HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-02-07, Page 4MRS. D. H. McIN'NES Y. P. FEDERATION GIVES FINE ADDRESS 'The Y. P. Federation is bolding • its annual Interdenominational fire - TO CLINTON W. I. side on Sunday evening, February 10, following the evening services in the various churches. This fireside was postponed from last Sunday night on account of the storm. The program planned is "Musical Echoes" and is under the supervision of Benson Sut- ter. The meeting is a musical setting' of the Scriptures which come from the great composer's. All Young, People whether members of local or- ganizations ornot are cordially in- vited. BAYI'tELD Y. P. U. Meeting During February St. Andrew's 'Young People's Union is k meeting weekly. Two meetings will be held on Sunday evenings—Feb. 10 and 24. These will be similar to evening wor- ship and anyone wishing to, attend DATES RATION COUPONS "VALID Here are the dates' on which ration coupons are due: Meat coupons Nos. M1 to 22 now valid. Batter coupons 116 to 138 now valid. Sugar coupons 46 to 69 valid. One preserve coupon is good for 12 fluid ounces jam, jelly,: maemalade,, honey butter, or fountain fruits; or 2 pound's of maple sugar; or 20 fluid ounces canned fruit; or 24 fluid ounces (2 pounds net) of cut comb honey; or 15 fluid, ounces corn syrup or 40 ounces of molasses;;. 12 fluid ounces of •cranberries. All extra preserve coupons are now valid, each for the purchase of one- half pound of canning sugar. This year the allowance of canning sugar is ten pounds per consumer, Orange colored preserves coupons 33 to 57, P1 to P25, and all un- numbered' preserves' coupons issued for special purposes expire January will be welcome. 31. The February meeting of Ontario St., Church W.M.S. wilt be held on Tuesday, Feb. 12, at three 'o'clock, in the School Room of the Church. A Valentine tea will be served at the close of the meeting. PAY OF FIREMEN RAISED BY COUNCIL; L. J. CREE IS CHIEF A by-law appointing members to Clinton Fire Brigade and also a no- tion by Conn. M. J. Agnew and C'oun. Livermore that the Fire Brigade's pay be increased $5 per year per man, were adopted by Clinton Town Coun- cil Monday evening. Members were named' as follows: L. J. Cree, fire chief, (re -appoint- ed); H. Fremlin, assistant chief; F. Dixon, Lieutenant; Caryl Draper, secretary -treasurer. Firemen — H. Fremlin, assistant chief; F. Dixon, Caryl Draper, A. F. Gudinore, -Gordon Lawson, George Hanley, Robert Carter, Grant Rath, John Sutter, R. Draper, Sam Castle, Theodore Fremlin, Frank McEwan, Percy Livermore, George Hanley, en- gineer, COUNCIL PASSES JANUARY ACCOUNTS. FOR TOWN SERVICES Upon recommendation of tite Fin- ance Committee, Council ordeved payment of the following accounts: Street—Lavis Construction Co., 44 yards gravel at 75c, $33; Donieiot Road Machinery Co., snow -plow, $572.40; McFarlane Machine Shop, Irenairs, and mounting snowplow. 315.50; Wm. Gook with team, remov- ing earth from ditch on King• St., 33.60; Wm. Pickett, labor our Husty's drain; four hoursat 50c, 32; Art. Fulford, plowing sidewalks, 30 hours at 70c, 321; Geo. F. Elliott, plowing streets, 114 'hours at $2.50, $285; Street Lighting—P.U.C., lighting EDWARD W. ELLIOTT streets $228. Licensed Auctioneer for Huron. • Property --P.0 G., lighting Rest Correspondence promptly answered. Room, 79; lighting Town Hall, Immediate arrangements can be made 318.67. fighting Stool; Yard, .75; Mrs. for sale dates at CLINTON RECORD or or by phoning 203: Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. HAROLD JACKSON PAGE FOUR CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 