HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-03-07, Page 5THURSDAY, MARCH 1946 CLINTON NEWS -RECORD stews -Record Classified Adlets Bring One cent a word, met, each insertion (minimum 26 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when .replies directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets accepted up to 9 pan. Wednesday. Cash. rtes apply up to 9 p.m, Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE .%SIGHT -TUBE CONSOL RADIO, IN .good condition. Clinton Radio and Appliances, phone 405. 10-b •ORCHARD GRASS SEED, ALSO 500 bushels Cartier oats, clear of barley. A. W. McEwing, Blyth, phone 238, 10-p TT,IMOTRY HAY, ABOUT TEN tons; also cut timothy hay. Alpply Milton Wiltse, phone 619r12, Clinton. 10-0 QUEBEC HEATER IN GOOD condition; also irdn bedstead. Mrs. 'Charles Fraser, Matilda St„ phone .246W. 10-b KELVINATOR -- 6 CU. FT., 4 ICE traya, dial temperature control, re- mote compression; % h.p. $150. Phone 5663, evenings. 10-p ONE LARGE DAVENPORT, GOOD condition, double bed size. Would be suitable for a large farm kitchen. Phone 326 Clinton. 10-p GOVERNMENT CLEANED AND tested No, 1 Timothy Seed. $5 per bushel, Gordon Turner, R. R. 2, Bay- field, phone 906-5. 10-11-b BOY'S BROIWN WOOL WIND - breaker, zipperfastener, size 14 years in good condition. A spring necessity' at bargain price. Phone 308. 10-b QUANTITY OP- AJAX SEED OATS, pure and elean and both stem and leaf rest resistant. Apply Earl Lawson, R. R. 1, Clinton, phone Sea- : forth 841-12. 10-11-p 11 -DISC FERTILIZER SEED DRILL, McCormick -Deering, with grass seed- er and foot board, like new. Would sell for cash or exchange for cattle. Apply Gordon Troyer, R.R. 2, Hensall. 10-p HELP WANTED PROPERTY FOR SALE FARM FOR SALE 100 ACRES, one-quarter mile off highway. Good buildings; or would exchange for good 50 acres. Fred McCool, Londesboro. • 10-11-p SEVEN-IZ0'OMED COTTAGE,. WITH small stable 'and garage, 14, acres land, central location. Sold subject to tenancy. For further information and inspection' see H. C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 251, Clinton: 10-b FARM PO,R. SALE — 100 ACRES, lot 16, No, 8 Highway, 2°. Hailes west of Clinton. Mouse, barn, drive shed and pigpen, henhouse, cement silo, two good wells and spring creek, Prod 'L. Potter, R. R. 2, Clinton, 10-11-p FARM CONSISTING OF 132 ACRES 011 County ,Road, east of Londesboro, dose • to school and church. Brick house, barns• 57x60 and 25x50 feet. Drilled well and silo. This farm is priced for quick sale, possession April 1. George A. McVittie, Londesboro. 10-11-b'plied, on Sunday, Meech 4, 1046, to MYIARRIAGES Former Clinton S. A. 1VIan GUDMORE-DAVJEiS — In Trinity Now Stationed in B.W.I. Anglican, Church, St. Thomas, on Friday, March 1, 1946.by Rev. J Many friends in town will recall. R. • Thompson, daughterEdna pleasure,g Margaret withthe of Hugh Mac - en airs. Waiter Davies, St, Thorn- lean, who, for some years, was, Can- it as, to Charles Edward Cudmoro' ain of the en re ion Army here. Richmond Hill, son of Mr. and Mrs Woxd has been received by friends J. A. Cudmore, Clinton, - intown of his general appointment DIXON-SAVAGE---,Art the home of since leaving Clinton about five years the bride's grandparents, .Mr. and 0e'.