HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1946-01-03, Page 4PA.OE POUR
; TletaRSDAYt; .1-AIVITARY-* • 10'10;
N S 41%I, CllIJ1tC11 .4FFAiit$.
I Letters' to 'the
htiftor, • •
plinton News-Recoede
•;.- First,a. word of thanks te those
'Who have expressed their gratitude
for our having left Toronto to come
It seems, advisable to expressour
desire, of avoiding misunderstanding
between ourselves and the citizens of
Clinton and especially the ministerial
'gentlemen. We would like to be con-
eidered friendly toward the respected
clergymen of the town, regardless of
their denomination. We are not her,
to repress bray effort being exerted
by the various ministers, but rather,
we desire to help them in the conflict
.ngainst sin and its possible victory
over men. We do not p.urpose to
britieize; nor malign any clergyman,
;nor his church, but rather, let there
Jae a united effort t� promote the
:cause of Christ.
eannot he denied that there is.
4.Atit1i need for people here and every-
where get. back to the Bible end
Coil. In co-operation, bringing unity
-there is strength. We will certainly
io-operate with any and all church
enterprise that has for its objective
the salvation of ;men frptn sin, • •in
whatever degree it mity.; manifest it.
There is evidence of an existing
prejudice which shall ahd twist be
broken down if the Church of Jesus
Christ as a whole is to have any in-
fluence for good and for God in this
or any other town. Will the clergy,
men of Clinton regard ue merely as
intruders, or will they accept us as
f011ow-workers in the struggle against
,wrong? We have some, not to teat
down, but to help build up. There
Is much to be done, and so few to do
it. Would anyone deny us the chance
to • reach out after the folks who
have no church eonneetiont? There
WESLEY-WILLIS. RECORDS , Engagements Announced Mrs. M. Wiltae. Elected
The -report of the Wesley -Willis
Home Department .for quarter end-
ing December 31, 1945, shows the
following Members as having an hon-
orary record: .Mesdames W. J. Nedi-
ger, G. E. Saville, A. Cantelon, W. J.
Tough and Miss Laidlaw, M. 'Eenmer-
son, M. German, M. and Mrs. John
McFarlane and George jeffereon. ,
: Coupons now valid ere sugar 46
to 67, butter 116 to 135, preserves
33 to 57 end PI to P25, meat I to 18.,
Effective January I sugar and pre-
serves rations are combined' in the
coupon which is good foe. either•.one,
pound of sugar or two old preserves
coupons' worth of canned fruits and
sweets. There is no increase or de-
crease in the . total sugar and pre-
serves ration. •
are enough people in Clinton to fill
every chinch and still some to spare.
Thereeis much talk of juveniledee
linqueecy—a great problem. Is there
a solution for it? If so, who has
the solution, your. church or mine?
I think the answer is simple—neither
one. But all of us together can do
much to present ; to youth, a Christ.
who has the solution to this and every:
other 'problem of life regardless of
its immensity. .
We are Planting -to stiv ihtevest.
among :the children • by means of
speeial meeOngs• to ;be held each Fri.
'day • evening at -seven o'clook, begin-
ning Friday, January 4, 1946. There;
will be lantern slides, beautifully,
colored,illeethatitege,Bible truths, as
well .as the 'lite stories of all the
famous' Bible characters. Parents
would bewiee te bring theirmbildren•
rather than to tend thaii. These
meetings are for. the specific purpose
of wintiMg the yraing for Christ. Thus
they will beCome Obedient children and
good citizens. So this is your invita-
tion to visit Clinton 'Gospel Centre.
(Services' are being held in the hall
directly above HaWkins "Hardware
Store.) • '
(Signed—O.• • GESTNICK, •
. - 'Pastor; • • •
' • ' Olinthie•Gespel 'Centre
Clinton,. •
Dec. '26, 1945:- - • ' •
' • London Road. Club, Head
to announce the engagement of her ,
Erma 'Vivian London • Road Club heldeitseDecem-
youngeati daughter,
Aoams,, to Harold EL Hartlety, only her. meeting at Mre..Miltone Wiltses
son of Mrs. R. I., Hartley of St. • hOrne• The meeting. op,enecl; with the
Catharines), the; wedding to take ilace sInging of . "Silent • Night, Holy,
durinee the rnickile part Of January. • Night,',' and repeatinge he Gi'aad'
, um eon . Mrs. • Wilise , read. a • •Cheist.