1946 WOtUE'$ l?lii; it()N RED SHIELD NOTES The regular meeting of the R. S. W. A, was heldin the Agricultural Board Rodin with 16 members and two visitors present. The collection amounted to $1.70, ' Donations are gratefully received; $1 from Miss Bessie Sioman; one quilt, four diapers, one pair socks, from a friend, who left no name. Report for January: 76 members at four meetings; 15 pair socks; ten pair mitts, three hand-knit sweaters, one pair of girls panties, two large quilts, one crib quilt, three girls dresses. Donations:'$1 from. Mrs..Castle; $1 from Mrs. Corless; mitts, B -vest from Mrs. Grich; quilt and lining, Mrs. Cree; yarn for six pair mitts, Lois Hab:ttirk; one pair mitts, Mrs. Labourn; 16 parkas, Edgar Pattison; collection,, . $6.55. Ladies to serve next week are, Mrs, Labourn, Mrs. Cree, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. G. Cooper. Nylon Stocking Corning On Market February -19, May Sell at Ceiling INT AIN -1Y DI�TRU�T Ontario St. W. A. HoldsLIONS ORATORICAL (,Successful. Meeting ( CONTEST ATTRACTS MUCH INTEREST Ontario St. W. A• met in the School' room on Wednesday, February 6 at 3 p.m. meeting The president opened, the g with hymn 388, after which a hymn was read as a prayer. The devotional part of the service was opened with hymn, `What. A Friend We Have In Jesus.' Psalm. 46 was read responsively. After sing- ing the hymn, I Love 'To Tell h Story," Miss S. Courtiee red in prayer, followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. v. The minutes were read and approv- ed. Miss S. Couetice then gave a very 'impressive talk on "Faithful Stewards." Reports were given by the various departments. Routine business was conducted and correspondence read from many who had received flowers or Christine's boxes. Miss Elva Wiitse sang beautifully "Deep River" and "Annie La.nrie." Mrs. Maltby react two short poems. The meeting closecl with a hynmm anti prayer by Mrs. Robert Pearson, bySt. • was served A dainty lunch Andrews Ward.. There were forty- five in attendance. a HENSALL, Community Building Nylon stockings, scheduled to A meeting was held Tuesday .even - eine on the Canadian market Febru- ing, February 5, in the Town Hall, Hensall, of the representatiyes of the various organizations from the school ' •1 Commerce, board, Chamber of Gus Dance Club, Canadian Legion - and Rev. R. A. Brooks and Rev. P. A. Ferguson, to discuss a community building project. M. Saunders was appointed as spokesman with Mrs. A. Kerslake as secretary to go before the Council. A planning committee was formed con- sisting of Mr. M,..Saunders, Mr. R. H. Middleton and 'Mr. George Hess and the property committee of the council. Plans are under way to erect a memorial building in conjunction with the school which will embrace a recreational room and auditorium. 0 ry 19, probably will sell at their ening price until the first very eavy demands of the public are satis led, according to F. A. McGregor, ommissioner of the Combines Iit- estigation Act - Inquiries had been made concern - g suggestions Mr. McGregor said rere circulating that Canadian manu- acturers had agreed to keep prices t the ceiling. The commissioner said eec inquiries convinced him that no uch agreements had been made. As supply and demand became bal- iced, lower prices "might be expect - to develop under competitive con - tions," he said. The understanding between manu- eturers and the trade to withhold Ions from, the market until Febru- y 19 has its advantages to the pub - he added. By that time substantial oeks are expected to be in retailers' nds. 