HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-02-21, Page 531`nuTLSD'A' r ,TX11RWsR'Y 21, 1946 CLINTON l+ISVVS=RECORD Record Classified ., PAGE-. FIVE ets Bring Qu ell Results One cent a word, cash, each insertion (miiiimuin, 25 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents'extra when replies • directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box 'number. Adlets accepted up to 9 pan. Wednesday: Cash 'fates apply tip to 9 p.m. Saturday, followin date of publication; 25 cents -extra if not so paid. - 'FOR' 8AL14 • OAR,ROTS'AND' BEETS FOR ,SALE. Robert W. 'Cole, phone 906e24. 8-9-p FOR aRSAL PIANO ACCORDIAN in exec1 E lent condition, Phone 599. 8-1, ELECTRIC:BROOD8111. NEW LAST Season, used only four days, 'capacity 6Q0; •apply Arthur Wilson, R.R, 5, • 8-9-p COOK STOVE, NEARLY • NE:W, "Princess Rose"; also small heater for coal or Wood, in geed' condition. Murray Pollock, phone 633r14, Clin- ton: • 8-p ONE'PAIR GI;R'L'S FLEECE -LINED black "Flight" overshoes, almost new. size 6 (worn over shoe sizes 6* to 7%). Price $5.. Mrs. Charles Me - Kinnon, Huron St. West, call evenings only. 8-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE CHOICE' YOUNG YORKSHIRE Boars,'serviceable age, with advanced registry :bleed lines and show stock backing A,'H- Warnes, Bayfield. 7=8-P CENTIME. - JERSEY COW , . aged six years,• just freshened with 'changing !or'Would consider ex- - x - changing sante'"for Jersey cow dire in ':.May.' Thomas Leppington._ 8-p • ;PROPERTY -FOR RENT .PArSTV,1;L•E. FARM -$0 ACR/38,. FOR the grass season, or will take cattle by the month. Lots o£. shade . and water, spring creek. Apply to Ellen • . J. ' Cox; Huron St•, Clinton. 7.8-9-10-11-p •, • IMPROVED FARM 130 ACRES, file miderdrained, well 'fenced, 100 acres seeded down, hardwood bush, Apple olrehard, good harns, • modern cottage with hardwood floors' and "three-piece,•bathrobm, hydro and 'Water tinder pressure in all buildings. One' quarter mile east .of village of Varna • on paved Rayfield road, Pos. sessiott Marek '1, 'Write Dr. Lloyd • Moffatt, "bundas at ' Waterloo Sts.; London: Orit. PROPERTY FOR SALE CLOTTAGE FOR SALE. -- MODE,RIti conveniences. Box "Z" . NEWS - RECORD. 8 p NINELRO'OMED BUNGALOW newly -shingled, hot water heated, oak floors and full basement. 'Corner Rattenbury and Gilibings• 'St. Post Office Box 234. 8-b FARMS:FOR SALE PASTURE FARM :WITH CONSSD- erable bush, water supplied by wind- mill; into large concrete tank. Hills - green area. Bargain for quick sale. William Pearce,. Realtor, Exeter. 4-5-6-7-8-p FARMS FOR sax' 2-- 80 .ACRES, mostly clay loam, on Highway 8, 2M miles west of Clinton •'- Bank barn, 45 by 50. House in fair condition? good out buildings,: 20 acres .fail plowing, five aores'fail wheat, bal- ance seeded to hay 'and pasture. Good supply of water. Apply John • Huller, Clinton, R. R. 3. • 7-8-p MISCELLANEOUS. TOP PRICES. PAID FOR BRICK OR frame building to be wrecked.: Apply to Ivan L,tnkin, 149; Langarth Street, London, Met. 8280W. -tf FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME WITH blown Rockwool ,'Intelation.. Work done anywhere, for free . estimate phone 4' Clinton, or write Rowland C. Day, b Thornton Ave,,. London. 2-3-4-5-6 7 -8 -Q -10-11-p SHIPPING HOGS EVERY TUES- day, from Clinton C.N.R. St�elc Yards to the F. W. rearm= Company Limited, ' Pork and Beef Packers. Hamilton. Hogs shipped on a graded dresses carcass basis. In the market for all classes goodfat cattle. W. J. Miller. 