Inas story, The; minuteseofilasttmeete
Mrs. Joseph Hood, ICippen, wishes
to announce the engageinent of her ing were read and adopted. Thank
YOU letters were read,. from; Jack
daughter, Anna Mos, to LAC J. .Free-
Clegg, Clayton Cooper Wilfred.
mari, ROAR, new ;stationed "et • Cent,
ralia Ailment, the marriage to take Managhaue Mrs. Sevinbenkie.
place the, evely• poet of January. The: secretary'raeeport of the year's
. * * •* work indicated four crib quilts, •one
Mr. and, Mrs: Alfred' T. West, Tor', quilt, 26 flannelette babY dresses; 17";
pair wool booties,.:tareeswoolebennets;
Onto, announce the engagement. of
their daughter, Blanche Dorothea, Te> five pair mitts; nine' pair merasesocks,,
six cartons :Cigarettes; she:boxes, sentt
Sgt. Janie Clarence Swan,, Canadian
Army (recently returned from over- overseas, thre6 layettee.; sent to Red
seas), son et Bees. Lucy. ,Swan, Gen_ Shield, one flaintelsjacket, frane•dereene
ten, and !thee &the Moe Gwen, the mar-, diapers. •• • • • .• •
riage th take place January 19 at, Red: Oroaa work' cdilajoadd afiA•11
onto. • • • I pair men's gloves,sene• pair soaks, .one
turtle .n'eele -.ewe-ate-tee she.: "pantie:,
St. Clair- AV& • United Clierech; Tor,
dresses: one pair : socks., (4 year.okKe
Mr. andi Mks. J. R. Wheeler, God-; eeven chiltheres sweaters; 40 diapers.
erich, announce the 'engagentent of : The treasureies.report: receipts for
their niece, Ida Irene •Bowman, year $189.01; .eexpendithres $116.60,
daughter of . R. A. Bowinen and the
late Mrs. Bowman, Brussels, to James
.Stuart Watson, son of Mvs. and Mrs.
Fred Watson, Bayfield, the inarriage
will take place in North ;Street United
Church, Goderieh) J01111STr 19, at Q110
Mrs. C. V Hale, Clinton wishes •
"Boys and Girls" Receive
.• - : Giftk' at COunty Home
Gifts :Presented ; tte Via, "boys and
girls" at Huron _County. Heine, Clin-
ton, include. the lolloverage
Women's Institute .• of Zerieli --
oranges and .raveetsearalloveliChiiit-
mas program,: • .
Seaforth Lions' aith' pet on,
Christmas entertainment :Stiralay •--;
oranges, grapes,. can-ely, tohnceo.;, '
Clinton Lions' Cleib—Begierg Day--;
Program,. oranges; .graltese. •
There were a great•many, individual
parcels, the most received ,for three
or four years: ; . - -
The "boys and girls" ' eejoyect a
trery happy Christreas with ail good
things to eat.- • ' . . •
The 'management' and' "boys- and
girls" wish to thank all who helped
to make this sera
e •
ONTARIO' ST:' w: IIT. S. •
The annual meeting of Ontario St:
W.M.S. will ,be held on Tuesday,
'January 8, at 3 pan. Reports of the
past year's work - will'. bee presented
at this meeting.
The Wesley -Willis W. M. S. will
meet in the Church Parlour, Thurs-
day, .Tanuark 10, at 3 o'Clocke Mrs.
Addison's group will' be in charge.
A lawyer was examining the
1 "You say you hed ' no • educatiort,"
he said sharply,. "but you, Manage
teon•ouagihis.w, er ine• ebestions sntartly
"Well," answered ' the witness
calmly, "you don't h'ave to lie a scholar
to answer silly questiousee' - -
• FOR 1946
12 Sheets each of Canadian Scenes
75c EACH
Supply Limited
sc to 15c EACH
In Business Since 1885
Store Hours: 8.30 aan. to 6 p.m.