°' Mr S. G. Castle, Clinton, At' the outbreak of the wee he was MTS. s ,anton, at 1 p.m appointed as camp -craft officer and Saturday, March 2, 1946, by Rev. general counsellor with the military R. M. P. Butted, Doloris Marie training camps. At first he servedSdaughter of Owen Savage at Charlottetown,. PEI and then and the late Mrs, Savage, St. Cathe transferred to Newmarket, and was crines, to Richard James Dixon, there until December, 1945. He :is Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank happily married and' now has a dau h- Dixon, Clinton. ter two -and -a -half years old: g GOVIER-NES+BIT — Ia St. maws I3 s recent a oin Anglican Church, Auburn, on Sat- Pp tmeiit was to urday, March 2, 1946, by Rev, J. Janaice, aW,i., and was with Col. L. H. Henderson, Freda +Margaret,, Ham, who has charge of the B.W.I. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred and Central America area. Mr. Mae - Nesbit, East Wawanosh, to William lean was called there ,early this year, Herbert Gooier, youngest pen of and beside' his military responsibility, Herbert Gooier, Auburr•, and the he has the appointment of Ellttor of late Mrs, Gooier. the War Cry and Y. P. paper for that territory. He says he enjoys BIRTHS , his work and that the climate is quite equitable and enjoyable. COX—In Clinton Public Hospital, on 1 Sunday, March 3, 1946, to Mr: and iia orner Clinton Instructor Mrs. Raymond Coxr R. R. 2, Bay- fiolil, a daughter. Heads Barrie Air, Cadets EDWARD --,In Clinton .Public Hos- HOUSE, IMMEDIATE POSSESSION, six -roomed cottage with sunporeh, furnace, hydro, water, good basement, Approximately- 34 acre land, hen. house and .garage. For fnrther in- formation and inspection contact H: C. Lawson, Realtor, phone 25IW. 9-10-1 127. ACRE FARM — CLAY LOAM on No, 8 Highway, two miles east of Clinton, eight -roomed brick house with furnace, bank barn, stabling, cement floors, farm mostly seeded to hay and posture, hen house, driveshed, hydro, .plentiful supply of water, Stoeis and implements if desired, Apply on premises, Jahn R. Noble. 10-11» POULTRY AND BABY CHICKS FOR SALE ONE GANDER; PULL OR PART TIME HELP wanted, one Pekin Drake. Charles wanted in home. Good wages. Phone Williams, .Tr., phone 901-4. 10-b 81. 10-p DAY-OLD AND STARTED WHITE Leghorn Pullets for shipment April May and Juno. Stock blood -tested 5 and • banded under 0.B.S. 1'nliey ,1 Glazier's Poultry Foran, Clinton phone 617i•"1. 10-11.12-13-14p 1 itIi, and Mrs. James Edward,, a Flt. Lieut. Clifford I", 'C. Arnold, son, (Walter James Wayne) accountant of the Royal Bank branch at Barrie, formerly of Clinton, ,has °, been appointed commanding officer DEATHS of Barrie Kiwanis Air Cadet •Squad- POTTER-1Ti Clinton, on Tuesday, ron No. 102. He served as an 'RCAF Match 5, 1946, Grace R. Richardson, radar specialist, beloved wife of the Tato Phillip D While employed with the Royal Potter, in her . 70th year. Funeral a nk in Hamilton, he enlisted in. the service at Beattie Funeral Home, RCAF in December 1941. After taking Clinton, on Thursday, March 7, at a radio course at McGill University, 2 p.m. Interment Clinton Cemetery. he was posted to the RAF at Clinton THOMPSON-Suddenly, at Auburn, and was commissioned in September, on Tuesday, Marcli 5, 1946, William 1942. In the summer of 1943 he took J. Tliontpson, beloved husband of a radar course at the United States Matilda A. Clarkk, in his 76th year, Naval Training School at Corpus WALKER—Suddenly, at his home in Christie, Texas. The school at Clinton was changed over to the RCAF and Flt. Lt. Arnold served there from August, 1943, until August, 1945. He was one of a group of six officers who pioneered train CARD OP THANKS ing in radar -electronics in the RCAF. L/C 1. Roy F. LeIn addition