HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-15, Page 6wirlimowsnosit
Miss Lucy It. Woods Phone Bayfield 45r3
Mr. and Mrs. Nelson McConkey
Kitchener, spent Saturday in the
Mr. and Mrs. Norman Toms,
Detroit; spent the weekend in
the village.
Dr. and Mrs. W. Aberhert and
Bill and Helen, London, - spent
Saturday in the village.
Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Miller re-
turned to London on 'Sunday
after spending a week at their
home here.
William L. and 'Frank Camer-
on, Detroit, spent the weekend
with their sisters, Misses E. and
M. Cameron.
Mr. and Mrs. Stuart; Sturgeon,
Preston, visited the former's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sturgeon
over the weekend:
Mrs, H. Edwards, Jr,, London,
spent a few days ,last week with
her mother, ' Mrs. T. C, Bailey,
The New Ritz Hotel.
Miss Elena Denley returned to
the village on Friday. after hav-
ing been in Landon for the past
two months where she completed
her course in Beauty Culture and
There was a good attendance
at the Gravel Hailer's Ball in
the Town Hall on Friday night.
Jackson's Orchestra played for
the dancing and Mrs. Cecil Dow -
son won the door prize, a turkey.
Rector Welcomed Back
Members of the congregation
of Trinity Church wereglad to
.lave their Rector, Rev, LaVerne
Morgan, take charge of the ser-
vice again on Sunday night after
a leave of absence of seven
months owing to ill -health. At a
service in the church in the after-
noon, he administered the holy
rite of Baptism to Arlene Lillian
Dutot, daughter of Mr: and Mrs.
Alvin Dutot, Goderich Township
and Ernest Craig Kerr, son of Mr.
and Mrs. 'Craig Kerr of the vill-
Trinity IWA Meets
The Annual Meeting -of the W.
A. of Trinity Church was held
at the home of Mrs. N. W. Woods
on Thursday last, Rev. LaVerne
Morgan conducted the religious
exercises. Mrs. Emerson Heard
presided for the reports which
showed an active year and a bal-
ance with which to begin work
in the coming year. Before pre-
siding for the election of officers
the Rector complimented this
small group on its work, He
stressed the fact that without a
missionary spirit, a church dries
up and perishes, and he eripress-
sews auta, doet, Q.LI.Gl/J, r4
to Lode...
th'l d'a QS, 'tt'l.(L4'I,RQ f
MRs. SMITH'S shopping trip might have taken an hour,
'Actually, it took three minutes—by telephone.
To housewives in a hurry, the telephone means a lot.
It's like having an extra pair of bands to help out --ran
extra pair of feet to run errands, or get help in
emergencies. Any way you look at it, your telephone
is big value.
No wonder more people are using more telephones—
and that requests for service are at an all-time high. We
should like to be able to provide service for all who want
it, when and where they want it. We will continue to do
all we can to reach that goal.
THE BM baa .'.tDl�ll
The AB -C of
9nteaduetion t�����[� _
n�iJ•nt� -
TN this booklet we have made every effort to
simplify a complex subject. There are no con-
fusing rates or methods of calculation included.
Instead, you will find a simple, clear-cut table which
requires no figuring. It shows you what succession
duties might be on your estate.
Of special interest is the chapter "How can
succession duties be kept to a midi nuns,?"
Call or write for this free booklet.
Drenches in 6 Province's '
J. W. McLachlan, Trust Officer
Dundas at Clarence— London, Ont.
Clinton RCAF Personnel Visit States
ABOVE is shown a group of RCAF personnel, taken at
the Naval Air Technical Training Centre, Memphir, Tenn.,
during a recent tour of radar and communications installations
in the United States. The group spent a week visiting the
schools of the Memphis centre to observe training methods
, used there. Also included in the tour were stops at Scott
Air Force Base in Illinois, and Keesler Air Force Base,
Biloxi, Miss.
FRONT ROW (left to right) are: Wing Commander S. R.
ed the hope that in the conning I
year more women of the congre-
gation would take an active part
in Missionary work through the
W. A. The following' officers
were elected for 1950.: President,
Mrs. Emerson Heard; Vice -Pres-
ident, Mrs. R, H. F. Gairdner;
Secretary, Mrs. R. J. Larson;
Treasurer, Miss Lucy R. Woods;
Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. Willard
Sturgeon; Living message Secret-
ary, Mrs. R. J. Larson. Mrs.
