Clinton News-Record, 1946-01-17, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, JANUARY 17, 1946 Interesthig Items From News -Record's lural Correspondents NEWS OFBAYFIELD " • Reps hre:s MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631r31 • Mrs. J. McClureleft on Monday to visit her daughter in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Sturgeon, Jean and Jerry were in London on Wed- ' nesday. . Mrs. Robert Reid, Clinton, spent a few days with Misses M. and E. Reid, last week. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Makins, Arnold and Marion and Miss •Elaine Denby, spent Sunday in St. Thoinas. ' Mrs. C. W. Brown who visited Mrs. N, W. Woods last. week is the guest of Mrs. 0. W Rhynas this week. We regret to report that George Little has been indisposed and hope that he will soon be about as usual again. Capt. and Mrs. Benoit( Johns ie- turned to the village recently after having spent Christmas and New Year's in Detroit. Miss Lucy • Woods returned home on Sunday after having visited her sister, Mrs: R. IL Middleton, in Hen- sail, since New Year's Day. Plans to Build Malcom Toms bas purchased the lots on Louisa Street, adjacent to the United Church Manse and plans to build hi the very near future. Back From Overseas ' Pfc. Clayton Weston and Mrs, Weston, Chicago, Ill., spent the week end with his aunt, Mrs. • Malcom Toms. Clayton has recently returned . after serving overseas with the U.S. Army Engineers in Europe. "Welcome Home, Boys!" We say "Welcome Home" to three boys who returned to .Canada. aboard the "Queen Elizabeth" and arrived in London on Wednesday. They are Pte. Stuart Sturgeon, Essex Scottish regi- ment, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sturgeon; Sturgeon; Pte. Bruce Cann, RC'AMC, son of Cann and the late Mrs." Cann, Bluewater Highway,. God- erich Township; and - LAC William ,Robinson, son of Mr, and Mrs. Wil- liam Robinson of London and Bay- field, i Busy Breaking Ice Jolnt'MacLyodhas been kept busy breaking ice in Goderich harbour, with his new steel boat, "W. J. Mac- Lod," This might . be termed a pioneer venture along this part of Lake! Huron's shore and John or ,Rip' as' hens more familiarly known to friends since school -.days, conning of a long line of sea-farers and boat builders, had the initiative to have the steel tug built by the Mathieson Welding Company, Goderich. It is forty feet long, has a beam of thir- teen feet, two inches, weighs 10 tons and is operated bya 300 -horse -power p p engine. When there is no longer any need for it in the capacity of an ice -breaker at Goderich, John plans to bring it to the home' port for fishing. • Bayfield Red Cross The annual meeting of the Bayfield Red Cross Society war held in. the. Orange Hall on Tuesday. evening, January 15, with thirteen present. Rev, F. G. Stotesbury opened the followed, all were asked to continue in office until the end of March 1946 pending the decision of the nature of the work to be carried on. The reports submitted will be pub- fished in detail in next week's issue. Returned Mea Honored At a dance sponsored by the Bay - field and Community Active Service Committee in the Town Hall on F'ri- day, January 11, a "Welcome Home" was extended to Tpr. Gordon Heard and Pte. Dona Ducharme. 'Mrs Jas. Ferguson read the following address: "For' the people of Bayfield, this is a day of Joy and thanksgiving and of pride. A day of joy and thanks - giving because it marks the safe re - turn' of so . many of you who under - took the sacrifices, the hardships and the terrible dangers of. war; a day of pride in the fact that so many young men and women of Bayfield and vicinity assumed their share of the great task so loyally, so cheer - frilly, 'so ably and so bravely. It is indeed a mark of honor for this cont - munity that altogether forty-three served Canada and the British Cont - monwealth in Navy, Army and Air Force. • "All of us gathered here join in the hope that your services will long be remembered and honored. Indeed it is earnestly to be hoped that all across this country -and throughout the world at large the cause for which you fought will remain'. vivid in theconsciousness of the people. On this evening the thoughts of all of Its must trawl to those of you who aro still across the seas or are elsewhere in Canada and who we would liketo