to training RCAF per- pppington wishes sonnet, he supervised training of o express his thanks and sincere American Army and USAAF trainees rppreciation to all those who, in any at Clinton. itay, assisted in sending boxes, gifts, In October, 1945, Flt, Lt. Arnold neks, smokes, letters and many other ? was retired to the reserve of officers. tans to him while he was overseas o nd also welcome hem, gifts which ie toceivrrl nn his ietiirn To you all seek Two sots Of Plans al' `thanks a million." POE Court MSC Bliildillg Signed)•—ROY on Sunday morning, March 3, 1946, Harold Walker, be- loved husband of Eunice Ivison, for- anerle of Rinnen, in his IISHI -year. Interment at Peterborough March 5. OFFICE GIRL WITH BOOIfKEEP- inn and stenographical experience. Must he aecurate. Box "W", NEWS - RECORD. 10-11-b PROPERTY FOR RENT PASTURE FARM --80 ACRES, POII the grass season, or will take cattle by the month. Lots of shade and wirer, spring creek. Apply to Ellen • J. Cox, Huron Ste .Clinton. 7-8-9-10-11-p PROPERTY WANTED • HOUSE WANTED TO RENT BY month or on lease by pet'manent rest dent. Possession desired April 1 or late. Box "A". NEWS -RECORD. 9.10-11-s: 50 TO 100 LEVEL ACRES, suitable buildings, and market for milk pro- ductinn. Prefer highway, hvdrn, s eneb dant Wm. Pearce,. ik-alior. Exeter, , 10-11-p LIVESTOCK WANTED SHIPPING FLOGS EVERY TUrS- day, from Clinton C.N.R, Stock Yards to the F. W. Fearman Company Limited, Pork and Beef Packers. Hamilton. Hogs shipped on a graded dresses Cassa ss basis. In the market for all classes good fat cattle. W. 3. Stiller. 10-x PASSWORD (The Printed Word) Another lesser effect of the atomic bomb was noticed by a corner grocer in a certain small town who had been feeling pretty' complacent up to the time of the atom bomb. He had a fair supply of under -counter goods which he saved for his .r'egular cus- tomers and on occasion for their friends. To identify themselves as friends, housewives merely had to enter the shop, engage him in con- versation, bring up the worh "urani- um" into the conversation and up would pop a tine of some wartime rarity. The pall of smoke had barely clear - AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1932 CHRYSLER COUPE. 16x6001 tires, serial No. 9753709. Below coil-, ing. Phone 901-4 Charles Williams, 1" .Tr. 10-b MISCELLANEOUS F. LEPPINGTON, ( PPINGTON, __ 10-p Huron County Council Property IN 't5E'10T?* 1 NI _.�.. Committee, under the eltairausushtp of Vtror,);Trifle, In lacing mr,nnry heave Alex Watson, met at the Court ••f lr,•_. 11 i'1. •m Paitso,1yire, wlto House, Goderieh, Tuerdny afternoon 1..1' ed iw•y Merrill 11, 1937, to 0;001155 with L. G, Bridgman, T? s•, na- i=•n wftnrl <1•a� 1.y ch,v, archit:,,I, London, plans for the pro - TOP PRTCTIS PAID FOR BRICK OR And iv.,trlr,'d her suffering there; posed new courthouse, 'roma hutl'n 1" to he wre"kerI A,•p}y s mr y lint curd,, 0007711'r swipe After considerable discussion with to Ivan T<anlcin, 140 Laggard. Street. t .