HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-03-14, Page 5'rH tIRSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 CLINTON NEWS RFICORD PAGE FIVE N ew s-Reco r d; Classified Adlets Bring Quick Jesuits One cent a word, cash, each 'insertion ..(minimum' 25 cents); • five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when . replies • directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number, Adiets accepted up to 9 p.m. Wednesday. Cash rates apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, following . date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid.' FOR SALE 112.A1 OGANY DAY BED,' APPLY NEWS -RECORD. 11-b 000K STOVE, FAIRLY NEW, little used. Phone Blyth 261-18. 11-12 -p •CIROU.LA,R SAWING OUTFIT ON Wheels. Apply J. W. Nediger, Jr., phone 239. 11-12-p QUANTITY OF DRBAN OATS FOR seed. Rust resistant. Apply Roy Cantelon, phone 620r21. 11-p THREE-QUARTER HORSEPOWER Motor, used. Priced right for quick sale. C. II. Epps, phone 264. 11-p ONE C4 ASS A TRUMPET, 1N excellent condition with case, Apply to Box ".H" NEWS -RECORD. 11-p ONE GIRL'S COPEN BLUE' SPRING Coat and, Bonnet to match, size 4x, in good condition. Phone Clinton. 910r13. y1p QUEBEO AFATER, IN GOOD condition; also iron bedstead. Mrs. Charles, Fraser, Matilda St., phone 246W. , - 10-11-p ONE APEX WAIST -ENO MACHINE, white, in good running order. Reason- able for cash. Write Mrs, Sadie West; Goderich. 11-p KELVINATO'R 6 CU. FT., 4 ICE trayls, dial temperature control, re- mote compressor, 1 h.p. $150. Phone 586J, evenings. 11-x GOVERNMENT GLE'ANE'D AND tested No. 1 Timothy Seed. $5 per. bushel Gordon Turner, R. R. 2, Bay- field, phone 9116-5. 10-11-b SEED GRAIN 300 BUSHEL AJAX oats, commercial and 100 bushel two - rowed barley. , Apply W. V. Roy and Sons, Londesboro, Phone Blyth 28r6. 11-12-p (IND GRAIN DRILL, 12 -HOLE, with grass seeder, complete; also farm wagon. Apply C. J. O'Brien, R. R. 5, Clinton, Phone 615r25. gIUANTITY OF AJAX SEED OATS, pure and clean and both stem and leaf rust resistant. Apply Earl Lawson, R. R. 1, Clinton, phone Sea - forth 841-12. 10-11-p HELP WANTED OFFICE GIRL WITH BOOd{KEEP- ing and stenographical experience. Must be accurate. Box "W", NEWS - RECORD. 10-11-b GARDENER WANTED, for General Gardening. • Good wages. CIifford PL Epps, phone 264. 11-p YOUNG GIRL OR WOMAN TO assist with housework on farm. No outside work, good wages. Apply Mas. Wr V. Roy, Londesboro, Phone Blyth 28x6. 11-12-p LIVESTOCK- FOR SALE PUREBRED HEREFORD BULL, 12 months' old; also cheap work horse, good single or double. Albert Pep- per, phone 'Clinton 615r4. 11-p PROPERTY WANTED HOUSE WANTED TO RENT BY month or on lease by permanent resi- dent. Possession desired April 1 or later. Box "A". NEWS -RECORD. 9-10-11-x BRICK MOUSE, GOOD CONDITION, inside conveniences, preferably near High •School. Must be reasonable for cash. R. McMillan, 380 Beresford Ave., Toronto. 11-p 50 TO 100 LEVEL ACRES, suitable buildings, and market for milk pro- duction. Prefer highway, hydro, Pos- session Anril, cash deal. Wm. Pearce, Realtor, Exeter. 10-11-p LOST AND FOUND BLACK AND WHITE HOUND -- found between Clinton and Holmes- ville. Owner phone 312. 11-12-13b WANTED MUSKRATS WANTED —HIGHEST prices paid. ,Norman East, Fur Buyer, R. R. 1, Clinton. 11-12-b PROPERTY FOR SALE COTTAGE WITH MODERN CON- venienees. Apply Box "W", NEWS - RECORD, or at Bowling Alley, -11-p SIX-R001M COTTAGE,. VICTORIA St., Clinton. Apply Raymond Pepper, Phone 627r13, Clinton. 11-h • PARM FOR SALE' —, 100 ACRE'S, one-quarter mile off highway. Good buildings; or would exchange for good 50 acres. Fred McCool, Londesboro. 10-11-p NINE -ROOMED BUNGALOW newly shingled, hot water heated, oak floors and full basement. Corner Rattenbury and Gibbings Sts. Post Office Box 234. • 11-b GOOD SIX -ROOM FRAME HOUSE, Goshen Line, west half lot 13, con- cession 10, Stanley Township; asphalt siding and good roof. Apply Doug. Robinson, Zurich P.0, phone Hen - sail 97-24. en-sall97-2,4. 