HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-03-14, Page 6WAGE S.
Interesting Itetins
From News-Reco•rd's Rural Correspondents
AIMS mai( R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631r31
.Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon is visiting friends
in Grand Bend fir a few days.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert MacLeod spent
a few days in London last week.
Mrs. E, Antongini, New York, is
spending a few days in the village.
Clarence Larson, London, spent the
weekend with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. R. Larson.'
Lieut. and Mrs. Kenneth Weston,
Detroit, Mich„ were the guests of
A G. Atkinson over the weekend.
. Miss Lorna Westlake, Hespeler,
is spending a few days 'with her par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Westlake.
Miss Jessie Metcalf, Detroit, ac-
companied by Miss J. Van Arsdale,
spent the weekend with her mother.
• LeRoy Stewart, Windsor, a com-
rade in the Essex Scottish Regiment,
spent the weekend with Stuart Stur-
Mrs. G. Chureheeard, Gerald, ac-
companied Ib Miss L. Shortt, London,
'were at their cottage in the village
on Sunday.
Pte. Keith Gemeinhardt left on
Monday for Toronto to visit Ms sis-
ter, Mrs. G, Knight, while awaiting
his discharge.
Mr. and Mrs. Angus MeCrae, Joyce
and Kenneth, London, visited Mrs.
MUCrae's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W,
H. Johnston, over the weekend..
Mr. and Mrs. T. Monett, London,
Mrs. F. Davison, Detroit, Mrs. Arthur
Spragg and Miss Knight, Nile, were
visitors- at the hem of Mrs, John
Davison on Sunday,
Successful Dance
Another successful dance was held
in the Town Hall on Friday evening
to raise funds for the Recreation
Died in Michigan
The ^death occurred in Alpena,
Mich, on February 1, of Charles Pius
ICeegan, oldest son of the late Jane
McGuire and Arthur Keegan, . Bay-
The deceased man, who was in his
89th year, was born in Hayesville,
Ontario, •May 2, 1867, and came as a
small child to live at the. brickyard
in Goderich Township (the site of the
Bayfield Golf course) which his
father operated. As a young man he
left the village to work on steamboats
on the Great Lakes and finally set-
tled in Alpena, Mich., where he was
a member of the police force for
forty years. He was married to Miss
Rachel McLean, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Samuel McLean, Alpena, former-
ly of the Bronson Line, Stanley Town-
His wife and one son, Arthur, pre-
deceased him. He is survived by a
son, Chester, Bay City, and a brother,
Frank Keegan, Bayfield.
The funeral service was held on
February 3, and interment was made
in the family plot in Alpena.
}I0 late Ml`.I TC'begiil 'visited his
brnthai In Bayfield about four years
John Hohner spent a few days re- Summerhill Red Cross
Gently in London. ' Summerhill Red Cross met March
Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Berry visited 6 at the home of Mrs. Ed. Farquhar,
in Stratford. on Sunday. with the president in the chair•. The
Miss Ellen Scott, London, spent the meeting opened by' singing "The
weekend wiith relatives here. Maple Leaf Forever," followed by Red
Miss JeSsie Grainger, Clinton, visit; Cross Prayer an dthe Lord's Prayer.
ed "Mrs. T. Grainger on Friday. ,The minutes of the last meeting were
Mrs. H. F. Berry and Mrs. Paterson,read and ;approved. • There were 14
spent. last Wednesday in London. members and five visitors present.
nu. has been quite prevalent in The treasurer and knitting committee
this neighbourhood recently. gave their refiorts. A card of rep
Mrs. William 'Smith, Exeter. visited predation was read from Mrs. Ira
her sister, Mrs. A. Rohner, on Thurs- Rapson.
day. - Mrs. Lovett then gave a very de
We are glad to know that Mrs, scriptive account of the Red Cross
George Swan is i"m rov}nS after her meeting heldin
Clinton and conveyeded
recent illness. her thanks to the canvassers in. our
Misses Mary McCully and Hazel district. Two birthday fees were paid.
Dining spent a couple of 'days in A. quilt was quilted and patches sewn
London recently during the afternoon.
,Mrs. 0. Blanchard entertained The meeting was then brought to
Group No. 1 of the W. A. at her home a close by singing the National An-
on Thursday evening. them followed by lunch. The net
An account of the Holland-Hender- proceeds from this meeting were
son wedding last Saturday will be $3.84.
found on Page Four. I The next meeting will be held at
Mr. and Mrs. E. Munn and Mr. and the home of Mrs. P. Gibbiatgs and
Mrs, E. Schilbe, Zurich, were Sunday the hostesses will be Mrs H. Murch,
visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. William Merrill, Mrs. Wes. Vod-
G. Swan. Iden and Mrs. N. Wright. •
Miss Mae Mitchell, who has spent
the last two months with Mrs. H.