-its fee train elm s"aree could bear, Mr, l;ri,lgman the committee decided d ieee Gael (-died Prem his to have two sets of plans submitted, ' ihrnne ahoy FLEECE, T.TNE Y UR HOIMI WITH 1, ,4-1.411r1 ,t .net past; , molts in a two-storey building, only mtn Rnrka'oo] Insulation. e kttniv she n g+ ' r tee es +nt� love ted, The other ,1 ,,''nn,,. (ile ' An'1'; plan is wouldof nth 4 ( ,tar 0r tr,: 1 ,, is H. ii+e t atm Rosi asci 1 n h•is pc•ic•e at last. s , • + (1. pay, 5 Dhn•nfon Ava„ T,n a,inom tc tel 1111)0 snore 1 ndr not take —' vn.,• remembered by hci husband up very notch more ground s ace t1ia -3-4-5-0-7-R.9_1 q -11-p acyl cl itrii nn. 10-0 the present indicting. Upon these plans AN Ruth) — Etat+liahec3 l-+ "" " "' being submitted, the -committee again would ild meCt. And make a decision. London, Met, 8280w. tf (t— n f ,a ,m a , e' One plan is to embody all require - blown Wore: b h, s gone to the realms Here romped than the pi, nor nnvtt'here f•, ' f t + M 1 v plan subnrit- Ruta) Watkins District available. Tf ,• g CThe committee you area sroad i e,s e a tot r i1 0 ] ..g ve andbetween " : f the ietwe , s: 4 rt 1 Mrs. a 1 S Alice . l .e e til Ic,s gaol and found everything in good ages of 25 and 55 ---have 01• can secir 1 order; • travel outfit this is your npltoreenitv.; Teacher of Sacred and to rret established in a profitable business of Your own. For full +mr- ticulars write today to The J, R. Wilt- kins Company, Dept. 0-0-16, 2170 Masson St., Montreal, One. 1041-12-13.-b ed from the Hiroshima sky when the poor grocer felt the effect of the explosion, His shop was full of "friends" all day long and bis stock of specialties ivas. reduced to the size,. of a split atom. TRANSFERRED TO TO KITCHENER GODERTCHProvincial Constable Frank Fox, Goderich, will .be trans. ferrel to Kitchener March 15. He assumed his duties here in dunce, 1941. coming from Welland and yesterday completed 19 years in the public ser- vice. He will be replaced by Pro- vincial Constable Harold Gaul, at present stationed at Kitchener The Maple Syrup Season Will Soon Be here! Supplies are Liriite(1 SAP PANS aiid BUCKETS ORDER NOW ti 03) 1 ilnng — IP'eating Sheet Metal Work Agent for Berta .Furnacoar PHONE 244 AMU RESIDENc.E '970 Classical Music Former Student, Toronto Con- servutmy of Music EROS. ATTEND 1N6 HUDSON PREVIEW Past -war advances in exterior and Pupils of any age eligible for interior styling, mechanical efficiency enrolment end case of operation of the new 1946 model lludsons wean praised to - Phone 1337 Clinton tiny by Joseph and Thomas Murphy, 9-btf of the Murphy Bros. Garage, Clinton, who returned yesterd'ry front inspect - e— Ing the new cars at the C'ansdian BEAUTY SHOPPE , Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson 'rincess St. E:st., Phone 585 59-tf a � uprir, CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS PHOTOGRAPHS For Every Occasion Our staff photog'r33pher, Mr. 3'. Bonell, wiill ne iii:Clinton at the Mac�enzie FLORIST' House aria preview• in Toronto, Two distinctly different style lines were shown, Messrs. Murphy said -- the Super series and the Commodore series, both of which are made with six and eight -cylinder motors, Addressing the meeting, William Gall, general sales manager of Hud- son, said that "improvements and re- finements include an entirely new !rent enol, new exterior styling and completely new interior embodying comfort, luxury and convenience." Messrs, Murphy said that models will be displayed at their garage on Huron •St„ Clinton, as soon as they arrive in town, DIED IN LONDON EXETER—Mrs. John Ford passed away in her 81st year in Loudon. She has been in hospital in London 'since December 1.0. Her maiden name was Mary Elizabeth Isaac, born in Usborne Township, and 'lived at Ex- eter for over 30 years: AMME07=17. 