11-p FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES, lot 16, No, 8 Highway, 21/4 miles west of. Clinton. House, barn, drive - shed and pigpen, henhouse, cement silo, twp good wells and spring creek. Fred L. Potter, R. R. 2, Clinton. 10-11-p FARM CONSISTING OF 132 ACRES on County Road, east of Londesboro, close to school and church. Brick house, barns 57x60 and 25x50 feet. Drilled well and silo. This farm is Priced for quick sale, possession April 1. George A. McVittie, Londesboro. 10 -P1 -p FARM FOR. SALE -60 ACRES ON Babylon Line, Stanley' Township, two miles from Varna. Good bank barn, small frame house, and best of land. There are ten acres ploughed, five acres bush and balance in hay and grass.. Immediate possession. Fred Reid, Varna. 11-12-b 127 ACRE FARM — CLAY LOAM On No. 8 Highway, two miles east of Minton, eight -roomed brick house with furnace, bank barn, stabling, cement floors, farm mostly seeded to hay and pasture, hen house, driveshed, hydro, plentiful supply of water. Stock and implements if desired. Apply on premises, John R. Noble. 10-11p PROPERTY FOR RENT PASTURE FARM -80 ACRES, FOR the grass season, or will take cattle by the month. ' Lots of shade and water, spring creek. Apply to. Ellen J. Cox,'Huron ,St., Clinton, tf 7-8-9-10-11-p POULTRY AND BABY CHICKS DAY-OLD RIND STARTED WHITE Leghorn Pullets for shipment April, May and June. Stock blood -tested and banded under O.B.S. policy. Glazier's Poultry Farrar, Clinton, phone 817r81. 10-11-12-13-14p MISCELLANEOUS TOP PRICES PAID FOR BRICK OR frame •building to be wre-ked. Apply to Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth Street, London, Met. 8280w. -tf FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME WITH blown Rockwool Insulation. Work done anywhere, for free estimate phone 4 Clinton or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-p AN OPPORTUNITY -. Established Rural Watkins District available. I£ you are aggressive, and between the ages of 25 and 55—have or can secure travel outfit, this is your opportunity to .get established in a profitable business of your own. For full par- ticulars write today to The J. R. Wat- kins Company, Dept. 0-C-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. 10-11-12-13-b Announcement We have just opened an attractive store and showroow for the display and sale of high quality Sun -test• Wallpaper and Lowe Bros. Paints. Store will be' open full-time after next week, .but we may be reached at any time by telephone. D. A. Kay and Son ' Painters and Decorators PHONE 234 Huron St., Three do,is West of Royal Bank, Clinton FOR TRIPS TU STRATFORD and LONDON and other points Tryour low-priced service. Phone us and tell us when you want to go—We'll do the rest. If desired, waiting time allowed. Why drive your car on the heavy roads around towh? Take a taxi instead. ARROW TAXI PHONE 182 Next McKenzie House Clinton MARRIAGES HENRY-COOPER—At the home of the bride's parents, at 12,30 .p.m.,` Thursday, March 7, 1946, by Rev: R. 11. Turnbull, minister of North St. United Chinch, Goderich, Margaret Beryl (Peggy) Cooper, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Cooper, Goderich, to Stuart Revell Henry, Montreal. The bride was secretary to County Clerk. N. W. Miller and County Treasurer A. H Erskine. They will reside in Prince Rupert, B.C. BIRTHS GLEIW—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, March 8, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. William Glew, Clinton, a son. WATSON—In Clinton Public, Hos- pital on Thursday, March 7, 1946, to Fit. Sgt. and Mrs. Alan Watson, Clinton, -a daughter, Valerie Joyce. DEATHS CARTER — ' Suddenly, in Toronto, early monday morning, March 1., 1946, Kenneth McLean Carter, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter, Clin- ton,. in his. 43rd year. Funeral service from Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton, Wednesday; March 13, to Clinton Cemetery. CLARI.