HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News Record, 1945-01-10, Page 51 THURSDAY, JANUARY 10, 1946 4i CLINTON. NEWS+RECO8bD PAGE FIVE :News -Record .Classified Adlets Bring Quick Results One cent a five insertions directed to NEW accepted up to Cash rates publication; 25 word, cash, each insertion (minimum 25 cents);:for price . lies S-RECORDf Office or cents, toboxtnumber. Adlets 9 p.m. Wednesday. apply up to 9 p.m. Saturday, .following date of cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE PAIR. OF WHITEI -SKATES, Size 2-96. 'Phone 469. COOK STOVE', ACME, LII{E NEW, used one year. Phone 95 2b SMALL -SIZED SQUARE PIANO, in good condition. Phone 359J 2-p. COAL BROODER STOVE. APPLY E1, Boyes, Brucefield, Phone 62 2 b HELP WANTED GARAGE MECHANIC FV �.NTED. Apply NEWS -RE'CO'RD'. 2-p OFFICE BOY WITH SOME, INITIA- tive and desire to learn: Box "Z", NEWS-REICO'RD. 2-x IN GUELPH GENERAL HOSPITAL, pantry and dining room girls. Good wages, eight-hour day. Apply to Superintendent. 81-1-2-b WANTED — GIRLS TO LEARN COAL BOOODER STOVE. APPLY glove knitting. Finest factory con - Ed. Boyce, Brucefield, Phone 625r2. ,ditions in Ontario. Good pay while 1-2-b learning. Steady work. Only in- dustrious and ambitious girls need ONE NEWCO'MBE PIANO, ONE apply. Williams -Trow Knitting Co., tapestry covered antique couch; and Ltd., Stratford. one book case. Apply Canadian National Etepress Office. Phone 81. 2-3-b PARMERS, ATTENTION! We ex- pect a new Gilson electric refrig- erator, good large size for general farm use. If interested, get in touch with me at once. Jonathan Hugill, Phone •616r34. 2-3-4-p MISCELLLANEOUS FUJa,I'M PRODUCTS. AGENT: Miss Winifred O'N78-79-800 81,1 Phone -3 45-6 b TOP PRICES PAID FOR BRICK OR 'frame building to be wrecked. Apply to Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth Street, London, Met. 8280w. -tf ' WANTED — TO RENT OR BUY modern six or seven -roomed house; to rent two or three -roomed furnished or unfurnished apartment, or five or six -roomed house. Apply NEWS - RECORD. 2-3-p HELP WANTED_MALE AN OPPORTUNITY—ONE OF THE Nation's largest companies, catering principally to farmer's needs, is ready to place a valuable contract which should mean complete independence for a man fortunate enough to have the following qualifications—charac- ter record that will withstand in- vestigation and proven ability to ef- ficiently manage both himself and his own business. Financial status not extremely important but a travel out- fit is necessary. Write The T. R. Watkins Company, Dept..0-0-16 2177 Masson •St., Montreal. ACCOMMODATION FLEECE LINE YOUR HOME WITH blown Rockwool Insulation. Work done anywhere, for free estimate phone 4 Clinton or write Rowland C. Day, 5 Thornton Ave., London. 2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-p WANTED WOOD WANTED—TENDERS FOR 12 to 15 cords hard body maple or maple and beech mixed, 14" long, to be delivered to school section No. 12, • 'ullett and 'Goderich Township by Aril 30, 1946. Tenders to close Jan. 25. Clarence Ball, secretary - treasurer, R. R. 1, Clinton. 2-3-b 'TWELVE CORDS OF HARDWOOD, 12 inches long, to be delivered at SS.No. 5, Goderich Township. Keith Cox, secretary -treasurer, R. R. 2, Bayfield. 2-3-b GODERICH — John Lightfoot, 81, died at the hone of his daughter, Mrs, Mary Philips, ,Saturday night after a long illness. He was born in England, and prior to coming to Can- ada three years ago, had been the manager of a bottling works. LIVESTOCK FOR SALE ELEVEN OXFORD EWES AND one rani. Jack Gilbert, R. R. 2, Hayfield, Phone 908r21. 