HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-03-07, Page 4PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, MARCH 7, 1946 4{Y1,11E3'ti 11.11:114.411'..1�'F"Allt Ontario St. W. A. Holds Mrs. Glen Broadfoot Successful Meeting Speaks s to Clinton W.I. The W. A. of Ontaxdo Street United Clinton Women's Institute met on Church held its March meeting in the Thursday, February 28, at three p,m Church Hall yesterday afternoon with in the Agricultural Board Rooms with 45 ladies present The meeting open- a good attendance, with Mrs. J. B. ed with hymn 347, and 679 was read Levis; president, in charge,'' and Mrs. as a prayer in unison,, Mrs. Wiltse E. Adams at the piano. took charge of the devotional.pejiodl The meeting opened with the sing - with "Prayer" ing-with'"Prayer" as her subject,' The'ing of the Institute Ode, 0 Canada Scripture lesson was from psalm 34.1 and repeating the Lord's Prayer. The. Reports were read and general busi- minutes were .read and approved and ness'was transacted. treasurer's report given. The fin- M%'s. ICentredy read several thank- • ante committee gave a very good you letters for parcels and flowers report. The War Worlc Convenor received. It was decided to have a'stated 31 articles had been completed. dinner for the returned boys seine Two quilts have been quilted each time in May. Mrs. May Rance Mac- month se far and of those completed, Einnon read several poems by Caned- two were voted to ,be' presented to fan . authors in ' her own inimitable the Red Cross and two to the Red style. Miss Jean Elliott sang "In the' Shield. Garden of To -morrow." with Miss Mrs, Glen Broadfoot gave an inter; Wiltse as accompanist.r esting address on "Home Economics" l St. James' Ward served a delightful in relation to the Publie.Sclnool child, lunch and a half an hour was spent .stating the responsibility of parent Over the tea cups. to child and vice versa, and com- o paring the difference between train ing of youth in by -gone days -to the training of youth available now, also items on health and diet. The musical part •qf the program took the form of a sing -song, with Mrs. Adams at the piano. Then all took part in a contest directed by Mrs. L. Heard and Mrs. C. Nelson. A vote of thanks was extended to those taking part •on the program, and the meeting closed with the Na- tional Anthem. Lunch was served later to about 30`1 members lay Mes- RATION COUPON DUE DATES • • Coupons now valid are sugar 46 to 70, SI. and 82: butter R1 to 123 inclusive; meat 1 to 27. Sugar coupons S3 and S4 be- come good March 21, the same date as le4 becomes good. One meat coupon becomes valid each week. ° dames Glazier, Glew, Last, Shob- LEGION LADIES' AUXILIARYbrook, Kennedy and R. Holmes. c The Legion Auxiliary meeting will ll be held in the Legion Hall, Clinton, Monday evening, March 11. The zone RED SHIELD NOTES Ea7 representative Cgmrade Hyole will be present. All members are asked to attend. The regular meeting of the R. S. W. A. was held on Tuesday with 15 members present. The collection amounted to 51.45. Themeeting open- ed with the president, Mrs. Trewartha in the 'chair. Mrs. Chas. Elliott gave an interesting talk' about some of the reeergeteeeeT details which Squadron Leader Ernest %P.0. MitHarston gave on Monday afternoon in the Town Council Chamber. The members observed one minutes' sir.. Town Hall Clintononce in memory of Mrs. Cooper. , • Donations 'are gratefully .received: two large quilts from the Ladies' MARCH 12, 1946 Institute; two hand knit sweaters from Maud Chambers; one quilt top Sponsored by and patches from a friend• si from maroon top that. On their return CARD PARTY tlAnd C LI l, , i A D II I s'I' It 1 C'Y WEDDINGS ECKERT-HODSON Flt. Lt. Aedholm Joseph Eckert, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Eckert, Me- Killop, was united in marriage to Miss Valerie Hodson, WAAF, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. G. Hodson, Brighton, England. The ebride was lovely in a long White dress of ninon and lace, with full train; She was given away by her father and had seven attendants:, Mrs. R. Durant, aunt of the bride and Mrs. A. Hillman, as