Dalrymple, has returned to her home
in Toronto.
Mrs, 0. Haugh entertained a few
friends one afternoon lately in hon-
our of her daughter, Mrs. Ussher,
who recently returned from overseas.
Removed to Hospital
The many friends of Mrs. A. Cald-
well will be sorry to know that she
fell and broke her arm and is et
present in Clinton Public Hospital.
We hope she will soon be home.
Made Maple Syrup
Many farmers took advantage of
the springlike weather of the past
St. Paul's W. A.
The Mareh meeting of the W. A.
of St. Paul's Anglican Church will
be held at the home of Mrs,—F. H.
Scherk, Thursday, March 21, at 3 p.m.
W.M.S. Birthday Party
The annual- birthday party of the
W:M.S. of Hensall. United Church will
be held in the school room of the
church'Friday afternoon, March 22,
at 3 p.m. The guest speaker for the.
afternoon will be Miss 'Sybil' Courtiee,
Clinton, a returned Missionary from
Japan, and who spent some tinge in a
concentration camp, A special pro-
gram is being arranged.
Special Red Cross Meeting
A. special public Red Cross meet-
ing will be held in the Town Hall;
Hensall, Tuesday elaning, March 19,
at 8 p.m. when 'Flight Lieut. Jeoffey
Bowleg. Field Secretary, Ontario
Division, will be "present to discuss
the future of the Hensall Branch. All
Red Cross members of Hensall and
district are asked to be present at
this. meeting, •and an opportunity
given all present to make the final
Sailor Honoured
A delightful evening was spent at
the 'home of Mr. and Mrs. William
Smale, Friday evening, March 8, when
29 relatives gathered to honor Ronald
Stephen, son of Mrs. Pearl Stephen,
Hensall, and to present him with a
handsome wrist watch. Ronald, who
ia attached to the RCNVA i5 leasing
in tin near future for Scotland.
The World Day of Fri 'er for the
Women's Missionary Societies of Can-
ada. was held in St, Paul's Anglican
Church, Friday afternoon, March ` 8,
with members of the societies of
Carmel Presbyterian and United
Churches well represented. Presiding
for St. Paul's was Mrs. R. H. Middle-
ton, Mrs. 11. Workman for Carmel
Church, and Miss M. Ellis for the
Tlnited Church Prayers were offered
by Mrs. R. A. Brook, Mrs. P. Ferg-
uson, Mrs: C. S. Hudson, Miss Mary
Fee and Mrs. E. Geiger. Miss Flor-
ence Welsh rendered a lovely solo,
"Sweet Hour of Prayer,"'accompanies
on the organ by Mrs. F. Forrest,
church organist. The speaker for the
afternoon was Mrs. F. H, Scherk,
who presented a very interesting ad-
dress, choosing for her theme
Mrs. Seherk concluded her address
by reading part of a prayer written
by a Canadian Soldier duirng the
war, expressing soldiers hope for
peace inapost war world..
week and wide a few gallons of
maple syrup. In view of the shortage
of sugar, this will be much appreciat-
Guest at Shower
A kitchen shower was held in the
basement of the church on Tuesday
'evening in honour of Miss Wonnetta
Henderson, who was married the fol-
lowing Saturday. Shereceived many
lovely and useful gifts.
NEWS -RECORD A di e t s bring
(quick results.
Counter Check Books at The
For Body and Fender Repairing
C. R. Crossman Body Shop
Rattenbury St. W., Just West of Bartliff's Bakeshop
Tenders will be received by the undersigned.
until March 28 for crushing and delivering approxi-
mately 4,000 yards of crushed gravel, one -inch
screen, to be delivered where the Road Suprintend
eat directs, work to be done after September 15 and
completed by October 15. Council to pay for the
gravel and the contractor to prepare the pits.
• A mark ,d cheque to accompany each tender,
wlhich will be returned if not accepted. The lowest
or any tender not necessarily accepted.
For other particulars refer to any -member of
Council or to the Road Superintendent, Mr. Roy
Tyndall, R.R. 3, Clinton,
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk,
R. R. 2, Clinton
Fred Prest was in London, Friday.
Mrs. S. Lansing was in Toronto last
Eddie McNeill, London, was home
for the weekend.
Miss Phyllis Vaughan, spent the
weekend in Owen Sound.