2-ptf ,ONE BROWN BELGIAN MARE, four years old. Well broken. Apply to Arnold Rothwell, Phone 905r32, 2-p FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE 200 BUSHISIL AJAX SEED OATS for sale or will trade for some good feed barley. These oats are first- class seed, very heavy yielders and rust -resistant. F. W, Andrews, Phone 33 -2-3-4-5-6-h BIRTHS POWELL , In Clinton Public Hos- pital on Thursday, January 10, 1946, to Mr. and Mrs. . Francis Powell, a son. Sgt. S. R. and Mrs. Taterczynski( nee, Muriel R. Perdue), are happy to ,announce the arrival of a daughter, (Anne Marie), Friday, Jan. 4, 1946, in Mercy Hospital, Bay City, Mich. LOST AND FOUND LOST—TWO BEIA.GLE HOUNDS, black with white legs and tan faces. Anybody seeing these dogs, phone 8000 ,4. Clinton, George Mann, Reward of $5 for each dog. 81-b-tf 0 DEATHS COLCLO'UGH—Suddenly, in Oshawa, on Monday, January 7, 1946, Rev. John Harvey,C'olclough, B.A., B,Th., rector of Christ Anglican Church, Oshawa, beloved husband of Adel- aide Armstrong, aged 63 years. Funeral service in St. George's Anglican Church, Thursday, Jan- uay 10. Interment St. Margaret's Ceinetery, Scarborough. 1IIoC'ARTNEY—On Thursday, Jan. 3, 1946, at his residence, 190 Albany Ave., Toronto, James McCartney, formerly of Belgrave, beloved hus- band of the late Esther Fallis; father of Zella and Cyril F. Mc- Cartney. Interment Mount Pleas- ant Cemetery, Toronto, Jan. 5. PREETE'R=At Clinton, on Monday, January 7, 1946, Fannie Preeter, in her 90th year. Resting at the T. Harry Hoffman Funeral Home, Dashwood, for service on Friday, January 11, at, 2 p.ni. Interment Lutheran Bronson Line Ceinetery. RODGER—In Tuckersmith Township, on Monday, January 7, 1946, John W. Rodger, in his 84th year. Inter- ment Westfield Cemetery, January 9, following service at Beattie Funeral Home, Clinton. An invitation is extended to the citizens of the Town. of Clinton to attend the opening meeting of the 194E Town Council in the Council Chamber, Monday evening, January 14, at eight o'clock. CANAffANNA bNAL " ILWAYS RETURNED VETERANS INVITED TO BIG i RECEPTION HERE The following returned personnel from Clinton were invited to attend the recent reception given by the Mayor and Town Council in the Town Hall: Willard Aiken, Arthur Aiken, Fred Axon, William Argent, Lloyd Adams, Douglas Andrews. Bruce Bartliff, Elliott Bartliff, Douglas Bartliff, Lorne Brown, Wil- liam Bezzo, Bruce Biggart, William Ball, Harry Ball, John Butler Jr., William Carter,, George Carter, Janes Cruickshank, Stewart Cook, Laurie Colquhoun, Kenneth Col- quhoun, Donald Colquhoun, Lloyd Carter, Reg. Cook, Kenneth Cooke, Tom Cooke, William Cook, Reginald C'udmore, Charles Cook, .Craig Coop- er, John Cuninghame, Ross Carter, Howard Cowan, William Counter, Charles Cudmore, J. M. Cameron, Frank Cook, John Cree, Ellwood Campbell, George Campbell, Clayton Campbell, Gordon Campbell, Sam Castle, Jr., Roy Cook, Robert Cook, Clayton Cooper, James Conan. TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart froin Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going East, depart 6.43 a.m. Going East, depart 3.03 p.m. Going West, depart 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart 11.10 p.m. London and Clinton Division Conning North, arrive 11.20 a.n, Going South, leave ..,3.10 p.m. t rl •3 TO ALL OUR CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS FOR PAST FAVOURS HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — Heating — Sheet Metal Work Agent for Hecla Furnaces RESIDENCE 470 PHONE 244 elimmissamarsma A Brand -New Service That Is Going Over "Big" If you want to go in comfort by automobile to LONDON, STRATFORD, HAMILTON, TORONTO just'leave your name at our office and we shall advise you when the trip will be made. Fully Equipped Sedans Careful Drivers Low Rates that will surprise you A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ARROW TAXI PHONE 182 • Next McKenzie House Clinton BOYS WEAR Boy's Navy Blue Cloth WINDBREAKERS, Heavy Materials, some buttoned and some with zippers. Special Prices fol:' the New Year $2.50 up Boy's Grey Whipcord BREECHES, lined with. extra heavy Flannelette, double seat's and knees. Sees up to 34. Special $2.00 Broken Lines of Men's and Boys' Wear to clear at Special. Prices BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents Ethel Thompson Clayton Dixon, William \ Denomme, Robert Draper, Richard Dixon, R. P. Douglas. Edward Elliott, Norman Elliott, Francis Evans, Cecil Elliott, John Elliott, Ted Ealing, Royce Fremlin, Roy Fitzsimons, William