HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-01-03, Page 5TI•iURSDA.Y, JANUARY 3,;;.1946 CLINTONt;NEWS-1 EC.ORRP News -Record Classifled :ets Brine One cent a Word,:easl}, each insertion (minimum 25 cents); five insertions for price of fork; 10 cents extra when replies directed 'to NEWS -RECORD Office or to a box number. Adlets • accepted ug to 9 'p.ni Wednesday, Cash 'rates' apply up to •.9 p.m. Saturday, following date of publication; 25 cents extra if not so paid. FOR SALE` COAL .BOOMER STOVE'.'' APPLY Ed. Boyce, B.rucefield, : Phone 625r2. 1-2-b A TWO -WHEEL T1iAV.,ER WITH stock rack. Tires good. Spare tube. A.pplyi Reg. Ball. 1-p 'MACK HORSERIIDE WIND- , •breaker, ' size; 36-38,good as now. Apply NEWS -RECORD. THREE g0OLLIES, TWO MONTHS •old.,, Apply to John -Maguire, R.R. 2, payfie1d, Phone 990r23, Clinton. 1-p WOMAN'S • HEAVY CLOTH SUIT, three-quarter length coat. New York tailored, size 40. Phone 461. 1-b CARROTS - DANVERS HALF Long • variety, sweet, tender, and good flavour. Also, Detroit dark red foeek i. Robert W. Cole, Phone 906r24. •78-79-80-81-1p • 'LIVESTOCK FOR SALE, ', -TIIREE YOUNG R:EGISTER.ED , Holstein cows 'due to freshen -middle of January Priced to sell. Ben lRathwell, R. R. 3, Clinton, phone 906r16. 81-1-n FOR RENT GARAGE' . — . APPLY T0: R. G. Powers, Ontario Street. next door to S.•IZemp's rejsdence. $2 per month. .• HELP WANTED 1N GUELPH GENERAL HOSPITAL, pantry and dining room girls, Good 'wages, eight-hour day. Apply to Superintendent. • • 81-1-2-b' HELP WANTED_MALE AN OPPORTUNITY—ONE OF' THE Nation's largest companies, catering principally to farmer's needs, i5 reedy.. to place a valuable contract •which should mean complete independence for a- man fortunate enough to have tlie following qualifications—charac- ter record that will withstand in- vestigation and proven ability to ef•• ficiently manage both himself and his own' business. ' Financial status not extreniely'iinportant but a travel out. fit is necessary. Write The T. R.• Watkins Company, Dept. 0-C-16 2177. Masson St., Montreal. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE t 1987 DODGE COACH, Serial number 9472679; one spare tire, heater, in good condition. Under ceiling price. Appinn Box 39W NEWS -RECORD. 1-p WANTED FARM. MORTGAGE ON GOOD 10.0 acre farm. Write Box 39M, NEWS - RECORD. .. 1-b. A SMALL WARM Roam WITIt board by local business man. Apply: Box 39R, NEWS -RECORD. 81-tf WANTED TO BUY—CO IL SPRINGS approximately 4'x3'. Apply R. G. Powers, Ontario Street, next door to S, Kemp's re'sid'ence. 1-p WANTED TO BUY—OLD HORSES and dead cattle for mink feed. If dead, phone at once. ' Fred Gilbert, 908r22 or Jack Gilbert, 908r21. 58-tf URGENTLY NEEDED Furnished' or unfurnished house,' rooms or apartment for air force couple with. two children. References if necessary.' Apply Box 39'A NEWS -RECORD. , . LOST :AND FOUND STRAYED TO 'M'Y PREMIS.ES — Black .and white Beagle hound pup.. H. Managhan, Clinton. 1-p- LOST—TWO BEAGLE HOUNDS, black with ;white legs and. tan faces. Anybody seeing these dogs, phone 800r24, Clinton, George Mann. Reward of, $5 for each dog. 81-b-tf MISCELLANEOUS FULLER PRODUCTS, AGENT: Miss Winifred O'Neil, Clinton, Phone 75J. 78-79-80-81-1-2-3-4-5-6-b TOP PRICES PAID FOR BRICK OR frame building to •be wrecked. Apply to Ivan Lankin, 149 Langarth Street; London, Met. 8280w.' • • -tf WOULD YOU ,LIKE; 10 CENTS A dozen more for your eggs -plus a premium. We pay a• guaranteed price of 10 cents. a dozen over the price as quoted in the Globe and, Mail for Grade A Large ungraded eggs plus a hatch- ability premium' on all eggs weigh- ing,. 