sed l lsnoe is seeded down Is rood clay loam, hydro at the road; ou'+e' orchard of four dozen trees, have been bvarine.' Terns on Real Estate -101 on day bin f sale se,i, belai ee ie 80 'clays. Will ing be sold subject ect to 1 a, reserved -.bid• Mc T c To reserve, everts article tie dr e will be sold to the Miohast b+ddPr, sey TERMS- CA4H noa GW'RGS ANfl °SON. Proprietor n n,mer TTTP WERE'R. , A netioneer rA RICH. ROBINSON, Clerk spr 11-12-b' nes Cleating Auction Sale of Furniture, Electric Equipment, Livestock and Machinery First Earns East of Auburn. Con. 1, East Wawaeosh, on MONDAY, MARCH 18 commencing at 1 p.m. 1 Bedroom.suite; 1 vanity dresser; 1 dresser; 2 stands; 1 set steel springs; 1 leather couch; 1 chester- field table (new); 1 wall mirror; 1 oak extension table; 6 leather seated oak dining room chairs; 1 writing desk; 1'kitchen table; 1 glass kitchen cupboard; 1 large kitchen cupboard, madelike keabuilt-in cupboard; 1 con• solemn rug, S'yards 8 Y ds by 4 yards, real good; linoleum, just Like new, 14 ft. 2 in. by 14 ft. 8 in.; congoleum, just like new,. 3.yds. by 4 yds. 31 ins.; 1 play pen, crib; rocking and higk hair; 1 baby carriage; 1 doll buggy nd bed; 1 clothes wringer; 1 wood heater (new); 1 daisy churn; a large uantity of stove pipes and sealers; new car visor; 1 livestock tattooing utfit; 1 livestock inoeulating outfit; 8 -ft, step ladder; 1 30 -ft. extension adder; 1 blacksnake whip; 1 Alemite erk grease gun; 1 bag truck; 1. grass eeder; 1 steel water trough; 1 11! p. gas engine; 1 root pulper; 2 range haters; 2 hen crates; 1 brooder rove and canopy; straw fork, forks, egging chain; shovels 1 set double arness; 1 wheelbarrow; 1 le -horse eneral Electric motor; 1 els-horse estinghouse elecric motor; 1 Inter- ational electric cream separator; 1 electric Woods grinder; 1 electric De - Laval milking machine; 1 set scales or weighing pigs; 1 pig crate; 1 eetric fence; 1 McCormick Deering ower, 6ft. cut; 1 seuffler; quantity timothy hay; quantity of grain; top buggy; 1 corn shelter; 1 single iding plow; 1 cultivator; 2 cords edar wood. A number of cbunks; nks• 1 sow,due ' in April; 1 Hereford calf, 8 months old; D urham calf, 8 months old; 1 Dor- an calf, 5 weelcs old; 1 Durham ow, fresh, 6 years old; 1 Durham w, due July, 6 yrs. old; 1 Durham heifer, due May, 2 yrs. old; 1 Jersey er, due July, 6 yrs, old; 1 Jersey w, supposed to be in calf, 5 yrs, old. No reserve as the farm is sold. TERMS- CCASH. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. MRS. EDNA COWAN, Proprietor. c a 1 0 1 1 z s h e s 1 h G W n 1 el m of 1 r c 1 h c 00 co co AUCTION SALE FARM' S'T'OCK, 'IMPLEMENTS, Etc. Mn, Harold Jackson has been in• structed to sell by public auction on Lot 8, Con. 2, Hullett, three and three-quarter miles west of Seaforth, on No. 8 Highway, and one and one• quarter miles north, the third lot west, on TUESDAY, MARCH 19 at one o'clock, pan., sharp: HORSES -Bay gelding, rising 5; brown gelding, rising 5; general purpose mare, rising 6. OATTLE'-Durham cow, due time of sale; Durham cow, due latter part of May; Polled' Durham cow, due lat- ter part of April; Durham cow,- bred Jan. 31;- Polled Durham cow fresh eiied 3 months cow bred Nov. 25; Hereford cow, bred Dec. 10; Durham cow; not bred, freshened 3 months; Hereford bull, 15' months old, eligible for registration; 1 veal calf weighing around 200 lbs.; 2 calves,•3 months old; 1 ealf, 5 months old; 3 last spring calves; 1 yearling steer. HOGS -Sow with 8 pigs ready to wean; sow with 8 pigs, 8 weeks old; 2 sows, due middle, of April; 11 chunks, around 90 lbs. POULTRY -75 White Leghorn pul- lets. POULTRY EQUIPMBNT--,Colony house, 10'by 12; large coal "brooder stove; feeders, 'hoppers and founts; 8 shelters. Good white Collie dog, 2 years' old. IMPLEiMENTS - 7 -ft. Deering der with sheaf carrier; 6 -ft. Deer - mower; 12 -ft. horse rake; 11 -hoe Cormick Deering fertilizer disc ill; ase M s Barris cultivator; r Mas- -Harris disc; Cockshutt' disc, rly new;steel wheeled wagon, ew; rubber tired wagon; hay rack; share in Massey -Harris manure eader, nearly new; double sleigh, t1y new; light sleigh; 2 set scales; ant agricultural representative for Huron County, in a radio (broadcast over CKNX; .Saturday noon, March 2. 