matrons of honor wore green dresses thinned with pink;. the two flower girls, Misses Pat and Audrey Hillman, wore dresses of blue and pink; twce of the pages,. Robin and, David Durant, wore white, and the third, Peter Milner, was in a minia tune RAF uniform... Flt. Lt. J. F. Eckert was .his broth- er's best man and the ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. J. Ryan. Immediately after the ceremony a reception was held at "The Lantern." Flt. Lt. Eckert arrived hone a short time ago and his wife is expected very soon. HEIt,ON-FLOQDY • St. Paul's Cathedral, Halifax, N.S , the oldest Protestant Church in Gen- ada and the first Church of 'England • outside of the Motherland to become a Cathedral, .was the setting for the quiet wedding on `'Saturday, March 2, at 2 p.m., which united in marriage Catherine Elizabeth Fleody, Reg.N., ind Capt. John Stewart Heron, RC'AMC, • The bride is the only daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Moody, Toronto, formerly of Clinton, and the groom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. William Heron, Mount Den- nis. Ven. Archdeacon Savary per- forated the ceremony, ' The bride given in marriage by her father wore hertravelling suit of tailored grey'pin-stripe with matching hat, a dainty white blouse and a .set Of Russian .Squirrel furs. Her cor- sage was of red roses. The bride wes unattended, The best man was C. Wallace Foody of Toronto, •brother of - the ,,ride. Following the ceremony, a dinner NV' s serves, at the Lord Nelsen Hotel toonly members of the immediate families and very intimate friends. For travelling the bride donned a bliss Bessie Sloman;, one baby's hon, h'y' will 1"sirin 10 Halifax for tine CLINTON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE net; gm scarf from Mrs. S. Slidell, ^assent. The bride was accompanied Proceeds for Park Fund two pair socks from Stanley Chile Halifax by her f"ther alai brother IIappy Wan Workers -one complete end Mrs. William Heron, mother of EUCHRE AND 500 COMMENCING layette with two crib quilts, two 1 :rge• ire groom. • at 8.15 SHARP quilts, two pair pyjamas. one woman'• apron, two dresses, three Pair socio CUDMORF.-DAVIEh ing iixiiel s nvererpaciced: sele ven r e,- tt;The marriage of Edna Margaret, youngest daughter of Mr. and t quilts, six cot quilts; 26 pair socks elr :Walter Davies, St. Thome, (,o , four sweaters, 10 pair mitts, two ran c hail,, Edward Cudnore,'Richmond pyjomas, two dress 's, one layette,r;7'l, son of Mr. and Mrs, J. A. Cud a one apron, 13 cliepers, five baby mare, C'intan, wag solemnizes, et.c nighties, one scarf, one Warner. Trinity Anglican Church, St. Thomas. Fobra ny reuort--pour meeting[ rt three o'clock Friday afternoon, fit members three, quilts two crib 'herr) 1.. at a pretty late winter Gere -'c quilts, two sweaters, 17 prier Cocke, num, The rector, Rev. 3. R. Thompson, nine tau milts; 10 pair diapers,,coi- oif' ci:rtecl. lection 54,96; fund $i 4'1, pennyThr bride wore her. l traveling cost- under the auspices of the W. A. of ladies to serve nextwenl are: Mr tire; a modish ensemble in �cocoa.a i,'-'9'aey-Willis Church Carter', Mrs. Cirmchill, Mies Barrett, s•'tbardme, with brown accessoies and le Mrs. Castle. i will be held on .i enrsaae of gardenias. Dancing 10.15 p.m. to 1 a.m. 10-b ANNUAL S$° Pa -r 8c s . Tea Former Radio School Man Leaves Estate to U. of T. Plying Officer John Gray, a very fine type of young man, who nv'as. stationed at No. 5 Radio School (now R. and C, S,), Clinton, as racial- mechanic aclarmechanic in 1944 and subsequently was killed overseas', has left his estate of 52,000 to the University of Toronto. The late F/0 Gray will be remem- bered by many Clinton friends, but is not to be confused with Warrant Officer who was at the Radio .School at the same time. The former was a native of St. Thomas -where he at- tended school before his family mov- ed to Toronto. Govier, Auburn, and late Mrs. Govier. Rev. J. L. H. Henderson, rector of the church, officiated, with Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor at the organ, 'and Mrs. .themes earchin, as soloist, singing, "0 Perfect Love." Yellow