23 ounces and" over per dozen, We':cull and bloodiest your flock free of charge. If you are interested in making more money from your eggs -and supplying hatching eggs for the 1946 season mite' immediately for full' details. Also wanted to purchase cockerels suitable for. breeding — White Leghorns, -Barred Rocks, New Hampshires, Light Sussex, White Rocks, Black Austrelorps. Tweddle Chick Hatcheries Limited, -Fergus, Ontario. • 80 -81 -lib TO ALL OUR, CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXPRESS OUR THANKS FOR PAST FAVOURS HUGH R. HAWKINS Plumbing — Heating Sheet Meta-, Work' Agent for Reda Furnaces PHONE 244 ,RESIDENCE 471 A Brand -New Service That Is,Going Over "Big" If you want to go in comfort by automobile to LONDON, STRATFORD, HAMILTON, TORONTO just leave your. name .at our., office and we shall •.advise you when '. the trip will be made- Fully Equipped. Sedans Careful Drivers Low Rates that will ,surprise : ytu • A HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL ARROW TAXI PHONE 182 Next McKenzie House Clinton BOYS WEAR, Boy's Navy .Bhie Cloth WINDBREAKERS, Heavy IVIaterials, some buttoned and some with. zippers. Special :Prices for the -New Year >42:50. up -, Boy's Grey .';Whipcord 'BREECHES, lined . with extra heavy Flannelette, .double seats' and • knees. Sizes up to 14. Special $2.00 Tropes Lilies of ' en's and Boys' Wear .. to clear :at, Special Prices �1I1t►r '„ Arrow Shirts Adam Hate Sco't4 & McHale Shoes for Men ,j Agents 'Tip Tog; Tails s i Mrs. James Snell. Marks 92nd. Birthday Jan. 1 Congratulations are • extended to one of Huron's grand old' zens, Mrs. Jaynes Snell, Who cele- ' brated.her`92nd birthday January .. 1. She was ' the former Jane Ellcoat and'•was born in Tucl:en..- smith Township : in 1854. She married James Snell and moved to Hulled Township to what is known as the old' Snell home- stead, now owned by her son, Ephraiiii.' 'She has three "other sons, Humphrey, Howard, Wil- liam, and one daughter, Mary, with whom she lives in Hamilton, There are seven grandchildren and four great grandchildren. Mrs. Snell is extremely active. • She knit a great many of her , Christmas gifts this year and reads the newspapers very reg- ularly. Regarding happenings in her old localities dated ' years back, Mrs. Snell's mind is , a 'storehouse of information. IN MEMORIAM WES,TON-eIn loving memory of our Wdear nephew, W/O R. V. (Dick) eston, who lost ,his life while flying over enemy territory, Jan- uary 2, 1945. Thera is no death, the stars go down To rise upon some fairer shore, And bright in heaven's jeweled crown They shine . forevermore. Ever near us tho' unseen, His dear immortal spirit treads, • - For all .this boundless universe ' Is life—there are no -dead. —Ever remembered by Flo: and Mac.' ,Application for the position of Secretary -Treasurer' of the Township i School Board:: of Goderich Township be received by any member of the Board on or before. Jan. 12, -1946. .State salary per year. Ask members of. the 'Board ' for particulars and duties. •' CANADIAN- N TIO .L; AILWAYS TIME TABLE Trains will arrive at and depart from 'Clinton as follows: Toronto and Goderich Division Going Past, depart 6.43 a.m. Going.,East, depart 3.03 pan. Going West, depart 12.04 p.m. Going West, depart 11.10. p.m. London and Clinton Division Coming North, arrive 11.20 a.m. Going South, leave ..,,3.10 p.m. BEAUTY SHOPPE Shampoo Mahicure Finger Waves . Permanents Ethel Thompson Princess St. Bast., Phone 585 59-tf CUT FLOWERS FLORAL DESIGNS' • For; -Every Occasion V.:'CQOK. FLORIST Phones: Sew and dei PLASTER REPAIRING A. French Plastering Contractor Specialist in Cornice ,'Work & .Decorative Plastering ' Plaster repairs proanptly And neatly done`. '.' ... _ ' ,' Sox 23 or Phone 187. Wingham 64-tf Batkins Loci er Stterage SALMON STDAItS per lb. 30e SALMON FILLETS per Ib. 50c, , COD -FILLETS per lb. l5r ' HADDOCK FILIETS per Ib.' 35,6' • SADIKED "FILL !'l'S 35c lh. 