have with us'.'Especially must we pause for a moment to re - member those cubo will never come back and to the memory of these who Wade the greatest sacrifice that can be made we pay oar tribute in all humility and reverence and you will agree that it is most fitting that on this day we remember those Bayfield men who fought in a sim- ilar cause a quarter century ago; tthat a former w thought gavetthoseofr lives for the preservatir who of liberty. "This day you can look, to the past with the satisfaction of having done a great job' well and we hope that you can also look to the future with full expectation of great things to come, To everyone of you who are now returning we extend a most Itearty'Welcome Horne; and we also give you our wishes for every happi- nese in all good fortune in everything that you un&ttake in the years that stretch ahead.. (Signed) — The Connnunity Fund Finance C'onimittee of Bayfield and vicinity. Mrs. Walter Westlake and Mrs. David Prentice made the presentation of a bill fold containing a five dollar" bill to .each of the boys. Also on behalf of the Committee, William L. Ferguson made tine pre. sentation of envelopes containing five dollar bills to Clayton meeting with Scripture reading and prayer. The minutes, of the last annual nneetingg were read by Mrs. R. Scotchmer. This was followed by the president's report by .Mrs•. James Ferguson, the secretary's by Mrs. R. •Scotchmer and the treasurer's state- ntent and Bayfield and. Community Active Service Fund report by Mrs. 3t• Bassett. , (At the election of officers which and Grafton Weston, former Bayfield boys who served overseas with 'the armed forces. Collins Orchestra played for the dance. Refreshments ware served and all report a most enjoyable evening. • s • ,r1TARNA A.. Seeley, Clinton, spent Sunday with his sister, Mrs, A. Austin. Mrs. Frank GrievesSeaforth, spent a day. last' week at 'the parental hone, Mrs. A. McConnell has returnee] after spending- a fortnight with her daughter, Mrs. Argo, Mr. Argo and Jimmy Lee,Toronto. Fred Watson. New Clerk The Townshil Council met in the hall Monday with the usual appoint- ing of officers. Fred Watson was appointed Clerk succeeding. Pp d n C. C. g Pilgrim, Who has held this office for many years and through failing health, is tunable to carry on any longer. Health Improving The many friends of Mrs, George THERE ! 5 NO OTHER r o EtA C CO //sf4I4ae 0 L � C� FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN a 6 Announcing o- Keith R. Westlake Funeral Horne, Zurich Recently• purchased 'is modernly i 1 . equ pp;ed ,_ and convenient at any time. to conduct funerals 3-4 mommammakomotommompwapas s.�.��.� CEDAR NEED BY THE � HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO 5 ,All poles produced in accordance with e H,E,P.C. ' Specifications, 30 feet and t longer 6" and 7" tops, will be purchased by The Commission prior to October 311 f 1946 when this offer shall cease. r Specifications and prices, will be fur- b niched on request. Apply to: A. M. KNIGHT, Rural. Supt., Clinton p PORTER'S HILL GODERICH TOWNSHIP' AUBURN W. A. Meets The first W< A. meeting of, the year war held on Thursday last at the home of Mrs. Jim Cox with 14 ladies. present.• The president, Mrs. Les. Cox, opened %he meeting with prayer., The minutes of the last meet- ing were read and adopted. , Fees were paid. Ways to increase givings were is cussed, mite boxes again were'decided• on for another year. It was moved and seconded to have birthday gifts. A bazaar in the spring was considered with each lady doing her part. A quilt was quilted. The meeting closed with the Mizpah Benediction. .A dainty lunch was served by the hos- tess, The F'ebi•uary meeting will he at Mrs. Janes Lockhart's, road per- raitting. Mr. and Mrs. Jinn Cox and Mr. and Mrs. Argyle Lockhart, spent Satuis day in London. +Miss N. Sinclair, Clinton. spent a day last week with her sister, Mrs. L. Cox, Little Bruce. Betties has been under the doctor's care the past week, but is much improved. Returned Boy Honored Mr. and Mrs. Jaek Smith and fam- ily attended a reunion of the .Smith family at Varna Sunday in honor of Pte. Walter Smith, recently returned from overseas.. .Sixteen of the im- mediate family .sat down to a turkey dinner. . BRUCEFIELD Miss Mary 14IeOully spent last Wednesday in London. • Mrs. Alex Paterson