8-9-p AN • OPPORTUNITY--ESTABLISH- ed Rural Watkins District available, If ' you, are •aggressive, and between the 'ages of: 25 and 55—have 'or can secure travel outfit, this is your• op- portunity 'to get established 'in a profitable business of your ewn, For full - particulars write today to The J. R. Watkins Company, Dept. O -C-16, 2177 Masson St., Montreal, Que. JUSI, ARRIVED Shipment of PRESTONE TYPE :ANTIFREEZE WHITEROSE LINSEED OIL SOAP 25 pounds for $3:O0 SPRING IS IN THE :AIR! Yoii'el' better have your ear or truck •overhauled 'at once by expect mechanics. All ,work guaranteed. 'Murphy Bros. Garage Phone 405 Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries 4 eassmaamowaimamierimeassimmer `The Maple Syrup :Season -Will Soon Be Here! Supplies are Limited 'SAP PANS and BUCKETS ORDER 'NOW GH R. IIAWKINS. Plutithing, .-- Heating Sheet Metal Work Agent for Heels Furnaces RESIDENCE 470 PHONE '244 In The Heavy Going- :Of MidWinter Weather Why''bother'driving your, car for `short trips? "'USE A TAXI INSTEAD ! We. can take you on that long trip, too. WARM FULLY -EQUIPPED SEDANS,' 'CAREFUL DRIVERS • 'Low -Rates' That Will Surprise You • ARROW TAXI PHONE :i'82 Next 1iI'TCen 'zle House •• Clinton n inn.....M.,-..weiwh.�.w,...,....+;..o,.,.,..,........;,.,.,,...-;...�.:,�.wr,..:,.. ,,,.� Clearing ClLin sFrTl-eWeekend.: g e o �� BROKEN -LINES 'f)rMEN'S BIl 3. OVERALL" ---Stripes, Io9t onailc; andptwin Blue (notall sizes) Clearing X1.39, $1,41 MENS I'Ii0AVY' GREY TWEED BREECHES -2 pairs only.-- 38 slid 42—at $1:00' off 'Regular 'Price. ODD UNDERWEAR GARMENTS AT,;CLEARING PRIC13S—. BOY'S TWEED AND COTTON WORSTED.BL.00I'4E12S—Less than 'half price' to Clear. ..... ,'59e and 69c BOY'S :CREAM PIQUE SHIRTS t Sizes• 43 and 13 %2: Reg. $1.25. Some al'ightly'soited to'hlear at •• , . , . . . 75e, MEN'S SEPARATE. COLIletel l shell' •Prices upto 2.8fl•— To'clear at' • rS. $1,25 Pluiiisteel Bros 'Arrow " shirts-.- 'Adam Rats —! ' Seatt ABs • McHale Shoes, for Men Agents T'ip 'top •'Pallors • 110.11.1 GOjERICH TOWNSHIP There will be a euchre and dance in No. 9 school house, Goderieh Town- ship, on Friday, February 22. Laches please bring lunch. Valentine ntertainment " A. very enjoyable Valentine enter- tainment'was put. on by the pupils and teacher of S. S. No. 4' on Thurs- day afternoon. After an exchange of Valentines, lunch wee served by the pupils. "A number of visitors• were present.' BIRTHS. CARNEGIE-.Mr.' and• Mrs. Robert Carnegie • (nee Isabelle Holmes, R.N., Clinton), are happy to an- nounce the birth of a son, a little brother for Carolyn, at Victoria Hospital,London, February • 20, 1946. OLDE—Mr. and . Mrs. Brock Olde, Clinton, wish to announce the birth of a daughter, Nancy Louise, at Clinton Public Hospital, on Monday, February :18, 1946. YE'O-In Clinton Public Hospital, on February 15, to Mr. and Mts. Jack Yoe . a son. MARRIAGES THOMSON-WILSON----In Knox Pres- .. byterian Church, Goderich, on Wed- nesday afternoon, February 18, 1946, by. Rev. Richard Stewart, Margaret Maxine, only daughter of Mrs. Wilson, Goderieh, and the Iate Robert El Wilson, to Capt. William Kenneth Thomson, son of Mrs. Thomson, , Goderich, and the late James Thomson. DEATHS HAGAN-4n St. Joseph's Hospital, London, on Monday evening, Feb- ruary 18 1946, Joseph Hagan, Hensall. PARKER -At the home of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Cudmore, Usborne Township, on Wednesday, February 13; 1946, Enoch Arthur Parker, Ghiselhurst, Interment McTaggart's Cemetery; February 16. WHITMORE. In London, on Monday, February 18, 1946, Franklin John Whitmore, Hohnesville, in his 79th year. Funeral from Beattie Fun- eral Home, Clinton, Wednesday afternoon, February 20, to Clinton Cemetery, IN MEMORIAM MARSHALL --In loving memory of our d'earbrother, Thomas Marshall,. who passed away February. 