HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-02-07, Page 8PAGE EIGHT O.H.A. INTERMEDIATE "B" WLTFAP Tavistock . 7 4 1 88 55 15 London....,.7 3 0 '71 33 14 Ingersoll.5 3 1 60 52 11 MI'N,TON .. 5 4 0 45 34 10 Seaforth 5 4 0 55 50 10 Woodstock . 0 10 0 42 113 0 Games to Play -4 Thurs., Feb. 7—Clinton at Seaforth Fri., ir.. Feb.8—London at Ingersoll Mon.,11—Ingersoll Feb.. 11—In •ersoll at Clinton Wed., Feb. 13—Clinton at Tavistock Fri., Feb. 15—Seaforth at Clinton W.O.A.A. JUVENILE "C" WL T P Goderich 5 0 0 10 Exeter 3 2 0 6 CLINTON' 1 3 0 2 Blyth 0 4 0 0 W.O.A.A. MIDGET "C" WL. T P Goderich 5 1 0 10 CLINTON 2 3 1 ' 5 Exeter 1 4 1 3 0 C.C.I. GIRLS WIN 17-12 BASKETBALL MATCH AT SEAFORTH •Seaforth girls' basketball team played hast to the Clinton girls on Tuesday afternoon, and when the final whistle blew, the Clinton gir13 emerged victorious by. 17-12. .. Elinor Glew and Lois iviiciclletot Collected the Clinton points with Elinor getting 11 and Lois six. Jean McMaster with six, and Mary Ryan with four, were the Seaforth scorers. Line-u(rti CLINTON (17) — Elinor Glew (11), Lois Middleton (6), Ally Lou Thompson, Beverley York, Kit Fing- land, Betty Cooke, Jean Elliott. SEAFORTII—(12) — Mary Ryan (4), Jean McMaster (6), Lenore Heb - kirk, Pat Bechely, Eleanor Weaver, Theresa Maloney, Edith Blanchforcl, Kate Laudenback, Referees—Miss Helen Brown, Clin- ton; Miss McMillah, Seaforth. Wearwells Stop GroupLeading g Tavistock Joes ClintonW w continued cl ear e11s their upward climb in theOH A Inter- mediate "B" series when they de- feated the group leading• Tavistock Joes' by 5-3, Monday eve -:ng. It was Clinton's first hone game: with Tavistock and the loeal arena was packed to capacity. Tavistock opened the scoring in the first period when • Carnegie beat Brush, but Wearwells came surging back with Duckworth scoring the equalizer. "Cooney" McEwan got the second Clinton goal, he fooled the Tavistock net -minder on a very tricky play. • In the second period, the only tally was by Carnegie of Tavistock. Bart-. Tiff and Colquhoun were given penal- ties, the reason for the latter one being unknown to most of the cash customers. The Clinton team broke out in a cor.ng rash in the thirderiod when 13. McTwan, Duckworth and Bob Draper each netted a goal. The only Tavistock reply was in the closing minutes when Rohfritsh • cored dur- ing .3 scramble around the Clinton nets. The sensational goal -tending of Dave Brush hi the Clinton goal, was by far the deciding factor in Clinton's Wearwells are now tied for' fourth place with Seaforth; the tie will be broken in the clash there to- night, Lire -ups: TAVISTOCK JOEiS: Goal, Faul- haufer; defence, Fieney, Huras; centre, Carnegie; right wing, Roh- fritsch; left wing, 07. Kaufman; alternates, Roth, H. Kaufman Mat- thies, Eckstein, Schmidt, Weicicer, Wilber. CLINTON WEARWELLS — Goal, Brush; defence, Bartliff, Neilans; Wei -dime q MOTTO VERSE PICTURES Cold words'on paper cannot describe the sheer beauty of these pictures. Design hand painted on the back of the glass -in glowing, reflecting tones of color. Assorted verses for MOM, MY WIFE, 'SWEETHEART, FRIENDSHIP, Etc. Priced at $1.50 each VALENTINE CARDS Let a Valentine say it for you on St. Valentines