1 FORs Locker Storage TRIPS STRATj; VNi a L. d LhW .I ON and other points `• Try our low-priced service. Phone. us and tell us when you want to go—W&11 do the rest. If desired, waiting time allowed. Why drive your car on the heavy roads around towyi? lake a .taxi instead'. ARROW TAXI PHONE 18 Next McKenzie House Clinton Phones: 66w and 60! PRl?STI FROZEN PEAS, per box' 29c' n'RESH FROZEN CORN, 13er•box 29e "TenI3 AMEURG per 16. 25e tidos Fire MAD 5 SAUSAGE, per lb: 25• SALMON STEAKS .... pet 1b 30c SAC"',MTTT,T .ON FIT7PS LETTS perper lib); . 40c35e' ' HADDOCK III ,IrIh,S per ib. '35e "real Fro -en Herring' per ib: 16c WE 13U'Y mom. Frozen Food,, are Better Food's WE HAVE THEM Now 1946' DE FOREST and ROGERS' MAJESITC RADTOI are wow on door lay, • SEE, THEM AND HEAR TI3.E114 Dominion Washers, Oil- Burners, Electrical Seepli"a Redio Supplies A. W. GROVE Princess Se 8-9.1.0-1:1 0{ io9itt J+.re 11 Regular $4.50 `value - $1.75 You may obtain certificates at the hotel. Lakeview Portraits SARNIA 10-p en Wanted Two Good Men for Farm and'Silo Construction Work Good wages with board. Apply. JONATHAN I UGILL Phone 616-34, Clinton 0-10-b PAGE FIVE wick Resulta ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Praying—"JUNIOR MISS" wink Peggy Ann Garner Mon., Tues.' and Wed. Barbara S:tanwyck—Gear re Brent and Warne'. . Anderson A widow's battle against slander and her efforts to keep the love of her two sons make absorb- ing film fare "MY REPUTATION" Thurs., Fri. and Sat. "The Daltons " Ride Agaln Four men against a nation, writing their, crimson story in blood ' and gun smoke Alan Curtis — Kent Taylor and Lon Mime Coming— ".STATE FAIR" With Jeanne Crain and Dana Andrews Matinees: Sat. & holidays 2.80 p.nr. Red. Cross To Play Big Peace Role Field. Man States Squadron Leader' Ernest Harston, newly appointed Field Secretary, Ontario: Division, Red Cross Society. delivered a very inspiring address at the March meeting. of Clinton Branch in the Town Council Chamber Monday afternoon. ' The recently -returned RCAF chap- lain dealt et some length with. the ambitious peacetime programme of he Red Cross. Mrs. W. A. Oakes, president of the Branch, acted as chairman of the meeting wlaieh filled the Council Chamber to capacity. Mrs. J. P. Man- ning read the minutes of the previous meeting, and Mrs. Gordon A, TVliller read the corresnondence. Dr. J, W. CLEA RING AUCTION SALE FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS :it Lots No. 30 and 31, Concessions 9 and 10, Godei•ich Township, 1 mile West and lee utiles South of Hohnesville on TUESDAY, MARCH 12 Commencing at 12.80 sheep, consisting of HORSES --Clyde horse, rising five years old; Clyle mare. rising four years old, well matched. CATTLE •-- Durham cow, calf at foot; Durham cow, due April 25; Dur- ham cow, due Arndt 1; Durham cow, due April 30; Durham colo, due May 0; Blue cow, clue June 17; Hereford cow, calf at foot; Hereford cow, due June 5; 6 steers and heifers, rising nue year 016; Hereford bull, ready for use. r PIGS—Yorkshire sow, with litter, , 3 weeks old; Yorkshire sow, due April r 6; Yorkshire sow. bred ope month: i 6 pigs, 70 lbs. each; 6 pigs, 8 -weeks old, IMPLEMENTS -10-20 McCormickl! Deering tractor, 1916; Cockshutt: 0-1 ftn•row disc plough; 3 section Bisset . spring -tooth cultivator tractor emery and ei saw; w Massey-Harris p f"crttltier: dr111 Massey -Harris 13-1100 drill; Maseey-Harris hay loader (nearly new); Ma'sey-Harris fawn mem with 1G ft, lacy rack; Massey -Harris hay rake; Massey -Harris 3'dtorse cultivator,; Massey -Harris bean seuf- fier with pullers; Ma.'sey-Harris orae - horse sniffier, Bissell 14 -plate disc (nearly e i Y new); sot diamond harrow.a; Doering 6 -ft. mower; Deerntg 