daffodils, American beauty roses, • and fern in large white baskets adorned the chan- cel, the sande flowers having also served as decorations for the 61st wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Fe Phillips, 'Auburn. The bride' entered the church on the arm of her' father to the strains of the Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin aid looked charming in a street -length �IIIIl Iii )�I �IIIIIIIIIIIi��I III 1111 �I �� ,dill, ti II 1f you have guests, let the.NEWS ' RECORD know. Phone * * * E. C. Judd has returned to Clinton after spending ten months in Victoria Hospital, London. Mr, and Mrs. A. 0, Branaon visited with Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Brandon at Waterloo on SSunday. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Brown, Seethe, visited many of their .friends and relatives in Clinton last Sunday. Miss Wilma. Lees returned to, her home in Oshawa after spending the past ten days at the H. J. Davies home, Mrs. Lyle Docking, of Staffa, spent a few dayslast week visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Pert Lobb, Goderich Township. Mrs. A. D. Martinson,, Winnipeg, Man., arrived in -own Friday night anis will be the guest of her; sister, H. h. Combe, for the next five weeks. Mr. and Mrs, Nelson Howes and c son, David, and Mr, and Mi•s. William white sheer wedding dress fashioned ;Robbins and son, Ronald, all of Har- with full Skirt, silver• shirring at riston, spent Sunday with Mr. and bodice and shoulder, and eishop Mrs. A. D. McCartney, sleeves.. She wore a shoulder -length Miss Florence Rorke, Toronto,. veil of white flowers. Her shoes were younger daughter of Mr. and Mrs, H. of sandal style in white satin with E. Rorke, spent an enjoyable winter shyer trim; and a corsage of pink holiday skiing . in the. Laurentians, carnations and fern completed the Quebec. She was accompanied by a lovely costuno. She carried a white .business associate, Miss Grace.Miller. leather prayer book, from which fell Miss Phyllis Manning, daughter of white satin streamers entwined' with Mr. and Mrs. J. Percy Manning, Olin - tiny pink buds. It was a gift from ton, has been elected to the HonoV St. Mark's Anglican Church in honor Society of the' University of Western of the first wedding ceremony held. Ontario, London. She was one of nine in this church. • students -four women and five men- Miss Mary Nesbit, Toronto, attend- of the senior years in Arts and Science ecl her sister as bridesmaid, wearing so honored. Membership in this select a street -length gown o£' french blue society is the highest tribute which sheer, fashioned on the same lines can be paid to a student for valuable as the bride's costume, with shoulder- service to the university fu non length veil in matching "color and athletic extra -curricular activities. corsage of deep pink carnations and , fern. Albert Govier, Auburn, brother of a halo headdreee caught with flowers.: the bridegroom, was best man. The She worn the gift of the groom e inlets were Gordon R. Taylor and string' of Pearls get carded ' cascade Thomas Haggitt. Lour 'et 'i Red Tl, Mi Miss Joyce ce T t Tie bridesmaid, s Miss Jhee Tyn- The pewsweremarked with while ;rlalc. Toronto, cousin of the beide, satin bows and streamers. 1 was in a flood• -length dress ofpowder A reception was held at the home :blue riot and silk jersey with weet- of the bride's parents, Mrs. Nesbit•heart neckline, wearing a halo of blue receiving the guests wearing a sweat ,frilled het, She carried a bouquet of frock of field green figured crepo with 'pith Briarcliffe roses. 