HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1949-12-15, Page 5BIRTHS nm�ruc DAVIS—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Tuesday, December 13, 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Alan Davis, Clinton, a son (Robert Alan), LEONARD — In Royal Victoria Hospital, Montreal, on Satur- day, November 26, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. Keith Leonard, St. Lambert, Que„ a daughter (Cheryl Ann). NewsRecord Classified Adlets. Bring Quick Results CASH RATE—Of cru bY Wed - OBITUARY aiesday following date of looser- *don)—Ohe cent a word first in- sertion (minimum 35 cents); sub- sequent insertions one cent a word (minimum 25 cents); 15 cents ex- tra .for 'box number or for direc- tion to NEWS -RECORD Office. 1F CHARGED --15 cents extra. DEADLINE -6 p.m. Wednesday. APPLES FOR SALE SPRAYED APPLES FOR SALE. 'Spy, Greening, Baldwin, King, Bellflower; etc. Fred MCClymont, 'Varna, phone Clinton 613r24. 48-1-p ARTICLES WANTED 'TYPEWRITER WANTED, port- able preferred. Apply by letter •Stating price and size to Box "W", NEWS -RECORD. 50-1-p ARTICLES FOR SALE 'UNDERWOOD PORTABLE Type- writer, two years old. Phone 'Clinton 459W. 50-b 'GENUINE BABY SEAL FUR Coat, shortie style, in excellent condition, price $30; Lloyd's Eng- lish -style pram, used year and •one-half, price $25. Phone 164J. 49-50-b AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 5933 CHEVROLET COACH, pric- ed 'for quick sale. Phone Clin- ton 481J. 50-b 1935 CHEVROLET MASTER coach, in Al condition. Harold Ell"rott, 'Varna, phone Clinton 423r25. 49-50-p BICYCLES FOR SALE 'GIRL'S STANDARD CYCLE 'Bicycle, used very little, in good condition, Price $25. Phyllis 'Stanley, Clinton, phone 488W. 50-b CLOTHING FOR SALE 'MAN'S BLACK WINTER Over- coat, size 40, in good condition. "Phone Goderich 10853. 49-50-p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE 'FLEURY GRAIN GRINDER, "Pe, good repair. Bill Fother- ingham, R.R. 3, Seaforth, phone Clinton 628r11. 50-p SPECIAL FOR DECEMBER - -one new Simplicity washing 'machine with, good discount for cash. Lawson's Radio Service, *phone Seaforth 841r23. 49-50-p .HELP WANTED "WANTED—Full Time Secretary- -Treasurer and Fieldman for Hur- on 'County Federation of Agri- culture. Duties to ' commence January 2. Apply by tender not later than December 30th, to W. 'V. Roy, Secretary -Treasurer, Box '310, Clinton, Ontario. 50-51-b HOUSES FOR SALE SEVEN -ROOMED BRICK House, new bathroom, garage, good location. Apply Box "H", NEWS - RECORD, 49-50-p 'FOR Q'CTCK SALE—NEW Five - roomed cottage, insul brick sid- ing, asphalt roof, oak floors 'throughout, three-piece bath, built-in cupboards,, basement, all connected to sewer, water and lights, immediate possession, Ap- ply Bert Huller, King St., phone '3193. 50-tfb LOST AND FOUND 'LOST—RING OF KEYS, about four or five, with small black 'horse on ring. Finder please leave at Hawkins' Stpre. 50-p LOST—KITTEN, HALF-GROWN, striped grey and black, Finder please return to Glen Lockhart, 'Rattenbury St. W. 50-p LOST — CHILD'S STERLING 'Silver identification bracelet with "Marjorie" engraved on it. Lost 'Thursday, December 8, Finder 'please phone Clinton 806r3. 50-p 'LOST — BLONDE SPANIEL, about nine months old, wearing a red collar, answers to name of "Skippy," child's pet. Finder please contact F/O W. G. Fulton, 'RCAF Station, via station switch - 'board operator. 50-b tBee ie. teell+Hf fel t±:Ht, Beret et e i tir'i, �r,FH�aR.'