18 Your not., forgotten, brother, Nor shall you ever be. --Eves• remembered by brothers and sisters. " 8-p IN MEMORIAM RILEY-4n loving memory of Ben- jamin Riley, who passed away one year ago, February 23, 1946. "One year has passed and gone, Since one we .loved so well Was taken from ourrhonme on earth With Jesus Christ 'to' dweII. The flowers we place upon his grave May wither' and decay; •But the love for bins who' sleeps beneath :Shall never fade away" —Sadly missed by John l"r, Mann and grandchildren,' Ross and Doris Maim. , 8-h' BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents . Ethel Thompson 1 Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf 1 J MIDGETS DEFEAT` ' EXETER ON ROUND BY :COUNT OF 9-4 Clinton Midgets= won the first round of thetr'play-offs in fine style by trimming Exeter 7-4 on the round: In the first game '•'of'the home -and - home series, goals' to count, .Clinton defeated` Exeter' by "6-3.' Dori Miller accounted for two Clinton goals while Garan, Marshall, Maltby and Mat- thews eachscored one, The game was played here .Thursday evening last. Sporting a three -goal lead, the Clin- ton `kids went back to Exeter en Fri- day evening anddefeated their hosts by 3-1. Don •Miller, Dick Steepe and Bill Matthews eaeli- got a goal while Hayter secured the lone Exeter tally. Throughout the year, the boys have played bang-up• hockey and certainly -deservedthe right to go on in the group play -downs. Much of their success- has • been due to the outstanding work of Dick Steepe on defence. • Time and time again, when the going has been rather hard, Dick has stepped in and often changed the outcome of the game. He has played' two great games on de- fence during the play-off series and much of the credit for the wins should go . Ltoine-uphim: EXETER --Goal, Mickie; defence, Price, Waghorne: centre;' Hayter; wings, West;:'Kirk; alternates, Tie man, Cant), Brintnell,'Armstrong, 'D. • Watson, J.' Watson. CLINTON-Goat, Riehl; defence, Steepe, , Colquhoun; centre -Caron; wings, Matthews, Miller• alternates, Taylor, Denomme, Maltby, Ashton, Chowen. . Referee—Dr. George S.- Elliott, Clinton.. o' Exeter Girls Defeat C. C. I. Basketball Squad Exeter girls' Basketball team achieved their first triumph of the season when they downed the Clinton girls 34-16 in a game played at the Collegiate yesterday afternoon. The visitors had the advantage of much greater height than the local team.. The •Clinton girls -put, up a strong fight and made all their scor- ing chances count. Elinor Glew and Lois Middleton were the best performers on the local squad. • The accurate shooting of Exeter's forward Hunter-Duvar rang up a total of 18 points • for the whiners. Her teammate, Sweet, was close be- hind with 12, Exeter---Hunkin, Fullerton, Hunter- Duxar, Gasser, •Sweet, Kestie, Gibson, Falmer, Tuckey Wren, Leslie, Hay. Olinton dine -up: B. Cooke, M. Colquhoun, J. Nedigor, Ally Lou Thompson, L. Middleton, B. 'York, K. Fingland, Referee — Miss Helen Brown, Clinton. 0 PARRY IS -GUILTY ON LIBEL COUNT; JAILED AND FINED (Continued from Page 1) Constable Testifies Provincial Constable Frank Pox was the first witness called: He first visited the Parry 'home regarding some telegrams sent about Wing- Cmdr. Patrick to Hon. George Drew and Hon. John Bracken, he testified. Parry protlueed a letter from Dr. R. Hobbs'Taylor as his authority for his appointment as :scrutineer at the provincial and federal elections. The tivitness said he hacl informed him there was nothing in the letter giving rim that authority. Under