'If they were offered for sale be- e these supplies were available, nie buying such as has been re- ntly reported in some 'American les might well -result, with tem - rarer advantage to only a few ag- essive buyers and disappointment r the rest" Several Contestants have entered the Lions Oratorical Contest which is being held under the auspices of the Oratorical Committee, Olintoit Lions Club, in the Collegiate in- stitute Auditorium Thursday evening next, February 14. Called at 8 p.m., the affair will be open to the general public. Admission is free. • Competitionfor the honour of rep- resenting Clinton and district in fur- ther eliminations for Lions District "A" title, is expected to be very keen.' The topic set is "Canada's Future as a Nation." Each contestant will discltss`this subject from three view- points: nationally and internation- ally; industrially and economically; his duties as a citizen. Judges of the contest have been selected from out-of-town. Principal E, A. Fines, the contest- ants and the judges, will be guests of the Lions Club at dinner prior to the Oratorical Contest., JUNIOR INSTITUTE Clinton Junior Institute will hold its regular monthly meeting on Tues- day, February 12, at 8.30 o'clock in the Aigrieultural Office. Would the girls please' bring lunch. x 0 LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary for the Canadian Legion will hold their• monthly meeting Monday, February 11, in the Legion Hall. Members please attend. L. E. ("Les") MARTIN—T. W. ("Web") MARTIN ANNOUNCEMENT The Martin Brothers take great pleasure in announcing our purchase of the A. T. Cooper. Store in Clinton. The Store is now open for business. We intend to offer you good -quality merellan- ,dise at competitive prices at all times. We trust to be favoured, with the same pat- ronage that Mr. Cooper has enjoyed during his many years of business in Clinton. We will be glad to welcome' the people of Clinton and district to cbme in the store and get acquainted with us. • MARTINS Successors to- A. T. Cooper L. E. ("Les") MARTIN—T. W. ("Web") MARTIN CHURCH DIRECTORY Clinton Gospel Centre O. CESTNICK, Pastor hursday, 8 p.m.—Midweek Gospel Service. unday, 10 a.m.—Sunday School ' 11 a.m.-Morning Worship and Communion Service. 7.30 p.m.—Ev'angelist'ic Sbrvice. 8.45 "p.m. Singspiration Hour directly following 7.30*service. Colne and bring your friends. Presbyterian REV. D. J. LANE, Minister. Mrs. Bert Boyes, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1940 0' A.M.—Sunday School 1 A.M.—•"P'eter?s Adventure on the Water" 230 P.M.—Knox Church, Bayfield, service. EVERYBODY WELCOME St. Paul's .Anglican EV:" R. M. P. BULTEEL, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist is• J. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1946 1.00 AM.—Morning Service 2.00 P.M,—•Sunday School 7.00 P.M.—' -Evening Service esday, Feb. 12—W. A. wii1 meet at Mrs.. G. M. Counters at 3 p.m. o. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrs. William Bezzo, Clin- ton, wish to announce the engage- ment of their youngest daughter, Evelyn Marie,. to Orinand Rutherford, son of the alts Mr. and Mrs. Alcock, fee:merly of Holmesville, the mar- riage to take place Saturday Febru- ary 9, in Goderich: The engagementis announced of Ethel Louise, daughter of Mrs. Har- riett Harris and the late William Ernest Harris, to Harold Crawford. Johnson, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Edward Johnson, Clinton. The mar- riage will take place on Saturday I Herman Smith and •3.V1rs. Clmkhatn- evening, February 23, at seven o'clock mer, London, also were guests at the in Alhambra United Church Toronto. If you have ghosts, let the NEWS - RECORD know. Phone 4., Mrs., Fletcher. Troop. of Toronto .is visiting her mother, Mrs. H. B. Combe this week. Adam C'antelon, Piapot, Sask., is renewing acquaintances in Clinton and vicinity. Elwin Merrill and Harold Wise are in Toronto this week attending the Ice •Capades• Steward Rowan -Crawford, RCNVR, Oshawa, spent a few' days at the II. J. Davies home.. Mrs. G. T.Gregory, Cookstown, has returned home after spending a week with Mr. and Mrs. W. IL I•Iellyar. Pte. Frederick A. M. Bezzo, form- erly* stationed in Woodstock with the Kent Regiment, .has gone to Brock- ville for further training after visit- ing his parents this weekend. Mrs. Vesta Streets and son, Beech- er, and daughter, Norrna, were. in London on Monday to meet the form er's son, Pte. Kelso Streets, when he returned from service overseas. William Counter, Toronto, spent the weekend with his parents, -Post- master and Mrs. G. M. Counter, and on 1VIonday night played wiith the Clinton Wearwells in their hockey ganie against Tavistock. Mrs. Murray Quaife returned home after spending last weekend with her parents, /he and Mrs, E. Ward. Mrs. Clinton Women's Institute met on Thursday, January 24, at 2.30 p.m., in the Agricultural Board Room, with a fine attendance.. The meeting open- ed with singing of the Ode and re- peating the Lord's Prayer. The presi- dent, Mrs. J. 13. Lavis, extended a welcome to all present, and expressed the wish that we all sincerely think oftheOde when we sing it. The minutes were read and approv- ed and treasurer's report given. Some shut-ins had been remembered. Twenty-seven completed articles was the report of the War Work com- mittee. Roll call was responded to by each .telling "How she spent the Yuletide." Mrs. B. Hearn favored' with two fine vocal solos, accompanied by 14Irs, M. J. Agnew et the piano. Mrs. D. H. McInnes then gave a most interesting and inspiring, talk on the "Early Days in Clinton, deal- •ing particularly with a few of the early families.". Another feature of the program was a resume of Canadian poems and their waiters, .•given by Mrs. May Rance MacKinnon. Those mentioned and also a poem written by each were: Chas. Sangster, Henry Drummond, Bliss Carman, Jean Blewett, Jan Ec- celstone McKay, and Violet Fremlin, the latter of Clinton. A vote of thanks was expressed to all those taking part in this fine program. The National Anthem closed the sleeting, and lunch was served by Mesdames W. Cuchnore, Cox, Perdue, Nelson and Miss Brigham. ONTARIO ST: W. M. S. i home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward. Mr, and Mrs. John Ashton wish to announce the engagement of them daughter, Mildred Li lfof ta, tonGeorged d, Donaldg Hanley, the marria a to take Hanley, George place February 12. Mr. and Mrs. J. Villani, London, Ont., announce the engagement of their second daughter, Frances Berna- dette, to Reg Sidney Dolnrage, son of Mr, and Mrs. Sid. Dolmage, Sea - forth. the wedding to take place March 21. Baptist REV. C. C. ANDERSON, Minister Mrs. Ernest Adams, Organist J. R. Butler. Choir Leader SU•NDA,Y, FEBRUARY 10, 1946 2.00 P.M.—Bible School. Bring your children if -you love them, 7.00 P.M. — Evening Worship — "Reaping and Sewing" 8.15 P.M.—Fireside • and Fellowship meeting for all Young People in Ontario Street Church. Wed., 8 P.M.