Day McEWAN'S OFTEN THE CHEAPEST—ALWAYS THE BEST Maple Dome Top Skis $5.85 Children's Ridge Top Skis -4', 5' and 6' $1.90, $2.25 and $4.15 Bamboo' Ski Poles $1.50 up Dural Ski Poles • $5.95 All types of Ski Bindings in Stock, assorted prices Men's Hunting Coats and Parkas $13.95 EPPS SPOILT SHOP Headquarters For. All Sporting Goods Baotou HATS The Master Hat of Canada in Wool and Fur Felt Blues - Browns - Greys - Greens $2 25 to $750 Davis & Herman CUSTOM TAILORS Be Measured by a Tailor WE CANNOT BUY ALL 'THE GOODS WE REQUIRE CONSEQUENTLY WE OFFER WHAT WE HAVE AT , VERY LOW PRICES BROWN'S (One door north of the Royal Bank) Four Games in Eight Days Task Faced by Wearwells; Fust at Seaforth Tonight Clinton Wearwells have won four of their last five games after a long lay-off, and are now tied with Seaforth Bosharts for . fourth place (the important play- off spot) with ten points. Each team has won five and, lost four decisions. The ollltime rivals face a, crucical test at Seaforth tonight when the winner will occupy fourth place unchallenged. Manyv fans—you can be sure—will ac- company -company the fast -stepping Wear - wells to Seaforth. The Clinton team faces a crucial test at Seaforth tonight touch series with four games in eight days, Ingersoll Hell • Cats, now in third place, furnishing the opposition here .next Monday evening. Wearwells play. at Tavi- stock next Wednesday, February 13, and entertain Seaforth Bosh- arts here on Friday, February 15. The scheduled game in Inger- soll last night between Wood- , stock and • Ingersoll was post- poned on account of lack of ice, and will be played later. centre, Powell; left wing, Duckworth; right wing, Counter; alternates, H. MeEwan, ' F. McE an Draper, Lock- wood.Colquhoun. Referee—Bob McCully, •Stratford. Summary—First Period 1—Tavistock, Carnegie, (Rob- fritsch), 1.59, 2—Clinton, Duckworth, 2.14. g. Clinton McEwan, IL, (MeEwan, I".) 12.31. Penalties—Note, Second Period 4—Tavistock, Carnegie, (IIoresl, 13.12. +aI.11111! Penalties—Bartliff, Colquhoun. . Third Period 5—Clinton, M'cEwan, H., (McEwan, F.), 2.06. 6—Clinton, Duckworth, (Powell), 4.17.. Draper, 9.46. 8—Tavistock, Rohfritsch, 18.52. Penalties—Huras 2, Colquhoun 2. Feb. 7 to Feb. 9 DICED BEETS 2 tins 25c WHEAT BERRIES 5 Ib. bag • 25c LUNCHER MAYONNAISE 8 oz. jar 20c OLD DUTCH CLEANSER 2 tins 21c DEVON PEAS 2 tins 25c CHATEAU CHEESE ....• pkg. 21e LIMA BEANS lb. 17c ROGERS SYRUP 2 Ib. tin 300 KELLOGG'S KRUMBL•ES 2k AYLMER BABY FOOD & FRUIT 3c 3 tins • 25c SELECT DINNER 23c tin YORK SOAP' FLAKES Good Quality 2 ib. 35c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS - AND VEGETABLES MEATS COTTAGE ROLL ... 39c lb. HEADCHEESE .. , . 24c Ib. WEINERS 27c lb. FRESH SAUSAGE . 25e Ib. BOLOGNA 24c ib, 5 for .25e Orval Lobb ---Three Regular Deliveries Daily— CLINTON NENV$-RE(IORD Clinton Midgets Take Close One From Exeter 3-2 Led by Don Miller, their fast - skating left-winger, the, Clinton Midgets downed the Exeter Lions by the score of 3-2 on" Thursday even- ing. The Clinton team played a brand ofsmooth assn hockey that n g had the Old-timers talking. Ath t e seven minute nnarlc, Don Miller took Garon's pass from behind the Exeter goal and flashed' the red light of the Exeter