a search warrant, Constable Fox said copies .of telegrams awl etters were seized addressed to I•Ion. ohn Bracken, C'oi, George Drew, Icon Colin Gibson,' Defence Minister for 4h, in which he complained of not receiving any reply to letters he had sent regarding Wing-Cmdr. Pat- eick's refusal to •athnit,him on the station• The letters . a diary, and a typewriter, were all pat in as ` ex- hibits, , Roy. M. Sparing, CNRi • agent". at Clinton, identified itelegramh signets by Parry 'sent out from the Clinton office. Patrick •Testifies. Wing-Cmdr• Patrick wasthe first w itness called Whet:" the "trial resumed Tuesday; the ,Crown,; witness- stated that he is now a reserve officer. He was retired with the rank of Wing Commander. t He. was appointee conn mending officer of No. 5 Radio School on Oet: 11, 1943, and held the post until Oct, 1; 1945. The station was considered by the Air 'Force as most important internationally and was called upon to produce a number of people trained in radar. It was used as the ,nucleus for establishing sev- eral others. The witness; had received the OBE, in December, 1943, and the Legion of Merit from the United States government recently. • Not Allowed on Station Wing-Cmdr. Patricl, •recal:led heft ung feeders that Parry was not to, be 'lowed •adutiission to the stationibe-;: ause he had complained 'it letters• about the service personnel. The coin -1 plaints :were investigated and nothintz wrong had been found, he"said•. He deeideil, Purr wa "Malik,'" . y s aand issued specific ins cd tructto t instructions to keep him off the station. The .public was allowed on certain parts, of the station= Witness stated he had eeeived tile, regulations as, tot ?procedure re- garding'•tbe conduct of the Vote pi Ontario aend federal election's,` • Questioned further by' Mr. I -Wines, witness said: he had never received any instructions to appoint outside eretureees; or other eleetiem crJ.'fid'- rs Ude •:, h military n rte tit r la h w c wbuld' Y , of be able to accept • any other. Letters Are Read' Me. Holmes •e Homs tact a letter elated ay • •21; :1:945' acid jessed to the com- anding officer, signed "Arthur Ed. airy" in • typewriting and "A El, arty," in' ink, followed by' the typo ritten,. designatiee, e"ByA,.,:yB Sce- onnerl}e leapt/lie ; of Royal Welsh. usurers '! rut thisiletter' the writer ace anp'li;cation; as 'a representative the WesternsOntario Conservative aviation to act as an official: cenrtereer-'nt the election' booth ot. oths at the Radio• `School.: oft June 4 an • June, 1,1. 1945x' In other Letters gned with the 'name of the accused. e writer complained he had received reply'` and"infornitd the eom'wand- g officer that he was wiring to i CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS:' • : For `Every Occasion V.COOKE FLORIST Phones: 66w -and 46i CANADIAN. NATIONAL AMLWAYS TIME TABLE. Trams •will arrive at and deliart - front Clinton as follows ' ` Tgrpnto and Goderich Diyi. ion Goliig East, depart .'' 6.43 a.te. Going •East depart ,•,: 3.08 p -1n.' Going West, depart ,,, , 12,04 part. (Mina West,„depart • 11.10 »an. ”' London and Chalon Division Coming North grieve 11.?r0 a.m. 'Going •Sodtlr; leave • 3.10 pen. Eaticins Locker. Storage FRESH. FROZEN PEAS, per box 29c ,FRESH FROZEN CORN, per box 29c "HAMBURG per Ib. 25c HOMEMADE DE SAUSAGE Per ib 25 SALMON' STEAKS per ih 30c SALMON FIL Fy9 PS .per lb . 40e L 4e COO FILLETS , per lie 35e JIADDOCK, FII Ill ,P'i'S!'pet.lb, 3 r, WE' BUY HIDES . reozcn' Feeds are Better.:Foods 1 WE HAVE THEM - New 1946 FM FOREST- and ROGERS MAJESTIC• RADiO9 are ncw on display. SEE THEM AND HEAR. THEM Dominioh W islters; .Oil Burners, Electrieel ,Senplr a Y?