HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-01-17, Page 5Try White Rose "TUNE" and "SOLVE" Frees sticky Valves and Rings Avoids expensive overhauls Murphy Bros. Garage Phone 465 - Goodrich Tires, Tubes and Batteries 'i'IIURSID'A:Y, .JANUARY 17, 1946 • CLINTON' NEWS -RECORD Views -record Classified Adiets' Brim One cent a •worcl, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of four; 10 cents extra when replies .directed to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. ,Adlets accepted up to 9 pm, Wednesday. 'Cash . rates apply up to 9 -p.m. Saturday, following date of .publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE • 'LADIES WHITE ,SKATES, Size 5, Apply Gloria Pahner. Phone 901r31. 3-b NONE TAPESTRY COVERED 'antique couch; one book case; one !Rbyral Doulton toilet set. .A,pply Canadian National Express Office, Phone 31. 2.8-b '7ARME&S•; ATTENTION! We ex pect a new Gilson electric refrig '•erator, good large• size for genera 'farm use. If interested, get in touch with me at once, ' Jonathan Hugill, HELP WANTED OFFIC 0 BOY,WITH SOME INITIA- tive and desire to learn. Box "Z", NEW S -RECORD. 2-x GIRL WANxED'. IN LONDON AS mother's help in modern apartment, equipped with every convenience. Apply Mrs, H. C. Graham, 338 St. James St., London,: or phone Fair..) most ,4197W. 3_p .BUSINESS :OPPORTUNITIES 1 WANT PLEASANT WORK IN A business of your own? Good profits selling over 150 widely advertised Phone 616r34. 2-3-4-9 ACCOMMODATION 'WANTED - TO ;RENT OR BUY modern six or seven -roomed house` to tent two or •three-roomedfurnished or unfurnished apartment, or five or six -roomed house. Apply NEWS RECORD. 2-3-p LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ELEVEN OXFORD' EWES AND one ram. Jack Gilbert, R. R. 2, Bayfield, Phone- 908r21. 2-ptf FOUR HEAD OP CATTLE, ABOUT 700 pounds; two sows due February 1; eight pigs, six weeks old. LAlpply James East, R. R. 4, Clinton. 3-p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 200 BUSHEL AJAX SEED OATS for sale or will trade for some good feed barley. These oats are . first- class seed, very heavy yielders and rust -resistant. F. W. Andrews, Phone 33. • -2-3-4-5-6-b LOST AND FOUND LOST — IN CLINTON, THREE Keys on ring. Finder please leave at NEWS -RECORD Office. Reward. 3-p LOST—TWO BEAGLE HOUNDS, 'lack with white legs and tan faces.. Anybody seeing these dogs, phone 800r24, Clinton, George Mann. Reward a1 for each dog. 81-b-tf MISCELLANEOUS 'PULLER PRODITCTS. AGENT: Miss 'Winifred O'Neil, Clinton, Phone 75J. 78-79-86.81-1-2-3.4-5-6-b '`r0P PRICES PAID FOR BRICK OR drame building to be wrecked. Apply 'to Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth Street, .,ondon, Met. 8280w. -tf FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME WITH blown Rockwooi Insulation. Work done anywhere, for free estimate 'phone 4 Clinton or write Rowland 'C, Day, 5 Thornton Ave„ London. 2 -3 -4.5 -G -7-8-9-10-11-p ' Rawleigh ,home/farm necessities. Pay's better" than most occupations, Hundreds in business 5 to 20 years or more! Products—equipment on credit. No experience needed to start —we teach you how. Write today for full particulars. , Rawleigh's Dept. ML -169-145-A. 3-b HELP W.ANTED._MA.LE AN OPPORTUNITY --ONE OP THE Nation's largest companies, catering principally to fariner's needs, is ready to glace a valuable contract which should mean complete iidependence for a man fortunate enough to have the following qualifications—charac- ter record that will withstand in- vestigation and proven ability to ef- ficiently manage both himself and his own business. Financial status not extremely important but a travel out- fit is necessary. Write The T. R. Watkins Company, Dept. 0-0-16 2177 Masson St., Montreal. 