Ferguson, Richard Fremlin, Norris Fitzsimons, William Finch, Lloyd Fulford, Donald Geddes. cooler yesterday and today, however. R. H. Hattie, Madeline Hawkins, Mrs. George German, Clinton, Cecil Iiolmes, Fred Hovey, William pick- ed a fresh lettuce plant from her garden on Monday. Mrs. Frank Lobb plucked some beautiful pansies in her garden yesterday. - Ice on rivers in the district broke up, and the waters ran high. Gravel roads started to break. up. Thomas Hallam, Auburn, found a beautiful blue myrtle Saturday. Caterpillars have been discovered here and there. Oldtimers are predicting at least a mild winter. 0 DUNGANNO'N—A. pleasant time was spent on Saturday, Jan. 5, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Blake, Dungannon, when a dinner was given in honor of the 90th birthday of Mr. Blake's mother, Mrs. M. J. Blake, Ashfield. Princess St. East., Phone 585 59-tf Plu steel Bros. Arroyo Shirts.— Adam }Tats Scott & McHale Shoes for Men Agents lip Top Tailors ) We Buy Hides "Frozen Foods are Better ,Foods" CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS For EveryOccasion ROXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing— • "CALL OF THE WILD" with Clark Gable Mon. Tues and Wed. Irene Dunne, Alexander Knox and Charles Coburn How two people found humor in their adversities and made ad- justments to fit the inconveniences of tinny camp life. "OVER 21" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. "YOU CAME ALONG" A new and georgeous screen dis- covery flashes across the film horizon LIZABETH SCOTT Robert Cummings and Don de Fore Coming: "GEORGE WHITE SCANDALS" with Joan Davies CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICH Now Playing— ESCAPE IN THE DESERT" with Phillip Dorn Mon. Tues. Wed. Evelyn Keyes — Cornel Wide and Phil Silvers All the exotic atmosphere of the orient presented under the magic of Technicolor "A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS" Thurs. Fri. and Sat, Alan Ladd — Gail Russell and Bruce Cabot A rollicking and adventurous tale of thorobreds, human and equine "SALTY O'ROURKE" Coming—Fred MacMurray in "MURDER HE SAYS" REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTH Now Playing: "SING ME A SONG OF TEXAS" & "THE CRIME DOCTOR'S STRANGE CASE" Mon. Tues and Wed. Boris Karloff—Susanna Foster and Turhan Bey Telling the thrill -story of a mad physician and his yen to murder opera singers . "THE CLIMAX" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Ida Lupino — Sydney Greenstreet and William Prince A gay and breezy yarn about a success -gal who ran into complications "P•ILLOW TO POST" Coming: CHRISTMAS IN CONNECTICUT Signs of Spring Here In Warmest January, Weather in Years Signs of spring were evident over the warmest January weekend in many years when, the mercury went up to 55 degrees above on Sunday and Monday, and practically all the snow and ice disappeared. It became Hovey, Ernest Hovey, Vernon Huller, Robert Hanley, Kenneth Hall, Ken- neth Hunt, Frank Heard, Hugh Hawkins, Gerald Harris, Wesley Reddy, Gordon Hearn, Edith Hunt. Harold Johnston. Janes Kennedy, George Knight, Stanley Kennedy. Jaynes Lockwood, Everett Lobb, Harold Lawson, Gordon Leppington. Hartley Monaghan, Wilfred Mon- aghan: Rolfe Monteith, Gordon Mon- teith, Gordon Murray, Robert Morgan, Terry Maguire, Kenneth Miller, Wil- liam J. Mutch, H. P. Maguire, Maurice Maguire. Glen McGill, Harold McPherson, Richard MacDonald, Ronald Mac- Donald, Bruce McDougall, Harry Mc- Intyre, Frank Mc19wan, Leonard Mc- Knight, Edward McGill, Fred Mc- Taggart. Tames Nickle, John Nickle, Elwin Neilans. Walter Osbaldeston, Alex Osbaldeston, Don Perdue, William Powell, Cameron Proctor, Newman Paterson, George Rumba'', Clarence Rozell. William Seeley, Ronald Scott, Mel- vin Schoenhals, R. J. Schoenhals, Reginald Smith, Melvin Snider, Wil- liam Steep, John Shanahan, Stewart Schoenhals, Joseph „Steep, Charles Thompson, Fred G. Thompson. C. V. COOKE FLORIST Phones: haw sad 66:1 r PLASTER REPAIRING A. French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice Work & Decorative Plastering Plaster repairs promptly And neatly done Box 23 or Phone 187 Wingham 64 -Id Batkins Locker Storage P'er Lb. SALMON STEAK.... 