Emerson Heard was hostess for
the meeting and following the
Benediction pronounced by the
Rector, dainty refreshments were
New LOL Officers
LOL 1035 held its annual meet-
ing on Wednesday last. The of-
ficers elected are as follows;
P.W.M,, Lorne Coleman, W,M.,
John Ostrom; D.M., Robert Jay-
lor; Chaplain, William Reid; re-
cording secretary, `Wilfred hut-
er; financial secretary, Ralph
Turner; treasurer, John Aiding -
ton; Marshal, Murray Hehner;
1st lecturer, Lloyd Johnston;
committee, T: J. Stinson, Carl
Diehl, George Johnston, Elmer
To Present Pageant
A Christmas pageant, "In a
Manger,' 'will be presented in
Varna United Church on Sunday
evening, December 18, at 7..30
o'clock, sponsored by the Wom-
an's Association of the church.
Hold S.S. Conceit
Varna United Church Sunday
School concert will be held in the
Varna Town Hall on the evening
of December 23,
Skinny min, woes
gain 5,10,151hs.
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
What a thriill Hony limbs fill out; ugly hollows
1111 up; neck n0 longer 8er„wny; body loses lo lf-
vt5rvea, sickly "bean -pole" look. Thousands of
girls. women, men, who never could gain, before.
Tre now broad of shapely, health' •lacking bodies.
hey tbnrdc the 81,00151 Vigor -building, flesh-bulltling
mnlC, Ostres. Its tonics, stimulant, Invigorators,a
Iron, vitamin ,, calcium, enrich blood, Improve
appetite unit digestion so food 51v00 you more
strength 5nd nourishment: put 11001, on baro boob%
Don't tear getting lop fat. atop when you'1'o gained
the 5. 10, 15 or 20 lbs. you heed for normal Weight.
'ogre little. New "gat neiUklnted" size only 0,.
fry bimetal Ostrex 'fool, '0,01,t, tor now vigor
and added pounds, this von' day. At all droggl',te.
The monthly Meeting of Bruce
field WA United Church was hel
in the classroom on December
with 27 present. The preside
Miss E. Bowey, was in charge o
the meeting which opened by re
peating the WA Creed, foliowe
by hymn 46, Mrs. Henry rea
the Scripture. The theme for Be
eember "The Home of the HolFamily,' was read by Mrs. R
Allan. Hymn 53 was then sung
Mrs. L. Wilson read the minute
of the previous meeting which
were adopted. RoIT aliwas an
swered by a thought on "Christ
Reports, for each group for the
year were given by group lead-
ers, which showed they had not
been idle. Treasurer's report was
given by Mrs. W. McBeath, fol-
lowed by Mrs. G. Henderson sing-
ing "Holy Night." The main item
of business was the election of
officers for 1950. Mrs. R. Allan
led in prayer. A hearty vote ofer
thanks was est'ed. to the re-
tiring president, Miss Bowey, by
Mrs. W. Scott. The meeting closed
with theme song and prayer of
the WA, •
The following are the officers
elected for 1950: President, Mrs.
Gordon Elliott; 1st vice-president,
Mrs. Wallace Hanish; 2nd vice -
President, Mrs. William Fother-
ingham; secretary -treasurer, Mrs.
Lorne Wilson; press secretary,
Mrs. T. B. Baird; treasurer, Mrs.
W. McBeath; financial secretary,
Mrs. Alice Ham; flower commit-
tee, Mrs. W. Scott, Mrs. A. Pater-
son; pianist, Mrs. A. Johnston;
.visiting committee, Mrs. B. Keys,
Miss Martha McDonald; program
committee, Mrs. Stanway, Mrs.
Elgin Thompson, Mrs. G. Hend-
erson, Mrs. H. Berry; devotional
leaders, Mrs. H. Dalrymple, Miss
Mame Swan; manse committee,
Miss E. Bowey, Mrs. Ross Scott,
Mrs. Gordon Richardson, Mrs.
Thomas Caldwell; church com-
mittee, Mrs. A. Foote, Mrs. Walter
Moffatt, Mrs. Wilmer Broadfoot,
Mrs. John McGregor.
Burbank, MBE, Clinton; Capt. W. S. Cunningham, US Navy,
commanding officer of the Base; Wing Commander E. J.
Gauthier, Training Command Headquarters, Trenton.
BACK ROW (left to right) — Warrent; Officer 2 G. C.
Perry, Clinton; Flt. Lt, H. Murray Fitzgerald, Clinton; pit. Lt.
Norman S. Greig, Clinton; Flying Officer W. D. Benton, Tren-
ton; Fit Lt. Philip 0. Jones, Clinton; Flt. Lt. T. J. B. Rob-
inson, RCAF Headquarters, Ottawa, formerly of Clinton.
—United States Army Photo
William Haggitt is a patient
- in Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, !
d where he underwent an operation
6, last week.
nt, Community , Carol Service
f The annual Christmas Carol
- service for the community will be
d held in Knox Presbyterian
d Church Sunday night, December`
- 25, at 7,30 The minister of the
y church, Rev. John Honeyman,;
will give the address.