goal. The Exeter kids carate fighting back and three minutes later Brintnall scored ona pass from Price to win the count. Midway through the second period Miller got his second goal of the game on a pass from Matthews. Once again the Exeter boys came fighting back and West banged a loose puck past Riehl. • Cern Maltby was ban- ned for two minutes for .tripping, much to the protest of the Clinton fans, In the third period, Matthews scor- ed the deciding goal of the game, Matthews and D. Watson were sent to the cooler for roughing it up• Line-ups: EXETER—Goal, i Gal Mickle; defence Price r ce and Waghorn; centre, Hayter; right wing, West; eft wing, Kirk; alternates, Tiernan, Cann, Brintnell, Armstrong, D. Watson, J. Watson. CLINTON--Goal, Bob Riehl; de- fence, Dick Steep, Ross Colquhoun; centre, Roger Garon; right wing, Bill Matthews; left wing, Don Miller; alternates, Bob Taylor, Clarence Denomme, Cant. Maltby, Bill Ashton, Bill Chowen, Referee—Jim Hayter, Exeter. Goal Summary—First Period 1 --Clinton, Miller (Caron), 7.09. 2—Exeter, Brintnell, (Price), 10.47, Penalties—None. Second Period 3—Clinton, Miller, (Matthews)„ 13.30. 4—Exeter, West, 17.23. Penalties—Maltby. Third Period 5—Clinton, Matthews. Penalties—Matthews and D. Wat- son. 0 C.C.I. BOYS DEFEAT SEAFORTH 25-16 ON HOME COURTS Clinton Collegiate basketball team continued its winning streak by de- feating Seaforth Collegiate Institute by 25-16. The game, played in Sea• forth on Tuesday afternoon, was the first meeting of these teams for the season, The Clinton boys had the edge on the play throughout the game. They were without the services of guards "Chuck" Hanley and "Nick" Elliott, and forward Ross Dilling. Instead of these players two of the younger fel- lows, Bill Matthews and Don Miller, were used. These two played every hit as good a game as the seniors and should be congratulated on their style. Beattie of Seaforth, was the star of the game, netting 12 of his team's 16 points. Kennedy, B. Miller, Mat- thews, Johnson and McBride, were the Clinton marksmen, Line-ups: C'LINTO'N--,(25)—Kennedy (8), B. Miller (8), Dt Miller, Johnson (4), McBride (1), B. Hanley, Matthews (4). SEAFORTH—(16) — Wilson, D. Smith, Stewart (2), Beattie (12), Knight (2), McICay, Butchard, Hend- erson, Munn. e Weather Forces Default Of Juvenile Game Here Due to the :blocked roads on Thurs- day evening the members of the Clinton Juveniles who come from Seaforth were unable to get through. As a result, when game time carne around, Clinton could not get enough men to ice a team and had to default the game to Exeter. It was a tough break for the Clin- ton boys as they need every point they can get. «•«ray COMING SOON! The New Stewart -Warner Radios 'Stewart -Warner Radios are already in production • and will be available to the public in the near future. WATCH FOR FURTHER ANNOUNCEMENTS MERRILL ' RADIO and ELECTRIC King St. Radio and Electrical Appliance Repairing Good Supply of "A"' and "A" Batteries and Packs Clinton • Johnson's Quality Groceries 1 Select HEINZ Chili COn AYLMER Trout Hall Carne BABY FOOD Orange Juice Or Fruit or Vegetables 20 oz.' tin 16 oz tin 19c 3 for 25c 21c Javex 2 for 25c (with 2 Returned Bottles) Aylmer :Diced Beets 2 for 25c Clark's Soups Mushrooms or ,Asparagus Clark's Soups, 3 for 29c Creametto Macaroni 2 pkg, for 19c (Amber) (1 coupon) Honey 2 jars for 35c King -- Special Pastry Flour, 7 ,.ib. 27e ORANGES ' 344's 288's 252's 220's LEMONS Cra.pefruit 25c 35c 43c 49c 300's 112's Per Dozen 6 for 23c 5 for 27c THREE FREE 'DELIVERIES PHONE 10.30 A.M.