HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-22, Page 57J!'I3URSD%1 , 1IlECEMBER 22, 1949 .LINTON. NEWS-I+ECQRD', PAGE FIVE News -Record Classified Adlets Bring Quick ReSults CASH RA.-lE—(If paid by Wed- mesday following date of inset- tien)--One cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent •insertions one'centa word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra 'for box number or for direc- 't on to NEWS -RECORD Office. IF CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday, ACCOMMODATION FOR RENT • 'WELL FURNISHED BEDROOM, :heated, to rent. Phone 301W. 51-b APPLES FOR SALE 'SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE. :Spy, Greening, Baldwin, King, Bellflower, etc. Fred MCClymont, 'Varna, phone Clinton 613r24. 48-1-p ARTICLES WANTED °TYPEWRITER WANTED, port- able preferred. Apply by letter stating price and size to Box "W", =WS -RECORD. 50-1-p AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1940 CHEVROLET SEDAN DE - livery, new motor in 1948. Good condition. Apply Box "H", NEWS - 'RECORD. 51-p CLOCKS FOR SALE A TIMELY GIFT! Kitchen Wall Clocks, 20 different models and colours to choose from at Count- er's Jewellery Store. , 51-b • HELP WANTED 'WANTED—Full Time Secretary - 'Treasurer and Fieldman for Hur- on County Federation of Agri- culture. Duties to commence January 2. Apply by tender not later than December 30th, to W. V. Roy, Secretary -Treasurer, Box =310, Clinton, Ontario. 50-51-b MISCELLANEOUS 'SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 46-2-p CORE INTO YOUR SINGER Sewing Centre and see our prac- deal Christmas Gift suggestions. Phone Goderieh 1135 or write 'Singer Sewing Machine Co., God- .erich. 47btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more• than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Cloder- leh. 2btfb DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS! —until you have seen the new 'Simplex combination storm and screen windows and doors. Cuts high fuel costs with more com- fort. The inserts are' easily changed summer to winter from inside. Free installation, easy terms. For free estimate, phone 4, Clinton, or write Box "D", NEWS -RECORD. Rowland C. :Day, London Weathertite Co. 48-50-1-b EQUIPMENT FOR SALE WOOD LATHE, NEW, NEVER used. C. Doucette, Maple St. 5i -p GRAIN FOR SALE 500 BUSHEL BEAVER OATS, $45 per ton. F. W. Andrews, phone 33, Clinton. 50-1-p HOUSES FOR SALE FOR QUICK SALE—NEW Five - roomed cottage, insul brick sid- ing, asphalt roof, oak floors throughout, three-piece bath, built-in cupboards, basement, all connected to sewer, water and lights, immediate possession. Ap- ply Bert Huller, King St., phone 3191. 50-tfb STOVES FOR SALE TRAILER OIL HEATER, USED only.a month. Phone 582. 51-b. CARD) OF THANKS Miss Alice Holmes wishes to thank all kind friends for flowers, fruit, cheery get well and Christ- mas cards, and many kind notes. She wishes. one and all a very Merry Chri'stmas and a Happy New Year. 51-b CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my apprec- iation to my many friends who so kindly remembered we while in Victoria Hospital, London. — Mrs. Mary MacKenzie. 