�,lt"'Supplies A. W. GROVES.• NI to P P ,fr P of As s bo a si •'ho Peineess St. 8.9-1.0-11. in BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playiteg-;Fred MacMurray as '"CAPTAIN EDDIE" t Mon:; Tues, and 'Wed. In Technicolor "The Incendiary Blonde" nd -" The most colourful gal of her day in all her glittering gioryl Musical drama at its hest! Betty Hutton—Arturo de Cordova and. Charlie Ruggles Thurs., •Fri. and Sat, Fred IfaeMurray - Helen Walker and Marjorie Main Hillbillies on a rampage with mur- der as is hobby in a thrilling, "MURDER, chilling mystery HE•'SAYS" Coming --John Hersey's "A BELL I! OR ADAM)" Matinees—Sat, and Hole at 2:30 Ottawa of 'the "cavalier action" and "insolent retorts" from the sergeant of the RGIAF police,,, which he "strongly resents as an old soldier." Wing-Cmdr. Patrick identified copies of letters ;purportedly from the aecussed, received by him :after being addressed to Hon, Colin Giibson, Minister for Air, dated Aug. 31, 1945, in which it was stated that Wing- Cmdr, Patrick was given the OBE for "Liberal Political Elffieiency," but that "that did not help him in this matter as a stay-at-home soldier, little better than a Zombie." The writer further claimed "sheer male practice and intimidation of troops" "As commanding officer of the school and from your our personal knowledge, did you discover any truth in Mr. Parry's allegations'?" Mr. Holmes questioned. "None whatsoever," the witness re- plied. "There were anproximatelY 650 personnel on the -station; '435 voted at the Dominion elections and 239 at the provincial. There was only a small percentage of Ontarians on the, station. "Furious" at Charges "What was your reaction to the letters'?" 'I was furious ed them as they men," To defence co ad- mitted that form tyy Parry concert his property by nel; and that dances fre- quently at the s civilians. Questioned notify Parry of his ed that he did not sage. He said he objected "Zombie"" because Large part of t through no fault been kept in Can unable to do their country, • • Re-examined by Cmdr•. Patrick sai he had had no and strongly resent- ed a lot of unset, witness er complaints made ted trespassing on Radio ;School person- nel; were held drool, attended by why he did not s order, he answer.. think it was neces- to the word he represented :r the personnel who of their own had Canada, and so were part outside4of this Mr, Holmes, Wing - d political career and had been on active service in Iceland and New- foundland, Flt. -Lt. A. Finch, who. was the adjutant at the station from May to August, testified that all regulations in the conduct of the elections were complied with. To Mr, Donnelly he gave no instructions regarding any names. not appearing on the list. Parry's complaints were investigated by the D.PM„ he said, Mr. Donnelly: "How did you know all the regulations were complied with?" "It was the responsibility of the commanding officer to see they were." "Who was the enumerator?" office•""It was provided by the records Flt: -Lt, Charles Carrigan, • retired RCAF officer, also gave evidence regarding the taking of the • vote, and this concluded the case for the Crown. Defendant Takes Stand Arthur Parry was the first witness called 'by Frank Donnelly, IC.C„ when the case for the defence was. opened Tuesday afternoon, During the • ex- amination, he was allowed a chair. He•gave his age as 61, and his reste denee as Tuckersmith Township, be= tweets Clinton and the radio school. He testified! that as the result of a' letter !he received from Dr. R, Hobbs Taylor, he wrote