}llrfrt♦ fHt �H HTrs� 44, • THURSDAY,, DECEMBER '15, 1949 ui,INTON NEWS -RECORD'' PAGE FW GRAIN FOR SALE 500 BUSHEL BEAVER OATS, $45 per ton, F. W. Andrews, phone 33, Clinton, 50-1-rp LIVESTOCK FOR SALE SIX CHUNKS OF PIGS. Tom Arkell, R.R. 2, Hayfield, phone Clinton 906r25. 50-b 17 LITTLE PIGS, SIX WEEKS old; two sows, carrying second litter; also some chunks, 21 months old. Lorne Tyndall, phone Clinton 904r4. 49-50-p NOTICES' I AM CANVASSING CLINTON' now. Parties wanting Rawleigh products, Christmas and greeting cards, hasty notes, writing paper, phone 498J, Clinton. Robert A. Engel. 49=50-p MISCELLANEOUS SAWS, ALL KINDS FILED AT C. Hoare's orchard, mile north of town. Will work odd days, harvesting, etc. 46-2-p COME INTO YOUR SINGER Sewing Centre and see our prac- tical Christmas Gift suggestions. Phone Goderich 1135. or write Singer Sewing Machine Co., God- erich. 47btfb ALL OLD HORSES AND DEAD animals. If suitable for mink feed will pay more than fertilizer prices. If not, will pay fertilizer prices. If dead phone at once. Phone collect, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, 936r21 or 936r32, Coder - (ch. 2btfb DON'T BUY STORM WINDOWS! —until you have seen the new Simplex combination storm and screen windows and doors. Cuts high fuel costs with more com- fort. The Inserts are' easily changed summer to winter from inside. Free installation, easy terms. For free estimate, phone 4, Clinton, or write Box . "D", NEWS -RECORD. Rowland C. Day, London Weathertite Co. 48-50-1-b PUPPIES FOR SALE TWO MALE COLLIE PUPS. Robert Welsh, phone' Clinton 906r22. 49-2 LITTLF' COLLIE .PUPS, ideal for chi'!lren's Christmas gifts, Donald Longfield, phone Clinton 633r5. 50-b POULTRY FOR SALE CHOICE CHRISTMAS Turkeys for sale, 55 cents per lb. dressed. Arthur St. Ammans, phone 7833, Ontario St., Clinton. 48-9-50-p SKATES FOR SALE GIRL'S TUBE SKATES, 'white boots, size 8, $5, Phone 233R. 50-p FAIR BOY'S HOCKEY SKATES, size 7, very good shape, one year old. Can be seen at. NEWS - RECORD Office. 49-x CARD OF THANKS Mrs. E. C. Nickle wishes to ex- press her sincere appreciation to all those who so kindly sent cards, flowers and other gifts to her while the was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; special thanks to the doctors and nurses, ----e Charles Stewart recently pur- chased a good Clydesdale mare from Lew Thompson, Lucan, PROMPT I Local and Long Distance TAXI SERVICE PHONE 110. 4dhoos 'd `/a/xi •3« We now X have on rE :S; ▪ display, a .. i .X nice selec. tion of ▪ Christmas. plants for H= ! Y 4: Poinsettas -- Azaleas -- Cyclamen Cherries -- 'Begonias .- Primulas' • etc. ROSES -- CARNATIONS and 'MUMS 0 Our supply of Cut 'Flowers will,' of course, be limited- as usual, anis we would appreciate your orders as early as possible to avdid disappointment. K. C.- COOKE FWIflST Phones. 66w and 66j 495ob+= ,.;4.44.1 r :e`r, l .r+K4:0«41444sro-Wa;, +; 0 C. -04+44 :l. r .•..s o »o :'T Clinton i POSTOVOJ — In Clinton Public Hospital, on Wednesday, De- cember 14, 1949, to Mr, and Mrs. John Postovoj, Clinton, a son. REID—In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Friday, December 9,e 1949, to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Reid, Clinton, a daughter (Betty Jean), born in Clinton on Jpne 8, 1890, SCHWARTZENTRUBER — I n a daughter of the late Donald and Clinton Public Hospital, on I Julia Kennedy, " and had spent Friday, December 9,, 1949, to her entire lifetime in the town. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Schwartz- Miss Kennedy was connected entruber, R. R. 2, ,Zurich, a with the Bell Telephone for 38 daughter. years, over a decade of which she served as the Chief Oper- MARRIAGES ator of the Clinton Exchange. She retired- from this post in September, 1944. Miss Kennedy was a member of Wesley -Willis United Church. She wag greatly interested in her ,fellow -man and whenever she could do a good turn for others she was always willing to do so. Truly it has been said of her that MISS LILLIAN L, KENNEDY Funeral services were held at the Ball and ' Mute!). Funeral Home; High St., Clinton, on Mon- day, December 5, 1949, for Miss Lily Kennedy. Rev. Hugh C. Wilson officiated and interment took place in Clinton Cemetery. Pallbearers were Frank Lobb, Charles Lockwood, Morgan 'Ag- new, Charles Twitchell, William Moffatt and David Kay. Flower bearers were George Braithwaite, Morley Counter, Walter Smith, Gordon Howes, nad Gordon Cun- inghame. Lillian Loraine Kennedy was DANIELLS-INKLEY — At the home of the bride's parents, Queen St., Clinton, ,on Satur- day, December 10, 1949, by Rev. Hugh C. Wilson, Ardyss Marie, only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Inkley, to. Grant Harold, son. of Mrs. Daniells and the late Edward' M. Daniells, Wat- erloo. DEATHS PETER—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Friday, Dec. 9, 1949, Mabel Mary Thacker, beloved wife of Frank E. Peter, Strat- ford, in her 43rd year. Funeral from Gingras Funeral Home, Stratford, to Avondale Ceme- tery, Stratford, Monday after- noon, Dec. 12. n--- W-W OPEN HOUSE In order to meet, the people of the Community Rev, and Mrs. Hugh Wilson are holding "Open House" at the Manse, Ontario Street, on Wednesday, December 28, from three to five o'clock, and from seven to nine, 0 EVENT PROVES OF GALA NATURE (Continued from Page One) were: Thomas Pryde, MLA for Huron; J, W. Hanna, MLA for Huron -Bruce; H. L. Main, Dist- rict Engineer; Elmer Webster, reeve of Stanley Township; J. R. Stirling, reeve of Goderich Town- ship; Walter Woods and Cecil Johnston, Good Roads Commit- tee; S/L Howard Norris, repre- senting CO of RCAF Station, Clinton; Dr. J. W. Shaw; Frank Fingland, KC; W. R. Lobb, Huron Federation of Agriculture; H. R. Hawkins, sportsman; W, T. Cruickshank, Wingham, Ald. N. W. Trewartha intro- duced the main speaker, Mr. Doucett, Entertainment was provided by Mr. and Mrs. Bert Boyes, Clin- ton; and James T. Scott, Seaforth. C C R F I,k?.fe ilii AR p'lY?. Enjoy the Holiday Season With a new HAIRDO Beauty Salon located on ground floor in the Jervis Apartments Albert St., next Roxy Theatre PERMANENTS FINGERWAVES SHAMPOOS ..FACIALS MANICURES Thelma Carrie Phone��y/��542J p 11►p OM LA' YR 3rI RA' le C. ROC L XY THEATRE CAPITAL THEATRE I. N GODERICH — Now, Playing — THURS. -- FRI. -- SAT. WALLACE BEERY MARJORIE MAIN BIG JACK" — MON., TUES., WED. — Rex Linda Rudy Harrison Darnell Vallee "UNFAITHFULLY YOURS" REGENT THEATRE; SEAFORTH NOW: "ABBOTT and COSTELLO• IN HOLLYWOOD" MON., TUES., WED Robert Douglas - Monte Blue' and Robert Alda—Tense drama, stark ealism, an action -packed story of desperate modern social prob- em, r a "HOMICIDE" -- THURS., FRI,, SAT. — Rex Harrison - Linda .Darnell & -- THURS., FRI., SAT. Rudy Vallee—A light and happy William Bendix tale sets the theme for your holt- James Gleason day enjoyment. "The Life of RILEY" "Unfaithfully Yours" DECEMBER 26th Esther Williams - Red Skelton "NEPTUNE'S DAUGHTER" NOW: Rex Harrison and Linda Darnell in "Unfaithfully Yours" - MON., TUES., WED. -- William Powell - Marsha Hunt & James Gleason—When sophis- tication jousts with naivette it's hard to say who is the eictor. 