HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-22, Page 6PAGE SIX CLINTON NEWS -RECORD THURSDAY, DECEMBER 22, 1949' VARNA James Reid, Nova. Scotia, is renewing acquaintances in the village and community. Harvey Boyce has opened up his garage business in the stand formerly occupied by G. H. Beatty. Mfrs. D. J. Stephenson, Eg- mondville, is visiting at the home of her daughter, Mrs. L. Mc- Connell. Mr. and Mrs. W, McBride, Ex- eter, visited Sunday with, the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs, E. Chutor. Mr. and Mrs. John Aidnngton and Margaret Rose, were Sunday guests at the home of the form- 'er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ald- ington, Seaforth. Concert Well Attended The School Concert, which was held in the Township Hall last Wednesday night, was largely at- tended and much enjoyed by all. Great credit is due both teachers and pupils for the splendid pro- gramme. Many Attend Pageant A good congregation attended the pageant in the United Church Sunday night, sponsored by the WA . of the United Church. The proceeds will be used for church work. St. John's WA Annual The annual meeting of the WA of St. John's Church was held last Friday afternoon at the home of Miss E. Mossop. The treasurer's report, wsa given, by the treasurer, Miss E. Mossop, leaving after the obligations had been met a substantial balance on hand. The following officers were elected for 1950; President, Mrs, M. Reid; vice-president, Mrs. C. Parker; buyer, Mrs. J. Mos- sop; secretary -treasurer, Miss E. Mossop. The 'meeting was closed with the Members' Prayer in unison and prayer by the rector, Rev, LaVerne Morgan. Lunch was served by the hostess. Varna WMS Meets The December meeting of Var- na W. M. S. was held at the home of Mrs. Lee McConnell!.. Mrs, Will Stephenson had charge of the Dev. Exercises. A candlelight - NOTICE COURT OF REVISION The Council of the Township of Stanley will hold the Court of Revision on the 1950 Assessment Roll, on Thursday, January 5, 1950 in the Township Hall, Varna. Court will be held 10 a.m. to 12 noon on the Bayfield Roll and from 1 p.m. on, on the Township Roll. FRED S. WATSON, Clerk 51-2-b .s=s °:»» »'«;•.:.':� ;» �«:«,c�irr 'r_',«'r.'r�; »t_;!!S!.� t•!; M«* �I: r _d»� i.; �,;M«.mss,»,.?: Used Car Bargains Brand New 1949 CHEVROLET deluxe i= Sports Five -Passenger Coupe, $ equipped with air-conditioning, maroon in colour. 1949 CHEVROLET deluxe Coach, ;4 green in colour, less than 5,000 :: miles. �a 1949 CHEVROLET Fleetline Coach with radio 1948 CHEVROLET Sedan 1948 CHEVROLET Coach, with less than 16,000 miles. Priced to sell at $1,595. '1947 PLYMOUTH Sedan, special de- luxe, with radio, sun visor, heater, and many extras. 1947 CHEVROLET Fleetmaster Sedan 1947 CHEVROLET Coach, priced to sell at $1,395. '1938 DODGE Coach 1936 DODGE Sedan 1933 CHEVROLET Coach 1931 CHEVROLET Coach 1936 FORD half -ton pick-up Truck, equipped with. racks, 1937.CHEVROLET half -tori pickup truck, with racks 1946 CHEVROLET half -ton- pickup Truck Many Others And Y As low as $50 will drive a car away ;_; :t. from Brussels Motors. All the above $ vehicles equipped with heaters. i TRADE or TERMS t. ;s, 3. SEASON'S GREETINGS! Brussels Motors "THE HOME OP BETTER USED CARS" Convenient Terms Open Every Evening PHONE 73-X BRUSSELS S'$* ± k+.A+I4,v4i4.44 44, 4.;.M»t r 444.4,,-44+ ,4.4 +»3»1»:«`j.444. r4ia,,.:4,4 »" ':. CONSTANCE'• Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Hugill, Con- stance, will be at home to friends and neighbours on Tuesday, De- cember 27, form three until five o'clock in the afternoon and from seven until ten in the evening, the occasion being their golden wedding anniversary. ing service followed in which Mrs. Anson Coleman, Mrs. Lorne Coleman, Mrs. George Reid and Mrs. Fred Reid took part. Sev- eral Christmas Carols were sung. Mrs, Lee McConnell, President, then took- charge of the business. Mrs. Sherlock Keys and . Violet MOClymonts reports of the Pres- byterial at Brucefield Presbyter- ial were. given, Miss Hern then took charge of the election of officers which resulted as follows.: President, Mrs. George Reid; 1st Vice president, Mrs. W. Steph- enson; 2nd Vice president, Mrs. Fred Reid; 3rd Vice