—Prayer Meeting. CARD PARTY & DANCE Town Hall, Clinton FEBRUARY 12, 1946 Sponsored by CLINTON WOMEN'S INSTITUTE Proceeds for Park Fund EUCHRE and 500 ,COMMENCING at 8.15 SHARP • Dancing 10.15 p.m. to 1 a.m. REFRESHMENT BOOTH DOOR PRIZE 5-6 Weekend guests at the home of Mrs. George Cooper and Miss Jean Powell were: Mr. and Mrs. Earle Cooper and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Elliott. Mrs. E. Cooper attended the Neared of her father in Goderich on Saturday. , 1VIr. and Mrs. Ross Fitzsimons and clatighter, Bettye and Jeanne, nccomp stied by Jack Shanahan, formerly of the Navy, motored to Tercet° early Sunday morning to meet the former's brothel', Norman, and returned to Clinton. the sante day, accompanied by Mrs. Harry Fitzsimons who had gone to Toronto to meet her son. Grinner Philip McKenzie, Weyburn, Sask., has been visiting at the home of his brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and bit's. Howard Currie. Gunner McKenzie returned recently on the "Queen Elizabeth" after nearly two years' service overseas, much of it in Germany. Other weekend visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Currie were Donald McKenzie, Seaforth; Mrs. Margaret McKenzie and Ken- neth, Hensall; and Mr. and Mrs: Wi]liarir McKenzie and Grace, Kippen. \\rESLEY-WILLIS GIRLS' CLUB The Wesley -Willis Girls' Club will meet on Tuesday evening, February 12, at 8 pan. in the Church Parlor. Mrs. George Jefferson will be the speaker and Mrs. Adams' group will be in charge. BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY 11 LEGAL H. T. RANCE NOTARY PUBLIC, Fire Insurance Agent Representing 14 Fire Insurance companies. Division Court Office, Clinton FRANK FINGLAND, K.C. Barrister - Solicitor - Notary Public New Loication Albert St. CLINTON Ontario Street United REV. G. G. BURTON, Minister Mrs. Edward Wendorf, Organist B. J. Gibbings, Choir Leader ,tSUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1946 11 Add,—"Eternal Life" Near noon—Sunday School 2 P.M.—Worship and Sunday School at Turner's 7 P.M. "The Gospel by a Doctor" 8 P.M.—After evening service..-- • Young People's Federation Fire- side. Wesley -Willis United REV. ANDREW LANE, Minister Mrs. M. J. Agnew, Organist and Choir Leader SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1946 11.00 A.M.—"The Task of Peace". 12.10 P.M.—Chm•cir School ?.00 P.M, --."Spiritual Broadcasting" ARTHUR E. PARRY Commissioner, Etc., Etc. By Royal Warrant. IL C. MEIR Barrister -at -Law Sbticitor, Supreme Court of Ontario; Proctor in Admiralty Notary Public and Commissioner, Office: McI0enzie House Hours: 2.00 to 5.00 Tuesdays and Fridays CHIROPRACTIC AUCTIONEER.ING L ce qackis. For Spring and Summer Sewing This department is fairly buzzing these 'days with eager. shop- pers. Prints -- Broadcloths Slubs -- Dimity Flannel .-- Wool and Rayon New materials arriv- ing almost daily ALL WOOL PULLOVERS In Misses' Sizes 14 to 18 • In Rose, Blue, Pink, Yellow and Red Priced at $3.25 & 3.75 R. V. IRWIN CHIROPRACTIC FOOT CORRECTION D. H. McINNNES, D.C. Huron St. Phone 207 OPTOMETRY A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST Eyes examined and glasses fitted,: GODERICH - PHONE : 33 Licensed Auctioneer Specialist in Farts and Household sales. Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties. Prices reasonable. satis- faction guaranteed. For information etc. write or phone Harold 'Jackson, R.R. 4, Seaforth, phone 14-861. INSURANCE 'Insurance Protection Automobile, fire, wind, accident, sickness, hospitalization. Cheapest rates and, most modern coverage. M. G. RANSFORD PHONE .180W CLINTON INSURANCE Instil.