to Wing-C,ndi- Pat- rick on. May 21, 19454 to which he received no reply. He later took an- other letter to the station himself. He referred to the 1943 provincial election when lie said be was ap- pointed a scrutineer by the Oonser- vative party, and said he had been a member of the executive of the West ern Ontario Conservative Assoeintloti since 1925. In that election he went to the Radio School and kept a check' on the voters who carne it.,• ' Acted on Complaints Mr. Donnelly:. "Why were you so: anxious to have a scrutineer's• ap- pointment?" Witness, replied that 13 was because of the complaints nnade, by some of the service persotmel, and of what had happened before111'1948. Asked why he had • decided to write to Col, George Drew and lion,' Jebel Brackets, he answered that it was- because as becat tee he felt the t. staff. had been changed ed for. apurpose' g and that ob- viously a plan had been prepared. Ile said he wrote to Hon• Colin Gibson "to show 1 was playing fails" Parry testified he 'had' "received. letter from Sion. Colin Gibson a'week after the election lir which the min- ister promised to make an investiga- tion, and that' when he Was in pos- session of all the facts, he would, forward a report A copy of- this letter, P'atry sad t' heforwarded had fol •w led to Hon, John • Bracken, He told Mr. Donnelly onnel y that his reason for writing to Mr. Bracken was for information -and to .ask- him to bring the smatter ;to the attention of the House. He said ,his, purpose in writing the letters wets that. the matter was of inter= na iottal importance, and he had hop- ed to gain nothing whatsoever,: for ;himself: ' Letter to Ralston Quoted During:' the cross-examination by leiroWtt-Attorney Holmes::' Mr. Parry 'started that he had 'never swerved in his allegiance to the Progressive Conservative party.:. Mr. Holmes questioned this' by submitting Tetters .addressed by. ,,.Party. to aCola 3. -L> Ralston, Liberal Mitiistcr of Defence, n which 'ho -stated that he controlled CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH • GODERICH Now Playing—James Cagney'in ' "BLOOD ON THE SUN" Mon., Tues. and Wed, Robert Cummings-Lizabeth Scott and Julie Bishop A dramatic romance telling, the story of two modern lovers who had to •live ;each day as if it were their last "YOU CAME ALONE'" Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Walter Huston- Louis 'Hayivard and Judith Anderson with , a truly all-star cast :in Rene Clair's greatest story "AND THEN THERE WERE NONE" i. Coming—'MtLDREED PEARCE" Now Playing—James Cagney in. "BLOOD ON THE SUN" Mon., Tues.and Wed. ' Robert Cummings Lizabetc t Don De o Foxe and D D h of An aepealing,iand modern romance concerning a flier and the girl who shared'" his brief destiny "YOU CAME ALONG" Thurs„ Fri. and 'Sat. Petty Button—Arthro de Cordova • and. Charlie Ruggles A fast-moving Technicolor musical •based on the life of Texas Guinan "The Incendiary. Blonde" Coming- - FIRST MAN INTO TOl(O" Matinees: Sat. & holidays 2.30 p.m. l he greater part of tire' vote aft over " Huron County, and used it. toput in Yes, but • that is not overseas," . - ' .witness replied, a' Liberal, Mr; Relines asked the witness if Mr. Donnelly, objected to the ex- he •knew that members of ,the RCAF amination, as he said only extracts must go where sent and that every were being read; and in the letter man enlisted in that force had no Parry was seeking a position as an volition as to where he was sent, old soldiers, His Lordship ruled that the whole letter be read. In it re€er- eitce was made to R. J. Deachman and W. H. Golding, members for Huron. Mr. Holmes