—At his benne in Goderich, on Tuesday evening, March 2, 1946, Rev. C. F. Clark, retired minister, beloved husband of Ethel May Sherriff, in his 73rd year, Funeral: service in North St. United Church, Goderich; Friday, March 15, at 2.30 p:in. NICHOLSON -Suddenly, early Sun- day morning, March 10. 1946, Janes Nicholson, beloved husband of Letitia 'Cluff, in his 76th year. WESTOTT—In London, on Sunday, March 10, 1946, Annie Copp, widow of the late William Westcott, Sea - forth, formerly of Tuckersmith, Hensall and Exeter, in her 86th ear. Funeral from the home of her son, Arnold Westcott, Seaforth, March 12, to Maitland Bank Ceme- tery. WHEELER—In Stratford General Hospital, on Wednesday, March 13, 1946, Jean Reid, beloved wife of Thomas Wheeler, Bruc fiold, in her 69th year. Funeral service at Beattie Funeral 'Come, Clinton, on Friday, March 15. at 2 p.m. Inter- ment Baird's Cemetery. CARD OF THANKS We wish to thank the firemen for their valiant work, on the fire, which partially destroyed our home, last week. Also, our friends and neigh- bors, for their many kindnesses to us. —MR. AND MRS. W. E. PERDUE 11-p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Grace Potter wish to take this opportunity of extending their thanks to all who so kindly remembered them in the loss •of their mother. •Special thanks to Rev. G. G. Burton, Dr. W. A. Oakes, Miss Grainger and the staff of Clinton Public Hospital for kindly administration during her long so- journ in Hospital, li-p Mrs. Alice Cestnick Teacher of Sacred and Classical Music Former Student, Toronto Con- servatory of Music Pupils of any age eligible for enrolment Phone 1337 Clinton 9-btf BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson. Princess St. East., Phone 585 69'-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion c. v. OO K E' FLORIST ('h,mes: 60. and 66J Batkins Locker Storage. FRESH FROZEN PEAS, per box 29c FRr,SH FROZEN CORN, per box 29c WIIITE FISH FILETS 35cper ib.. HOME MADE SAUSAGE, per. lb. 25 SALMON STEAKS . per lh. 30e SALMON FILLETTS .. per lb. 40c rtr'ry FILLETS per ib. 35e HADDOCK FILLETTS per lb. 35e fresh' Frozen Herring per .lb. 15e WE BUY HIDES ~ Frozen Foods are Better Foods WE HAVE THEM New 1946 DE FOREST and ROGERS MAJESTIC RADIO are now on dislilay. SEE THEM AND HEAR THEM Dominion Washers, Oil Burners, Electrical Supplies, Radio Supplies A. W. GROVES Princess St. 8-9-10-11- OBITUARY I MRS. ANNIE WESTCOTT The funeral took ',place from the home of her son, Arnold Westcott, Seaforth, Tuesday afternoon, March 12, followed by interment in Maitland, Bank Cemetery, of Annie Copp, widow of the late William Westcott. Rex. H.' V. Workman, Seaforth, officiated. Mrs. Westcott died in London on Sunday. She was born in Tuckersrnith Township, January 7, 1861, and after her marriage; lived in Hensall, Exeter and Seaforth. She was a member of the Edelweiss Rebecca Lodge and a member of North Side' United Church, Seaforth. ' She leaves three sons: Nelson, Sea - forth; Aloah, Calgary, and Arnold, Seaforth. There are 10 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. Her hus- band died in 1906. JAMES NICHOLSON An esteemed resident of Blyth died suddenly early Sunday morning, Mar. 10, in the person of James Nicholson, in his 76th year. Mr. Nicholson had been iii his usual health and was about the streets Sat- urday afternoon conversing with his many friends. Early Sunday morning his wife noticed that he was not breathing regularly and summoned medical aid but before the doctor ar rived Mr. Nicholson had passed away. The departed man, who was beloved by all who knew him, was born in Blyth and attended school there. Forty six years ago, he was married to Le- titia Cluff, Dungannon, and started farming two miles north of Auburn where they continued to reside until last fall when they ,moved to Blyth. He was an. Anglican in religion. Surviving hesides his wife are two. sons, Wilmer on the homestead, and Albert, Blyth. 