Phones: 36W, 363
• Rules For Health
lo' Prevent Colds'
• 100 for $1.50
For the' Hardett •Cough
' ; •
50c bottle
...w. S. R. HOLMES,
eik• iSiavo
Phm. B.
Change' Of , Ownership
" The Bakery and Confectionery business , con-
• ducted in Clinton by me for 38 years, has been dis-
,posed of to my three sons --- Bruce and
ouglas Bartliff—and in future will be known as
artliff Bros. The change Was effective Tuesday,
M January 1, 1946.
L take this opportunity of extending my sincere
„thanks and appreciation to my customers and
41'..triendselor their co-operation throughout the, years.
trust that this same spirit will continue under
• Ithe new owners.
"'-; • Wishing , everyone a Happy and Prosperou,s
New Years.
.0 • . • (Signed) —HARRY , BARTLIFF
Bakers and Confectioners . ' Clinton
• • 'The Home o f Good Eats"
„ I
If. yeu have guests, let. the NEWS-
' RECORD know. Phone 4.
Mrs. William Carter spent .a few
idays laSt. week at . Chatham..
.; Mr. E. 13. Ross, London, Visited
raeently with Mr. and Mrs. G. R.
'Ross. .
C'olin• , Londou,. spent the
;Christmas holidays withIVIr. and Mrs.
W. M. _ .
Miss Bertha Cantelon, Cromarty,
spent Met we4. at. the home of her
niece, Mrs. Mae ,.
Miss. Blanche.,Weste Toronto, visite
•ed at the heme.oe.Mrs-Lncy„ Swan,
during the pest .weeke.
Mrs. J. E. Watson, Toronto,. is
'visiting, her mother, . Mrs. A. Ite
Beaton, who is.. quite
, Miss .Jean Hearnanunseen-traming,
, leaving a balance of . $22.41:: • 'at Western Hospital, Toronto, is Judi,
• • The buying. ;comniittee. reported' -daying. at ,her homsintswa.
buying 1651,4 yardsefleinnelettei ;three • Ken Carter,: Toronto, spent the_
quilt bats, six leitleyetcests, three baby- ;Clieistmas holiday,, with., his parents
blankets, eight "bitili•baby wobl, eight 'Mr. and Mrs.. WilliameCarter.
spools threadetlitee 'cards 'safety pins, • Arnold Toron tap spent • Chine te
five rolls tepee amountingsrthe$0.89e
Moved by Mrs: Moffatt, seconded by
1VIrs. Hann that all'repouts bb declar-
ed.correct. IVIdved. by Mrs. Hann and,
Manning that' all. Fed"
'Election of �fers took talate ar g Mies JoSie. Mountein,., Ste IVIerge,'
followee • Presidente„IVIOse. IVII:Wiltsere, Spent over Sundayeatethe personage,
vice president:, Mes. Roy ,Plumsteele '•iwith Rev. end Mrs. C. C. Andersen.
"theretery, Meina.hane treasurer,. Frank Trewartha, Cardinal, spent
,IVIrs: Andersen; social" , comraitteee :the .CJaristmasehalidaiee, with, his -per -
Mee. G. Falconere'. Mtge E ahoPere buts. Mr and Mrsellaward 'Frew.antlie.
rims and the holidayat the home cif.
Mr. and IVIrs. Harry Fitzsimons,.
IVIrss FiedeMeDowell and Miss Elsa
McDowell, London, spent the weekend
with Mr. and Mrs. Rank McEwaine,
Mrs. Bennett; buyttig committee, MM. '; Mr. and Mrs.. Charles Vessey, and
randy, ,88. .MarYpe aerated ,with Miss
•nie MacKineon, murse,fite
•praining.at)Torontce General'Hos,pital,
visithd svith her mother, 111m J. G.
Moffatt, &Ire. rjeggr &Alter cemmite
tee, Mrs. N. Manning;,:press• reporter,
;Mts. Plumsteelpiainet, MA.. Man-
ning, Mrs. Bennett.,
Next meeting,- January '17; at Mrn.
bWrOtigiliftfattot'as lellOnisee..eneplbeantlheiegtIgiev411 . reee.,•,,ReeeseeCeeitteRateeKile Tor -
benediction. A. socialhalf-hem was, 'onto,. spent New :Yeate.. Deeeee with.