president, Mrs. W. Webster; Treasurer, Mrs. W. Webster; Ree, Sec., Mrs. M. Hayter; Associate Helpers, Mrs, Bob Taylor, Mrs. Anson Coleman, Mrs. W. Johnston, Mrs. L. Hill; Miss. Monthly, Mrs. Gordon John- ston; Temp. Sec., Mrs. S. Keyes; Corn, Friendship, Mrs. Lee Mc- Connell, Mrs. E. McCiinchey, Mrs. L. Coleman, Mrs. F, Reid; Organist, Rachel Johnston, Mrs. Lee McConneIl; , Pres. Sec., Mrs. Mervyn Hayter. Meeting was closed with ben- ediction by Miss Horn and a social hour was spent. • 0 FOR FINE PRINTING THE NEWS -RECORD PHONE 4 Goderich Township STANLEY Mr. and Mrs. Nixon Welsh, London, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Welsh, Bayfield Line, were guests on Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Welsh: .Concert Enjoyed The teacher, Miss Olive "John- son, and pupils of S,S. No. 10 Goderich Township, are to be congratulated on the fine show- ing they made at their Christmas concert at the school house on the evening of December 16, The program was varied and much enjoyed by a packed house. The dance by four senior girls de- serves honorable mention. Si. James' WA Meets The annual meeting of the W. A. of St. James Church, Middle - I ton, was held at the home of Mrs. Charles. Wise. The presid- lent, Mrs. Stewart Middleton, was tin charge of the meeting. Reports from the various com- mittees showed a splendid year's work with all obligations met and a substantial balance on hand to begin the New Year; The presi- dent thanked the members for their co-operation during the year and declared all offices open Rev. LaVerne Morgan took the chair and spoke a few words on the year's work. To continue a precedent set some time ago it was decided that the officers would be returned for a second term. The officers are: presid- ent, Mrs. Stewart Middleton; vice president, Mrs. Bert Bowden; secretary, Mrs. Milton Wiltse; treasurer, Miss Evelyn Wise; Dor- cas committee, Mrs. Harold Tyn- dall, Mrs. Charles Wise; flowers and cards, Mrs. William Wise. Merry Christmas to All! . Tenders Wanted TENDERS will be received until January 11, 1950, for Hard Body Wood, half or more Maple, rest Beech, delivered, split and piled to following schools of Gode- rich Township School Area by April 1, 1950: No. 1— 6 cord 12" wood, piled in basement No. 3— 8 cord 12" wood, piled in school yard No. 4-12 cord 16" wood, piled in school yard No. 6-15 cord 16" wood, piled in shed No. 10-- 8 cord 12" wood, piled in school yard No. 11— 6 cord 12" wood, piled in school yard (Signed) FRANK YEO, Secretary -Treasurer, R.R. 3, Clinton 51-2-h NOTICE COURT OF REVISION The Goderich Township Council has adjourned the Court of Revision, until Wednesday, January 4" at 10 a.m. in the Council Chambers in the Town of Clinton, at which time they will hear and determine complaints against the Assessments for 1950. Appeals will be dealt e'ith as closely to the alpha- betical order as possible, for the convenience of ratepayers who wish to attend and explain their appeal verbally. All appeals are to be in the Clerk's hands by Janu- ary 3, and any appeals entered after this date will not necessarily be considered. (Signed) ROBERT E. THOMPSON, Clerk 5I -2-b Proclamation.LL MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Nominations ' Election FRIDAY, i MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, JANUARY 2, 1949 1950 NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors of the Township of Stanley for the Nomination of Candidates for the positions of Reeve, Four Councillors, and three School Area Trustees, for the ensuing term, will be held in. the Township Hall, Varna FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1949 between the hours of 1 and 2 p.m. and if necessary an Election to fill the above-mentioned positions, or any of them, will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1950 at the following places, and by the following named per- sons, that is to say: Polling Sub. Deputy Returning Officer No. 1 No, I School Clifford Stewart No„ 2 No. 3 No. 4 No, 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 10 School, No, 14 School Township Hall, Varna No. 5 School No, 4 West School John Denomme's House Thomas Baird Robert Flood George Johnston Robert Robinson