51-p IN MEMORIAM LOVETT—In loving memory of a wife and mother, Elizabeth Maud, who passed away Decem- ber 14, 1938: "Years have passed away Since we saw your loving smile, We think of you not dead, dear mother, But parted for a while. And someday up in Heaven When our life on earth is o'er, You'll be there to welcome us With your smiling face once more." —Ever remembered by husband and family, 51-b 0 • AUCTION SALE of 30 COWS and HEIFERS at Lot No. 31, 6th Concession of Goderich Township, one mile south of Porter's Hill, on Thursday, Dec. 29 at 1.30 p.m. sharp, consisting of Holsteins, Durhams and Jerseys. Five Holsteins, recently fresh- ened; 2 Durhams, recently fresh- ened; balance are early calvers, These cattle are young, of a good quality and T.B. tested. We have decided to continue our sales as long as the weather is favourable and the demand is good. TERMS—CASH A. E. TOWNSIIEND and SON, Proprietors EDWARD W. ELLIOTT, Auctioneer K. W. Colquhoun, Clerk. SI -b r 41.4":"TH^H$H«•tH 4 at4l a t las to arca- t1 t a:ata « , t ra t laialatte . astat t isaa «= • • May the Spirit of the Season Light Your Way with its Eternal Good Cheer. tt s; PLEASE let us have your orders for Corsages for coming formal dances EARLY. Flowers, of course, will i3» still be in short supply and we don't want any disap- i; pointments. _« FLORIST 66W -- PHONES — 66J '�H�At ri«�H�,,i«!HHis*r♦r'i�,ir ri««i'i«; rQi'iaw:i r .'«'«H:,«t''««h'««H:H««'ri?«.:�';Hsi,�ir���lirai;RtA��rr4,+«.«„7 K. C. COKE —and to •all of you we extend our wishes for a Merry Christmas —and' a year ahead chock full- of good 'health, happiness and prosperity! ;PICKETT CAMPBELL§ Stetson Hats n S Arrow Shirts PHONE 25 CLINTON * „4, BIRTHS CLIFTON—I'n Victoria Hospital, London, on. Tuesday, December 13, 1949, to Mr.. and Mrs. George Clifton, R.R. 3, Kippen, a daughter (a sister for Marilyn and Grace), McCALL—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, en Saturday, December 17, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. W 1. McCall, R.R. 1, Blyth, a daugh- ter. DEATHS _'' BARKLEY—In Echo Bay, Al- goma District, on Saturday, December 17, 1949, James Barkley, in his, 91st year, uncle of Mrs, Harvey McBrien and J. M. Elliott, Clinton. Funeral and interment at Echo Bay on Tuesday, December 20. FERGUSON—In Children's Me- morial Hospital, L o n d o n, on Wednesday, December 21, 1949, Jack Ferguson, dearly beloved son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Ferguson, Kippen, in his' third year Funeral ar- rangements incomplete. MONTGOMERY — In Strathroy Hospital, on Tuesday, December 6, 1949, Amos Harvey Mont- gomery, youngest son of the Late Neil and Hannah Mont- gomery, formerly. of Seaforth district, in his 65th year. Fun- eral from Gilpin Funeral Home, Thedford, to Thedford Ceme- tery, on Friday, December 9. McCALL—In Victoria Hospital, London, on Tuesday, December 2Q, 1949, Baby McCall, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. McCall, R.R. 1, Blyth. 0 THE CHRISTMAS SEAL CAM- paign for combatting tuberculosis, conducted by Clinton and Bay- field Lions Clubs, had raised an even $700 up to Tuesday, accord, ing to W. H. Robinson, chairman of the local committee . Clin- ton had raised $595 and Bayfield $105 . . . J. E. Howard is chair- man for Bayfield . Overall total a year ago was $639, so the drive has gone over the top . . Despite this fact, additional funds are needed and donations sire still being accepted .. . CARD OF THANKS The Kennedy family wish to express to the many friends, neighbours and relatives their heartfelt thanks and deep apprec- iation for acts of kindness, mes- sages of sympathy and floral tributes extended to them in their recent sad bereavement in the loss of a loving sister, Lily Kennedy. 51-b Enjoy the Holiday Season With a new HAIR -DO Beauty Salon located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments Albert St., next Roxy Theatre PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS FACIALS MANICURES Thelma Currie Phone 542J VOWilgetigYACCOMA u' ''"SR .' \,1Jiegi • ' 1' r. 5 iy,.