1-2-3-4-5-6 PROPERTY FOR SALE FARIVI'FOR SALE BY TENDER; South half lot 29, Concession 8, God- erich Township, containing 42 acres (more or less). Highest or any ten- der not necessarily accepted. William McDonald, Wroxeter, Ontario. 3-p WANTED TWELVE CORDS.OF HARDWOOD', 12 inches Long, to be delivered at S.S. No. 5, Goderich Township. Keith Cox, secretary -treasurer, R, R. 2, Bayfield. 2-3-b FARM WANTED — WILL PAY Bash for small farm 10 to 50 acres., Good buildings. 1VIust have hydro or be available, Por further information apply NEWS -RECORD. 3-p WOOD WANTED—TENDERS FOR 12 to 15 cords hard body maple or maple and beech mixed, 14" long, to be delivered to school section No. 12, Huliett and Goderich Township by April 30, 1946. Tendrs to close Jan, 25. Clarence Ball,.secretary treasurer, R. R. 1, Clinton. 2-3-b GODERICat MIDGETS WIN 9-0 in a midget W. 0.•A. A. game. Goderich Midgets made their debut Beacom led the winners with four 'a winning g one at Exeter Fridaynight while ht goals g zo Price chis ed in with 1p when they blanked the Exeter sextet three, NEW 'PLUMBING FIXTURES ARRIVING :.SHORTLY. BE SURE YOU SEE -THEM BEFORE YOU BUY HUGH R. IIAWKINS Plumbing Heating — Sheet Metal Work Agent for Hecl. Furnaces RESIDENCE 478 PRONE 244 .A Brand -New Service That Is Going Over "Big" '.If you want to go in comfort by autorilobil6 to LONDON, STRATFORD, HAMILTON, TORONTO just leave your name at our office ' and we shall advise you when the trip will be made. Fully Equipped Sedans Careful Drivers Low Rates that will surprise you A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ARROW TAXI PHONE 182 ;Next McKenzie House Clinton BOYS WEAR Boy's Navy Blue Cloth WINDBREAKERS, Heavy Materials, some buttoned and some with zippers. Special Prices for the New Year " $2.50 up Boy's Grey Whipcord BREECHES, lined with. extra heavy Flannelette, double seats and knees. Sizes up to 34. Special $2.00 ,Broken Lines of Men's and Boys' Wear to clear at Special Prices Plumsteel Bros. Arrow Shirts .Adam Hats— Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents Tip Top Tailors MARRIAGES. HARTLEY-ADAMS In ,Memorial United Charon, ,St. Catharines, Wednesday, January 9,1946, Erma Vivien Adams, youngest daughter of Mrs. Hale and the late Charles B. Hale, , Clinton, to Harold E. Hartley, only son of Mrs. R. I. Hartley, St. Catharines, • ,Rev. It. W Spence officiating;. BIRTHS EDWARD In' Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Thursday;, January, 10,, 1946, to Mr. and, Mrs. Benson Ed- ward, a son (stillborn). PEAR --In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, January 16, 1946j to. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Fear, R. R. 4, Brussels, a son. RATH—In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, January 11, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. Grant W. Rath, a son (stillborn).. • STEV-ENS---In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Monday, January 14, 1946I to Mr. and Mrs.. Carman Stievens,. Goderich, oa daughter (Carol Vienne). DEATHS HAMILTON — In' an accident in Williams, Arizona, on Sunday, Jan- uary 13, 1946, Winston A. Hamilton, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Hamilton, Detroit, Mich„ formerly of Clinton and Goderich. HAMILTON—In Detroit, Mich,, . on Wednesday January 2,,1946, Sarah Monteith.H'amilton, wife of the late James Hamilton, formerly of Clin- ton and' sister of Mrs. T., T. Peckie, London, Ont., in her 76th• year. In- terment Grand Latnt Cemetery, Detroit, Jan. 4. HERMAN In Clinton, on Monday, January 14, 1946, Ellen Freemani. beloved wife of the late, E., C.. Her- man, in her 97th year: Private funeral ' r lservrce at the home of her son-in-law, Theodore Premlin, On- tario St., Clinton, Wednesday, Jan- uary 16, 1946. Interment