and Marion, were in London one day last week. Miss Norma Collins, RCNVR, Lon- don, visited friends in the village. Mrs. Alice Hehner, and John.Hohn- er, spent Monday evening with Mr. and Mrs. N, Heard, Bayfield. Miss May Mitchell, Toronto, is 'visiting her friend, Mrs. Harry Dalrymple and Mr. Dalrymple.' Miss Joan Bach, Seaforth, spent a couple of days with her'uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Scott. John E, Pepper, reeve of -Stanley Township, is attending January Ses- sion of Huron County Council in Goderich this week. To Study Engineering Wesley Hann, son of Mrs. Charles Hann, Brueefield, has left to attend University. of Toronto, where he will study electrical engineering. Pre- viously, he spent three. years in the RCNVR, and made 14 trips across the Atlantic. On Way Home L/Sgt. W. R. Dalrymple, Tucker smith, was expected to arrive in Can- ada on the ."Queen Elizabeth", Jan. 15, after two years of service over- seas, having seen action in Holland, Germany and Belgium. :Sgt, Dal- rymple in. a recent letter to his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dalrymple, stated that they went out to the gar- den of the home where' he was visit- ing in England and had pulled vege- tables for the table on December 23. McClinchey will be pleased to hear she is showing some improvement. She is still in Seaforth Memorial Hospital Mr. and Mrs. John Aldingtoir spent the weekend with friends in Hibbert Township. Red Cross Annual Varna Red Cross annual meeting will be held this Friday, January, 18, it 8 p.m. in the Township Hall, Varna, Everybody welcome to hear the reports of the past year. Lloyd Johnston and, Harold Howson spent the past weekend visiting Mr. and Mrs. Perce Johnston, Wellington, Happy Family Reunion Mr, and d Mrs. John Smith In id a fatnily reunion at their home Sunday, There were eighteen children ` and grandchildren present. This is the Oast fancily get-together since their son, Pte. Walter, left for overseas ;brae years ago, All the family were present except Gertrude, RCAF (WD), who is in Quebec, St. John's Annual Meeting The annual vestry meeting war held in St. John's Church Monday, evening at 8 o'clock, the rector, Rev, R. C. Holmes, presiding.. Warden Wilmer Reid gave the financial state- ment for the year, showing, after considerable amount of repairs to the Rectory, a substantial balance on "and. The same officers c s of. 1945 were elected for 1946. Euchre and Dance The euchre and dance held in Varna Town hall, Friday evening, January 11:, was a great success, the hall be- ng packed to capacity. Prize win- ners for euchre were: Ladies 1st, Mrs. Ross' Chapman; consolation, Miss Joyce Stephenson; gents 1st, Filmer Webster; consolation, . Antos I{eyes. The Welsh Orchestra from near Clinton, furnished the :music for the dance with Ken Merner as floor. nanager. 'Lunch was served. This euchre and dance was sponsored by the Orange Lodge of Varna. Varna W. M. S. Meets. The W. M. S. of Varna United Church held its January meeting at the parsonage. The meeting. opened, with a few well chosen words by the new president, Mrs. Lee MhConnelI. The worship service was taken by Mrs: Wat. Webster'. Hymn 60 was sung. The responsive reading was 704 n Ilymnary, • A •minute's silence was abserved in memory of our late president, Mrs. George Johnston, followed by a short prayer by the president. The audience ang "Thio' the night of dark and orrow." Ten members answered roll all with a New Year's thought. The reasurer's report was given, showing at the allocation had been net. The society received a short letter nom Bertha Diehl, a Christmas card cern Violet McClymont• and. a letter Pnithanks from George and Gordon ohnston. The study book was taken y, Miss Hern and Rachel Johnston. Mrs. Wet. Webster read "Pass on the Torch" and a short prayer for our missionaries in Africa. It was decided to •have birthday money for.our ex cues account next year. Miss Hern dismissed the meeting V Brayer. Miss Olive Johnson/spent the week- end at her home at Varna. Miss Helen Welsh spent the week- end at her home on the Bayfield ]Mrs. Alf. Scotchmer and son, Stephen, left,on Saturday for Ham- ilton, where ;Mr: Scotchaner is em- ployed, and where they intend to make their home in the future. lmproves After Operation • The many friends: of • Mrs. John Dempsey are pleased