'FARMER'S STYLE SAUSAGE per lb' 25c. HAMBURG per 16 25e' We Guy Tirades "Frozen Foods Are Better 'Foods" BIRTHS BALL In Hotel, Dieu Hospital, Windsor, on Friday, December 14, to Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne Ball, a son, Gerald ,Wi'lliam Howard. BRANDON—In• Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Wednesday, January 2, 1946, to Mr. • and Mrs. Charles Brandon, a son, Charles "Gregory. MOFFATT—In Sarnia General Hos- pital, on Wednesday, December 19, 1945, to Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Mof- fatt "(=nee Katie Beaton)' a son, SWITZER In Clinton .Public Hos- pital, on Thursday, December 27, 1945, to Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Switzer, a son, Franklin Donald. DEATHS • McGBJIGOR—In Scott Memorial Hos- : pital, iSeaforth,.on; Tuesday, Deceit - bar 25, 1945, Daniel Frederick Mc- Gregor, Egmondville, former clerk of Tuckers,mith. Township for 35'. yeses, in his 75th year. Interment Egmondville Cemetery, •'Dee. 27.- STONE—At Westminster Hospital, London, on Thursday, December 27,' 1945, William, C. Stone,.. father" of .William John 'Stone, Mrs. 0, Coop- er (Rosa), Mrs. E.;F'ulton (Jeanne), all of London; -Mrs. J.' Dent (Elva), Bradford, and • Mrs. S. Farmer (Grace), Stratford, in his 69th year. Funeral service, from St. Paul 'Church, Hensall, •December 31. In- terment Exeter Cemetery. STEIVENS—In Clinton, on Thursday, January 3, i 1946, . Jane •Tophan Pairservice, wife'nf the late Daniel R. Stevens, in her 78th year. Rest- ing at home of her daughter, Mrs. Harvey. Ashton, Albert St, Clinton, Fiinerel service ° at Burns United Church, Hullett_T9wnship, at 2 p.m. Sunday, Jan.: 6. Interment Burns Cemetery. ;ELECTION 3ATTLE ' ' WAXES WARM HERE (Continued from Page • One) people should definitely be proud of. He was a returned man of two -mars and had served on a council and school board in the West. He was a Charter member of the 'GWVA and Canadian Legion. in Virden, Man. His experience on sewage' disposal work at the Radar School should stand him in good stead: He thought it might be to the advantage' of the returned •men in Clinton if they had a' returned man on'the' Council. '• Mayor Agnew Mayor M. J. Agnew declared that while he served on the Council, he had found that every man was hon- est, and was doing. his best. The 'speaker outlined a Court case involv- ing the town in 1943, and a more recent case involving himself. In the town's case, the town lost and paid; in his own, he won. Mr, Agnew said. there would be a 85,000 surplus; the Beard of Educa- tion liad ,given OSitlillta'break. "One Mayor drew $4,500 out`bf surplus to balance. The people voted for the sewage system 'and would. have to pay for. it. He paid tribute to the ability of integrity of Town Clerk and Treasurer Corless. The Mayor said the cost of the sewage system would, be up 340,000, and would likely -cost $239,000. The, ratepayers might have to vote again on this project. There might be an epidemic if something wasn't done it was a serious matter: • The Reeveship Reeve Falconer outlined hie work as chairman of the Property Commit- tee of Town Council.' It was decided to get a heating plant for the Town Hall. The contract had been let be Sutter and• Perdue., at $2,425. They. had run into a lot of difficulty. The furnace was installed in the base- ment. but the .pipes had not yet been completed. In County Council, the , health Comnit'tee had:.higed . three ,nurses and the office had 'been 'installed 'in Clinton. Co-pperation from:,. the l4f.0.I#'s had been poor He thought most .of .theM.O.1I,'s in•the'''Comity should have been" )Pensioned years ago••'•"If I'm in theeCounty..,Council, I'm going to move 4 resolution that PAGE FIVE wick Results BOXY THEATRE CLINTON Now Playing -Tom Conway as TIE FALCON IN HOLLYWOOD Mon. Tues and Wed. "UNCLE HARRY" Broadway's widely -discussed play of the, same name comes to the screen as an unusually engrossing, masterfully produced- and bril- liantly enacted study of, human -emotions. 