HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-15, Page 11'BURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1949 a:LINTON NEWS -RECORD PAGE ELEVEN amllnnLr>tilliZl.►1fn iTni/[ inn !!Z7/dl/1fRrlD/ZVligDr31.r0 ito CLINTON, CITIZENS' BAND presents the following programme at its annual. Concert Orittmet� 18 December Sunday, at 8:30 p.in. Town Hall, Clinton CAROL—"CHRISTIANS, AWAKE!" CHILDREN'S MARCH T Ot ERTU'ICE— CHRISTMAS TIDE CORNET SOLO—("CANTIQUE de NOEL")—Bill Andrews Li a Children". DOUBLE QUARTET—"O Come ttl d " - b CORNET SOLO—"O Little Town of Bethlehem"— X Lewis Tebbutt book No, 24 «E %r "Away in a Manger" - "Joy to the World" COLLEGIATE CHOIR -40 voices CHRISTMAS CAROLS—"Three Kings of Orient" "Golden Slumbers" "Good King Wenceslas" • GOD SAVE THE KING £ „ mer; secretary, Mrs. Sparks; _« treasurer, Miss J. Stirling; press Silver Collection + secretary, Mrs. Robert Scotch- Z mer: rolitiCti•y1ry1•eylegAi t4 VJfL•11L•_!a'cllcy1011410 The financial position of both CAROL SINGING—On sheets MARCH—"Jingle Bells' NEWS OF BAYFIELD.' Representative: Hiss Lucy R. Woods Phone Hayfield 45r3, Fenian Raid Scare 'We acknowledge with thanks, a most interesting account of the Fenian Raid scare, 1866, from Mrs. Margaret Johnston, R. R. 1, Clinton, as told her by her par- ents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Adam Cook, 9th concession, Groderieh Township. We would welcome other stories of "the scare" and early incidents. United- Church Meeting The women of the United Church met et the parsonage on Thursday afternoon last for the annual meetings of the two or- ganizations. TIIF chief item of business was the election of of- ficers for the coining year. In the WMS this resulted as follows: president, Mrs. Rennor; vice-presidents, Mrs. G. Westlake, Rohner n H. Mrs. Mrs. J. Lind- say; and say; secretary, Mrs. Robert Scotchiner; treasurer, Mrs. D. Dewar; temperance secretary, Miss C. O. McLeod; ohristlan stewardship, Miss A. M. Stirling; Mrs. Sparks, associate members; Mrs. M. Toms, supply secretary; Mrs. McClure, Mrs. McKenzie and Mrs. Watson, friendshipsec- retaries; Miss J. Stirling, Mission- ary Monthly secretary; Mrs. E, Sturgeon,- Baby Band' secretary. The WA officers are as fallows: president, Mrs. Makins; vice- presidents, Mrs. M. Toms, Mrs. Len Talbot, Mrs. Gordon Scotch - SPECIAL NOTICE FOR WINTER MONTHS ONLY To All Drivers of Cars and Trucks: Please note the urgent request of Council to have parallel parking only, on the both sides of Albert Street between the Royal Bank cor- ner, and North to Princess Street. 11 CLINTON TOWN COUNCIL Street Committee 49-50-b organizations is satisfactory, the WMS having practically reached its allocation of $200 and the WA having raised over $1,000 during the year. At this meeting the members turned in their talent money, also told how they had raised it, starting in most cases with an investment of 50 cents. Profits ranged all the way from $2 to $14 and netted in all, the fine sum of 595. Much amuse- ment was caused by the reports of the methods employed. Some had sold Christmas cards, others, chickens, eggs, sweet peas, candy, fancy work, recipes, vegetables, a mat, etc. The birthday box was opened, disclosing another $15, the result of each member dropping in a penny for each year of her age. The lunch was served by Mrs. Rennor, Mrs. Snowden, Mrs. Lindsay Smith, Mrs. Peck and/Mrs. Foster and was enjoyed by all. A letter of acknowledgement was read from the United Church Relief Organization, thanking this Sunday School and church for the donation of second-hand clothing sent recently. A Christmas pageant is being PORTER'S HILL Grace Church WA The December meeting of the Woman's Association - of Grace prepared for presentation in the Church was held at the home of church on Sunday evening,. De- Mrs. J. A. Torrance, the afternoon comber 18 at 8.15 o'clock. of December 8. The president, School Concert Held, Mrs. Les Cox was in the chair. The annual Christmas Concert Mrs. Will Cox presided at the of Bayfield Public School was, piano for the singing of a gibdp held in the Town Hall on Thurs- of carols which opened the meet da eveninglast. Donat Catford, in after which the Lord's Pray - one of the pupils, acted as chair- er was repeated in unison. man. Mr. Baxter, Goderich, music The minutes of the last meet supervisor, was in charge, assist- ing were read by Mrs. Elgin Cox ed by the teachers, Miss Colbeck and several reports were given and Mrs, William Parker, when with an excellent treasurer's re - the following fine choral prog- port for the year, The Scripture was read by Mrs. W. A. Town - ahead and the roll call was an- swered by a Christmas verse. Mrs. Austin Harris conducted the election of officers which, re- sulted as follows: president, Mrs. Austin Harris; vice-president, Mrs. J. A. Torrance; secretary - treasure r Mrs. Elgin grn Co x pian- ist, a n ist Mrs Will Cox. The com- mittee will be named 11Y` the ex- ecutive. The meeting closed and the hostess and her assistants served a delicious lunch. The January meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Alvin Betties. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Harris, a recent bridal couple, were hon- oured at a social evening in the Porter's Hill school on Friday evening, December 9. Progressive euchre was played with high prizes going to Mrs. Allen Betties and Bob . Harris. During the evening the young couple were asked to come forward. Mrs. El- gin Cox read an appropriate ad- dress and Stewart Schoenhals presented them with a lovely floor lamp. Bob thanked every- one on behalf of his wife and himself in a few well-chosen words. Lunch was served by the ladies. rain was presented: (1) Opening Chorus by the school: Welcome Everybody, Rudolph the Red -Nosed Reindeer, Christmas Polka. (2) Junior singing game:. Dickory Dickory Dock, I had a tittle Nut Tree, Wind Wind the Bobbin, Pop goes the Weasel. (3) Carols by the schools; the audience joined in the first four: The First Noel, Hark the Herald Angels Sing, 0 Come all ye Faithful, Joy to the World, Silent Night, • While Shep- herds Watched. Operetta—Red Riding Hood— , with the following characters: Woodsman, Donat Catford; Red ,Riding Hood, Shirley Brandon; Grandmother, Doreen MacKenzie; Wolf, Glen Sturgeon; Margery, Joyce Bell; , Miss Muffet, 'Elaine Weston; Bo - Peep, I Brenda Blair; Little Jack Hors 'Tier,' Billy Evans; Jack and Jill, w.•...,.... nR ,, ,aria ur..i lis; assisted by the cho}a• from the senior room and the remaind- er of file children as playmates.• Scene I took place in the forest; Little Red Riding Hood on the way to Grandmother's; scene II, outside grand'mother's cottage;• scene III, inside grandmother's cottage. (5) Choral reading of the 24th psalm by the seniors. (6) Closing songs by the school: The Angels Sang, Bring a Torch, Good King Wenceslas, One World (a song written during the First Great War; it didn't become popular until this war; it is a prayer for peace). The Lions Club provided Santa Claus who helped to distribute the gifts off the tree. k BRUCEFIELD Mr. and Mrs. •Ed. Boyes spent the weekend in Hamilton. bliss Betty Allan,. London, was a weekend guest with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Allan, Miss Marion Paterson, London, was at her home over the week- end. Mr. and Mrs. Don Herne, Lon- don, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Henry. CHEVROLET— and Chevrolet alone `-- offers you all these EXTRA VALUES at lowest • cost YOUR KEY To GREATER VALUE World's Champion Valve -in -Head Engine The trend's all•to'valve-in-head design for .more 'efficient and economical' high -compression en- gines. But 'Chevrolet's proved and extra-effrcient•engine •is the only valve -in -head engine in Chevrolet's field! Curved Windshield with Panoramic Visibility That large, smartly curved 'wind- shield sweeps back •to narrower corner posts to provide a safer view ahead 'and 'at the sides. Alone among low-priced caul,. Chevrolet has the functional beauty of:a-curved windshield A Product of Goneral Motors iso HELP TO COMPLETE THE NEW HOSPITAL FOR SICK. CHILDREN UNIVERSITY AVENUE, TORONTO: BUILDING FUND OBJECTIVE $4,000,000 GIVE GENEROUSLY THROUGH YOUR LOCAL BANK, :Extra Economical to Own and Operate .It's the lowest priced line in its field. It's the outstandingly econ- omical performer. It's Canada's most -wanted motor car—new or used—traditionally worth more when you trace, Extra economy in 'every way! Lorne C.21498X Sri Pte. Fisher Body Styling and Luxury Long, low lines ... smooth, graceful curves ... conveniences like Push -Button Door Handles ... super -size interiors with lux- urious fabrics and fittings and "Five -Poor Seats" ... superbly styled Body by Fisher! Net "I Brown Certi-Safe Hydraulic Brakes Chevrolet's exclusive brake de- sign is more outstanding than ever for swifter safer stops. And new Duble-Life, rivetless brake linings — last up to twice as long. That means both extra safety and extra economy. S -Inch Wide -Base Wheels You get the widest rims in the low -price field — plus extra low- • pressure tires as standard equip- ment on all models. That's another important reason for the extra smooth, soft and stable Chevrolet ride! �r. Centre -Point