Mrs. W. Manning and Mrs. I1. Lyon'
visited with Mrs. J. Tamblyn on
Thomas Millar returned home last
week after spending the winter with
Mr. and Mrs. Mac McCool, Windsor.
Mrs, Melville returned home Mon-
day after spending the winter in
Blyth with her sister, Mrs. J. Collison.
Miss Edna Archambault, London,
spent the weekend with her parents,.
Mr. and Mrs, William Archambault.
Mrs. ,Roger Forsythe, Master Jim,
and little Miss Donna Jean, Dawson
Creek, B.C., are visiting the former's
parents, Rev. ,and Mrs. A. D. Pen-
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Lyon, Thorn -
dale, and Gordon,Lyon, London, spent
Sunday with the former's another and
sister, Mrs. Elizabeth Lyon and Mrs.
Charles Watson.
Mission Band to Meet
Mission Band meeting Sunday
morning at ten o'clock. We would
like to 'see all the members out.
W. A. to Meet
The W. A. will hold its monthly
meeting on Tuesday, March 19, at
2.80 o'clock In the basement of the
church, The hostesses are Mrs, T.
Little, Mrs. S. Carter, NM, B. Brunk%
don and Mrs. J. Armstrong,'
Reception Planned
The community and the Red Cross,
are haying a reception for the return-
ed boys, Wednesday evening, March
20, in the Community Hall, starting
at 8.30 o'clock. There will be a good
programme and lunch will be served
and dancing. The Burns unit is in-
vited to attend' and will help with
the _programme.
Miss Cathryn Wallis is reedvering
nicely after a -recent tonsillectomy.
Miss Jacoueline Cluff spent the
weekend with Mr, and Mrs. Gordon
Mrs. Bert Wise spent a few days
in London last week visiting her par-
ents and other relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Welsh, and
Mr. Walter Wallis were guests Sun-
day of Mr, and Mrs. Fred Wallis.
Mr. and Mrs, Charles Wallis, and
Margaret, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs, Elgin Porter and family, Varna
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear and Mrs.
Mary Sparring, Clinton, were guests
on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Ben
Glen and Alvin Wise, 16th conces-
sion, were in Toronto (ver the week-
end taking in the hockey game be-
tween Toronto Maple Leafs and Mont-
real Canadiens.
Everyone is invited to S. S. No. 9
on March 21, for National Film Board
showing, at 210 pan. for children and
8.16 p m. for adults. An evening's
enjoyment will be provided for all.
The showings are being given under
the auspices of Goderich Township
Federation of Agriculture,
Farm Forum Meets
The S. S. -No. 4 Farm Forum met
Monday evening at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Bert Lobb, with 14 present.
Jim Lobb led the discussion on 'the
subject "Should our exports be
handled by private agencies. govern-
ment board or a combination of
Following the discussion Robert G.
.Smith gave a talk on the warble fly
campaign, which is to commence
shortly in• Goderich Township.
A contest, prepared by Mrs, Robert
Thompson, was enjoyed during the
recreation period, following which
lunch was served by the ladies,
The meeting next week will be at
the home of Walter Forbes, with Mrs.
A. Iiehden and Bert Lobb on the
recreation committee and Walter
Forbes to lend the discussion.
Lieut. Middleton Honored
S. S. No. 9 school house was pack-
ed to capacity Thursday evening,
March 7, as her many friends and
neighbours' met to honor Lieut, N/5.
Margaret Middleton, recently return-
ed from overseas duty with the
Royal Canadian Army Medical Corps.
The first part of the evening was
spent in progressive euchre. Ladies'
first prize was won by Mrs, Bert
Marrs: men's first by Eugene Cole;
most lone hands, Mrs. Bert Harris
and Fred Gibson.
Charles Wise, chairman for the
evening, read an appropriate address
and presented Margaret with a $50
bill from the community and with $5
and a pair ' of ,nylons from the South
End Red Cross.. This+ address was
signed by Mrs. Harold Tyndall, Mrs.
Wilfred Colclough, Charles Wise and
Charles Cooper.
Ben Rathwell, representing God-
erich Township Connell, read a wel-
coming address of appreciation and.
presented the guest of honour with: a
pen and pencil set. The council's 'ad-
dress was signed by Messrs. Ben
Rathwell and James Stirling. Marg-
aret replied,,thanking her friends for
their gifts . and also gave a brief in-
teresting resume of various phases of
Red Cross work overseas
Lunch was then served.
The remainder of the evening was
spent in daneing to excellent music
provided by the Welsh orchestra,' Al-
bert Craig and James Murray.
We are happy to report that Marg-
aret aware in excellenthoalth and
that this party in her honor was a
decided success.