0 KENNETH M. CARTER The funeral of Kenneth McLean Carter. of Toronto, oldest -son of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Carter of Clinton, was held at the Beattie Funeral Home, yesterday: afternoon. Rev. Andrew Lane officiated atthe services. Inter- ment took place in Clinton Cemetery. Born in Clinton, October 24, 1903, Kenneth received his education in Clinton Public School, and Clinton Collegiate Institute. For some time he was employed in Chatham, work- ing as a salesman for the following companies — Community Trust Co.,, Dominion Sugar Go., and Federal Equipment Go. About a year ago lie went to Tor- onto, and was a salesmanfor the Ager -Carter Equipment Co. All his life Kenneth had never known good health but always posses- sed a very cheerful and helpful na- ture. His death came suddenly from acute bronchitis, which he suffered four days previously at his home, 932 Avenue Road, Toronto, early Monday morning. At the time of his death he was a member of St. Andrew's United Church, Chatham, also of the Mc- Cauley Club, Chatham. Surviving besides his parents are two brothers, John Ross William and Ferguson of Chathann, andone sister, Josie, Mrs. Bert Sault, also of Chat- ham, . MRS. GRACE POTTER Rev. G. G. Burton, officiated at the funeral service held Thursday' afternoon, March 7, for Mrs. Grace Potter. The service was held at the Beattie Funeral Home and interment took place in Clinton Cemetery. Pall- bearers were six nephews, r'red and Clarence Potter, Goderich Township; Morley Lannin, Dublin; Frank Boyd, Atwood; G. A. Richardson, Bruce - field; A. G. Pepper, Seaforth. Born in Ashfield Township, October 13, 1876, Mrs. Potter was the former Grace Darling Richardson, and was the daughter of late Thomas and Elizabeth Richardson. As a young woman she married Phillip Potter who predeceased her in January, 1925. Following ,their marriage they took up farming in Goderich Township and this had since been her home. About 15 months ago she sustain, ed a broken• hip from .a fall ,and since that time had been a patient. in Clin- ton Public Hospital. 'Death was due to complications from this fall and occurred on Tuesday' evening March 5. In religion ,she was Methodist, later United Church and was a member of Ontario St. United Church. •Surviving ate one son, George Ed- ward, Goderich Township,; one daughter! Muriel, Mrs, Frank Tones, also of Goderich Township and five grandchildren, as well there are four brothers, William, Listowel,' John, Duluth, Minn.; .Reuben, Timmins; and Benjamin, Vancouver. Her step- mother, was. Emily R.iehardson, Ion- don; also survives, Experienced "How long has your wife driven a car?" "As long as I can remember -but, of course, only in an advisory cap- acity. a a. * That Settles It "Flow did the detectives discover Ioothatking the burglani was dressed as a woman?" •"He paseed a hat shop without in." HAPPY RESULTS IMPOSSIBLE ACCOMPLISHED On March 3rd, 1946 a client wrote us—"Cheque. received, You are wonders. I made every effort to collect this . but failed and con eluded it was impossible. Thanks," This same effective service is available to you, KELLY & AiKEN The Collection Specialists ORANGEVILLE, ONTARIO 11-12-13-14-b • ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now, Playing— "THE DA'LIONS RIDE AGAIN" with Alan. Curtis Mon., 'Tues. and Wed. "STATE FAIR" R — In Technicolor — Dancing, .singing and romancing with a riot of colour and music Jeanne Crain - Dana Andrews and Dick Haymes Thurs., Fri. and Sat. James Cagney Sylvia Sydney and Porter Hall A stirring saga of courage and sacrifice as, a newspaper editor "BLOOD the Nippon beasts BLOOD ON THE SUN" Coming—Alexander Knox as "WILSON" / in Technicolor Matinees: S'at. & holidays 2.30 p,m. CAPITAL' THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing—In Technicolor "FRONTIER. GAL" Mon, Tues. and Wed. Alexander Knox —Charles Coburn and Geraldine Fitzgerald The greatest event in 50 years of motion picture production Darryl Zanuck's Technicolor epic "WILSON" Thurs., Fri. and Sat. — Twin Features -- Pat O'Brien, Ellen Drew and Adolphe Menjoe .presenting a " brilliant comedy hit "MAN ALIVE" Wally, Brown, Alan Carney and Frances Langford in a medley of music and fun "Radio 'Stars on Parade" Coming—Betty Grable THE DOLLY SISTERS" REGENT•THEATRE SEAFORTH.' Now Playing—A truly great show JUNIOR MISS" Mon., Tues. and Wed. Joan Crawford. — Jack Carson and Eve Arden The year's most discussed picture and a treat you should not miss "MILDRED PIERCE" Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Alan Curtis— 'Lon Chaney and Martha O'Driscoll A rare tale of the riotous West with hard-hitting action aplenty 'The Daltons Ride Again' Coming—"A BELL FOR ADANO" Matinees: Sat. & holidays 2.30 p.m. RED SHIELD NOTES The regular meeting of the R.S.W.A. was held in the Board Room, Agricutlural Office, Clinton, with 18 members and two visitors' present. The Lieutenant took the devotional period, -The president then took the chair and carried on 'the business. The members of the ,Red Shield arc packing a box for a girl six years of age. Anybody having good used cloth- ing for six years will be quite accept- able. Donations are gratefully 'received: One quilt top from Mrs. Castle. Col- lection amounted to $2.05. Articles:brought in: 11 pair pillow eases, five pair socks, one hand knit sweater from Miss Chambers. GODERICH TOWNSHIP Farm Forum Meets There were fifteen present at Mon- day night's meeting of S. S. No., 4 Goderich Township Farm Forum, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hebden. The topic for discussion was "What About Export Markets?" The meeting was under the direction of Josephine Muir. Following the, dis- cussion, a contest was conducted by Harve McCartney, and a game under the direction of Jack Merrill was played. The recreation for next week will be under the leadership of Mrs. Robert Thompson and the meeting will be held at the home of Mr. Bert Laleb. Lunch was served at the close of the meeting. WARBLE FLY DRIVE AND BABY CHICKS •ARE DISCUSSED (Continued from Page Seven) for about 25 years and who has found many things through his experience which I think are worthy of passing along. _.. Many chicks are transported sev- eral utiles from the hatchery to the farm and enroute are quite subject to overheating or chilling if pre -1 caution has not been taken. To safe- guard against any digestive disturb- ances, a fine scratch, consisting of cracked wheat, oats, and barley should be fed for the first 48 hours and then the chicks can be changed to commercial chick starter, Until he struck upon this idea, this man says that his mortality rate was quite high some years with the chicks contract- ing white diarrhoea. To reduce wast- age of starter, small hoppers with just enough space for the Chicks heads are used and' as they grow. older, larger hopper are used. These as well as the drinking founts after the first few days are elevated slightly above the floor and this space is increased with the ago of the chick. This practise reduces the amount of water spilled on the litter. Newspap- ers are placed over the litter for the first week or so until such time the chicks know what to eat. Temperatures of the brooder stove and brooder pen are second in im- portance to feeding methods. There is less variation of opinion as to cor- rect brooding temperatures. Many people discount the serious losses which are indirectly due to too high and too low temperatures. It is much more dangerous to have the pen too hot rather than too cold for two reasons. First, because the condition is more abnormal to the chick and secondly, •a well fed chick can with- , stand cold for a much longer period because of the reserve heat which it gets front the starter and also by, crowding together.