that she is improving after her very serious operation in Clinton Public Hospital. Film Board Showings The National Film Board pictures will be shown :in No..1 School son Wednesday, January 23, at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m, School boards please make arrangements to get the child- ren out in the afternoon. If there is not abetter attendance of children to see thesepietures, Goderich Town- ship is- going to lose this project, A film on the control' and working of the Warble Fly will be shown. In the evening the January meeting of the Federation of ' Agriculture will be held. The president will report on the Ontario Convention. The secretary, George Ginn, asks that everyone be out to start 1940 off to a successful year. Farre Radio Forum The S. S. No. 4 Goderich Township Farm Radio Forum met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Lobb on Mon- day night with an attendance of 18 members. The subject for discussion was "Are National Farm Organiza- tions Effective?" Bert Lobb was :chairman for• the evening. Three discussion groups were formed, It was decided that our national farm organizations are ef- fective, and that through our Farm ,Radio Forum secretary we get our views through to the directors and officers of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture; and through thein the farmer's point of view is set before the Government. The question ' asked was, "Is National Farm Organizilton Effective in Canada?".It was decided that it was effective because it had promoted education, health scheme, etc., and hacl brought a better understanding ment between,. the farmer and the govern - The recreational period with Mar- ianne Merrill and Fred Lobb as re- creational leaders, consisted of a contest and games. Lunch was serv- ed by the ladies: The meeting next week will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. G, Thompson. Mr. Thompson was appointed chairman, and Mrs, H. Me. Cartney and Harold Lobb, recreation leaders. Red Cross Meets The S. S. No. 4 Red Cross Unit met at the borne of Mrs. W. Churchill for the first meeting of the new year; with 18 members and one visits or•.present. Mrs. P. Ames presided at the meeting,wlilch was opened by repeating the Lord's Prayer in unison. The 'minutes of tate previous meeting were read and adopted. Fol- lowing the roll call the annual re- poits were given by the secretary and treasurer, and the supervisors of the knitting, sewing and quilt committees. A crocheted article was sold by ticket's, and Mrs. R. Thompson held the lucky ticket. Two quilts were quilted during the afternoon, The meeting was closed with the teMizpah Benediction. The next meeting will he held at the home of Mrs. W. Forbes. On December 15, an Honour Roll was hung in the school, Mrs. W. Churchill donating the frame for it. " Apples were served by the hostess at the close of the meeting. Following are the annual reports: Mrs. L. Pearson reported 13 large quilts and one crib quilt; Mrs. a. Tebbutt reported for sewing — five pinafore drosses, size 10 years; 143 diapers; 12 child's coats, size six years; 15 infant night gowns; 50 -child's combination, 2-4 years; ten child's leggings -235 articles, Mrs-. W. R. Lobb reported for knitting - 18 sweaters, three pair gloves, one pair double mitts, one pair leggings, 56 pair socks, 22 scarves, eight hel- mets -109 articles. SUMMERHILL Allen • Neal spent last week in Lon- don to obtain bis discharge. Miss Violet Watkins, Kitchener•, spent the weekend at her 'home here, Miss Lois Rapson, London, was home this weekend, • Mrs. Clark Ball` had dinner. on Sunday with Mr.. and Mrs. Norman Ball, .Clinton. Miss Jacqueline Seymour had sup- per and spent Tuesday evening with Mr. and Mr5', Graydon Neal and Mluray. Miss Seymour was at the home of Mr. and Mrs, G. Smith on Thursday, it being the occasion of Beverley's birthday. Mr. and Mrs, Harold Tyndall and Janet, spent Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball. - Red Cross Meets A .successful • meeting of Slimmer - hill Branch of, the Red Cross was held January 9 at the hone of Mrs. Glen Cornish With the president in. the chair. The meeting opened with "Blest be the Tie that Binds." Red Cross Prayer and. Lord's Prayer and minutes were read gid approved. Twenty-six were present, including 19 members and :seven visitors. The treasttrer,'Mrs. Percy Gibbings, gave year's report The shun of 3458.38 was sent to Clinton Branch in 1945. Sewing and knitting reports also were given,; "Mrs. Lovett gave a brief acc0mtt of" annual meeting in Clinton on December 27. Words of blanks for Christmas presents' were spoken: Pte. Elwin Blake, Roy Vodden, CQMS Leonard Vodden. s During the afternoon, a quilt was quilted and quilt patches sewn. Two cups and saucers were raffled-90c— won by. Mrs. Russell Neal; two birth- day fees were paid., The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Luhch was served. ,Collection amount- ing to 33.11. Next meeting will be held at the hone of 'Mrs. Chester Farquhar;, Miss Ruth Arthur, London, and Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wall, Langside, visited' Mrs. John Arthur at the weekend. Miss Josephine Weir spent, the weekend with Mrs. Dorothy ,Reed,i Goderich. Successful Dance The Victory "Club sponsored onsored an- other dance in the Foresters Hall on Friday night. Music was supplied by Garnet Farrier of Whitechurch and his five -piece orchestra. The spot dance - prize went to Amy Toll and Fred Rinehart' of Guelph. Mrs'. John E. Yungblut has return- ed from Hamilton, accompanied by Garry and Judy Yungblut, .who will spend the winter with their grand- parents. Knox W. M. S. Meets Mrs.'Edgar Lawson gave her home for the January meeting of the W. M, S. of Knox Presbyterian Church. The president, Miss Josephine Weir, was in charge and opened the meet- ing.with prayer. The scripture psalm 90 was read responsively and the "Tidings" Prayer was repeated in unison. The secretary's, report was given by Mrs. Edna Cowan, showing that $99.20 had been raised last year Mrs. Fred Ross gave a report of the ' Presbyterial meeting held in Clinton. The roll call was answered by paying of fees. A. reading "Swing- ing toward. the Light" was given by Miss Bertha Wagner. The New Year's Message was- "(given bp Mrs. Edges Lawson. Mrs. James• Woods offered the closing prayer. Following the meeting the Ladies Aid met when Mrs. Wellington Good was re-elected president and Mrs Lawson secretary -treasurer. The treasurer reported a balance of 397 on hand. The Ladies' Aid have pur- chased a piano for the Sunday School. Lunch was served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. Rollinson and Bertha Wagner, Harry Arthur Home FO. Harry Arthur, .son " of Mrs John Arthur arrived home from over- seas on the Scythia and was, met at .the Auburn station by his mother, Keith and Bob Arthur and Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wall. FO, Arthur was born in Auburn San. 12, 1924, he attended Auburn Public and Contin- uation school and worked for his uncle, Harry Yungblut, butcher at Zurich. He also worked at war work in Woodstock. He joined the RCAF March 22, 1943, training at Brandon and Portage La Prairie where he was commissioned as Pilot Officer. He received further training at Re- gina and Calgary, going overseas' in May 1944. In England he was made a Flying Officer. Several flights were made over Germany dropping bombs on several important cities. A. family re-uhion was held on :Saturday in honor of bis birthday and his home- coming. Mark Golden Wedding Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Washington celebrated their 50th wedding anni- vereary last Tuesday at their lovely hone in West Wawanosh. Mrs: Wash- ington was formerly Clara .Jenkins, the daughter of the late Thomas Jen- kins and Elizabeth Salkeld. She was born at Woodlands farm near Clinton and attended Clinton High School and Model School and was a success- ful teacher et Auburn public school. She was married to Joseph Washing• ton, son of the late John Washington and '.Sane Scott Washington, pioneer settlers who cane from near Bow- nnanville when Joseph Washington was 14 years of age. The marria a took place at tine bride's hone. Among those who were at the wedding 50 years ago and at the celebration were Mrs. Fletcher Townsend, formerly Harriet Trick, daughter of Mrs. A. L. Trick and the late Mr. Trick, who was flower. girl at the marriage, and others were Mrs. O. E. Exintt of Auburn, Wilmer Wallis and Mrs, William Wise, Clin- ton. Following the dinner a social tine was enjoyed when 16 relatives were present. Many messages of congratulations were received, includ- ing a telegram from Ed. Jenkins of -Ottawa, brother of the bride of 50 years. Gifts of money, china and flowers were also receivedby the couple. Both the celebrants are in ex- eeptionally good health. They are valued members of Knox United Church, Mr, Washington always has taken a 'keen interest in church af- fairs and was; an elder for many years. Mrs. Washington also is . a life member of the W.M.S. and of the Women's Institute. t e. Mrs. Washington has two sisters, Mis. 0. E. Erratt of Auburn and Mrs. A L Trick. Hamilton; two brothers, Edward Jenkins of Ottawa and .Rees Jenkins of Clinton. While Mr. Washington has one sister, Mrs. Wm, Gundry, Regina. Mr, and Mrs. Washington have tivo sons and two daughters, Walter at home, Frank at Kirkland Lake, Mrs. Amos Andrew (Muriel), Auburn, and Miss Ethel Washington at home. There are three grandchildren, Eleanor Andrew, Billy 'Andrew and Mary Emily . Andrew, Auburn, Diplomas and Seals Presented Attendance diplomas and seals were presented at Knox United Church Sunday School. for 1945. New diplomas went to Gladys Gow, Donna 1Gow, Billy Nahrgang, John Seers, Donald King, Betty Sturdy, Isobel Deer, Marlene Jones, Second - year . seals, William Seers, - Allan. Craig, Mary Evelyn Andrew; third - year seal, Howard Anent; fourth- year sear, Bobby Yungblut, Carol sixth -year Beadle; , Y seal, June Beadle; seventh -year seal, Glen Yungblut; eighth -year seals, Hattie-Wightman, Norman Wightman; ninth -year seals, Billy" Jo Andrew, Betty Craig; ten- year.seals, Eleanor Andrew, Jack Ladd; twelfth -year seal, Bill Craig. • hostesses will be Mrs. 0. Rapson, Mrs. W. Lovett, Mrs. Robert Smith, Mrs. A. Vodden, . 0 RANCH FOX PIOUS In the regulations under the 'Live Stock and Live Stock Products Act, respecting the grading of ranched fox pelts, the word "pelt" means the hide of the following types of foxes: standard silver (including Alaskan), white -marked silver, platinum, plat- num silver, and pearl platinum, produced on a ranch in Canada LO'N DESBORO Miss Ardyss Inkley, Clinton, spent the weekend with Mary Ellen Prest. Miss Margaret Crawford, left last week to visit her uncle, Mr: T. Kirk- connell in Frank, Alta. • Mr. and Mrs. Frank Roberton, Billie and Joan, Seaforth, spent Saturday with Mrs, Roberton's par- ents, 'Mr. and Mrs. J. 15'ott.. 53 Years Married Congratulations to Mr. and' Mrs. E. J. Crawford on their 53rd wedding anniversary. Dies in States E. 3. Crawford received word of the death of his brother, James, in Colville, Washington, U.S.A. Mission. Band to Meet The Mary Grierson Mission Band will meet next .Sunday morning at ten o'clock in the basement of the church. The roll call will be answered by the paying of fees. Mission Circle Meets The Aimwell Mission Circle held its regular monthly meeting at the home of Miss Helen Radford with the president, Mrs. John Pipe, presiding. The meeting opened with the call to Worship, "Out of Africa" and the reading of a poem by Bette Brunsdon followed by singing hymn. 571. Mrs. Sid Lansing read the scripture. Miss Alice Fingland read a story followed by singing hymn 434 after which Mrs. Clarke led in prayer. Helen Radford then• read a story. Bette Brunsdon favoured us with a solo while the offering was being taken. During the business part of our meeting it was decided that our Feb- ruary meeting take the form of a skating party and social evening and everyone welcome to attend: ,Mrs, Allan Shaddick gave the chapter in the study book, The Christian stew- ardship reading was given by Mary Ellen Prest followed by a poem by Doreen Armstrong. The meeting closed by singing hymn 444 and all repeating the Benediction, after which the hostess served a very de- licious lunch. Londesboro W. M. S. Meets Londesboro W. M. S. held its monthly meeting on Thursday, Jan. 10, with the president, Mrs, E. Woods, in charger The minutes of last 'fleet- ing were read and the roll call was 'answered by paying of fees. The roll call in the future into be answer- ed by a verse of Scripture beginning with the first letter of the month. Report of treasurer showed 3354.25 sent away for last year and also a bale valued at 359.25. Report of secretary was given by Mrs. W. Lyon, and Mission Baud by Mrs. B. Shob. brook reported a successful year. Baby Band report by Mrs. R. Shad - dick stated committee had gone over allocation. Mrs. A. Clarke gave re- port