Clinton, Cemetery. iJeDONE•LL-At Listowel,. on Satur- day, Jan. 12, 1946, Dr. Mary Jane Hutton McDonell, widow of Charles A. McDonell, Hensall. Funeral service in Hensall United Church January 14. Burial in: Hensel' Union Cemetery. It1cl'NTO;SII--In Fort William, on Sunday, January 13, 1946, John Me- r Intosh, in his 90th year.. Funeral: Mass at,St,Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, Thursday, January 17, at 9.30 a.m. Interment' Hullett Roman Catholic Cemetery. O'LDE—In ,St. Thomas Memorial Hos- pital, on Wednesday, January 16, 1946, Arthur'John Oltle, concession seven, South Yarmouth Township., beloved husband of Bertha Whaley, and father of W. Brock Olde, Clin- ton, in , his 71st year. Remains resting at P. R. NVilIiams and Son• Funeral Home, St, Thomas, for ser- vice at 3.30. p.m. Saturday,. Jan. 19. Lrternment Union Cemetery. ROURKE—In Owen Sound, on Mars- ' day, January` 10, 1946; Mrs. Henry Rourke, aged 75years, era's mother ex of David Dales, Clinton. Funeral ser- vice .Tan. 14. Interment Balaclava Cemetery in the spring, BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson Princes St. East., Phone 588 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For Every Occasion C V. COOKS FLORIST Phones: 06w and 60J 'PLASTER REPAIRING A. French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work & Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly And neatly done Box 23 or Phone 187 Wingham Batkins Locker Storage; Per Lb. SALMON STEAK 30e SALMON, FFILLETS 40c COD FILLET`S.. 35c SMOKED FILLI ITS `.. 35c HAMBURG STEAK .. 25c Farmer Style SAUSAGE............. 25c, We (Puy Hides "Frozen Foods are Better Foods" PAGE. FIVE QUick Results Four' Public School Teams Sponsored by Lions Club C14nton Public School has: or ganii.ed: four boys' hockey teams 'to operate this winter Organization of these teams is helping to matte good' athletes and: good sportsmen out of. Canadian youths. The- teams are sponsored' by Clinton Lions Club and are under the direction of Principal G. 11: Jefferson. The teams are as follows: - TIGERS -Goal, Tom Lloyd; centre, Gerald Holmes; left wing,.Clare Maltby; right wing, Don Ward; de-' fence, Bob Managhan; Howard•Grealis (capt); subs,, Tideswell, Bill' Shearing. • LANE'S SPECIALS:. Goal, Dom Petrie; Ieft defence, Gordon 'Lane ap .) ; right defence, Dom Longfield; etre, F, Denomme, left wing, J. Hartley, right wing, M. Maltby; subs; Andy Rusty.. - C'OLTS: Goal, 13111 Nediger (rapt.);. defence, Ron Carter, Dave Tighe;. forwards, Alvin Fowler, Clam Maltby,. John Ward;,subs, HToni arris Oakes,. Colquhoun, 'Bob Elliott, TAYLOR'S 'CROWDS' Goal, Doug Hoggarth; defence, .Bob Taylor (capt.), Robert Weekes; right wing, Gerald'Ellibtt; left wing, Bill' Chowen; centre, Murray Colqufloun; sub, Har- old Gibbinge. R. E. SHADDICK"IS ELECTED WARDEN (Continued' from Page 1)' the fiscal year of 194647 assured Connell the work will be undertaken when possible. County of Peel resolution request- ing' maintenance of children, while wards of Children's Aid Society. County of Simcoe requesting War Assets Corporation to tbrn over to schools, surplus equipment. County' of Carleton presenting Brief Prepared by solicitor re Children's Protection Act. Inspector of Legal' Offices acknow, ledging receipt of a letter regarding new court house and' expressing pleasure in proposal to build' new one. Lucknow Board of Education re- questing appointment of a committee to consider the possibility of having Lucknow High School districts, as they are planning an addition to their school for accommodation for Horne Economics and Shop Work. Dr, J. W. Shaw, medical officer of County Home, reporting 16 adinis cions daring 1945; oldest inmate 84' years old, youngest 42 years old; number of deaths 12; total of 89 