3-chnpa roller; set of bench sleighs with flat rack; cutter and robe: rubber -tired top buggy; set of 2,000 lb. scales; two -wheeled trailer with stock rack; fanning mill with bagger; wheel- barrow; set double harness; set single harness; horse collars; Brooder house 10x12; Beatty (1,000 chicle; coal brooder, nearly new; feeders, hoppers, water containers; fattening crate: De Laval cream separator; 2 cream cans; 2 good horse blankets; Beatty Locklift car with track; quantity of sacks; Coleman lantern; Coleman • lamp; Philo battery radio; heater; 2 gas drums; forks, shovels and whiffle.• trees and numerous other articles. GRAIN Victor seed bats; some hay. FARM FOR SALE ---160 acres, in - eluding ten acres of l:u.h. Buildings in fair cond11108 . bid, TE2bMS�--CA SSI BILL GRIGG, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer. E. P. CHEISNEY, Clerk. COUNTY HOG BODY TO CONTINUE WORK (Continued from Page Ocie) en, stated it was a happy occasion, as Hog .Scheme was about to be put into, effect and stressed the respon sibility this Will entail, "You are part of a big industry known over the entitle eydrid," said the speaker.- "It' has grown to be a 180 million -dollar export business, and is vital to our national economy. Present bonuses are consumer honeises• not producer," said Mr. McGumis, "arid future help to our industry, mast be on a quality basis, You are entitled to full cost of production; Nile a reasotiable profit for your product." The secretary's report showed a 65 - million -dollar industry in Ontario, and last year this province produced 39 per cent of all hoga ariarketed in the Dominion. W. E. Tulnmon, ^Ontario. secretary, stated that 67 per cent of ail B-1 hogs were placed in that grade by improper feeding and it was not the fault of the hog. P1fty.Det cent were too fat and 17 per cont were either too heavy or light in weight. Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Minister of Agriculture, gave the following fig- ures, representing millions of pounds of bacon shipped to Britain during 1944 and 1945, each figure represent. tug a three-month period: 1944—•245-- 182—,66-1G0; 1945-145-105-45,- Mr. 945-145-1.10'-45—Mr. Kennedy announced that the hog marketing scheme would go into effect Audi 1. The inconsistency of our supplies and the tremendous drop in produc- tion can be seen readily. This is why the bacon ration in Britain has had to be reduced from six ounces to four ounces, it was pointed out, CAPITAL T1JEATRE GODERICIi Now Playing— Peggy Ryan and Jon Hall in MEN IN HER DIARY" Mon.. Tues. and Wed. Charles Winninger—Jeanne Crain and Dana Andrews An old and mighty favourite re- turns in et new Technicolor cc version �9 STATE FAAIR Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Yvonne de Carlo — Rod Cameron and Andy Divine Canada's sensational new star •in the Technicolor thriller you have waited for "FRONTIER GAL" Coming—Darryl 11). Zanuck's •"WILSON"' Mat: Wed. Set., Holidays 2.30 p m• asleloyaret Shaw introduced the speaker ofethe afternoon.. , Squadron Leader Harston declared he had seen the Red.Cross in action in every part of the world and it had done a magnificent work during the war. "If the men and women of Canada could know what their efforts meant, they would be very happy," •he de- clared. Warning against waning peacetime enthusiasm on the part of Red Cross workers, the .speaker declared that "you are going to find your rest in witha real job ahead. "Our peacetime programme is very import- ant. he