HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-01-03, Page 6'AfErEq mx Interesting i CLINTON NEWS -RECORD • THTJRS.DAY, JAN'UARX 3, 19945 Items Fro' s ecor R d s Rural Correa NEWS OF BAYFIELD Representative: MISS LUCY R. WOODS Phone CLINTON 631r31 Mr. and Mrs. George Little were leaves the first of January for New in Goderich for Christmas. Clarence Larson, London, was home for the New Year's weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Blair and Mrs. Craig Kerr left on Friday to spend the winter at Hay. York, to take a post graduate course in surgery at the New York Post Graduate Hospital and Medical School. ; I Village Election Monday spent Mrs. William Howard went to De- Electors of the Police Village' of. troit to spend Christmas, with her Bayfield will elect trustees for 1946, daughter, Mrs. M. Wallace. 'at an election on Monday next, Jan - Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Fritter and nary 7, from the following: John son, William; London, nt Christ- Cameron, carpenter• John Castle, fisherman; Melvin Davison, laborer; mos Day with Mrs,perafter's mother, Mrs. W. J. Stinson. John Howard, agent; Lloyd Westlake, Mrs. E A. Featherston left on mer, trucker; Walter Westlake, Saturday for Landon after havinggaragaman. Trustees Re-elected spent the Christmas season at her 'ire annual meeting of the Bayfield home in .the village. Public School Board was held at the Miss Jessie Metcalf, who has been school on Thursday evening of last spending the Qhristmas vacation with week. "The secretary's report and her mother, Mrs. W. F. Metcalf, re -,auditor's statements were read. The turned to Detroit on. Monday. retiring; trustee, Robert BIair, was Miss Elva Dewar returned to Tor- re-elected for another term of three onto on Wednesday after having spent years, the board now consisting of the Christmas vacation with her John Parker, Lloyd Scotchmer, and parents. Mr. and Mrs. David Dewar. Robert Blair, Leslie .Elliott is secre- Mrs: Sherlock Keyes, Varna, and tary-treasurer, Mrs. Colin Campbell, Bronson Line; Successful Euchre Visited their mother and aunt, Mrs. The Finance Committee for the M. and Miss G. MacKenzie, for a ;Bayfield and Community Active Ser - •few days last week. vice Fund held a very successful Major Grant Carr -Harris, who re- euchre and dance in the Town Hall turned from •overseas aboard the on Wednesday of last week. Prize - "Queen Elizabeth", joined his family whiners at euchre were: Men's 1st, in the village on Saturday. Mrs. J. Dunlop; Goderich; men's console - Carr -Harris met him in, London. tion; ladies' 1st, Dorothy. Ann Mac Mr. and Mrs. Angas MacRae, Joyce Leod; consolation, Mrs. William Reid. and ICenneth, were with Mrs. Mac- A luneh counter was in operation in Rae's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William the basement. Music for the dance E. Johnston, for Christmas. Joyce re- which followed was played by Collins' mained to spend the vacation with Orchestra. her grandparents. Euchre and Dance Visitors -over Christmas with Mr. The euchre and dance held in the and Mrs. F. W. Baker, were their Town Hall, Bayfield, on New Year's son, Harry Baker, wife, and four Eve, sponsored by L.O.L. 24, Bay - daughters, and daughter, Mrs. Victor field, was well patronized. The event Burt, two sons and two daughters, was one of the most successful both all of ,London. Dawna Baker and financially and was patronized by Mary Lou Burt remained to spend everyone to celebrate the first peace - the Christmas vacation with theirtime New Year's since 1938. grandparents. Miss Peggy -Burt, R.N., the euchre, prizes being won bythe. following:: ,Ladies' first, Mrs.. Percy Weston ladies consolation, Miss Joyce McRae; gents' first, Angus Mc- Rae; gents' consolation, George. War- ner. The music for the dance was sup- plied by Clarence Perdue (violin); ,Robert Welsh (violin);. Beverley' Me- Clinchey (guitar); Mr's. Jack Parker (pianist). The New Year was observed by a few minutes' silence at midnight, and the singing of "Auld Lang -Syne". Lunch was served • at 12.30 in the basement. Dancing began again at. 1 a.m. and finished at 2.30 a.m. Christmas Program The Christmas program of Trinity Churoh Sunday School was held in the Town Hall on Friday evening and much enjoyed by those present. In introducing the program, Rev. R. C. Holmes paid special tribute to Mrs. Willard .Sturgeon who acted as accompanist and to whose unremitting efforts the success of it was due. The children all took their parts in a