'Take One False Step' THURS, ' FRI, SAT. - Victor Mature - Richard Conte & Shelley Winters—One man defied the law, the other defended the law, in a picture you will re- member."CRY OF THE CITY" Anne Baxter - Dan Dailey mertime" Judy Garland Coming: "You're My Everything" Coming: "In the Good Old Sum - and Technicolor Malumiore. her left hand never knew what her right hand was doing. She was keenly interested in the af- fairs of her town and church, and was (always -willing to take her part in furthering any worth - Christmas Trees A quantity of Spruce and Balsam Trees Now on Sale Apply to: A. H. STEEP 'SPENCER STREET — CLINTON 48-49-50-b ave tMq/rt7LMCMZ1it7ft7LZOaiea7ft`C0N/it7f4t7LW4, i YOUR `Ph°tographers - Fowler Bros. x 3 would he glad to take a Family Portrait at your convenience in the holiday season. s' It's smart to have a photograph taken when your family gathers for the Yuletide season. Make Your Appointment Now and Be Sure 411. Or Fowler Brothers s = PHONE 84 CLINTON i. _« YOUR Photographers 't : PREMIUM �_ McEwan's = I �_, H A M 4 �yy� y� y� � SP /ii'faCiA 3L*3Lt' 1d311:'.CO ➢R3lRlLr?iP iR U`lYR1!/ OW : f R R. 'R,C 'i .R.C.l . CC.C.0 IC ' O = SWIFT'S 2 �.ar °.:,..- > . _ _ PREMIUM ,t. HAM 3 , 3 _ 3` .14 +f while cause, few days' illness. Although not enjoying too good Surviving are two sisters, Mrs. health for some time, Miss Ken- Edgar Armstrong, Clinton, and nedy's death came very suddenly Mrs. G. H. Evans, Toronto, and in Clinton Public Hospital, on one brother, Lack Kennedy, De - Friday, December 2, after only atroit. ;4.444, : 4. « .,sem M +++4 , ,«4.4 o :44 H• a'H ;H.H, :• k» 1 a+.1 4+1 t "A WAY" OR "THE WAY" 3 WHICH WAY ARE WE GOING? i +tl There • is. a way which seemeth right unto a man, but =♦ the end thereof are the ways of death: Proverbs 14:12; 16:25. f X The Lord Said: - I am THE WAY, the truth and the life; no man cometh : L unto the Father (God) but by Me,—John 14;6. _ CHAS. E. FULLER, Box 123, Los Angeles 53,Calif. -;4-.0:+/«;soya✓,Cy+,:�;H.74.4:4141.44-.: .4:0.4`,iw0.8�i►Y;4.4s1» ::1444:4: .44. 4,H�`r'y`,:41.H4i'i,+2/�.H444:+:i..!� �l}e/'i:id::11.CC.rl C.CO !R�p C.R. :W.W.�RJ.C.C.111I;,!ilAVy. X F V z a' ORDER ebrittrnao `IM • outtrp EARLY! Turkeys, Geese, Chickens, Ducks for best selection SCHNEIDER'S :b : i.' Smart Luggage by Carson's f i f For HER! Twin Sets in leather or genuine leather- bound Irish Linen 2 pc. sets from 3l 22.50 to 39.50 For HIM! Gladstones Black or Tan from 21.95 to 27.50 4.44•408:444-4.+4.44,04.4+1.40 • y :?: A SHIRTS 0 BELTS ♦ . TIES • SCARVES v SOCKS ®SWEATERS 0 GLOVES • HANDKERCHIEFS .. s *. Cee.e.e l ! ! Y'fHf e3g,Ht fill lei » fiN !"+H, (0144,! ee 1 HttilA14S 4 BEAUTY' srioPPE t Phone 585 f •_ 3' dnampuo Manicure Finger Waves Permanents ETHEL THOMPSON Princess St; East SEE TI -IE BAUER SKATING and HOCKEY OUTFITS for the family from 525 to 23.50 Aiken's I WARM WOOLS LUXURIOUS Robes and Smoking Jackets The perfect gift for the man on your list •• PRE -CHRISTMAS SALE OF iw x : i' i fi 'Boys . Parkas gip% off . w r �• 3 PICKETT � CAMPBELL e S y `_♦ = Stetson Hats S Arrow Shirts i' '4: PHONE�'yy2(!5'y,}� ry/,, =y`( qy�� yy��, ;jy.�!�'j'�[ l'y�;, �}� O CLINTONN ,l* IV�MMIWIIPMa,.,►•.,.µyr,....,,;, ctozo&?k `wori7/ :J/' 2 ''7/�Wl7? cwizit' 0455 4 • MAPLE LEAF Tendersweet HAM Fitzsimons' Meat Market All Meat Government Inspected Clinton Phone162 3•'* See this FREE DEMONSTRATION Afternoon and Evening SATURDAY, DEC. 17 at Hawkins' Hardware Clinton This Demonstration has been held over from Saturday, November 19 Win a Chance on the LUCKY DRAW It's a MUST to See the NEW BEATTY IRONER Demonstrated, The Famous BEATTY Washer FREE Wax Applier with every Beatty Electric Floor Polisher Eliminates Hard Work Household Beatty Appliances