-2.30 P.M. -4.30 P.M. 2813 Lido (Liquid) Floor Wax 49c Aylmer Diced Carrots 2 for 25c Heinz Tomato Soup 4 for 39c Fels Naptha Soap 9c-3 for 25c Aylmer Prune Plum ..: 2 for 31c Kraft Crean Cheese 1/z Ib. 21c Students of Clinton Collegiate In- stitute have held several skating and toboggan parties lately. * * * r The 1946 inaugural meeting of Clin- ton Boardl of Education is taking place in the Collegiate Institute tonight. * Clinton Public Library B will gill hold its annual meeting' in the Lib- rary Tuesday evening ,next, Febru- ary 12. • ,* * CLINTON NEWS -RECORD is now on ,sale at McEwan's, Martins and Bartliff's, as well as this office; five cents a copy, * ,!, :r NEWS>RECOR.D Classified Adlets are efficient little salesmen — and cheap, too. One cent a word, mini - Minn 25 cents. * ,!: 5 A. T. Cooper was removed to his home on Wednesday last with a dose of the flu. He is making good pro- gress toward recovery, * * * • Previously authorized by the Board of Education, hot noon school lunches commenced, at Clinton t n Collegiate Tn- stitute yesterday. a * - * Clinton Public Utilities! Commis- sion received about.. 35 applications for the position of junior electrician which was advertised in last week's NEWS -RECORD. F. K. B. Stewart, Clinton, agri- cultural representative for Huron County, was taken to Clinton Public Hospital Friday last and is now a patient there. • * * * Mayor A. J. MoMiirray had t gang` of men at work removing aocuindlated snow from the sides of the main streets during the soft Spell yester- day. The roadway is now in a greatly improved condition. Exeter Teams Advance . With Twin Victories Exeter Juveniles and Midgets are continuing to advance in the•WOAA groups. The Midgets tangled Monday even- ing- with Goderich Lions and, led by the outstanding goal -tending of Micicle, skated off the ice with a 2-0 vcitory. The goal getters were Kirk peri and Haod.yter who scored in the third The win Puts them right on the heels of the second .place Clinton team. The Juveniles played hosts to Blyth the same evening and defeated their visitors by 19-1. Jim Hayter with five and Musser with four were the standouts for Exeter. Former C.C.!. Students Making a Hockey Name It will be of interest to many ,students of C.C.I, and other friends that Alec and Beecher Menzies, for- mer students, are making a name for themselves with the Blenheim High School hockey team. The boys were members of the school last year and both were noted for their athletic prowess. 