pointed out that "Bill" . Golding was a . dyed-in-the-wool Liberal. "Just as.I am -a dyed -iii -the -wool Conservative," the accused interject- ed. ' Letters 'were • introduced by Mr. Holmes addressed to Arthur E. Parry regarding a pension from the Im- perial government. Parry swore. that he was not the person to whom the letters were. addressed, Ma'. Justice Wells interrupted to ask that farts be produced to show the basis for 'Parry's remarks about Wing-Cmdr, Patrick. In answer to Mr. Holmes' question as to what the "corrupt preetices" were that were referred to in letters to Mr. Gibson and Mgt Bracken, Parry said he had received complaints from two airmen and. Vivo women on the station and that two airmen sent to fix a break in waterpipes had told hint he would not be allowed on the station and they 'had it in for me." He said "unwarrantable ignorance" of the wing commander was shown' when he did not reply to the letters; and defined "Liberal Political Ef- ficieney". as "a matt who was never overseas and gets the OBE because of politics"; and a "Zombie" as a "man afraid to fight" Mr. Justice Wells: "Dict you know that Wing-Cmdr•. Patrick had been in Newfoundland and Iceland?" Clearing `A:uction Sale FARM STOCK and IMPLEMENTS Lot 14, Cott, 9, Hullett Township, Three miles east on No; 4 Higliway, three miles north west of Kinburn, MONDAY, MARCH 4 at 1 p:m9 • HORSES -1 sorrel Belgian gelding, 10 years old; 1 grey general purpose, 10 years old. CATTLE -6 choke young Durham cows, due to freshen, April 5 to April 25, roans and reds; 6 Durham steers, rising two years old, 800 lbs:; 4 Dur- ham 'heifers., rising two years old; 9 Durham yearling steers and heifers, rising one year old; .1 Durham bull, rising three years old. •' IMPLEMENTS—McCorinicic-Deer. ing binder, 7 -ft. cut; McCormick, Deering mower, 6 -ft. cut; sulky rake, like new; new McCormick -Deering -hay loader; McCormick -Deering' man- ure spreader, like new; Massey -Harris 13 -nun drill; 3 sets of three section harrows; springetooth cultivator; disc harrow; muffler; land roller; tiding plow; 2 walking plows; sloop sleighs farm wagon; hay rack; 6%z -inch Vessot grinder; turnip drill; •hand cider mill; set of double ha'•ness; cream separator; , whiffletrees• •necke yokes; doubletrees and singletrees, trades, collars, bridles, reins, and other harness assembly. Quantity' of Household Effects, TERMS—CASH WM. FAIRSERVIC•I'9', Proprietor. HAROLD JAOIKSON, Auctioneer. • 8-9 Namommiiiimmommow Why Do You• Trample Christ's Name Under Foot? REMEMBER ! ! He is the only one who can save you from an eternity in hell, • 'Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God ht vain:" —Exodus 20:7. "BELIEVE ON THE LORD JESUS CHRIST AND THOU SHALT BE SAVED." Acta 16:31. TUNE IN: Pilgrhn Hour 7-7.30 E',D.S.T., Sundays evening LOCAL STATION OXLW WINDSOR NOTICE: Having sold our dairy business to the Murch Bros., we want to say THANK YOU for your pat': ronage: It has-been our pleasure to serve you for the bast thirty years, as a dairy.: We are asking you, to whoni this may concern, to pay any accounts by March lst. • The Murch Bros. will take the business Over on Monday, February 25th. , Again let' us say THANK YOU. t . --G. M. LAWSON.. NOTICE 'To. Owners Or Harborers of Dogs ,AeeQl°ding :to By -Law for Town of Clinton, At Own� � , ra Dr , Harborers of -.Do s g must have •license for 'same by MARCH ist 1946 Anyone acquiing a dog after that date must report: same and get a. license within 15 days after acquiring said dog. • 1046 Ta• s now on hand and ready dor distribution,�i WES. L. . VANDFRB UR I=i G Collector; •7-8-9