for Mission Circle and had gone over allocation. Installation of officers took place with Rev. A, D,. Penman in charge. He introduced the new president, 'Mrs. R. Townsend. who read a very inter- esting New Year's message. Mrs. W. Lyon acted as leader for group one. A chorus was sung by Mesdames M. Mannir%, G. McVittie, L. Webster, Wood, W. Hesk and W. Lyon, A. very impressive address was given by Rev. Mr. Penman, who spoke on our responsibility for our mission- aries for our church and for the heathen. A; solo was rendered by Mrs. A. Fangrad, Rev. Mr. Penman closed the meeting by the benediction. Sunday School Annual The annual meeting• of the Sunday School was held on Friday evening, , January 11, at Alas. Lillie Webster's Mime. Mr. Stewart opened the meet- . ing by reading verses- 1-8 from and chapter of Peter. The minutes: of the last meeting were read and adopted..' A report of the year's work was read and showed a little deficit—owing to extra calls for our funds. Mrs, Wil- liam Lyon made a motion, seconded by Mrs. Bert Shobbrook, that we hold a, crolcinole •party', on the following Tuesday evening. Mt•. Claris and Harry Smell were appointed to look. after the games. Lunch will be serv- ed and a silver collection to be taken. Officers and teachers for the year • 1946 are: 'Superintendent, Charles Stewart; assistant superintendents,. Hairy Snell and A. Clark; secretary - treasurer, Jack Taanblyn; assistant secretary -treasurers, Jack ]Webster and Lorne Bunking; messenger boys,. Kenneth Armstrong Kenneth Wood, and Billy Cowan; Armstrong, roll super- • intendent, Mrs. Joe Lyon; teaohors • beginners, Mrs. E. Wood and ,Marg- aret Tamblyn; boy's No. 1, Mie. Mc - Nall and Miss Kirk; boy's No. 2, Harry Snell and Mrs. Watson; boy's No. 3, A. Claris and Mrs. B. Shob- brook; girl's No. 1, Mrs. T, Fair service and Miss Ruth Shaddick; gin's No. 2, Doreen Armstrong and Alice Fingland; girl's No. 3, Mus. T. iAdapts and Miss Edith Beacom; girl's No. 4, Mrs. S. Lansing Mrs. Robert Fairservice and Mrs. II, Adams; as- sistant teachers for junior classes, • Misses Helen Radford, Mary Ellen Prest, Bette Brunsdon, Jack Clark and Douglas Snell; Temperance com- mittee, Mrs, R. Townsend, 'Mrs. Wm, • Hesk, Mrs. Webster and Mrs. It, Caldwell; Missionary committee, Mrs, S. Lyon, Mrs. E. Wood, Mrs. C. Wat- son and Mrs. .7. Armstrong; pianists, Misses Bette Brunsdon, Gail " Mann- ing, Lois Wood and Mrs. Allan Shad - dick. Mr. Stewart moved a hearty vote of thanks for an orchestra, for the splendid music, and to the flower committee for decorating the church so well through the year. Harry Snell moved a vote of thanks to the ladies for their good lunch and tb Mr..Stewart for his treat of oranges. Mrs. Hesk moved a vote of ap• . preciation to Mrs. L. 'Webster for the use of her home. There were, 25.' present. Inrr.rw.r,r CONSTANCE 'Mr. and Mrs. Lorne E'. Lawson were in ,Stratford -on Monday. Donald Stephenson left on Friday for Ajax where he will attend Uni- versity. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Dolmage and family visited with Mr. and Mrs, . John Bell on :Sunday. Miss Ethel Dexter, Kitchener, spent tite weekend with her" parents, Mr, . and Mrs. Austin Dexter. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Dolmage ands Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson, were in London last Tuesday on business. "Men praise the bounty of Nature, but it is much safer to rely on her justice, which as rarely fails to re- ward our care as to revenge our neglect. We work badly too much ground instead of cultivating well a little". Nicholas Biddle in an ad- dress to the Philadelphia Society for promoting Agriculture in 1809. Quality Guaranteed LAOA? TLA ANNOUNCEMENT! Douglas G. Ball, having purchased the interests of John J. Zapfe, in the firm of Ball and Zapfe, IA 111 1 ' icarry on the business' in partnership with William ray Courteous service will be given in the future as in the, past, and your continued patronage will be appreciated. BALL BR OS'.. Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Service, Funeral Directors WM. N. BAIL Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G BALL Phone 361 Phone 110 I3righten your dining room and living room with new fixtures now showing at the Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH . C.L. CORNISH PHONE 358