Advertise your livestock in Th
NEWS -RECORD. One• cent a word
each insertion.
Red Cross Meeting
The Red Gross will hold its monthly
meeting '
on Thursday, March 28,
starting at two o'clock. A good at-
tendance is requested, as Squadron -
Leader Ernest Harston„ Field Secre-
tary, Ontario Division, will speak at
the meeting. Mr. Harston served for
six years as RCAF chaplain, and he
also is a veteran of World War L
Mr. Harston hes travelled a great
deal. His duties took him over West
Afriea, Notrh Africa, Egypt, Pales-
tine, Malta, • Sicily, Italy, Jordan,
Syria acid Sudan,
Mr. Huston will place no pressure
on our branch to continue if it wishes
to disband. That will be a mater left.
to our own decision. This meeting
is for the men, too.
Combined Service Held
The combined service of the W.M.S.
and the World's Day of ,Prayer was
held on Friday, - March 8, in the
basement of the church with a good
attendance. Owing to the illness of
the president, Mrs. R. Townsend, Mrs.
F. Tamblyn took the chair, Hymn
199 and e Lord'sPraPrayer in unison.
The minutes of the last meeting were
read and approved. It was decided
to ask Mr. Penman to speak at our
Easter thankoffering meeting. The
first part of the Day of Prayer service
was taken by Mrs. L. Bundercock.
Theme: "The things that make for
e Becond part. was taken by Mrs.
FTh.'ramblyn. Mrs. T. Adams read the
lesson and solos by Mrs. S. Lyon,
Mrs. John Scott and Miss Phyllis Me -
Cool, and prayers were given by Mrs.
William Hes$, Mrs, W. Beacoin, Mrs.
'F, Shobbrook, Mrs. Webster and Mrs,
T. Fairserviee. Mrs, Penman gave a
!splendid address on "Prayer."
At the Day of Prayer meeting an
offering was taken and the money
used for publication and distribution
`of Christian literature.
an t erat
Bride -Elect Honored
A number from the 2nd of •Stanley,
called at the home of Miss Wonnetta!
Henderkon, Btu�cefield, on Monday
afternoon prior to her marriage, and
on Tuesday evening attended
shower given in her honour in the
Brucefield chuc•In basement, The
bride-to-bereceiveda n u useful
na y s and
lovely gifts and replied quite fittingly
Best wishes go with Wonnetta to
her new home on the Seaforth high-
Ladies' Club Meets
Owing to the condition of the roads
and the'colds which have been so
prevalent, a very small crowd at-
tended the meeting of the Ladies'
Community Club held at the home
of Mrs. Cliff Stewart., Eight mems
begs and one visitor answered the
roll call with an Irish joke. The sec-
retary's report was given but the
treasurer was ' absent. Collection
amounted to $8.51.
Mrs, Prank McGregor brought a
newspaper clipping concerning aid for
Holland, through Mrs. J. Beuykes.
Stratford. The secretary was asked
to write and get particulars.
Mrs. Broadfoot gave a contest, and
.Tack McGregor; a public school bay,
pleased the ladies with a humorous
reading, 4
At the request of the ladies, Mrs,
Stewart read a letter from her son,
Jack, who recently arrived at South-
ampton, telling of his trip across and
then from ,Southampton north to
Warrington, near Liverpool. The
meeting closed with the serving of
lunch. The place of the next meet-
ing is to be announced later, the
roll call to be answered with an an-
swer to .the question: "What did you
do all winter."
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adults and three children present. A
lovely bunch was served • by Mrs.
Leslie Jervis' group.
Holmesville W. M. S. Meets
The monthly meeting of the W.
M. S. was held at the home of Mrs.
C. Wilson. Mrs. 10. Pater was in
charge, and in opening road a poem
on prayer, as this was the World's
Day of Prayer. Hymn 375 was sing.
Mrs, H: Cud ore read the• scripture
lesson,Mrs, C. C. Tavener led in
A reading was given by Reta Yeo.
The secretary, Mrs, B. Trewartha,
read the minutes of last meeting and
roll call, each member responding
with a verse on prayer. The business
period was in charge of the president,
Mrs. W. Yeo. Mrs. E. Potter, Mrs.
Mr. and Mrs. William Dale were
in London on Thursday:
Mr, and Mrs. Walter Broadfoot,
Walton, visited with Mr. and Mrs.
William Britton on Sunday.
Mr, and Mrs.' Joseph Riley, Auburn,
were in the village on Sunday visit-
ing with Mr. and Mrs. F. Riley.
Mr. and Mrs, Angus McRae, Kenn
and Joyce, of London, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Scott.
Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Lawson, Mr.
Earl Lawson and Mrs. George Leitch
attended the funeral of the late Wil-
liam Thompson, Auburn, on Thursday.
Mr. Percy Taylor and Mrs. Wilbert
Taylor of Gronix, Manitoba, visited
with Mr, and Mrs. Eph. Clarke on
Sunday. Mrs, Taylor has been visit-
ing at Mr. Taylor's aII winter. but is
returning home shortly.
Day of Prayer Observed
The World Day of Prayer .was ob-
served in the school room of the
church on Friday afternoon, March
8, with Mr.s 10,. Adams in the chair.
The meeting opened with a few
.definitions of prayer. "Prayer is the
'soul sincere desire" was sung after
which Mrs. Clarence Montgomery led
in prayer. Mrs. George Moliwain,
Mrs. William Dale, Mrs. F. Riley,
;Mrs, George Addison, Mrs. Charles
Dexter gave a few words of sentence
prayer after the Lord's Prayer wes
• reraated in unison.
1 Mrs. William Dale and Mrs. Lorne
'Lawson were appointed leaders for
the copper contest for April, May and
June. After the business was discus-
sed, Mrs. Adams read the Housewives
Prayer. •
"Blest be the tie that binds" was
sung. Mrs, Earl Lawson read two
poems, Prayer as a Habit, and Will
I Prayer. Mrs. William Dale and
Mrs. George Mcilwain sang a duet,
"Sweet Hour of Prayer."
Mrs. Leo Stephenson took the topio
on Prayer, which proved very inter-
esting and all got a few good thoughts
to carry home. Mrs. James Hugill
gave a reading, "More Things are
Wrought than this World Dreams of."
Mrs. Pete Lindsay gave a few words
on Prayer, Mrs. Hugill and Mrs.
Austin 'Dexter. Mrs. Lindsay and Mrs.
Britton offered a few words of prayer,
The meeting eloseewith hymn 152.
"Soldiers of Christ Arise."
E. Trowartha and Mrs. 'Walters
read interesting and helpful artieles
on prayer: All joined in singing.
hymn 377 and the leader closed the
meeting with prayer.
The meeting of the W. A, followed,
with President, Mrs- Bond in charge.
Mrs. N. Heard gave a reading. There
1were several items of business to be
dismissed.. It was decided that the
W.A.'s objective for this year would.
be raising funds for repairs to tli,e.
church. Final arrangements were
made fora the annual spring concert
to be held in the basement of the
church op Friday evening, March 22.
Meeting closed with 1Vlizpah benedic-
ton repeated in unison, Hostesses for
the day were Mrs. L. Jervis and
Mrs. C. Wilson.
Mrs. John Harris is visiting for a
week with her daughter, Mrs. Talbot,
Mrs. Frank Whitmore left last week
for Blyth where she expeets to make
"her "home,
Miss Helen Bond, London, spent
the weekend with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Bond.
A number from around-Hohnes-
ville took in the At home at Clinton
Collegiate on Friday evening,
Mrs. C. C. Tavener has returned
home from Toronto •having been called
there to be with her sister, Miss L.
Cousins, who fractured her arm when
struck by a car. We wish Miss
Cousins a speedy recovery.
Concert Planned
Preparations are being made for a
concert under the auspices of the
Women's Association to be given in
the basement of the church on Friday,
March 22. Two plays will be present-
ed by 'the ladies as well as a mixed
Holmesvilte Red Cross met at the
home of Mrs. McClinchey, March 5.
loquilt w wag
WallterA press fing.
"Blest be the tie that binds" was sung.
The Lord's Prayer was repeated in
unison, The leader gave the work
report -18 dresses and three quilts.
It was decided to hold another meet-
ing in April. Mrs, McMath's group to
Mrs. Bond, Mrs. Pocock and Mrs.
Walter were named a committee to
purchase a small gift for each of our
enlisted local boys. The secretary
gave a short report on the address
of, SIL Erriest Harston, the speaker
at the Red Cross meeting in Clinton
March 4. Mrs, Walter told one of
his illustrative stories.
The meeting closed by repeating the
Mizpah Benediction. There were 10
eek eaa�¢ced
cup 1/4 tsp. salt
srow i saga
suge 3 tsp. each lemonluiee,grated
Vs cup brown f lemon rind and orange rind.
t 21/2 cups siftsign egg ose Sour
cups mend altpurpose sugar,
add egg, mix thoroughly. Add grated
add alternately° sl i
Cream shortening and aug ingredients,!hin, Slice 6 alnutee at SOO°.
rind. MI r and roll in dry on un6ru1BCd pan
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