'George Sanders. Geraldine Fitzgerald and Ella Raines Thurs. Fri. and Sat. Clark Gable ' - Loretta 'Young and Jack Oakie A powerful drama from the pen of, Jack London, a picture you, must not miss! "CALL OF THE WILD" Coming—Irene. Dunne in "OVER, 21" CAPITAL THEATRE GODERICS Now Playing -Fred MacMurray as "CAPTA'IN EDDIE" , Mon. Tues. Wed. Betty Hutton - Arturo de Cordova and Charlie Ruggles Photographed in brilliant Techni- color and based on the life of a colorful night-club queen.' "Incendiary.. Blonde" Thurs. Fri. and Sat. .iean Sullivan — Irene Manning and Phillip Dorn A story of German prisoners who. escape from a desert camp and run amok "Escape in the Desert" Coming—In Technicolor "A THOUSAND AND ONE NIGHTS" • REGENT THEATRE SEAFORTII Now Playing The strange case of "UNCLE HARRY" Mon. Tues and Wed. Deanna Durbin — Ralph Bellamy• and Edward Everett Horton The tale of a girl who read„ mystery yarns and then ran; into a real murder ' "LADY ON A TRAIN": Thurs. Fri. and Sat. —Two Features— Rosemary Lane — Tom Tyler and Slim Summerville In a really entertaining musical western. 'Sing me a Song of 'Texas', Warner Baxter - .Hillary' Brook,;. and Stephen Crane In which a noted psychiatrist solves a murder "The Crime Doctor's Strangest Case" these men be let out and employ a fulltime M.O.H ," he said, • Discussing what he termed "the notorious Court House," Reeve Fal- coner declared: "I think myself that the Court House 'is not any nearer: being built than a subway in the Town of Clinton. The reporters got hold of it and made it appeal• as if it would be built at once Mr.' Falconer said there were no }clans for. a new Court House; they only asked for an estimate. nI am agree- able to progress, but you stili -must consider where the iiloney co=nes from and who peye," W. 11. Tubb themght two were enough in a fight, and three spoiled it, The town assessment had been raised $rope $802,913 by $198,000. The •Court of Revision knocked off $1,300. "We didn't feel we were used quite right," he declared. "We weren't paid a -cent for the abuse we got.'' Coun. G. W. Nott thanked all who had given' himthe nice vote last C iouncilihis year lsin work and had great deal. Regarding .the proposed Court House, he said: "If that money was spent for the rehabilitation of the returned men, it would be put to better use." The Mayoralty Coun. N. W. Trewitrtlia, after pay- ing a tribute to Dr. Shaw, stated that we are now facing a new era with new conditions. "We seen to he in the growing stage in Clinton," he said. "We have different situations facing us, such as a . community centre which would include a new skating rink, and might be used as a memorial centre. He congratulated the Mayor, and said there was nothing "cut-and- dried" in this Council; everything had been done in.a democratic way. There had been the best surplus in years; part of it belonging to the School. Board. Discussing the seweragesystem, , the original estimate was $199,000 Two votes from his house had been. in favour of it. "I made this state-. ment—the town =night have been in a bit of a hurry. One reason was that. we had a large debt .yet. Another was that we will have a great deal of difficulty in getting materials." Con. Trewartha said that he was in Toronto last Friday when the Muni,, deal Board supervisor said he thought Clinton 'was in a hurry. W. P'. Near of the Municipal Board was. in favour of letting Clinton go ahead. The first thing to do in January was to write the Board to 'see if another vote was necessary "Whatever the people say goes; but we must listen to the Municipal Board which is put there to see there are no more spend- ing s'jwrees." Coun.