'thick accessories and a corsage oe Th•, groom was supported by Ray Talisman rosebuds, The decoration ; Greon, brother of the bride. The w-1 e carried out in a color scheme grocan'a favour to the bridesmaid was 11' pin]c and white, eloeg with lighted;A •°'-1 I:tnes in silver holders and bowls of. g compact, to the piamst, golcl yellow daffodils. •A three -store wecl-1 marines; ; to the hest man, a silver . y cige' i lte c ;e. in, cake completed the table decora- I A reception was held following the clogs. Following the dinner, toasts _ ceremony when a dainty mime lunch- ',•cre proposed by Rev. T. L. H. Hench-' eon w:•e• served by the Misses Dorothy rson, Albert Govier, and Alf,•ediTyndele, Toronto: Marion Middleton, Nesbit. !Blanche Green, Frances Brennan, Following the reception, the young; Barrie. under the supervision of Mrs •ouple left for a honeymoon to he Ann" Bates, assisted, by Mrs. C. Mee pont at London. the bride tn: vi ling Cabe. n e dress o£ gold figured silk terse',. . Melees L ckhart, g andrnoth- with brown tweed coat nod Matching er of the 1, 11', wear -amethyst s ccesso•ies, On their return t . • t a turn they will mere, 'r , -. aside on the bridegra::in's farm in ez dress with a a. The e ding Tullett Towtrship. corn rtions, toured tan. The wedding talc•• was e. four -'i reel creation made &aW hy, March 16 O She was attended by Mrs, E. R.1 Toe r Wieland, Goder ieh, who wore a light j ' ley -Willis M. k�le. !elle suit with berme aceeasorice and Wesley -Willis W.M S. will meet on a corsage of pink roses. commencing at three o'clock in the Thursday, March 14, at ,3 p.m. in the Claude Davi•rs, ,,rather of the orfs,,, t Lecture ROOM of the Church Church Parlours. Mrs. 7. A. Sutter's attended the groom. a by the bride's mother. LLO7 D -GREEN • 1 T mother of the bride was gownt- A very pretty wedding tools place, ed 1 menee crepe with matching m Saturday, February 2. 1946, at aeeer series and a corsage of spring wo o'clock, at the drone of the bride's 'hewers, notheir, 87 Owen St Daigle, when ! 1 bride for teevelling, donned a Doreen ()rathee, only daughter of (wind swept mustard gold crepe dress, urs. Jennie Green and the late Clar- per n topcoat with brown accessories non Green. became the bride of and corsage of red roses. \l'esley Lloyd,youngest son of Mr. Tee happy couple heft for Toronto int Mrs. M.Lloyd, Clinton, Rev. and Western Ontario points. S" ELewis,eir v of Collier St. On their return they will make idled Chinch' Barrier officiated at their home near Clinton. he ceremony which took place under a---- n attractively decorated arch of pink el 1 SLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB and white streamers and flowers. The 1 lee Girls Club of Wesley -Willis wedding march was played by, Mrs. UM' "1 Church will meet in the ass Beddwell, Barrie, Chireh Parlors on Tuesday evening, The bride, given in marriage lee Marsh 12, at eight o'clock p.m. Miss her grandfather, William Lockhart, Viol'i Peaser will be guest speaker, was in a floor -length gown' of white and. Mrs. Steepe's group will be in inarquisettc over satin with a high charge of the meeting. Members are neckline and full skirt. Her finger'- renucsted to bring their bazaar done - tip veil of embroidered net fell from tions. HOME BAKING - APRONS . t �y coo » Tea Menu: Roast Ham and Potato Salad Brown and White Bread and Butter Fruit Salad and Cookies Tea 30c SUPPER: For business people, 5.30-7 Menu: Escalloped Potatoes - Ham - Salad Bread and Butter Fruit Salad and Cookies Tea 40c • EVERYONE- WELCOME. 10=11-b group will be in charge. The groom's gift to the bride was a' '•snipset; the gift to the matron of` s. hano', silver pins, and to the groom- claimed; JUNIOR INSTITUTE man, a billfold. Clinton Anther Institute will hold A reception for immediate relatives its regular monthly meeting in the end friends was held at the honne, of A • •iculturalClinton, - t Agricultural Office ClTuns- h bride's a rde s s g parent., 401 Talbot St., u day evening, March 12, al: 8.30 o'elnehc. St. Thomas, where spring flowers t Will the girls kindly bring 1011th. formed a lovely setting. A buffet a lunch was sgi'ved from a table lit by WOMEN'S DAY OF PRAYER tall white tapers in ceystal candelabra The Women's World Day of Prayer andacsed centred by the wedding cake. R will be herd in Tib countries on Friday, Daffodils in a love bowl were also Later, the bride and groom left nn a wedding trip "to Toronto and will take up residence in Richmond Hill, where the groom is on the school staff. Meech 8. In Clinton this meeting will be held in St. Paul's Anglican Church at three o'clock, Friday, Maisel: 8. All women of the town will be welcome. 