said. Mr'. Harston stressed several Red Cross points, including blood bank, REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTE Now Playing—Fred MacMurray as "CAPTAIN EDDIE" Mon., Tues. and Wed. Sean Sullivan—Phillip Darn and Irene Manning The adventurous store' of Nazi prisoners on t`Tre loose for a brief orgy of terror.. "Escape in the Desert" Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Peggy Ann Garner — Atlyn Joslyn and Faye Marlowe A tale of family, life that has be- ' come the season's mgst popular "JUNIOR V picture UNIOR MISS" Coming—Joan Crawford in MILDRE'D PIERCE" Matinees: Sat. & holidays 2,30 p.m, I Care of veterans and families, out- post hospitals1 civilian relief, nursing reserve, visiting housekeepers, local and national disasters, or emergencies, nutrition service, VAD hospitals and lodges in military hospitals. Following the address, a vote of thanks was passed on motion of Mrs. J. G. McLay and Mrs, W. T. Herman, to which the president, Mrs. Oakes, added her personal appreciation. HENSALL (Intended for last week) Farm Changes Hands Percy Sales, Tuckersmith, has sold his farm to Fred Chapples, Blyth, a returned veteran, whose home was almost entirely destroyed by fire recently, FRONT VIEW OF 1946 HUDSON SUPER -SIX eatenegi 11 The new 1946 Hudson -Supe' c,i ,a i , I e: nluenl,naouaxteai graphically illustrating the en:,t- c ,1 , ':.' topping 411' pletely new front end design, and I ills cast's li lighted from postwar smartness resultingfroth 1.00 -, S ereati v i „,_,.: r8 are heavy, with - on of a more massive op- ;i i a i' and the sealed- pearance.New lines give the of tis: r, .,aa i ,aa,,t, are of oval dc• car that low -longer appearance. At i n e,ac c..arryins rri well-1:nui;A center, head-Irr ',vel, is tire 1•',1 iia emblem at he lxpttr 9 newt designed : , 'g y 2, - ..lion f•f the .1 I c" t`. t try is •. , ; = ::,:';,,., ,..,: Phone 465 Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries ,..0 10 si., r":..:sza�r„-x•-oaccr•.,^">.r,,axw:..-. =7'34 mai5x z cast rr tia.:a,:,:xa aa,, 7-00: a•-' va •;xtfi „Why Do You Trcmire Christ's Nile Under I OOt . REMEMBER 1 l He is the only one who can save you from an eternity in bell. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” —Exodus 20:7. "BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED." Acts 16:31. TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hoer 7-7.30 •E.D•S.82., Sunday evening LOCAL STATION CICLW WINDSOR 1100700017=10077==7,0771100311=007017 .7t07=7113706a b The Huron County Home Committee are asking for Tenders for the e -wiring of the East Wing of the Huron County Horne at Clinton, Ont. Please contact the Manager at the Horne for information and specifications. Tenders are to he in the hands of the County Clerk not later than March 30. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. X. W. MILLER, County Clerk, Dade:fell, Ontario A':1 r1 s t •�h' 'W� '�,': ',•i ";A��' I"y:,�Y �!,.kilh a ;I for all the family; to fit almost any style of shoe. Keep.. your feet dry. A Few Lines at Special Clearing Prices: MEN'S FIVE 'E'YELET LACED RUBBERS—wlth felt insoles, SPECIAL PRICE $1,98 MEN'S HIGH LACE with buckle top, size 7 only, At' Less than Regular Cost Price $3.35 BOYS LACED RUBBERS with felt insoles $1.75 MEN'S CLOSED SIDE RUBBERS, finest quahty, Sizes 7 to 8 Y only, Reg. $l.59 for $1.00 BROKEN LINES AT SPECIAL PRICES TO CLEAR Plum steer BroL Arrow Shirts. - Adam Rata -- Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors