HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-03-14, Page 3tree JRSDAY, MARCH 14, 1946 CLINTON NEWS" -RECORD PAGE THREE The Lightof the World By Many .years ago, there was on the Easternshore or Virginia, a small vil- lage. One street ran through it and in winter, or following rain, the road which was the only place to, walk became very muddy and at night was almost impassable. There were no street lights but every evening at twilight each family lighted a lamp and placed it on a stand in. the front room before the window, from whence its rays would shine out into the darkness. In this way, one walked down the rough :and muddy street in safety because those in houses thought of his neighbor and the stranger who passed by. Recently, in one of the city papers, there was a beautiful picture of a man of 96 years and his wife four years his junior who were celebiat- ing their 70th wedding anniversary. As we looked at the photo of the two dear old souls, we could not help but feel what a store, of information they would be able to give of the changes in the world, even from the tune they started' out on their . married life. .One of the most interesting things anyone occupied in newspaper 'work can do is to spend a couple of hours talking with someone who has spent many years in a district, and listen- ing as they recall the varied events of the past, One of the most interest- ing of these is the lighting problem from the early years to the present time. When the pioneers Caine to this country, the first method of lighting was the tallow dip and we can imagine the tiny flame there would be from that. Then came the candles. • This gave a little more light but was not sufficient i5r any very fine work. Those who were mending, reading 01! studying sat within the small circle. of the light and the rest of the family contented themselves talking of for- mer days while they rested in the shadows of the room. If there was company more than one candle was used. This was the exception and the family as a rule retired early. The method of making candles vias indeed interesting and was considered quite an event. Usually, they ete'fe manufactured once a yeas, the surplus being stored Way for use in the Months to come. They. Were ilbarly always made from beef or mutton tallow although the former was preferable as the candles made from this were whiter and harder. 1 The first step in this all important work was to attach the wicks to Ione sticks. Then the fat was melted in a big cauldron. The wicks were dipped slowly into the hot fat. They were then placed on a stand and were allowed to cool. This process was repeated until the required size was attained. This, of course, all needed practise. At times as we attend auction sales in the country, and they are always very interesting affairs, we will seed candle moulds. These were used for special candles. The :wicks .were strung in the middle of the moulds and the tallow was poured in. This part of the work was usually done by the younger members of the fam- ily as it required a very steady hand. Some which were` not of good shape had to be remoulded. After some time it was found that they could be colored and decorated. These . were used in brass or' silver candle sticks. The older people will very well re- member the first lamps Which were used and those of us who are younger can recall the terrible job it was, or so we conisdered it, to clean the lamp chimneys.. There are few who can remember any other shape for chim- neys than the ones now used, but in a recent village fire chimneys - of many .shape were found. It was a great day in the home when a hang- ing lamp for the "parlor" was un- packed. It was usually hung from the centre of the ceiling. In many parts of our country lamps of differ- ent sizes and styles are still being used but with the advent of electric. ity many hours have been turned from night into day. ' We think that the children of the. present day 'have missed a great deal when they have not had the opportun- ity of following for at least a few blocks the lamp lighter as he made his way through the town. • In some .places there are still the old-fashioned corner street lamps. • It was our privilege to live near a street inter section where one of these lamp posts was placed and how we,did watch for the lamp lighter to come. He carried a short ladder which he placed against the post then with a long stick opened the valve and applied the little torch, gas or coal oil was used at that tune. Then he went on to the noict. Fairly early in the morning lie carne back and switched the light off again. As people look back to those days one often hears the remark, "Oh, those good old Care -free days!" Many a time when we arrived home from an evening spent in enjoyment, we would find a light burning'which a loving mother or father had left for us. A young boy was expected home on furlough. His mother was not test sure When he- \would arrive and upon a neighbor enquiring when he 'would be home t,YYh�*e. mother said With beaming face, ' e don't know, We expect hien at any time. We left the light burning for him last night," Nave we or do we now appreciate the loving thought behind that burn- ing light. If it is not too late for us to show our appreciation if our loved one is still with us, will we not try to return in kindness this act which a loving mother or father has 1 done many times for us. g As our parents have waited for us God is looking for us to come, He has even more patience• than anyone else has' ever had with us. He has not left us without a light for "His Word is a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path." Our parents I as a rule did not go to sleep till we were ell in but Psalm 121 tells us "He that keepeth Israel shall neither slumber nor sleep.." Are we among those who have given our lives to Christ, the Light of the world, and then through not following Him closely enough have fallen? The tempter has wedged him- self in and we have forgotten the One who has done so much for us. It may take something very drastic a w ' v CUSTOMERS' r � r CORNER For Rural Telephone Service lAiMIIMOUrne elkiareteftelteetWO One Customer Writes: "Devise some means so that if neighbours must listen in, they can at least repeat correctly what they heard." BEHIND this half -joking suggestion is one of the most serious of all causes of r. issatisfaction on the part of rural telephone subscribers . the "listening -in" habit. If you find someone already on the line, please make it your rule always to hang up immediately. Your neighbours will appre- ciate it.... and are more likely ._ to grant you privacy when you have occasion to call. �u/.v..ic?i:nn%.LS:<Li.>.nn..>..r. a. n. .+.."it• BLYTH Death of James Nieh risen An obituary account of Janes Nieh- otton, who died here suddenly early 'Monday morning, is published else- where in lse-wherein this issue. l"i.,.ion Band Meets The Mission Band of Los n„ Service, met in the school room of the United Church Saturday afternoo", Shi'•ley Phillips was at the piano, with Miss Cummings in charge of the meeting. The birthday song was sung for Den- nis Weymouth, Wayne Jackson, Elgin McNeil, Elaine and Bernice Johnston and Miss Cummings. Joan Phillips read the Watch Tower. Day of Prayer Service • The World Day of • Prayer service was held in Trinity Anglican Church with about 50 women in attendance, representing Tteinity Anglican, St.. Andrew's Presbterian and the United Church. The theme, "The things that make a jack of all trades master of none," was taken byMrs. A. Sinclair and Mrs. L. M..8erimgeour. Dr. Annie s Ross gave a short addre on the ,s "power of prayer.", To Form Legion Branch At a well -attended meeting of veterans of the community held here Monday evening, it was decided to form a Blyth Branch of the Canadian Lealici, bf the British Empn•e Ser•.ire League. In the past, vete•:ems from this district have been member; cf Clinton are other branches of she Legion. County clerk N. W. IVI yin•, tint er:eh Zone Commander of the Legim , delivered as: informative a;iilress, and answered queries un the formation '•f the new 1tench. Memorial Planned ' A. large number of ehthusiastic citizens gathered in Memorial Hall to discuss what form a piemorial to Blyth boys who will not return, should take. With Reeve Franklin Bainton in the chair to lead the discussion, a large number spoke in favor :of a recrea- tional centre, with a skating rink the main project." Dr. Annie Rosssug- gested it be an all -year-round dentre with badminton, indoor baseball and other fortis of sport. Mrs. L. M. .Scrimgeour, president of the Women's Institute, spoke of the support of that organization towards the project in pledging- $l00 a year for five years. Dr. D. Gl. Hodd, president of the Lions Club. said the club was prepay. ed to conttibute $1,000. Simon Hallahan, president of the Agricultural Society, said his group was behind it 100 per cent. The reeve thanked the organiza- tions for their support and said he believed the plans would materialize. A committee was appointed with Reeve Bainton, chairman; George Radford, N. W. Kyle, J. B. McDonald, E. R. ,Sillib, Rev, Father McDonald, Simon Hallahan. This committee is to take care of the ground work, such as a site, glans and specifica- tions, water supply, then call another general meeting in about two weeks. • to bring us mak to Him, A minister once said to one of his parishioners whom • he had been trying without success to lead to Christ, "It may be the Lord will be compelled to talie the rod to you before. you will see your way to follow Him." Christ will always be our Light and we will be able to keep in the path of that Light if we pray for Rini to guide us. That Light will reflect in our lives. As the light shone along the streets of the village and thus gave safety to those who were trying to find their way along, so the Light of the Saviour shining in us will. fall on the dark and lonely pathway of those who are seeking Christ and who are perhaps watching us, long- ing for us to say something which will b help a to them. Do we ever realize that God may have meant that we should be the' one to lead that wanderer to Him and if we. hesitate and hold back we may meet that unsaved soul in Eternity? This is a serious question and one which we should well ponder before it is too late. We believe that God has allowed' the world condition of today to come upon us because we have refused to listen to Him. Many years Igo in England, it was customary for lamps to be hung in Church steeples and in front of dwelling houses. 'When twilight was gathering a watchman went along the streets calling out "Hang out your lights." That applies not only to those times but also to the present, and the future, whatever, it has in store for us. No one knows but God Himself. In Matthew 5:16 Christ says "Let your light so shine before men, that'they may see your good works, and glorify your Father, which is in heaven." That means that each one of us should without further delay trim our Iamps and show to they, world that Christ means eternal salvation to es and that we Want Him to be our Guide. Will we not at once follow John the Baptist who "came for a witness to bear witness of the Light, that all men through him might be- lieve."' St. John 1:7. Are we among those who believe on Jesus Christ? There is no other way of being saved, and it is so easy to accept His free gift of salvation. Will we not take Him as our own right now. "You are writing a gospel, A. chapter each day, By deeds that you do, By words that you say. Men read what you write, Whether faithless 'or true, Say! What is the gospel According to you?" "PEG" *I*C V OOk says- There's ays- There's nothing better than a delicious cake for those snacks and lunches. There's nothing hard'er to provide without the best ingredients. Use King. Pastry Flour and make good cake -baking easy. Outstanding News Items of the Week in Huron County NEW VETERANS' OFFICER' WINGHAVI-formerly editor of the Wingham Advance -pines for several years, W. W. Armstrong has been appointed veterans' welfare of- ficer in the 'Casualty Rehabilitation Branch for Huron and Bruce Counties. Headquarters for this district will be located in Wingham. * ,es * GIVEN LEAVE OF ABSENCE' BRUSSELS — Aftermach discus- sion, Brussels Council decided to give Gordon McDoweIl, assessor and util- ity officer, three months leave of absence due to ill health. W. R. Bell, recently discharged from the army, was appointed to carry on as utility officer but the appointment of a new assessor was left over unit next meeting. * „V REMUNERATION CHANGED the meetinge EXETER—At of th municipal council remuneration of the members of the voluntary fire brigade was placed on a basis of attendance at practice and fires: * * RECREATION PROGRAM EXETER—It was decided to call a meeting of representatives of various organizations to consider the matter of setting up a recreation program for. Exeter and the appointment of e + •,.e..c..,. TO MARK ANNIIVERSARY BRUSSELS-1VIr. and Mrs, Joseph Shaw, third concession of Morris Township. will celebrate the 80th .an- niversary of their marriage on Mon- day, March 18. They will receive their friends and neighbors an that occasion at the home of their son, Mr. and Mrs. Mac Shaw, sixth con- cession, Grey Township. r * BUSINESS, CHANGE ZURICH Another interesting change in the life of Zurich's busi- ness took place when Harold Stade purchased the interest in the business of his father, Mr. R. F. Stade, and known as the firm of Sade and Weido, hardware; furniture, seeds and coal. "Hal" Stade is the popular goal -keep- er of Clinton Wearwells, VARNA. MA CLEAN YOUR TEETH DAILY amisal-sree The PIFFERENCI'/ Dr. West's M'r acre Tuft Tooth Brush 50' C —REVLON'S NEWEST SHADES Hildegarde Rose and Tortoise Shell Lipstick 65c Nail Polish 50c Mrs. Miller, Leamington, was visit- ing her sister, Mrs. W. Johnston and family during the past week. Mrs. Dodsworth and Mrs. Robinson, London., visited with the former's mother, Mrs. E. Smith, one day last week. Receives Discharge AW Gertie'Smith, RCAF' (WD), has received her discharge and is now 14 MILES IN 15 MINUTES at the parental home. WENGHAM—Covering a distance Returns Front Hospital of 14 miles in 15 minutes, on rural Mrs, -J. Rathwell, who was in Scott roads, Wingahm fire brigade averted Memorial Hospital, Seaforth, for the a disastrous weekend fire in the vil- past week, returned to her home lige of Molesworth, southeast of Tuesday much improved. Wingham. The brigade sped to the' Mrs. Foote Inured home of William Gibson -in that vii- Mrs. A. Foote had the misfortune lige. Upon arriving, flames were to fall Friday morning, and although seen shooting through the roof. A she did not break any bones, she good supply of water was available injured her hand, shoulder and hip and In a short time' he blaze was bildiy , * * I Teacher 111; Scheel Closed PLOWING ' MATCH GRANT ! The school was closed on Tuesday, WEST WAWANOSH--West Wa- owing to the illness of the teacher, wanosh Township Council decided to K. N. Treitz. Several of the pupils grant $100 to the 1946 International also are confined to the house with Plowing Match to be held at Port heavy colds. Albert in October. A grant of $10 Home From Hospital was ordered paid to the Salvation I J. :Smith, who spent the past two Army. * * weeks in Clinton Public Hospital, (after an operation, has returned to NEW RECTOR NAMED . his home. We are sorry to report BRUSSELS — Rev. John Kerr, that Mrs. Smith is confined to her Ohsweken, has accepted an invitation bed and under the doctor's care. to become rector of St. John's An- Officers Elected can Chinch. He will assume his. duties Diamond, Royal Black Preceptory. at Brussels the middle of April. held its election of officers, March 11, * * e which resulted as follows: LP.P„ CPR MAN SPEAKS 'Charles C. Pilgrim; Wor.P., Elsner GODER.ICH--Percy T. Cole, public Webster; D.P., Harold Stinson; Chap- eeletions officer, CPR, Toronto, was lain, John Sturgeon; Rec. Reg., Chas. speaker at meeting of Gdderich Lions Gemeinhardt; treasurer, Charles C. Club. He spoke of the growing inter- Pilgrim; lst L., J. B. Rathwell; 2nd est in public relations work in Canada L., Ken Merner; 1st Censor, Fred and the importance of such work to Watsgn; 2nd Censor, William„ Me - businessmen. . CPR will this year Dool; 1st St, Bearer, Roy Keyes; 2nd spend $750,000 on paid advertisements St. bearer, Frank Smith; Pursuivant, in American periodicals. He pointed Thomas J. Stinson; 0.0.. Charles F. out that such publicity would bring Pilgrim. After closing the Preceptory, an influx of U.S. citizens which would the members spent a social time to benefit every businessman in Canada, gether. brought under control feed eliew4A Ovareloatieopt But Employers and Workers Must Assist During the war organization of manpower was made possible through co-operation of employers and workers. This co-operation is no less necessary to assist in organizing the employment market during the present critical period. Some manpower controls still remain. These are still law. They are aimed at assisting in organizing the employment market. Remaining controls are designed to help employers and workers—and actually require only minor assistance from the public. YOU ARE URGED TO COMPLY WITH THE FOUR CONTROLS WHICH REMAIN: 1 -Employers MUST notify the National Employ- ment Office of any need for workers, ds soon as that need is known. 2—Where employers engage workers outside the National Employment Service they MUST notify the nearest NES Office within three days, that an employee has been engaged. (Form NSS 312 is provided for this purpose.) 