0 Counted' Check Books at The NEWSeRECORD. you will, soon be getting your young chickens. If you want to keep them living be sure they get HYGEOL in their drinking water for the first three w-eks. Hygeol kills the deadly germs that are hatched with the chickens 35 and 60 cents W. S. R. HOLMES, Phm. B. PHONE 51 - CLINTON, ONTARIO POTAT We have a car of tale stock potatoes. rolling from Minnesota. Car shoe id' arrive early next week Canada Packers Ltd. CLINTON Phone 580 DIXON SAVAGE A pretty wedding was solemnized at the home of the bride's grandpa). ents, Mr. and Mrs: S. G. Castle, Clin- ton, at one o'clock, Saturday after- noon, March 2, when Dolois Marie Savage, daughter of Owee Savage and the late Mrs. Savage, St Cath- arines, became the bride of Richard Jaimes Dixon, Guelph, son of Mr. and Mrs. Fronk Dixon, Clinton. Ret,R. M. P. Bulteel, rector of .St. Peul'S Anglicah Church, Clinton, officiated against e backgrou ncl of claffocliis and hemlock. The bride, who was given in mar- riage by her grandfather, S. G. Castle, was charming in a copen blue sheer dress with matching veil and head- dress of white hyacinth, and carried s cascade bouquet of pink Briarcliff roses. • The bridesmaid, • Miss Audrey Colgnhonin, Toronto, wore shocking pink with blue feather hat, and cars vied a cascade bouquet of Olivetta ,carnations. The groomsman was Clayton Dixon, Harriston, brother of the groom. A reception was, held at the home of the bride's grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. S. G. Castle, Clinton, The gr'oom's mother wore a dress of cogen blue with et corsage of pink Virginia cremations, and the' bride's ;grand- mother • was attired in black sheer with corsage of red) Better' Time roses. A toast' to the bride was proposed by Rev. Mr. Bulteel, the groom responding in fittin • manner. Later, the young couple left for a wedding trip to Toronto and other Pointe, and on their return will reside in Guelph. For travelling. the bride donned a blue tailored coat with black ,accessories: Guests from a distance were . from i'(acriston, St. Catharines, Exeter, Grand Bend, Goderich, and Kippen. The groom's gift to the bride was a pearl necklace and matching brace- let; to the bridesmaid. a gold com- pact and to the groomsman, gold cuff licks! GOVIER--NESBIT In a beautiful setting at St. Mark's Anglican Church, Auburn, at high noon, Saturday, March 2, Freda Marg- aret, younger daughter of Mit and Mrs. Alfred. Nesbit, East 'Wawanosh; be- came the bride of Mr. William Herbert Govier, youngest son of Me. Herbert IMMAISillsawolow CHURCH DIRECTORY Ontario Street United REV. G. G. BURTON, Minister Mrs 'Edward Wendell, Organist B. J. Qibbings, Choir Leader SUNDAY, MARCH 10, 1946 11 A,11I.-"The Third Freedom -- From Want" Near noon --.Sunday School 2 P,M---Turner'e Worship Service. 7 P.M. -"Reactions --The Councillors who refused a night's lodging to 30505." Special singing. Mon., 8 p.m.-Y.P.U; ; Missionary - Department in charge St. Paul's. Anglican REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector. Mrs. Theodore Eremite, Ocgariist Mrs. J,, G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY. MARCH 1.0, 1946 11.00 A.M.--Morning `Service Junior C'ongregation.° 2.00 P.M. --Sunday School 7,00 P.M, ---Evening Service, Wed Marchi 13 - Lenten Service in Hall, '7.30 p.m. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. MARCH 10, 1946' 10 41..M. -Sunday School 17: A.M.-"The Gift of God -Eternal Life" 2.30 P.M. -Knox Church, Bayfield, service. • EVERYBODY WELCOME Wesley -Willis United REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs, M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY. 1VIA1teu 10, 1946 11.00 A.M.--"Repentance" 12,10 P.M. -Church School 7.00 PAL -"Temptation" Clinton Gospel Centre 0. CESTNICK, Pastor SUNDAY. MARCS 10, 1946 Sunday, 10 a.m. - Sunday Sohool; classes for all ages. 11 a.rn.-Morning Worship. 7.30 pen. -Gospel _'Service. 8.45 p.m. - Singspiration Hour, Special music and singing, Bible Quiz. Tuesday, 8 p.m. -Prayer and Praise Service, Thursday, 2.30 - Ladies' prayer Group, Thursday, 8 p.m. -Midweek Bible Study. Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist Mrs, W, Aikenhead, Choir Leader 2.00 P.M. -Bible School. SUNDAY. MARCH 10, 1946 "Grey' Hairs In. the Pulpit and Pew. The Baptist Catholic Church believes every soul is competent to have dealings with God and Christ without interference by Church or State. Deal with Jesus direct. God goes by Him. Council of Churches ,Tuesday„ Marek 5. Mr, Thompson had been. in his usual health, lied eaten Hears Talk, and: Paper 'his morning meal and attended to his usual morning work aodu while resting on the' couch,. he passed, peace- • fully away4.• Clinton Council of Churches met at the home of Rev: and: Mrs. C. C;. Tawener, Holmesvilie,. Wednesday morning, March 8. Rev. R. M. P. Bulteel, rector of St, P'ain's Aeglican Chard), Clinton, gave a devotional talk, providing a fine' interpretation of a passage in the Book of Jeremiali. Rev. 0. 0. Tavene x gave a paper "A en- titledman with, a measuring line in his hand:"' It was a splendid paper d•+aning with the •recent remarks" of Major-General Di. Brock Ciiisholzz. Votes of appreciation for both the devotional talk and the paper were adopted. • Rev. C. C. Anderson, chairman of the Council, presided. OBITUARY HAROLD WALKER Relatives from this district attended the funeral on Tuesday at Peterbor- ough of Harrold Walker, who died sud- denly at his home in that 'city - on Sunday morning, March 3, in his 68th year, They included Mr. and Mrs. Reed Torrance, R.R. 2, Bayfield• and others from I'fippen. Surviving are his wife, formerly Eunice Ivison, Kippen; two sons, Vaughan, Long Branch, and Ivison, Peterborough, and two daughters,. Margaret, Toronto, and Joy, at home. He was predeceased some years ago by another daughter who was killed in infancy in a train wreck near Guelph, W. J. THOIIIPSON William J. Thompson died suddenly at his home at Auburn at 10 a.m, on He was -a son of the late John Thompson and ElizaSpencer, was' born at Brooklin, July 2,, 1870>, Mr. Thompson came with his• parents to the Oth concession of West Wawanosh Township' in 1871, and on September 16, 1891, he 'was married to Matilda A. Clarke, The couple farmed in West Wawanosh until 26 years ago, when they retired' to Auburn, Mr. Thompson was active in town- ship, church, and community spheres having served in office at Knox Unit- r ed Church, Auburn, and at Donny- broolc United Church. He was clerk and treasurer of West Wawanosh for , many yearg ar, a y s• and was also director of West Wawanosh Pirtle Insurance Company. Ile served asTa trustee of No. 3 School, West Wawanosh, at the time this school was built, He was an honorary director of Dungannon' Agricultural Society. 'Mr. Thompson was a, member of Lucknow Masonic Lodge and of Odd Fellows Lodge. In politics he was a staunch Conservative. He was a reg- ular attendant of Knox United church. In 1041 Mr. and. Mrs. Thompson celebrated their golden wedding at their home. Surviving are his widow, five sons, John, West Wawanosh, J. Gormley, Brampton; Joseph, Tillsonburg; Wil- liam, Belgrave, and Russell, Goderich; one daughter, Mrs. Mazlc Armstrong, (Ellen), Lucknow. Two daug•breis r'e ec s d ea ed him(Eliza) pMrs. Clavto Martin who died In 129, and Alice who passed away at the age of eight years. One sister survives, _Miss Re- becca Thompson, concession 6, Vfest Wawanosh. There are also surviving 11 grandchildren and six great grand- children. ST A IUVE v A New Shipment of Spring Siblings and Coatings, m * * ALL HERRINGBONE TWEEDS Assorted . Colours --- Olive Green, Wine, Gold, Rose, Grey, Sand and Teal Blue. a All 58" Materials PRICE PER YARD $3.25 is t R. v 11:1 vWIN 1' J' READ on the, table the meal is ready Be sure you have plenty of delicious, whole- some Bartliff's Bread al- ways ready to put on your table! No meal is complete without it. Buy an extra loaf at our store today, or ask for it at' your grocers. BARTLIFF BROS. BAKES iS and CONFECTIONERS ' PHONE 1 CLINTON Josnostrzetreamannovagelevammareaceasoer Seer ,vice WE DO DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING COLOURING COPYING 13 Work in Monday back Wednesday Work in Thursday back Saturday FOR DEPENDABLE PHOTO SERVICE Bring your work to The Kozy Grill CLINTON, ONT. 5.1.6