• spent. The hoetese -served parents,,, Me. • and IVIrs. Wifliam
,• ' Cook.
• MEAT TOKENS' MISLAID^ : Miss Doeothy Reinke, . Hainfitone
_The Ration Adminietratione has fit. spent the weekend at the Mime of
sued an appeal to housewives te beirt-g :Mr.' and Mrs. William ;Ball) Orange
out those. evidently. fOrgotten meat Streeti.
tokens and use. themeinstead'of "cash- ' H.A.' VC Olayteri 1118utine United
ing a coupon each- tithe • thew visit StateseNaree•Ggense lele,e1Vablit„ visit -
the butcher eltOp. Dirthig the,reeent ed at Ohriettnase with MielseCerrine
survey it *as ilieeoverecrthat' tokbes Da;ViSae,
are disappearing and the Ration, A& • and MT:6's HI 13;•'• °bare Van -
ministration believes; the hidifigeplace couver, R:0.) wore Chriettineaxititers•
chiefly in hkiidbegs .and em.paneey. at the ramie .og 11fr..aad 'Mese G. A:
shelves or in -kitchen table- &lowers. Waltkeer.
The • clieappearanee ie creating a Mrs. W,11.1.:Ehilleardn1,selieent. called
problem, in thet many small' dealers to Ceoltsteevete aesiege to the serious
find thernselves, short of tokens -when illness of her mother,. Mee.. George
they want colleens' • to replenieh' Masan. •
stocks. Mee Margaeet. Lecke/we Toronto,
. spent the Gitristmace• vacation with
- her paeents,. tied' jVhs. C, . P.
RED SHIELD' N E S 14'ekw"°d.
. Sgt. 3; Sewnarrived; home Wed,:
neeciay noon; havieg • crane on •the
The regular
"Puncher ''• • which:: arrived! in Halifax
• •
rametieg .of the Red
Shield will be held on. Wednesday, on Sunday.
January 0e. bistead of ' Taesilay. It Mese Meer Durkin wed daughter)
will be hie thee forms; of' 5 potlieck. Barbara, Grand Wive visited at the
home of 'Mts. A. D.- Beata; during
the Oliriettnas
Mr. and Mrs. Clarenee Sall, Grosse.
Tele, IVIleli., visited 'fOr a few day,','
lunch. •
REV. C. C. ANDE",RSON, Minister
Mm. Ernest Adams, Organist
3, R. Butler, Choir'Loader'
@UNDAY, JANUARY 6, , 1946
2.00 P.M.—Bible' School.
7 P.M.—Evening .Weeteliip; „ • ' •
The, midweek prayer serYiee •, is
withdrawn because of the anneal
week of Prayer meetings; • The
• service • will bein, the Baptist
Church, Jan. 11.., Bien to atteriO
.alt these meetings:, ' • '
OntariOIStreet United
REV. G. G. BURTON, Miniater • 3,ANUA)XY. 6, 19461
Mrs. Edward Wendell, Organist;
B. J. dilabiegs, Cheer Leader. ;
11 A.M.—Sacvament of the Iitteellet
Supper will be administered; +;
Near noon,Simdey School.
• 2 P.M. --Turner's Church —,Sn'elite;1
ment of tlie Lord's Sapper Will
be observe&
; 7 P.M.—A Happy and' Presperous•
• New Year to you all: Come to,
, Church and begirt it with woe-.
' ship, "Humanity has, steucle its
Tents, and le an :the, IVIereit.":.'
Jan. 3, Thursday, 8. prn.-'411teetiente
• of Official Board e reports.
jam 'T. Monday—First service of
• Wbele of Prayer at. Onterio
• Rev. john 0. Britton, 13.A•CY.IVit;
• 0'A.ek. Director of Ruder "-soicoat
Young People's Choir) Youngs
People are invited.