- Correct temp eratures exist in a brooder house when the chicks appear to be comfort- able and eat well. Possibly the itein, causing most concern to poultry raisers at present is the diffieulty in procuring coal for brooder stoves. There is a short- age of anthracite 'coal, for brooder stove use, and other substitutes are being employed. Soft or bituminous coal although not best suited to this kind of work can be satisfactorily used with an ordinary amount of attention under moderate weather conditions, such as, maintain during March and April brooding in most sections. During cold weather or in uninsulated and poorly built houses, greater attention would have: to be given. I would advise anyone who is an- ticipating brooding chicks to make inquiry immediately from your near- est -coal dealer as to the possibilities for 'receiving brooder stove coal. NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the ' 'Estate of Ross Donald' Forrester,: late of. the .Town of Clinton in. the County of Huron,, Esquire,' Deceased. All persons having claims against the, Estate of the above deceased are required to file the same with the undersigned' Solicitdr for the Estate, on Or before the 1st day of April, A.D., 1946, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notice- shall have been given. . DATED' at Clinton, this lith day of March, A.D., 1946, F. FINGLAND, K.C., Chilton, Ontario, Solicitor for the said Estate. 11-12-13-b Clinton Public Hospital Help Urgently Required ONE COOK TWO MAIDS Apply to Miss Jessie Grainer Superintendent, Grainger, p , at the Hospital Are you interested in an OIL BURNER for your FURNACE? If so, before buying, be sure and see the new Aero Silver Flame burner For quietness and economical operation, this is the burner. I am in the positon now to take orders and delivery is assured. I will have one here for inspection this week. Be sure and see one before buying. HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal Work PHONE 244 Agent for Heck Furnaces RESIDENCE 479 FRONT VIEW OF 1946 HUDSON SUPER -SIX The new 1946 Hudson Super -Six, graphically illustrating the com- pletely new front end 'design, and postwar smartness resulting from creation of a more massive ap- pearance. New lines give the entire car that low -longer appearance. At center, head -lana level, is the newly designed r ation of the Hudson triangle emblem, mounted on a heavy cross bar topping the grill, and indirectly lighted from the rear. Bumpers are heavy, wide. and very long, and the sealed - beam head -lamps are of oval de- sign, each carrying the well-known Hudson emblem at the bottom. The factory is now shipping car. Murphy Bros, Garage Phone 465 Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries 46. Ammenew AMP Why Do Yon Trample Christ's Name Under Foot? REMEMBER!! He is the only one who can save you from an eternity in hell. "Thou shalt not take the 'name of the Lord thy God In vain" —Exodus 20:7. "BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED." Acts 16:31. TUNE IN: Pilgrinn flour 7-7.30 E'.D.S.T., Sunday evening LOCAL STATION OKLW WINDSOR. Rubber Footwear for all the family; to fit almost any style of shoe. Keep your feet dry. A Fewi • Lines at Special Clearing Prices : MEN'S FIVE EYELET LACED RUBBERS—with felt SPECIAL PRICE $1.98 insoles,, MEN'S HIGH LACE with buckle top, size 7 only, At Less than Regular Cost Price .. $3.35 BOYS .LACED RUBBERS with felt insoles $1,75 MEN'S CLOSED SIDE RUBBERS, finest quality, Sizes 7 to 8�/y only, Reg. $1.50 for........ . . — $1.00 BII,OKEN LINES AT SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts — Adam Hate = Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top. Tailors