3 -Unemployed workers seeking employment MUST register with the National Employment Office, if unemployed for seven consecutive days. 4 --Generally speaking, any employer or em- ployee MUST give seven days' notice to the other party of any intention to terminate employment. (Form NSS 120 is still required.) Exceptions may be Iearned from the nearest NES Office. The partners to industry—employers and employees -should help the National Employ- ment Service to promote a high level of employ- ment by complying with these simple rules.. , Only with public support can an employ- ment service give full assistance to the com- munity: Make full use of the Local Office of the National Employment Service. It is there to serve your needs, and those of the entire Community. N S. 4 NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT SERVICE. Dom�n�on, labour. DepaE.t-ln.lt-- HUMPHREY MITCHELL A. MACNAMARA Minister of Labour' Deputy Minister. "FRUIT "SALT" CHARM'KURL Cold Wave PERMANENT KIT $1.35 • BRYLCREEM .t F. B. PE;NNEBAKER. PHONE 14 UNIQUE PHOTO SERVICE LITTLE BREAKFAST SAUSAGE lb. 30c LARGE LINKED SAUSAGE lb. 26c HAMBURG STEAK lb. 23c RIB BOILING BEEF, Commercial Quality ... ib. 14c BRISKET BOIL, Commercial Quality lb. 14c CHOICE COOKED HAM lb. 60c COOKED MINCED HAM lb. 50c JELLIED TONGUE (unrationed) lb. 50c BULK SAUERKRAUT 2 lbs. 15c Best Prices Paid for Hides C. D. Connell CLINTON'S LEADING MEAT MARKET PHONE 162 ILSIAND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY .!NESS LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC Firensu n I ra ce Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance companies. Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Rarii ter - Snieitec - Notary Pubic New Location Alb:rt St. CLINTON ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc., Etc. By Royal Warrant. H. C. MEIR - Barrister -at -Law Solicitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner, Office: McKenzie House Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fri lays CHIROPRACTIC CHIROPRACTIC FOOT CORRECTION D. R. McINNES, D.C. Huron St. - Phone 207 OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETTRIST Eyes examined and glasses fitted. GODERICH - PHONE 33 INSURANCE Insure Now Against Fire, Burglary, Hold -Up, Theft, etc. Personal Property Floater Insurance Blanket Cover, All Risks, Worldwide. H. C. LAWSON REAL ESTATE BONDS Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phone 251W EMMA, LAVI, Insurance Auto -- Fire — Wind — Accident Sickness Liability - Family I Hospital Plan PHONE 138J LOW RATES Office at Residence, Joseph St., Clinton 11.12-13p-tfb AUCTIONEERING EDWARD W. ELLIOTT Lic.nsed Auctioneer for Huron. Correspondence deice promp tl Yins veered.• Immediate me angements can be made for sale d ,tss at CLINTON NEWS. RECORD or by phoning 203. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACI ON Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farm and Household sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable. satis- faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold Jackson, R.R. 4, ,Seaforth, phone 14-66L INSURANCE Insurance Protection Automobile, fire, wind, accident,. sickness, hospitalization. Cheapest rates and most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD PHONE 180W CLINTON INSURANCE J. Frank MacDonald Representative METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone 218 Clinton THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company Head Office, Seaforth OFFFICERS 1946—President, Frank McGregor, Clinton, R. R. 5; Nice - president, Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm R. R.. 1; Manager and secretary - treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS Frank MdGregor, Clinton; Chris. Leonhardt, Bornholm; Alex. Broadfoot; Seaforth; W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; George Leitch, Clinton; E. J. Trewartha, .Clinton; Alex. McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alex- ander, Walton; J. L.Malone, ,Seaforth. A.GEN'rS—John E. Pepper, Bruce- field, R. R. 1; George A. Watt, Blyth, R R. 1; R. F. McKercher, Dublin, R.R. 1; 3. F. Praetor, Brodhagen, Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended to on application to any of the above officers, addres- sed to their respective post offices. Losses inspected by the director liv- ing nearest the point of loss.. ACCOUNTANCY. ERNEST W. HUNNTER. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Bioor St. W. Torohte