� i J, , M%9Al . the Season when . as bells ring joyously and • folks like us wish folks like you a Merry M • Merry Christmas. • • Frank's Taxi •J 'u �PHq�OyyyNE011�754�qj' W -W Girls' Club Elects Mrs. J. limes The Girls' Club of Wesley - Willis United Church held its December meeting on Tuesday, December 13, in the church par- lour. A sing -song of Christmas carols, the singing of the carol "Joy to the World” and the re- peating of the Lord's Prayer in unison opened' the meeting. The Bible reading,' "The Home of the Holy Family," was given by Mrs. Oakes followed by pray- er by Mrs. Lobb. The treasurer's and secretary's reports were read and adopted, also a letter from the financial committee of the church asking for co-operation in the "Balance the Budget" Fund drive. A generous response was made to this appeal. The president thanked the members for the co-operation she had received during her term of office, Mrs. W. A. Oakes was irr the chair for the election of of- ficers, the report of the nominat- ing committee being given by Mrs. Cree Cook. Miss Viola Fraser, the pro- gramme convener, was in charge. This meeting took the form of a hrad-time party. Miss Joyce Andrews favoured with two solos, then games and contests were enjoyed by all. A hard - time lunch was served. Officers elected were: Past president, Miss W. O'Neil; presi- ROXY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE REGENT THEATRE CLINTON GODERICH SEAFORTH — Now Playing — THURS. -- FRE -- SAT. "The Life of Riley" starring WILLIAM BENDIX as "Riley" =— MON., TUES., WED. MATINEE MONDAY, DEC. 26th at 2:30 p.m. ESTIIER RED WILLIAMS SKELTON Richardo Montalban Betty Garrett Xavier CUGAT and his Orchestra "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" MGM's Queen of Technicolor Musicals NOW: Rex Harrison and Linda Darnell in "Unfaithfully Yours" — MON., TUES., WED — Anne Baxter - Dan Dailey and Ann Revere—It's in Technicolor; the season's brightest and gayest dancing musical comedy. You're My Everything — TIDIES., FRI„ SAT. — Paul Douglas - Linda Darnell & Celeste Helm — You've never laughed so long, so loud, or so uproariously as you will at this smartly -paced comedy. "Everybody Does It" • TRUES., FRI., SAT.—Dee. 29-31 Coming: "That Midnight Kiss" — "FATHER WAS A FULLBACK" t Grayson - Technicolor musical NOW: Victor Mature & Richard Conte in "CRY OF THE CITY" — MON., TUES., WED. — Judy Garland - Van Johnson & Spring Byington—Some old songs and some new are featured in this Technicolored musical hit. "In the Good Old Summertime" — THURS., FRI., SAT. -- Loretta Young - Celeste Holm & Hugh Marlowe — The story you will love and remember: the story of two nuns and their great purpose. "Come to the Stable" Coming: "Neptune's Daughter" Esther Williams and Technicolor ars dent, Mrs. 3. Innes; treasurer, Miss L. .Walkinshaw; secretary, Mrs. M. Steepe; group leaders: Mrs. F. Fingland, Mrs. L. Ball, Mrs. B. Stanley, Mrs. G. Grigg; Observer convener, Miss I. Walk- inshaw; flower convener, Miss E. Proctor. ,«HH44.- ?.0.0, 4. 4 .f 1 S;;HHH4 WH« +«'e .4..44.0 . �.4.4.-,4t1 : 10AAVAHtsoe: '=f eittigiittag IP:SY :% M1N.:%1P'MY.. 1 :1TI:.IPc. 41 To all of our good t friends -. ,vw QV tend 3, + sincere wish for a mem- ' orable holiday. .« Ethel Thompson t 3' We wish you. good 3t fun, good luck and 't good cheer, this Christmas Season, _. ihttt to i.! J. P. Manning Firestone Tires Willard Batteries i Reliance Products Expert Mechanical Repairs ;g PHONE 345 CLINTON 3 gHW4"T"0Hr siHi fA;•«,«4styi.