; • .
avi.r.• D. J. LANE, 1Vl1ttister
1VIree.Eert Beyes, Organist and,
Chen. Leader
• •WNDAY, JANUARY; 6; 1946
10 .AJK..-e-SuedaYe :••
11" A.M.-;-"Fading the Future" '
Church, Hayfield,
•. sez,vieee
with Mr; and •Mese William Crittenden'
clueing the holiday -et -aeon.
Me. Lorne. MeDriele. Windsove rant
Mr. and 'MTh: Stewart Beatty, Wing,
ham, .were New Yeeee'v guests ofelite
and efts. Dave Nag and; Don.
Harold 'C. .Tolteetrate and Miss Ethel
• Haines, Ontario- Depertment pf Lands
aunt Forests,- Telerate, visited ; .13, E.
,and; Nes, Jelleston, at Chrietmes.
Mt. andeMes: James Liverrareee and
Rees; Waco E7 ,Tackson, Stratford;
spent, Cltristnurt; vrith Mr. E. G.. Liv-
ermore. 14:0; end family. ofeliention.
Mts. Elizalleth' Walker e lititelkener;
end' Mis Annie Welker,- Graterich,
*pent the Gheibtems' ltoetdoy at the
borne of- Mr. ,nedeldrs.• C.: AL, Walker..
•IltisseRuthalearn, Who i attending
'College of' .0phinietry; Therato, has
retureedi 'ain't` Vending- the holidays
with, her- i4her, MTS. 11: 0. Hearn.
.; MitiS Mori Gibbings, Dundee, and
,. 'Mr. and)..lere: tack Gibbings, Strat-
•'Wealty-31Xillial Ulaited! ford; spent the .holtdNA with their
;.A.NDRE,time•LANA; ministo ; parent* Ithe and MTS: J.eGibbings.;
- • Miss Shirley lienne, Toronto, and
J. Agnew) Orgeeist aniAi
• eeas Janidet Reyholde and.
Gitoir Leadee• ' — " " •
; :tawny, Windeor,•were, holiday guests
• eV Mies mether,. Mrs. Irene,
1,0,2,0ltj .-.$�itkdn • meeting
11 (10 ...,-..ked iiintWershipeeSakel
; V ' Mrs; E. S. Livermore's:I:rho been'
quite IV in Vic weal Heeptal, Londitia,
• • ;
St. Paul's rA:ngliean
,REV. R. M. P. BULTEEL, Realer
Mrs. Theodore Premlie, Orgaitiat
• Mrs. 3. G. MacKinnon, Choir Leader
W• 11.00 A.M.—Holy ,Canimunion
; 2.00 P.M -.Sunday Schee)
. 7.00 P.M.—Evening .Service
This Sunday we' close the Church
m ..eeeks for, 1945. Aenual; Ve8tr34,
- • ..meeting) Tneseley, .lart. 15.
, ;The regular monthly meeting of the
' • W. A. will be held at the home og,
Misses..Rh9116liea.a.,, asfess •4te
.1.x Tuesday”; jatd"'ir, at 3
et.' et , ;Idle; S)eppee.. ter• seine weeks le. now recovering
12,1-0,ThlkLeeeellereh • meelyyher frieriche in 'Clinton will be;
'7;40 P verniefe WorPlietee Se
rf men atilijecte ',A Triple Gift."
j3 etko1i grayer --Jap. 7 We Jae.
Clinton Gospel C'entre
Ct., CEMINWK: asetor• • •
j,,ANU.ARY 6., 11946 •
F8n'titite74Pi1ele4T1to limit meeting _Of'
Chwitiete cenemandes„ Every bpi'
and girl is wanted or ,eliaitter
he ••,;Arteyette who, 'lies not already
dtcieab bia:oie,lier,•erteiab,ership
&byte -et it itt therfiret. meeting thee
Friday. •
Sundae, 10 A.IiitsseeStattelay: School. Be
gin, the nce,,ne Year .right....by at
tending Stinday.Seheol.
II A.M:e-MornifigWerabip,'Connainvi',.
ion aerviee. Service speciall*
" ,beneficial ft* Christmas.
P.M.-e,EvangelistiO 'Service. Ser=',
•'Men: eThetBiggest Liar in Towd'• '
9,15LeSingspitation--33ave you any
.. .1 favorite hymns you would like tel.