BYPU Christmas Service
s A Christmas service will be
held in the Baptist Sunday School'
room on Sunday, December 18, at I
- two o'clock. This service will be
in charge of the young people and
will take the place of the month-
ly BYPU service. Christmas slides
and also a Christmas message will
be given by Rev, A. Forsyth.I
Used Car Bargains
Brand New .4941:1 CHEVROLET deluxe
Sports Five -Passenger Coupe,
equipped with air-conditioning,
maroon in colour.
1949 CHEVROLET deluxe Coach,
green in colour, less than 5,000
Coaches; one with radio.
CHEVROLET Coaches. Both
these cars are priced to sell at
$1,3.95 each..
'1938 DODGE Coach
1936.DODGE Sedan
1933.CHEVROLET Coach
4931 CHEVROLET Coach
1936 FORD half -ton pick-up Truck,
equipped with racks,
And Many Others
As low as $50 will drive a car away
from Brussels Motors. All the above
vehicles equipped with heaters.
Brussels Motors
Convenient Terms
Open Every Evening
Euchre and Dance held
A euchre and dance sponsored
by the hail committee was held
held in Foresters' Hall, Wednes-
day night, Winners at euchre
were Nelson McLarty and Mrs.
Thomas Haggitt, Consolation
winners were Mrs. William Dodd
and Miss Audrey Andrews.
Knox WIVTS Officers
The WMS of Knox Presbyter-
ian Church met on Thursday at
the home of Mrs. Lawson. Mrs.
Lawson presided and opened the
meeting with prayer. The devo-
tional period was taken by Mrs.
Ed, Davies, Mrs. Ellis Little gave
a reading. The Christmas mes-
sage was given by Mrs. W. T,
Robison. The Glad Tidings pray-
er was read in unison.
Encouraging reports were giv-
en by the various secretaries. The
treasurer reported that $118.95
had been raised during the year.
Mrs. W. Good brought in the
report of the • nominating coat— ' ' '
mittee which was as follows: hon-
orary president; Mrs.' W. T. Rob--
ison; past president, Mrs. Lawson;
president, Mr's. Good; 1st vice'.
president, Mrs. F. O. Mcllveen; •
2nd vice-president, Mrs. Ed..
Davies; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. _
Ross; assistant; Mrs. E, Little;
Home Helpers' s,ecretary, Miss-
Minnie Wagner. assistant, Mrs.
Roy Daer; Glad Tidings secre-
tary, Mrs. John Hallam; welcome
and welfare, Mrs. Lawson; liter-•
attire and life secretary, Mrs.
Houston, assistant, Mrs. G. Dobie;
supply secretary, Mrs. H. Govier,.
assistant, Mrs. J. Graham; pianist,.
Mrs. Houston, assistant, Mrs. D.
Haines; flower committee, Mrs,
Rollinson, Mrs. Stoltz and Mrs.
Ladies Aid: president, Mrs.
Bradnock; secretary, Mrs. Law-
son. A vote of thanks was made
to the retiring officers, also to'
Mrs. R. J. Phillips for her con-
tribution to the service of praise
at recent meetings. Lunch was
served by the hostess..
Miss Doreen Armstrong is
spending this week with friends
in Forest.
The Mission Band will hold
their meeting next Sunday morn-
ing at 10.3(1 in the basement of
the church.
The United Church held their
annual White Gift Service on Sun-
day morning, December 7:1, with,
a good crowd in attendance.
Mr. and Mrs. William Griffiths
returned home after having spent
the past few weeks at Brampton
with Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Griffiths,
You Can Get ROE Feeds Frorna
A. J. MUSTARD, Brucefield
tiCEMBER is here and with it lurks the "common cold"! Ontario citizens
are reminded now of a few simple helpful rules to safeguard their
health, and that of others.
Prevention of the common cold is the responsibility of all, and if everyone
plays his part much unnecessary illness, expense and discomfort may be avoided.
With the holiday season looming ahead, when so much happiness depends on
everyone feeling fit, why run the risk of "catching cold"—or letting members
of your family face that danger?
In the interest of parents and families, the Ontario Department of Health
recommends every Ontario citizen to study the common sense precautions
suggested below and act upon them.
Five Simple Precautions
Take plenty of rest. Avoid becoming
unduly tired. Endeavour to follow a
well-balanced diet.
Avoid becoming wet, chilled or o%'er-
heated. If clothing becomes wet, it
should be changed as quickly as
3If a cold overtakes -you, go to bed'
e until it improves. If it does not clear
up rapidly, do not hesitate to seek
medical advice.
Be thoughtful of others; If suffering,�e from a cold, do not spread germs by
coughing or sneezing openly,.
Avoid oro';''. "or as possible;
No one wants to be "laid up" with a cold : ; ;
especially at this holiday time of year. By following
these five common-sense precautions you can help
yourself and others enjoy a happy, healthy holiday . , .
free from the seasonal misery of the "common cold".