Steering Steering control is centred be- tween the wheels to give you amazing new ease' and sureness of control with minimum driver fatigue. You get Centre -Point Steering only on Chevrolet and on higher -priced cars! Longer, Heavier, with Wider Tread It looks like it ... it rules like it it it the BIG car in the low - price field! With its extra size Chevrolet gives you more com- fort, road -steadiness, safety. \;tl\ Fisher Unisteel Body Construction Slam' the door and heat the dif- ference! That solid, muffled thud speaks of steel welded to steel all around you. Fisher Uni- steel Construction brings you un- surpassed solidity, quietness and safety. Moto: EBENEZER STANLEY peating of •the Lord's prayer fai, lowed by the secretary's and, treasurer's reports.. Community Glib" Meets. The roll call, a joke or riddle, The December meeting of was answered by 15 members. A lengthy discussion followed on the Stanley Community Club was best ways and means of running held at the home of kis: John the parties at the school. It was A. McEwen, With the president, decided to hold the Christmas Mrs. Broadfoot, in the chair, the party on Wednesday, December meeting was opened with the re- 28. It was planned to spend5 for cups and to purchase three quhar; assistant tresaurer, Mrs. J. new card tables for use at the Merrill; pianists, Mrs. I. Tebbutit school. Mrs. M. Jones; flower committee, Lunch was served and social Mrs. Harry Oakes, Mrs. A. lieb- chat enjoyed by all. The Janus den; buying committee, Mrs, W. ary meeting will be held at the Biggin, Mrs. M, Lobb; program, home of Mrs, Glen Broadfoot arid. Mrs. C. Williams; press secretary, the roll cell will be tips and pat - Mrs. I. Merrill. terns for quilt making. toi7/tITLtT/tVAt7/t ��i i 1 c tiy{ ey� e L• L/{i: e c V1 t�t7L�t1w'a�a�/'NLvfRa�Ra�Ra�Ra9da� a1A'a�a1R " cor%n wt � Photo. Supply q r:: - t Douse a`� , 6 ;.,Not. ` L. U OUR SPECIAL THIS MONTH tzv Dne 4x6 Enlargement FR EE , with every roll of film developed U, and printed J FROM YOUR FAVORITE NEGATIVE! ,% Last‘week for snapshot greeting cards 3 per doz. 75c510 o CAMERAS from $5.95 Developing Sets :3 "STORI-VIEWS" — the ideal gift for Sunday Schools, ul children and adults. Entertainigg and educational. Ebenezer WA Mrs. Bert Lobb was hostess for t ek the December meeting of Ebenez- �'� Portraits Taken in the Studio +�y er WA on Thursday. The presi- w dent presided for the meeting w or in your own home which was opened with the? WEDDING AND FAMILY GROUPS ��••++�� Christmas hymn, "Silent Night," s followed by the Lord's Prayer; taken at home, Candida or in the studio J Money,"Thro"l call, "OurpSpecialtDay&„;"''' 24-hour service on developing and printing ,► was responded to by 11 members. The minutes of the of !; previous meeting were read and adopted. The treasurer's report rUu5 FREE PORTRAIT was given by Mrs. Stewart Far -`r` quhar. Following the business �: To any person submitting this advertisement to °� discussion, Rev. C. Tavener took Vas, we shall give absolutely FREE a 4" by 6" portrait U the chair for the election of of- �: ficers for the coming year. of any baby up to the age of six months. Don't forget s The Scripture reading and �{0 clip the advertisement.Vprayer were given by Rev. Tav- ener. A duet was sung by BruceUand Murray Lobh, and Mrs. Mer- ���: ►;„ OPEN EVENINGS vin Lobh read a paper on "The Life of the late Isabel Graham," UNTIL CHRISTMAS U a musician and poetess of Sea - forth. She also read a number ,.. of her poems. The meeting was , closed bya the singing of "Away D. /-y �. in a Manger," followed by a as t/\`✓,''closing prayer by Mrs. Frank rY; Janes. Refreshments were sere-„, c: ed . by the hostess. y-. PHOTOGRAPHERS The following are the officers for 1950: President, Mrs, F. uPhone 203 -- -- Clinton Jones; vice-president, Mrs. C. Behind the Post Office Tebbutt; secretary, Ms. R. Fea- gan; assistant secretary, Mrs. �'i0 ti L• c c e L• e c c e L•n c c L• h c c s L•,t�L•�qL• e Bert Lobb; treasurer, Mrs. S. Far- 0 tttttutttttkta9�t1A W.'Y31/`1fO:',rflIRLt'W+Jr f/:Lr?O L►AI C►!'.U► f/ flcir'.L*3fi'dif ►fair OlLrd1O39i1C!/1f13!!ZC e oil' .v PINCI7e4 A) .51 E #48010/ :` 1 , Miller Falls Too1 O 1/ A Lifetime Gift for Every Mann 1', �c std a a��� ALUMINUM'GIFTS,: ' are W, /Long -Lasting! We have in stock a Wonderful Assortment of "SUPREME” "The Name is Your Protection!" ALUMINUM COOKING UTENSILS "Supreme in the Kitchen!" Everywhere . Best Cooks Use ALUMINUM! SEE OUR SPECIAL "Pop -Down" Toaster Make Your Gift Headquarters at Hugh R. Hawkins HARDWARE and PLUMBING PHONE 244 ,- r'LIIN1 ON q1i7ignttyWLIIWZCgittkAOryrA'yt1CAC yg&4CyO4fVfitfMi ia,