;lir playedeoe eting? We will
• • -1 tieseto rteluests. We will
praise God • in vomel and, ipstrii-
• mental. irambereP ;You, will hear
. thirigs -00 you have. never heard
before. ;
it:tteeday, 8 p.m.—Prayer and Pra4e
seecieeee:Speniter: J, West)
,•:•!forramil# of ;Olintira,
Thursday,' 2.30 p.m.—LadiCs Pt'aier
Group. •
.;TheradeT, .ei,et.,e-Midweek Gospel
' ' All 'tsibleenne. '
•ho glad: to know, • •• ,• • . 4
eel. Harold It, Hartley, St. Cethe
arines, visited Mrs. C. B. Hale and
;fereily over the New Year. CPI. Haat,
ley theently returned from •overeetra
on "The Monerch of Bermatiat.4
Mrs. WilIria Aikenhead arab detwii-;
ter, Mary Joao. Faye, left. on Boxing
Day to spend the Yuletide week with
the forineee cousins, Mr. and MM.
William Siatemby, Detroit,e,Mieh.
Chrietiriee 'guests of Atm andeMre.
M. T.•. Corless were: 'IVIte:"and' 'VIM;
Binford, O.„Colciehoun,•; and deaghter,
Ruth Helen; 'Stratforcir Mee'aild IVIrs.
Kenneth Breakey, .Zurich; r/o Fred
Celenthenn, Moncton, Ne.13.
, Three sons, Douglas, Paul • and
gowned, with two daughtere,`Esthete.
Winnifred (Mrs. Robert Smith) with
her husbend and 'eon, Peter, spent,
the holiday season with theiteparente,
Rev. and hire: C. C. Anderson, at the
Baptist Parsonage. ;
, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Hearn, have
retrained to Toronto after spending
Christmas with Mts. B. C. Mare.
Gordon R. ,Hearn has taken over the
oefice of E. A. Fisher, Optornetrist;
Danforth Avenue, Toronto, and corm;
mewed duties on January 1.
Mr. and ,Mrs. John E, Cuningliame,
Owen Sound; Mr, „end Mrso Thomas
E. Hull and MissjoAnne;
hame,:Tekreinto, have retintned to their
respective, homes,, haying Spent. the
CAA:Stifles 'holidays , with their 'par.;
ents,' WI* and Miete; ,Gordpee eMning
hetne. • ; • •
Sginn. Ray Nethery, son of 1VIr
and Mrs. Lancelet Nethery, Sault Ste.
Marie, formerly of Eest •Wawanosh;
hae„Imeeeewarded •the Eronee Cense
Many Clinton friends of MmeRob-
ert tii. Downs will be Sorry to hear of
her death in Windsor on .Deeemher
19. Deceasedehad been M ppoullealth
for several menths •and passed.away
Metropplitan General Hospital.
Mrs. Downs was born ire. Lendes-
hero); 68 yearse age, the yetragest
daughter of the late John and. Mary
Smith. The later move& toeClinton
and after her marriage. to Robert
Downs they continued to live: in Cline
ten -until 1912, ,when they ;mused .to
W oodstock„ and .a few, yearselater to
She leaveseto anourne her. laese her .
• husband,..oneetinughter, Marjory, Mrs.
; Clare Berlette of Wooden:take two
sens; Kenneth; S. of Winthene and
, Robert J., Tempedemane 3E,.. U.", S.
Navy; one brother; GeorgoeSinith of
, Port Merolla.
The .funerieli servicetookeptace on,
Saturday afternoon, December 22;;
from the Meirris Fiineral Home, Rev.
G.; FAME' edifiCiating..333at-Erteek'
place in Windsor Grove Gemeterye ;
Feillewingca private ftineral servide
at 'his:I-tram MBI Read,: Figniond-ville,•
and 'a nubile, ,serviCe.thieRginondeille•
United "Chneeb, interrnentetookeplace
in Egmenditilie Cemetery; Thirstier
af ternoon l• Fbederiele
McGregore feemer clerk: of. Tacker-
eraith'. Township Der 35'eyearra Rev.