'Their father was former pastor of Londesboro United Church and is now stationed, at Charing Cross. Riley's Grocery "WHERE QUALITY SELLS AND SERVICE TELLS" Ben -Miller Pastry Flohr 24's -69c Robin Hood Flour 24's -75c Five Roses Flour 24's --75c Rolled Oats — 5 lb. 23c Naval Oranges - 324's 2 doz. 49c Florida Oranges- 252's 2 doz. 55e Riley Grocery PHONE 39—Free Delivery THURSDAY;' FEIBRUARY 7; 194t. WEEKEND VALUES at your Red & White Store JELLO CUSTARD Powder tin 10c ZEST PLUM .2 LB. JAM 30c jar CUT WAXED Beans ... tin 15c Culverhouse Diced Beets 2 tins 25 'OER Bc►�`�� WHEN AVAILABLE SUNLIGHT SOAP, cake 70 Stokley's Tomato SOUP 3 tins 25 . TIP TOP TIN Pumpkin .., 13e YORK DICED Carrots 2 - 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES CELERY LETTUCE RADISHES BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's LEMONS 6 for 23c CALIFORNIA JUICY 344's ORANGES doz. 29c SPINACH PARSNIPS CARROTS CABBAGE TURNIPS PINEAPPLE SHEARING 'S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY Phone 48 — Free Delivery — Clinton SAWS We carry a full line of; Circular, large and small—Crosscut—Swivel—Buck Hand--Pruning—Compass--Coping and Hack Saws Axes, Saws and Splitting Wedges Hot Plates—Double & Single Irons—Toasters, etc. SUTTER & PERDUE PHONE 147w CLINTON, ,ONT. The Toggery Shoppe ATTENTION! SERVICE PERSONNEL Operated by G. Edighoffer & Son, Mitchell Iiii; i ifi l:u! We have just received a full line of the various. • service ribbons, namely: The Atlantic Star The Italy Star Pacific Star France and Germany Air Crew Europe Defence of Britain The Africa Star and the narrow P.O. and the wide F.O. Officers Sleeve Braid; Also the C. V. S. M. Bars Drop' in anytime and get your service ribbons PRIORITY SLIPS FOR SUITS . Select yours to -day and have at recorded so shipment can be made within 3 to 4 weeks. PHONE 324 THE TOGGERY SHOPPE Beecher Streets in charge CLINTON It's Here! It Here! ....00 .....1 , The New P 1 Equipped with all the modern, features PLACE YOUR ORDER N NOW On Display At LORNE CHRYSLER & PLYMOUTH SALES &;.SERVICE PHONE 178 SELLING YOUR CAR? We Pay Highest Possible Cash Price ROSS' TAXI Day Phone 178 • Night Phone 347R WEEKEND VALUES at your Red & White Store JELLO CUSTARD Powder tin 10c ZEST PLUM .2 LB. JAM 30c jar CUT WAXED Beans ... tin 15c Culverhouse Diced Beets 2 tins 25 'OER Bc►�`�� WHEN AVAILABLE SUNLIGHT SOAP, cake 70 Stokley's Tomato SOUP 3 tins 25 . TIP TOP TIN Pumpkin .., 13e YORK DICED Carrots 2 - 25c GARDEN FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES TOMATOES CELERY LETTUCE RADISHES BANANAS GRAPEFRUIT CALIFORNIA JUICY 360's LEMONS 6 for 23c CALIFORNIA JUICY 344's ORANGES doz. 29c SPINACH PARSNIPS CARROTS CABBAGE TURNIPS PINEAPPLE SHEARING 'S FOR FOODS OF FINE QUALITY Phone 48 — Free Delivery — Clinton SAWS We carry a full line of; Circular, large and small—Crosscut—Swivel—Buck Hand--Pruning—Compass--Coping and Hack Saws Axes, Saws and Splitting Wedges Hot Plates—Double & Single Irons—Toasters, etc. SUTTER & PERDUE PHONE 147w CLINTON, ,ONT. The Toggery Shoppe ATTENTION! SERVICE PERSONNEL Operated by G. Edighoffer & Son, Mitchell Iiii; i ifi l:u! We have just received a full line of the various. • service ribbons, namely: The Atlantic Star The Italy Star Pacific Star France and Germany Air Crew Europe Defence of Britain The Africa Star and the narrow P.O. and the wide F.O. Officers Sleeve Braid; Also the C. V. S. M. Bars Drop' in anytime and get your service ribbons PRIORITY SLIPS FOR SUITS . Select yours to -day and have at recorded so shipment can be made within 3 to 4 weeks. PHONE 324 THE TOGGERY SHOPPE Beecher Streets in charge CLINTON