in- mates in Home. The Hope has been painted by the inmates and the help. County of Wentworth resolution re Oliildren's Protection Act; and an- other requesting exemption of income tax on remuneration and committee fees of municipal councillors. Reasons given were increase in parliamentary indemnities , and cost of Iiving sub- stantially increased, •County of Waterloo resolution re- questing license fee foriicrsons trans- portingfowl; (1) to provide for licences being•granted by each county in which persons transact business rather- than only in the county in which he resides; (2) That County charge a license fee not exceeding $25 per annum in place of $1 as at present. County of Welland requesting re- vision of Old lige Pension Act where- by pensions be granted' at the rate of $1 poi diem at the age of 65. E. V. Radbourne, GreyCduntyas- sessor, inviting Council to attend a meeting of assessors of district in, Hanover on January 30. County of Lambton resolution re- garding Children's Aid Society, re- ouesting Department of National Health and Welfare to permit family allowances for children in care of Children's Aid Society to be paid to general funds of the •Society, and used for the general purposes' of the society.n Moteith and Monteith, Stratford, report of Huron Registry Office for 1045. County of Brat resohition War Assets Corporationturn over mobile dental units to county health unite,. Monteith and Monteith, Stratford, auditor's' report for 1845. Application for 'corn borer inspect- or from Geore W. Ashton, Goderich; ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing -Robert Cummings in "YOU CAME ALONG" Mon., Tues . and. Wedl Joan Davis -- Jack Haley and Phillip Terry A pageant of perfection in pulchri,. tude, sparkling Music and lilting rhythm "GEORGE WHITE'S SCANDALS"' Thurs., Fri. and Sat, — Dual Features --. `Sing' Me a Song'of Texas " Two gals with a ranch between 'em; and cowboys that rustle up tunes,' Rosemary Lane Tom' Tyler. and Slim Summerville Also— "The Crime Doctor's Strangest Case"' • Another in the series of popular mystery dramas. starring Warner Baxter and' Rose Hobart CAPITAL THEATRE GOIDERICH Now Playying—.Arian Ladd in "SALTY OPROT:MEE" Mon;, Tues. and Welk Fred, MacMurray -Marjorie Main apd, Helen Walker Something new in comedy,when. a Broadway investigator meets, up with Kentucky hill -billies, "MURDER, HE SAYS" Thurs.., . I ri:, and Sat.: George Raft --•. Claire Trevor and Signe Hasse, Suspense!' Drama! and Action!:. In one of the screen's:greatest mystery stories: "JOHNNY ANGEL" Coming—Claudette Colbert' in "PRACTICALLY" YOURS" Mat.: Wed: Sat., Holidays, 2:30 p.m; REGENT. THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing—Ida Lupino in "PILLOW T,0 POST" Mon•, Tues. and Wed. Barbara Stanwyek, Dennis Morgari' and Sydney Greenstreet Here is a picture you will enjoy concerning a receiving gal who was caught in her own trap CHRISTM'A'S IN CONNECTICUT" Thurs., Fri. and Sat. Alan Laid --Gait Russel and S anley Clements Telling •a grand: tale of equine• thorobreds and their human 'counterparts' "SALTY O'ROURKE" Coming—Fred MacMurray in "PRAC'T'ICALLY' YOURS" Matineesr Sal,.& holidays 2.30 pan:. John Bennett, Ashfield Township; Glenn Eckmier, ,Goderich. Resolution of Tuckersmith. Town- ship Council requesting the County of Huron to investigate the advis- ability and possibility of taking over the. hospital at R.. and; C. S:, RCAF',. Clinton, to be used in conjunction. with Huron :County Home as a hos- pital'for convalescent and bed -ridden patients. Resolution front Howielt Township: Council urging Huron County Good Roads Committee to assume the por- tion of road from McIntosh's, Church via No. ' 10 s4d'eroad, Howick Town- ship,. to the County. Rbad, concession 14, Township