Leonard Talbot Philip Durand Town Hall, Bayfield Fred Weston commencing at the hour of nine o'clock in the forenoon: and continuing until the hour of five o'clock in the afternoon.. FRED S. WATSON, 't'own'ship Clerk and Returning Officer 50-51-b Goshen WMS Meets The WMS of Goshen United Church held their Christmas meeting at the home of Mrs. El- gin McKinley on Thursday, De- cember 15, with the president, Mrs. Hayter' in the chair, The theme, "Our Faith i n Jesus Christ." The meeting opened with piano music by Mrs. Russel Er- ratt, and some favourite Chltist- mas carols were sung. The min- utes were read and adopted and the roll called. The treasurer reported '$210.30 to date. Four members took part in the Christmas program: Mrs. J. Arm- strong, Mrs. E. McKinley, Mrs. C. McBride and Mrs. John Mc- Kinley. Hymn, "O Sing a Song of Bethlehem," was sung and offering receiverli ,Prayer by Mrs. Robert McKinley followed by a solo by Mrs. Elmer Hayter, and the meeting was turned over to Miss Hern for election of of- ficers: Honorary presidents, Mrs. Ro- bert McKinley, Mrs. Henry Er- ratt and Mrs. John McKinley; president, Mrs. William Hayter; first vice-president, Mrs. Elmer Hayter; second vice-president, Mrs. Richard Robinson; third vice-president, Mrs. J. Armstrong; fourth vice-president, Mrs. John Keyes; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Russell Erratt; recording secre- tary, Mrs. Elgin McKinley; lit- erature secretary, Mrs. Anson McKinley; corresponding secre- tary, Mrs. J. McKinley;. press secretary, Mrs. Clare McBride; supply secretaries, Mrs. J. Arm- strong and Mrs. Clare McBride; Missionary Monthly secretary, Mrs. Murray Rohner; Associate Helpers secretary, Mrs. Allan Armstrong; Christian Steward secretary, Mrs. Robert McKinley; temperance secretary, Mrs. Will Clark; community friendship secretaries, Mrs. Will Clark and Mrs. Elgin McKinley; Baby Band secretary, Mrs. Richard Robinson; organist, Mrs. Bruce Keyes and assistant, Mrs. Russell Erratt; birthday fund secretary, Mrs. Arnold Keyes; greeting cards secretary, Mrs. Bob Peck; Mission Band secretary, Mrs. Bruce Keyes. It was decided to have a kitchen shower at the next meeting to equip the new church kitchen. Lunch was served. `OE %TAS PROMOTE GLOWING HEALTH, FATTER PROFITS, DUE TO SCIENTIFIC BALANCE OF FINEST INGREDIENTS ROE FARMS MIWNG(0 AIWODD'10 You Can Get ROE Feeds From: B. CHARL•ESWORTIf, Clinton A. J. MUSTARD, Brucefield BUILD CLASSROOMS GODERICH -- Forced to take action owing to crowded accom- modation,, the Goderich District Collegiate Institute. Board Is sending a request to the Depart - went of Education for permission• to construct two temporary classrooms on the south side or the, building, between the gym- nasium and the main building,. about 22 by 28 feet. ,n it t• The years go on and our cele- brations may change with time . , . but the wishes are always the same - A MERRY CHRISTMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR to You and Yours! FRED O. FORD Grain and Seeds Phone 123-W Clinton // Nomination Meeting TOWNSHIP OF TUCKERSMITH NOTICE is hereby given that a meeting of the Electors for the Nomination of Candidates for the offices of Reeve, Councillors and School Trustees for the year 1950, will be held in Watson's Hall, Kippen MONDAY, DECEMBER 26, 1949 between the hours of 2 and 3 p.m. AND IF NECESSARY, an election to fill the above named offices or any of them will be held on MONDAY, JANUARY 2, 1950 at the following places and by the following officers: PSD No. 1, King's House: DRO, Harry Chesney; PC, Harold Finnigan. PSD No. 2, SS No. 8: DRO, Roy McGeoch; PC, Edward Brown, PSD No. 3, SS No. 4: DRO, W. P. Roberts; PC, Bert Garrett. PSD No. 4, SS No, 3: DRO, Norris Sillery; PC, John Broacifoot. PSD No. 5, SS No. 1; DRO, M. Traquair; PC, Glenn Bell. PSD No. 6, SS No, 9: DRO, W. S. Broadfoot; PC, Ivan Forsyth. Polls shall be open from nine o'clock in the forenoon till five o'clock in the afternoon. E. P. CHESNEY, Returning Officer 51-b He Travels Best Who Travels Refreshed J` Is* for it either way ...both bade -marks mean the came slung, ftsithorizecl bottler of Coca-Cola under contract with Coca-Cola Ltd: •- STRATFORD BOTTLING COMPANY STRATFORD PHONE 78