° Non' Against Fire, Burglary, Hold -Up, Theft, etc. Personal Property Floater Insurance Blanket Cover. All Risks, Worldwide. ' H. C..LAWSON REAL ESTATE BONDS Bank of Montreal Bldg. Phone 251:W NEWS -RECORD ADLETS -DOA BIG JOB AT L1TTI)E COST. INSURANCE J. Frank MacDonald Representative METROPOLITAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Phone 218 Clinton THE McKILLOP MUTUAL Fire Insurance Company • Head Office, Seaforth OFFICERS— President, W. R. Amchibald, Seaforth; Vice-president, Frank McGregor, Clinton; Manager, and Secretary -treasurer, M. A. Reid, Seaforth. DIRECTORS. -- W. R. Archibald, Seaforth; Fraitk McGregor, • Clinton; Alex. Broadfoot,' Seaforth; Chris. Leonharclt, Bornholm; E. J. 'Prewar- tha, Clinton John L. Malone, Sea - forth Alex McEwing, Blyth; Hugh Alexander, Walton; George Leitch, Clinton. AGENTS—John E. Pepper, Bruce - field R. F. McKercher, Dublin; J. F. Pleader, i3rodhagen; George A. -Watt, Blyth. Parties desiring to effect insurance or transact other business, will be promptly attended +oto an application to any of the above officers, addres- sed to their respective post offices. Losses inspected by the director living nearest the point of loss. ACCOUNTANCY . ERNEST W. HUNTER, CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 57 Blear St. W. L. Tideswell, care of ,Rest Room, $5; V. D. Falconer, 7,300 lbs. coal at $11.50,cal$42; Jas. 311.50, $52.39; Johnston, G 1 Grigg 3,170 lbs. coal at 311.50-41825 ante. 520 lbs. coal at $12.50-43.25; 321.50; McFaralne Machine Shop, repairs, general, $1.30; Sutter & Perdue, gen- eral, 33.45; C'entoter•y—M. •1Vlclwan, salary, 388,33; Ed. Steep, 24 hours at 45c, 310.80. Park—County .of Huron, grading, power tractor with scraper, $985.50; • Fire and Water—rLaFranoe Fire Engine Co., two waterproof coats, 327.70; T. Leppiegton, clearing snow from hydrants, 261h hours at 50c, 313.25. ' Dry' Earth Closet — A. Fulford, man, team and equipment, salkry' 3100, less I'I.C. $1, $99. Police Protection—James Thomp- son, salary $83.33, less A.C. 31.50,ls $81.83; D. Elliott, salary $76, H.O. $1, .$74; D. Elliott, extra for service, dance New Year's Eve, 32. ;Salaries —.M. T. Corless, salary 3100, less H.C.$1.50, $98.50; Old Age Pension transmittals, 312; Vital Statistics Commission, $48.50-$159; Wes. Vanderburgh, salary $50, less H.C. 31, 349; Ontario Hospital As - sedation, hospital care paid, $6. 'Board of Health—Dr. F. G. Thomp- son, innoculations, etc, school pupils, 346.80. Postage and Stationery --G. R. Mc Ewan Co., postage and general sup- plies, 34.25. General Municipal Expense—Sell Telephone Co., general $9.40; The Municipal. World, election supplies 'and subscriptions, 348.45; Bank of Montreal, excise stamps,paid, 310; Blyth Standard, advertising, 36; Wes. Vanderburgh, expenses at Assessor's association, 310.05. Receipts were as follows: Rentals, $85.50; licenses, 345; •Cemetery, 340; total, 3170.50. 1/tai,-- .�in 4ity Time The Place to Eat is BARTLIFF'S BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS PHONE 1 5-6 NOTICE The Annual Meeting of the CLINTON HOSPITAL BOARD will be held in the Council Chamber, Clinton Ton Hall, MONDAY EVENING, FEBRITARY 11, 1946, at 8.00 o'clock A. M. KNIGHT, Secretary Lucknow's Chin Boys Burning Up Ice Lanes, Lucknow's flying chinese are burn- ing up the ice lanes again. George ancl. Bill Chin ,scored five of Lucknow's six goals as they defeated Goderich Juniors in Gocletich on Tuesday even- ing by 6-3. George scored three and Bill two and each got assists on his brother's goals. The Chin boys have been offered'. several chances at big league hockey and it is expected that in the near future they may be stars of the Na- Toronto tional Hockey League. eelenlInleneallerlece 3 -Day Service WE DO DEVELOPING PRINTING ENLARGING COLOURING COPYING a�-----' Work in Monday back Wednesday Work in Thursday back Saturday FOR DEPENDABLE PHOTO SERVICE Bring your work to 'he Kozy Grill CLINTON, DONT. • `5.16 '