of Hawick. J. P, Coombe, supervisor,. Depart- ment of Munich a Affair 1 p s, stating, in his opinion, fax bounties are handled only by local municipalities. Rev. C. C. Anderson, Clinton, chap- lain, Huron •County Home, requesting increase in salary. His present sal- ary is $250 per annum. EXECUTOR'S SALE of Household Goods and Furniture at the George McTaggart residence High St., Clinton, commencing at 1.30 p.m. Saturday-, Yannary 191 1946 I will sell by public auction, the following: Quarter -cut oak bedroom suite, in- cluding n chest of drawers; quarter - cut hall rack; bedroom suite; 2 single beds; 3' chests of drawers; wardrobe. ANTIQUES -- Dutch glass cup- board; quarter -cut oak chair and small table; small table; dishes; decanters; jars; fireplace shield' and coal hamper; foot stools. Large electric Kelvinator; Hot - Point electric range (oven and warn- ing closet; Quebec heater; wicker rocking chair; wicker chair; wicker baskets; k 2 kitchen tables; card table; 3 small tables; 't kitchen chairs; large kitchen cupboard bread box; White sewing machine; ironing board; clothes rack; baby cot; baby swing; 2 habit` buggies; linen table cloth; linen; bedding; wash tubs; light .shades; odd dishes; extension ladder: 2• step ladders; 4 pair snow shoes; wheel barrow; lawn mower; lawn roli'er; lawn couch and chairs; garden tools; numerous other articles. Sale held under cover TERMS—CASH I'he Canada Trust Co., executors of Nettie A. McTaggart Est,; Frank Fingland, K.C., solicitor to the Estate. G, M. LAWSON, Clerk EDWARD W. ELLIOT, Auctioneer 2-3-b ANAQIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and .depart from Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart 6.43 a,m. Going East, depart 3.03 p.m. Going West, depart , . , , 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart 11.10 p.m. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive , 11.20 Going South, leave 3.10 p.m. HELP WANTED FEMALE Apply at Office Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd. -tf WHAT is .CHRIST to you? IS HE your SAVIOUR? CHRIST who died for YOU: TO YOU SAVE your soul must accept or reject HIM!' 4 "For whosoever : shall' call on the name of the Lord shall be saved:" -Rom. 10:13:. TUNE IN; Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E',D,S.T„ Sundays evening LOCAL STATION C'ICLW WINDSOR 1 Wiring Tender Applications will be received by H. C. Lawson, Secretary -treasurer, Clinton Board' of Education, for the re -wiring of the Clinton Public School according to plans and specifications which may be .obtained from T. G. Scribbins, chairman of Property Committee. Tenders are to he submitted not later than February 7, 1946. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. help Wanted The Huron County Home Committee require one Cook and one Domestic at Huron County Home, Clinton, Ontario. Duties to commence • February lst, 1946. Applicants please make application to Mrs. M. E. Jacob, Manager of the Horne, who will: outline the duties, and rates of pay etc', N. W. MILLER, County Clerk DANCE ,SPONSORED BY CLINTON FIRE DEPARTMENT TOWN HALL, CLINTON Friday, Jan. 11 itt 9 p.m. Music by M'urdock's Orchestra Be. sure and attend this dance. The last one was a ripping success. ADMISSION 50 CENTS Just Received A Large Stock of RADIO TUBES -- BATTERIES -- RADIO PARTS and Repair Elements fox Electric Toasters, .lint Plates and Irozzs. Now is ;your chance to have your radio or other electrical appliances put in good Wvorking condition. Call in at biro MERRILL RADiO and ELECTRIC King Sit, Clinton Bookkeeper Wanted Full-time bookkeeper wanted by Clinton Public Hospital. Apply in writing stating salary. + Applicatons to be in hands of the Secretary not later than January 23, 1946. A. M., KNIGHT, ,Secretary