-:A. J. McMurray. declared "it is the future we've got to look for- ward to," He outlined his work as chairman of the Streets Committee during the past year. There wbuld be ,a good deal of trouble with Ring St: until they put a permanent top. 'on it. 'The 'sneaker'' recalled that the majority of. People voted in favour of. insimanieiseainimanalianineeremainmesonesemP HELP WANTED ALE Apply'' at Office Clinton : Knitting Co. YOU HAVE WAITED A LONG TIME SO NOW GET' THE BEST Goodrieb„ Life ,Saver :Tires, Firsi4tere': 'irst.Served — All Sizes 'in Stock �rphy Bros. Garage r r . Phone 465 • i r ,,ptdlwrch Tries; Tubes and Batteries WHY WILL YOU. SPEND ETERNITY IN HELL? "He that believeth on the SON hath ever- lasting life: and he that believethnot the. SON shall` not 'see life; but the wrath of God abideth on him."—John 3:36. TUNE IN: Pilgrim Hour 7-7.30 E.D.S.T. Sunday evening LOCAL STATION CSELW WINDSOR 'CLINTON DROPS CLOSE MATCH 3-1 (Continued from Page 1) Seaforth 4—Clinton 3 Clinton Wearwells dropped a close 4-3 overtime decision to Seaforth Bosharts Thursday' evening last in the opening game of the series. Ten minutes' overtime was played, "Farm - the sewerage system, and if we dont do something about it, there might be serious results. W. P. Near of the Municipal Board had told hint that the only thing to do was to ask for tenders; if this were done, we would know. He felt sure we can get materials. Two manufacturers of soil pipe said they were going into pro-' tduhat.ction and would be able to handle Coun. A. J. McMurray declared that the people are in favour of the pro- ject. Property would be worth more — more than the. expense owners would have to put into it. No manu- facturer could be enticed to come to Clinton without it. "I don't see any reason why we won't be able to finance and sell the debentures at 3 to 3b61 per cent," .he stated. "I an in favour of a pro- gressive Clinton. I am not lir favour of spending money we don't get value for." Coun. 'McMurray favoured comple- tion of the park and the park bylaw: Public Utilities Hugh R. Hawkins suggested that the Public Utilities Commission put out a statement monthly or every three months. Ile also charged that the Commission was taking away business from private firms which was a bed thing with returned sol- diers starting up in town. er" McFadden, centre star, notching the winning counter. Unaware that overtime would be played many spec- tators had left the rink at the end of: the third period, The game produced a rugged type of play, with 14 penalties being im- posed, .Seaforth drawing eightof. then. • Both teams scored two goals in the first period, and it was not until the third period that each nicked- another, ickedanother, to wind up with three apiece. Change Of . Ownership p Having sold my fuel busi- ness to James E. Johnston, ,1 wish to take this oppor- tunity to thank all. my kfriends and customers for their past patronage and trust that the pleasant re- lations with my customers and friends that have al• ways existed, will continue. WISHING YOU THE COMPLIMENTS OF THE • SEASON. W. J. MILLER • C.C.I. DANCE in aid of BRITISH WAR •VICTIMS' FUND ,;COLLEGIATE AUDITORIUM Friday,Jan. 11 .U'i:ess Optional 9.30 p.m. Cliff Gordon's Orchtestra ADMISSION 75 cents HURONCOUNTY COUNCIL, The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the , Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich commencing u r 15,1946 Tussle Jan , at 2.00pm. All account's, notices of 'deputations and other. business requiring theattention of Council should' be in the -hands ofthe.; County Clerk not later than 12.00 o'clock anon,,. January: i2 N. W. MILLER, Coulty' Clerk, oonuaICH,'" ONTARJO'