creditable manner and their fine young voices -were a compliuent to the musical training received in the Public School. Rev. R. C, Holmes and Charles Gemeinhardt also •assist- ed in the rehearsals. The following were the numbers on the program and cast of characters: 1. Drama of Christmas Emblems -- Joan MacLeod, Janet MacLeod, Donna Sturgeon, Beverley Foote, Helen Me- Leod; 2. Carol ,Singers—Betty Lar- son, Betty Heard, Audrey Sturgeon, Milvena Sturgeon, Donna Baker;' 3.''Recitation, "Christmas Turkey"— Mary Lou Burt; 4. Duet, "Away in a Manger" —, Margaret MacLeod, Norma Sturgeon; 5.' Recitation, "Why"—Janet MacLeod; 6. Solo, "The Law of Christmas Time"—Milvena Sturgeon; - 7. Musical Nativity Pag- eant, "The First .0hristmas"—Is shepherd, Milvena Sturgeon; 2nd shep- herd, Beverley York; 3rd shepherd, Audrey Sturgeon; shepherd boy, Donna Sturgeon; shepherd's wife, Betty Larson; child,, Donna Sturgeon; Sarah, Janet MacLeod; Samuel, Bobby Parker; angels, Betty Heard mina Sturgeon, Beverley Foote, Eleven tables were occupied for Janet MacLeod, Joan MacLeod, Helen 1-IULLETT TOWNSHIP Mr. and Mrs. John Armstrong. en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. William Tam- an, Brampton, for several 'days last week. Mr, and Mrs, John Riley entertain- ed their relatives on Christmas Day with about 40 members present for dinner. Mr. and Mrs. William Rogerson and family, Tuckersmith, Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Reid and Bob, Blyth, met on Wednesday at the home of Messrs Dave and Watson Reid. Wins Prize Turkey Congratulations to Glen Carter, Londesboro, for winning the twenty- one and a half pound Christmas turkey dinner given as a prize by Skip Winter for the bowling tourna- ment. New Trustee Elected S. S. No. 4, held its annual school meeting on Wednesday afternoon with William Carter, chairman, and Clifford Adams, secretary: Clifford Adams was elected trustee, taking the place of W. Vietor Roy, whose. term hard expired. Mr. Adams took the caretaking for the coming year. Christmas Concert The teacher and pupils .of S. S. No. 11, gave a very interesting Christmas concert on Friday night. All numbers were well rendered. After Santa Claus distributed the numerous presents, the room was cleared for dancing. Mr. John Hessel-. wood was a capapie chairman for the evening, McLeod; Joseph, Billy Parker Mary, Margaret MacLeod; 1st I{ing, William Parker; 2nd King, Rev. R. 0. Holmes; 8rd Ring, John Parker. Garfield Westlake played the role of Santa Claus and distributed' the presents off the Christmas tree. A special treat this year for all the children present were apples given by John E. Howard. Following the Concert, supper was served in the basement for the Sunday School nieanbers. From the "Cavalier County Repub- lican", Langdon, North Dakota, Nov. 29, 196: /POr for. GET OFF ON THE RJGHT FOOT 790 Getting back to `civvy street' is no cinch . we know it presents many problems. But the road back will he made far easier if you make use of the many aids specially designed to help you .. , government reestablishment benefits, rehabilitation committees and other veterans' organizations. Among those who want to help you most is your local B of M branch manager. He knowsthe veteran's problems and he is in a unique position to give you sound counsel on money matters and on a number of other angles in getting back into civilian life. Get off on the right foot in your civilian plans .. ; and your rehabilitation problem is half -licked. FREE BOOKLET for SERVICEMEN Twenty -page booklet you'll road with profit. Specially written for Servicemen, it will help you in your `civvy street' plans. it is yours for the asking at any B of M office. Follow .the example of thousands of Servicemen from coast •to coast . Call on your neighbourhood B of M manager. He will be ready and glad to chat things over with you... you will appreciate his friendly, helpful approach to your particular plans and problems. BANK Or MONTREAL working with Canadians in evey walk of life since 1817 Clinton Branch: W. H. ROBINSON, Manager Londesborough (Sub -Agency): Open Monday and Thursday Digest size'—fits snugly in your pocket 'MY BANK TO A NanON AANAG"NA GODERICR TOWNSHIP Don Smith, Toronto; was a Christ- mas visitor with his father, Mr. D. A. Smith. Mi. and Mrs.' Arnold Rathwell en- tertained the R:athwell family for Christmas. Mr. and Mrs, Wilmer Reid and Mona, were guests on Sunday of Mr. .and Mrs. Arthur Welsh. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Bowden and family spent Christmas with' Mr. and Mrs. C. Rowden of Bothwell. Mr. and Mrs. Reid Torrance and family, spent Christmas with the latter's father, Henry Toison. Mr., and Mrs. Alvin Kettles and Bruce, spent Christmas with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Snell, Hullett, Jack Stirling and Mary Pawlyszyn, Toronto, spent the holiday weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes R. Stirling. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wallis and children, spent 'Christmas with Mr. and Mrs: Arthur Welsh, Mrs. Wallis and children remaining for a longer visit. St. James' W. A. Meets The annual 'meeting of the W. A. of St. James' ,Church, Middleton, was held at the home of Mrs. Fred Mid- dleton on December 5. According to reports from the various committees all obligations have been met with a substantial balance on hand. Officers for the ensuing year are as follows: President, Mrs. W. C'ol- clough; vice-president, Mrs. 0. Coop- er; secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe; treas- urer, Mrs, B. Rowden; Dorcas com- mittee, Mrs. C. Wise, Mrs. W. Wise; flower and card committee, Mrs. S. Middleton, Mrs, E. Craig. WALTON Mr. and Mrs. Jack Kellar enter- tained on Christmas and served din- ner to Mr, and Mrs. John liieDonalcl, Mr, Alvin McDonald, Hugh Campbell, Walton; Mr. and Mrs. Watson Reid, of Blyth; Mr, and Mrs. William Car- ter, Mr. and Mrs. George Carter and Glen, Londesboro, Successful Concert The school concert last Wednesday evening, in the Leadbury school house was a credit to the teacher and pupils, also to the music teacher, Mrs, E. Wendorf, Clinton, Township of Tuckersmith RE-ELECT J. W. Crich R. R. 4, Clinton COUNCILLOR FOR 1946 I have been a member of Council for the past year land would appreciate your vote and influence for my ire -election for 1946. COMPLIMENTS OF THE SEASON iNllllulllllllllllll!IIIIINillllllll!IIII!Illlll!Ii11IIIlII!!!IIN!IiINIIIIIIiIINIINIINIINIIIIIIIIIINNINIINN111111N Township of Tuckersmith RE-ELECT Charles Mackay R. R. 2, Kipper) COUNCILLOR FOR 1946 A legislator with many years' experience! If elected, I shall endeavour to serve to the best; of my ability. ]IIIIIIIIIIIIIIi1111111111111111111I1f 11111111111118111111111111!11!11!1!11111111111111IIIIR11111111Niil!1111111111@111111, TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY We desire to express our thanks and appreciation to the electors of the Township of Stanley for electing us by acclamation as members of the Township Council for 1946. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to all:. J. E. PEPPER -Reeve ELMER WEBSTER CLARENCE PARKE ' ALVIN McBRIDE CARL HOUSTON Councillors We wish to .express our sincere thanks t our customers and friends for their co -o ,era all ;during the past year, and to extend e Compliments of the Sason. d to them the BALL & ZAPFE Dealers in Hardware and Furniture Modern Ambulance Serviee, Funeral Directors Store Phone 195 DOUGLAS G. BALL JOHN J. ZAPPE Phone 110 Phone .103 BETTER LIGHT BETTER SIGHT WESTINGHOUSE MAZDA LAMPS at Clinton Electric Shop D. W. CORNISH C.L. CORNISH PHONE 358 TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH: I desire to extend my hearty thanks and appreciation for your courtesy in re-electing me your Reeve by acclamation for 1946, I shall try to live up to your expectations and do my best for the Township as your representative in Huron County Council. WISHING YOU A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS • NEW YEAR. ARTHUR NICHOLSON, R. R. 3, Seaforth TO THE ELECTORS OF THE TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH: Having been nominated for the office of Councillor in the Township of Tuckersmith for the year 1946, I would appreciate your support at the polls on Monday, January 7, If elected I will give the duties of this office my earnest attention. HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL --HAROLD JACKSON TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH School Area Board - Your vote and influence respectfully solicited for my election as School Trustee on the School Area Board for 1946-47. Wishing you the Compliments of the Season. —JAMES McINTOSH R. R. 3, Seaforth TOWN,S!HIP OF TUCKERSMITH VOTE TO RE-ELECT Angus Rohertson R. R. 2, Kippen COUNCILLOR FOR 1946 Two years' experience as a memberof the Township Council should prove valuable in solving .the problems that will face Council this ,year. A HAPPY AND1 PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR TO ALL