1 was, in part, as follows: I wonder just how many of us a stop to consider the meaning of the words "Community Service." These i words have a wealth of significance a in these e times, and not too many of f us 'are- sufficiently informed 'as to c their meaning. The words are fairly i self explanatory, but in ordinary ,pr everyday layman's language, simply mean "working together to achieve h some particular purpose. You may re- call in the broadcast February .18, that we used this same explanation, as a definition for co-operation, and quite rightly so, for the two terms are practically synonymous. Whether we realize it or not, the p age of individual effort is fast dis- fa appearing, and if the rural people e are hoping to keep pace with other • organized groups, then it is quite es- sential that they work together, as a unit, whether, township, county, Pro- vincial or national, to achieve their goals. Several steps have been taken in recent years in this direction, with the increased nunibers of co-opera- tives, forums, and other community projects; such as, T. B. restricted areas, community barn meetings, as carried on by our good friend and co- worker, George Gear, in Bruce County, and many others. Warble Fly Experiment Now to consider Huron County, where do we stand in this regard? Most of you probably will be aware from previous broadcasts and from reading the press, of the plan for an experiment to be sponsored in God - emelt Township, for the treatment of the Warble Fly. This is just another form of community service in which every farmer awning cattle in the township will benefit, providing he is interested, and will co-operate in the project. It has been decided that the ex- ,CLEARING AUTION SALE FARM, FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS on • FRIDAY, MARCH 22 at 12 o'clock sharp at Lot 29 and 80, Con. 3, Stanley Township, 3 miles south of Clinton. HORSES --1 Clyde gelding, rising 6 years old; 1 Brown :own gelding,rising9 years old; 1 ,Registered Clymar, ? years old; 1 Clyde gelding, rising 3 years old; 1 Clyde gelding, rising 2 years old; 1.filly, rising 1 year old. CATTLE -9 Durham cows some fresh, others due in March and April; 3 grade Poll -Angus cows, due March and, April; 3 registered Poll -Angus cows, 4 years old, due in April and May; 1 registered Poll -Angus bull, 2 years old (raised by F. G. Todd and Son), Erica of Anoka and Bandolier of Anoka breed; 1 registered Poll - Angus bull calf, 1 year old; 13 Poll - Angus calves, rising 1 year old; 2 young calves. PIGS -1 York sow; 5 York pigs, 7 weeks old. IMPLEMENTS -International W. .i traetor, on rubber, starter and lights, in excellent condition; 8 -furrow Fleury plow; a 3 -section ening tooth Magi 1 Bissel tractor disc; Massey - Harris binder, 7 -ft.; Massey -Harris manure spreader; Massey -Harris mower. 6 -ft.; Massey -Harris corn binder; Massey -Harris hay loader; Massey -Barris fertilizer drill, 13 -disc; International side rake (new) ; Inter- national bean seuffler and puller; 1 sulky rake; 1 set harrows, 4 -section; 1 walking plow; Massey -Harris bean seuffler and ullen; Massey -Harris grain drill; 8 -ft. culla packe; 1 20" grain crusher and belt; 1 Maple Leaf grinder; 1 cutting box -blower; 16 -ft. hay rack; 1 good rubber tire wagon; cutter; new gravel box; 1 steel 'tired wagon; new set sleighs; .flat rack; fanning mill; 2,000 lb, scales; Me - Cormick Deering cream separator with motor; forks, shovels, etc. Quantity of mixed hay. HARNESS --1 set good breeching harness; 4 large straw collars. FARM 200. acre farm, bank barn, drive shed, hay barn, silo 12-30; 2 - storey house, hydro throughout build. Ings, ,bath room, good water supply; 15 acres hardwood bush; 7 acres wheat: 55 acres ploughed land; bal- ance in pasture and hay; close to school; 3 miles from Clinton. TEEMS: •Chattels -cash; Farm -- made known day of sale, sold subject to reserve bid. WILLIAM McEWDN, Proprietor. uhrtoLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. 10-11-b 2,000 lb. capacity; Portland cutter; piano box cutter, nearly new; rubber tired buggy; walking plow, , nearly new; seuffler; pig crate; windmill, 20 -ft. tower'; turnip drill, nearly new; Clinton fanning mill and screens; 2 hay forks; ropes and slings; road cart; 20 sap pails and pan; 2 stone boats; grain bags, sackh>, whiffle- trees, neckyokes, 2 :pumps and water troughs; DoLaval cream separator, No. 12; Iawn mower; Deering binder tongue; new 12 -ft. iron gate, never used; 15 bunches XXXXX red ,cedar shingles; numerous other aeticlos. WOOD -10 cord dry soft wood; elm plank. GRALN :100 bus. Ajax oats; 60 bus. wheat; 100 Ib. mixed grass seed; a quantity of hay, HA;RNESS-.Set backbend harness; set single harness; 5 horse collars; 2 borne blankets, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- Find- lay's' indlay's' oval range, nearly new; Apex gasoline washer; painted bureau; red and cream congoleum rug 9x12; con Clean rug 9 1 g x5 tapestry str rug9 "� p Y Rla 54 tare's mattress; Aladdin hanging lamp, nearly new; Aladdin table lamp; fruit cupboard; 5 -gal, coal oil 'can;, 1 gal. gas can, etc. TER1y1S1-0AISSH ORVILE DALE, Proprietor. HAROLD JACKSON', Auctioneer. E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk. 10-11h 1 Agricultural Committee; Hugh Hill, Goderieh ER. 4; Russell Bolton, Dub- lin, Rae, 1; W. V. Roy, Londesboro, R.R. le Charles Coultes, Belgrave- Federation of Agriculture; C. E. Nelson, Hume Glutton, Bert Peck. Order Baby Chicks Now This is the time of year when farmers are preparing for their baby chicks. It is well to order chicks several weeks in advance of desired delivery date to avoid disappointment. Do not purchase snore chicks than your brooder will heat or your house accommodate. At least. 