30c' SALMON FILLETS ... 40c COD FILLETS, 35e SMOKED FILLETS 35c HAMBURG STEAK 25c Farmer Style SAUSA'G'E 25c'• Bruce Tasker, Douglas Thorndike, Harry Tideswell. Ken Vanderburgl, Gordon Venner. ANTIQUES — Dutch glass cup - Harry Watkins, Leonard Winter, board; quarter -cut oak chair and Douglas Ward, Ernest Walton. small table; small table; dishes; Joe Yesbec. I decanters; jars; fireplace shield and The young men from Clinton, who coal hamper; foot stools. paid the supreme sacrifice, were: Large electric Kelvinator; Hot - Alvin V. Corless, James Owen Point electric range (oven and warm- Cmnbe, John Hawkins, Elwin T. ing closet; Quebec heater; wicker rocking chair; wicker chair; wicker baskets; 2 kitchen tables; card table; 3 small tables; 7 kitchen chairs; large kitchen cupboard bread box; White sewing machine; ironing board; clothes rack; baby cot; baby swing. 2 baby buggies; linen table cloth; linen; bedding; wash tubs; light shades; odd dishes; extension ladder: 2 step ladders; 4 pair snow shoes; wheel barrow; lawn mower; lawn roller; lawn couch and chairs; garden tools; numerous other articles. Sale held under cover TERMS—CASH The Canada Trust Co:, rt Est.; or, of Nettie A. McTaggart Fingland, K.C.. solicitor to the Estate. G. M. LAWSON, Clerk EDWARD W. ELLIOT, Auctions --b EXECUTOR'S SALE of Household Goods and Furniture at the George McTaggart residence High St., Clinton, commencing at 1.30 p.m. Saturday, January 19 1946 I will sell by public auction, the following: Quarter -cut oak bedroom suite, in- cluding a chest of drawers; quarter - cut hall rack; bedroom suite; 2 single beds; 3 chests of drawers; wardrobe. Flunking, Keith Jenks, Ernest Mittel', Charles Mulch, Douglas McKenzie. 0 CARD OF THANKS I wish 'to express ray most sincere thanks to my friends for their many acts of kindness shown to ins during my recent illness in Clinton Public Hospital. — JOHN HULLER AND FAMILY. 2-p CARD OF THANKS The family of the late Mrs. Daniel Stevens wish to thank the many friends and neighbors for their kind- ness and sympathy shown them dur- ing their recent sad bereavement, for the many beautiful floral tributes and cards, also to those who so kindly loaned their cars. 2-p WHAT is CHRIST to you? IS HE your SAVIOUR?' CHRIST who died for YOU. TO SAVE your soul. YOU must accept or reject HIM! "For whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."—Rom. 10:13. TUNE ? IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T., Sunday, evening LOCAL STATION CIKLW WINDSOR Wiring Tender Applications will be received by H. C. Lawson, Secretary --treasurer, Clinton Board of Education, for the re -wiring of the Clinton Public School according to plans and specifications which may be obtained from T. G. Scribbins, chairman of Property Committee. Tenders are to be submitted not later than February 7, 1946. Lowlest or any tender not necessarily accepted. HELP WANTED FEMALE Apply at Office Clinton Knitting Co. Ltd. Help Wanted The Huron County Home Committee require one Cook and one Domestic at Huron County :Home, Clinton, Ontario. Duties to 'commence February 1st, 1946. Applicants please make application to Mrs. M. E. Jacob, Manager of the Home, who will outline the duties and rates of pay etc. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk TF Try White Rose "TUNE" and "SOLVE" Frees sticky Valves and Rings ° Avoids expensive overhauls Murphy Bros. Garage Phone 465 Goodrich'_Xires, Tubes and Batteries C. C.I. DANCE . in aid of BRITIS-::I WAR VICTIMS' FUND COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Friday, Jan. 11 Dress Optional Cliff Gordon's Orchiestra ADMISSION 75 cents 9.30 p.m. HURON COUNTY COUNCIL The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich commencing Tvesday, January 15, 1946 at 2.00 p.m. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than 12.00 o'clock noon, January 12. N. W. MILLER, County Clerk, GODERICH, ONTARIO