A. lVs.
e:" Gardiner berithtettePTAital sere.
Mt. 'MeGregor died 'id &eft Mein -
'oriel 'Hospital; Senforthei on TacesdaYe
Deeember 25;-ixi hit 75851t Yeate
, Deceased ; *as horns fat Stanley.
Townshilit Jc1cie 29;1871e; and on lidg
4,1890; lie was merrinette-Mergaret
Gertrude, VairEgmenel; and took up
residence hi Tueicersmith Township,:
where tiers- spent theirelifetime, Met
for 11mM:brows ;servieeelit the-liberee.
tion •or•Ekettand. Sgera. Netheierele
a nephew of Mfe• and' Mts. James
McGill, Carton. Hie- father, Lancelet
F. Nethery, was a, graduate of Clinton
Collegiate about 40 years ago.
McGthger wasa menaber Af.Eginonde •
• Peedeceased by hien:wife a. little
over a. year, he is anoVived lan . one
&legible*. Wee, at Mane; two.sons,
Reginald, at, honte, ,aud, James, of .
Camp, Borden;: a brotheie, .John. Mee -
Gregee„; Edrtionton.
• •
Nelsen •Glew„ Seaforthe died in
Lendem.an.Monelay, , attera.fauveyear..
illness. He was borneiri Clinton) a.hcl
after marriage, moved to Seaforthe
where t be lived for; lame
was a. member of the Chureh Of
England!: •
Predeceased :by, hieeenife,. he•i'Sesui.",. •
vivedtby two eons,:lieditnepf.'airwell,
Mi1,h:47 Robert, Detroit; two daugh-
ters,,. Mrs.. Cooper,. Wlealsorim
George Dixon, .Seafalch; one taster,
&rm.: Ames, North Iledierta; and 19
• AA.nriirate funereal); was heldiNed4
nescintee januaryt2eillearthe hence
his daughter, Mr's; George Piscine.
,Saagebeth. ReveC:'ET:Ie GilIiOsl, Sea,
forth, conducted tier service. Inter.
ineratavas in Maitilinelb'aule: eratteterYee
, ,
(B)e one Aubunn. correspoitdelit),;.
This erannaunitey was eacteiened".. 3ar •
the, Passing of a• young wile_ and
matter hi the peiceeserofelifrezereank
.Deatlt; ;uncle alieutt neon on
Seradlierat Wilighintehespitalettewhich
institution she ha& Men reMoved hely •
had btem iit ll,
hWthefier ,abentethree-yeame •
Eraniserly, Janet Thome.theewasethe
dtaigeter of 'Mt:. William • Thom ; and
tife Pate Mese Thom ofe Colborne
Trieseedelei.• In, ems in Colborne that
eke was bierneramSeptember 28;1904.
Rellratteing hereinamiage oneSeptember
/927, she moved to ;herelate resi-
dent:a where 4ra had diselliarged; her •
dirties as; housewife and'inother Mast
feitbfully, besides beillg of -a radiant
and 'happy. idepositien: Sties attended;
tkabtren Baptist Church and was an
active member of the Ladies' Al&
Servbeifig are her husband and'
three sons: Giant, 10; Jehn, 8;. and
Harold-. 5'; aleralier father; two •brotli-
ers ante a sister, Charles, and Wilbert
Them, of Colborne, and' Mrs. Gilbert
/teetotal (Pern) of Wiegitam.
- The funeral service was held'prniat-
ely-frein• ille,tesidence on Tuesdey.
ale' of Co' a /s
We are gashing prices
on Winter Coats. .and
number of ,DresseWhich
• We ".:WiSh. to: .clear from
stnek prior to our Annual
•Stock -taking.
25 to 35% Off Original
Prices for a limited time
Weieenteheelettetneeee'teetetteletterent-easet- •
&mod -and
' '
• • • 0
Snow •
Brown with. Beaverme trim; tan Elk Snow
•• Boots,: White Sheep Collar trim; Fleecy Lining,
• Thick Raw Cord Rubber Sole's;'' • also White
'Shearling Slippers and White 'iviith 'Ited, trim
platform soles.
• c 4 Lt. .,;;; ; • , eee, e., ;