2/5 square' foot of floor apace should be allowed for each chick up to four weeks of age. g' In other words, a colony house, 10x1D, should accommodate 300 chicks satisfactorily. However, if possible ee square foot floor space per chick should be allowed: In any ease avoid overcrowding. Everything should be in readiness before the chicks 'arrive. Too often no preparations are made until notice of arrival is received. Brooder houses should be thoroughly scrubbed down, floors; walls and ceil- ings, and disinfected previous to the arrival of the chicks, All drafts must be eliminated. Leaky roofs must be repaired, and made tight. Corners of the brooder house floor should be rounded off with wire or boards to prevent crowding or piling. Floors should be covered with clean dry lit• ter, clean sand, chopped straw, planer shavings, or for the farmer, clover heads, leaves, etc., from the barn rstre That the sob can be done, if we floor are excellent. can get the eo-operation of everyone The brooder stove should be operat- 1 in the township. There will be a of the hior cks, al days d ae cheek made fore the to canvass made in the township to see that the controls work effectively, deter mina if anyone is averse t o hav- ing their cattletreated. Educational meetings will be held in the township, the dates no being definitely set as yet, and the experiment it is hoped will get under way on March 18, This is the only area in t•Re province in which experimental work of this na- ture is being carried on at present. Let hvi 100 per cent coset a precedent in the ex periment. The Derrig powder which is to be used will kill lice, and heel flies, as well as Warbles. The heel and Warby flies are very similar, the only difference being the method in which .the eggs are deposited. The heel fly deposits its' eggs in clusters while the animal is lying still The warble fly deposits its' eggs singly while the animal is gadding. Neither fly is capable of stinging, it is just the buzzing sound they create when theanimals to been e,frianimal gh tened and ahat causes run, Publicity Committee Along with the experiment a pub- licity committee, comprising eleven men has been formed to take charge of an educational Campaign through out the entire county, to arouse inter- est among the rural people for the necessity of controlling this costly pest. In order that you may contact tee h s men at any time ' Y xfo Yulrave anyideas onh' t rs subject, the commit- tee ie as follows: Chairman, Alex. Alexander, Listo- wel, R.R. 2; A. Watson, Port Albert, R.R. 1; J. D Beecroft, Wingham, RR. 3; J. Winter, Harriston, R.R. 2; C Johston, Lncknow, R.R. 7 -County d adjusted to maintain a tempera- ture of 95 to 98 degrees, two inches above the floor at the edge of the hover. Perhaps the most important item during the first month of brooding is feeding methods. Feeding methods are more important than sanitation, temperature and vigour. Many people are quite attentive to the sanitation, attend to the brooder and open the window on bright days, but forget to water the chicks. Many of the less vigorous and uneven ehicks which we so often see in flocks are not to be attributed to faults • of the hatch- eryman, but are the result of a hap_ hazard feeding system. The earlier chicks are fed, the more resistance they will have to disease. I was talking to a man the other day who had been in the poultry business (Continued on Page 8) OLD CHUM FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN oo m AINIMMAREW RECORD SMASHER 346 Eggs Mn 365 Days That is the remarkable record 'made ' by Art Brunton's. Rhode Island Red hen "RED LADY" under official Government R.O.P. supervision. This is almost 95% production, "RtED LADY" -only took 19 days rest in a whole year. And here is what Art Brunton has to say:— GENTLEMEN: We believe you will be interested to hear that our fine performing RHODE ISLAND REDS were fed your good SHUR-GAIN feed from the day we hatched them. While the country -wide report has not been released by the Government, we do know that the egg laving record made by our hen "RED. LADY" will, be one of the highest for the 1944-45 test year in all breeds and possibly one of the highest for the Rhode Island Red breed in many years. This hen's R.O.P. entry nulnber was 33- 155D: her record 346 eggs in' 365 days. "RED LADY" made her remarkable record on SHUR-GAIN feed, in fact she was raised on it from a day old. Yours, very truly, ART BRUNTON Brunton Farms Hatchery There is the PROOF. that SHUR-GAIN Feeds combined with Good Breeding and -Good Manage- ment are -- "RECORD SMASHERS" CLINTON FEED MILL PHONE 580