+,H«,'.Hi 1RH'.H«HiM'?H HW :./HHjH`.e .'a:!B' :1 M M« fHrME 3 DANCE Sponsored by Murphy Lodge No. 710 Modern and Old Time Dancing TOWN HALL, CLINTON FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23 Dancing 9 P.M. to 1 A.M. • $5 DOOR PRIZE •. Spot Dance Prize of $2 $2 Prize for the Best Couple Foy[ Trotting $2 Prize for Best Couple Old Time Waltzing, Prize of $2 for Best Old Time Clog Dancer ADMISSION: 50 cents i TOWN OF CLINTON Proclamation Pursuant to a resolution adopted by Council at its regular December meeting, I hereby proclaim: BOXING DAY Tuesday, December 27 A Civic Holiday, and call upon all citizens of the Town of Clinton to observe it as such. So -t -b (Signed) R. Y. HATTIN, Mayor We wish you good fun, good luck, and good cheer this Christmas season! Austin Sales and . Service Jonathan Hugill 's3 Sons Phone 784W Residence 616r34 34 ■VZ 416 ])L4 t(L//IDyV4t! W311yi/y4 +4`y=tt««n,««�a4+w« H« 4rHfrH 4Hf8f+H4HtffHHa«fH+1,4+.:+o 'f4... 1 '«Ht N Ht i?« ««4 HttH,,tH«„H«�H� « HH11t TH HH tH HHW H,H.,W{f fH«'�«If i _« "A WAY" OR "THE WAY" « WHICH WAY ARE WE GOING? There is a way which seemeth right unto a man, but tt ;y the end thereof are the ways of death.—Proverbs 14:12; 16:25. 31 t The Lord Said:s`. 3, I am THE WAY, the truth and the life; no man cometh = unto the Father (God) •but by Me. -John 14:6. • .= CHAS. E.FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 58, Calif. a£ f41-4.144:0 4R4 Arc+- t « H -W 41 f i f « H 41F14:Hf �M�«1«« 4-4«40W �!�"tai 3 '�:» 1H2 L' � I :+1:11/ L�'1LrdL�'.G}' +J ( L 30 0 Lr' i/ 1/91.e3lll#itl� lel A 807.00 I I our Photo Supply 44' House. OUR SPECIAL THIS MONTH One 4x6 Enlargement FREE€ with every roll of film developed and printed 24-hour service on developing and printing is FREE PORTRAIT tt To any person submitting this advertisement to x' us, we shall give absolutely FREE a 4" by 6" portrait 'i_ of any baby up to the age of six months. Don't forget to clip the advertisement. �_ SEASON'S GREETINGS!! Do Hyslop Coe Ift PHOTOGRAPHERS.43 " Phone 203 -- -- Clinton ti _�• Inside Elliott's Veterinary and Drug Store tt ��(j� � yy�( �'y}�.7y�[- py/(.� py/��.)y�(. � j�(j. � yy�[ � ]��(� ���ji � gyp[ � �y/�, � �yp� . syr,. �'�/[� �,�y/j�, g��[� jy��f � y�y[ � yyp(� jy3t 1/`1 414! WV/'¢U I SCC 4JI"Q:P it tiotiti VI`U V/'RL"IAig I+SI"�//'l z 8� 31 Sint latt4t4 R4aeitwta otatatHoaeataa4olat, estolHaHtNHWa Ions« fat tater }1� f }HrH«aVr ii a... i• '. Let Christmas pop right t te. into your home with joy and warmest sentiments! Many Thanks for your patronage Hugh' R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 -- - -- CLINTON N e44 t,- :* nH.t«T +Hi 4H4'-fb-e« T4.*t4tHT, %H HI, aTH Htl4twT H.:. 4.4*0..404-.0. 11 BYLAW NUMBER 2 of the Town of Clinton for the year 1949 WHEREAS it is deemed expedient for the purpose of Street: cleaning' and Snow removal that the Streets should be kept free from parked Motor Vehicles at stipulated-- periods, or at such periods as may be re- quested of the Chief of Police; THEREFORE the Council of the Municipality of the Town of Clinton enacts as follows: 1 No person shall leave a Vehicle of any kind parked on the Streets in the Town of Clinton between the hours of 12 p.m. and 7 a.m. 2. That for the purpose of Street Cleaning and Snow Removal the Chief of Police is hereby empowered at any time during the day or night to remove any vehicle from any street. 3. That any costs incurred in removing a vehicle shall be borne by the owner thereof, and 4. That any person contravening any of the provisions of this By-law shall be liable to a fine• of not, more: than $10.00, exclusive of costs for each infraction thereof. PASSED this 5th day of December, A.D. 1949. STREET COMMITTEE TOWN OF CLINTON 49 -5o -51-.b